HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-10-29, Page 1Advertise in The Signal
• the paper that
-Everybody Reads
_-- It's a 1Cnoticoutr
„, „ Reveals Talent
' 'Insider Comedy Produced with
Great Success under •
, Lions' Auspices
In preyiutw eters the lives Club
greed a reputation for oponsorlug
highly -entertaining, shows in their
drives to provide fund* for crippled
ehildren and welfare work. That re-
putation was enhanced, If anything,
when, on Monday and Toesdny, hun-
dreds of persona pecked Victoria
Opera House to applaud the John B.
Sahara product ion 'It'. a Knee -k-
en !" presented under thr auspice,. of
t2tols auct mutter .1hr-iiirmiloo of
Nearly fuurwiure perscr.s, many of
these tiny ehildreu, preeeeted their
✓ ose and dance routines flawlessly at
three "bons. a nuttier., on Montle) and
emoting prisientattuus wi .11.1fin/11,9
It *rallied incretlinle that the demerit
and sump, %bleb weeeltiannti out of
the theme uf the play, letruilng de-
lightful interlude., were presented
witonly ten daps' actual training.
No higher praise you'd be given
that that glteu by Meiburn Turner,
of London, district manager of the
John B. Rogers Company. "I have
seen the same show some thirty times,"
NSW Mr. Turner at an informal din-
ner attended by lambert* of the cast
en Monday night, "and 1 freely admit
that never before hare I seen the pro-
duction dbown in a more delightful
manner. Deserving of outstanding
praise are Carl Worsen, as 'Caleb.'
Leslie Hanna, as 'Bob,' and lbw Mar-
jorie Deer as -Pattie.' Throe stars
played with a very capable cast; all
of diem played tbetr pert' extraordin-
arily well."
At the anal perforation! on Tutte-
d*, night Mr. Veber, who, Incident-
ally, was highly praised, fur his work
for and in the production, presented
Was Lucy Harrison. popularity con-
tent ',taxer, wbo for the next your will
be honored with the mythical title
of "Mien Goderteti."____ _
Lion C. K. Mundell, spoke briefly to
the large audiences, thanking them
tor their patronage which made poor
-eisedhlee4hiredhleiblrad-at 'dormaet talent
in the 'smug people of Goderich.
The show opened with a chorus and
dance by Jode (Gertrude Mahal and
sex boys and girls, the Geese., in a
delightful waltz number. after which
the players made their appearance to
uphold in capable manner tbe lead
roles of Bob Randall, penalises,' 'Peg'
who returns to his home town poaing as
a wealthy man, played, by Leslie Hau-
sa, and Pattie Monroe tilarptrie
Deere poor little .rich girl who, to
escape nwrcenary salters and with tbe
help of Bob's sister Jrale (Gertrude
Heist), establishes, herself al, an
adopted hlid of the prizetighter. Hum-
or is added, by Spike Maloney (1). it.
Nairn), right trainer and tough as be
looks, who falls for denture, lisping
Winne- Richardson el 114.10
and by Bob's rich frieud. Fred elaun-
dare kataiitt.1_925,4; 111.14.-9eLtE_unfor
if '1st
• -.
tnnate • affliction of eptuman
callow hint to steal a Itolla-Itoyee.
Sarah SMitherft„ small-town -
neencpsowr reporter, and her stooge,
&Brenda Ilattbews (Mrs H. C. Dun-
lop and Mies Edith Tayiort, confront
Bob a ith a theft charge re the car,
and in epee of Patties efforts to
straighten the matter financially
through Lord ituffington Claypool Al-
lerton Beasley Mal Umber), foppieh,
slow-witted Briton, Bob is forced. to
faee Lyman Ross (Wm. Roes). weal-
thy New Yorker and irate owner of
the Hollx-Royee, who buys ears like
bananse--in bunches.
The action takes plate st ***home
of kindly old Henry Randall (Ralph
Henderson). whose home Is jeopar-
Card by g mortgage in the bands of,
Caleb Harper (Carl Worsen), frisky,
genial banker.
One of the most amusing merest of
the pier wait between CATO), Spike and
Fred, when the last-named succumbs
to kleptomania. The byplay takes
place wheu Fred 'steal* Caleh'm watch
and Spike returns it, always wittiont
Caleb's knowledge. The timepiece
tutee up in the 'nest unexpected
pixie*. to ealetevo amazement
Song and Donee Numbers
Song and lline selections were at.
