HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-10-1, Page 8' • *907' .14.7'11111111r..1 • o 1934 The Baptist Church Rev S. 1t. \l.tiuog. Mini ter 10 a.m. Rally Day Service 11 a.u, "BEING POSSESSED" - - 7 p m -- "THINGS "THINGS SHAKEN AND 'UNSHAKEN" SATURDAY SPECIALS! Young Roast Beef .... lb123fie Relied RD Roast Ib. lits Breast Lamb Ib. illi Leg Lamb Ib. Me Shoulder Veal lb. UM Bologna 15e lb.; or 2 lbsfor Us Sanitary Meat Market WE DELIVER Phone 4SL IlamMkow Rtr els CHURCH NOTES The Rt. Rev. A: D. Dewdney, D.D. /tlebop of Keewatin, wUl address tbe annual thaekufertng meeting of the Buys Mlsalouary Club, to be bold In the lecture room of Knox Presbyterian cbarch on Wednesday. October 7th, at S p.m. ills Lordship will sprat on work amongst the Indiana In the tar North. 1The regular meeting of the Evening aux ilia ry of North street United 'church was held In the church rebool- i room on Tuesday evening and was In ,charge of group 2, with the president, filet Kershaw, In the chair. The re - of the recent sectional meet's( wiv given by MINI Hume, and the study book was taken by Sirs. Lane. A piano duet by Misses Helen Archer and Mary Howard Wa8 much enjoyed. Views of Africa and of the mission stations in Angola were shown and ex- planations given by Mrs. J. Johnston. The meeting was closed with the Mit- tab benediction. A WELL-BRED COLT W. M. Henry, Itelgrave, won the Whitely special at Goderich fair with his 1936 roadster colt. This colt 1s by Peter Henley, 2.02%- 2.085,1, world's champion double -gaited stallion for ten years. Tbe dam of this colt L the noted race mare June Paschen, 2.08%, by Patcheu Wilkes and a Grattan Royal dam. THANKSGIVING SPEZIA TEN PER CENT. DISCQUNT on ill RUGS, DRAPES OTHER HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS Also Mend Snits, sponged, spotted an ONLY Take advantay of these Specials Dean's ---C ars O.W THE SIG AL' (— GODERICH 114r r o Goderich Industrial Exhibition 'Continued from page 51 Mrs J. J Robertson. Ida. }Lowrie Rat- toowork, lap eentregdece-Mies Living- stone. Mrs. Howrte. SCHOOL CI I1DRIEN S 86QrION (Continued from last week 1 Difficult woodwork -no metal ma- terial, 12 years and under -Howard Thome*, John Holland, Billy Little - rigid ; over 12 years -Beason Whitely. Frank Young. Crocheting, 9 years and uuder- Lillian Irwin, Alice Irwla, Mary Hume. Knitting. 9 yeast sail- Noes -Jean Wilson, Yvonne "Sbesrdown, Eleanor Johnaten; 12 years and under -Mar- jorie Tufford, Dorothy MacDonald, Donald Campbell; over 12 yrara-L11- Ilae Milne, Mary MacDonald, Olive Bradley. Bedspread tor a doll's bed, 9 years and under -Dora Willis, Roselle Wil - 11s, Margaret Bowra; over 12 years- Edrleanne Jot nstoo. Erector construction work, 9 years and under -Don Sproul. Jas. Mitchell. Ray Crawford; 12 years and under - Stanley Freeman; over 12 years - Geo. Dowker. • Rotated collection of educational pictures, 9 years and uuder-Ray Crawford; 12 years and under-Robt. Bisset, Rose Bowra, Alice Irwin; over 12 years -Jean Proctor, Evelyn Steep, Maxine Martin. Plain sewing oaf cotton, &loch square, hemmed, showing patch, but- nhole and button-, 12 yells lend un- laire t, Florence. Riley, $ ..; - r 12 years-Edrleanne Jubiaton, Jean Schaefer, Grace Mor- gan. ..