HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-10-29, Page 5ier••••• • _ d'rppd; •••• • • Prevention For Cold Weather ! lirODI/VZ8 OIL BUILDS STURDY BODIES ‘.'s "OR ELBY-VITAMII TESTED COD LIVER OIL. Ayiest talon Cad Litter 011 51., 864,1.19 Squibb's VItamlat Tested Cod er LivOil, He, $1.00 Parke -Instils Vitamin 'rested Cod Liver OIL Mk, 11.10 Haliver 011 Capeulee. Farb cap- ital.. equal In vitamin content to 4 teaspoonfuls of Cod Liver Oil. Squibb's and Ayers( lel) Cod lit'er 11147k, $1.69 Froars Nee Chemical Food Conceittrated ‘itianiet and Milo- - real Tootle% $1.1;'), 5t.I5 Ay tend .1.1pbentettes. Each cap- sule equal in sitamin content to l4 koaspoonfula ('nil Liver Oil. CAMPBELL5-33RUG STORE MOM, 90 - The Squore TRI -LAX tairarelleveil thousands of out frm Stomach. itow.t. sr Um* suet Kidnee trunble,.. TILLI.AN eketnee the_ IUMS1 and give you relief. Get the Combined Treatinent at your 1 lreddivtv A. B. 5Ik each STIlitfr RIEMEI11 11.1MITP:is Toronto, Ont. Bethel Pentecostal Assembly 64 South Street - -A v11 1 Tuesdays -14 pin. FritIto .ft raptor -H. R. UNDERARM!: EvEulisiE PORT ALBERT P1 1(1' A1,10:11T, llet. '...I. -11. e are very 1.14-ewol to report thief Iraiters The girls were evoke'', to by. MM. A. I MeOrehtlit, daughter of illr. and Mno. urn lig 10 11.1.0 1411 maa, .kt•Crelght. abie underwent MO admiring gaze. that he was fur d, the school thla men/um. oe find tbe operation for uppeudhitis, is improv- flaw beyond utterance, whirl; 'ishrl'‘,4'.1. some"- team 1." the headlights. %%••• llardlaer, Lonetrentro• 4441 OSIP lig niceiy. brethren say is something tuitional for It look* as If the Godericu team plan* 1 diliiie"-rssiuwoir alAt ner, e: wuh-illtehiotilowedir the Mies Slohei Ett-ser. /a- strutrord Ivan, whoa be recovered aulhelently uu keeping tlw ball rolllug lu the right facts mentioned lu the address were Nomad aehoot. sis.ot Its seek-eha at he was heard to any very quietly to direction Gib. time, for out of tice the house of htr Jumbo, Mr.. W. 111111ftelt And I thought that Paisley gooses played they hate wan three. enlarged. A group was held In the 111 y imliant Illative for the adult. and lenders at- vol.tvr. • 4m14............," Ow last few words being tied out. and lost one, 10 Weil attempt to Loring the Hough •.,,, to God. tending. under the leadership of iter. .. , wirike.wl eerier at Port Albert units,' lust oa lag, 1._ '41 . • tornome44147P114Ohat .• dosts. s THE SIGNAL • - GODERICH, ONT. Huron -Brice Lodge '',"• ' Visits Maitland I P-------w-"7--f 1 - • _....__ G. C. I. NOTES t Archer'e Actioneers have .-Aideitil. Di o lidlittred delegetes ware (Coatlaited fano pam 1). been ele.ted, by tbi sweepiug mailor- present at the ;mould fall contentSee BY of two votes, for the Literary Sce ter older -boys and Orbs ander the made:ilia of the Huron -Bruer choir, elety executfre. definite diepb are be- auspicee of ale Huron Cottate Girl* trf bigger and better than ever. The to!filialArtit°•11Yill:f C."