HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-11-12, Page 2Id
" • ,
e-Yegansday. November Ilitb. no.
• * .• -
spot.' • , ,
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Ala ,s_ . 401, • .
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war- s -.wadi
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4404N 5 1!;•• .1115,,r10•=54, =o1 5,•••"1,•*,M=loirrnt
146, 147kbar W4. 4,14.4“.01+Ntolt.44,.X.46415Vottttoers.211.10,10,..:, A
• .7.
▪ 111"Pthe
rilllokaillevi* all illarth16
SL h*
Waal Pele
enoteria wou d havolielned
o• f st votes and would vol-
antertly abandon 'the geld In disgust.
Establlsbed 1$4M
limber of Canadian Weekly News-
papers Association
Poldisbed every Tharadaf "nioria.
Inbeerlption price 01.00 per year,
t1.1e 4a paid In advisee. Stibecribers
la limited Slates wilt plasm add 50e
for posotaee.
TOR 040-xatt tUMNO ou. 1111),
W. E. Robertson, lidlior and
31 : Goderkl, Ont.
Tbareehty, November 12tb. 193e
Ovihr ot Ly MA* masa Gas. ef OStaille
Al say rate, nobody in future would • !THRESHING TIME . ,.
place much dependence, upon mut
1 livathe .11 . Act (44kb of relief'
votes; their power for zoo., or for 111 as 1 the tbees.itghw-
i nottehiue go
would• be Inuit, . down the isioe,.said 1 know that 1 atu
• • •
. through with it for emitter year. It
After a heroic resis!..tiee, Matiftti Is is a bard Joh and the duet sort of
failing to the rebel fortes In Spain. idols your head up but there Is Plat'
Press correspoudento seport terrible twut of 1111"11 about It 11'11f wad" P41
'ilk* it.
- entembio-tio
school ou thrt.shing day and wait pu-
Tim Wiedsor Star, Tien tug the U.&
Proeldeatlai rote. urge% Prime MIA-
.iater Elag to taunt% a campaign of
relief works on a large scale to pro-
vide employment. 'lb* Roosevelt
Admialstration spent millions In this
way and was approved tif the people;
"Mr. King should study the American
vote and shape Ma path accordingly,"
says the Windsor paper,
Thie, we would say, la sot good
advice.Conditions in the two coun-
tries are Melilla. and whet would
be good governmental policy In one
' country would not necessarily be so
la the °Guar. When Mr. Roosevelt
teak- Mice thi. 'CRAW States -was. in
desperate 'traits: banks were closing
_ and business was all but paralysed.
In Ibis Ciitintry business. Wei prette
sick for some years, but It was utter
la such extrefoltY as Iva* busieess
across the line. Mr. Roosevelt wou
the confidence of his aecale,,
cause he added billlorTd -The isa.
Ronal debt of his rtotatry. but be-
cause he was not afrelti to take the
steps that be considered necessary to
extricate business. from the wreekage
bombe and artillery tire. The defen-
ders, are teeacious, (tut they are poorly .tiently uutll we could lour the noel
supplied with Stetting material and i (+hie emoing up -the entoossion. Tben
are waging a losing Moot. The esp. , there would two rate to ore who would
Cure Of Madrid, however. does nut have the honor of °petting the gate
for the threshers. The ground would
ISD that the rebels *re in control shake as it pulled up and the tank
of Spin. Large se -time, of tbe*5*would haul tbe machine iuto the
country are still held by tee loystbtie I bare.
Tbe effort to oduce •ISLIDOMI settle down to a steady rate, and soon
and it may be mane inbuilt* yet before • Then they would fuss around a Id)
fighting -copes. : and when, and. le toeletivi get everything resoll. and the
rebels finally siwwd tomt, ma n on the engine otrould give a little
mad nivaged country Aild a -hand* ail
; ts((oa.rnbtlintg".°Iltitro the mow. flow
people they wia Lave their 'greedily the knives. would whirr, and
hawks. how ravenously they would onatch up
• .) • -that drat sheaf. Then It would all
Ealleistuated *ride,
In a reeent interview. cheering_lu-
formation about Abe gradual lessen-
ing of untoin-plionnent, In big dlitrict
was given tyr Mr. George H. Langan,
superiutentient of the Ontario Employ-
rneut fur Perth. Huron and
Ilruee (volitive.
