HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-11-12, Page 3Here 1s ow of the many ways in
which The Signal renders valuable assis-
tance to its readers. Ask about our Club
Subser'pties* with leading daily papers,
also popular majesties..
flubstaiiihd Sariap Ars Ae nerd
if one eould always be sure of ultimate
reanits, the uaesrtaiatise of Job Printing
wouid be eliminated. Practlyyegl ezperl-
eace Suggests Iliaelag sour coirfidence In
The Sigual.
Repeat Oriel* MsAt Ca..Ner.N..
Oet Our Automobile Rates
Phone 24 Godorich
The O. F. Carey Co. l
Fire, Accuser sat Motif Car
Representative London Life
Insurance Co.
Odce:—Masonic Temple, West
Street, Goderlcb
Nelsen Hill, Manager. Theme VA
Geo. Williams & Son
lire. Accident. Aate.ebile and
General Ineurmms Aseees
Fbs.. 17
Use The
Signal's Classified Columns
K Sale at Port Albert
Nbay Wooded Cottage lets
—Also Howes in Town-
my w� eetings withSL$cLreu, bis
Dramatic Scenes my and
tripecalls to Seaforth, m7 de-
sire- to get the mall were because ot
in • Assize ▪ Court JerrAchibald. trips, ate.,
ie devorted to tbts-tr My%rlble buainolss
t now has finished me.
9 regret moot sincerely the pain
(Continued from page 11 and sorrow ,bat I bave and will
At tee conclusion of the court JIM- cause you and beg you to try and
the Jeffrey ordered the return of 'the forgive me. . M7 speculation" Dave
$10,000 Alexander Campbell bonds •to never made profit fur me or any-
tbe Dominion Bank at Toronto. one but base caused me loss trf
It la expected there' will be further actor and ofmoney,
ley, los itis. f eha--
Mtigation over tbe bods. as
be held that the bonds should be re- ably '1)u tun imagine my story of defendant of all els worldly passer
turned W n
the ower. mind during the past seven years. stuns, and the dame judgment will Oredllorr of the J. J. llttggard estate Now my great regret •1s the 'borrow
appeared before Judge Costello on and ahem and lose• of moue, I base give $3.000 to a. church which already
Ttrntwd.T- _t•_ mtou _aaF relatteet Sed-- feieada-i.L
j,ns- received
tram LDS J1efl�
ownership of the bonds which re- during the period of years. I have dant estate," said Mr Justice Nicol
main In the safety deposit boxer. bad only nue confidant to whom J Jeffrey last week In latying over the
The bearing was adjourned until could turn, Gordon MacLareu, and ease of the executors of the estate 1)t
November 16, to await the arrival of practically all m7 trips to Toronto Nm. Coombe, of Blyth, who sought
serial numbers now In the bands of were to see him and Meilen mutters to recover $3,140 on a promissory note
the Guaranty Trust Company. with him. The other times were to atgu t by W. H. Coombs, brother of
Opening .f Court avoid certain days 1)t the mouth when the, deceased.
.v,urt al 2.15 persona called in for securities, which • ••lf the cbultet!''11hupir were In full fashioned discharged • unexpectedly,
At the opening 1)t were* not (here. Maclaren put Lim- {osre•xsiiin oT the filets," said Jutlge burying a load of shut it. his )eft arm.
u'clwk ou Tuesday ■aern.ou, Moa- self on the sapot partially by us*lstlrig Jeffrey, "1. -do not thiles they would The gun was made tot a hoIluw slick•,
Laren and Flrtnher pleadedekd nut guilty !Ie. , VI 41111 .164,1•11told.m
t this au on the street a Owe of gas Ripe, 41 steel-tlttrd rule
to charger of [urgtuj and uttering a Lie a Burden i Ise did 111)1 recehe a cent from the ; her band and a match -bead. of the
power of attorney in the manse of
Alexander Campbell, aged Seafortb
retired farmer. nes-forth.
E. A: McMaster: o [
teetlticd the elderly geutleusrn wee
too ill to appear In court. Deposi-
tion,' taken at the sick man's bedside
were admitted to tine records.
