HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-11-12, Page 51 23r0. Anniversary Sale Continued all this Week to November 14th bee KOLINOK TOOTH PASTE with a ler Iuie 3fr Drop in and pick up ymr salyie of New ARMANIYK WIND- BLOWN ROHEK FACE POW- DER OWDER and Blenled (11E411 MOON -GLOW NAII. POLISH Reg. The Sale Pelee life MOON -GLOW NAIL POLISH .with Remover h relal 33r EXTRA $PEI'IAILir STATIONER)' 13e Quality Envelopes • 3 for 23e M.INi CLEARING ITEMS AT h -PRICE CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE PHONE 490 OODERICH TRI—LAX las relieved thousands of gut terers from Stomach. Bowel. Liver and Kidney trouble. TBI-I.AX will elestuse the It1eNN1 and give you relief. Get the Combined Treatutelt at your 1►rugglsts. A. ! B. lite *seal CAMPBELL'S URl'(. STOUP TRI -LAX RIMED) LIMITED Teront., Ont. UPHOLSTERING OF- EVERV- I*SC*u'TION _ — ALSO — ('hws$rrdrlda and ('hairs evade to your order. R E I D THE Hawaiian Street - (:odrrieb Bethel Pentecostal Assembly 1;4 ,u)1'TIf STREET -- Sunday. t, pal. _"Ei•augrlistir Tnrwlay. 4 pm.- •'1'►urastiaal Teaching." Friday. tt p.m.- "Prophctir.' Paster -H. J. t'NDERHIIJ, I:VF:FtYnNF: "Diamonds and Hearts Three -act Comedy Drama under the atee lees M VIOTORIL HONE AND SCHOOL CLUB la MocKAY HALL THURSDAYnand FRIDAY Nov. 19 and 20 at 8.15 p.m. Admission Adults 30c Proceeds for Manual Training HEADQUARTERS —Nada-- FU&NITURE and PAINT AULCRAFT PALNTS are high gnalky and low In prism TCN7►1M and tint -class false% in our stock of FURNITURE and STOVRB We positively save you money W. H. Blackstone Yin the Broadway of (itdlerieh' ROD PIERCES BODY Wenley R•M. •f Aableed, in H•rglta! after $erl•rn Aerident Wesley Robb, of Airhfie•Id tor -whip wast of Lie -know, met with a terribl 1 accident on Tuewlay which might lav rest him his life. Ae it is, be 1s ly ing In SI. Joseph's heetrital, London in a eerloug condition, but la report to ire showlug Itaproveuseut, Mr, Robb war replying the wind mill on bb farm when the plank u welch he weal. standing broke' and 1 fell it dMlamr of ten feat. The pus rod mewed *'ow14rlely through hl Jody on the. right side. from color hone to buck. lout furtuuately ft gut the lung. ' A neiltls,r. Thumps Kennelly. an with bfm til the buil' ens: ase,l'i•41 iT Ut,Ttfrutl, his j, i ar ons p�rlflnn cullet for assistant... lamer Ito tb aftersureot-lir. Redels ea- talcs t;, tD hospital at L melete 11.N•tnr.e tl.er cousidcretl it miraculous that the lived through the e•xp•rkeu.u. ; - - i _Mr_Koij, is show forty-seven year 191, THE SIGNAL - GODERIC !Author of "Anne of Green Gables" He Her Determined in Early Years to a Writer --Success after 1 Hard Work I, 1 on Friday night test ut're than t hundred members eof the _tnIssl circles. evening ittt% 1arieshanti 1'.41 T. Kreuter -of Ilurou ll'rttbytery of t r United Cburch gathered tQ, the a mitt tau_ rift?'_ a Northiirese l'u church. A Iwuquet Was=herd to 1 Islrtuee room of *the church, with M I.. ('. ('►aputan, vier -president of t enemas auxiliary of North at church, convener of the committee - ' rul,*pIGANNON WEDDINGS (NIfgANTION, Nov. 11.