follow*: "If You Had a Girl Who Wats
Diffeeetet," ening by Winnie and Spike,
with the iam.rflfiT -MIMI&tte'
lighttully in 'sweeping blue dranwo,
-on those Parade." semi by l'Attle
and thirty4lre little girls,. the Back-
yard Brigade, Darlings; MAO by Ralph
Ilendensen; "Stepping Fool," with 11E1
I'sher In topper and tails leading the
Hoosier Girls In a limitary dance rou-
tine: "Ho Hum." Pang by Josip and
'red. with aer0111111aldYINK WM* and
donee by the Oneatx; "When We Were
the Villare Beliefs," a hilarion• enstume
dance and 'tong by Cele+. Sarah and
Miranda ; • When I Ilrhw rp," ainig hy
Parti, and Rob, with eight SWEPt-
Wert 01,1. forming a pretty denting
gkekgrotind ; "The Ihinehie Cavallera,"
1' eolorful tap donee Ise four girls. in
and wake; "Lore To a those."
sting hy *Mete and neap, with nine
Sun Tan' Girl* providing the (bolts
routine; "1 Ceettilnly Mnst 14. In
Love." a polo hy Spike: "When Yon're
Riding With the One WM Love,'
lehirlotfa seen. by Pattie and Rot gir,
(('ontinued na page 11)
Mr. rail Campion, of Tostita. Was
in town ou Monday.
Mr. and Mee A. K. Amp(len have Me
turned, from • trip of several melte,
to leurope.
Mrs..). C. Stewart, Mrs Jas. gime.
aid/ Lola Canipbell spent the week-
end, In Toronto.
Miss Nancy Nairn, of Walkerville,
was • visitor the past week at the
tenor of Mrs. C. A. Nairn.
Mr. W. L. Badley, of Chatham. wti
in tovritMa week making arrange-
Eneuts preliminary to big taking over
the potation of C. P. It. station 'apd.
Mr. Donald IdeNevin of London,
and Mr. and Mr*. Frank tilivage, of
Ridgeway. were here for the funeral
of the tette Donald McK. MeNevin on
Friday last.
Mrs. J. P. Lintield, of Colborne town-
ehip, has returned home from Western
hospital. Tpronto, Where the under.
went an operation and hart been under
treatment for some months.
Miss Helen Strang left yeeterday un
her return to New Turk She had
levo visiting tier sheer. Mira Mabel
Strang, einee her rennet from • trip
to Fenner and Greet Britain, ---------
Mr d Mra. Al 31,. s.d
Mrs. 'fed Preston and Mr. Peter Mur-
doch. al. of Detroit, calks! on Mr.
John Cameron on Saturday evening
while en route to see relatives and
friends at Kintail.
Mr. FM. Beck, who returned home
reeently after Tending the summer as
engineer tor tbe Muskoka Lakes Navi-
gation Co., ix leaving this week to
spend another %inter with his eon
William at Commands, in Northern
Mr. lint Carer, after concluding a
succersful engsgenient ter the protiu.-
tion of the mueleal comedy "It's a
Knockout:" for the Goderich Lions,
left for Barrie, where be will put on
it minetrel show for the Lions Club
of that town.
Mrs. H. Palmer returned to Goder-
lett on Monday after spending three
months In England, where she re-
mained after the Vimy pilgrimage.
On Tuesday Rev. A. C. and Mrs.
Calder, Miss Marjorie and Philip at-
tended tte golden analvetrary. at La -
can, of tbe marriage of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Staility. Mrs. Calder is a
Mee, of the maple.
Jame. Ruddock. Goderkh Manufac- 1
tellkias (.91nrcaay employs*, Is In Alex -
entire hospital anterlag from shock and
severe bruise», the result of an se&
beet which recurred at Kinhos, yes-
terday morning while he was loading
logs tro one Of the Orwes trucks. With
fellow-wrkera, Ituddot k was run-
ning a long eighteen -Inch log up
a ',kidney to a truck when a book
:slipped on the chain. 'He was In the
path of tbe leg LS If ?Oiled baetwarn
and was pinned to the ground. Ile
suffered an inJuretl pehis and pos-
sible internal injuries.
J. F. Baechler, manager of the God-
erich Manufacturing Company,
fered a cruebed inidep on Monday
%idle eorklug at the plant. A stick
of lumber dropped on his foot. The
itiJury was not venous, and be Le able
to 1 around again.
The regular motithly meeting of the
• Abe -eleceetes, bileise, -Presby-
terian eherch was held cr: Friday, Oc-
WIWI. =rd. witen a lane attend&
of the members was recorded. The
preoldeut. Mrs-JL_D-31..cLean. Was in
the chair and conducted the der°.
Lionel exercises. Mre. (1. A. Bieeet
read, the Scripture leracon and Mrs.
Wm. Sanderson led in prayer. Dur-
ing the ',wetness swetion of the meet-
ing. arrangeineuto for tbe church an-
nivereary rapper were advanced, which
arrangements will be completed at a
epeeist meeting of the Society to be
held on Friday, November ete. The
program for the afternocn was In
'barge of 3/re. G.. A. Pierat's group
and inciuded a duet by Me:Niamey
Reg. Tufford and Nelson Hill. which
wan very feelingly rendered. and n
very interesting talk on the life and
work 'of Martin Luther by Rev. T.