• Cbild'a apron, 12 years and under- lloselhl Willis, Florence Riley, Claire Skeet; over 12 years -Marjorie Mil- er, Evelyn Steep, Rdrleaane Johnston. Embroidery ---colored centrepiece, 12 years and under -Marjorie • Tufford; over 12 years -Olive Bradley, Edrie- aane Johnston. .Embroidery --guest howl, over 12 years--Edrieanne Jolvaeton. Mergaret Hall, Madeleine Vlelters. Embroidery -tea towel, 9 years and under -Aloe' Warfener, Retest Wil- son, Ruth Cptt ; 12 tears and .tsader- Elalne Vickers, Doo Vickers, Mary Ahl ; over 12 years -Olive Bradley. Edrleaane Johnston, Jean Schaefer. Tie -back for curtaltns, Doer 12 years -Fidrleanoe Johnston, Grace Morgan. Ramer or dresser seed, 9 years and wader -Julie Garrick; 12 years and under-a3etty Smith, Kathleen Mac- Ewan, ao-Ewan, Margaret 'MIL Tray cloth, 9 year and under -Shir- ley Baker,; ilea year's--Edr$eanne Johnston. Modellbif clay, oval 12 years -Den Stonehouse, Edrleanne Johnston. t- ty, 9 years and antler -Eugene Ryan. Bouquet of.gardea flowers, years and under-Marga*et Bowra, Bery Sande, Jas Proctor! 12 yeses and jun, • 1-15 (lncluadrre; ers---Phone 80 Goderich ! Old Boys' Reunion August I-4, 1937 Tbe Reunion Association 1s anxious to have a list as complete as possible of former residents of ebbe community, and all persons who have relsktivee or friends who should receive lnvltatboom to attend the Reunion are requested to band or send such names, with the addressees, to Dr. W. F. callow, Godterich, animas* of the Names sad Addresses Committee. YOUR ASSISTANCE WILL BE APPRECIATED t "RS A KNOCKOUT" P Id is Asked to Csopo aM 1st Com hog under -Mabel Bradley, Betty McNee, Bend T Rose Bowra; over 12 year* -Roselle I dotty tot lhtuttrr 2* and 27 have Willis, Leone McArthur, John Holland, been definitely set for the famous' John BAKING AND CANDY 1t. Jtugt•rs productlust, "It's a Knock - Taffy. 19 to 12 years --Kathleen Mac- 'ill'''.to be staged in Goderich updcr Ewan, Helen Howard, Norice R(lln. the ausplew of the Ilona (Cub. Mr. audv ]0 to 12 rears -Veru* I Hal Usher, a well-known Rogers pro•- Mathlrron, Mabel Bradley. Margaret . ducer, has been assigned to Gotlerh•b Little; 13 and neer - osier Allen. Ito direct and stage this splendid mull- The (k•totwr meeting of Central Itlscults, 10 to years -Donna sal coliledy. Howe and School Club wet be held at Muhring, Lulu AlnJatnlu, Almeta I The Lluoo Club is staging this pro- Central school uu Tuesday afternoon strep duction in order to acquire funds for next, at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Riley will BRIEFS The nurses' aluwuue will weet at the hospital at 3 p.m. on Friday, October 2. Reserve October 17 for 'Victoria street ignited church \V. weu's Assu- dation annual basasr. On Monday, October 3, Miss Cur- roll urroll w111 be at our store wit& the flim Gonsard foundation garutenta. You arts Welted. F. E. 111'11.Bl'JtT. Cake, 10 to Margaret Ilse and over -Int Donald. Joan (ears --Hose Bowra, its crippled children and welfare warie lead a group discussion. delelne Vickers; 13 and it is expected that the entire cow. A fowl supper will be held In Kilos WM, Mary Mac- manity will cu -operate either through Presbyterian clhureb ep Tueetltty, Y• taking tart In the production or in vember 10th, finder the auspices of the Muffins. 10 to 12 yeah* -Kathleen attending the performance*, to further ladles' Md, in connection with the an- MacEvtru, Eunice Allen, Jere Bloom- this excellent work. ulvereary 'services. Kindly keep this field Rehearsals will begin In Godericb date in mind and watch for further P1., 10 to 12 years -Lala Benjamin. , for the production on October 12. particulars. Tarts, 13 and over -Alma Mobring, I The Rogers Company is providing Roselle Willis, June Bloomfield. the entire scenery, equipment and cos- A tweetat meeting of the Golfe/lee Small chime, 13 and over -Wilms tames, and from all indications will Women's Hospital Auxiliary will be Milne, Rose Bowra, Elaine Llscomb. M ou'• of the best production staged held at the public library on Monday, ooNwroucfriON WORE ---,11W 1. "erten in many yearn. October 3, at 4 o'clock. All