J. D, N. Waugh. manager 1)t the
main office of the Dominion Bank at
Toronto, produced nine 31.000 Domtar
lout of Canada bonds. Identified as
thew tree* from Alexander. _tamp-
belrs safety deposit box at Seaforth,
and Testified they had been given as
collater•ai -tbeeiheteffi° ! Fletcher
brokerage bowie_ - The fond* were
fully registered In fire name of Alex-
ander Campbell. with an.attached pow-
er of attorney signed with bis name
and • bearing the signatures of Mac-
arLorre and Fletcher es wjtnea*es•
Church Will Press
isimq for Judgment
Adjustment Can Be lade Later,
if Advisable, in latter of
Unpaid Note
"If 1 give judgmeut fur the plain4,
tiff in this calks"l will strip tbe aged
County Has Big Bills t. Pay fey Ad-
ministration .f %b atiee
Owing largely to the erlmlual $C-
tieefort'h lawyer, G. G. Maclaren and
R. S. Fletcher, Toronto brokers, and
tbe Ernest cousins, of Walkerton.
costs of the adminfstratluu of justice
In Huron county will be tar above
the estimate at the end of the year.
To the end of October costs were
above the estimate for the year of
$15,000, having reached the sum of
$15,3141, which was $200 more than
for the same period last 'year.
ifollifftArat $L" P"TI' X01 any
An IngenloUs sixteen -year-old Stan-
ley townablp youth, James have,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Pay) Cleave, Lake
Shore road. south of lLijileld, was a
vk•tlw of his own ingenuity on Mon-
day when a home-made gun be had
"1 ,•are not what happens to -sac. I precvrdd of this pt{o,utasory note- Ile
ter life bas been a burden ta3' •Jtheae wer.Iy'aceommoclated with his signs -
prat seven years and it is -almost tun•."
wltb ca sigh of relief that the oboe !per Blyth Presbyterian chunk is
down. comes. The ',restore Is tberttene(ictary•o1* $25,000 Neubert oft
that poor Innocent people should suf- the late in. Coombe. a thrifty labs
ter by my wrong -doing and next you
and others of my family who will
hear with shame and sorrow the tel
rible thievery on my part. it ----
"I would never, ' except probably
after a lifetime of work- and saving,-
hilpe Ta mate good"terr�' `jun otreltiF eisaie.
and that would be of little use to the a loan to Ira L. and Greta [bombs,
people who suffer because they would son . and daughter -In-law- of W. H.
all be dead by that time. Coombe, and all three signed the note.
"My 'insurance poMicles are in box The younger ccouple. who lice In the
50. One Polley 18 11) the hands of West, are the victims of a series of
the company wben I bor.owed to crop failures and cannot pay.
buy Missouri Monarch. The others Judge Net Fully Wormed
are there. 1 have a .ertt&cate in e, es Dances, solkltor for the exe-
the top drawer of my desk, front cutors of the estate. after making en -
John J. Haggard, former Seaforth
office, for 2,000 shares Manitoba and quints or the Presbyterian church au-
lawyer and former comfldant and close
Eastern. ("rich has a certificate for [borltlrs sit Blyth, stated that Judge
friend of SlacIareo, testified against teen shares Canadian -Kirkland that Jtffrs'v was not -fully informed. "The
way things are going," Said Mr. Ian-
cey, the eburch will be lucky if it
gets halt, or $12.500, and It Is only an
endowment. So Mr the eburch has
only received interest. This $3,0110 1s
part of the 325,0oo the judge men-
tioned and there It now 31.050 Inter-
ntereat owing on that. There is between
380(8) and $9,000 available and the
rest Is In farm mortgages. Some of
carer-t4ukelor who died when sixty-
nine years of age. Although at the
litarjapis death the estpte, It is said,
W/14 'vel r• at about $49,000, it bas
depreatated . considerably -
elle $3,1011 note In question Is a
muzzle -loading type, powder and shat
were rammed down •tpe lutrrel and
tamped with wet taper. The elaitte
and steel and match-hea•1 did the rest.
Jimmy hos lost interest in frearrw'
for the present.