Wardtliw •Tarlear..D.D. The meeting
was Ow, with thr'ehera_ I henediu4
Life-saving to___
Be RecogniZed
Bort McDonald to Receive Vorti-
$0111,te of RoyalHumane
Bert MacDonald, *Teheran's...ter
and idol si__114 Iatteallee at the w
6ttnt here, Mon will be In receipt of
d life -saying eertificate from the
Itos-al Canadian Human.- Society.
Without doubt Bert has, on many
ceserione, been do...erring of au award
of this kind, but be modestly refuses
te spoke of his ninue-ous brushes
•Itt hi stet'e.-ful/ AdV
Yenterday a change took place in
tne mans worn - God*, lei;
branch of theflumainion Stores, D. B.
illiomption, manager, beef, transferred
to Stratford. tie is stus•eeded here
by Elmer M. Welch, wbo conies from
it to rumored
Snared, of Bra(
Goderieb, sold a
The win
*30.000 on Ms ti
1* true 11111 sten
selling the ticket.
The town [remoter has received
from the Ontario 0 vernment a cheque
for $408, representing income tax now
eollected by the vine, instead of
Ise the al
with d
Ing e
Hie Went effort, which was
brunet t� t e 'attention-at-astrpow,
en, that be through the raiding& of the
prole, was bn -October lath...wnhe
reeeued Ertel Bartle., AlYty-yesr-eiti
7,.;otictuttn,- of Stratftird. who
aas waAted from the breakwater Into
tit en0Ave feet of Water._urirIlamIla
from eleire. Fortunately Bert hap-
pened te, be near with his boat, tbe
cu Ida in John.
H. T. Edward's, Humane Society -In-
spector. wrote the head "Mee of tbe
thrilling rescue anti on Efiday last
reeeived declination forms from H. E.
Waterman, honorary eee,etary of tbe
tbelety at Hamilton. These forma
now are being tilled nut by eye -Wit -
nes of the rescue, and will he re-
turned to ilantiltnn•for coneideration.
Address@ to Lions by Head of Pre -
%Metal Employment Merv*.
.tt the Lion's Club dinner at tbe
Park lionise on Thursday night last
an addreen wee given 11 Mr. 11. C.
Bodeen, chief of the employment aer-
o? the Ontario Department of La-
IIMVe some details
of the work Jettingawn into on-
ploytnent and spoke of some of the
prohlenes involved in &Billie with un-
employed nwn, of the need of voca-
tional enitlanee, empecially among tbe
young. ansa of what the Department
ix aiming to do in furtherance of Pin
objeetivr,of getting men OW jobs to-
'Mr. FInstsbu believed there was .0
need for peosiminm. In this toupee -
lien he "poke of the greet new field
of emeiciyment ,Tening MD in Northern
4 heart°.
A rote of thanks. nt. moved by
Lion F. J. 'Attie and, atsonded Ivy
Wen Marry tariff and wag tendered
to the' opealter by (thief Linn fl 114
1111thert. whn prodded.
Awrionteentent wax made
ins to be held at Stratford on No-
vember 5th for the organization of
new wets to be compete -A Of the
Ilona ('lube of /*rattail!. Mitchell.
Sosforth. Clinton and Goderich. This
will be kaown as sone No. 8.
For several year. Frauk
aged fifteen, who held the distinction
of being Canada's youngest aviator,
has had a perfect dying record. Never
during his one hundred or more flying
hours bas he bad tbe lead mestiap.
On Wednesday of last week, however,
he went Into a ground loop while
playing basketball in the gymnasium
at the Collegiate Destitute and frau-
tared Ws wrist.
Something unusual in dogdom, and
new to this part of the country, is
being exhibited proudly by Mies 01 -
low Lloyd. She has an albino col-
lie. "Fluffy," which Is a purebred
/ketch collie and pure white. The
449ir is Me months old and la said to
re Ole- of three erbium; in this part
of tbe country. He was purelmeed
for Wee 1.loyd by her father, it L.
Lloyd, in Northern °uteri°.
and Mrs. Jesse Gray Britt*
street. were the guests of honor it
the home of their daughter, Mrs.`Mat-
thew Intailtletou, ottigarnr•riain 'paw
dry. the occasion being the eelebratioti
of the fifty-eighth anniversary of their
wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Gray are
eighthy-chree and eighty pent of age
reepectively. Among the many guests
wax anotber daughter, Mr. Cliff
Webb, 1 Gederich, and Mr Webb.
