HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-10-29, Page 3• t--• e • r /744 ,11r,E..,11LMIVE 7.10:=4. 11 • 'WE. Aumm ASSISTANCE Here lb one of the many ways lo which The Sigma renders valuable assis- tance to its readers. Aldt about our Club Subscriptions with leading daily papers, also popular magazine«. riabstastiel linkage Are .Assured I a It otie ovoid always be sure of Ullin141100 result., the uncertainties of Job IVuting would he eliminated. l'ractleal expert roc.' .nage.ts placing your coutidence In Ilse Signal Repeut Orders Merit Cesesideratige THZ SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED. Publishers OODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1936 ISeaforth Theft 0 Charge Dropped $1 Evidence Offered Against Salesman— tilde's Court The 0. F. Carey Co. Fire, Accident and Motor Car INSURANCE Representative Loudon Life Insurance 'Co. Ofilleez-lissonic Temple, West ... Street, Goderich Halm 11WI, Manager. 'Phone 231 4.7 Geo. Williams & Son DOMINION, PROVINCIAL and MUNICIPAL BONDS Jere, Accident, Automobile add General Insurance Agadir -- OFFICE, NEXT TO BANK OF COMMERCE Phone $3 Goderich that The Signal's Classified Columns or Sale at Port Albert Nicely Wooded Cottage Lois HYDRO CONNECTION -Also Hooves in Town - AUTO, ACCIDENT and FERE INSURANCE W. J. POWELL PHONE in GODERICH Plumbing, Heating -OR- Eavestroughing WE HAVE IT Repairs for all makes of stoves K furnaces Prompt service and reasonable /111 tee. • John Pinder num 127' P. O. Hes 111 A charge against P. E. Newton, bond sa:eassuau, of Toronto, of tbe theft of 10,000 shares of second Stan- dard Oil Royalties, valued at $1•200, the property of Robt. Boyd, of lin- fortb, war withdrawn %ben he 'ap- peared htfore Magistrate .1 A. Makin/ REBEKAH INSTALLATIONS Mrs. l'earl Lawrence, district deputy president of Rebekah d'ortrict No. 26, and staff on Moeda, of this week in- stalled the officers of Eitieleelair Re- bekah Lodge, Seafortb, and on Wed- nesday conducted the inbtallation at Silvtercrest Rebekah Lodge, Ililverton. at Thursday evening Wm. Lawrence couducted the intallatiou of Joiseph Oliver Rebekah Lodge at Mitchell. The Installation team was as ?elbows: Mrs. Toole, D.M. ; Mrs. Roope, D.D.M.; Mrs. Doak, D.D.R.S.; Mies Marie Bell, I)I). treasurer; Mrs. Shore, D.D. chaplain; Mrs. Newcombe, D.I.G.; Miss Driver, pianist; Mrs. Tweedie, 1).D.F.S. on Thum:lay tart. No evidence was offered, and the withdrawal of the charge was agreed to by Crown Attorney Holmes on condition New- ton pay the cotes of $36.25. L. N. Proctor, of Brussels, was found guilty of operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and was sentenced to seven dare In All. Chief Postelethwaite testified be found ttre-man 1:11 ids -truck been* the highway on Sunday morning, Septem- ber 13. Proctor was asleep, half out of the cab wiidow. -1 asked him what was the trouble and he said 'I'm stalled,' " testified Gm Chief. - 'Ion look it,' I told him." "Do you sag- ha was Leto:tested?" •sked tbe Crown Attorney. -He war drunk," meld the witness. Defence coo:meet argued the truck wao pushed from the hIghwiy, being out of commission. "I submit the truck was pushed by hand. It would not move under its own poser, therefore it was not a motor vehicle under ttw meaning of the Act. It was a perambulator," said defence counsel. The Chief, ho conescated the ve- hicle, stated Proctor had no difiiculty starting the machine when he was re- leased from jail on bell on Monday. Orown Attorney Holmes then declared defence onunsere argumcia was inap- plicable, and such was tte finding of His Worship, Duff Beneteau, of Clinton, charged with keeping liquor for sale, was re- manded on Ws own bail a week. A sixtten-yearold Clinton giri was sent back to the care of ber parents. Ste had been placed with the Salva- tion Army when ebe guoved unman- ageable at home. bat Lad tun away from the 'citadel' and. stayed out all night. Her parents were lectured more severely than the girl, Miler trate Mrkins endeavoring to impress upon them their responsibility with regard to the • • Vightlenee rgifs‘ 4fiest-Strimit ELECTSC SHOP THIGH FRACTURED William Walters, elderly Colborne township farmer, is