The Signal, 1936-11-12, Page 6„Lste '64:`,.resto Ntl..r ".:01'. V ttki.fr‘ot 411' R111111111111, Noveatber idth, 19001 THREE REAL Illouseholdfriends eAlways %wil to Serve"riks says Mrs. Aitken THE SI NAL , GODE oung Orators mpete at Chilton Thousanas Of women throughout Canada know that these three famous products just glimpot be equalied far gotilay, Satyr and ecooaty-..so for her r cooking resets.- sever scoot eabstittatts OWN BRAN CORN SYRUP . • t.A•Aoe •stikacm come‘Not WHITECHURCH Stanley McNeil Of 00lbollieWille Ffr P1&�-Oter COntesta fraulte MNeil, a ire of Sit. No 3, Colborne, on lb titst prise for public speaking at the nenual county chatuplouship contr' held in tile audi- torium uf Gk. Cliutou C•elleglate is- atItute on tictober 31st. lu the re- 4:itatitou ...nee' for younger pupthl 111111e IStewart, of Dnneaution, tot* first place, sod la the spelling match Anne Moran, of R.H. 1, Henel!, was the vvinuer. The 1.41111111Vt1tiOus were conducted under the direction of abe Buren ...leity branch of the °uteri() Department of Agriculture. The judges of the speaking ....nitrte were three public school inspeetont: Dr. J. M. Field and Mr. E. C. Beacom of Goderich and r. J. ht. Game of Wal- krton. Mies Lila 1keunuch, prince -""-•••Neo Sunday Afternoon • • • By ISABEL HAMILTON Goderich, Ontario --saw I've found a friend, such a friend Ile bits!, Ile tiled to ease we; Aud not «loiw the gift f life, But His own twit Ile gn‘e uw. Nought that I have mine own 111 will. Ill bold It for the givtr; My heart, my streugth, ti» life. Are Itt., aud Hie for --J. G. 9 • • PIM= leo sit TtesrUKriellii-our a rIsRibla Toad tech Its bow to amend our ways. For Christs salve. . Amen. • • • K. & LESSON FOR NOV. 1, 131 Lessen Topic -The Heroism of Cri tian Faith. Lessee Passage--Aets 21:12, 13, 11744; Itonossal Golden Text -John 1S:13. Tent) years or more bad t p..ed ri et the Witkitel'ea Public ''`heel.lisitiee S. Paul's couversion uu the iconducted the spelling metal. 1 road to Damascus.. These twenty Sis CesilPele II "SS Silesia.' years had betel time* of unceasiug and Stanley MeNall, eho NJ, the chaue mew* attifity. Now we come to pion pee lic "speaker at the Carlow some live years wheu the leisure, the In( (mastics the Home Boards. The address of the chairman, Rev. D. K. Faris ou the subject •This Great Family" woes the key note of the Gunn- ell. 1.4/1 day began with family worohip; inspiring mesaages were given dealing with experience* lit the Christian Life. was impressed by the. thrit-lie linSait la the work of th 1I,doii ho pitale 1 wish nty readers could fol- low one of our doctors through a single dy-ojwrst ions t I rough tilt. morning, often centinuing till 1 or 2 ocloek ; clinlee in the afternoon with unbelieetbie numbers ot patient. to he seen, or tag after a uuree with full ward, 1111M, womeu, • hildren letered to in helpful empathy. A visit to Taokow Rtatiuu wits feU of interest. Our missionaries thine are doing a valiant and levoied-Tvor and bast established very friendly re- latione with tise Chinese authorities From leiokow we went te visit Hawn Helen stnual fair, • great religious festival. thoun listen is walled city *tutted on • broad plain and beside the city, rising abruptly, are two rorey hills covered with templets and shrines in pletureaque surroundirga. As we approaehed the city we passed thous- ands on foot and In carts coming from far and near to burn Incense and pray on the high placer, like the tribe?go ing up t • Jerusalem. But they were not singing valuta of praise, they were a most depressed and Inoyleae multleidt; In Hann Haien we went to the home of a (7hriatian family and were warm- Scotts Seek Revival V receied. We climbed the hills school fair, spoke ou the ?subjet turmoil anti the cares of active