those who wisieto take part either -1. the dancing or singing choruses • le -ii tbe cart proper, will kindly get in BORN touch with C. K. Saunders, chairman, BARKER. -In Guderit•h, on Wtdnes- F. E. Hibbert, preslde/nt, or Nelson day; September 90, to Mr. and Mrs. 111, secretary. Albert Barker, a tan. YEARS AND UNDER Child Llte project books -Del Cuff'. rick, Beryl Sanderson, Edwin Bennett. Baskets -decorated or plaruce Macl)onatd, Joyce Hadde Sbeling. ` Window Decorations --mounted o drawing paper-,Jtoe Baetbler, Audrey Barker, Gladys Sbeling. Silhouettes -mounted on drawing paper -John Schaefer, Doug. - Harri- son. Dun Carrick. Vegetable parade in paper cuttlaf- colored-Pblpp Willie, Gladys Sielinlis John Schaefer, _ • y.• Brokers Charged = with Conspiracy (Continued from page.11 I and deliver to clients at tbe original coudrmatlon price. Tbe E. M. Ernest firm was sold out by Harley, Easton Co. on October 1, 1934 "I will attempt to show that all tin Goderich on the former schedule, it 1220 p.m. stocks sold out by the Harley, Easton _ _ Co. were repurchased and returned to GIRL GLIDES HAVE Ol'TLNG cHedta at the original confirmation, 1The 2nd Company of the Goderich with the accused sustaining the lose," j Girl Guides, under the leadership of said defence counsels I Miss Edith Taylor, enjoyed a hike on Mien Hurlbut testified once machin- I Satonday to Piper's Dam, where • gale. ery was a great expertise lq the once. nlc was held. Several tests were Miss Hurlbut told Mr. Gnat, and re- tried and later, around a campfire, a posted to Mr. Holmes in rebuttal ex -marshmallow roast and singsong were amination, that she at no time beard held. The outing was a complete or saw anything In the once to Ind!- i accused the aceusea were doing aar-' suty ens. i thing wroeghll witkt • their -digit* PERCH ,ARE BITING stocks. ''-- SAN1DERSON.-At Alexandra hes- OBITUARY pLtal, on Thursday. September 34th, to Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Sanderson, MRS. MARY PEARD a SOI. Learn►rtgtou, Sept. 23. -Mrs. Mary TAYLOR. -At Alexandra hoepltal, on Amelia Peard, eighty, passed away at Wtdneselay, September 30th, to Mr. 1n actin health '-'tad Mrs Gordon Taylor, Auburn, a her home after being g nfor the poet two years The lace Cllr*. dwugbter, EYES EXAMINED AND - P 47 GLASSES FC[TED AT REASONABLE PRICE A. L. COLE_. OPTOMETRIST PHONE 91 GODERCH TO RENT TO RENT.-(X)MFORTABLZ COT- * TAGS on Trafalgar street. Apply to M. W. HOWELL... VETERINARY SURGEON DR. G. E. MYERS, V.S., VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the University of To- ronto and Ontario Veterinary College. Omce.ttt T. T. Murphy'♦ Hampton stf&et. ' Hboaes Day 206; realdeacw • Peard was born in K:gland and came DIED CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS lttwerat ` as to Canada after her husband's death is 00\NON -At Alexandra hospital Newport, England, about twenty year* aga. She was a member of the Laa>r ington United church. Mrs. W. D. Cox, a niece, is the only survivor et the family. NO CHANGE HERE Goderich is not affected by change* in the C.X.R. timetable effective oa Sunday last. Tbe TorontoGoderteb train, lnetead of leaving Toronto at 7.30. now leaves at 7.35, but arrives • Sunday, September 27th, Thomas O. Cannon. 1n his 06th year. MeLEAN -At London, on Friday. September 25th, Hobert E. McLean, son of Wilmer McLean and the late ,Mrs. McLean, aged 19 years. LOST OR FOUND Ise These special values are effective Oct. 1st, 2a, and 3:4„ PEANUT BUTTER 25 -oz. Jar M White Saila iry QUAKER FL4 a S` !