in Alexandra hoer pita' with a fractured thigh, the re- sult of a fall this week. Mr. Wel- tersiell while walking from the house to the burn. - THIEVES UNSUCCESSFUL Thieves on Friday night drew two blanks, in raid* on two offices at N% ing- 1 ham. On Saturday morning the of- I are staff of the firm of Mahood & Stewart found books and papers lit- tered &beet the floor and .he safe don Wide open. It never was kept locked, as rash was not kept in tte safe. . Alto during the same night an at- tempt wan made to open the safe in tbe office of the Fry dr Illaekhall nzanufacturing plant. An attempt to open the vete bv driPiog a hole through the door was aboondon441, and the thieves departed. taking a small sum from tha_rash register. Provincial Conostable P E. mecoy is in charge of the investigation. SERVICE OF WITNESS The Deanery of Huron was well re- preeented at a service of saltness at St. Paul's Anglican church, Clinton, on Monday evening. Rev, 'K. Maloun was in charge of the service, which was sponsored by the Local Council of the Deanery Of Huron. Rt. Rev. C. A. Seater, Bishop of Huron, ad- dressed the gathering or The Ideal- ism of St. Paul." Rev. Wc-431.--21saaer, of Barfield, installed the Winery ofileers at the conclusion of the service. Thom attending from (loth -rich were Rev. A. C. Calder, Archdeacon Jonee-Batenstn, Mime Catherine Lewis, Harold Blackstone, Albert Shore, MiSti Margaret Bradley, Mlle Margaret Evms, Miss Irene Foster, Mint Foster and Miss Fk4en Thomas.' IV. H. A. Has Had a Successful Year — , Mrs. G. IL Watson Re-elected President—Projects for Aid • of Local Hospital Mrs. G. M. Watson was re-elected president a the Women's Hospital Auxiliary at tbe annual meeting, held at MacKay Hall on Saturday after- noon. The report of tbe nominating committee, announced by Miss Etta SauRik war as follows: Honorary president, Mrs. M. G. Cameron, New 'York; Mrs. M. E. Felker, Windsor; Mrs. ('. A. Reid, Goderich; honorary vice-president, Mrs. E. W. Chrrie; president, Mrs. G. M. Watson; vice- presidents, Mrs. A. D. McLean. Mrs. John Hunter, Mra. John ileribon, Mrs. 1).-E. Campbell; secretary. Miss Claire Reynolds; treasurer, Mrs. A. F. Sturdej erne neretary, Mrs. Jolla Murboon. Mime Reynolds reported a inost suc- (woeful year bad been enjoyed by the Auxiliary, and) Mites M. E. MikeId gave a similarly encouraging report for the Goderich Township ii0Apatal Auxiliary, which was well represented at"the meeting. • "One of the main objectivea of the society at present," said Miss Rey- nolda, "is the purchaaing 1.f a gas Was - !chine for the administering of anaesthetics to patients In our hos- Asks Referendum 'K.AR, NO. 44 on Beer Business THE COOKING SCHOOL FRIDAY AFTERNOON Gederich Links Internam! in Mrs. H. M. Aitken's Visit A 'Meet famous lu thy history of Nov. Dr. Hasen, of London, ID ooderich will be recalled when Mrs. of North &rest H• M. Attlles, towductitte the <Pied* United Church inarch Company Cooking Schad in 1MacKay ltaIl on Friday afternoon of thia week, will prepare and cook a CAIARY A COMPUTE 4STOCK OP Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc. Electric Wiring of ell kinds Estimable gives es spalicaties M67"'''*11/411111 FRANK WAITER Telephone 82 -L •Goderieli 44. Tired Nerves Tired nerves make you restless, nervous, Irritable and sleepless. Most women, and men too, depend on Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for new nerve force. For new pep and energy use Dr. Chase's NERVE FOOD "We are astifring to t•ring about sr refereeduse towesable people to vote, ludependently of polities, on whether or not they want the beer businees," said Rev. Dr. G. N. Hawn, of London, representing- the Ontario Temperance Federation as ise-spoke from the pul- pit of North street United church un Sunday morning the last two years," he said, tbe introductien of beverage rootus, ot which there are 1,100 or more in the Previte, beer drinking has Werra:led 300 per cent., and con- trary to tbe arguusent of two years ago, the consumption of bard liquor alai has. eternised. 