When she suffered a weak spell 00
Saturday, remitting In minor bemorr-
begot, Mrs. M. A. Ferguson. Keays
street, was taken to Alexandra hos-
I'erguson. who Ls in.
ninety-third year, le remarkably se -
tire for her age, andbad walked to
a eeighbor's whenilie open oaae upon
ber. Mrs. Ferguson'. favorable con-
dition at the brapital is due largely
to her marvellous constitution.
Although there have tsen many re-
ports of seconci-growth ran/berries
ripening this month, John Sheardown,
Maitland road, came forward on Sat-
urday with a sprig of luscious Drat -
growth fruit. large and testy. The
berries, grew from a plant which was
set out in the garden lase spring. Ow -
Ing to the rains ami exeellent grow-
ing conditions if the latter pert of
the mummer, the plant bore a large
amount it fruit.
the t W.t.
formerly t4
ticket la the
tos Brastebridge
, it 14, saki, won
t. If the rumor
to wilt $5,000. for
- LhLiwreona
In Gimlet -1(1i paid t is municipal income
tax on the 1934 araeomient, seven of
them being public retool 'supporters.
There apparently are no srulpersti-
tiouseperaune amen* the Menai at
Mies Helena Plante, for on Thursday
`last thirteen young ladies gathered at
the hew of Mimes Mary and Mar-
tina Hussey to wish Mew Plante hap-
piness fu her marriage to Reg. Car-
ter this week -end! An enjoyable oo-
els' evening was spent and the bride-
to-lw received a beautiful bridge lamp
from her friende. Lunt -been
served by the hosteseee
A surprise birtbilay party was held
for Mrs. Wm. Pitillipa, St. David's
'street, 101 Monday *teeing at the botne
of her nieee, Max Herbert e'ramiton,
William street Abeut fifteen friends
attended and euchre and bingo were
played, the winner,. rainy Mrs. Wm.
Patten, Theorist street. and Miss
Iteryl Cranwton. Barfield road. A
1,1110100n was Roved, tbe table *Int
nttraettrely arranged in a pink and
white color rwheme, *ad eentsed with
a birthday eake.
Three Cases of Hyd. Consumers to
Receive Remelt et lindowed Rate
The pnblic ural eounaskelon, at
Be regular Tbursday last,
iiia-Sed'niotlen ad, 1011Ar the
cif tinted() that it ig the commiesion's
desire that the uJW rates to absorb
the relent redurtion in the Provincial
(-hareem for 'fewer be calculated on
a total annual reduction in rates of
42,7410, end t ha t the isdsition be
divided equally anions the three
elasees-lomestle light, commercial
1411,i power
The commission decided to continue
in the group ineuretwe echenie with
double coverage In public liability and
property damage At the rate of $390
per $100 grime receipts.
Letters were received from the
Premier. Jornt-4 .11.104saityne, M.P.P.,
and T. J. Flannigan. secretary of the
'to lInnieipal Aseoriation,
acknowledging receipt td the empties -
Mote's resolution opposing further
taxation of Hydro property.
Official temperature" of tbe 'last
Week and of the- entre/von:Me week
of last year were ma follows:
. 1930 1935
Ras. Min. Max. Min.
Thur._ Oct. 22 -AM 118 (10 50
Fri., Oct. 26 ..... -.0 38 30 441
Sat„ Oct. 24 -0 41 32
Sun., Oct. 23 54 42,. 8IF-- 31
Mon.,. Oet., 20 30 55 4,8
Tues., Oet 27 ... our 211 57 49'
Wed., Oct. 28 * 30 00 49
On Sunday Mrs. James -"West a
corner Booth 'street and Elgin avenue,
quietly celehreted her ninetieth hirtb-
day, the meet enjoyahle feature of the
day twine a communion (Trim elm
ducted by Rer. W. P. Lene. with a
few fried* in attendatiett.
Mrs. Stewart. le bright and Alert, an
Interesting eonveriationelletamt is
(mite happy and content to pnow the
hours web her Berle for eontpany.
She Wad eery active in Million work
in her church and is held In the high-
eet esteem by the church and its work -
era. although ivhe Is unable to (eke
t114 part physicotty.
'KIndlv and osoft-spoken. 10 ant
etite tite Melte disparaging' remerest of
the eognger genCtlition of today'.
They are no war.. then the young
pimple of one or two generations past.
mho says. "They are 'limply living
In A %Olt AAe and onneetrently harp
tw "hints -and act faster or be over-
whelmed by tbe erash(KehomanIty,"
MA may..