„..116, Nradi- • 4rtificial - Ezctracts m sot. 15' Macaroni 4fts. 19' gZ.9 J standard Quality WAX BEANS Whole or Cut 3 Ti- 2 Sc POST'S BRAN IPI•L 2 f ALWAYS FRESH AT 'DOMINIOIr BROWN LABEL Black Ta _ - Blacks or Mixed sada t 61c Pit 3 'lc Orange Pekoe Salada Black 14-1b, Pkg 3$C Blue Label Salada Black c; -Ib. Pkg. 39C Yellow Label Salads Black 1 -Ib. Sac 'r -lb 27c Brown Label Saluda Black 2 -oz. Pkg. 9e OST. -BUNCH OF KEYS IN LET - /I ease. Fader purse leave at Court House and receive reward. CARD OF THANES MR. W. E. MeLEAN AND FAMILY with to thank all those who so kindly helped them' In •nyhray during their recent bereavement; also tbose who sent floral tributes and those who loaned cars for the funeral. WANTED WANTED. -A MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Apps P b. BOX a6,' The perch liaising season le 1n full !' eb y Wltnens admitted there was nothlst1 awingagain and scores of enthuatastic i Gocierleh• to indicate, in the stook ledger, wbether hsheraaen are braying the cold breeaes' or not stocks mentioned were replace -Ion the breakwaters to spend a day and lII1ANTE general ERIE\(`ED V A1D meats of stock so put by the Toronto n for housework. Apply . bring In as many fish as they can ear-' MRS. R. C. HAYR, Nerth street. Tbe Crown contended allealiii ry. There actually have been cases of , he followers of Isaac Walton pulling , WW1 were simply Weak 110 The bionic account' iii Je Rees♦ l.a out In pairs, having two books on • '. Ir Ifnte. It is a common ucCnr- .`bie ponteeW* Ni*( ee these days .to see fishermen ae10 was staggering along the pier with gu,nny- t: f .eats well filled with perch. The days 1!! cord on witch>to carry fish home fk ises '. out, wh _ ' ' •' vie sitrtitemened - • • to be pant. Everyone uses • Hurlbut stfit thing to eke employee and Bad MN made known of tie masers and everyone gets bbg eatehei, ` it ^'- . UOTIONAL RALLY INK'Work Beards from Toronto, M -IMes- Hurlbut re jj mem than eight goers . I diemissed at 3 p. da Alex. Collins stili"!.. ,G.' Crozier, The third annual meeting St Oros managers of the -Bank of eal and County Boyd' and (arts' Worknkard ('anadlan Ronk of Comm respec- was held In Wesley -Willis church, Cltn- tively. at Walkerton. tiled Numerous ton. on September 15th, with Rev. J. ledger sheets, drafts and other papers F. Aucieron of Wtsgham preslding 'including a power of attorney with The delpgatcs took refreshments and E. M. Ernest in favor of E. L. Ernest, eajoyed!f]rnbe sapper In the dinlntP which bas not been revoked. ram of tb$ chunk, etre young ladka Mr. Crozier told Mr. Klein, defence of Wesley -Willis providing tea. rounsel, that he was aware that E. Afterwards the meeting opened with M. Ernest had relinquished bis inter- • devotional pe•rlod- acrd the Suslnes4 +eat be the Mueineso earl/ is t the-evenleg w s dealt with. On Tuesday evening, when court re- oxs•"Rowson, sWiaOp him, H.$.T'. slimed at 8 o'clock, the prosecution North Huron. mea appdnted secretatr* ' called A. J. Becker,terrier seenagar reports of the pant- year's t of the Wingham branch WIRE retrtved. _ Inr•luded in the activities were sae - ANTED. -USED TiRES. LIB- gi ERAL, allowance made on your used tires for new Domtnlons. BF:EVERS SERVif;k, STATION pttoM AND Ib4 tRU..-4 ENTRALLi- I' located, runty boarding house Fire minutes from schools and Mame. Ideal for studeuts. MRS. ROB1 (N)OD, corm" Victoria street and El- gin avenue. ]tit fAss I. w. £bartered 99 Oatarlo street, Str* (Member Firstbrook, Mc Qt Most' HItb. Toronto, Ontario.) R SAID.--t'L(1W POINTS. R( s Nieto for a0 stakes of plow at BEEVi:RS' SERVICE BTATiO. Phone 40 Goderich, Ont. R SALE. ONE BICYCLE, IN A 1 shape. BEEVF:RS' SERVICE STATION 'Phone 40 Goderich. Ont`j Ike ISSI r --RED BRiCK HOUSE ON ■■ South atrpet. Modern conveniences, bot waiif beats __cosvenMnt to a re. ew eeora TfmTI Ty It F LfC1t ` •Rwutb etta*wt. • !SOW III or Nilson street. Eight ht rooms and bathroom, Good location. Would exchange for bungalow or cot- tage. Apply it 'RiONAL OFFICE. DOnun,g OLD COLONY MAPLE SYRUP SHIRRIFFS JELLY POWDERS JAVEL WATER - SOLEX LAMPS, 23, 10. 