HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-10-29, Page 7Cars* I County and District A colony of bettners lune built a way eolith of Liz ter. Their was a dem on the farm of Rod. Milhetgall,IIarge'•.altradaase and roateats were north ut Lot -know. , kern. Several wild ge•84w 110* fu I I 1.I Ile,' Baabwaed ((!sone Wedded th•Dtrelve' by daehtag aRrlust ihwI At Trinity Lutheran par.unrge, glrwr nt the Point Clark Bgl►Ihuuie. Loudon, un Setunlry, October 17th. The striking; jaclutyr fempdreyers- at_l .TgtltgeR usbter of Mr• Wiaghant tette tglees- a.., tr t r...} ttetma t'3tri_ de (laving rioelred an Merest* a fu wages• tau united le mages 'o ¥* vitt.. Mr. and Yrs. Peter tiow'ane. of was. united le marriage W Yaurk_ Winghetr:, batt left fur Itt. Peter* bray, r 1 uu eon ur Yr. end Yrr. Thuatrr I►lunaDP. slab-` YJaahwuod. The young e0Uple w111 reside in Dask- %fwd. bull. Florida. whtke„they. will spend the winter. Mrs. John Hopper, of {1'Iagham: while bangle, oat ch4Aes fell from the bat* lamb of ber Foust. to the ground and fractured her right wrist ('.Uidea with Grad* When' lis cur crn,h.,l iu:u the How- letttuwRIM puebip road grader. one day Ra and whoos►. week. Fred Edgar, the tuwarhip !e - Mrs. 9-. .1 McNi l was Inky to glneer, eiu*talued •sc•rloe- injuries. Clinton hospitat last -week with s Her 41 -brow, wax crushed, his Ju face-iK ler, shoulder, the result - of a fall le. severely cut and bruised. abd the in her honer while edit...Hag window ear badly wrecked. 1l was a 'sixty o uruleg, and jr. Ewfger states be did not seethe grader uutil about a rad easy. s-- ReyeJohns curtains. (liven Pre-eoteriau church. (!heeler, observed Its seventy-fifth ■univereary on Sunday last. Tlw spatial preach- _ er for the day' was Rev. Angus Me - Iver, of Tiverton. James Caldwell, a lifelong reealdeut of Turnberry. (Ned at 'tr remittent*. of -Me th brother-in-law, Jt he-- e In Howlck township. on 04 -toter 13th. He had not been feeling well form souse time and a few weeks bettor bism death went to his alwte•'s hoe. Hs wag in tie sixty-ninth year and was not. mar: ;ed. • • Mouth Maros ros oe The annual ptowing-lten-we. ma south Huron Plowe'Aieuelatlsa At lbs twinetwiof Mn. John Johns. Mimi tile, on Wednesday, October '31st. her daughter. Mita Ruby Evelyn, was united. in warringe to Harold old *nn of Mrs. -1 Rupee and the tale Thoma* Boyer of Stratford. The ceremou. was per- formed by KM. Mr. P.•4.rose. The couple will male their home in Strat- ton': ('lea's ?;kali E"'artured giliT "-itantterson. the four -year - 41d 4diu iter oT 33r:•am1 Mrs. tiordun Sanwear held on Cburwlay last 'oe the I toms *evident iIB011 •s. art yIth a Ars. lour ai, ryk ul uu Saturday ecruing. farm of Charles Pmut, .0 _et • -f$u :uta the side of a truck wb:cb was pesetas --her home and was picket! up in nu unconscious contrition. her Anil being fractured. Nle regained ECZEMA THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. Thursday, October 29th, 19311-T • The Township of East Wawanoshmse- ST. HELENS Crawled Upstairs tie h- 1980 on . 1807.1875, Wm. Carr 1873-1806, Fla - _.9 The office ut township clerk has =LtT• ILEI X%It, Oet.- bee•D tilled by Janes Tisdale HMI: l*Itnett. of Port Albert, and Yr.. O.. 0 (Historical Sketch Written for The •'re+iuts to this time Altuus Lad 10- 1871 Peter Purtertiellt 1871-11007. Anderson, of 13elgra re, were gutwtI signal b) sum, Margtarry small rod' clued near Ite•Ifaxt, Jule' :Sherrill aW term se thirty. -.gig yeses, s}d Ales.