Heavy Docket for
Suprente Court
- -
Toronto Brokers to Be Tried
Before Xr. Justice Jeffrey
- --Civil Actions
with tliree-ftiartual and seveu civil
actioaat-o&-4ia *whet for the Sogrefili
(ourtylirlireh -ogees on Tuesday:- 2f0'
washer 3, at I p.m., before )Ir. Jus-
tice N. Jeffrey, of Toronto, It is ex-
peeted tbe Newton will last the week
at least. Itla the beatietit list in
58,0tel buebele of wheat, eats and bar -
AT THE WATERFRONT !Huron -Bruce Lodge
A afewspeper despatch frtlin Swift
Ste. Marie rays: No arbitrary date! -Visits Maitlando
for closing of navigation un tbe lakes
ls expected this year. Geckle here
have been advised the reason will ir,Leit3 •
probably continue until,weattsew (01514- Presentation to Grand Chaplain
up and down -bound cargoes M,MaDermid a Feature of
Gone forbid parasite. Offers for both
tuber and November are the beat in a Oe -Fraternal Rally
decade. Clearances, from Buffalo to
The visit of Huron -Bruce Lodge, No.
the upper lakes ere 'scheduled for well
int -November, - 011, A., E. ail A. M.. 0.11.-0.: Toronto,
to Ma Bleed Lidge, NO. it boderlea.
Cargoes of tbe last. week at tbe har- was the occasion of a great Masonic
bor were as foilows:
rally at the Mationle Temple here on
At the elevator -Durham, ou Thurs-
Friday night last. The occarion was
day last. with 200,000 busbels of
wheat; Superior, Monday. part cargo, further marked by the presence of
R.W. 14io-------fl C. McDermlel.
Grand cliaPisin,-seinember of the Hur-
on -Bruce Lodge, and a former chap-
lain of Maitland Lodge. it was Mr.
McDeradtro drat vioit to tioderich
since his appointment to the Grand
Lodge °Mee, all honor which itt fully
appreciated by Ills former fellow -
members ef Maitland Lodge. In ads
dition to the visiting members from
Termite, 11.aceitis were present from
Cr riow, CITnton, Seaforth, ilenacall,
Exeter and other plates, and tbe
gathering neuilwrol nearly 175. Wor.
Bru. William Eliseo, Master of Mait-
land Ldge, preeided.
The Huroti-Bruce Lodge, with Wor•
oblpful Master A. E. Coulter in the
their, exemplified the that degree, and
after the work had been completed
the prettentation tot a bindsome Dunhill
pIpt' to Ow Grand Chaptain, on behalf
of Maitland Lodge, was made by Wor.
Bro. Fred G. Weir in a witty addrees.
MeDermid responded in an ad -
droll frhIch was beard with everts'
pleasure by hiw-hirmor- fettow-mrmhers
of SI a ft lo Ild Lodge.
The aseensisly then retired to the
banquet hall, where tbe following
KNOX .CHURCH ANNIVERSARY wont lief was preeented: •The
Annivirsiary services be Mild at "The Grated Lodge of Canada," pro -
Knox Presbyterian church 0 Sunday, posed by R.W. Bro. 11. C, Dunlop and
November m -h, when Rev. -H.--D. thine ded- to by R.W. Bro. N. V.
eron, B.A.. of ertrathroy, moderator of Johnston of St. Marys, D.D.G.M. of
tbe Synod of Hamilton and London, South Huron disdeict, and R.W. Bro.
will preach at morning and evening R. C. MeDermid, Grand Chaplain:
serve:es. On Tuesday evening, No- -The Vititors," proposed by Bro. B.
vender 190, the Ladies' Aid Society C. Beacons, and responded to by four
will serve a fowl supper In the lecture abeuktiers of the Huron-kruct Lodge,
room of the church,.
Wor. Brim. A. E. Coulter. W.11, Dr.
1'. J. F. Houston, D. II. Ilelwod and
Thievtti did their beet to outfit their The Visitors
ear while travelling *bout the country The members of the Huron -Brace
on Friday night. at 'Moo. Lodge who were present ware: Wel.
Fits -arts' lidery barn, they stole two Bro. A. -E.' tioofter,
tires from a ear there and then, atria- ter; Wor. Uro. D. H. McLeod, Wor.
Inc nerth on the lake Shore road, Bro. F. A. Flock, R.W. Bro. Rev. R.
broke Into a garage owned by Michael C. McDermott', Grand Chaplain; Wor.
Courtney, Just north of Killian, and Bros, 14. 31, Hutcheson, Dr. P. I. T.
stole a new battery, leaving an old Holliston, Dr.. 11. W. Hoag. F.
one in its Meer. A third place, on .31. filtvott, Byron A. Campbell. Peter
a farm next to Courtney's, was brok- MulleAll. M. ,Dolphin, J. A. McLaren,
en into • the. Abele ulteit,• bat rattling Itroit,--Elgin
- ,letegusser. ler..1-te.Fergusosb-(1..14.4.-
Swanstos, H. I. Morrleh, J. D. - Bei -
grave, Dr. K. Ae.- issallelz„ R. O.