-�I)�r. tilt• '1� Its Halsca *Pell tae week -end with ltlIOIJIiCEl--1'If1Hl('K w'ud4 at 'PeeNw•atr. Mrs. john Glenn teturned on Rat• Bel The wedding took piure at the urday to the village after burst Igloo parsonage of North street felted Ileum $ehary at 4hepp►ardtott church, (loderleh. MI Wednesday, No- Suuday visitor.. with Mrs. bel tember 4. at 4 p.m., of l'atharine Itol., were Mr. and Mrs. John He (Irate l'e•thick, daughter of Mr. and uud daughter e.• of Amber a.o Mrs. John 1'ethiell( Seaf.,rth, to *lames Mr. and Mrs, 11F,edley, of Tlvegf1+ 11'atson tetuddite, son of Mr..and Mrs. Mr_ lend Mrs. Frank Pentltnd and °n James t(Ityl4(lee, of \Wilton. Ite•v, %V. Mr.. N'es. S1II1b, •L P. lane ollkii.114l. 'Phe couple were Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dyer, of Edtt he uuatteuded. The bride %ores a plum- Mille, were week -tend gyrate with her n.ledorwl dress of velvet with hat to parent., Mr. and Mrs. '('hoa.•l)k•kson, ltesl match. Mr. mud Mrs, tehddlce will sr. live math at L ndesttt, - ea No. 4 1. Mr,- Bert -_Whyerd. of Toronto, le 114 highway. -_- - — ' - Li�tue-Tui over Remembrance hay,4nd re. • • •• returns to the city on Thursday. he SANDICRSON—MrtiIONALD SIrs.,Aftbur Kingeberry. of Nile, had real The marriage took plaer-ou Sakur- the misfortune on Sunday lase when •In day at Ashfield 1•resb urian minae: leaving the church, to fall and break charge. y The fabler were attractively decor- Rev. J,. K. Mac(llllh•ruy officiating, of ler arm. She is being eared for at ated with autumn rower, mud, at the tune 1.., daughter of 31r. add .Mrs, the home of her slater. Mrs. Robt. bead table, witty the cart of honor, Jamas MaeIklnald, of Ashfield, to Mar- Moore. -.� MMrs. Ewan MacDonald, CI,t. o. (L. M• vlu l.. Sandermrn, of Turmutn, won of Misr Edna Ploughman visited her oeigoetery, among whose literary Mrs' t(arderosrn and the late Mr. aunt, Mrs. john Moser, for a few days awa.eoeaPs is the well-known scary ('• Sanderson, of (loderfeh. The the latter part of last week. '%nue of Green Gables"). wear Mrs. bride wore her travelling Nutt or brawn Mr- Frank Jones knew it was tate *ler • Mies also green a .abot seven •wild S. Wood and Mrs.K Y McKenzie, tended b p l'rerbyterlal Isrcretar of event suit- y Stlw Rachel Mac•Ikl►rald, der. W. A. Culbert dls lard of a Galles, both. of SeaWrtb; MM. W. J. wool with green trimming*, I hunting NeaalAt and -shot N', 1'. lane, of Code accvuw►rles. The couple were at- duck"' last week. y ng sister of the bride, and Alex. MacKen- Shorthorn bull to Mr. Wm. Hogan Grerr� Presbyterial president, „t xle, of Toronto. Atter the ceremony last week. ""- %Ingham, and Mire M. Bailie and Mies tLe bridal -party. motored to Wonjs Mr. 8111 Carr, of Nife, Is building a E. Hume, of Gockrlch. Cafe, Goderieh, where dinner was lireplite In the house which Mr. and e• Mrs. Lane, who presided during the served.. After a *bort honeymoon Mrs. Robe. Durnin will occupy. business session, asked Mrs. McKea- trip by motor, a reception was held Mr. Samuel Swan, general merchant, see to call the roll of auxiliaries, of on Tuesday evening at I''rramount hall, hue sold out his bush:ems to Mr. Jas. where there was n very large assent- Montgogaery, of Ripley. Possession _ I! which there are dor, with at least' blase ineludlnR *antler from God- to hr [even -December lft td NEAT AND ATTRAOTIVS WINDOW/ INDIOATE A WSLL)<EPT HONE WE HAVE A SPLENDID RANGE OF Tuscan -Net Curtains Fancy Frilled Curtains Homespun* in attractive adorings. 