The Signal, 1936-10-1, Page 7ykI
County and District 1
J. W. Manning of Clinton has hc,
appointed • Justice of the peace fhr the
county of Huron.
Mrs. Arses Koss, widow of the late
James Rosa of Hrucefirld. died on Mit.
urday at IIt u•sll, In her aerial".
eighth year.
Geo. J. Sutherland, who has been
p,utmanter 4)f Mensal! for oyer fifty
years, has been retire) and a new'
postmaster will be appointed alertly...
Margaret rvnee7TelI rit>r
and Armstrong, Grey township. 'Parsed
away un Erldey last In her sixty-sixth
year. She leaves, hr..ld,s her hus-
band. two daughters.a-'.w
Mrs. John Nolan, McKillop town-
ship, ped away on September 211th.
In her seventydlfth year. Resides
ber husband, she leaves p sou. Frank.
aid a daughter, Mary, et home.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wesenburg,
Grey township, celebrated their fiftiet
welding anniversary with a familyat
ebering on September ?Lnd. seven
.laughter. -and our swat, with their
families, were present.
Robt. 12. Mayer., manager of the F:se-
ter branch of the Hanle of Commerce
for the last Ave m years. Is Leine trams
tiered to Dresden and„ will be sue-.
seeded by J. R. C. Moffatt, from one;
f the Toronto branehe_-__
Mrs. Edward Sheffer, of Henson.
diel tleptemtwr 1
first yesr. Het huahan
her In January- last. ,urd sew is .eur-
lases Vantage. Awes
knowu breeder of Pert -heron helves.
lost a valuable 'boar mare on the we/
to Seaforth. Becoming frightened 4t 81! took part in the
iCaroline Humphret
Fii:st at St. Helens
ir ,
J1111Mg31. itfrn, 41, Jamie-
Thursdae, October 1st, 1966
Alton, Earl McDonald. Alvin Alton.
Rees Jamieson; agricultural or draft
colt- -Ernest Beecroft ; ewe lamb -
(beton Altou, Alviu Alton, Arthur
Ramage. Aunie Taylor; markitt
Big SCh001S 001111pete in 6111111.11
' Clayton Alton, Alviro Alton, Annie 'fay-
-for halter -broken calf -Alvin .1.1ton,
School Fair at fit. Clayton Alton, Harold Humphrey, Itoor
Jasuleion: halter -broken colt Erneet
side of a trailer, and before it was
freed Ito leg had ifeen 'broken and it tender '-'2ord: No. 8, Dungapnon destroyed. The animal wad (teachers. Mr. Graham Plnitney and
valued at *300. Mini 011ie Farrier); No. 13, Belfast
1 tkinitb-ilell
(dlr. Wateou Davis. teacher); -No. 3,
villeleesbyterian melee% Brined., on ..ti. teacher) ; No. 4, IM. Helens (Mies Beecreft;
Rev• Wil- Sadie M.•Charles and Miss Beatrice Hurapbre 1.46riffe Martin Florence
open maple cream --Carolinenl' Per -MunlIFI'*nien-hr-efrered--lof
tuilkfed birds over selected. .'
liam Moore united In marriage Dor-
othy Anna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mcguillin, teacio.rso ; No. 12, Fordyce Mesocroft.YA. Ante Taylor. ' i Proper fatteurag ie au important striving very hard to maintalu the
David Hall, tith tencesolon ef Grey flow of milk lu order to profit from
township. and Archie Ere in Smith,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith,
INIaee too uship. Ideal September weather preralieu, J4.,„ wright ; Kirk, 9 to 1 1, letial on . lall
. , phrey, Helen Gammie. Jean Aitchison, !
yo g co( e e s o re ler 1 thls 'senors. is compared with 9% !Oro weeks I was about again. I am
i never without Kruschen now." -
to e tali h this applies more forcefully
and there was a jowl attendance of !weights marketed during tbe summer , 144e cents per pound ou August 1:fth
.1 Wiled ley POI from %Vegan pupil- and spectators J1 I d handkerchief -Dorothy Welt, Marie ,
mouths. 'I be market geuerally be- '
!cents per wood at MI' saute date dur-
Culess the kidneys funetIon proper -
lag the preeediug three years.