Colonel W. E. Laing. of Windsor, & fstt,-E. 0. FA-kel, It. 'Williams. James
highly regarded mummer resident of Lawrie. Robert Brooks, A. G. Smith.
Goderleh, who has been in very potw A. )1tilrhead, J. Arnott, Cs Dieings, ---
moon, ask that Jas. Stevenson. of health the lase few menthe, eras H. B. Seott, 1h. J. G. McLeod.
Grey. be ordered 1,, vacete the pro- turned to hia home at Windsor oti Telegrams ex9reseing regret at their
party of deeetesed John Sterenson in monde, by aufbuIt
Col. Laing Inability to he present at the gatheting
dederr-thot the Petite tray he clearest was an eitiltdanding figuil Ill the earlj rwere recerred from ormli members
UP. history of Windmor, has enjoyed of Ilttron-linice bodge: E. 3. B. Dun -
There ore two dIvorc actions On a long Slid honorable military vareer. can, W. A. Buchanan, H. P. Strang.
tbe docket. ana.Aeseeid q„orion melting Ile Is an oetogenarian end owing to Athol_ McQuarrie and W Proudfoot,
a divosee from her!rhitiL(44;kniitti,41111,v1IiliiiIgt1 bealsimilaugdGiAxiamidmneed, yearswabAmma jet- tionud!t4lon it all forgo. residents of Goderich. •
from hitt wife who is at his many friends. Ile spent the last gathering dispersed. Some of the
r. Tr* 'Moo* *re not mit- totattoer, , Lie -eot-tageri-viottotw boon Tio.nrit, rentaise*-ewer
the following day.
"Cherry Gate."
Of chief interest are the crindoll
caws, three eeparate charges against kt the mill Superior. Monday, part
eargo, MIAMI bushels wheat, nate and
Gordon G. MeeLseen and Robert S. barleyiSernien, Thursday _ ttodityji
Fletcher, Toronto brokers. They will 150.0011 bushels wheat.
face thirty-one charmer of theft, re- Tlut Saperior cleared eel' 14 -argo
eeiving and retaining in connection of salt from the abed: et the Goderich
with aecurlUes taken- from tlw once Sell Contrail,.
who wits Alen/camel to three -ears split a cargo of coal Lets the C. C.
'J. 4r- /tugged,- ttesforth lawyer On Monday night ihe air. Calcite
Kingston Penitentiary un similar and Goderleb Rah (*pony yares.
(-barges. The brokers also are chatied
separately with forging a power of at- An objectof curbed(' as int water-
torney tot the name of Alexander frOut is a dogfish caught by Reddy
('awpbt-1 1 Seaforth, -and third!, Matihij'hid in III" net,'. The hoes
they are charged with the theft of were' leaderided le% to "hitt the fish
17,500, property of therotate ofthe wag at irgW• but "14'1444- Iliciv"r 11"4
:feBerrel,clutInt::rnet..froni' ITINT', oriollidi-t- "tem right.
• • • •
to for trial.
Two Jury and five non71*17 eases
make up the civil list. The jury
cases are as follows:
Fethereton et al. rs. Johnston -In
whieh E. A. Fetheniten and Ilaugh-
ler, Doris, and Mr. and Mee Parker
and daughter, Maude, ali of Hayfield,
Reek damages totalling nearly 87,500
for personal injury and property dam-
age resulting from a car eraah
on May 18. 19:16, on highway No. 4
north of Clandeboye. Wm. Johnston,
of Myth-, driver of -the other -earF--111
McCallum rs, McFadzenn-
by itaraL Jane McCallum, Morris
township spinster. against Jas. Me
Fadeean. of Brussels, administrator of
the estate of her brother, Archibald
McCallum, for an order that tbe estate
be declared here, or in the alternative
that she be paid 81,800 for wages.
Non -jut y :
ve. Coombe -J. H. R. Elliott,
of Blyth, executor of tbe estate of
William Coombs, weer money ellsefed•-
ly owing deeeatied on a promi.wory
note by Ira L. Coombe. and Greta
Coombe. of Deioraine. Manitoba.
lel•licret Vd. COMM/0- -J. IL R. Elliott,
of Blyth. executor of the create of
William Coombe, asks, that a convey -
epee between W. II. Coombe, and
Vesta A'oomtis, of Myth. le set avide,
illeging it was made for the purprae
of tleAstlirg eredlters.
Stevenson re Steveneen-dolin
Sterenson, ef Grey township, and
Joseph Bewley. 'of Morris townehlp.
executor,' of the estate of John Sky-
et.--liadden was painfutly injured
while working It the harbor, having
finger *rushed by a ;sledge.
• • s
Two lluydtIit tiolicruien are harlror-
ins their tugs here three Jays. Their
nets are eet _north or Gederkb and
they ,ave the twelve miles between
here utui their house pomt.