- %with" Yr. tad Mil. Will Rutherford. u ' pert for a few days. I East "" N•rst tt'a*nuurrh wave lit ; 'tie 11!11 ronees+Ion near 9t. Helens. a meeting until he meat on a vacation Mr. 11'll*rsu 11'uuds and his soother, ! Her Knees one lime cite town..pip and It was the' Money was taut plentiful in those Ibis y'eelr. alta. R. J. Womb/. mete In lltratford' lt'w'us out a eery dignified way of largesttownship ;.. u,,...., county. It.,hey.,, and the taxes were a great pride It would be imp.4s11ble to tell. all on Friday. - lfuing uptrir., but she had rheum. Mtge 11'bnhfrwd Campbell) the hems• line,Duucau and Hugh I•urwrdllet teak It over lu 1997 and Yrs. H. Rutherford Is haus n.p'; Owing to Rheumatism in M. l Ilrr*uu and Donald Cameron o i. 4reuL in office. never Feeing Whited] Port n All Fours A the te•gi111111yt it N'AN almost a perfect I tem to the people. At tunes rate- the tranaattlons that have • gage •iltMwte with alta. John Webster.. square, containing suave h.1,11,10 acres. paya•rs ura.onlcd notes' for the' pa)-• tlaroU h the cuuucll: The 'late Rob- Mr. and t 'Mr. i' The too townships nave into beins' m to 11(87. the year of Confederation.aWMIi was one of the mos northerly ut the Huron county town- ship. and was bounded try the town- ship of Klu1ose in Bruce and a par• Ron of Turnterry on the north, the towq►lhip•uf Morris un the last. HaI- Iett and -Colborne on the south, and Aahtleki on the west. The towwthlp Is by no .means fiat, the Maitland River which runs through It having quite a lot to du with that. Wawanosh, so named after an In- dian chief, as .a whole was behind must ut the other township.' of the county in the date of its early settle - rant 1n .1840 John Jackman settled welt of taxes. At the N".""ber 'tett- ret Currie mid on one (*,+,ton if 'toles cud : Jar. -Taper 'rad son. ... _uL,„0ue11_ia Iblil_1Je .a.11i(lVLf.f:Ites- taut--nrKLina-alai-w lalkJ • -a Guelph. -••-•• - -__- _ - watt Iuatrntod to revive payment of they tuuld discuss Hiclingbottoul's ewers. Alal►'IDuruiu" silver fu- taxes at a dls.•uuut of four road and IIatIalia41'+ swamp. Hugh! ILutherturd_ Ind WiH Ruther- per cent. Four of the leading municipal of - ford are et Toronto attending the Min big toe and could only get upstairs on The p•..ple at that time took a keen titers have held the wardeuship of the of stock from the Iilux'r ranch at all fours owing.10 rheumatism in my Interest in readiug and a publik 11- county. In the rears 1*14, T. H. High River. Alberta. knees. It 1a over three years ago brary was opened. John Harcourt Taylor: 11)12. D. Patterson: 1907, .1. Mrs. N;. 1. Miller and Mies 1)ur- dose I commented taking KruscM•u was appointed by the council of 1407 T. Carrie; 1910, J. N. Campbell. othy were week -end guests of friends Sulfa. l must ray un damp days 1 as chief librarian. 1'hr library was 'The letseutdav council .ousists of 111 Toronto. .ser ,Rill tare a little g4.Wt, but my knee- finally discontinued end the busksltee•vr pti err Scott . (t nucit are_oulte better. 1 am over silty divided among several sellout +willows. ll lista hi her kiwi*, and it was tbe beet she could do, at the time. Since then, she has teeu taking }(ru.ebeu Salta. and pow feels meek better. Read ber tteen had very- palatal gout 1n sR7 lors Dus- The sacraineat of the Lerie, ,, * Supp ton Beecroft. Raymond Redmond, was observed le the United church en years of age, baring a complexion like tower Roddy anti Harvey (flack.