HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-10-29, Page 4sr taj 11. •►Hatedes. October yt . 1(106 car_ ala .ewiK w dir GODERICH, ONT' vercoats The Smartest Values in the Smartest Styles Look thew over --Compare the styling.. the tabrice. . the litliupa..the workmanship ..the price for such quality.. ItsJi ase.•fwi yourself why we rjd4nlnle41i those thrreoata- s ,i, *if/ .♦Ryffrd f d ; ? joy r -a„., , r _EIP ti7 Sul'sii e ltT SEE THE NEW DOUBLE-BREASTED SUITS -this season''► smartest styles. ,r •ete•!ei. SUITS WITH EXTRA PANTS $25.00 to $27.50 W. Plane 57 C. Pridham , Son Goderich Make ,Your , Christmas Greeting a Personal One A Photograph of yourself is the ,moat apprieciated of . all gifts. Patronize your home Photo- grapher, where all work is guar- anteed. Make your' appointments at Trussler's Studio Hamilton Street and Square PHONE 187 GODERIOH Capital Phone 47 SOUP D SYSTntM Theatre Goder 'ch Now t'layinng -- Furl A.teire and flinger Roger.. in " Swlug MONDAI•, Tt ItSDA1 and WEDNESDAY - ROBERT MONTGOMERY and JOAN CRAWFORD Charlie Ruggles, 1•Yanrhoti 'Tae. Eine May Oliver Truly a stellar rest. presenting one of -the liveliest and mast enjoy aIle romantea of the session _ "NO MORE LADIES" THURSDAI. P'KIDAY and SATURDAY - JACK BENNY • offers Ids Iet...t pleturr-radio recur assisted by a grand group ut gbuom-ehasrrs. ienet miss "IT'S IN THE AIR" 'MIL Una Weide, Ted Healy and Mary Carlisle Coming -Shirley Temple. ht -Pour little tech rl." Matinees Wednesday. Saturday and Holidays at 3 p.m. AUBURN THE SIGNAL - ( taro: A(ltl*VIkN. Oct. 37. -Mr. aud Mrs. A. A++yyulth are visiting their daugh- ter, MPto, 0. Y. Mellveea, at Bowmaar rill.. lire T. (ulsuu, of Hallett, spent a fewdspw iaat week with ber daugh- ter, Mr.. 1L. L. Slur*. Mr. sad Mrs.'H. Frealir. of ('ll.tgae, visited her mother, Mrs. Jpths Ferr- guswe. un Saturday last. Messrs. 11. L. Sturdy. J. Bennett, R. Turner, D. Audi -roma suit V. Yung - !slut wpwrw last Wtdtesekay at • the O.A.C., (luelph, and attended Ibe ex - MOP shTe Mrs. H. Wagner to visiting bey run, Mr. F. Wagner. of the Mattered. Mrs. V. Wagner . Is Agnew; ber mother al. R..1. Rutledge, of -Wiest Wawat'tsa►h, who is eunllued to ber bid. A ear of provisions from title dis- trict wit; be leaded at Auburn station use Wedt* sday of 011* week for Vol- ley Centre. titan. Mrs. Jas. Howatt, who. was visiting her daughter. Mr.' J. 1'. Meunlug. of Londesburo, bas returned twine. Mr. Alex. Young and Mrs. A. Y. Hoo- derron, of l'ulborue townwhlp, bare taken npresidence wltb Wats S. Blair for the winter months, , Mr. Wilfrid_ Plunkett has purchsred to farm of Mr. Jobs Doerr mid will get possession la the spring. Mr. and Mra. O. Mellaiennd Mra. McLeod ilsibeLvrlth Stratford friends on Mouday. • Mr. E. Robert•wu, of• Toronto, war News of the Farm Note. and Oommepta oa e.Agricultural Topica Hints for the Peultrymas ip order to Wee puke's le3ing at their beet lu November 'aud Decem- ber. for mouths of algh•prk'ed ego. the following pokes sh41•Id be oh - screed. sot•ordiug to the Dominion Poultry Iluslwudweu : Seo that the pullets .ave dry aud 1 re tie houses cies and sanitary submit d raughts. (eve a well Ialrneed ration and be run. to give enough. lest Iorget tie green teed, prpfer ably clover or alfalfa. If you have milkgive the pullets what they will take. Keep the laying pultts or those Hutt err near laying by themselves. Give them every tom6ort and *heti- tluu--tbbey are tlw money-makers. Your treatment of the isullikin udw may man profit or los. fur tine reel of the year. Dispose ut bens too ofd or pillets too )'twang, it coats too mush to feed them. The • time. of scarcity la then• time 1.. arrange for your market for the whole year. • • . 1------Ploweeg lilted RewMs ---- -. • For the srtowl' wuecernlve year, HURON TO THE FORE I(frit. ll. 1 ' prsetli4Rt all ba I Yee IlldIge,lir.. pa, OAT ami r d sumach treable••-lata map vivo( '1Ir Will 1M+1iwR re -1 aru:►nd brie part.. salved 1 Alberts Magni All the Honors • Is , y. f 1 1 Calf • Product!.. Aeitbekt, Det. 2U.-WiUleel file Caw - Mao -Coiled Water trade agreement. and the (*tile quota 'wall within leu u►emlw•red for hl+ goo-I,1trt.d aid Jovial ual ere. 1Lenopoer-Irwhi.-A 1 i}utet war' ridge wan solemnised tui hlouda)' at per cte, of klieg dike!, atrpreae.J the Clinton UUltw: t'ourrb parsonage I ;Whim stet exbt e. the Letitia." by the pees, ltev. U. Lorton. *bee `8.M at CAMPOILL'S DRUG STORE emu, trrmh► W peatheotec, canter Mi.w Muigaret Petri tree', yuuugwt 1_ pt!bductloa l oothe lucrteare: at Iaass daughter et Mw. Bae , tree apd the , THE BADMINTON CLUB nue Aahbeld farmer her re*sos fur GASTRONOX STOMACH POWDER dating such to be lite care. Oa the farm of Rebarel McWListee •. IJtelahw Ute, Asbeteki, two sets of tbrlvlug twit wive.. are to he seen Oil Juue Xtrd a Jersey tow gave.111rtb to two tine Herrlent cflKw which now weigh over October 21st au Aberdeen -Augur cow gave bireb to twin Hertford calves. omelette* aud we red. . It. gre dolor well. The Turodto Globe of lk•tober 20th contained a• news Item (tom lligb Riv- er, Alberta, dated October Id, stating that ou the farm of AluMey King two tow* each bad given birth to tale cake••. The ereuts were less than a week apart. hoot Turk to 'twos. tluteriu will, out I* eelllsarh by Alberta lu front page note*, even In calf production. Ir1a1lrdrTbofs. MtrrwIIiungh MaIgrisarem, IT*unw tutrothn, IThe luteHch Jadwiuton Olub bar ,.rgat.latrl fur 11.' IIENI T aeawn with seeubd soli o1 Mrs. Noll Thumpeou and i Mir. 1;. t'. Baaruw ur pie.1dr 1. tither 1h.• hue Neil Thompson. or Bljth. The t bride ea. Itetoneuglr „anti la a ufllnr•rs rhe ti. I. W'at un, vitrprenl- match. After r *hurt honeymoon; m, tailing fro .the let, melting eel be uu Weduertla! reshiettee In Ihtugaanon. w ere thelarxt. ealth a luurltaeg slid .ager groom conducts a shoe -repairing bust- - - tess navy blur toatume wltb atrPII/M14M 1►r etas at; MINS Joint Grove., ASHFIEtz ASIIFIKI.l). Oct. 2)4.- Mr,. John -Mediae 1a visiting friends lu Toronto. Misr Jessie MacRae. of Toronto, a guest with his brusher, Mr. J. Il. ilex. Itl..a._IUf lltmlph.Wum top hoar+ Itebeetaop, user the went -cud. 1 ors, w 'lite tour -day meeting of the ' itis', Ante Straughau,• of t:rsicrltb, Ontario 1',lowtuen's A,.,a,-•luthot retest - visited at her !wore 1n East Wales- i is hod at (Nommen. W'ewtern kir rrt•retary: ilallt4 WIIII.W., tra•tlautt'r( •I W. .t. fleeting. -Vie Aete1er soot- lug of the Wonsele. Arseelatlon of 1►ungabnou ['nitre eburch was held at the house ut Mrr. ltubt. here, opening with devotional *aerobes Roll call was responded to by itche member. aud setteoteen visitors. Mrs. J. Me - Whinney introduced an article of the -Food Flavor" products whirb w111 be dealt welt later. Mi*. R:= -air Me - Kenzie gave a emery pwatable reading. The topic for the month, "flow to Study Our Bible." was taken by Rev. T. It. Tuner. The mertlag was clotted by the. parlor. Tia• November mewling N'l11 be 1a charge of Mrs. R. A. M. -Kenzie and Mr.. Arthur Roach, Wo en'. imrtltMe Svgger.--The spent the week -cud at her home bere. fowl supper and entertainment given ' Mr: Mike. Sir aderwus. -.4 Toreutte, nn ',relay .r .sere in . the verts.b ball pt the wee-ra. at e ons of 'µ'a' k d the b by the W'umra's larlitute was well Mr.. lan.e.• Ms'lenidid. intruded. After an -n-vireo! meal, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Abate. Mr. I•nd' well served. had been enjoyed, the Mrs. flirted I'resiou. and Mr. Pete futh.wise' pr.gKam was' givru: $cic- woah weir the week-rml Murdoch. of Detroit, spent the week - tions Iry the Ryan orchestra. Gutter- ed Craig motored to :Stratford d iu visit ' nationat rbampHoashlpe as John R. cud at Ilse h9wr u( Mr I .0 lei: du.., June and 'Sean Rutledge. Me-- and M. M. AM" and Mr*. 1i_ i Ilargrea:es. of Baachellle placed arc•-• Cameron. - 'Dialigsnu oar: re•a,there- Mee Retest l)r. Mmisw. Mr. W'. IL Ituloelitoi►n W lt«nt, a oderlctl : Illghhud druci,g, Eilar•u llsl'hw• and lima Vistsou. Nile: ro..1 duets. by the misses Wil- ma mill Indy Treleatt•n. 1hurganuvu: tap deuces. the Mlwa•+ Ryan and I►nrw:ue, Cokrieh : ltuusorous read- ing, Ito ter Billie Stewart. Dungan - nen. Mr.. 1:. 1'. Treleateu meted as atrompu.IrI for the vo•.I II 11 •, white Menet' Dwgie .i 1 slru playlet! the bagpipes for the Highland dau.iiig. An Int' u:al dance. for which the wu •ie wa. .u1.1Ak•d I. ILe It)ru 01- , humors. con, -:osteal the evening's a uteI- taiumcm. Sectional 1?.M.$. Nee$bsg.-ytA, ra•. - 1i.wuil niteling ata. held on ut•wiwy afternoon it. I.:,.ke r I're,byterian cbur,le wish ►loath Kiuluss, t.nrknow and Ashfield congregations. repre- Mho+ Ilorothy t'raig on Ciaturday Iat-t. 'end and Iterhard Jarvis. of Milliten. Mr. and Mrs. I . Johnsen returutd third. All thaw were previous (lain- aud Mr. 1►uuceu M',rK,n), of (:wler- .to Konora last week. after visiting his pees. Ontario evnta•stanls rarried off hla, ialled un . kslt(lald frkrnds on ' -ester, Mts. e'. Ite•adle. who is serious-, major honors tbroughont ttw he eet, manilas. ly 1 1 I here. ..deli w,.. fteitured by a record at- ObRtmry.--The many friend. of ' Mr. 1.'. Wightmah. of Whher•hureb. landaue .1 ):.,Iia) rpet•tatorr. Hon, MT* of ber sudden wear(• *eery sorry to vigil"' et Mr, lino. Mutant's 0" sun- !►uuraua )I•tr+balh Ministor of Agrl- hear of her sudden de.,lla In the ley. niton• for 1» tarso; who. waa in atten• W'esl, where sVIs.hud• soar ',hunt -r Mr.. W'w. S(iatrr has retuinwrl to r month ago to visit her sun hush. Ilan d,nuw, rcprlsvrl grat[Mttiun at the. funeral is farm lar tale re.iak•ui-e to her borne in Seuforth, al*, Mrs. Kele:MI Ilowllig taken by the tou- Kru+t•, of Dalt. fled Mr-. F'inla)•ou, of l•stants. r.ts.•lally amour young.te•r.. 1. i t nliur t.ewetrry nota}': `ttwtwthy seafurtb. • t Farmer.. he said, were •.atixing that i. Worddhl lo Ihr Ism. ptct fa wily. The ■nniversary.servirea -.4 Knee g,,,,,i peoeile le sung Important In. ! Word has y}aum* oro yf the thatn 1'rr+l.yterluu rhurrh, Auburn, will be ,-ultiv.ttiuu. The Intereounty totppetl- .a1 1/ondt7n ..i lergnhw•r F1sLiye+.0 yon 'weld on Sunday. November Is Rev one tram of threw plow ' f Mr. lknwlih awl the hum' Mrs. tion .gwr11 to F'futayson. Farquhar load lweu in • F. 11. Allan, of Treswat.•r, w111 preach !,ors free: each county drew the greet - at 1l a.m. and 7.30 p.n. On Mun• aru t ,twt..•r ..f entrant-•, sixteen trams. !dry, evening s' fowl sumerwill he Perth M.suty tram phased first in tilloral will take plate irwn his fa/114.r".s bon.. un Thpriuday to Lochalsh (xme ' rer-ed from 3 to K 'o eturt. to toe Hol- -rhes. to '-.1.. the Hon, J. A. Faulkner tory. Tu the t.rreacednoses we rx- Iowerl by the play "Nora Wake 1•p'• by Itluer'ale' yoUIIg people : Itewemher the aunitrrsary services , of Knox Presbyterian ebureh on Sine! (lay next. and the supper and play un Monday evening. A rood time is in -gore for all who attend. W.d Iu( Abdveawsry: -4)n Thurs.' ' day las Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ate j quith, e,tawmad resident. (.f Auburn, 1 .elebratetl the fifty-third anniversary 1 of their wadding. The marriage reels•- j ' stony (e,t.r performed October 22nd. I twa,-4.s---it.a_ Jobs_ pray. . and the 'couple hare ever since rewlalet) in An- barn. Until his retirement from active bualneet •Mout eight years age- Mr. go-)(r. Asquith had • busy life. He con- ducted a flour and feed bu.ine,w dor many years and was engaged exten- elvely In the apple evap►ratlug bust- ' new and inadditl•yk.ziWW*ld apples to the We...ern and 014 Countee mar - 1 kris. lt.db Mr. and Mrs. A.quitb are i acute and valued members of the Au- burn Baptist church. They have two 1 children, Charles. Of Antwtrn, and Mrs. F. O. ,Mcllreeen, of Jhuvusanrille. An- other daughter oesseiI away many , yeti's ago, 1 1 (het your orange•seliow .mrd Halloween et The Signal trophy. tend empathy. • • • *.iI..1• Mr.. lurk. M.Wh:nbey. proal- ('are In Mimi Hay DUNGANNON _dent of Er.kits• W.M.S.. opened the Markel lay producers in Easleru meeting anti extended a eel -et -doe to Canala hurt the reputation and wale-, _ 11w• visitors. Mrs. ',Btu.; K. M. - ability of tbelr product In export mar I►1'xt:ANNI ! lien. 2'.. -Sunday ban, of W'Ingham, gave au Interest- ka'ts through haling pradi o whla•h guests with Mrs. KletaltetL ludir•wrn' jug address on the work et u• returned are either carrier.; or tall to reeog- Jit. and Mrs. Thor. little and sou mbtsfquary. MISS Jei*he McBean. who nese market prefereoces and preju-, Howard. of Ankle -tees% Mr ata! air.. ata- 41.41e sI work in the foreign dies. Proper baling. as well as gush- , Robt. MI11s and .aro •at d 'taughtcr. • mission fields of t'hfleu, but owing to ity, have au influence ion the sale- ; of Cleveland. Mr. and M'e• (lets. Hatt- ill -health Iron returned -to Toronto. sillily anal prl.e•of hay in newt mat- gen. aud daughter. of Itlpiry, Mr. and Mrs. R. IMvidson, t-krr n•.Idrnt of kits, and Isbell, as bas frequently Iocr u Yrs. R. Brown and d.un,•Ltrr t:mlly the Maitland, Presbyterial, pre*ldaed 1 tbe case in recesr year., condition...I f .\-htlrld. for the program, Mrs. A. P. tew- of «npp'y and detailed rave wattled-- Miwc-draah llalsv.= v►tu_ racrnter1art, Lucauuy. read the St reit ure• lr - twines to. -pick and 'Stets*. this lu- sold her farm, hut• pureba,rd from , ten : Mlw Lenore. Mint! Yn fit*reet- flurn.r IMrows,., aloably important;lturton_ Roach his fine residence Pre" , with a toe! number: Mr. Philip! Practically every buyer prefers petty at the south end of the village. ::ep•eta.t%. e.-j.fu-&now,-1.14,ens a solo. bales of uniform sloe and weight., Mr. Roach hat purehastd the dwell- Mrs. Arthur ?WWII?" yew 'an at•m.tm neatly 1..sl and not too bossily Ing owned by George Glenn and w111 of the Summer School at ('amp Kir' p►resv•d. Mont rutted States markets remodel It. .1 till this year. Reports were given *satiable to Eastern Canada prefer! The tw'e•Ilt of Ikungana..n and the t y Ila, varidu. auiHlarte,• sh.wisg hales weighing-- not orer 1x1 to 130 nelglifserhew+d renp►rwlyd generated! 1°1, ameh terwest tskaa In the work,. A potions. Too fr.111teetly Canadlau the aplkral for Western relief and coal trio he Mr.. A.'•ttts grt. Mrs. 1. hay la heavily premed Otto bales contributed fruit and vern•tableu' to the how,, and MIs. firth leirk war rm- weighing upward.* of 200 panda, and ear shipped from I.ucknow. - , Joyed: Mrs. Herb. Stother. ens the uftrn with aneuter, ragged ends Mr. aped Mee W. 11. Andrew are 1 a,ttompabl.t. Mrs. MsWhlnoey I through tlje y,re of bale ties of nn= spending a week, visiting friends at lasted to mw'eting with prayer. after U rHOLSTERING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION - Chea*.i4rlds and Chairs lade to year order. R E1D L I$O Tgazt Hamilton Street - Galeria Auto Supplies Hot Water Heaters - For Coupe or moan car $ 8.75 Medium size $11.75 Larger mise sots , Jj14.78 The above figurett represent the total cost of Heater in- stalled in Your ear or truck, complete W:111 thermostat. 'I'Ite Ulla* i• a wra.•Il} .1111 !lot 11'41er.1len ter.. -Satisfadi.s Guaranteed- PHONE uaraet e4 - PHONE 40 Beevers' Service &ztioo CORNER HAMILTON 8T. AND HIGHWAY 21 even lengths. This Is usually done to save wire, but often reduces. the Ailsa Craig and Parkhill. which ale unngannou 1•dlas tenet' Mr. Arthur -Culbert. mouth of I)un- refeeltma nt. Is the ka•t men( of 11.. - market taloa• mutt}}, In excess of the Bannon, was returned to his home from M+mree. vin Such I,rfeR are beau and the Gwlrrlrh Moppet on Moseley after for string. 7 -}awkwaral fur tette man to handle, as' a week's treatment. I well as (wing unattractive In ■wear -War ezteeti oeyewash; to Mr. ante. The very heavily pressed hay ! ow awl Mr.. Stanley user, (nee Amy I 4 raches Winter Coats Fur -trimmed and Untrimmed Tweed Coats Smart Sport Coats, warm, com- fortable and lasting durability. Colors in browns, bluest' and greys Special' . Woollen Dresses Smart Wool Dresses, tailored styles in colors greets, Wine, I,rnw11 and blue. Sizes • 16 to 44 .1'+' - Special $2.95 Children's Coat Sets For Boys and Girls. 3 -piece Heti.; of ,oat, a an .egging& Agog •.,3' to If. Warm woollens, well made and Warmly lined. Colors pink, blue, brown and 'navy. Underwear • Wool Snuggles in Vesta and Pantie Bloomers. • Neat fitting Underwear while it ie warm and comfortable. • Made of upshrinkable wool in flesh color. ' 75c each • t1500 • Winter overcoats Men's. and Young Men's fiver - teat., tailored in the latest style and best materials. BBarrvmnre cloth.* in' plaids, cheAks "hilmrj...glonotnities -- Tweeds imjw►rtrll from England. Raglan style trite-.liatfif or full belt. ALL COATS SEASONABLY PRICED Men's Hats A large -range of Men's Hats in Felts and Velours. Dark shades for Winter wear. $1.95 to $2.95 CORNFIELD re you are Invited to shop" unit 4t& _ does not "shake out- so well as when more lightly pressed, and 1• more like - Iwo spoil in wariu storage. erp.ial- fy yr , . rrh`.W Iito iMre- rrrm-ruin: aueve ur .fuer ))solw is pemste- . Mille market outlets ate restricted as compares( with earlier times, more unreel attention to the ea1ing sad to the loadiug of ears with a uniform kind and quality of hay would assist is .Attaining the broadest powdblee out- let for Cnnadlan surpluses. BAYFIELD IiAY1 lKLI), (kt. 2T. -Mr. Jobe lilt - shell, of London, and brother Ueorge Mitchell, of Lobo," motored here on !sundry sod, vlalted their cousin, Mr. F. A. Mustards. Mr. and Mrs, K W. Kendall, Jr., of Minim. visited Mr- and Mrs, W. R. Jowett last week.' Misses Lucy and Jean Woods anal Rev. and Mrs. Bugler and sun Bern- ard were at Hassles. on Tbursdey Ina.• TheFMiss es McLennan, of Toronto. returned hose. lase weak atter visiting Mew* J. and M. Stirling. Postulate Rratered+--41h Wetlats.day evening tlw 'oval en toAke fittings were trnnwterrarl to tate former bank Moto In tee reolden a of the I►ostmis- 11 -.ss, Mrs. M. F'. Woods, where bUsl- Iw:ss it now twits tarried on. The present ttwatins a f.eda .-a ;mater_ working space and 1s more (onren- iewt-N►sa-abet-.•I5... wheel has_ ten in nee wince (globes It, 1LY12. A ter the fire lir lteelle It M whirl) three Sores ■ ud resident roe -were burned in Novetnber, lirll, which Included ti* store of 11. Dlirhmann lo whir+ the postomse waw !Mated. W. pn.tomee work was carried on temporarily in the reslfiemr of the poitma.)ter, the late Df. Sluing W, Wonde. As no suitable locates *cold be procured. tf+e prwel msfer / was obliged to erect uK Iwttdlgg--ha *Web• the postoakr her been .Ituated eve, slow. Daughter of first film star: ',How do yeti file Aber new father?" DauRbter of wand stir: '4411, la's very nice." ,.Yea, Isn't he? We tied hits last yen r," KINGSBRIDGR *vela eectohl o is enlenertigrilie1R N.vesihsr 1 lied Newest's, O. Has Oreheatrs. Adwta.kw, !Se, Young) in 1h• death of theft day-old sou on Thursday. October ?land. Rev T. R. Turner eonductsd the funeral leseessi .ewes tar. a, es... ser lila f lll " . grandparents., Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Young, with burial la Dungannon - cemetery. !Attie -lettere --Muse roanmed daughter s4 Mr. and Mr., Wilfred Niven.. of Salt -ford. la stalling for a few days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hohn. Moore, while her moth- er, Mrs. Niten., Is violtint(' Oriends at 1..•a m i Iljlen. Messrs. Harvey nod Wilmer Robb. of Ashfield, were Sundry .Visitors at the home of M•r, and firs. O. Frank• lin Pentland. Mr. anti Mrs. Robs. lett:(.