'1 atu very much rueouraged by the
steadily lureusing deuolud fur labor,'
lhv t " Years he has tweupied
his torment position Mr. Utopia has
*bade streituous efforts tu widen the
woefulness, of the (Ware) Employ-
training and bousebold soleuee in the the dust would come sifting out of
all the crack* in the earn and the
Weal schools deserves "e" elw°11nRie- Men would all seem to las hasy figures.
meat, and the work of the Home and 11 used to like the ehug-ehug of the
School. Clubs In this direction merits engine and the alap-slap of the belts.
commendation and suoporL The ap- and the wry the Mello would 1.1.1! a!!
preuticesalp system seelCk to have It (*weaned from the rent. on the side
disappeared almost completely. and -it if tivauhes...untgaitine. enlist". poe the,engine.
the Reboot ean the pp -it will be same ht the mike bitinttlje41,1)11ntwititu nung."w
doing something Nell %bile.
Quite powitsly, too, the girls may learn
WNW -or the beat.- seto spites's:1.one
at vt•Vol which otherwl.e would -be
picked up in a hapho.rera manner.
And IC the taw subjeete do nothing
s Aim may provide the sugar
1 CREWE -.
COMTE, Nor: 9. -Mr. I. Goole,
neat the past week e.itiug friends
Mr. (Julie ()rosier, of Strathir41 Noe'
nisi *Meal Veal Week-clid bis
home here. •
Tbe superateedent food teachers of
(New* holiday school -attended the
Christian education ..oefortaice at Aio
I•uni N'tsinesday last.
Mr. Clifford crozier spew the wectr-
(qui sioitiug Mends lu Michigan!
Mn. Wm. Cauiptril. of Donaylsr...1,
Tlw November meeting of Crewe
W.M.S. was held ou Thttrodire last
at Mrs Wm crosier's, Mrs flier )
Turuer save a very interealing talk
on her work as a dearoneno. Readinits
wece given Xre. Watt, Miss Mal -
tock and Mies Beth IftsConnen. and a -
solo by Mrs. Drennan. Lunch was
served by me bostemea after tbe
0011Eitiocil TOWNSHIP. Nov. iti.--
MIRAPX Jean Hunter and 1311e Jewell.
of Colborne"- township, spent Sunday
with their friend. Mies Noirlon Porter.
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Meter and fata-
lly and Mrs. Win. Reid. of Stanley
tmiuship, speut Sundry at the buwe
of Jr. anti Mrs. Rohl. HeIlwall).
Mr. and Mrs..Wm. Fuller anent
Fritley In Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Fuller were In
Stratford on Thurokty.
Mr. and Mr.. J. W simpson, of
want to look your best for Winter and to do so yow
want an Overcast that its you properly. '
Remember last Winter -then mime into
Rol i ti i it jl-A lte ring -Repa ri itg -Pressing
Telephone 317
TAILOR Goderitsh
ricbuol to ..1.4 one HA :.c.•0 year& WO
not give nom a more poetical educa-
tion ..*blit ...Chou!, that will flt
'Mem for work. and the best Mod of
home -making?
We feel sere that our project is
worth *hilt,. and take this opportunity
of oppeallug fur, tbe generous support
and hearty etratkratloa of all mem-
bers of thy community hi our effort
oak* business I* dour. If a psalm
mend., a letter from Goderich to CU*,.
Io* It coats 3 rents. and if you seed
it to Grande Prairie, in the Peace
Rivet district, tt coed just 3e. We
think tills is tine and tbe poetolicit
uses the fellow olio is away eras tbe
centre with generoeity aid dermicy.
But If Hydro was skive It tbe tei-
low la Grand Prairie would have te
too otiose funds for this purpose. pee -at least 31000 to pi lefter,
Thanking you for the favorable and a. a consommes* be would get
publicity we hate shoos received few lettere This la J1181 what Hydro
is doing -making tbe little fellow pay
three prices and putting him out of
Wbat are we going to do about It?
1 am pleated to we the power ques-
tion has been up before the town coun-
Mt POW= QUIZTION !cll. and I was wandering If it would
be aorcordIng to Hoyle to ask Hydro
Cerresp•edrot Advmaies Deism us ZuIAL their promise to WHO dors
from your paper,
Sincerely yours.
Couvener Ways and Means Committee
heed ;MI the Mkitlan land ;Ire power at
ninny Ilaturdayi drag -gine up from the Guelph, sia.tit Suuday oat. relatives
1111) or PA). `lit* they decline to ds
old fence -bottoms.