ly. certain acid -nudes, instead of be -
Rein muffins -Isabel Phillips, Lois
Falconer, Lois Webseer. Ruby Sher-
--MOO ,'....thifit_clatteattp4erry tarts -
Margaret _Itelderni;iiella
Purdon, Greta Humphrey;
Nun. class./ *bite cake- I 'arolIne
1. [In Bed for Weeks
News of the Farm ligwropirstuhviodfluo:to:oinwehleglir.I:nuDr.,..:, to uumamlami I
whole, any not run out. Seeoad ,.
I femora will have 1i. per. base grain* ' 44,,,r. with Backache
Notes and Comments on at tonere already tievileigi,t-ti..fnet Is, 6.r..iiy-estta. ,41 ,
Agrieultural Topics higher than a year
_ is ovet: ['sneer the price of fluid uilik • (lid& Uwe with Knaschou
reach 100 per cent. befere the winter
1 lt was ark be (rem her neither that
Ev.:11484.11114.ft•inlir.1 Pt°tIlielitirIvalueter oaliadielif properly I fo Tabdevaprocodvdnettliti; cash income of dairy
I "Ill'iticl."111".._, Int this wawa a to take Kruscheu Sake...,
.. -7 for,,her backache. and before rhe had -
fattening market poultry was well des 1 ,d.11:1,714,1r.org7211.d,:°fity(tblieetirt.rtietrieriliceAunt.gibe-illt
mouton' 1.s1 recently by producers te 1 hne that id' Aqtrost, bal.ter. This ta the letter she writes.
finished the drst bottle she was feeling
trine the endieere
trIcts of Quebec.- Iti _116...m_. dialnkohmtedu of chewer. 1 w"41 -.1.4.'h" lit""re Lb: Reveler:mit Int.:144'n tutlyuftba 41-1:tanyileassi-riosiprhosisd-
(*triage of the hints %here sit* 10 000 pounds in Augnst this year as VOW.
(Miss Latiretta McSurtiey, teacher);
Logan. teacher).
even rise 111 fest I tried se%eral well-
known remedies. but to no avail. Then
I wrote tit tit% neither telling her of
1117 trouble. SIIP wrote tip aue ley,ze^
tura post urging trie to try Krusciwn
and, I can truthfully' say before I had
-ipart of •tiy poultry marketing pro. i taken the fifth dose I could eit up. I
Girls, 6 to 8, button bag- -Mary Ilum- At Benne cheese was *ening fur
'grain. There is al/ kind of poultry I kept on taking there and in lees than
Aitchison, Greta 1/41111PbreY• Eileen
Rebert eell-known farther very . teditaiple dlesplay of flowers. ! smell; 12 and Over, work apron -An-
tis*/ Ilth coutessiou ef Grey ton.D. vegetables and P111111t1' work of yellow ;
• we* alwort lustantly killed on / ni"d" was to be seen in the large , Rota thwart, Carollue Humphrey,
in, Marjorie PurdWr; oPen•
venue' stonewhat over-eupplled with
small, undnished birds during
July- and & prrt of 'August, which are
difficult tg- move Into conerneiption and
Higher wires for tield crops are
ttlefel-stream arid produce troublesome
log expelled. are allowed to pollute the
Saturday afteratoen last when thrown ,enllr.'h 'bed -
from a howl of wood to a cement walk. I After the parade, led by. ' litotimehold ecjeuce scrap-losok-Aunie
the total Teter a Isileielalgeld Fe4g4le7 eices•Ive fatigue. Krufwben Salts is
expected to more than compeusete for
ayruptorus: baekache, rheumatism and
Thr team attached to the wagon retard, 1 fr''',1 SI,VIIiiiin• mud ibe sir•thennn
PIPer VIC/k1 Taylor, Roselle Phillips. Caroline
Consumption of poultry can be In- lieu la 191111 in Ontario iv expected to
the seduced Productive 'hie year, arid
an ext•ellt tit diuretic or kidney aper -
are nut suitable for export,
throwing Mr. Bremner to the ground. I exereises, conducted by Inspector E. C. I
. Humphrey, Winnifred Swan.
creased on the home market by pelt- • • • - lent. valuable In assisting the kidney],
He was in hie seventy-third year mod I. Bei""ni. weed-nalIllug, spelling •ndt ,, Fans Mechanics ing the lop grades., and premium prices i Tbsistasss-hs lampartast Phase of
I exceed that of the year lig13.
to excrete acid Impurities.
