HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-11-12, Page 1• ises it Q . 5O to/41938 fan 3? t • .444 08444.44 817 New Subserkgleus to The Signal *987 mIU *dude theme remaiv11K months of the year. S1tb.ertllae- and receive the full advantage of offer. 19t1}HTY-N'INTII YEAR, N10. o' Agreement with --IklITeleplio o, for two now Chi. i $t o January eo I st, 1938 New 'Nubarrlptkms- to lite Signs, for ltt;tl will include Hive reululolug two mouths of this year. Subscribe DPW dud receive the full advantage of. (bit. otter. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1936 PERSON4L MENTION Dramatic Scenes Mies Haler inert eperst Standee -at 4 - her home at Londesboru. Mill: Beatrice Lander was home from St. Catharines; for the week -end. Progress Reported in Negotiations Mill* Vary Hussey to spending a week's vacation in Detroit and Cleve - on Reoonstruction Work— land. Town Council Meeting Dr. 1.. M. Mabee Y away to Mort*. ern Ontario on Ms annual boat•( The towu council wet in regular 1 expeditlou. Mss' Mary. Johnston, who teaches at. Lakeview, near Toronto, war home for the week -end. Miss Aileen Volland, Cambria read, is visiting her granduedher, Mrs. M. Miller, of Zurich. Mrs. James Hamilton Sae returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. F. R. Larkin, at Windsor. Mrs, M. C. Swanton has gone to %'Ingham, where ',be mal spend the winter. with her eon Charles. Mr. C. H. Humber returned to (;od- erich un Friday lade after a five- day visit*with relatives at Detroit. Miss Emma Campbell, of the Hydro Ake, Is 111 and confines' to her home. Her friends bope to bear soon of her seaadon on Friday night lays. Coun- cillors llucklus and Humber were ab- sent. - , The tax e•ollector reported collet tions. of $WU0li.1ftl in October Of the amount $7,50b.111 was 1t►:ftLtaxee; the balance arrears. Collections In Oc- tober last year were 13,542.55. The sexton of Maitland cemetery reported three luterwenta to October. Applications for building permits, as follows, were 'received and referred to the tire committee: W. J. John- ston, glassed -In verandah, PlcWU street; Sirs. A. Hunfalvy, porch at dwelling, Irddon street; (ilea. E. Net- tle* garage and improvements to recovery. dwelling, Newgate street_ ; Nelson SBI, . garage. rlel -.Ireet; Mrs. W; -t_. J. Mejtn.'t A. ilaJflO (hath, re -roofing dwelling. Park lit this week foe aa abort visit with ber street; /"., Wlglama, te-rooftng par. daughter, Miss .1. Wells, et London, - Idea of dwelling, Chute!) street. before .going to Toledo. U, to eprml A letter from the secretary of the the winter with another daughter, are brigade, asking that the council Mrs. Robert Vetter. pay the fee of $5 for membership 1n Mr. ('has. Wurtele, lural salt (nag the Ontario West Firemen's Asws•la- nate. left this week for England on an tlsn, was referred to the etre t•OWU lt- extensive holiday for his health. He tee. A tinans•lal statement from the God - (etch Musks' Society, showing a bal- ance on hand (before the balance of the town grant was pa.d) of $136.47, was referred to the special committee. Information regardlug the Federal Government's housing scheme was re- ferred to the finance and public works committees. Committee Reverts Tbe finance committee reported that a cheque for 13500 had been received to cover insurance on the town ware- house and dwelling itdjolning the town ball, recently damaged by fire. Li Hujgerd's Letter to His. Wife on =N of Flight—MacLaren !Lads for His Partner •'Mere is no excuse for'whit la did," said Mr. Justice Nicol Jeffrey en Thursday last, whet be -sentenced Gordon G. Maclaren eb Fletcher to five year to - Kingston Penitentiary for the part they played In the Iluggard case. With startling auddeuutss, on Thurs- day' morning, llatsLaren and bletcher, who had pfleaded not guilty to charges of forgeryT and theft, reversed their tt pies on bestir -counts. It was re- vealed MacLaren had c•a11ed his jun' ler 'counsel, D. R. -Nairn, to the jail during the night and anuouuced his Lntegtlwt of changing_ pis pies. Mr. Nairn got in touch with F. It. Dar- row', counsel for Fletc:ter, and when I ' court opened caThor+ p - al cha r ges. -' -T "Tbe way the case is going I might ` just as well hitch -bike to Kingston, #seek on the