Ilfe Trauporttiou." It was a good sub- bad to be put made aud *. Paul was Jett and *a* *ell hand"' with cll'ar tailed upon to 'stand apart and learn voice aud confident manure There the leseoa whicb eeryday experience were the other couteotacts, who were leachee us all -how easily tbe world ranked in the folleelug order: Keith ten get sews without u, how smooth- lieckett, H.R. 3, Lucknuw, from the ly theft. designs fulfil themselves? with - Ashfield school fair, whom- subject was out our puny assistance. "Huron Comity ;" Ida May Button, St. Peulcbad wild goodbye to the of Fordwich, front the Gurrie *chute Epkwelan L'erlstiane awl bad set sail fair, who spoke on "The Vino- Ridge tion was held. Mr. ate! Mrs. Smith 1 Meinerial;" hirley. Manor', of Grand spent their honeymoon at Ki.-bener Bend chamidon of the Graud Bend and other centres. WHITXill'ItCli. Nov. 30. -Mr. and Mrs. Archie Patterson and MAUL '. of Lucknow, spent thil1011.1_111. tbe I home of her parents, Mr. sag Mrs. W.I. Taylor. (Intended for last week) blaster Donald Res, son of Mr. and ! LEP/BURN, Nov. 3. -Mrs John Mee. Robert ' Ross, of -Kiniessv-irteet field returned hoe- teem -Toonto school fair at Holyrood. I proved In health. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Kirk, of Late Saturday evening tbe pup! Seaforth. spent Friday at the home S. S. NT*. 9 entertained Me teo se of their daughter, Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. sections Now 9 and 5. An interest Miss Ullve Terriff-.H.N., who has program wee givenby He pupils. ftirk Salada Brown Label iftl PA Tr I am .$ easeilideth Ills ion. tottard us, in that. while we eery yet sinners. Christ died a" It followed trat if Ile were given for them Alien they were enemies, it vtas witch more probable, It was vermin, that all needful grace would be furnietied to them now that they were reconciled, vetoes 9, 10, 11. - "Much more thee, being now juatitied by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. For if, when we were encode. we wer-. reemselled to God by the death of ills Son, much more. being reetee nett, we shall be savett by His lift.. And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lerd Jesus Christ, by whom we hate uoe receited the towns Dolt' • • • WORLD .Nflekti IONS with the pilgrims hoend for the There are ninny signs that there temples with their idols and images la a widespread longing fur a dcepen- before which Weenie and s,,, et_ Ing of spiritual life in Scotland." sapm flees were bur I and preyere offered au editorial in the Quarterly Record for children, health, luck amt pros- the Natieeal "ible Se'ittS' Veit" . From are rateed in abhorrt-ut. a the anthil- 1 t le hills we for Jerualem, whieli he was anxious looked out over the lain and could I hue"! umifiested• The rage ter dark lines of pliPgrInis like ante "ambling' to reach in time for the feast of Pen- dimespect ter the Lord's h cost. At Caeweirea, he bad, on at- 1,...a3i... and ,.,,si.... - . . _he ' Day„ exceesive devotion to pleaure, school fair, whose subject etei "Petro- i Torougnout T , &sr our liritian, Chinese and liana- il aocrvidivsmianreishinm jgmeinteoreer ithe.in.in:luthurcht itsmut of the (Storable welds speeding ':: "^ - e"`'ve Mabel t'oultes, of BIgnve. !tip the Ai p, m. , ri, 1 A l„ .. to wait. ichatuttion of the Belgrave school fate, i Here he „it etit,ruth„1 by 1.1,1 I ip dian, beld meeting. to tell the story 1 r d %ening upon the Chrbel u you - "he °Pelle on -The Lite et the ist• 1 the Evanglist Wbile tbere a eer- let t aaPe he It 1 of lore aud forgiveness a e a - - 4 Id t list wit -nee?? of ttw people. LEEBURN King Gr. rge V," a nd Jeeu Wellwood, tutu premise named Agalus alarmed Wito (We turned homeward in the late after' Oomnieuting on a reeezt 19. 