Wei a 111oloug resident of Grey town-
ship. Hie wife. one eon and one carried out
meets! arithmetic competitions were
i Grine of a ball and bet -Mac Rutbe
1 I rimer and tins class, model In plea -
r" export market will ilvIiIrb`liCrit iffintrt-z- - --fr"'••••-s--s----- --
are offered for mob quality. The
. itiresnlug pi one of the most !unmet. --
Crop Productier
Mr Ian MacLeod. agricultural re- ford, Augus Falconer. Harold Campbell,
I Archie Purdou: seeond class. wilt hos
__ math w lin__Thanas Bute preseutative, and hir staff were as- . from two to four and one half pound
The death tog Mary Alberni' Glister,
se -Tbomait__Matt. Mimes, is
- -vs-elated liz the judging by Mr. Keene/Ill I:::
Cameroon, for fruit : Mr. Wilien Wooer. t r2,,,t7;.rka_taj. i.. Arittoo;lci. CjhanrliNeict'apil-- requir.ewents uta the home sot import
per In:d. By producing ei Lij....3 4,60
u nearned by that I B.I4.A.. for poultry. rod Mrs. Welling- :SOB; third Class, window box for now- markets it should be Pood64-Wi-
win Alton. Hamel Irvin; fourth chose,
collection of live useful farm knots-- .Connvall Ploughing Notch
Clayton Alton. Archie Phillips. Ray -
more Currie. Laverne Culbert : open If tinforeo.en 'tulles do not inter
,,f outline, „Kg tired in canton beret* i H. M. Wright as chairman. The pub -
Butt pawed &wily on September 20th. tic
at the age of forty-seren years. after
• In the eveniag a program Trap car.
an inners of soeveral mouths She was
ried out in the church Wird, with Rev.
WIlliatu. ut Teruel*. , Item in cullett township. Just north
The death oreurred iii Ike fienforth etatee -rnifdleine cabinet -Raphael f4t. fere. It is hoped that- MU Tacellem
hospital on September Eird a Mrs her marriage la 1911.4. She le survived lie 'peaking. recitation and musical
Robert Hogg. In 114.1. twenty-seventh by Iter husband, her permits, Yr. and Ili _Min-
sumteers Item the various wohool'em..•- "'r' Ge°rie 31(4;"'
Moms were held. with niti hal ,
Mark'. lith4.01 Phillips, tinned 'Fay- the Gov. rtior4;eneral of Canada will
year. lees -reed was the only dwiten. Mr. Adam Glazier of Clinton, and 1 Csilettlans
tie's@ interspersed. luspector /tricorn . . •. I wilieli aill be held at Corno all, tint., in order to operate a nowhere .1111.VVV110-
ff.!' Of Theodore Holland. M.•Killop four brothers ind two idaterso.
slid Gordon S. Sti•Intyre, of Lueknow First end Norco:el class, 12 pinures of on t blotter li. 7,- b and 9 inclo,dve. fully sheii threshing the various crops
leave. too. sons and orw daughter. . Catehing his leg in • lead roller, te 4 4 • ' Jean Alteriliton IA. Fmk -once Charles 111111 Ire I • • I b I I I i 1 ' -
..perntIons in crop production. The Notice La a f..rry.lsrat : "Tie sad/
ute from
livered tato
thistelbed fro
elegised. w
Lags air granary. t ten,
thresher is fery great.
Consideralile experience is nefessary
„r a %hole 1.1.,r lo tids beat are reserved for ladies;
gentlemen are requested not to or-
rupy them till the ladiew-are emoted."