deo'- f the -pen; and say 'Here 1 am,' Measure Is reported is saying. "1 would rather plead guilty to the charges t'.an go in the box and commit perjury." Tie reading of the :I•irty-two theft charges against the bruisers lasted more than ninety minutes. MaeLareses War Record C. Aubrey Bond; senior counsel for Maclaren, pleading In behalf of his client, who le forty years of age, said he had a wife and two swalt children. "He has a wonderful war record," said Mr.,Bond, stating that his client was the youngest captain overseas. He was mentioned in despatches by the King and was decorated on the field by the French Government with the crolx de guerre. "Unfortunately he wits in the break in 1926 and commenced afterward to do business without capital. He throws himself on the mercy of the court and asks you, my lord, to tem- per juetice with mercy." Mr. Darrow, speakiug for Fletcher, said the fifty -two-year-old broker was a victim of circumwtantes. Ile was married, with two sisters dependent on Alm. "I hare very little to •ay," said W. B. Common, @pedal pro-secutor. "Your Ior.te.lfp has beard the long list of Indictments. I think 11 the interests of so•lety both these ►nen should he sent to the penitentiary." "Is there anything (hes could do to make restitution?" asked Justice Jeffrey, and then, "I suppose not." "Gordon Maclaren, will you stand op? Have you anything to say?" Maclaren Pleads for Partner "Yeo, my lord," repl:ed MacIAren. "L would like to ask your considera- tion of my partner. Fletcher. When he witnessed the signatttre of the pow- er of attorney he did not knots' it was false" Maclaren also shouldered the THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers RASPBERRIES IN NOVL+'MRRR On November 7 B. Newton and R. Sturdy with several emends Splendid Sermons by Rev. II. D. Cameron Arany ripe raspberries". They were growing ie a rather sheltered place. Not only were there ripe berries, but also green ones and bioeeoms. Tbe berries were very tasty and each per sou gut a very loud taste of them. (Con.) will be away about dve months and may take a pleasure trio on the Con- tinent before his return. Mr. and Mrs. James McK. Adams, of Colborne township, have returned front a two weeks' stray at Williams- burg, Ont., where Mr. Adams was under treatment by the famed Dr. i..cke. Mr. Adams asps that be bas been helped very much by the treat- ment. He remarked upon the great improvement that has taken place an the aplpearance of the town of Wil- liamsburg wince his former visit there. Among the improvements are several large new hotels, which of worse de- pend for their business upon the greet A number of adjustments of arrears of and constant stream of patients a!%- taxes, to clear the collector's books. Intl the help of Dr. Locke, were recommended, and taxes on non- resident lands are to be registered M. C. C. DINNER -DAMS E against the lands to be put up for sale The aagtsal dinner-0^nee of the at a tax sale. 1t was recommended that upon payment of $35 Mr. Sheri- dan be given a license to operate a shooting gallery up to April 30, 1937. A number of accounts were recom- mended for payment, including relief vtt accounts, $1114.06, and accounts total- erich Bows Wig about 1700 for repairs to the town property damaged by fire. - The public works committee rerom- in Remembrance mended that two stop signs be placed on South street at the corner of Elgin avenue, and that warning signs be Sim le but Impressive Service at plaeed on Elgin avenue and Kingston pp street at the corner of Vitoria street. at the Cenotaph Wednesday It was also recommeudt•d that the Morning school principals be asked to speak to the echoed children about the danger of trying to cross the streets In front More than one thousand ptersorns of approaching autos: Other ree'om- gathered at the cenotaph in Court mendatlons were that the snowplows House Park on Wednesday morning and Aright.' damaged by ire be re- to honor the memory of the glorious paired. and that the Mayor arrange for dead of Gtrderlch and vicinity whose A dcltutatinn to Toronto 10 interview the Department of Highways regard- names are inscribed o1 the monument Mene•etung Canoe Club—one of the popular events of the season—will be held at the Masonic Temple