- in the community. To the Editor of 'The Signal.
We would lie In the shade of tile _ GlOo. II. LANGAN . Mr. and Mrs. Jae. lior,ton and babe Dear Sir,. -I am pielowd 10 See The ,ahho. 1.011 Id Hydro be luduced to make
engine 011 thi; grass. 4714 Imetend-ttrat - - ' - - •-• .--..._ , - and Mrs. Jas. 'toes. of , leeburu, Signal has taken up the queatIou of ad,..tooe.torovpo'cy.,-, offritihme tpitloewemrotihamt. ,natioghttbebe
we did out hear our mother (idling. ()Mario Employment Serviee.-Stretford • ef„ff,.41 01; olitutay ut the -11.1fili;- of Mr. ' power -for liotierielewool- the county
(if -noost-h of the 14aitianJ River? Pow-.
and Mrs: Geo. Falcouer. • tiurou iu gel rat As a motive of ,
that she wonted soute more light -wood 1.
In flesh op the bakine with. or may- ..tuent :terrier by motile out luta many Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bogie, Made- Huron 1 auk inteveroteol for- tuo matter or elkilld /* developed at aereeiii paee•
be a till of water from the .prIng. uattnlelpulltle. In his tEstrict and in- line umill Melvin. of Ni.e. visited on what part o,f North Ano, les a perm* .:11.1.1 bei.foit)r.:ta., .2141111011,70 (u....,ushelrbettsabut III:. omega ad
- St 1 •i I II • ol •Mrs Thus way go to there he old find auduront. •
coating" t6 make attnul stare.. toTe-f- l'hi:ii TWiiii1/1 in. ay w t i r. n .
*etc to some boys an 1 giri• who do 1 on his fate anal we (W01111 hate to by rixistering applicants In their owu Sowerby. -- rseffuesefte.--,...,,am.7-ar Data. -.ease.. ,Lu Hurts) irottld be VA 1•813.1 11.0. 1114_1111-
i II N.N. •01 that eontraet- work wilt" be OW Ing to Go. bit.,,', tot weather on whohail to leaVe home to make a t4',. Ian& The buildiug of these dams
1114 take kindly to "bo. 44 learning." 4"trelik for 11S;
- ' Sonietinies Wit -WOW,/ go with the! more istultatar illstrlbutpd among Suutey. ouly a leer tv co. tont _to the_ lug. purely thia is too right. awl would create several 1.1.-e little lakes
rI• ____ ___
; tank -man mud watch him as he pumped , those on Tiler and /how ion, ease • Hound. 11144.(b ice at t Mon, fhe pas- it is all ...used las .. loorrespundent 111111i1 Wintld provide playgrouoda for
1 • 1
WESTFIELI) the wafer tip from the -eri.-k" until ' .traggled to k.op otT relief but whose WI% !Let .%. Moor.000k.. delisored
tilled. Then we would plight rotaY eVell acr''c than those a '4 -Tinto) in. keeping %lib the Armia-
he lane slowly and the on rel ef. stplendid gloves.. 112..0.4 the season on -Peace."
ank 11S ihe tank-Illau Every effort will be made. Mr. long- . makers; for they shod' ealled the
n he war o. 1)03, Some ourage their workers. when they JUlliaff rvirtIlar
to which he found it. 4 - 1the tank CV Hs.
Mr. King did not have to deal with • WEerTFIELLI, Nov. 141. -Ml. Grace ;go buck up t
• , friday the tek.t. -1114.esed are the pesos,
such deoperate conditior.. It e„ faj itedueomi, of lAnwood. spent the week- I, water would
slap-olap against the hi. efforts. In this regaol.
be remembered that boo•inew in this end with her mother. Mrs. J. Red- ; side of the. I
• nom. !told us wild vorns ..!...at •Indians In au said. to persuade PM plOyer• 1,. en- children or Cod- GAL Niotthe. :',..s 4.
country had been cononwied for se'.
1 Mr. Wm. Melkovell was a London ; the West whe 044
said in e recent bolie .0. your pater I the 114'01,11! and w041141 also promote
.hy tlydro 1111 the selfish tactks _of ..4,11.1-tfekrtia114.4.mity of 4apossilAe(tse lands atudJazokuitet.