-1i•.itadly. Worsting. Ott 'Friday ereatag a girl'. anti feel very tit. I am fully pxeyeratury eery kerwas ' held. --wink CHAMPIONSHIP CONTESTS Ker' Mr. Townsend, of Belgreee, as medal speaker. Au lmpreeeive pert Traarporeatloa was not easy. . st the railway tiara were all practically on our side of the township. Grain uud other farm prod4we bad W be (mulled to Clinton. no in 1871, when on lot 13, couee*sion 1, and shortly there was talk of the L., H. & B. after Charles (ilroin, whose duce'- Railway I.eIng laid from London to dant* are still honored citizens of 1313th, the ratepayers - voted• tomos Wast Wawanopb, settled on lot 13, of $1M.tl10 10 tbe proiett. The vote coacwn14hon 2. Mr. hinLn was after- was s taken eptember 13. 1871 at repels, fcr taking a halt teaspoonful of Salts each morning In a cup of hot water. ---I Mrs.) A, W. - - ut the aerflfa e was the induction et The pains and stiffness of rbeua- Publk lo Speaking l'opetltien and the new elders, Mr. John Cameron and 1b.m am fr,{tentic caused by deposit., I+pehing Match October 31st Mr. Lorre Wood., by Rev, 11. Y. of uric acid In ale muscles and Joists The ninth annual public *{waking WHsbt, **4*ted by Bev. Yr. Towne - The numerous welts In Kruschen,sauna contest and the sixth annual spell- send.In etimulaling your liver and kidneys Ikrid and his easter, to healthy, regular action, and help them to get rid of'Ihr excess uric acid Ing match will be rondueted In tbe ' ward. warden abt tbe county. A little Scott's school house, concession 7. b7 auditorium of the Minton l'ollegiate Yrs. Donald Rutherford, of (herald, the t,awnshlp open cute (the ballot was not used luatltute pi October 31st -at tas,p.m,-A Sask. and Miss Mary E. Salkeld, of which is the tAtt+e• e.f so. much suffer- Igigf.._IttgtlIeIeSj!►4 of ,_._ .. at that uwel. This wawfoiluwed the -Mita lonrhl nrltatluu contest f-ein *11th,-rr4*--T C`Zts11 , Wttfl int. near St. Helens began to receive e P p lies. It. K. Miller red Mrs. (torsion. settlers, the (Jordon, Vaunt, Sumer. next year, oft October J&b. Illrt, by pupil. 1n eecend claw and under 1s Jars. tTbis im-I+. Miler reunt'r lest -risk another bonus of $7,000. -„,Debentures alro•being held. vllle. Rutherford, Cameron and MrF t•t alum the family left this rem - tout weer Lretle'd,-fee both tkeil amounts. The #est prin•-winrerr In the pub - Pherson families mowing in a ltl!i0. In 1475 the population tUMIIIIIWed 1 The first mak child torn in the deputy reeve and James Pottle • Asst tow•lj,hip was John Wawanosh Jack.- occupied that position. , Tlcr }n 1.•a7i the Tillage of BlYth awe in- iii-ayiitiu, and rr•Itattotrrantettt-con- I ntunity. rwentg4Jlrtr yeah! i a►• ducted at each of the &wren Honig' a county seluo,l fairs this fall are *-iiE Q$A*OID (TAG MIL. aunt Orf John_ Jac Ilde to`ei.mpete- ala the contewttanti"" _ first mak chll' %vasa daughter of pw pe Ru the championship'wplfll(ng•deatelt va .rated as a +e rate tnuulcipalit. R1r.11lellatlr rfMY • 1. wauush for that purts'se. The vel• lu the threw contest.. arm As earl• lag ) 1 p hlttl Oct.'t jl Robert • annus, on lot 114. romes'Iou 240 acres 'wing taken from East Wa- a'lfl 1a 1hose pupils who Won. first dud 'i-- Atdtlelsal Naar sasoud pilau 5t each Neb. q1, tale. The, r as 1!4:,_ ileaeklah Help's r of Ill tl .old (tier b, the town- ...toed own- competitors 'truer,- F. Green, of tel 1 n a farm now owned by WO- ship tlwe uw of ¢pp0 i41 full of all vide • very interesting aYtennou