60 -inch Silk Drapes in plain and brocade designs. - Plain and Fancy Cotton quifette and Cotton Neta. Ranging in price from - per yard 19c to sc We also oar? .x .. WINDOW BLINDS in creams, green and two-tone, from .... cutch � to ;1.75 Single and douple extension Curtain Rods, at each Ise to 35c F. E. Hibbert PHONE 88 THE SQUARE, OODSZICH one more ezpcettd In tht PrewbyterIal. erlch The bridegroom was for rogue 1.1010 Patsy Nlvens hap retarued to by Prayer by the leoc. nt and that [urd'o Prayer to unlsnc. The levo - There were Weston Batu( repieesen- tatlyes present from Egu,ondvllle, 6xe• ostaR of ThP NrsMrn (7snar{a Flour her grandparents, Sl r. uud Mrs. Rube. n ter, Kipp•n, Gmd�ro, •Thatae•s Road Treleaven, and a poem was siren by and \\'roxet•r, and Ml's !Sallie an- Mills ('n., maul Is now with the saner MINI*.. MIN. (cella Pentland. The toff call +• tom Nun- In Toronto. The bride Messrs. Geo. Ilamiltou and ',erne Miss nnawrnvl h g "a mli call nuanced there are titres. new ) y nam:•, D taught school arta* Geodes:ch fora few McKenzie melon -el to Tomato last s btttI ;res, at Itruwillcr. F.gwoudvllle cry and tins Ri•Id lw Is **atlas In." A _ and tiraud'tend. Sears and has man} friends hen•. and avv•k' .upl+rr 1s planned for tide Friday ,wy1 i The visitors were warmly welc,tnl j for popular yonmC .Y••gd*. hole tow Stls+ Perna Anderson visited last night (u the *loan h. thtt.naviMrs. by Miss F1.the•r Ilume. In behalf or hcarty good wIsbes ,.t al! for their eeek with her aunt, Secs. GPO. Law-. •mete, Tam.. .or Oen -*neer church. the eceniug auxiliary of Kurth street .1:hppdness and .ro.IN•r.t for. and grandmother. #Its, Jus. Ir- " y �• • • w' f Auburn. (:tnleHch, as the go. Nt speaker. A ISM Melia r years a member of the local .imee her home in Soltrord after ■ visit with tonal leaflet was roJ•1 ur Mrs G C e-baH•1►. as►d n ter ; ^tU"I. MN sin. a !urn. y >.trlcotrn' a •*gest • n•OJlug given _ by Slls Tutt "'r•• c�st'ud�e lit fir ,;uo_s� of humor. ; M F� >�T-H'�M Sirs. Ila reviler. morally pa F„alar ttnr Pn}. wl. .\ tit —:1 fel bub tory vu�iy_ _wetWiult t ru . uewi aukufering SCrs. Sfnelkinald. '••• gt 1Y” 'MM Nellie ei ens solemnized it. St Thomas' .(ngll- 'u1t,1 fioelvrirTi`YoT RPTftnPM. - Sti•wart: lihfN.fuuar readings by Mrs,. i Mi.- \\'.SNI replied- i c IN•hnl� of the Nr, and Mrs. '1Ittutt h'dwnrth. ' • f e ciairorN, thanking the (intlrrieh anat. 'ate t•huteh. Seaf,orlh, OH Saturday it. Sproul* 1flw. S: 1 rcicaren and HIS 90th BIRTHDAY .fu rn.o1 at 3 o'clock. 'wbtti Madeline London, visited :bit .sutra, 31r.. lt. pt 'J Ctawfeeru .i'. • Gary 'foe the privilege m` gathering at .' Uo..n•, ou Molduy. 1 the rinln•ft and fur the deasun• of Ellen Louise, cldca dan_hter of Mr. ch:ipler mf the stud • bee, . - 3irs It. ,1. 4'ruiforel !.ns loft to l k wn- pre- �▪ he•urilc Mrs. Maclt.onuld. I who told and Mrs..1111111 Ilulh:un. James -Deco, slotted In au interesting way for Mrs, SI %forth. !swarm' the• 1'rl.:.