9. four pee cent- lam crn_m ve being olest last Leer in On- tario, and there has been 1 gradual lot -reuse througbout the sleet -The minion. , -Last year Ontario vent risty-eigiit millions on liquor, and that don not include illicit drink: That was during the hard. times a 1935, when thirty six mil/tons were spent on reitef."--• pr. Hazen spoke emphatically on the subject, pointing; out that alcoholism breeds crime, initnerality and viee, and Ir detrimental to body and mind. '1 think we all feel tte liquor busi- ness is an economic loss, a wade. No man ever drank himself rich. "There is an element of respectabil- ity about the beer 'parlor* which the bar -room did not have. No decent woman would enter a bar -room, but now the Government seal on beverage rooms permits a most serious thing, mixed drinking. "It la becoming the fashion, as you know, for young mon and young wo- men to drink together, and tbe trouble is we are getting used to R. We no longer are disturbed by it. Oh, that the Christian Church might be awak- ened to see the twrimeoneas of this problem in the Province of Ontario. "In one town in Huron county two drunken young women were seen eprawied On the sidew•lk. It might he said io favor of the bar -room that wizen persons stood at the bar they knew when to quit drinking. Today, while seated In the comfortable bever- age rooms, they never know when to stam." Dr. Hazen pointed oaf that 1,224 persons lost their livee on Ontario highways boa year, their deoths be- ing att-ibuted to the "drinking , driver." 1 etattinue? Why licente the business? "Why is this faituation permitted to Not because of the money derived from I It. The eon/miner den uot makel entater,,And.. it is mime fraRt Ibt....vaer- I rtiaots. to go to the maunfacturere of liquor. With their million -a they exert n great influence with the 'mili- tate]. A special fund bat. 194'11 110d1 already two generous donations ..• rhe indirretenee Of the Christian ! b Goderich Post, Canadian Legion, and $60 from a former prevIdent, Mrs. Cameron, of New York. As the ma- chine Will con from fire to e4ght hundred dollars, the Aexlitery hopes that organizations sad individuals s -ill see fit to help the fund along from which ruins the ascii.* of our people," time to time by contributiqg towards i‘sonelnded the smeller. it, 'the need of a machine of this kind I being very great." .tmong floe projects, for tabling are -a agle-44-tickm• Alt'n anlri house and the sale of it took book, eontaining favorite recipesiir of Goderich. which ham been compiled by the Auxiliary. Activities of the Past Year During the last year the Auxiliary provided gifts for the hospital staff at Christalfs; arranged tl.e programs and provided the mapper at the nurses' gradvietIon, at which the Auxiliary presented the graduates with auntie& achosors; held the hos- WIG birthday party at MacKay Hall; sponsored • theatre night benefit for the hospital; held a garden tea at the home of the president and asaisted the Lion. <lab at the crippled child- ren's clinic. The trraP4Urer'a report, given hy Mre. A. F. Sturdy, Rhovved receipts of $11.04.0Z, with a balance of $.111.10 and PO in the fund for the gas machine.. Goderieh Township Auxiliary Mrs. J. M. Johnston. treasurer of the Goderlch Township Auxiliary, re- ported a balance of $340.91, and the Neeretary, Miss M. E. Salkeld, reported the Abriliary had thirty active mem- bers among a membersthip Of fifty. Officer, of the fowneltip Auxiliary are: Prenident. Miss AMI' tRan; viee-presidente, Mra. T. it.. Rundle, Mrs. W. A. Edward, Mks Andrews, Mrs. J. E. Whitely; treseuret, Mrs. .1. M. Johnston; secretary, Inas M. i.' 4 ftelle-41. intereeting revert or the thir- fienth annual convention of Women'e Hospital Aide, held recently in the Royal York hotel, Toronto. was given by the GoderIch delegate, Mrs. Car- rie. Al thie meeting regret war ez- prespest by Mrs. Oliver Blunts, presi- dent 1)? noesocietion, at the pasoing of Mrs. W. I. Horton, 4•1' Goderich. there were nix hundred delegates at the convention. At the concluelon of the meeting, after vote of thank* bad been ex- tended to Mr.. Carrie on motion of Mlist Manny and Mre. Meleughlin, afternoon tea wan aervel. Mriv. J W Hunter war hooter", aessleted by Mr.. Mullion. and Mr*. Carrie poured tee. meal that will be it duplicate of %hat war served