110011 overwhelmed by the great need le..Gud. Dr. G. G. Intoner declared tlf R.R. 3` "'Ingham' ltialier at the the Chr:tiaus for Paul', safety. He that reprearentatives of the church In Un- Se Helens echoot fair, weu. spoke on team' thgt the Jew. at teraaateta 1. the winner of the Estop trophy at the Wednesday of last week, much and the urgent opportunity. an "Kieg &mead V111." enntid viler/ i'esui late the Mina. of chines minions must e..4itualix haltkotland were facing the future with and Igor. Like the Apostle 'The Recitation Contest the Gentles. His frituile tried to reached through Chinese leaden., but Peal, they are able to say: We are ot second class and under in public but he was damant, isnviug to them, i Ch istia on every side, yet not Ws - In the recitation coutet. for pupils persuade Paul to retnain with them. Chelstians in Canada have still as tumbled VW Y to share hoot school, there were again eix context- -whet wean ye to weep and to break tressed; we are perplexed. but not in Gni ants. Billie Stewart. repreeenting heritage with the leader • of tomorrow. . .. despair; persecuted, but not foraakte mite. heart, I am ready not to be , . bi- tbe SL IleLeuesehoul feir, took first hohhd „ly, . bUtr ail", *0 di, at Java's. _ vdUfl letwiethians 4:0e9. While re. been nureing at tbe bombe of Mr. El- eluding Hallow'en song, dialogues place %vial his selection, "Nothing to • I eti-eri-izing the growing worldlincss! and wood Barbour for the past few weeks, and recitations. Games were then Laugh At" Second, third and fourtb lent for the name of Ow Lord Jeta." Jesus'. andl shall It ever be. indifference to the things or tbe Goe left on Thursday for Matheson hoe- played and fortunes toid, much to places were taken, respectively, Iv On reselling Jerusalem Paul sought A mortal num awbamed of Ttee. prt, the organized church is Deltber pital, Northern Ontario, to nurse her the enjoyment of those present. -)- ut Ja the Bishop of Jerusalem, little niece, Donna Cox. who is in the Afterwards some of the young ladles hoepltal there, suffering •from pneu- served a dainty lunch of eandwichee, motile and whooping cough. cookies aod candy. Many relatives front bete attended Congratulation... are sent to OUT the funeral of the late Mro. George former teacher of No. 9, Mete Anne 01111ex, who palmed away at the home McDonald, of Isucknow, who is to be of her daughter, Mrs. Wes. Moore, of zit:t-H...1 st.,rily. Palmerston and who was burled In Thankefferine Meeting -A very South Kin10.8 cemetery TM Monday. pleasing lied prolitnide tbankoffering Miss licholte of Autsen. •ett last meeting of tbe Vi'.11S. wae held at fair. whose subject Leeteurn United church on October School lu Play," and Jettwar.s Csnhne*, HIV. the turnag-point of his fate. eth. Mrs. (Rev.) D. Pomeroy was 3, Exeer, winner at the Hensel Jerusalem was at that time thronged lethe r and a special tliankagiving 'school fair. whose recitation wag aw- with stranger,/ frem every part of the titled "A Mortifying Mistake," --. world. To many of thew Paul was well known as an enthuslawic teacher. illes 8elling Ilisiell - Amongst them were many from Dube - There' were twelve contestants la sus who were hostile to Paul and hav- the spelling match. Winners ef the his, sem him ihlba.vity tit commas first tour plaees were: (1) Anne Morgan. of SS. No. 10, Usborne: () with one Tropliimue •n uncircum- Maris Stewart, of Sit. No. 1. How. cited cbrintian helongina to Ephesua, ick; 131 Kenneth Gauly, of S.S. No. theyreined a cry against him on find- ing them in the temple at the Atone le, Aspeeld: (4 0 Audrey McIntosh. of time 11 wa. a d,aujag at the may Murray McDowell. R.R. 1, Beigrave Igelgrave school fair0, subject "The Careful Messenger:" Noreor Johnston, R.R. 1, °utile (tiorrie school fair), subject "Gloom Dispeneer ;" Elsie Gabler, ItR. 2. Dahwo. d (Grand Bend school fair). .object "When the Little Boy Han Away." Other COD- tr9tants were Elaine Little, HR. 7, Lut-knov., front the Ashfield school who received blm earntly but warned -"Milled at Thee, * ffla anti* Pra despairing nor doubteil of tbe power Whose glories abine throtigh endless him of the rumors which had been days? of ilw Gospel unto sal -rattan. With *hie conrietion deepening, efforts are industriousty and falsely circulated as -Joeeph Grigg. being made to strengthcn tbe forme to his opposition to tbe law of Moses. • • • He advieett him to prove the falsity PReiElt which are seeking the real evangelism of evotlnd. The Natienal Bible Lio- of these rumors by waiting himself with certain Obrialan Nazaritee, and Our Father, may ee never doubt ciety ie •nxiotu. to help on all even - performing the Jewish rites usual in Thy love! If trials cme. mat./ tettath. and open-air work. With this such Vaasa. tit. Paul was eulded by trust in -"Tbe• deepen! Iletp us to rd. object In view. It Is prepared to supply the advice of St. James. This was joie. in Tby goodeees and nteree. 'mwls free of charge for dietribution Amen. (Selected). at such metings. believing that the Ste A. Y. P. A. BANQUET TvrenAtuGe.rgioYug elo..esung%leAbieWlundredrallitell1 yWhighsaloungtruspeo8tel; attending the annual A.T.P.A. banquet of tbe Lees! Council of the Deanery of Huron,' held at tit. Paul's church, Bingham, on Thureday • last, were twenty young peogle front St. George's church, Gotierich, headed by their rec- tor, Re. A. C. Calder. Mbar Margaret Cudmore, of Clinton. presddent of the Local Council, pre- ided. The viitor*. who were pree- en* from Clinton, Seaforth, Fordwich, Gorrie, Wroleter, Brueele and God - verb, were weleomed by Mr. T. Simp- son. {president of the A.YP.A. at Wing ham. and Rev. E. L Roberts, rural dean and rector *. Paul's church, Wing- ent. A musical program was pro- nged 1. the Wingham group. and an laden -sting address WITS gen *by lies% T Smith, of Loudon. on "Thls Word Fr...slow" T. ei s were proposed to "The Church." by Rev. A. V. Calder, and to The A.V.P.A.." by Re:. Canon Apple - yard, of Seaforth. The basement of thm church. tat whieb the banquet Will held, war at- ,trlituttt.l.erri.v,-1..trite.-oyhaegited. inwbalebriest saed:: ' adopted schenw of the AY.P.A. - - - week •t tbe home of her brother, Mr. Ezra Scholtz. Mr. and Mrs. Bolt, of Marnoch. sipent Sunday st the house of Owl!. program was used fur tse devotional eaughter, Mrs. Jean :pert. Tbe Gating societies gave five Mrs. Arthur Cronin, of Caledon, is nutulers: • solo by Mhs A. Melt- isiting with her parent's, Mr. and wain of Carlow, 4 reading by Miss Mrs. John Faleoner. Beth mo.hee of NiTe andone by Mrs. Garten-eimitia-The United church, 11. Lednor of Port Albert, a duet by Ististowel, was the 'were of a quiet Mrs. L. Johnston and Mre. W. Craw- ford of Port Albert, and Miss li. awrto:inWnhirtienbetrelYll.. wThne oiblaatil:.emrrie:at.tyhT Careen, eon of Gerg, Garten and the MTK. Fred Smith. Listowel. was United In marriage tn George Stewart' deughte: of Mr. and Clark f.Carlow gave tbe closing bride was lovely le a gown of brown silk crepe with eat !wet. Her sla- ter. Mre. Robert' Hartou. was bride. Maid. and wore blue silk cerise with vorai t fa nspa rent velvet. Robert Barton was groniman. After the eeeenevilY, the aedding party rituried had lewn visiting at Nile and were on to the bride's hom. e here a reeep- their way home again. - tripped were ?ores', repetition. Britain - 120, oecurrenee, mathematics. tient tive, emigrant. reeaurant 121, HMI vonsclin$t. eaffh prize. a $4, $3, $2 and 81 were awarded P. the four hlrh pupils In ihe spelling tuatch and recitatien eon- -etiasts - Thus Xesinalltang....CAUM:LA. eelved a (-0:islatin prize of 510c each. (*wb prizes et $5. $4. $3. $tl. el arid 5tte were !monied the pupile in the public sleeking cimteet. Cash donations towards theae prizes vt ere received from C. A. BoWM NTT.. Jas. liallantyne, MEP., 1t. J. Deachinan. 