• mr Clayt o "pend the wether months with her •. t with interest and J+acatur_td leer child-. ' Turner. The meeting closed 'with T:v:eiia-T,atttraffiltt•; salt of- it -r. -and -"4-�� �Irs. It..F:. 4Vu4IIs, I'etroit. hood on Prin�e Ednure: Island, of her the Ml nb tsleli.IL•u, atter whlcb I�,uT:i: 'nest poetry written wl:ru able yarn Mrs. George I..althw•aet••, 1;tuleric4_ M;s' Mary Jane• T golw to tea was served. 'of ace. and of her determination towushlp. Her. I:auo.. F.. Appleyuni II•Ildots to s{N•nd the wfpier with her - TO FAR CATHAY • writer She admitted 1r was a rough playel by the organist, 1;cmrge Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Nra. -freta uud 11-ir,z , Hulled Pioneer ('erbratew the Anni- versary at !Daughter's. Home Carlow, Nott. 9, John Manning, of 4'a0ow, un Sunday quietly observed'' his ninetieth birthday at the Meme of his daughter. Mrs. Herbert Merg- rkig Auburn. Ile WON born in Deco nshlre, England, Coe sun of Id- I mond Manuilg Iunl I' Iz.Ot.eth .Knott. When six years of ■gr he tame to ' this country with his ns►rnts. They . landed at Quebec. wbeoe they went 1 to Biamp(iin-Tor a year ls'tore 4u/II- Ong (u the lath concession of Hniktt. Mr. Motioning can tell many tales of tYt,.tlut timeliness of his parents when they first came here. , There was just one tar cut down oh tlwir farm when they beeight It. It war hard work to clesu 1t up and get It turned out of the way, but at last a log cabin was cunstraeed. The young Manning attended bondeoboro **hood. Niemen- Met h-dy wear his l first teacher: lie ens followed by Mildred Snell. At that time there were Mears in the disiriet and they were sometimes aaugt:l by a spring gun. The raalllles 1lt•Ing near them were this" of Wm. Smith. John Rich- ard and Robert ('ole, Radford, and Longmans. Mr. Manning recalls how the young people used to go quite often to apple -paring bees and husking tees: but the mast of the time they worked till dark and then went to bed. 1 On November 4, 1(74, Martha Cottle .egad Jnhn Ygeski were married by Rev. Mr. Alien In the manse of"C'(ln-- ton. They settled on 'he IOth cunces- ,ion- of Hallett, where !bey lived un- til they retired ha Auburn In 1911. Their golden wedding was celebrated at 11*n ii 1bt-t'hrt t-thetigb(e•r;---Mese iI. Mogrldg*, and their diamond an- olverwry with their daughter, Mrs. W. Marais Carlow. Mrs. Manning passed away In 1935 in her eighty-fifth year. /Vince that tlw*' Mr. Manning has made his home with hie daughter, Mrs. W. Marsh, Carlow. There are two daughters and tide run in the family: Mrs. H. M"2'tdgc, Auharn : Mrs. Wtq. Marsh, Carlow, and T. E. Manning. ibndon. the family were all present 'for the Starer. ''FRONT PAGE" FRIDAi' NIGHT There le morn inter•.. In the (*ming chslt M (:,ederIPh or th, London idttle Theatre players., who will prfse'nt the farrow. newspaper play, "Front lathe," In MacKay !Intl on Friday nil -4p of this week under tit• /4 11N11111•14 of 131• Maple i.eat Chapter, i.O.D.b', • The play will he pr.slurwl by a east of I nineteen Ink rib d players. officiate. The weldi+r mask was •'isle*, Mrs. Wm. Milner when In iter early 'tw•ra., to heron, a The bride, sho rows eticcu In mar- •\Jlistuu \'rick, of li'{tittnl, and Mr. row ff hoe,but the fruits were worth Tom Irwin, of Paisley. visit's' for a Nle effort,,she