Mrs. Gesogs4-Wiiiimisa-
" Israte the .very -
Toda v. in their comfortable little
11,1111*. 1111 Britannia road. Mr. and Mrs.
IGeorge Williams are quietly celebrat-
ing the fiety-fillti anniversary of their
13waA.,.en October 29. 1/481, that
Noma Ward. dafghter of Mr, and
!fro. John Wall, beesme the bride
of George WIlliatne, youngest /con of
Mr. rani Mrs. George WI'llalne. The 1
ceremony took place In Knnx Presby-
terian (-hurt+, with Her. Jas. Sieve-
riglit officiating. .
Mr. Williams wax born In GoderIch
on lkdoher 14, sevetrty-seven years
ago, isle parents having come to this
place about Peel. His wife. who will'
he seventy-five on December 11. came
to theterich with her parents in the
late '744'. front their Ashfield town -
!chip home. Mr. Williams, who wee
a bricklayer who -dabbled In , real
esstete." has never been out of Gutter -
!eh for two month. In hitt %Mole life.
Ile it the lied of a family of ten i
children. Mrs. William,. has six als-
fere living, one of whom Is Mrs. John
Werater, of Goderich. The couple
helve nti children.
The groom of flfty-five yeare ago,
running true to form of the popular
coneeptien of a husband, said he had
net siren the enntreretry a thoweht.
Init his wife remembered it. She has
it remarkeble memory fol (latex. Both
are interesting converietheralleem and
are fond of reading, Inn they do not
-gat ahem" much those eerie
Mr. Williams follows' each improve-
ment In town with a pleased eye. and
think" the curbing of the walk. in
Court Howse Park, %Awn completed,
will Improv the (entre of the town a
Erea-tdearel menat
Ieaier my father oaring."
he reminhorel, "that In the early Jaya
von had to rrosswhere the park now
•Iands, in a boat. lt,wa. all cedar
Ovrotmp then. In feet, an was IN of
thio part of the country. My par-
ents' Heed In Gip went end and roue
my father got lost In the hush when
he was 'eine for a ,loctre. My
, mother once sellthat for week* on end
she sew nobody tiniliedisnit."
A few ineihiatii-liltands lbd neigh-
, hors dropped In WAIF to congratulate
teement was In Port Albert cometery. • . (Continued on page 5)
1 the happy muts. a happy future.
essiegertra440' , 1...7' Oteltiti4G, isiese1221`-
1 , , . •'--' el- Moms ***Vitillsa,
- •
at Park House
Before the meeting at the Masonic
' Mims Lucy Harrison wes announced "lf 1 hod the %Inge of an angel, TeniPle, the visiting memhere of the
the winter of the poptiltirity centers over theme prison walla 1 would fiy"- Iluron-Bruee lodge were entertained
condueted for members of the cast -of but be hadn't,' tio te- prisoner in11.1i.at dinner et the Park House. 'rhe
"It's- a Knoeitout," musical remedy eettutsv PM here ha* to he content w" : Master, W. Itro. Wse
m. Ilist, and Bev-
premented this week tinder the auspices attempting, to ealuggle love mraelves to ,
of the !Jens, Club. Miss; Harrison his belov* said to be a beautiful ez_arleother 'itemisers of 'Maitland Lodge
present, and the gathering nuen-
was intr.elueed ae -Mho Goderieh" at blonde at Tbronto. Twice he at- I bered ntsout fifty. A deilelous meal
the final showing of tht etweetteful tempted to get lettere isn't Jall authorl- was lowctxl, the principtil..-ourse con-
preeentatIon on Tueolay Hecht. She (1.11, but att he is tinder strict Mir sista if
lat., trout take, from hake ..
won by the small margin of nineteen velliantti while aweitine trial In the Hurifit that „rt„m„,a. For thio the ._
rotes over MUM .Jactpue!litt. Ilainte. latilwelne Court the loveletters fell MB)
diners had tthank
311. Helen ...4•afr was 11 ird in the the hands a the governor. One was. miirouliuhi•siii,di b,ilbrotChearpt.."Reddy"eapt.1
?"1114 !"-The ih'Ilit a the -(1061 °TT' Mac1iono.141, who made a opecisi trip
tliocharmol prIxoner, the .other was
(mind. by an °moat of tho mit ft tai:h,sbla.nsed uteht:mtaoaeburicinbreig
Sffer the high wan• much appreciated iiihr;nheallere pro -4124.