`a.uurakolut."WilitikkuriAtteshiej•Iiiiiitedat lug tetkea to make the Lite. for BMW Graud Ikud. The t•onferenue vomited date of the drat Lit. le •sald to be November 30, but ano yet It has slot at 9.30 on Saturday morning, lain. ▪ • 77 YOUNG PEOPLE'S RALLY Two Hundred Present at Conference for Older Boys aad Ghia was ,inui h dleappointell-st the inail b- ity. of Ws organist, sad maw other uustyperiC of the choir. hsiudlag the prialputi soloist, to aliconepaay the rert of the delegatiote; Dr.1.1usiet0u, Web 'wade definite whether the Uri.. her 17th. Kt'''. J. r• Abdtrwunt Wing' who, us well as beine a Musician of a will take place In the afternoons or haw, we.. iu eharge of the confiteuce. beautiful. vitas heard to' siite mimeo- 'the sliver paper is slue Of the plat- svenluge. .A ieite heti* along with - the opening joint aorehlp service was led by the Grated Bend 4111.1.T. high order, la ilso a lover of the slim to tette* observatiouteoneeruing form promises of the new party. and Trait Rangers. Words of web Guderich which did credit to his ar- The Hallowe'en Dolly, Whkh MI t_'eele were extended 4 Mr. Imai Illidkr:T-enatIMOW11111/44fsosheb which we been the talk of the eehool feeulle'4. ease -41e- tahoietplisi__augar_aptu_th_ha-erithey Atchison, of Grand Iteud, Bev. Charier :rd. Beatrice Green and Charles i be valley em to wake embarruseing in the school audItorhun.•. Gam0ei aiii II 111:71321rloaff-nt-thr • . explanation:to Pis friedds Iii Bruce be played, bleat served and dancing Her. J. Moore, pamtor of the ettutch. county. wilt .11_11 the bill of entertalutuentfor and Mrs. N. W. Trewartlia, Clinton. the remainder of the evening. These were reepondetirtio., prbyetilleauLry Bro. Ivan Greet, Senior Wardell of Rumors *leo are ruuniug through Iltrward, ur 60derieh, aud Alvin Corns., of Olinton, boys' Hume -Bruce Lodge, awl the chief tin' s4110.11 that preparahe tiona for t ettnoMg the younger Bryce comity re- annual votutueneement have beton. presideut. The roll call, led by Bele ....eson Sutter, Clniton, 'showed that the preseutatiVes, watt so overcome' with The commeneenient• it is reltorte• surprise and adaslratiou when enter- will take place some time during the wee111111 was the beet rePrescutative eoufereuce that has taken mime. Mg Iluruter capital city. lia the full Ora part of December. _ beauty of the 'scene burst upon hie - . i .i(i. of The eooferences were then divided. 1 e141414,14. Tin -stay. November 3, and • bo ass uut alone In Wei appreclittlon erich for 114e 14(1.1 time The Hough J• Andervon. gay. -live Noble nutting." by Den- of -the town In a el*** b) IfVelf." and cup lwen held by Lltotoftel 104! All excelleet dinner sus scrod adults 40c. lw left loelitud lihn a hoot vf Dew and some -tine. uutil the?' were rhalleuged the basement loy• Med:goers "(the Gratis! ouldren .3„kr_ .jrtziMts Arlo, or,. hotline to wel- add detested_ by Meeforth1. lad timid CD.I.T. and Tied Hangers. as - iNem hos .terideniai (vow him back tocilitbr-Gseater Gamier- Year. 116i. one and anti game kot 11;1;*-adlorief singsong led by Iteft.I.Ilittr:- Tn. fie*, ow, receed iowittviot oatee_of_ ri. Cioderich was to Seaforth, who won , • • • with a siore, of 1-41. Tom McElven1114 Costae. of Clinton. feed 01( I•hirtsas, hist as -the result '4Vor. Bro. D. 11. 