'the city tof Toronto. "
I notice that Hydro has insole a re- the adrantagio lows) evolver would give
duction of e2.714, per p. to all munis•i- to (be ...bunt, n. of
polities on the Niagara system. This , the million Goolerich hats paid
would be tine if vve loot 11 det rate: ! for 11Yd'r" rower in /he 1weni7"
M011d111Y II 11 were true. I guess. and M044114*more were luta off temporarily or promo- Petit's. of the J011 hor Rod Cross So- .then e‘ervImaly would he equal; but years -all aloRe to 'Irornoto where
e.,-.Idecades meiotic ou the akoderatic • ., 1
linos of ',literal pod. y and was ill al Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.; for our benefit. hho
hitt se then 1 bat', e
e ntly. to reeleteat
r •t the EIvlorment .dety %a.. beld on t ridus morn fog at
fundstoeptelly healtey condltion--at Melvin Good, to whom a baby boy wisornever enjoyed a story half as much. Merrill. office in Stratford. Step win Futon seined, With the ,.....i.hoit. 141r-
IThen there Wo011il he ti Very kora-, he taken. too. he said. to try to on- rattle Lassaline: 14111*chair. Tbe
least in comparison witb cooditions la born November 5.
Mr, and Mrs. AV. A. Campbell, Mr. , tient "1001- from the engine that was courage employers to tio. the servieee program ronoisted of r....diugs. -John-
, W.
the United States. Mr. .1%ennett's H. Ilampbell. also Mr. (IIfford ;fretting thirsty and in• «041(4 sine or the Government
burtvii. Heads of ray Cannel: Is a Miner." by Elva Orr;
high tariff prescription - m"reCrosier of l'ree
we„ were gueets for a "Bill" and -Belle" with the lines and induotries will he asked not only to -1:lizaiwth's Musk." i.) Arthetatow
s (11(1 '
harm than good, and when Mr. King 1 few days at the home of Mr. W. H. they would go jogging/back up the report their labor neci.. -but to ad- 1.4-4..111.144..: 'i{id,Iho. In Rhyme. by
returned to power he had only to !Campbell's brother. Ie.. J. W. Camp- olesty. lone. vise the 'Employment Service when 'tender Fuller. and -Manners." by
throw the Bennett medkines out tbe bell. of Kt. Louie Idlici.igan.
It was tlie meals teat f liked. The men are emptoyed. - - . Mart Harwood_ Miss :Icilwain gave
I ii ri‘i.o.t..da‘a.,,tot kIkteri4Paisr.ter of Manitoba. table would be set in the front rooin. . "Men who. regider at aur lave the address an -f(espirstion."
window and tbe pottiest began Itunne.
. tit:. home of Mr. where the blinds had is -'ii drawn and when seeking woes knee the solvate ! Oyster Solgier.-Tio. oy.ter supper
diately to revive, remade requires • wtn'. 3471)00141. it was cool. and 8........11.1 4v0i44.e ill at thee of. a service wide), is l`rovinee- I held in, the Orange 1:ali. 4444 .• *a-
rca its prosperity u large export bust- , Mr. James Mt -Gill. of ',outlive Utd- the shipboard and try not to get In wide." Pak" Mr. Lanese. "It Pout(' %icon. under the 11 11•101coo. or ItiVerS1011
ups- sad-elle_ltiug and lila colleitiflieS; reality. V, aa home for the week-4.nd. the oily of Aunt Slue and Aunt Jane. be more beneficial to vanploye.... and 1..0.1.. No. 141. Iasi Thursday evening
I. weer tables. The- employ- r *Lite -4f-somt- esseekwa- wes.........usolLo-luitte-mAcees.a._ .31..ett, toe hell -
already hare had great allocess in re- , Mr. Charlee Wightnian ita--MTM Mot
, oi oil loo i dos u 10 III° Liable,' 0 MI en -
storing the country's foreign -trade. Mae. of Whitechurch, Mrs. Utile men would tile in and ;It down and more wid.Lty_u_sed_.7_
toyed, the r•Upper. witi.,o NUA Served
What la urgently aped"! 110* la re- !Brigham and 4•hildret. of Myth. they ...will ,.,.t right ir to eating.
ST. HELENS ii. the basement. Mr. Weleter, of
visited 01* 14103day with Ms. 4;e0. Platters of fried ham in golden -brown i
: na. woo ehnirman to the program,
tier from the hitch taxatIon of rci-ent
WIghtmen. gravy and A iveli ripe loom,a(moo,„ with
years, and (111. (Maws' Goorrutuent., mr. am), milk Alva mayaweit and boais or stemming p0118) 414 3111141 Si lekt, -,,, %q11.11 {Winded tillthhoo J• •S ,,..