s rt. w u HAW eamplell lel '1+ cvuti•ss1u11 . ,claim: for the rad.. •n debeithlres Kram. trash, prises tutsllIng anon's!. 1 I u f hr,•e Beelike his Sara work lie, with a . In 1s7s Finlay Ander- ii was sp. m 14.17. $411. .4 rel In Krstward,11 All w'ug8V1VWt1Vf*. uu Sunday tuorning and l y.kr of oxen. dr,-* supplies for ter whited to Ile governing I14141c iiial ; 1 for tweHve years eras a member of -tautest •--11e extruded a ,..rata) invl- bup• was entertained of bar recovery. Antlers puwtng from the north semi • tatloa tit be ---present Ratnrday after - skis MwWta •neardeltsOyews. xai r yr stet TioIIW, AM1r Iutas1 1u%1 111 • tea U e tb. •irw,aa..rt S0wti7• rests ed the accident • w u little . r •, 1u 18'J, to --- -- - .4.d u. ..- •- u W , Dr.C1111118$11 E ~ fartherreet. N'.st They were the forth-Aue48rscurt., hadbeen t • KEEP OI'R EYEi OPEN Brophey Bros. THE 1.EARING F'I:NER:11.1►1RE(' fleet 4.NI) EMBAINERRS Ambulance service st ill hours) day or night I'IIONF t: Store IN. Rea. *12 (4111E:R14 11 J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and it All (albs promptly attended 10 day or night -AMBI'LANCE SFRI'IC PHONES 113 Store 5 Residence Hamilton Street. Goderlcb • Walter Dalton f'A'ARRTAKh:R Huron Old Boy. Graduate Gudertch Collegiate Institute 13510 West Warren Ave . DETROIT. MICii Telephone Oregon 8568 .,t Ms, aid Yr"t Arthur eat north settler-. In Irt:.4 Job* treasurer Istatve--heist Mir: Andersen "Johh. you had heifer l;w•p , o r Frani-Is, Stephen - town iIp, was 'tee David awl Robert Currie - the latter! !writ th•,.dire wf trnrsnn•r until Hem. ,errs.)1w•ii N'IN•u you gu to N.,,4 ..16,.• wet of a pretty' wadding un Thur* In later yours a conspicuous fiKan• io whep .be waa aueeeedcil by, Jraa•s 1Why 0 day, (*tidier lab, when their young• the minni.-i i bfe ut the t,, nstip f Ilrric•. wM. wtlll Maids iht oIM.r. "'84)111 8.41141 think you were r -Int est daurbter, Gertrude Blanehe. was s..Iitd on lots }4s Hud 11. conoes..lon The following here acbid ex -tress- os It you went aroundwith them united to marriage 111At 1; 1,h re are user lrrw Janie* sti11 some 1 .rip'rtie. wirer 14117: James 3(t owwa- what.•. liatWlt a youngest sou of Mr.. Janet I la that .'(strict near WIngham held Ilautltton and the late F. llnwtltou Insider this name. of Met. r. Rev. Artbur Page AI- Atter the wet1Mment .1 the town elated. After a motor trip to QlI4,chip Iws:: brc tnt. t etlrral, \l'awauush was and through the Adlroudack )foul- ; w•pamuleit from AAhfield iu I`C:S. 1_ triter, ate vouuK •••upk• will .ride tmT1N• rw•ord of 'ti. monicilal trans - Exeter. ; artioi . from that time cannot ice , • ItedarwL-IEapatmltle found. but aetording to the minutes In hat. Pet. rs .bun h. Ury.dale, in, 1 of the rol.nty council dur'ng shut per --f lllontey. letotwr 1901. fteV. Is Mar- I i(111 we dud that %'nwauosh was re - chard performed the nuptial eoreniony- , presented in that c oil a. far hack uniting boom. daughter of Mr. and - as lti,_ 1.y John Pentland. [trete. Mr.. 14•llip. Demount*. /oil Lloyd 'Mid 111 PC -43-54-74 by Charles Olrvin. (Bedard. .on of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 1 Theo• were folluwed by Henry Ya - Bedard, blot !smith's beteg of the Otters. Thomas Holmes and Stephen int wwl;a'e nelghla.rbuud. The brideteYates. In 1810► Robert Ciitrta-WU maid was +'lone°.