the evening of the day when salt war first disseovered here. There arc probably not very many now living who cac perronally recall that night, fun great talus are still told of how the town 'went almost mad with the excitement of tbe end -how a 'huge supper was @erred's the hotel, where the oveus were kept buoy roasting ham after ham and turn- ing out pies, cakes and hot bieculta. Tbobe in attendance at the Cooking School will not only see three things preprred and cooked, but fortunate members of the audience-clinen through "lucky numbers" ou the pro- KralL-will take befue diebese.tut well as basket* coutaluing the hams- products of The -Canada Scareb ComPanY.- Including' Crown Brand Corn Syrup,Bensoies Corn Stareh toad Mazola. AlMiough this is that drat time Mrs. Aitken has couducted a cooking school in Ooderkh. rbe la no irtrauger to the onien. stl &la ThAni1Y..M111.1_9.1_1‘118111 have not 0111Y listeued to ber regular programs on the air, but bave also :seen her at the Canadian NatIoual Exhibition, where,her cookery tiensou-' istrations have been, for some years, one of the most txesular attractions at that great annual event. . Few Canadians have travelled more widely than has this attractive native of Slincoe county, and she has the gift of making her audienee see clearly, in imagination, the places where she has visited, so that the travel taAts and description* of fam- ous peraonagea she has met, .with which Mrs. Aitken intersperses her cooking demonstrations, give these gatherings • unique charm and inter- est.. All the' Proceeds of the small ad- mission charge will go to the work of the Women's Institute, under whose auspices tbe Canada Sterch Oonestey Cooking School comes to Goderich, and those intending to enjoy thia event will be well advised to get to Mac- Kay Hall well tvefore the hour of starting -2.30 p.m. -4)3 Friday after - D0011, as the interest being shown pointa to a capacity audience. have bes•ti ma•le toeard it # T t a people'of the Provinee le another ream's'. Every ruined life in due to the backsliding of the chtweb. If this church and all tbe churches of Goderich and of Ontario would unite far a -matinee pttrpesse we could win We could. do sway with thin btushing Smart Shoes For the Boys and Girls who are now attending the Fall term at school -- We are now offering the greatest values in good, reliable Footwear at prices that are away below the present manufacturers' prices Footwear of all styles in Oxfords, Strap Shp. pers TENNIS AiND GYMNASIUM SHOES ARE HERE FOR ALL THAT REQUIRE THEM (nil and inopeet our *Wit end Sr us show yen the wonderful Mines we are aerie( GEO. MacVICAR The Practical Shoe Man , MEM limot or fiQUAILE oonzawn. ONTARIO NEW CAR MAULERS J. W. MacAlcir, local automobile liven,* hirer, this week received his initial group of 1937 licensor plater, for release commeneing Noveniber 2. The numbers are white on a bril- liant rev, background, with white crowns In the upper oorners suggestive of the c mutation of King Ealeard V-Iti next spring. Something new for Cintario numbers is the insertion of a letter between numerals. t;oderich markers will be, In all probability, .7.N14144, 'IN-. and TN- . CAROLINA JUBILEE SINGERS The Carolina Jubilee Singers made another appearance in Victoria street Caine! chureh on Monday night. The audience nes not quite su large 59 on former mipearances of this company here, a fact to be attributed, no donta. to the Lions show at the Opera House. The pregrera was much enjoyed, and sevnal flavorists number.. of former years, including -The Steam tIslilope," and Mr. Davies' solo, "Ole Man Riv- er," were beard with especial appre- ciation. SILVER TEA . The members of group three of the Event's/ Auxiliary of North etreet Unted t-hurch entertained at a sib eerier -et the honw of Mrs. W. Y. A. Naftel, liritannia road, on Thursday afternoon lase. More than -sixty- la - dins who. atteuded during the after- noon were received by Mei. \attn, as - Meted by Mrs. Robert Johnston, Mrs. D. D. Mooney, Mrs. .1. R. VVIneler and Mrv. A. It. zirott. An attractively arranged tee table. centred with a timeline el_ "munie....wee-la salaams of Mr.. W. P. lane and Mrs. Fronk Ker- shaw. - CHILDREN C DS PROVED BY 2 GENERATIONS TUVE EVENS IT UP Topkin: -Time balances all Wigs." Poplars: Ver. I know: Weary VIII merried six wives. anti Edward VIII F isn't likely to marry any." -.