3da, Leo& tIse 1;on seurlueshi Gee first half .1 kw guide. All arlisrlbalar-lyt -412forfilL-1041:40e4e (be death of Iteli-on Murray at *rat- Orati-iceldrut a week previtais of a &Mash manee vkillWite-county, with Mr. T. Boater as referee. •planned. lint. belause of rain. a drive 1W-iiieskilta near "'.---Haillitteelf. -111r-eutral -over Lake-- Godearich lev.stioa at the head (IL the''.erunted Greed 110101 owili 10 0111141111 • WI. 01 was- iinhatituted. 'Fite retualoo. were lorptight to hie home ilurun, shinc.ist tlw ariiirltOB-ft*tr-TelirwerF-weren Paiute. , here and the funeral servitor was held cal sidle of his nature, vs111,11 which lie 141111 Clinton' ur.• tied for seconots•mtch 1 Loiter -11.ev• J. V. .044041feilow, of irrit- ___ In Christ church ,ipti iiitturday. with Is so getiesluely etidoisved. by burin- ! with six points, while Mitchell takes ish coitimiiia. dare it verY Interesting - uterment ,In Port. Albert eenteteryine forth 111 lapatirous leliev hi a third iolace n.111t one point. . and instrisetive talk on. udosolon %cork !Benson Nag Of a kindlY• etuellieb dlis ebutescluit lengthy poctfetil t•ffuslon,1 Ou Tuemolay 41 this (clock the tioa. In that 'Province. Thew ilex% . Mr. posation um! lie will ,lw molly named whhii. loving in the orlrlual Gaelic, crick' teameellsielayed .thetr'skill- Il. de- 4.01-004 *este lad in * Ilerbel .01.410111- I. by Ids poirelliv. 1.11, lorothera and .I.- was toryttitol lino undermtantlIng of his ' fentInf Seaforth 4-41. teltikon, Wtoot• 1144111ItY 4114‘111g- . ter* mei by othero. wOth show he henrers. with the exception -of Wor. brooa k: Mnsion. and 110.1t &dig, Oft. A 14,4444- ,upper intersper-ed situ • nrevo..ialo.4.1 'Mere is much synivelby Bru. pr. Myron Campbt.11. who trans- ' scoritig. : , . • yells and song- waS held in -the ifsew, 1 . _ i toi the- bereaved famillv. ", - fisted,- an'. lb./Iris- H. pessihte the iast • Mated,. li Ilto-up-t t.tioat. it. itortser: -ma-mt. 14 Ib.. 14t1trelt• Tlw 11ennsiller I ' . few lines, which seemed to ruti 7- •eliti Ihm.e. (4. Amaersou: it...trutt CILLT. wit on Isitort Ail. 4144- Thursday. October 211tb, 1011--E Sotrietl7irs )Yew fq Woollen -Dresses "PUSSY WOOL" THE NEW DRESS FABRIC 1 ;unit styles in new Wall eolors (1.1. it PRICE I" A 41 11, $3.91-saciL== ` - 4o• -t Two-piece Wool Suits • A popular garment for street and.ollice wear. SPECIAL $6.95 each And fur the School Girls we have a ntee range of Wool Jersey Dresses from 8 to 14 years. .; At • " $1-.9541-412 95.-eacir7 . • • Akio a niee amsortment of WOOLLEN DRESS • 'FABRICS •••I - 1;y the yard at popular prices: Ihat 1111. this: 110.1. E. Jelitier:' centre half 1,ack."K. The it•otper ..tortItio. in cluirce of w • .tiol in the e4eitotig. when upon !Arthur: !eft half *wt. It. Crnig ; 11. 'Verner, I Ol'itg:1 ttttt 1.. de. Thy C‘1111 11111! of lay fillrOdde.. right half beect• wel-"n; loin 144.1.1 in the rhitech oittolltorniut. This Their .t..' entrtineed. scas not 14-T.--enitr-ntot.lotr-rtert. isuitelrILIbe -ervlee of drawn; /Holman. intoidef right, J. O'Brien: the (*AT LI. mi'd 110 ""°11. ' 41111"' *er" HEADQUARTERS 1,(111 FURNITURE anti PAINT AULCRArr PAINTS are hitt 111 - -guilty and Imo he pries. Teti will find first -clam, slues = --la our 'Oral of 'FURNITURE and STOVES We positively save you money W. H. Blackstone "On the Broedway of Goderieb- Saturday's Specials!. - BEEP - All Steaks ib. 19c Rib Boil Ib.? Rolled Rib Reset....1b. 19 - PORK Fresh Picnic lb. lbc Fresh Hain Roaat7t-:1b. 20c Fresh Side 18c Shoulder Steak lb. lac - IAMB - Lep, lb. 20c Stewing Lamb lb. 12c MESH AND PI KED FISH Robinson's Meat Market -- 1.4 A Al 11,DSi, IN SREET rbmie 36 Free Delivery c c The Bajotisf Church -REV. S. R. webi'NG. -11 "What Is the Christian's Greatest Concern?" -7 p m - "The Peril of Resisting God"- It ens bevatim• keenevl b•il. II. Moody : :toddy left. W. vice 14 the Tees's Boy.. anal brought messed. Both girls and .iwys' inti•r-fortn Almon Iwo 440' delegates attended % That wondrous With 111°111 too-- Wisolorook: cieletain. K. Arthur. a successful contfert•nce to a close. . ' %seeks w:th to tos Iti Introit. Mrs. 11/r.i Tenni aerompanissi her home ,iutil magi, Ilic week -end mitt. relatives I 1!r. mot Sfrv. Wu,. )1,4,1:ili open( Ike! week -end, with fri4•44,14, at Mit, helL 1 We are sorry too report ila• ,ontInued -1-111emoos -at Mre, -John .taf1111.-".*11 and '1a.re,e to henr iof an iminootitielit soon. liThe C.10.Wjti.-eonvention 1..or'' North Huron Is to he beld id the l'aramount ilsolt ou Atiturday. Nevetnber 7th. The silieellog iv isalkil for In o'clock oa Itiontion) lie/filled nod dinner will be lierved by the ladles iff the Paramount !Club for the noutinal fee of 2.1 masa The molting vole ‘,11 Hurou'A ere.t league- are expected 111 basketball this r TIlteY ai•re triloen FOR YOUR NEXT DRESS OK SUIT 118E CHATELAINE OK SIMPLICIZY PATTERNS . E. HIBBERT The Square Gocierich PARAMOUNT home after spesolhot 4b.- re* dl 14,1.0•14' Mr 14 14t'ebniefite. Msr • ill-. PAM% MOU NT. lOet. 27 -. Mr -O Herb 11 nes understood that in this Wor. .wasoti, aell as the it•iial stood Bro. MacLeod spoke for the *hot* teams. Volley hall topelpuient 1. lie- and Iteo. %V. 1. !Aloe. Ir. ,Fisoolget 'peel Izi,j %volt: with he. Toronto delegation. and there was not Ing oidained to further tin- popularity Ilaut Mood %out down at night a dr.-twiningce. .0f 4').1. .time eeperbtily :moult Idris brine the home. I • • • ' i oof live Ill'Illeol• the brethren of a, Mamoonio tweeter to *onetime,. that In all probability tbere . At die weekly bridge 'Amnia:omit lir and Mr. wni. wit.. In returned to their lionie in *ask*- , be held In lila church - $t. Paid's, To- 'will loe ial Ililei-vellool liorkey league held on M40414). Weld the following --- -----* - '''' -- wore winners: - lat. Mr. and Mrs. A.1"117 t Itueolad Poulin:a, at wale11,111,10 winter. , ioots imot Sturday. lf=tt:141 Master, A. .1. Anderson, 1 Eirot rytu. casually iifilirfeent was:A. Nicol.- 314: 2n4. Mites '1. E. Re- ' Mr. and Mrs, Wm. M.:rtin. Elbe! . M.P.. null Deputy Grand. Master Dun- I Frank VItlev. who fractured hie wrist ' Naughton and Mr. P. Carey. 