1LP, and W. II. Gold- ' Tributes to Dr. Field insc•tor in anrouncing the judgee' decision in the public Ppeaking eontest took occasion to pay a warm tribute to Dr. Field, who will retire at the end of the year. Inspector Beaom, who announeed the winners in the recitation contest. &leo spoke highly of hit colleague in office. Dr. Field. who had the duty of dietribut. Ing the cash prizes. in expressing his thanks for the kind words of hie col- leagues took occasion to review brif- ly his netivities In the edueational work of Huron county. Beginning In 1900 RR teacher in Goderich elate. he later became prinicipal ot that school and in 11 1 was appointed inspeetor, which office he lino held for twenty -fie years. He said that the DeputyMinister ..f the Departnwnt of Ediustion when giving him the ap- pointment !doted that the Huron in- speetorates were !intone tl e hest in the Pro. Ince. • • • & S. WON FOR NO%. IL 1934 Lemon Tie -An inhaasadar bm Lomas Passage -Am 23:16-24, 311. 31; Ram= 5:6-11. Galli= Uzi-hilippians 414,, Paul, having oppealed to the Em peror Nero, was sent under the guard of one named Julius and, after suf- spoken measage ean he elinched by an appeal to read the Word of God. a Same hadarday. Today and Foe - over Tbe ceaseless talk about the Gospel el the Son of God baring Wet its ap peal is without foundation. The Gos- pel lo still "the power of God unto Nitration to every one that believes." tering sbipsareck and other tribute- and when it is prin.-14d in faith it prayer. Tbe guest ...esker. Mr.. S.S. No. It. Howick. The remaining enge pneireuniebed Greek to tbetionsau, wa-aen.drti velure(' wiactouetheathedandswiil ltharintgisimart:aultwtalwy., earomo,emiir.danwwfboernm(elhtlrionsz of Denes, which was Indeed very S.S. No. 15, Aahfield; Lois McGuire enter there. The people wereattired mien conolderation, being allowed tol ilietberinton. mete on "The Beauty contestents were: Duncan Farrlih; dwell in his own hired houe, guarded commenting on the power and sle ben been preached. Ste and belpful to •11. After the meet - and Mtel Couites, both of 14.14 No. ing all went to the basement, where . 17, Morris: Harold Ahton, S.S. NO. be was -emcee" bY tbe captain °' by a soldier -a prisoner in bonds- nese of elliwy *pith. vhoe up and were about to kin Paul when i the withers. Then began a series „for the hope of lerael I am bound jubilee Walt eelebrated In Wt • (faint" tea was spread on the table. The NeNpleated to have with them at this gathering 11, v Wm. and Sirs. Sliew of Avona former pastor and Ilia %ire, snd their sob Ralph, who 1, Coll.rue; Helen Mitic, 148. No. 2, Colborne; Ada Keller. S.S. No. 15, Hay; Ihinaki Rats,' SS. No. 7. Steph- en; John Pritchard. lett No. 4, Weet Wasinuovb. The words on which the spellers GREAT 19cSALE GARDEN PATCH CORN BLUE BOY COFFEE POLO WAX BEANS 2 17 -os. tins 19c 1-1b. bag 19c 2 tins gc AYLMER TOMATO Jun 2 large 25os. tins 19c LEALAND TOMATO Juia 4 101/2-og. tins 19c RED ROSE KETA SALMON 2 11b. tins 10 HAPPYVALE CATSUP 2 bottles 10 EXTRA 13PEMAL--- Pastry Flour 74)i, 21c, 24 -Ib. 63c CHOCOLATE DROP CANDIES PUFFED WHEAT CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP CECILE SANDWICH BISCUITS CHOICE COOKING FIGS CASTILE SOAP SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA Lb. 19c 2 Pkgs' 19c 2 tins 19c Lb 19C 2 lbi• 19c 4' bars I9c 5 Pkg;' 2Sc P. & G. SOAP J. CALVIN CUTT PHONE 118 or 218 • 5 bars 19c J. J. McEWEN PHONE 46 of trial . before Felix. kestua and withhis tchain" was his own