Stratford, Nov. 10.—World ebampLon
,.-....Alan .•h.mninn eaatera will
be featured on the night of November
20 when the Torouto Greene Club pre-
sent* its .peetaeuler k'e carnival in
the arena here. Brought to the City
under the auspkes of the -Stratford
I !dons Club, the show is the most eolor
ful extravaganza of its kind to Amer-
merIca. After tbe engagement here, the
Granite Club skaters will perform In
New York City, Chicago and Cleve-
Proceeds from the csotival will go
entirely to the Lions welfare fund,
and as an overflow crowd is assured
reeervatlons for seats should be made
without delay. , Mail orders should be
sent to tye Lions Aub, 30 Downie
street, Stratford, accompanied by ex-
press or po.tomce money orders. Seats
are offered at the popular pricer of 50
cents, 75 teats, $1.00. $1.50, 31.75 and
$2.00. Ai) seats are reserved. The
carnival on November 20 opens prompt-
ly at 8.15 p.m. -
ter brokers with an obvious feeling of long to me. The ' on8rmatlon slip
bltterneea. He said 1101 Maclaren for Canadian -Kirkland Is in the desk
arrived at the l4eatorth once on One -
in the back office. Thr ti.tr of per-
ber 15, 1925. and said he wanted more eons and their securl.les are coo-
bonds to cover or replace others in his
tensed 111 two Mets and several re-
posseaslon, but welch he (witness) re -
-mien_ to Joe found in the front part
quinti at Se•forth to show his cur of the Dominion Statutes of 1932 and
tomes. In letters shown in a file to be found
t told him I didn't halve any more in We very back of the wooden fil-
bearer bonds. We were in the vault ing cabinet in the caul'. The vault
at the Mme. Fie knew Ow my customers ,.omWnatlon is ■s follows: Reading It Is cultertfble and twine is mot."
and what Donde e 'safetyIn front of for vault, turn the knob M ni rof h til word comps from Blyth
boxes held, so he said: Let's see to the right Eve times to 40, then
that to Jayne' establishing a dangerous
the Alexander Cam{t'te.1 box.' We
left four times to 011, then right three pr,,ecdcnt. the c'hurch w111 press for
ram' -Bits= —4 ""s" -4' -"soot times to 10- wad-- then turn -to right- D judttnrpnr,worinst. Me+ nid•-taaa- they were registered and non-nego- and the elm. handle can be . turned. Ni Ueatit-e 1. Be Elarwh
liable. Maclaren teylled: 'Give The inside door is open. My will, .•\�e have no desire to be her+►, nr
them to me; perhaps we can get an to br found in lox 1)r%. Lances every to beggar an old roan ' 7 exacting tbe
over -night loan on [hero' 1 gave think after payment oI my debts, to proverbial pound of tie*h," said one
them to elm" you. Ten thousand of lite Ina°"- prominent churchman, 'lout to Show
Shown the slgnatwre on the power Stan: It payable to m7 ,:state and tela se .timental wesenees - in this case
of attorney. '"'"f"' must be used pal
hulking, Heating
Repairs for ail makes of
stoves er'f Maces
Prompt service and reasonable
John Pinder
Phone 127 P. 0. Boa 131
West Street
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
Electric Wiring of all
Uinta givem ea application
Telephone 82 — Goderich
Said deelrlvety tt to the people 1 would extabllsh a had precedent, for
was net In t13e handwriting of Ater have damaged. Dont sell or speak other debtors of the estate t, for
1 ander Campbell. with which De bad i of Missouri Monarch. It !-mei some tern ecebtors Of
treatment, and
I become quite familiar during years ofI day be good and might, and I sin- that would b• dfawatn ,:x." •
business dealings.cerely hot* "111' resell Price where ••1,•t judgment tap se; used first 11141
"As late a. May 4 this year you bad; everybody could• receive who: 1 One
atter that. it found nweas.ry, an arl•
complete confidence In MaeLren? them. When flat happens 1 ask jnstment can he made." was the ane-
'; asked C. Aubrey Hnnd. K.C., senior i you to dlstrlbute to the- ps•r-.ns en gestiuu 1)t another•
counsel for i[aeLsren. "Yrs waa'titlad. Teo thousand ciollaro life i1) 1.1i• ,.ii.,, wa" adjourned until No -
the reply. simile* is payable to you; keep it vem*'cr`10. cu that fee hone people
Rngltard's Letter to His WIfe bund d1) not distribute 11. It *111 might temente n,•gnafnt.d with the
I pfuer, „f the rasp.