o. Thursday evening, November 20th. blame as the ringleader 'n.the thefts, "\Iacloren," said Judge Jeffrey, "you have pleaded guilty to a charge of forgery and various charges of theft - k r .Rea. H. D. Cameron, B.A. of Stratbroy, Moderator of the Synod 'of ilamilton and London. wbo preached In Knox Church on Sunday last . • f'HIW $ThLY'K BY CAR Donald Hamilton, four-year-old son •of, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hamilton, •'- ro, lead; avei_badly shaken u , on Iffurichty ifteraoon lark, wbeu he was struck by a ear while playing with two Ihtle -friends on the road near his home. - Donald. was 'struck by the feeder of the car and escaped with bruises and a severe /shaking. 'Hie driver of the ear, who took the badly frightened boy to a des•tor, is unknown, although au eyewitness secured the license number of ,the car. PROSPECTS FOR NEXT r A TRIO OF ACCIWRNTB ' YEAR'S COUNCIL SEEM Three entplJyeea of the Goderi h TO BE BATHER DUBIOUS 1 Maupfucturing Company were injured Int work during the part week. Erbr- Although most member, of the town I the hies.ett Craddock. Ilayeld read, received serious Whiles. having council were reticent. ahen ap I three ribs fractured when struck by proached by The Signal for pre - nomination statements as to whether or not their respective hats will be In the ring when tbe bel sounds for the opening round of the municipal elec- tion tight, an undercurrent was de- tected which suggested 'here- may be a fight for the chief magistrate's posi- tion. The whole affair apparently Is a deep. dark secret, with whispered con- feren.es and knowing looks playing a major pert. -. The one man who came out alto a definite answer In the affirmative was Councillor J. E. He will be to the contest, brit for what off? --that's a different matter. "it all depends on the outcome of a certain thing 1 have In inlaid," he informed The Signal. -You may say, however," he re- marked In parting, "that 1 Intend to seek promotion." " tf ancone else Is seeking promo- tion," said Mayor MacEwan, "i am not standing In his way." Others, answering the same ques- tion, did vouchsafe the following Infor- mation. or lack of it: Reeve 1. J. Moser -"I won't say yet. It ail depends on what pressatre is brought to beer. Mr. Moser refused to go further Into that one. Deputy Reeve Turner—••i can't say thing just yet" He intimated he • a falling log, Carl Clark, Cambria road, had the nails scraped from one band when the was caught by a log, and Jack Hodge, Huron read, was Welty brul+eri on legs and one arm when he fell while working at the plant. THE LEGION DRAW The main prize at the Remembrance Day legion (ranee at Olddfellows' Hall last night, a handsome cedar chest, was won by E. 0. Smith. East street, with ticket No. 122,43. Tbe draw was made by Mayor H. J. A. MeeEwan, assisted by Chu. Harker, president of Goslerlch Post 106. All prises but sow remained in Godericb. Other prize -winners w- re as follows: Miss Esther Lee, blanket, 1001; Mr. Livingston, "hidden • 'crew," 1406; Roy McWhinney, large bag dour, 1447; E. D. Brown, cord of wood, IOW; Har- ry Johnston, sweater, 1021: G. Arbour, gallon Shell oil, 1305; Claire Ven- nard, bag of dour, 1121, Mrs. Stew- art, Dutch Boy, 1220; Mrs. Carrie. jardiniere, 140x; Frank Tufford, cults; 14(ist; W. ('. Bush, gallon Shell oil, 11:1(1: Mr: S+•Kay; Wingbam, fen- der guard, 12110; A. L. Cole, small bag flour, 12te:.; Harold Newcombe, bis- cuits, 1123. HOODOO ON THIS JOB \ I(•TOR LAI:METE\ HERE Mr. suit Mrs. Vlet.l ,Lauriston, of ('hathate, made a brief visit' to town ell Saturday. Mr. Lauriston had ad- driwsed- he Collegiate luatltute pupils at 1t.."fnnn 0I Fr1.1rc._sag, cams:U with. Mrs: Lauriston to spend a few hours In his old borne town. Asked If be would -N. -lath. to arvw{N tltPlu- rltat)ntl of the Goderlch public school board to attend the piddle, arbool .'omweneement exercises to he beldIbe latter poet of alas month, Mr. Laurie - ton said be did nut expel t to be here. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Mr. It. t'. Player was the guest speaker at the 'meeting of the Women's Institute last Thursday. He gave a most interesting stud Instructive ad - dream on music iu school+, giving the members 'an insight into the values. methods and results of music as taught la public schools. Mu,. W. F. it. Price gave a report of the •rea con- vention held at Whitton in ISeptem• her, which she attended. Mr* N. McInui• read a paper 0. current eveuts. Mrs. W. F. 11. Prier presided and Mr.. 1', ('utt was twuvener of the hostesses. DOLLAR DAY PRIZE DRAW Sir. Oliver Cook, Fart street, was the winner of the chief prise, 110, in the Dollar Day draw conducted by Mayor H. J. A. MacEwen at the town hall at 10.311 Saturday night. 11. Mulholland, K.R. 2(»slerlch, won the second prize of $3 and a spe- cial prize of $1; IAn Bissett won third prize, E3, and fourth prize, a $2 hill, has not been ••laimt•d as yet by the holder of lucky ticket No. 217:.. other special prizes of $1 were won by Mrs. W. Walllm, Iia;'Held; W. C. Newcombe, Miss Kirk Tye and Miss (Tara (turns, all of tioderich, The draw was in connection With the semi-annual htmmnnity sale put oU by lioderich merchants. War Veterans Church Parade At Anniversary Services of Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday la a forceful tug thought-prutokiug address in Knox Presby terlau church pndIIy merging; the a'easlee hong the 101st anniversary of Preabytertt Ism In Goderlch, Rev. H. D. Cameron, of Strathroy, moderator of the Synod of Hamilton and Londe.., told of the great' Importance and nerd of Christ and the Bible In the world today, -"because of the auulversary and be. .muse of the history of the church 1 n ut glad to be here,", Mr. Cameron told a large vungregatiou at the-ltpurn- lug service. "The kingdom of God I'equires more ut us taday than fur a great timelier -of years. An ludtIIer- euee towards (lod and His holy temple le to are found in au many places, flat Tru ire eutertug yfyir plead Jeer *IA * spirit_ of enthusiasm and seal." - -The piltpltplatform and steps it. ` 4. " uge turfs vase" M and vasegi1deo ch'iy wuthewuws, and smaller vases ' of mauy-eotored 'WUWs also acre attrac- tively arranged. .t •full choir rendered the anthem, "Break forth," under the direction of 111. N. Livens, organist and choirmas- ter, and Misr Glertrude Heist sang a solo, "Soft Were the [lends of Jesus" (O'Hara). - "1)oea God sp.•Mk to us? Is there any message from God'(" asked Mr. Utmeruu. "Yes, and In divers man- ners. He speaks in multitudinous voters- In the euwiug of the sunshine and the flowers in spring- and proverb after pruterb in the Old Testanx•ut bear His word. '"Phis Book of Humanities, the Bible, is at once God's Book and AMU's Book, freighted as It is with problems of every day. It was our forefathers' Book, and how they treasured it. Their strength came from God and His Book: why Ishouldn't the God of our forefathers heuttr God today? I 'IWe have no excuse In this twen- tieth century If we du and know Him or hear Mut speaking to ua. "The ltlble Is a Ilviug Book," said 1 Mr. Cameron, "because the living Mood 10f Jean. Christ runs though St. The gresetne'.r of this ikok of boob/ is the truth it reveals and the Penton it re- presents. That truth is the inspired re.ord of God's love awl His plans for the redewptiou of man from sin. Yet, as we look upon the temple of humanity, we see It is almost shat- tered, and thie is caused by none other then the work of sin, which Is always the work of destruction. "The Bible, however, has been able to'withstaud all tests. It has with - Mosel the test of persecution, It has seed above all adversities, and today the frlteh and Foreign Bible Society Is printing It -In more than 1*5 lan- guages and dlaletts. The self -pre - nervation of the book a et•Ideoce of • would Is• Iatck again, though. and in 'Tem %tridents of a Kind on Bnl'ieY L , Q, Qtalder OtVea Se2>MOII "This Bark, when reed, brings men tug the upkeep of Victoria street and and of the many Chun+ands Of others I havten't env doubt, on the evl- I - - - _- - to Gal. 1t creates In thew a desire Of Remembrance at_,,.r• - to be like God, and It ever has been •'' supreme In the influence of the the. _ !of the greatest and ,oblest men. of county highways in the town. The who Bare their lives for Kiang and dente given by Iluggard, that you fart hints'.! of asp irat on. inn higher River Bridge committee reported that an open drain country in the Gnat War, title1S. sphere- I The