-1.•ral times by the thresh. -
..A in leas Guru one wha-
t .111e &beffilliell' re lit•
feeder the grain la
t he 41s, separated,
I into tbe morning. The man of thr house 1•1111
lorealfast at e erring' home the oilier
- TlieN-lemr--novt-Titn-g-Witt (-offer 'for 1'
re, rent out for it loaf of bread Sunday
eight. mei thoughtlemde brought home
t I I Wooed were the Judges for the competitions. restive wild aultnilw-lAde Webster, The match n to the o hole world, tool under the constantly varying Eon -
Thomas J. Kestle...f Exeter, passed
sway fteptlemher
atith year. Born near Port Hope. he
farmed lit Middlenex county for a
number of year's aud later condlicted
sitores at iiirr and [Merton. retiring to
Exeter twentytise years ago. Bit
wife survives.
The death of Jane Townsend. widow
of tile late Isaac Townsend. oecurred
on Sunday at the home of her WM-ill-
law, Iteruard :Cott. [Gillett township.
in her eightieth year fleiwased and
tier husband. lived for over thirty years
in Algoma and later retired to Fsrnsend-
f011e where Mr. Townsend pes•teil away.
Surviving Are four M.,1111 1111 1W0
dr tighter%
Both Wrists' Braises
K uno Hartman, of Ow Goshen liue
south of Zurich, met with an tinter-
tnnate accident one flay Ian week.
lie was; in a tree In his orchard shak-
ing down ROMP apple. when the limb
broke'and Ire fell to the groom!. frac-
toring both •nos at -the wrist. .
II Brophey Bros.
PHONICS: Stare' His. PIT
Funeral Direeter and Embahmer
All coils promptly attended W
day or night
S tore 335 Iteeldenee 3fillse
Hamilton Street. Goderieli-
ieet a light grain crop this year. for -
the, res tat in. fonteet Billy Stewart • a afy it. ratei p °nehmen tt ons t rat are wet. It IN ler, lor tun:in.'" there are norwal crotla
nt Nothing to Laugh At." Put on,
Jets, epevenere• of,ihay Rad grain plant.- ticallari" frern Qur'an., end from tier 1,,novviedue operatiou Quetesr. certain areas of the
William gyre tser. Reeve of Stephen won firs4 place with his ...Mill ' relent's-1-f third am! fourth t.lass-12 frillIA different ',forts of co nada. par- portant that the thr;olier 'possess a throughout the Maritime Prosinces..iu
tY'in Iti13..suff severe brit sea a wotwood. Itotheeford, linen Finn_IrriTowrii,=.40e4=rh United States, haye intimated. and 4441,pctino•nt of the machine, a :other P ilonever. these
8 th"lure "t Me' let! led- lie wag Edward VIII.- led in the public speak- °Pea' a inteaticlu t.. cot. f,.. -le in tbe var• well set mai•Itine running at toreect .c•rtrps will ...freely offset the shortage:.