way of eteH r Central ll. vv:1 li an AerippaAfter a perlott of detention audienee speaking of his condition. St. Paul that taxed the building to the iitnutat„ ,: of twu years and three months, varied twee for fire year.' a prisoner from the .11).' British War Cry remarks: Gipsy 4,1ey different public apfpearantes. St. ' day of arre.t in Jerusalem till hla re- Smith is *evenly -Kix rear' old, his Paul RIM, tit...patched to Rome tO ons, by the decision of Nero. Dur- i platform style has not changed to stand ph, trial and make be. defence Ing that time be was cut off from Meet new conditions, his appeal is before tite Emperor Nero. This was 1 many of those various activitteelia 1111,- litinal. and Is not particularly the AJUTTVM9 Of his follow lug the ad - Which he had previously labored so ,d1ret•ted to the •roni, critiral Intel- fr God's ('540 That abet 1 lect of modern youth.' Ile RIIITIR up vice of St, Jame.. hut his doing so I profitably was aPProted 4 t;°d• for a divine vi- 1 have seemed to himmelf and to mane I moo of. the eonditinne nhich we are sion was given to him in the guard- others a terrible Iota to the gospel. ' apt to gay antagonize the young room and beetowed upon blue the ap- 'However, he made -Ida imprietenatent people. and yet be is getting a bigger probation of Heaven! am Lea !Mod be ilso,_ and -The night an oppertnnity for preaching as Gem- responee from young people between BENMILLER FiESMILIXR, Nov. 10. -Mr. Lon- nie Oke of Torontospent the week- end with him mother here. -Mr. Ben son Straugha n. of Toronto, scom- panted hint and visited the parental home. opened; we pawed through a long prl Mr. Sydney Brown. Mr. E. T.. lent street, awl enon reached the coin- PfrIttimer and Mks armee Inrimmer pound. Within an hour frf leaving were retent vlettorit with Rec. A. W. the train we hall had sonic warm re - Brown and family at Hannon. freshment and were Into bed. It was Robert Turner. wife and remit's, of never -to -be -forgotten rid. and a uburn and Mr. and Niel. Wm. Ilk- reyal welcome1 felt at home right WhItiney. GoderIch, were Sunday 1.1torot with the Harman* Mr and Mrs, Atmore vIIII and fam ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery, bf Gode-lch township. ad to rie. I ars of fifteen and thirty than hoot testified coneernIng ilirlit 'era- called the chief of the Jews together At Christ is "the Pam* resterOsr. tatiew, 80 must thou bear witness also and addressed them, explaining hia today and forever," so must be the at Rome." Preecnce among (bent as • twisoner. metteage of the Vbrietien minleter if ammo • 11:1 -5 --lo the previous Having heard him they answered, "Wo be hopes to bring ssIvation to his chapters, Paul had defeetled the po- neither recifielters oill 6TDIellett bearers -From The Tnronto Globe. Hon that the barrier between the concerning thee, neither any: of the ..chesL 1 CO DS I R. A. REID -Registered Optometrist. - Ryes Examlmad Glasses (17 years in Stratford), at Robertson's &weir, Mere "Katirfaction at Moderate Cost" Fall Suits The Smart Fall Sample' for Men Are Here Now! TliE NEWEST STYLES They are here for your inspection . EVERYTHING IN MEN'S said, Be of good cheer ; for as (hail on the third day_ atter ids ever 444.1._44.1,,ri um, Jews and the Gentile* had been re- brethren that came showed or wake any berm of ttiee." They went furth er and exprealsed a wish to hear about the sect that everywhere was spoken against. Thus did an opportunity iowe to hlm to preath and teeter) and "OOe believed and nome did not." For two years be conCnned thus to proclaim tlikingdonr-of God and to teach those things which concern the Lord items C•hriet. Dr. G. T. Stokes in The Expoisitor's Bible *aye of St. Paurn imprisonment: Let ns then see in what way we may regard 141. Pauls