*. Drucwme•. sister 1 riveted deputy reeve. In teal be of the bride. *1111 eharfielt 1)cnommt• I waare hes•te192 with war the srlmnual snn. The• Lamy couple reeve. lu e will reside on the farm of ^1V11IIaI1 t and An4'rew Cook deputy reeve. They were both re-elected in 1863'04. Robert leurrle was reeve tw I88040 with Wm. Farquharwm as deputy 1■ Valli ani llorekiab Help. in 1808. At that tlm* people began to real Ian that time two townsbtps together were ton large anti there were too many people for one 48,00011 to taFD" age. sro nn aft was pw'eed ParUd- ment August 1:., 1810". by which the township was divided by a road run- ning north and south between lots 27 and Dt and the townships created on either side of this line were named East Wawroosh and West Wawenoab. The record of the first council meeting of Fast Wawanowh has been keit and le dated January '21, 1807. t etch wkh Robert Currie, predate( and the councillors 11 kish Help•, Da rid Scott. i.apellet Nethery and Thomas H. Taylor. Tenders were received for the of - flee of clerk from Wm..11arr, $00: Janke". Tisdale PO; James Scott, je0; Wm. Farquharson. &TL; Wm. lien - sough, 3(hl. and David Williams, sou. David William!. receival the appoint- ment and he was succeeded by James Tisdale. The names that were prominent In municipal affairs at that time were 'Phomas Hoare, John ItlackbrOugh, James Brown, Rnbt. ('c*ok. RM,t. Mc - Gest an, Malcolm M44(*llar, Joseph Dose, John lleapy. James Laidlaw, Walter McGowan, George ("Mason, l'b11ip' Rnmern, James Yule, Wm. Rale arson, Blamed, Curses. Hugh Ria.., Chau. Redman, Sate -Love, Geo. Foth- ergill. Peter Rosa, Wm. Carr, W nm. X41)utvrlt. Wm. Arplstrontt: Richard Stonehotlre, Dark' flesh, _Thomas Black, David McCartney. Jame+ IJ.m- lhn0mmt•. or. 1)eash et Mrs. Edward Wise Amanda Jam Wilsou, widow of Ed- - ward Wise, Clinton, dial on Thursday Nat in her seventy-third year. (torn I at Napa lire. ,184•vased at all early age (came to Gvalerlch township and made her some *ith her grandparents at 'Taylor's Corners. In 1sS7 Abe was alarrld to Mr. Wise, wh.• died iu 1932 at Clinton. to which place they re- tired after farming in tee tuwtrhlpp Three *04114 and one .isugl.ter Aurvive: William, Herbert and ('baric*, all of `JJoderich toe nettle, and Mr.. 11. W. (lark, of (:tinton. Woman Wes in Manitoba Dir.' Alex. Moir, of Hensel', was 1114 to Manitoba last week by Dews that his deter, Miss Kate Moir, wbu a few narks ago welt to lk•Imout, ,111a0.; to visit her lister, Mrs. Colin 'SWIRL had .,offered a revere stroke. Mimi Moir passed away a few days tater. inti* was in her seventieth year and is survived by two, sisters and- two brothers: Mrs. Samuel 'bompou and Mr*. Coco Mrtilll, in the West; lir. Alex. Mohr and Robert Moir, of Hen.atll. The r-111141ns were brought to Ilensall for interment. Slrtrellefui Exhibitor A Crtdltun correspondent ent writes: Wm. (lewtrlth4er has again finished 1)(a rounki at nine of the main fall fairs, Including t:.al•rb Il. Exeter, `e•nturth, Myth, Wfngham. Brussel •, llderto 1191ytham any Te•hvater, N ith Shorthorn cattle. He 'vistas A splendid emcee wit ItN•rea*wt 1lr es arrt and better exhibit", than former year* at nearly re.ry fair. Eight onumet- To those contemplating erecting a Monument:- On onument:- O T MY PRICES BEFORE BUYING Cemetery Lettering a Specialty - Alt Work Guaranteed - Chutes Ii Me sad Granite Wells Jobs Grant. l•Ustos. Owl. 8oereaaor to Hall & Zapfe Hydro Electric TOE THAT CHILLY ' h.'ad' of cattle wen• exhlbItcd at nearly ri• hew lk'-igaron, Donald klei}Ilrbun. PALL NIGHT USE AN all of thane lairs and N: