The Rural Voice, 1979-08, Page 20A matter of principle by J. Carl Hemingway Commenting on the Election Now I suppose 1 could hardly be expected to refrain from making some comments on the recent election results. As seemed to be expected, we have ended up with a minority government. The Conservatives have the most members and are forming the "Government." The Liberals came second and are called the "Opposition." The N.D.P. ran third and are supposed to have the balance of power. Finally the Social Credit came in fourth and are generally ignored by the "media." There were some rather snide remarks following the results that the N.D.P. (the poor relatives) couldn't afford another election quickly and would "sell their souls to keep their seats ." It must have been rather embarrassing a few days later when the "media" reported that both the Liberals and Conservatives campaigns ended up with large deficits while the N.D.P. had a healthy surplus. It would seem, considering the tremendous increase in our national debt over the past few years, that we would have been smarter had we put the N.D.P. in power. At least the N.D.P. were successful in managing their campaign budget and just might have done the same with our national budget. The statement that the N.D.P. has the balance of "Power" is a myth. At the last report that I know of even the Conservatives plus the Social Credit can have an overall majority, so the Social Credit can have the balance of "Power" by a slim margin. The N.D.P. can have the balance of "Power" by a fair margin and the Liberals can have the balance of "Power" by a large margin. It is going to be interesting to see which "Party" keeps the Conservatives in power and for how long. It just may not be the N.D.P. During "the three leader debate" on TV it was stated that the Conservatives supported the Liberals more often than did the N.D.P. over the last term of the Liberal Government. The statement was not questioned by Mr. Clark nor by the media that I ever heard of. Ilowever, I think Mr. Trudeau, and his Liberals are quite lucky to be defeated. Remember Mr. King was defeated in the early 30's when the economy was in a mess and soup kitchens were feeding the unemployed. Mr. Bennett became Prime Minister. He failed to bring about the necessary improvement and the Liberals came back to power for some 20 years. Then in the late fifties, the economy went flat and Mr. Diefenbaker came to power for a few years and then Mr. Trudeau took over for eleven years. I think conditions are just as bad now as they were in the thirties but it doesn't show as clearly since there are welfare cheques, Old Ag e Pensions, Medi -care etc., but prices are even more out of line. I sincerely hope that Mr. Clark and his Conservative government can give us the kind of legislation and leadership that will give us some semblance of fair play in our economy and have the courage to enforce it. I sincerely hope that all the "opposition" parties will support good government for Canada and all Canadians regardless of "Party" preference. PG. 18 THE RURAL VOICE/AUGUST 1979 Para Material Handling Equipment mills BEtL HOG EQUIPMENT fans & silos Sales • Service . Installation Planning Shantz Farm Aut. Sales Representative C. GERRY GASCHO 22 years with Patz Co. Box 451 Phone Tavistock 655-2848 McGAVIN'S FARM EQUIPMENT, LTD. Sales and Service 527-0245 Seaforth Walton, Ont. 887-6365 Brussels Established 1936 We specialize in a complete line of farm Equipment including ION LEYLAND SPEr2RY+NEW HOLLAND