lacing wr!tleu nineteen*ease• by her fatiN•r, gas Inrely in a successful hooka. rte\calf of which Hoo*-Iructh gown of 1':hrlllNmu `blue day reteutly with Mn. :end Mrs. Geo. have been translated into foreign , ehlffun vel tet marten "11 wok lines Ira In. Iwu�gltnwgrs. ' ' yn read NI,mP iNNIfLN tomboy,- this prpulnimgd widely known e•+s, "ter wuule' think there pNNI people he the w: rid. cater L. the prevailing text* for MNoks. I believe there int a p sex bowls, but only a genius write• them." by with high neck, long full sleeves, and Visitors gun Vatanl.y w Itb Mr. wed said watching tartan with st ver trlmmhlg Sirs. W m. Bray weere Mr. Thus. Trblo author end !mole call. Il. -r slipper. wen• of nod Miss Dorothy ('lark, of Goderich; i were no ': blue gawk• aryl she ...ore white kld Mr. 'man'. Tat" "nd .i -ter Monte sod i 1 never , gloves, She carried yellow chry-an_ •gout, Jane 'raid). of Colborne. theme;themum' with yellow and John- ribbon...moot. I. Currie unf.,rnutat•ly had a dare for Miss Delores Lalthwaler. of SlmovN•, Mrs: in the toms* of the thumb on slater of the bridegroom. wap charm• the right hand (tut Friday. 0. was' should � 'g erg In a gown of rust Chiffon velvet nres•ssary to hNcr It r •monad by Iso Mrs. MacDonald closed her address meds ou straight Ifne• with long '.ng iu own pincra by SIN khat dcstnr. ua+l+taR:'TLtt 11111._1to41ik': �,pleated .iaenew mntehiug turban and Mrs S. F.'I'r,'IPaveu entertalntd rt• -1 N'Ith Mrs' Lane oresiding, a Prt1- i' ea A bougitet of gold Inline, on Sunday In rate form of a chrysanthemum,.completedthe ens- reunion prior to her trip to the Nest. Brum was presentel as fellows: -time. The britk•gny.m was atten it was the birthday of her eAa- 1'lnylrt, "N'altln[ for tit\• Doctor," hi bride. If . Miss Mary thdayerd, who Is e. ls- londero oro players; piano duet. Miss i Ivy John Hottnam, brother of the bride. F'atterairn and Mrs. Altace, of Clin- ton; 'lin- j Mea ilutham, for brlde'r bother, war t Ing eared for at Goderleh hospital, ton ; vocal duet, Mts. Partneheelt and sow net In navy blur :dicer carpe with but was able to come as one of the Mrs. M,'Ooo1, of Wingham, aeeom{an- bilae•k hat, puree ■nd �luvc. and Mn.. gueate. (Nbers were Mrr. Treleaven's led 'toy fall len lane. tor 1937 will tw held j with black aornlahortrs. After l ann C r . hlw wife mad fad f and 31r. 1 i.aithwaite, mother of the br1 room, wore a drew of sheer navy ;uud Mrr. H. Tn•leacra rad family, of yLucknow, at Wingham. -- ceremony a wedding dincer was served I Miss Bernice Roma'.. of Goderich. THE BOLD/BIB. GR♦VEB at the Commercial Cafe to twenty -ave i spent the week -end with her ptrrtfts, puede. The table was beautifully de- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roach. 1n Frame Art Tendei with two_ eoratrd In pink and White and centre' 1 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mrs.re, of White - ('are. Says Mrs. *alma* with, the wedding cake. Mr. and , church, 'Jetted hit- aunt, Mrs. i►. Glr On the eve of a day of worldwide Mr... 1althwalte left later on at Dolor vin, on Tuesday. remembrance of the heroes who died trip to Windsor and Detroit the (Iyafrgemen Fleet.