_Realm_ • itefitilmts. Mrs. Lrneet Bell. Miss Mar-
insteed of- launcbtag- huge new HI- fiinity wpm 4,qaiaabara. vtattnra_ -on of «bite totem' end preserves. The ST. ' Ill:IA:NS. Nor. 9.
men would iiever Fey maeh-elmetd-le-hrenee lige wasottetereedtrt the Vatted -4'n "'Well- 111"" l''''W4 Vk.'"'4"; "ImA-
nclitures. will find it advisable to Sunda). • ' '
balance its budget and as quickly ns Thav,..a.mino47:einnit4,t,orfedt h..:n loisloridndadyfUltno-
1"nible tut
aw" 'mil" ut the tax"' ilwv.r portipid ehoreh.• picot -tour partak-
that now oppress buelnes.. 'Possibly ink of (hi, mierament.
• this, too. will be a Isom item 10 Mr., yr. anti Mr.. W. 1,.. catjapben *1511111
Roosevelt's program disr:tig lils second I -with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Carter, of
term. Having got ti... Putlent over ; Etitel.- on Monday.
the worst pail ot Ilk 1,..ottae. he will ; Mr. dene.M!olhoweal,I.visuitmedirritihgruMir...
vow be In • flooltioon o dras- some 8..ent(i'_.51,,rwo•N‘uynde in.:. 141 kr
of the costly expedicets -of the 'last ,J1 ..,_'''
Are. Barkley ,and Mrs. Fitzgerald.
four year. and proceed with Kreider of tjungennon. are spending a few
conelderatiou for the national pocket- :day., at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
. I
and as stsot a. tber tholehed eating II. M. Wright rouse as his subject 1 logue. Edna and Treidu Powell; wife-
, • ... A• . . . . • r . t-
axi; to have stometitior Missed to them ehureh on Sunday morning. when Rev.
'tloao, by Mr. Geo. Ityun's orchestra;
they would all go outside and smoke -.whit, pri,.,„ pcm.0" A two -minute
In the shade of the maple tree that ollence was observed and the hyntns guitar selections by Mr. Gordon Mc -
stand. at the back W010;111144 door. and tbe i h.& number were in keeping 18"Imid• of G"derieh-
And all too soot they would to with the occasion. l; "Hallprees elanquersile. -The No -
pulling trek out the 11 Ile And the Mrs. Wm. ('ampbell,. „f mitcheo. vember meeting of the Vnion Drama -
"tank -man" would wgve at us. Then formerly of composing II, is a visitor tie Club vvao held last Tueoday
the machine would disappear out of with Mrs..). B. Ruthetford. evening et the borne of Mr. aud.Mrs,
eight and they would blow the 611150. Mr. John ',owe. Mr. Charlie lielhen Geo. Mollwain, with fifty-threts prep -
to 144 Jim (leer?, know :LoletheY were and Mrs. Itosomworth t.nd Itaughter ent. The meeting took the form of .
coming. and We would ifeltin to wonder Jolla. of Elora. were recent guest. la, Hallowe'en masquerade and there
what the teaeber would say to los for of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Todd. I Were repre•enta tires from almost
inissang 'stool. Mr. and Mrs. Tyson, of fieraldtbn, every country in the otorldfrom the
were week -end visitors with Alt.. Ty- senorita if Sisiln to the Hungarian
P10101 mother. Mrs. R.. J Woods. maiden; from the Romany gypsy to
-Mammy"- from Kentucky. The per-
. hook.w.&.
------ --taacgveging. Council on Wednesday sfternoon and
rtarroartrw7f7trIlur "laa-11"11"-si t"ndcr the au-
__ Perhaps the policy lest suited -to 1 Sevin! from this dlotrlet attended
ropirest of •the .lealigitsul on_ . _ .
bce, een in practitbe municipalities • twas a giteat of Mee MItgrea WW1-
inauglirating_pubBc works of a nature
MAFEK/NO, Nor. 10. -Mr. Finley lin for the week -end.
and scope to meet local conditions and ' Mr. and Mrs. Marvin -31eDoWe't Sharitirtom of Arthar; spent Serturday
the Feder& and Provincial Gorern- ' sidled with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kees with his parents. Mr. and Milk Norman
Shakleton. Mrs. Shari:141ton &comm.
ms,.(.0pifibuthic 0., um. 4,0. rim 1 phisr. of Goderich. op Saturday.