The blghl►get of the afternoon's keep you=ftir"'tb• nest of your life 1
bearing was the Intro,i•Iction of a let- I Left with the Government on au 1Mr, the ON 1TORF`I RALFR
I ter by defence eouuse,. it tree a 1 annuity. ltewemb r me to fa and `ti ) of ioNDomST Mores Limited
I letter written by Haggard to hi.-wlife, my rimers arta brottie:Irinelaw and
' date May 4. 1938, on the ere of his Ttillat of me• ass a fool rather than a for the eleventh perks! ended October
Iftight. The letter. mild witness, was' rogue. Destroy this letter. 311. 11).4c,. were *1,4:1L0C►",. This
'ar web 1: t r the roe
i ohn. responding- period In 1935, a a an
anti eneetuded au -PnN Foie pasta/We .7._ _.:.
pelt before he crossed the border. , I S.—The car is storadiT Heli,; i 4N•reane nre-i9 Iilr" rpm
"Dear Min.:—As i nit wetting this repair garage, Fort Erle N. — — -
letter, a rare "Me. -Met "t*Ki'-"There--Ie----P e•MIS- ,me .iar- of CHRISTIAN EDUCATION
few that I have written to you, me hope to the situation. The •securities
mind is in a complete muddle. I , taken by me are In Maclaren's ere ranH•retsre for (Murch and Sunday
nee everything for welch one mal count apinst $115,000 Great Ickes School Washers Held M Auburnlice wiped out • and forever dei Paper bond*. If you capyou should \1',Bl'RN, Nov. 8.—The 1711rtstfan
atroye4. 1 hardly know =Where to prevail on all the, peoile damaged to education conference if the I'rei'by-
begln nr how to atart the narrative. not torte matter*; but welt until ern o[ Iluron Sas Udd in Knox
Let ns go hack to 1929, January is Great Lakes !'aper boucle rise to 00 t ntted chunk
the date• Feeling very much the or 65, in which event not a soul
loans• 1 raised you i plunged na a *111 late a cent. If, however, tbey
tip 1 reccived. From that date down tun's matters they will lose all. It
ingthe preiemt time I 'tare been "-
Ing a life of sorrow and terror.
3)verythtng went aro�PR and 1 went
deeper in order 1e try end get out,
hut the climax came when M latterly
got into difficulties. We
both were together and the fall of
one brought about the fall of both.
It. was almost ironical to think that
you thnuaht my trips to Toronto,
retne a °'� ►yb
b..4!‘tr1 yy� •� .t+• play
The Signal Leads the Way for Advertising and Job Printing
Special Values
in our 5c, 10c, I etc to $1 Department,
also Staple Lines of Ladies', Men's
and Children's Wear .at
reasonable prices.
Complete range of
Christmas GoodsHRI
arriving daily, and on display
mart Shoe
For the Boys and Girls u are
now attending the Fait
term at school
we are now offering oQ 1 the greatest saint is good' reliable Footwear
at pestes that are away 10the • pr•lient m.3utactUms' priced
Footwear of ail styles i di
les foris, Strap Slippers
Call and ine/st we se as show
you the wonderful
The Practical Shoe Mon •
• on Wetneaday after-
noon and evening. Aubir11-Is one of
three branches where t nterences
are being held. Thera are at
Is better for them to wait. They (Sortie and Kippers They are eon-
should not require to wait longer ducted as a help for milliliters, young
than two or three menthe at the people Sunday school workers and
le t Jadults. The devotional part was in
charge of Rev. Hugh F. Wino's, pas -
"I owed 320,000," Hu,tgerd testified. tor of the church. After the opening
"I thought Maclaren had bought those exercises, Mr. Wilson led tyred Iib
bout*, because be said he had and I ami Margaret FergoD favored
bet-Weed him. 1 know now that he a solo, -1 may He in Heaven Tumor -
didn't, but I didn't find out until I row, Po Gladly i'll Serve Thee Today."
was being brought bank from Los Rev. H. Wilson read the Scripture
"11fl Ter: I powwow. Matt:Met and gave a stator
"Wben I tied the country. Great did talk on. "Humility."
Lakes Paper was 52, up 16 points on Rev- T. R. Turner, of Dungannon,
what I thought 1t -*as bought for. them took charge and explained the-"
Another two points and I would have objw•t of the Christian education
been out of the hole. 'council, told of the relationship of the
"On May 4, 1996, Maclaren told me pastoral charge, Presbytery. Confer -
all his books .and securities had been' mice and General Council, and of bow
seised and the; the Great Lakes bonds Sunday School leaders may obtain the
could. not be produced." !right training. After prayer by Mr.