had been plo = In a sock with a
atone and t perly grateful for this kindly and
preramably to he ',eked up by a friend serviee. Of course,
entente. the worthy Captains,' efforts were
sided estruevihat (so it ',A amid, any-
1311CCU11 TO INJURIES • ii sew
o. bylietaheringfintnjat fetZw"'llatshein-
--- .' "-- dinner watt iti preparation. the rittent
Benson Murray Pamtes Away In Writ- . trout In the lake put themeelves at
ford Hospital
lenseic, Murray. twenty -two-year-old ;the disposal of the Ileelltinald broth -
Willi .if Mr. awl Milk' . Walker Murrey. Pr., offecinir thenuseivea for the de -
Chaplain and
Port Albert, who was Sateen to Hirst- iliPl'staftel.111%'-'1:11-tiel‘mr'Grand s. (Ilt be wore than
Jord 1,,,ottal um orrobor 13 Aeith a whispred. too, that W. Uro .1. A. Me -
Mr. am! Mrs. Iteneld Penuington
(nee Iltighene Beacom), who were
married et Clinton on Thursday after-
noon, were the guests of ironer at a
surpriee party at the, l4ome of „ the
groom's, parent*, Mr. •nitellesk Chat.
Pennington, Elgin aventik"-tHeet the
wedding. The brisk, wearlag, her
wedding gown of glory eeeP,',
with eh( ulder spray Irt pink carna-
tions, reeelved with Met C. Penning-
ton. who wore jade green la e ever
settee with brown acessooriee. About
?sixty geode attended. The • hope ern -died isitiel ens fractured cellar- Leren. Ilea indefatigable Goderich Old
was beautifully decorated with a pro- ,,,,,o,.. ltd a week later, on Thursday Itof of 'roronto, had something to de
fOitton mf antemn Rower+bre, wilii,--iridnefLotaillopioliopeili, witli the phenomenon. i There was
The petty WAS to the nature of a The ylothg man, an t,11a),,,,„.4. of the little time for speechmaking at the
eouple received many beautiful anti wee cutting trees near Neu (11'ammPlillitnYirR dinner. luit !whore tlw brethren left
miteelIntwous "...bower," ddll the y011111( 1;141114 ' Manufacturing
pritenctil gifts. Many enjoy's' a game when 114. W.., struck on 11,4. head by -41 fo attend at the Masonic Temple Bre.
IIJ..t. Mac -Evan, klayor ftioderich,
of euehre. and 11111•1(111i selectiene were failing 1111,1, 111. brother, ,tr(hur, XXVI' a Inlet' but neat address of wee
. e
eblYed 1Y Miss IA.111 NP14,,,, find WPM WIC! him at the time Ile was come to the vleitore. not forgetting to
Fred Hess, piano, and A grout) or horn at Port .%lbert in 1914 and stillest remind them of the old boys' reunion
young men hawk,' together to form the Gros, fake,' for n short time he- to tee telerte GederIch next year •nd
an prOwstra. They were Ernest fore entering the employ of the God- .1.n.:..sit.itinonnt hem n11 to ruing. back for that
Fisher, team,: Kennett. and Ronald erieh lumber firm. --•:,
Ile la aneriecil by his parent*, two • • •
al'noennTithigun‘,vihima,rnnitotnikl.tele'ski...111m1 i..guimtaarre.
Worshipful Itro. t'oulter. Worship.
brothers, .1rtliur end Fr:tweed. et home. .
garet 'feting eerie Iseatitiftely during and seven sextet., Boo lord Normn. fel Master of Buron-Bruce 1.041110.. 141
to be greatly rongratalatefi on the
the eeening. . at home. Mrs. Wm. Taman and klra.
Mra Peenitigton, xr., lifter whieh rim Catlin mid Mro. Tho4. Kovisk. of
A lottrot loncheon Wild serval by Ike_ tinerielt, of Goderfch ; Mre, Fer- snkiii‘Irl:(Ipiwitatyjn ituheww111,,,,rhk hie? tahn...1v%iseneinzof-
(landing Atat enjoyed to plume and Go- Detroit. nine Mr.. Fred Alel'and. „f The eeriest feeling if all ilaitland
Lodge MPIldhPrIll toward. their visiting
lin mime. pleyeil by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Benmiller.
Finlay, telatIvres of tlw A large congregation was present brethren 1.. beet triPeetteeil III the weeds
The happy cfetting ens brought to Chrixt ellen+, Port Albert. on Hattie- of the old-tirne rinser* nod otritight-
a eltie when the groom, lire ithelt- ety... when the funeral esrvies, wits frorn-the heart invitation, "Will ye le
worded etepech, thanker! 111.----aillny "het/ducted by Rev: J. 8 Geoghegan. , e'llue bed, 'War
friends for the beautiful itiftsantt.for:Agf, rfervey Matson. of 'Myth, sang I • • '....".e.-.st'sr_4....4'""
their eepreesiona of , Oki- Wlehea for "Reantiful Isle of Somewhere," In- 1 111'^v• Bra, Dr- 1', .3.- If. ilawar_s, .'
etierhe 9