! Mr. Walter Cook, Mr. J. I,. Mt- panted him home for a CAI at Arthur.
mottos! Is ipso oodly Tri
eiin such large ' i „..m.,,;1. My. W W.
r.eampbeil mid mos. Mr,:maimnad iikMirssie. 1%;(tinli..hitie,oo
projects as mean Imo Instituted 4)7 the 10.11E1844 ('*10(11.011 were visitors atand
Federal Government. alltl-at the mute Jervis and Caledonia on Thursday. were guests of Mr. and Mr'.. Thos.
Make on Sunda,. ' _
time It m4an'. less dislocation :of home 1
• What has berome 01(44c hardy Om-
and family Iles, with a better pr:to- Ire, wimm, palm, *el., catt„aaed 0002
pect of reabsorbing ti.e worker. In -temp* izill Farm tractoris are now
'normal industrial pursou!ts as poLospeO.-- heist .44111f:4)ed with radlos.-:-Clevf•-
ity retuins. land 'loin Dealer. ,
. _
104 It b. the big fellow pis the *dram- , everything ebo. goes Rut what are
tare. - And If a flat rate is all right you going to do atwatt 10 see 111a
for a reduction. sty Is it not right Wonthip tlw Mayor stye' Hydro
for tbe original veer? -We newer will; -hooked Ion" when lie (own matfett*
have a prosperous or. tetppy Province ' contrail with them Well, make sere
o hen out twenty geta power for 0114.- • you do not get hooked again. We
third what +cane other Totality on the hope every piper in the county will
outside has to pay. rot the 11.001:1 5ir 10,e 11' infitieuee to saC. the pod old
.1...flair of Ilnron from estinetlem.
'bur l'rovinee we sbould have • flat
rate. Model it on the pie our post- ANtYllIFIR TII.F. EXILICS.
1. , -
i In the -autumn noinVo.r of The
Tbe latest ietfardinvi l'IT----Kni"ee erne -1111p, a Toronto literary magmatic
Wilhelm I. that be has Pultlished n• b• a {mem by Gloria Louriston, the
book. Wonds.r soilless1 the sl000d talented daughter of tletor 1.411.01.401.
while WIlhelgi was wr!thlta. - ' of.tlhathauk well known to Goderich
• • • • I people. The VellirM, entitled "Ileac!
litter lettiidav ,stiow IMO Mr. Rouse- Itin"'" ..ikre IP A 7"11°": • •
reit iti4.41ast week's. Pre.ideldbit flier- 1 . 1.
(Ion had d'il`Nfl 01 nor.' dlian lei ikfi° f "ye walked lila" (1.1" street
Million votes • over the ...notihi,___ in summers past. Anba
ti r.. I sinilito
""" that. In the crniv.1, ve claimed lo
And have oe linked tow arms and
. .
Nally the golden boorsllow sweet!.
Mei later Were my leder. r.,44
W111. tears I somehow couldn't hitte?
sweep In United Stairs eesdions for Indeed, did 1 MO ilt I Fe irPt
, eta( you might think tro., incking pride?
,110fe than a century. •_.
k' -• . • • 1)111 1 hag hove that yo..101..nied?
Thee like their fowl puppets hi 111 94..e" ---;
„, . s, -- imoossibie. .1nd yet
•fi'' *,'. You sav I did Well. I forgot.
eolith Huron, LSO week we , fo- . • ' ,
' ported an attendance or 1.I people-‚
people • .. 11,
A' at a diem* sapper at CretlIton. That 14111th with ot, nisi! sill) tow. - -
. 1 • .011 lot it be
•!,,''. ,!, i!",., was quit* a crowd.; but the effete .
Jainter and TREol_Ae. • .
, s • M '"'.4:' dame at the supper of Owe Lutheran walk with 1,„.itirtitrt mt.
• ' 4 ' .' .' church at Zurich a tea nights Niter (holy, alwaya•leave me free
111,,,,,,y tiz,•;,:i: was 1 ',etch higher, be'ne reported at 410 11* wheeling Minn You "oe.
3717 ',41•1 1,, yet. AMI 8841 that was bolorwhike bore ow 4111, if yan will.