—At the November during the Creat War, Mrs. Herbert bride travelling In • brow* crepe 1 meeting of Dungannon 1..0.ie. No. :r24. dress, gloves and e$n:w In match( Palmer, whose husband Ilea Ina grave ahadea and a brown cost of diagonal of cone*** was tonductcd and In Frage., gave an int. resting story g"oul • resulted as follow -s': Wor. master. of her Vim weave with wolf collar. of 5 pilgrimage at meeting j Walter Dlckawn; deputy master, tlar A. of St. George's church old-Tlgert; chilli -ale. Raymond Brown; KNOWN IN t30DE1tICH ,hnrpeMn. • � recording secretary, W. A. Orsa•r, fln- Mrs Palmer told of the thrilling'f SAY, le.-1/1111:'send-ofI. at Montreal .and Quebec- on color Sykes. forty-three-7earo1d Ars( July 1R, and of landing at I.e Havre, mate on the Nteamshlp D. B. Hanna, Prattle coder aro aerial caecal. sitar of Toronto, was killed today when he whist the women, with haversacks and fel from a dock anti struck Ata tttrettd• liernTF-PRtratned for the various oo a timber, The 31•.16 was ry 1" - cemeteries lrtwretn their loved ones arca from The IvaTltr filet from were buried. Mrs, Palreef-engrained the ship. for the. Somme front. stopping 'briefly j - at Amiens. Arras and Donal. She Mr. Sykes, who Is ;survived by his visited the private cemetery of Aul- wife and three ehildreni-iir'well known vember meeting of the Dungannon noy, about one mile south of Valens lure, hating been g,hip keeper aro r Florae and School (huh was held last ciennete, and placed- a wreath upon steamer here last wlntrt. Thursdny evening at the home of the her bnsland', grave. 11e www -with eke-presideot, Mrs. IRev. I T. It. the 191.1 Battalion, and Harold New- DR. W. J. XILUs PASSES earner. Mrs. Turner acted as chair= Bombe, of Gcderk•h, who fought by 1 man and the meeting was opened by his .idle. was present when Mr. Pal- Wel nsown Blyth Mackin Was the dngtng of "11 Canada." followed mer wae hurled. jFormerly Warden of Huron try the GordaPrayer lr, outgun. The C Mrs. Palmer remarked on the bean. ' The village of I41yth has Int an- root tall was answered by fifteen tifully-kept graves: "Through -tbe other prominent cltisen In the death, Meinlwrs, A discussktn took ptaer au last twenty year,," he said. "they on Wednesday of last week, of Dr,' to what would be "en ar the nb- obvionuly have been tended with loo- W. J. Milne. It had been known Pectic.. iu regard to something for the Inc rare." ' for some time that the i oetor was In goal of the whoa' and cn hildr,'. Mi The thnughiftdti ea.r of the Fre'ia delicate health. Ile had spent !Wine Willie. Tretpgt'en fncyf. .4 mitt. it solss o. people was evidtmrd In the fart that time In Vh eorist hoiepital, London, lantern slides of the work d.'ne for the women were In deny, wonrning for and later In We,denn bo.pitat, Toron- .'rippled children 1! 11.,• raid :arenas bel* allied brothers and sisters dttr- tee from which place rip was brought Hospital, London, n.•re - hone l.y Dr. ng -the three days.• they were In to iris home the Saturday evening pre- \'oke•.. These were very. lettere-ling Farman*. ruling his death. I and Inetructive. The ute'Ih.yt clo•wl I)1 the ceremony at Vlniy Mr.. Pal- Dr. Milne was the wily 000 of the' with the National Anthem. ' . mer nunarkeel tent Idleens deeply ion- late Mr. and Mrs. if1)114•r1 Milne. ile , Mellonnid- d Free,-.