-, Mildred Wilson, R.N., lad Roht., jr.. of God- erich, were liunday visitors with Mrs. iMcld Sproule!. Mr. and Mfr. W. F. Savage, of Ridgeway, visited the latter's atter. Mre. 1.. F'. Rangel. on Ssturday. Mr. J6he Barkley rite daughter, F'Itsgerald. with their. guests, Mr. and Mr.. Jn" Barkley. ..f eche Bay, acre war .• 4i-nd ••guests with 'Mr. and Mrs. Albert L'antpeen. Weetfleld, Mr. Jas. Elmer Nivent of tatlgery. hos eeete.v'isning his Aster, Mrs. John Vogler. Sheppard -ton. and other relai tivtes mud acgnantance. In this d1.= trk•t. MIs. Margaret Elliott, of Golerl-h, ws. I..mc with her tercets. Mr. and Arthur Elliott. am Sundae. Mr.. Ken. Kennedy tied two rhl'd- -4- lwpdalk, and 31h: _S)ll v't• Mc Auley, of Flesherton, *tatted on lion - day with Mr. and Mrs. (Jmo. Irwin. Miss irreales 11rydges, of the 'Wee, Nilo accompanied them, 11,1 remaining for a longer visit with her aunt, Mrs. Irwin. ' Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Moore, of Wblteehureh, caned on letnday with the former's aunt, Mrs. 1). (Nuhn. The Home and Reboot (Nub *ill hold their windily meeting at the home of the vkw-preetdent, Mrs.. (Rev.) T. R: Turner. Intern allchs of work done for rripplaed children in the i.ondon (telbdren's Hospital will et. shown, All members and any other. who are Mishit* of fends, are levied to Nene oa Thursday, Notemhef 'ti,, at it p.ps. Many from tee tillage sad dlatrlet attended the taseral,of the late 1)oa- sM 11c?evin la 6tldeticb on erlday last. 11,. McNerin enndnc•ted a liv- eyy bnsletem in 17ungnn am sew years g llr)- firlrte-Ififffrfinerz'tr nephew, ler. Dwelt' Fowler. Melbas of tketeh snierery and a etabnee •ae WAY 94, • • : Small Boys' Winter Overcoats in blue. brown or grey oil t•ertoue.. Sizes 4 10 if) )"ears. _ SPECIAL $3.95 to $4.95 M. ROBINS Agent for Tip Top Tailors PHONE 384 11 APPLY TITS -LAP OYER YOU OLD ROOF Last summer's drought and blistering weather spoilt man shingle roofs. Re -roof with Tits L.p orltib•Ioll, the durable metal roods( that on right over old roof! Come/ in @ beets, to The cosi aro bt Rib- 1 suited for roofing 1 t a hedge. Send warp. shrink. rafter measurements fortes estimate and Mi in qe' Y •Eagan PRESTON, ONTARIO - on LAMM MIL 041011011011 Isnwaway Poultry *grit. -•H is tM anal .md.r.and poet - cal ne t hr a.•rt.a• •'J. ... . N arMA" Romano Lew .yo ba mo,. rekk..at Moms sL wrlr for eoopbtr fakir. 'rho Pintas Perna aro 0.. ino vet w roar aid mond Era Oirj Id ,t auto a roorsadblRuio.oad and t.ith ••,d fro rtilisr Mlr.l•b.ekblAalaar l Pardo she. MONIR[AL sad TORONTO SPECIA LS Burn Door Track le per ft. Barn Door Rangers __ .JIOc per pair Ne. 12 Dolled Bpring Tena Wire Soper ib. Grindstones per Iscady b14d ;tering- .Thia paint was $4.00 per Allen. It was not affected by the Are. Now 12.00 per galla. Wire Nails in quantities, not leas (ban 25 Ibs.....3%e per lb. Any size from 1" to R" COAL and COKE We handle the D. rk H. Cone -Cleaned Anthracite Coal, Ford , Vie, Domestic Lump and Alberta Coat • hats. , C. • (1).'t1. 1 ARI) AND A1'w,W AT 11101BOR 4PHONERF- TOU -R'&uu fir i ..,,w . .aa...•.ar..r••••.•,•R•r+maN..• ua =,r. • t1 Ad(t/ a ge . lla.ataa.J, • • :41‘ - • -woommentese ..