371/s: 3rd. and Goldie were recetit • visitors with lop are to read the lessons. and the; while Playing basketbelL WM week. t Mrs. W. 5% Siumiler• Nutt Mr. Prank !Mr. and Mr*. us Martin. 4th es.bisa. girded Chaplain merit preach. Ile CI- i Huth loner. l'ollegiate student. Is ,110nuellY. :1-13o• f 1 1 iii with her a tetei--------14 train of tours malt will he held ''1""• I Sear h Mac tub.) 1,as returned ter. Mrs. Frank F'ellovos in Goolerlells. Mrs. Felliosia has returned tido *eek Grand Chaplain informed ' B. E. Twoutley. plosi...11 instructor. GODERICH. sarmar-rtnt . • mould • tc- -attend the eerviee. ,-- ----...t.laioilia1..11.W IMMO MILL Obir .elartol today. ttly_litI2Ionthaty evening. , , .34 MO a . trailed a -exordia! Invitation to ail who .4.3 ry tic a al _-----.........._-__ • • • I much t.. the horror or her girl friends.1 Wur. !tn.. Itolphin 214.1411 asilins-1 11“, ninth* of 8 Indite above grouted . • portatkoi.commissioner for the visit-10es. 111.113:!‘ 11.1 ttttt 111 144' at foundation toff:. - ors, and.tio• arranremetts were. ear- , anotlwr statement by 1.e al mender -, red out 1% 1114 P111111 pre. 1.1.'oti as to eroasowth.sitors: quitlify km tor a similar position With • the anudgamnted railways.--linelsi, OUR FINANCIAL PROBLENLI tittle dunrioriev. ft. arranging .tuit-tst- - brother 1.,. ret tiro to T111111110 1111 Vrfr R. .11. Deaehman. M.P.. (area rind of ti. I da y nig'c t In a ar alremily 1111111, or 1 Swim of Addressee In one billtml to go back 111 defer- w!itriolm. lk.i. tt,T.--•-it. J. Death... day morning. were easily overcome Iii 1 man. M.1'. for North Illiroli. yevler-i his capable hands. nod we understand lia3 iimuzumied 1.1 *pries of adder -se! " that all eventually reached Toronto ' which he koopoftwot tu deliver to • 1.140 1 without any undue incident. including . people .ol hift conuptieney.. Ills first t Right Wor, Bro. Rev, R. 14. Mo -Der- seet, nos logged on the financial en% f iw • • • l'iwonotnic problems of the day. Time.; mid. the Grand chaplain. . ' are linproving. as be expressed It. -and I, 1 -711f:-Millffild-,fr6ti- ttrms-trttrt Ma- ' tutyrIng the... preotbilite-1of ltite.- Poluti mole tltio for the moment) remained t,, a 4gesaiiii reeovere.1 Good crops In over ,ln town uutll Saturday and the N'es,trn Province,' will MPHII 11 11 V1111.11 OD as wool7 as possible of his !ultimate* *Wenn* of Abe retlef bur- 1 • , ruler ....u.11grritatissit.,R.LAutz_skstrch. tApissoie ._:_itTtvELLvar. oll , -----= ,--- N"ediv" tp":"• he Wils warmly ereetet debt', erne ore.d el4.1171 l'ter'''''''`''''"w''''' everywhere. and there tram unbounded Hying la a traria goo., tand in wilkit i........„ . MUM CHILDREN LEAL Maple Leaf Bcetd 'tUns Our 41 1.4.1,' n helot Itrem.1 particularly appetizing. maritime,. 101 he-OMNn I. od 1111'ot.• 1.% 1114 the finest ingrediente MAPLE LEAF BAKFRY BRE 411. Ill NS. l'ASTR%, Meese 110W The Square noti,not that his shadow ,sysit triges--driot .w111 tis- forgotteii..1t -in 'no whit fsmaller and his kindly 'i • • -...-..- -,,..