• ..
ism thee the staler fed at tee asses In the end perhaps you II and
!'" •
- ihereb,ima pear. 'tooth Hera, as a that I testi, do not raltl.
,., ..,
foti, .1lied kratIng with milk anfi honey and
-7 . lootherielt kart
• . , • • •
• A Vglilig-INSISII-6argeaiat
Was 11•111011 strosrvi.ion of oars*
yaw:. ow fa may At iht. Liter. nohth.larig mild dill Hie lathing of my
'es"e,. ..4, sry Digest shrew vs* %Fara. after • ----
. , • wi
.r _ aucessase to orp000s eier. th biltbe, untrammeled !, laugbter
P41.4. „c 811"1" mese and go. ..1
.. s- r
$11111Riihi" ORM
c-4-4,-.. -sawn ...t. .- ..
1 ▪ '1
candieate. Roll' (("'114 45 of leaareefa.
are strongly DernocretIO and ionleol
the Detoot•ritte fight 'mune them-
' solvon--theie will, be reit sailing for
Admtnistration ntessaiteg for le..,fe seat
tour years. It west tbe greatest
11 I.
How 'grange it is that soy are far
MPS. 4.4kfiliner, of Zioa, waa-a
of her olitetr, Mrs. Lorne Woods, on
Mr. and Mrs. W. McVittle and fam-
ily, of Westfield, were recent visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. °heater Taylor.
Wenseses huititute.-Tbe November
meeting of the Worsen's Institute Wail
• Mr. slid Mr*. Geo. Twandey returtool held On Thursday at the home of Mr.,
riatutday from their bo $'7040011. open! Lorne Woods, with thietycone ladies
at Chatham, Detroit and Michigan. present. The ereekleut, Miss Mari'
Miss Grace Blake, of Arkoda. spent Murray, occupied the chair. The roll
the week-ead at her home here. ,'alt, "A Peace Motto,' received only
fined* at the home of Mr. and Mrs. a fair response. The whip* "What
Herb. Curran on Sunday included Mr, Women Can Do to Promote PM*"
and Mtn. Norman bung and Jean and was In charge Mr* John Cameron.
Mr. W. Hervey, of Kippen; Mr. foul who read a paper. -Slims of Grow -
Mrs. Jaok (Purloin and Itutb and Mr. Ing Brotherhood- was the title of an
J. Curran, sr., of Crewe, article read by Mrs. E. W. Rice.
Mr. Will cook and Mr. Herman Plano entire by Mrs. Will „Barbet-ford
niftliot event Sunday W.th Mr. Thoo, and a yeeal solo by Mre."fire W. Moe
Hall. of Klocordlne.were enjoyed. It bein,t fitly leawkee
Mary Horton, of Arthur. spent -;.-Sot- Day baurene Miller rend JII article
array at ser home her,. on his life. hunch was served by
Maples Olive Kilmilidek and (lilt.- the I...Messes. Mro %VIII Ilnmphrey.
Anderson 11(1001 4444 wee..-Pnr! tn Dane Mm. -WM Rutherford nod Mien Lila
Mon with Rev. and Mts. A. W. Bruien. Humphrey.
Government-. and Hospitals
' (Sines* Reformer I • -
The Ontario Government has «lovely 444.114; (8 (Ontario beep...els and thus
&witted not 11. withdraw the ouleidy added burdens all round.
of (ID o.ents 'lay for peying patients In (((((( nosing the tioveedtwent'sr de -
in public ward* of implies', as It claion. Premier Hepburn warned that
had threatened to do several weeks 1"Itospitals must 'stamp out abuse.. now
AV. In exioteate." It 111 1101 Clear loot
This decision is undoubtedly due to what "abuses" he refers to. Tbe
the effective preeenlaHoff 'of the boa- digent patient problem metals, the
Wall? ewe by °Meets of the Ontario greitteat field ,for abode in te present
Hospital Nkteociatloa, of whit* the prom bat. responotthility fee growth
StorentkItienetal Imapita. Is • member. In number of indigents rasp* be
They were able to follow that etch a !eacrlbod to bore**, officials. rather
move would bare very ..erlouot remits the hospital is tbe Ortlen. It loses
at • flax when' most hospitals were money on every indigent admitted
baring overissue difficulty in finalising. withlo its, portals This oar animated
Vor 'notifies., the local hot/pita, stood , to an enormous lova in IP lase few
to lose about g4000 1 year If *Itch iron of uneraploydietit sad
a seep were taken. Not on/7 would ,Oely a more /wrens! cheek by mnnlrl-
It have 'stooped a hardtbipitpoti pa-; psi officials and doctors can Mince
tint. °Ong the public wird. fetter- the entsber 01 indigent• 11 4. a cit-
ing to pay an extra en cents a day. bat I ualo which *Wald have careful
shbe raffergisLans4 _he-iftreCEPAPi avid mein 1 au.