\ n..1111 .•f un- pre•sdrl %RRR the orderaneess and deep nay Istrn in atnrtsyilln. later moving, weed Interest !W.I. eine.' Slit tiny re er/'ite of the niiillitatie. with hl:• parenit to Perim( neon, where a fler000n; at 2 pm., when Niles I After visiting luted(** to Stafford- they lied a short thin,', moving to Gladys Alma Fres Ito-- N...lbinea .- hire, England, and vb•tving numerous Illyih fifty five t,'nr•. neo. Deceased hon, daughter of, Mr-. vree and the ocely old chnrche-•, Mrs. Pallier re- ntt.udwi sch,ttl at ('Elton and rot- tote 1:4... Free,, sons united In rnnr• - t'trued to 4'.nadn on tit.- S.S. i.etifla lowed the trashing profession for a riag.• to Nell le'sler Nrltonald. of -t: ,-.. ' -- ---+firm--later gonias In Medical College. Jshngs'.de. :Ii II/e rectory of Si. Pelee,.- AERIAL. ANTICS Toon/net). After Ids itrnduntlon he ,\ngii.•nit chunk.cn-The 1,1,4.l - (hl Monday afternoon residents or.I:gun preeti.Ing wfth the late Dr. •J.rlile aur,' d INN'ultliiig aonll'ltf41.144 (iok•rirh, with headline. of aerial Sloan, Inter opening to prattle*. which chiffon Velvet- mut carr.. 4 a Isom inet bombings in Spain stamped on their he continued until III -health ne•tssj- , of .johnjy sn 11111 run'.' Milt. 1ort llle minds, were -startled by a How -Hying lilted his retirement. si�f*.r-In 1nw, porforril.vl the idol -pine which honked, dived and en -1 In mnnleip1l circles he held virtuuut•. Iles of 'oriole/mingand' William Mc j vnrted over the town at A of" low ly. ,,Very odh'&. 11e WI, reeve for a 1 Jh,ivald, broth*T'ilf the lorleigns/nl. was .Ilitnde. .The ship, a blue and Ott auntie•* of years, ale, warden of the held thnn. After the e•, r.'meony. which foil• low -winged (Iwnsol:rlat.(1, mnno•-r7t,u4ty for a erm, and he was also waspertormel by Bev. .1. ill. d;wtghc- plane. 1. saki by Pyee-wlheusea to have ' elhalrman of ffbe iluar t of health. ' gin, • Mr, rant Mrs,..3Frlta.uahl left by narrowly missed the spire of St. Fraternally he was n member of the+•'nuier on a short hnnetnoeon trip. the . George'. ,' Min•h and ti, AIM flown nn ('.11.10., -A., F. and A. M. and bride we:oring a seat c at, ,Ii•ertnrr' ' tnnrwlhnn one hundred feet from the 4,4to.F, Ile •was *'number of the het nett 1•t•uek nerese,•fes. 1111 theft ground over 41r hnspitsl 1'tiltel rhnreh tient' alit 1, tw•nIlh per- rcteln, they %I11 reside on the bride - flew avonwd the barter, sap the Malt - 410 j. 3nrti;ed by lots widow, term- they are followed by r11.• le-e„wj,jtl(-r i•;nd River and turned to fly low eriy Helen M••Kinnon, Ord 1ii•`n dnnth- of tleit moony frfend• ' along VtctMla ,treee. out which thor• tura, Mrs Murray Cole, Tiorotno, and W. M. K. M.rting.-Ti..- W '4 of meatal ,ecretary, 'Waxen Flnnlgan: treasurer, '31st elite Culbert; 1st .Ieierer, Devitt (Henn; 2nd lecturer, N'I{Ilaw Mole: led enthmittee-tmatrt Je.bw F)wraia: tad_ committee man, H. J. L. Eedy : 3rd eitn mtttre-- man:-- -Nelsen!