-, "---=4------;.. geniality' tr-not in the least tlisaiuLmhed.iAV,.11_0011MIUSCIE I !mincfield In Toronto. To Hie members stmt . e lie left 1;od•ortelt for his larger 1 I of Maitland Lodge the visit of the h Seetlen of Huron Preobyterial 1 ' ellratill Chaplain and 111. 14.111/W-nitom• j A Meeb. at Centralia ilters of littron-ltruce bodge will , .11 ile- file mouth reetion of Huron Preabrol ' , N` TIPI1 111T/o *ere , i terial W.M.S. of the rn;ted Chureh light. T 11/1 1111,1441 am -good fel 14.ws,“ •nfidulletkialY 141441 In i'liminortZtrnial.1!,.o.n Tiluir'llajr.I hoped that the bond of goodfelloexablp 1 link chug. John,, or vin0,1114.. "cr. by future colifraternal gatherings. presioireft. atliktl much to the tone ,.f ; the meetings by the isipalo'e manner In t estaidieleed by this visit a -III he welded I •...-. i which slit _premItleoll. TRI7CR BUNN INTO TRAIN i The Htiroon 4'reldn'Tertit wis-repre- .- T4(s_kit,ssit,i.et west had a I. I licirted- bythe prealdent Mrs. ()neer IDItnill lode 'esente from serious In- , 0 lig • jarweryi,, _vrrititieltiug the truck In whIela tkert Mrs. I'letard. (Iiiiton. Mrs. l'aite. Phe• 4,r:oohed Int.; the Ade 4.1 [41. and Mins 'lining. liodi•rteh. Mrs. . the tr., Nit. Diesel tralu No. AN. fon ilireer emphasized the need of corm- .. the 1.ftlidnit-WInghitin 11141. 4441 lIW/.111.1f. 181 11/11 le. the dew voiloal exeret4e. at ' Tile crash :averred on the Clintim. !the rot tiltar meeting,. of the W11.14. • chWtitotterlettnitillsoropandorteilit 471 4144,vost•lowiroesing It 41I interestint! lc note the 1 11,11.1111ilt progress lisi the atilt of flte I. Fftlgi 'P10' truck,' -owned by- 1,1nyole of hoouth soctlon ois IfillIeftlf I! by ' (be Stratford. drivett by Arthur Kirk, 41115 .144HW:en out ut _ut..‹teett_ftaStIlarl_"_r•••• _ 14 SO ' thitarlo.tetreollt. Stratthrown p "ford. woo erlin t,: o out of nine Oirete. remelts: Into if erven•loot iittAt and badly the old of led Mbooloti 11.1 1141 reports: 1 . datn teed. 11:- Pronto, of Stratford. , six out of twelve 'ItaltY lintel teports , %Vito Willl a pannenger in the truck, Mrs. i'airot, of Exeter, gave a 4ee17 iewaposl with bellhote, as did the driver..,IteernetIve adds.,* on the le:, ' I* The cra..P.Mttreediu 12A3 p.m, ed ship Training th.lioal conducted .1111 .,.'"fl'.. • • I Almn College, and made ii strong ele 1 4,1-X ._......T 1.1;$ 4 1 4, ..,- . rtivroi Fos engineer ami ii. peel for mon. littien to lool ft *drawls*, l • - ' .. IA. Ale!lick ..on iiiii.a -flior-vrifis.- • tof-.--ttrirr--.•oomioe1oi---rouo..IsuoAr-.Au . Kirk told l'ounty Traffic 41111‘er. 111114. -t141Y end olPIrlfulol illdirt• fever. who hive•timitea. that he waitd A' ideloduit recitation 44401 given loy . • . Outside to ?We the train Noose ithe 1. Nola' .o 1`erkitan and a aill-restit•red Ionckgronn.l. NO. heard MI ithlotle, 1 M1/411 4E'velefi Mitchell. the W.311.141 • almilerity of enlor 14 ha the *Mode the , byadMro. Fleteher4-. ' - 2 ',nil sox the troll) *ten only a otort Onvening secretary. who. bee jam 14i" !Marino- from the ertoetInft. Kirk np.Itarned from Western Canada, gare„.a plied Ids brakes. bet realired there:. v4tid dett.4411P114.11 'of ' Pvo rest 0011111- i weilld hen ersh 844ac 11 switne his trk itIons, in the