men ai work atintiug a le must have known Hugs -aril was In dif- t ri(ige had been made on Eldon street aConnclllnr J. We Craig;e—"Yon don't P The brief service, which was in flcnitlem., I think probably. the in- over the Hayfield lesser neer'Varna ----preermnr-menrer'nererr '_from-••f-iter.a• `in, Iaeer4ryg-regsr-enys rr+mmtt ed fip lit eess*ei _null n out of mer" ' " 'er • north, • e%WWI with thestingingof two verses and -when the account was taken o Councillor _ of "0 God Our Help !n Ages fast,' tido mtasee being played by the baud ob the Goderich Musical Society. Facing each other from opposite sides of the monument were the veter- ans of the World War, the members of Poet 109, Canadian Legion. sixty strong, and nearly five hundred x'hool children. The let and 2nd Boy Scout troops also were present In a body, under the leadership of 11. i.. Watson, DAM., as were also the Girl Guide., under Captains Margaret Watson and J. W. Bell Teieelsas C mitrueliin Werk The committee --further reported: "We have met representatives of the Bell Telephone Company with refer- enre to proposed rernetructlop work in the east part of the town. They have agreed to place underground work on Kingston street, Hamilton street, and on East et-eet from the Square to Victoria street. Poles on other streets to be In line with the trees or not over two feet from centre of pole to centre of tree line, and be- tween tree line and efitewalk. Local labor to be used where possible, and all tree trimming, work and locations to he mtisfactory to the council. We recommend the Company proceed on this bawls and that the. council give the Company moral support and as- sistance In obtaining private rights- obway, thus getting toles off the streets." ttTbe cemetery and parka committee reported: "We hare had the engin- eer go over the matter of building curbing anti walks In Court Houle Park. )intimater and plane are be - Ing prepared and cost of materials is being obtainel, hat owing to the late- ness of the season and weather condi- tions' we are of the unanimous opinion that the construction should he left over until spring. when the work eau (Continued on page 4) RECORD ATTENDANCE Nearly .cr'n hundred persona 00 Ttteltaay evening enjoyed the aont- ver•ary fowl supper prepared by the isdiee Aid of Knox church. and served at long tables. !n the leeture room of the ehorch. It was • peened ttendance. . Those waiting in the auditorium of the ehnrrh were enter- tained with organ ieleetions played by Mr. H. N. Livens. The seating ea - parity at the tables of about one him-. deed and twentrdve was t•xtd to the limit for more than threw hour., sup. per thing •et'red from About 5.15 pens until RIM pm The nnenimone veer - dirt laws thrit it was nn•' of the boat mappers oro? prnvlded hy the Knox rhnrrh l.41.., whip is saying a great deal. The beautlfnl flowers On the dining tab1M were the gift !of the Benmlller Nurseries). - VETthTnTt T wi)l.s' by your firm bonds taken aver as collaterat "-Were Kole0. When you found that out i do not knna. "There Is no exciter for what j'ou did. You are an intelligent man, hut you started nut tr. business with- out being properly flnaneed, conse- quently you stole. "You have a very gallant war re- cord. You did your duty in threw days to your Ring and country, but you failed miserably 111your duty to society. Edith Taylor. Five Years in Penitentiary About fire hundred civilians sur- -Something which 1 rather A08 - rounded the triangular roper) -off area petted was that your partner, Flet- cher, perhaps was not A. guilty as you. You hare acted the man in taking the brunt. Your conscience evidently has smitten you, because you withdrew your origlnat plea end pleaded guilty, for It probably would bare been necessary for you to go in the box and eeimmit perjury. "The sentence of. this eeurt is that you be senteneed' to Kingston Peni- tentiary for fire years." "Vents is a most unfortunate posi- tion." said hle lordship when Fletcher" .std; he had nothing to say before ivy tents. Was pnw-d. "Whatever made you sign that document 1 cannot tell. Yon hare pleaded guilty to a charge of forgery -and your partner now haa been man enough to say yeti didn't of Reveille died sway the half-mastMl know the doe'timeeit