--Culbert: 414 committee man, !Sen Caldwell: idh eodimlttee man, W. A. Culbert. Home and School Club. -The No - 1 Ab•faet Tuning Caawe. carve nor Dfaamis Menem*. Anwar.. Repensfted D W Csahade Ray Taalag "ltyw” Ovelsecwassie tam Cbatalar. Magamkrswn I.f• Trisslaramie Tabaaar Mel wasNae =071-M Qat darn all hs WESTIIIGHOUSE 11 TALBOT & CORNISH OODBRSC1I ONTARIO 1, ('hong Wong Leaves on a Halide) Trip to 1111. Ancestral !Dae '1'houc \\'ons. (444,tere-vatet to Mr. 41m.. N'11rt*.Ie, wan the ha{r4dest man , in 4;u.i1.111.h 1411 Saturday when, armed with rt railway ticket u yard long, Y well allot wallet and ea beaming smile.' he set out on a lice on ontit, holiday to the land of his birth. Chong has been with Mr, Wurtele - many years and Is at valued and trusted eenant. He was KI Ven n royal send -.IT when a group of his friends wt IN him of on the ('.N.It. train MI Saturday afternoon. lie will spend his holidays with his wife and a .taught*'*, aged thirty-two, and tool gagedua. aged thirteen and seven. ' • onght.re, it Ys mid, re.ddra the pilot's MI.s Mary. at home. the I r !tel ehutsh n et . last bl ldns sweetheart. . I The rimers', which 'we. largely et• In the laeemcnt of the church, with Shiny persons atetnaay wear fright- tended, togk plate on Pottfllaley after the presleY,Sat in the ,'heir. The email' --Ay -tits malice• aL21lt Igw1Ing nnoin, The serviee war bola M floc thPmr of the mectles'ivn- "Judo. the plane; =Air* -Awa irp-atAmed.-pts w*71 tlnite"d ehar'.b tNlll let Montt.- wrist 4n HrPM -Te char _ Th' l r4j ntc 4'.• whence it came. 'Union iteretery. Birth. • sun by !Itte.'reetter- , • Mon uments Tp those contemplating erecting a Monument: - GET MY PRICES BEFORE BUYING. . Cemetery Lettering a Specialty .\11 Work Iinur:urteivi - Cliat•a Marble and Grudge Weeks _Jotter firanf.(Thane., Ont. Suerssnr to !tall & %aisle Mothers... For COMFORT FLEX 11111.ITY and IA)N(1 SERV ICE • .('ILO()SE RED SCHOOL HOUSE SHOES for children. Made and isuaranteed by 1111RLBUT and sold in lioderieh by WILLARD'S BOOT SHOP Willard E. Knert tel, Prop. HEAITH AND ENERGY EAT PIR! ' -eo • \\\ •Make Canadian Fish and Shellfish a healthful and appetizing varia- tion of your diet, Whatever form is most easily available to you --fresh, frbzen, canned, smoked, pickled or dried - you will fired it the food of - -' f, health, tastiness and economy. ti� ' Ilrn:f/1, because Fish Foods"arcrich in i:‘f proteins, mitillrrala and vitamins for good general health --in iodine, so vitally needed inland in copper for good rich blood- and others. 7artinrrr, because Fish is a real fine - flavoured delicacy, quickly and easily digested and adapted to dozens cof, simple and delightful recipes. F.connnis, because Fish Foods give you full value in nourishment for every cent spent. Canadian Fish and Shellfish are nate&-. throughout the world fur qualityr nd flavour. Bring this pkasure,more often to pow table also. IMPAI rMENT d FISHEIUES. OTTAWA ga ert2re l• 1 eaised cSif am o1 C...4ie. salmis 2 ma 5 1 lb31• borer Midis& ewe eke, sad wlfea cold Iles boh - irlt dY with a. Flake ohms tk t ,tt*. enol mak, Maar awl Ila miaewre iota mama ly sed neat Mtn balms IM. owe as with a Ince el the ries which bon bra rum* for this meow, sad mess able lea, Saye .ab la he ore. Write looldat of lagisWiss. oMw acaas s Mao wad Isamu yaw fray 12" nal o enat Fa0 da beat bt(atloo'1t7 Aelisw •,r • Cart — A lir-. D A Y- A F a- >.--♦I D - A-. iii,t..ets °iWA !sv R?`tltxPf t