60 Watt 16 -oz boo 27e pkg. Se 26 -os. bot. Se - each 20e BAKING POWDER *C ver 1; un1 .'.o e HITS HONEY Tin SYRUP 18' 41` 79' GRAPEFRUIT itil" 2 t145-°1.25< Canada Packer' CHUM DOG FOOD Wit 23< aim FAIRY SOAP CAKES MANYFLOWERS All For 2 1C EXTRA SPECIAL! Large Size Grapefruit 4 fur 29c Becker teetifiedthat time and again he had endeavored to get stone from the Walkertoflionse, after furnishing the money. bat bad not succeeded/ "I received 91,400 cash from airs. J. J. Reana," said the witness, "to boy 1,000 shares of Slaeoe on margin. On instructions from Walkerton i took the money to the Bank of Commerce at Wingham and bad it wired directly to J. L. Francis, broker, at Toronto. Mr. Evans came to my once to pay the rest of the money to buy 1t out- right. Could Not Get Stork "I tried repeatedly to get the sleek and could not. Mr. Evans kept yetis- would occupy the estop In the early Ing me for several weeks until- Vs -part of July. to be followed by the mors in same order In latterpart o '.'... jN len_ business was closed." is AUCPiON SAS.'.-._......-_.. The orders were executed, but tli& July and early August. Arrange - stock w -as never delivered, wttnesn said. Muhl for financing were made, the CLEARING AUCTION SALE. - churches being divided Into groups of Vr Moral confereneeh of boys and girls at Wingham In Otaober, 1085, and at Godortch In 19311,1 four sun:weer camp', at the ensnarer echool, older boya being fleet in camp and followed by boys' of younger years, and thelL the girls in the same order. lir I • Following these reports, plans Sere made for holding a conference at ! Grand Bend on October 17th, the Wet- I teflon by the delegates from that ehurch having been accepted. .Ttre eurgestion to make hhe summer camps of seven-day periods each was favor- ably reeeived and it was derided that the mniore. commencing with boys, p)it RALE. -ESTATE OF MRS. ▪ MARY DEAN, lot 12. Reeent street, Goderich; brick cottage, frame book on property. To be siold In parcels or block. Apply JAS. SENNETT, RAI. 7, Lneknow. CARR F'OR SALE. -FIFTY ACRE8, Brick honee. barn with stone founda- tion. good weter, ainall orchard. Kip - pen 3% mile*. Apply WM. WAITE, Hayfield road. °CURIUM( WOLK= PRICY.' Of home*, ranch cows! and yonne cattle. Property of George reseals, at Peelers lot 3, coneesesion 10, Colborne, one-half Henn, 5 lies. 10c; hese. 4-5 ibk, fie: mile east of Nile, on Sege rod Netter rep, per essee, tio-27e; batter, dairy. lb., 20e; bade', eireiseseey, Live Medi Grain bus., 70e; mate. 40c -45c; feed harier. has., lide-130e; malting barley. /Me - Vegetables Potatoes, beer, 91 50. Floor ond Feed ID. Dag. 91.50; Manitoba flour, HNC Ms or more eacb, with a key finance convener for peril and each (torch be- ing given an allocation. The officers eleeted for the ensuing year are: Hoye Work Hoard -Honor- ary chairman, Rev. C. W. D. Crowns, Clinton; chairman, Rev. .I. F. Ander- son, Wingham: vice-chrirman. Rev. a. Lloyd Weir, Brimeele; finance midyear, man Diann 014 "If D.111141131) Claraarelipida awl Chide; Mak III yaw archer. TITIN4DAY, OCTOBER lath, at 1.30 sharp: Twenty-eight good mils+ row.. a number hist fresh and a number (-om- it* in shortlik afar -aye mires. Inge and two-year-olde: two general pure/see gelding's, 2 years old; one di - Rev II. 3. Mahoney. Brussels!: promo -11y. by Jerry illarvesster. 