was forged. I'd flag 'Was raised, end the service was like to think that," said his lordship. brought to a elope with the singing of "it's trite, dr," said Fletcher, In a tbe National Anthem. low voice. Wreaths were place' on the mann- "i'd like to think that v•lon-' were ment as follows: Provincial Govern- hoping against fate you would be able meat. her -stirs. Dehone: town of Gal- I to re -onp the losses," said Judge prich, by Mayor H. J. \. MacEwen; I Jeffrey. "The eentenee of this eollrt Central reboot, by Belly Sallow" and ' I. that you he ment to Kingatnn Penitentiary for a period of five pests. Time to date back to the time of sour arrest" (Continued on page Al STRi'CK BY FALLING LOG about, the monument. Before the. monument with Major Lane were Rev. J. 11 Barnett and Rev. A. 1'. Calder, who led In prayer, Rev. W. F. Lane, Rev. S . R. Mi('lung, Rev. A. -I. Meorhows.', Rer. H. A. Mwrlatt and Lieut. Purdy of the Sal- vation Army. An Impressive two minutes' silenee was observed after th.• placing of wreathe. as the last lingering note of 11 oir•lork dial away. The veterans then paraded in eingl, file past the monument •and pinned their poppies to the legion wreath, while flocks of pigeons circlwl above, tnrseengers of pease at the service o' remembrance. last Post watt sounded by Bugler Root. Henry and as the stirring note. Claire Rlaalet; Victotia arhool, hy Donald Vickers and Alma Mobrin*: fhlk•glate intMute, by Principal A. R. Scott : Ahmeek Chapter, LODE.. 1) F... by Mrs. 1). J. Ione, reg"nt: Maple Leaf Chapter, It) f►.F . by NC-. 1). F. (limp' tell, regent ; Maitland. Lodge. No. 33.1 w. A. Clark. Trafalgar street. wee A., F. A A. M., by Wm Blower, W.M.: painfully injured one der last Week llnron Lodge, No. 05, I00.F.. by while wnrking for the Galerkeh Aar, ltowra, N.O.; Ooderich (dons Mennfartnring Company near Arknns. (lob. by F. F. ilihbett, president; God- Mr. Clark waw atrnct by Halling logs 'rich Branch Canadian Legion, by 1 which ;dipped from the hinder during Roes. Tk•Moftte and Chas. Barker, l the losding of s trnek. HU lege prerddont ; Girl ., torm ar rte badly crushed, but no Donee Bare( Watson 41d Mlat IIftb 'Taylor. were broken. "Is there a possibility?" he . was asked. to which be refilled: "I'll we later,;" Councillor C. H. Humber. -.•-"I don't know yet what i will do." Councillor F. E. Bingham—"i `aRw.o- lntely refuse to flake a statement." Cauncilltr F.,' D, Brown—"I am not seeking re-election." THE NL( 7 '17E RACKET The revltil of an o:d racket was revealed here thin week When local young men revived neatly arranged parcels of three ties, with an accom- panying note from a Toronto young women asking for $2 In return. The "sob story" was that she was det4l- lute and had chosen this means of tiding her oyer to better times. The racket w•ae not received very kindly In this town- Some were undecided as to Jus wlint to do, but one or two hard-hearted young men promptly re- turned the packages to the malle with a return address. yappiurypt tl,lnl. • .-Issea b4tt at taebert to the lel., at least sine tw St. George's similar accidents os•currod on Tuesday. Norval Anderson Is at his home on Cambria runt' here nursing a frac- tured ankle recessed In a fall while painting from a ladder on the bridge with Fred Seers, also of Goslerieb. When the ladder slipped Norval was dropped ten feet iuto about two feet, of water in the rosily bell of the river, Ile lander) on hie feet and the shock fractured a bone in its right 'ankle. Seers was more fortucate, as he man- aged to grasp a girder and thus save himself front the plunge. The work must go on, however, and Tynd`ll McKereher, of Molesworth, re- placed Anderson when that young ruin was ,brought to Goderi"h The painting was proceeding nicety well on in the afternoon when the ladder /dipped again. McKer•her de- scribed a-ttest parabola ,as he left the ladder, and landed fiat on els back in taw rarer, breaking the fall and sav- ing .bimaelf 'from merlons injury, hut he received 'e thorough ducking in the cold water. In Flanders' Fields In VIAnrl•rs' fields (he potpie, blow ltetwecn the rrowix, mw on row-,_ That mark our place; and In the sky The lark., .til) bravely singing, fly, Scamp heard amid the guns below. We are the dead. Short Aare ago We lived, felt dawn, sew su.tset glow. Loved and were loved, and now we Ire In Flanders' fields,. Take up our quarrel with the foe; To yon from failing hands we 'brow The torch; be yours to hold If high If ye break faith with ns who die We .hall n.ui sleep, though popple. grow Is F'lnnderse fleld.. i --l.lent.