additional lois la many cases whet* lithallittell'aliit
patients assorted 'their intention to imendosaly to Peelle' costa and Is
Malay of Mgr boy• and girl* leave
pay, but Pore onside to_ do P. It the ease a Malt boopfials at *list
tepid cettainly have east 3 teatime, :It '1* a groat contributing factor to school after passing the enteance ex -
to liserease the member of Indlgoet po-ieonglated poedItlose. amination; Many more attest HR.
A. E. Moorhoune, Mr*. Rob(. )1c11-
wain and Dave ['Serfdom., who *Warded
the prises -afi-T-InTowitT --lematteror
in costume. Maxine -McAllister!' as
"LIttle--111ed Riding Hooki;" smallest
boy,Ilttty Tlehborne, as a policeman;
lady's fancy ;dress, Miss Esther Mc.
(twain, ae iitewee Washington; lady's
made, Mr.. Gordon Orr. as a witch;
gent's fancy:Harry Phillip, am George
Washington (a la of gni); gent's
condo, John Clements. as a stout
genrlemen. Fortnntsteliing and all
kind! of Hallowe'en games were
played. Itetreohnients in the form of
candy and popcorn 14e,O served and
the younger people enjo)ed communit,
To the Editor for The Slir1111 1.-A-." --
Dent 4n lclintf o.f the weer
and meow. committee ..t Victoria Home
and tiehoo( Club, mai 1 ask for
Mlle of your carload ...rpm* to) es-
pial)) .44411 we are trying 4,, th' 48 re -
earn foo manila! trainittg. The flub
members have receive." 4' great deal
iefsortuation on the eubject, ant} are
quite enthusiastic. On perhaptt some
of your reader'', who, ere not Home
end School Club mistnio.d..may be in-
terest.ol /011.
The Department of Education wishes.
enenitrege rhe tenelling of manual
trsining and housettold ecienee, and
the new trealeations haDr. Merle It
poatolitios for the 04'1800't.oo'•
titwns to enjoy
this privilege, itettliod
of ('1t). whools ottly. '
The members Of Hie action' board
are agreed that it in a splendid idea
and are willing to tweeide rnem
If the Club provide* the equipmeet,
11. we ran arrange to have shoot
four work beaches and a norabee01
tool. for a heginnhor, we mold edd to
the equipoise% se our funds pertnit.
If we ean install funIpment that la
eitlafactory to the 1010,ector, at the
end of a fall Reboot year The 'Depart -
Mont PR teemed nevenoy-five ger cent.
01 the mosey spent for and
the reboot beard will receive en an-
of .
Stratford Lions-Club-
Granite Skating Club
ay,-NoVemb-er 20th
4" iwant worth dollars more -you van see It et these Popular Prleat.;
50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00
Mall orders addreoped to (Stratford Liona Club, 39 Downie Street.
Stratford, for reserved Neste, accompanied by Express or Post Oile.
, Money Order for toil amoust, will be dllod In order
received. NI) Telephone prders.
You naturally want the
most for your /money
These Price Reductions are for every careful
Drug buyer.
_ Week 13th to 20th October (inclusive).
i'O('014,11 DROPS
Smith Rees. .
IA). • 15e
Throat Kane lee
Large, 7*
lamp fee
I* Med the
Me lb,
Mei* and Nerve
Cake tie
FOOD, 431
Mixon Pad mid Pkg
it . .
. Enelepes, h3e .
Mora tile, 411.
Jergenli dk
taste 51.11
Ste ,
Dreprpos Oveira•v• Deurseae•
••• ••••••144 • -« •••••••••• • ....j.•••••04:11.4.441,•••••••14194.41•41.0•44.4•••••••• • 144.••••. . 44.41:477. :T719E0 4411(414/Millik
"eweleithee' 011halleillieektrailiERRIMprihopegiotsgreserwarmee•mooporwas rsswoomereoworoos7- :Weal ' ,
• • A
* ' •