Prairie l'rovilwee. to go with the train The trark it .was 1 regretted by oil phoent that .. here and ail Ripley • h 44 - 1 . LISTONVEL TRANSPOIT. Having taken over tow mute 11'.7msn erly operated by ' Transport., westriwt we may favored with the poitronnee so past i and that with our large emittlethexthrongit- oat orflu tatto we may' dudes the future add to ..1.4*; vowed list of enotonvers. end he an addefIl Omer to the busi• nem of ooderirb. LISTOW EL TRANSPORT Phone. hinnk.r. and W11 1'1'11.111meg will Manning.. for the premeoll • The NEW DODGE • Vlefore yoit tiny a new Car he sure."Mt17;flot New 19:I 11(11341E ('AR now on display Tea mire 11 benitty HERE ARE SOME OT OUR USED aalt.SPSCIALS 1-1936 Dodge Deluxe Coupe 1-1930 Whippet Sedan 1 -1935 Dodge Coach. Ch Like 1-1929 o, Conch new, 1-1926 Chev 'Ctinpe fr, - Swim! ,rq DODGE AND SA V ' MoNEV Rt.G. McdP HAMILTOI STREET PHONE 37 ., • 4_ ,'1 - 44044..ot AKA 4,07,:iltsVI41, `,IFT11111. .-ammosimememeseete7110111141114141111.1•111114W,P estinghouse AIR-PILOT/&&O offers life-long efficiency MHE first time you hear the 1937 Westinghouse World Cruiser youll be delighted with its realism of tone . . . its razor -edge selectivity . its all round efficiency! Even after years of use this radio will still be giving exactly the same efficient performance . . . For Westinghouse per- formance is "stabilized." Its precision engineering features are permanently correct. Magnetite core I.F. transformer., for example, are oscillo- graph tested then factory sealed . . . The air trimmer -Csondenlitacan never get out ofSeliimenent . The aihnittal construction of Ilse Westinghouse radiotrotis (including the new Beam Ray Power tube) assures dependulde service. 0 MODELS --.4. is dungeon town. A aria, s 250 These and many, other'1917 Blue Ribbon features backed by tow ,e4wy ppm. from at Westinghouse skill and craftsmanship offer the utmost in dihit 44"4 dc."." "Psi .16'. radio entertainment now and for years to come! , • leraphed. Into a roach on the train. , j)•erreiventent Itreiente•L the lnalen I from Villoelhitrot. helot% PllecdolOo. • sig Reward .,.....:14gz.al,to:r.:"Ql"41P/1"411:14.11:!••111117/. be r1'1110VII•fi by' five and able lilled•tanie or. the wiloteet TALBOT & CORNISH .A7,1,11111••• -,z Rbcne 0,- l'OltS PAILVE Thin 11111.1 tedre 'stet iolo tilt, MIMI.. On evorrow.ry new otlentifle s Tin g711011 147 (1.10 illarteen addrennen Semootirze. ,nro. (I rallooitow. with I./Latrine, thoottneitoont tlw • ot :1 •Ifo • Al optilleation con vont drat., ismilti dt.rhist the year. Godenct) & . f• 8 4 c4#4 I 1140 gist to 14. HMI order this WONDItit. , ;111 ft itellodfliev prt sent nom-, ' it Xt VI.' 40.• 1,10v11 Chemical ' el it..? Ow delldoolls 71111,1 'erred Mel , 11,41beit_srratiorieol , For sta7le. Lit......r.:_lAinewbet:........1_'s_ oft he itholooloneitoo„...40a.1 It y aellotor.,ded 4.r ......._......4.., tndl n '''' . '.1 i ' 1 e . _ . 44,4040A!"Fre.21,411ferallekterfs-';'"'"at7a4re-losant;t'% - "'P. r.r% 40- , A 40 • -4V+4444‘ TO- ' 4441 4 14444 40. 4011104".1040" 1/4 vs.**741-11. ViWtOttiiime-foo trfr 0-* 14' 4,444l54 j •