['al .iohn M e -re.• "heti-twawk +isr" 3itrhlrF-wirk'Ir le •ems ' - - --- >pa.dey- wuruiag-tiaty'--ase(etr.n"; Master's solve' spaklnx Ste humanity's of the Great War, headed by Chas. I heart, humanity would be like a lost Barker, president of Post UMI, Cana- child eraing 1n -the dark Iwo* of the dla), legion, and testily forty uni- 1 unknown," eow'luded Mr. Cameron.farmed Boy !trouts, under the leader- I T>Jm Evening fierelee St tevening sertice Mr, Cam- s(hlp of H. L. Watson, D.S-M., attended 1,,ran toohe l( as hl■ text the verse from a remembrance service at St. George's I Ite•belsMon telling of the gates of Anglican.chur•h. The rector, Bev, A.1the great city, Holy Jerusalem: "On 'i'.-Uele'Pr, was ih charge. Ven. Arch- I the east threw gates; on the north dt•aeou'Jones-Itateman received the three gates; on the south three gates; Scout Troop's colors at the altar steps[ and nn the west three gates:" and and draped Them at. the altar. iveaerrwsermon, Impressive manic was rendered by ,ItiI.,,n,.ludreling withnothar f,p'rvld appe erful al to b1s a full their udder A. W. AOelestun, i hearers not to miss the celestial city urgaaiet and chulrmaster, and In- to which tial tot. provided' inch shun - Righteous In the Hand of OW." The e-. me.•• 't offertory, Handel'* 1ar[n;: wan played I The anthem "The Iord's My Shep- by Mr. Anderton. herd" (Traditional) was rendered by The Ureat N'ar lass a Ilpp ►ieot [nod I the oholn'ii trio, "li %hall Not Pam faith for the pres•rt•.Itlon of demo This Way .►lptin,'by' Mesdame. W. F. eraey nod worat'1Iltld.tri, of human %sunders, H. ('. ihtnlop amt H. K. Rev- llfr, demo- laic?. the• u►cu offenrl Ehemselvea'e11, and a e01,, '•O Lure Tbalt Will for the noe•st oto van'e's, aid the I Not ivf Me t. WalGo" ((Arens). he Mr. S. rector, and be described the-renew-.fter, were.tbe Ober musical111111114..41.1'11,1.nes one of solemn 'Peer -f cress The text chosen was Shell's 11 ; - tmlrber't, erg'*rite ofl P[If1tFB?< were present verse 4: "A theme/oil,Sears In thy I at high servies of the day, and the sight are but n. yesterday." I s•e•n'lott was 011e of much ideasore "Must we say that ods heroes dh•d 1 and gratification to t:re t'•ople of Ila vain Y" nsketI the re( tor. -Nome pknov church. men who went through the War gained , R.ev. it. ,1. crane, minister ..f Knox by It ; many were made to feel they , Itarch, (.,,„1,,,t4,41 the ser41.. t for the were. ennobled by It, and many who day In Mr. ('ameroa's hnreh at ars Maimed today speak to ne of thefStratbroy. 4 world's Immeasurable- loss. - Is It final low? I.'IN NEVEM . "This I. the hoar of our humiliat !: The vital .Veneer Of A)eialNri when we think of our pettiness. 9Fe b,s,I,itnl met on Fr(dq tvM1ng Inst at should he humbled we who hare been me home of lrr. I. VV:3laerleat. !served,by blood: 'we Who ince tern After n short husinelw taeeting. (bet's redeemed wt so great f price. ' a•A* It s.•wlon at bridlte, tri Which "The threat of war ,.avers like a j Miss M. Johnston won first print sad shadow over our bads today, while MI., 5owerhy, it.N„ mesons prise. one of floe bloodiest cid: were rage. Lunch was acted by the ho -tree. - at this hour In Spain. Must we say ' __ -. — _ - tint our heroes died in talo? AN INIH'STRiOI'R GOOM "There is only one thing that our We hare been hearing abut folks dead ask that we carry on with that ha. Ing ripe ra.pb'rrie• In November, .lame flre of sacrifice, since they died but \I}rile W Clure, just east of Ben - before their task was finished. let 1 miller. has A goose that Is laving for us attempt new hetgh'+, a better the 1hir4 titre thin yene. Thpre were world.tongues or pen . there I. but one way sir.. 1 toopi. I. laying for the tiara thirteen egg• the not time, eleven "That I. not done t.r sword, or ,egg., in the second loving. sod sow --411141 mak• um better mlei." time. The eggs cons, In minty ae . Last PoRt sit* sounded lir Robert this time of year for pumpkin paw 'i