During the .reading uet( Huggard's Turner, the aaspmbly divided Into
letter Mr. Bond beettated ' and said: f groom ?s•.folMwa : Adult group,
"I don't want to humiliate you any Led by R4 '.-:Jell. Townend, Retgrave;
more than I• can help." teraeree„ 'hood -salons groups, Rev. J.
"You cannot bumtltate ., me more W. Patto lau•know ; c'hitdref's
than 1 have been," murmured Hug- group, Mrs. t . „Clinton, and young
gard. with bowed head. people's group. Rev. T. R. Turner,
-- -- — Ihrngannnn.
• IN. THE MAGAMITRATEW t2017NT After an -Moor's Sea*ton an open for -
Wilbert Lockwood, n{ (!111tcm. -mn wee beire avne from each -group
plea'tted guilty to a charge of centrum- bringing In the report nod reintntions,
lag llgwr In a public place *hen he At R o'clock a picnic supper and iter
appeared before Magistrate `J. A. Mi- elsl lame wee enjoyed•
kine my Thnrada7 hast. LI kwood 'The worship period of the evening
had been held on a $500 bond on a session was enndnctcd ey members of
charge of Selling liquor to minors, the Auburn Y.P.t'.. Mts• It. Mtraughan,
but the charge was ehang+d wires lir Mea M. Munro. Mir.. Marjorie Toll,
appeared 1n court. George letrangbsn end Aldon Hasty.
Wilfred Graham was retsanbed two Rev. J. R. Moore.of ;and Bend, *1*
weeks' on ball of 3600 when he sp. the evening spa
peered on two cbaror•s, of having 11- wan "BnlhMng." Je+Iis Milan ae a
bite ,Rare and of being carpenter and went oh Io tm••.•t etidar
quer in a pe
Int o:kstett of spiritual life.
A national asset worthy of the most intelligent cultists -
tion is the tourist business, which brought 1202,000.900
into Canada last ytat and is estimated to bring
at lean 32)0,000,000 this year. In our international trade
its monetary value to Canada now ranks ahead of that
•;7• of any of our exports, not excepting those important
• exportable commodities, wheat and newsprint.
. But the tourist industry has potential values beyond
its annual money income:
• it fosters exchange of ideas between nelghbours,-inter•
--, national understanding and co-operation, tolerance and
. • it accelerates betterment of railway, waterway and air-
way service, of motet roads and hotel accommodation;
• it awakens interest in Canadian products and oppor-
1por•tunities for capital investment.
Through its offices abroad and more than )00 bunches
distributed throughout Canada, tet Rank of Montreal -is
one of the leading faadn in providing service for the
tourist trade. Its offices abroad and in Canada are centres
to which countless tourists turn for information and
guidance. These offices not only extend financial
hospitality which facilitates the exchange and uanifer of
GodeEkb Braniff
••(tnfRN, r.RriRlrNf.sO RANKINf. sIM't
money, but contribute in many ocher ways to make the
visits of tourists comfortable, happy and profitable.
Thousands Of customers of the Bank of Montreal do
•busineu with visitors from ocher countries—hotels,•
trsrisportation lines, service stations, stores, et cetera—
and they too find the kind of banking senior they need
in the Bank of Montreal.
From the General Manager's address at the anal
meeting of the stockholders of the Bank, tees:
"Canada has unexcelled railway and hotel facilities to
attract tourists the whole year round, sod year by year,
SS our aurotnobcle roads If, impro''W and extended,
more and more Amencan can will be seen in Canada.
"Railway and steamship Hoes, tourist agencies and news-
papers have dont* great deal towards cskiratteg ,lis
important trade in tire -general interest.
"Country hovels, bending houses.nd towucs camp ase
craning ro realise the nanisaity of impieties accoseo'
demons and tervIe. JJ'
"If tourim aft *e'en a warm welcome, we cemtk+easly
accommodated and torcourteously
ted and foil,, ��assslllttt
number will increase annually."
A. A. NICO., Manager
T)11 neer-ores n►
succaarut 0MstATOM