-St. Lads Globe-Desnoerat. . • ' kr - Donl Hesitate.! Wel BUY AT THESE REDUCED PRICES! WEEK 23rd to 30th OCTOBER, inclusive itt CKLEYN BRONCHITIS MU.. TIRE, 41e, 76e Kitl'IM'HEN SALTS, with trial size . Ira. Mk Box Slic SAL HEPATICA mall We ITAI.IAN BALM 21e DJER KISS TAL- CUM, ite IADI ESTHER FACE POWDER 51. OIL OF EUCALYP- TI'S, for bead colds 25e a bottle JEW:KINI4 HAND LOTION Small Large ........43c COMMON SENSE RAT POISON tee SWEET SPIRITS; NITRE, 2 oz. 25e scorn; IIMUUROTt PEPSODENT! ANTISEPTIC Large 711e CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS 23e underneutinhed eldldren. thrive en delicious Ovaitine. (Ave it to them in wait, hot or cold. 311e, 58e, We GASTRONOX„11. — BUY DRUGS AT THE DRUGSTORE — ANN Lauder's Campbell's Dunlop's Wigle's Drugstore Drugstore Drugetor• Drugstore J. G. Stanbury. of Exeter.HcanducteaRRIS fite-linte- member of the Bar Association of Huron county. Ile leave* today. to take over his appointment as judge of Lincoln county. Mr. Stanbury acted in County Court for Owen Geiger, of Hensall. win sought an accounting of the finances of the late James McMurchie with regard, to his holdings la the Blyth Flax Company. With the defem dent Guaranty Company, the plain- tiff will forward written argument to Judge T. M. Costello. The (lime !mite(' until nearly midnight on Monday. • 1 012 'HIEN JUNIOR ORANGE LODGE Yinititt C S r ti ERE. SpeCiahrfccr This Week! We an discontinuing all lines of Ladies' Shoes, Rubbers and Goloshes. Also the same inChildren's, Misses' and floyie. These lines are being cleared at much below cost First to lie Instituted in Huron County --0Beere Installed tin Saturday night oflicere and members, &dealt forty In number, were installed and initiato41 by a Torooto degree team in the Juvenile Orenge Lodge No. WI, the first junior lodge of It. k'itti to Is. (trganixed in IliwOn county. The members are from ten to sIxteson yearof age. The degree team, twenty-one atrong, Installed the following officere under the direction of 1.0.1. organizer Itro. W. P. Leppert!: Worthy chairmen, Ik)I,Hlsi Thompson: W.V.C., Kenoetb Pennington; ehaplain, Ray Ntition; mei-rotary. Wm. Feagait; treasurer, twmpivell; arse lecturer. Bzuee 1110.1mIle111.; second. lecturer. Morley Bloomfiehl; first guard. Ernest Knee- shaw ; second guard. Brent Wilson; &rat standard -hearer, JaITIPS Andrewe; standerd-beerer, Wm. Sander- son. The ceremony. whleh C'h* Wi11/4499/14, by it large attendance of members of the Go414 tit h irrenehea of the L.O.L. and, 1,41.11.A., wee fol14w4s1 by ad- dresses 1.3 George MeCombe, M.W.G.M. of British .Cmerica: W. L. Sanndero, Pti M /11141 Ismirrty 445/91`T 11r/1. W. Wet -rooter, 4.1' Verna. The jonior lodge 11V/1n organized chiefly thweigh the efforts of E. 1'. cleveland. W.M., 1-.0.1.. No Iff2. Itefres).menta were 14erVP41 by ibe member" of the (Ioderlib lodge. 11.1•5440 LADIES' HOSIERY - MONARCH BRAND _ %0 Full-fashionetl, all newest shades. Sizes 81/2 to 101,* Service -weight and ChiIrdits at pair ge, 91meitillaime ''''‘' pair 85c DRESSES JIAN GORDON Sizes 34 to 44. All ne44-pa4terns and fast .colors • each 98c tosSISSIPAIN HOUSE DRESSES Faat colors and well nuttleEach CS oqC WABASSO PRINTS All new patients. 18c, 2.34 25c :16-ineh. Yard IBEX BLANKETS $2.25 Largest size. heavy weinht. Sale price, pnir s atifilaMw FLANNELETTES :16 inches wide. Faney stripe and He white. Service weight only Vara.. BUT ADD liA.V1111 5c, 10c, 15c to $1 Department of NoveltieS, Toilet Artieles; School Supplies and Stationery, Glassware and Ladies' Wear Department. 4414, _ Men's Department Our Stuek Cal new and a well assorted 'stock of Mel, 're and 'Boys' 'OVERALLS, PANTS, l'NDERWEAR, , SWEATERS, PITLI A) V E RS, SO(7KS, SHIRTS, CAPS, WIVES, MITS, and Staples ready for your WinteA 'supply. Priees Reasonable and Quality the Hest Money refunded An any tends returned. 4 _ "7. NINISMINNI igiallate? • "7"w""" - . .111451'55 -4444444...40190 1444 .1115.. 16491119•••••••••••••imorme 1 .494190.41941411159,7.P7-__