impresonment an an arrangement and outcome of Divine lore. Thin period of enforced retire- ment may have been absolutely neeew airy for him. Ile had spent Imes years Minding up the spiritual llfe of others, founding ehurcies, teaching eonverte preahing, debating, etrur Ming suffering. Now God took fit. Paul rilde that he might watch over and tend hit own adrenal life. And the wondrone manner In which be profited by het imprisonteent in mane feet trout the letters whieh. In hie leisure time. he wrote to Ephsa. Philippi and coloseas end which have been so instructive and tineful for the Church of fill awe. Then, toothoueb unable to preach to crowded audiences in synagognee ao he had done eine where, he bleeseet the Chureh of Rome hy III. individual efforts, The si dery who were hie keepers were told the ottny of the Crites and the glad Mines oflhe reenrreetion life. and these Individual efforts penetrated even into the household end palace. of t he Careens Rearm 541 -11 -St. Pan] 1. here setting forth the doetrire of jnetifica• tion hy faint. In tenses 7, Rim to he found the titittisort rerproseion of love - For when we were yet without etrength. In tine time Cheat riled for the ungodly. For exreely for a righteon• man will one di: yet per- adventnre for a good man lame would even dare to dle. But God moved; that tbe Jews could not be saved by any external advantages which they p000essied; that all were alike runty before God; and that there was but one way for Jews and Gen- tile. of salvatioti-hy faith in Jesus Olde. Some bad come to think thet his conduct and lits doctrines showed that he had forsaken his own people and bad devoted himself to the salva- tion of the Gentiles exclneively. This canoed him great sorrow of heart and he re expreseed himself in verses 2 and 3-I bare great beannees and continual sorrow In my heart. For I could wish that myself were ac cursed from Christ for my bethren, my kinemen secording to the flesh." • • • WORLD MISSIONS impresalons of a Hawaiian Ida MacDonald lt ws• three oclock on a January morning and cold. What a time t6 Ilrop off a train In the interior of China! But there wa•• a warm wel come from the Wellswel group. Riek- mhaws were ready and aetempanled by a special guard of iroldters (for the country was unettled. we left the railway ',tattoo, and under a full moon crowed the open stieteh between the ststion and the city. After some poundlne and shouting the mites were A woman of forty ran hide every erblence or age except ber desire to ere people Welland -Pert Ootborse Tribette. Sway The Annhal MIuIot Council it Changte was the next high teed for me. It was a rest privilege to wit ness the "elan- sasembled for memen tone decialona. The Mission ws• Ilk* a family discuasIng fanlly offaini They tackled with guan the busines• of planning wort. apportioning limited funds for unlimited needs and anawer- 11. inesslre !‘ A irmommlIMMIIMairt".."*",3"24 ""*." .111. "-• -"''-----'"'", - - .h k.. ,,„,: ,,,,,, ,.. .* ...•' isiorei7. 'L.;fti-i.' .,rw i„ ..ft.,Zit.,.: .1......' ,,tat ,.. l..,.. . . rati,1, 4 .. WAR hasi-Black last Street and Square GODERICH The Favourite—for Generations PURIT9 FLOUR Best for all yOurBaldnk • SAVE MONEY By burnitirMarne Domestic Lump your fitinace,‘ Quebee heater and range. • Customers who are timing this Coal say that they like it better than Poeahontax. • Cash Price ---$8.50 per tea delivered Burn Ford_Coke at $10.50 "Ptesirered The above Coat and Coke have been brought in *is boat and the saving- n,freight is being pawed on to the conniver: For Hardware, Plumbing and Hating give us a eta All -work promptly attended to and fully guaranteed. "....arrommismi• • Chas. C. Lee COAL YARD AND STORE AT HARBOR PRON1211-11TORE 22-/10171112 112 trilrl'eog trogit', 'st