2 years Md. ter or etoffeeencee and camps, Re...1. As and feed *ere burnt. E. Moore, Grand Bend, and Rtanley everything advertised .01 he 'old. AUCTIONEERL ;G THOMAS GUNDRY, GODERICH, ■i LiVE STOCK AND GENERAL - - AUCTIONEER Telephone No 119 -i.. _'7 Sales attended to anywhere and *vefy!__ effort made to give satisfaction Farmers' sale notes diecooated. MEDICAL DR. F. J. R. FORSTER, RTE. RAR NOSE, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New Iotrk Opbtbalmk and Aural Hospital, an-•' sistant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Squ,.re Throat Hospitals Loudon. Eng. EYES TESTED, CLASSIC SUPPLIED 53 Waterloo Street L. Stratford Teeptone 267. Neat visit -Wednesday, October St. afternoon and evening only, 2 to 9 pa_ at Bedford Hotel, Goderich. LEGAL DUDLEY Z. HOLMES. Barrister, Etc. Once-- t'oort House, Goderich. Telephone 55. DOUGLAS R. NAIRN. Barrister and Solicitor Office Hamilton Street. Goderlek Telephone 512. Todfi, let Helene. • Girlie Work Board -Honorary chair- men, Hint Mabel Bailie, Goderich: Marmon. Mre N. W. Trewertha, AUCTPO'S HALE OF Gi0116741 AND Claire Pentlaind, Dungannon ;Iiinalicel At lot 00. Hayfield line. Goderich Turner. Dungannon*. seereeery„. Miss convener. Mime B. Beet. Hrnseela; en- township, fire milers southwest of alb - 'nee key worker, Mrs. Trewartha. Clinton; ...inference promoter, Mrs'. MOND.% Y. CO ) BRA et h. Grieve. Grend Bend, Miss Dorothy at 1 M. condone& of : Walters'. Itenmiller: oonferenee eon- Twenty cow. and heifer.. emit. eerier. Mien Jean Smith. Egmondville: fre-41. hatanee fine to freehen In No- cturne' convener. Mi.. if Plaine, Gorier- rember, Deromber and March . fire Jereey belfe.r. osppneed to he in calf I Minletera presient included: Rees. J. fifteen head of yesrlinp wed two-year- fe Andersson, Hingham; A. Robb, nirlor; Are spring calves. itinevale; R.. A. Brooke, itlyth; H. J. Mk is a good lot and in good eon- Mftivemey, }Inmost*: It. el, **wart, differs T. R. Turner. Dungannon; A. E. El- A. IC. TOWNEITENnItat;11111tor. itott, raptor: J R Moore, Grand/ Rend. OIX) 11 .migtiveget. ERNEST-M. Lehr Barrister and Solteltor Ban Life Building, Adelaide and Tie- torts iatorts Streets, Toronto 2. Telephone klglo 5301. DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER • ftHIBOPRACrOR AND DRUGIDSi -----. THEMAP18T Goderlchf'Phone 341 liggipped with electro-magnette herb/.` Bleu 1ronlc electric treatments and chiropractic'. Chronic, organic. and ..evlae dlsemes. Lady tentiance. office hours 2 to 5 and to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Friday •nd Sat- urday, and on' Wednesday 10 to 12 a.m. only, or consultation may be had by appointment. Monday and Thursday at Mitchell A. N. ATKINSON Residence and once ---Corner of South street and Britannia road. INSURANCE. LOANS. RTC. 115 McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR. gig ANCE CO. -Farm and isolated town property insured. Seaforth; John E. Pepper, Vice-Preei- dent. Ttrucefield; M. A. Reid, Secre- tary -Treasurer, Sea forth. Directors -Alex. Broadfoot, Sea - forth ; James Sholdice, Walton; Wes. Dublin; John E. Pepper, Bruce -Geld; lames Connolly, Goderich; Thom111" Moylan, Seafortb; W. R. Archibald. . Agents -W. J. Teo, R.R. Clinton: James Watt, Blyth; John E. Pepper, R.R. 1. Brucefield; R. F. McKercher. R.R. 1, Dublin; Chas. F. Hewitt, Kin- Policy -holders can make all payment& and get their cords recelpted at tbe Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cutt's Ringeon street. Goderich. or IlEADQUARTERS FURNIEREs and PA INT.- AULCRAFT PAINTS are quality and Ism it 914111. Ton will ilnd firm eines yokes in our stock of FURNITURE and RTOVES We ponitively save eon money W. IL l!tckstone the Broad y 17,alerleh' et • 1 silVa 5