engage41 in driving a team 1.0 a land leg eonteet and Clifford Ferrier. with 'Grant Rutherford. isicilli• St Aimee. --. hous eatrilen Ituritig it'r---7-11. 434. speed. a cylinder and 4:1.1111.4.1% With; a hbb exist,.: in, ot•lier parts of tbe
-1, roller 4.41 ilia farm. la Illipliat and all, Wridtmg moue ..earriting arid exacting contests a full set iif straight new teeth. ' Cow! country. .. _ . _
his violin. took first place in the 111- ' '
.1w Wa% getting on to.the roller the paruniental competition. . l'rimer --Lynn Turner. Eva Dow. in the loch art of skilful ploughlog cave., i•hanet, 111104.• and siml blast : • Ity Judicial's ptamining even a light
i team boi ttif oia his .reg -1- was eaneht The Eaton tropic' was. prrmented tO,' Irorine Irwin. RANO Ertill•tRIII: firat are ectreeted booth with bortin-dralla 1,111/Ulli 11.1. 111'..1101.4Y 1111JUSted A weed icrop Nay be imbed AO 1111111111agellatly
taken top Exeter. when. an examination
sad pulled into the roller. Ile (las Coroline Hunt 'bevy
whir scored 54 poiots. Second ;orbit ,
of S 4 N , ix 1 erase -Ida Rhin. J. II'. 41ton. Oliver ad trio -tor ploughs
Glenn. Helen 41amnile: second class-- ..Iti-ervationx for the contort of ong as it will peewit together With entailed. In no planniag, first thought
screen the eidtli ef the shoe and aalthat 1141. gE/klill .1u")eveuiel"'es will be
.11./Weil that the leg oas fractured. went to Ernest Beecroft. of S.S. No.1 Lenore l'atereon. Lolsi 'Webster. liar- visitors haie been mud.% and Up to gle114.1) 10I•11 f1.1.111U1r. are nuportant i mud be eveir-to the **ell Ripply for
Gored by Bull ' 14, who had 40 points. and Annie Tii3,-.0141 Henry. Leonard Riven: third class the present every 111411.•tition is.iiits 10 factors in 'worming the offirieney or f,.the following year. Andrei!, seet.I sup-
, Frank Storey. McKillop township ior wort third place with Xi. points. I --Lori•ne MelluMn. Jack Caesar. Mil- an attenolitios• fur beyond fortucr years. the thr...hing maciOsio• mid the quality ply is the prime contilerstion. whether .
J farmer living north of seaforth. was . Following i• the list of prize -win- , died Anderson. Harold Taylor; fourth 'Tie th.ld in %Mob the toloughIng coo- of eork twirls done. the crop be light or abundant: When.
ipainfully- gored by a boll one day last aims: I (-lass Verne Patter.on. Betty Elliott, Items %ill I, L4.141 is in the distriit It i• tioo netesaary for every threalo- air -hr -11011, the bulk of grain from
week. The animal attacked Mr. Storey Gnarly). liesits..Vegetables I, Ira* Itivett, Mary F'orals: fifth class- described in Ralph Conitor's books, par- Inc; inaction. in the Protirsee to be which meet' hi Ill be SeleCted 1.• MUlt
! a• se Rent Into its pen in the barn Afpring . . _ , _ _ !Madeline l'aeser. Helen Duran. Ali- ticolarly In the "Man from Glengarry,' registered before starting onerationa. litem than normal. the nuttier of awed
I and by the time ho•lp arrived he was ard Martin: Jack Alton; sheaf. Jack '
tietta Stewart. Aline Autietsou. !which a few years Mg., WaP • "brat al.4. for the threehing umehine sod seleetion in paramount and should re-
; badly injured. Ilis daughters. hear- Alton Grant Rutherford; oats, Alaska I Map Drawheg *eller" and still iff in demand.
ing his cries. rushed to his aid and se..01111 class -Ross Fleury. Jack Al- [ An important part of the meeting hefore moving. lion et fartuere.
all .1111111111Pat 10 be thoroughly cleaned (vire the.early and eareful eotooldera-
-Clifford Farrier, Harold Hueneme,' ;
fought off the animal svith pitehforka ton, Lenore Patterson. Flarl Melkitiald; , will be the ioqiihition of all kinds of Th.. legialation has !wen colleted ity Some crops harvented mny he almost
sheer Lehr Weboter 'Harold thaw&
the Department of Agrieulture 'with a entirely unfit for seed owing to leek
%len to improving the contlitiow of the of weight or tweet:sae id injury to,ger-
thresher and his rumbler. thereby as- !ruination dimwit emote -ring, but on
skiing in the ...lord of weed'. and im- I most Canadian faias at least part of
until tlwy were. able to rescue thc•ir ref : barley. 0.A.C. qt. -Ross 'Henry. •
father Fred S SaYauge. of Si.aforthiri don. Aliso Cranston. !Litwin" Phil- 1 1141 IPIIIPIICP.
Wiillie Humpltre • Rhea f Willi H to- litoof: fourth clank -Verne Patterson. I • • •
Jean Wellwood. Doris Hutchison, Paul -1 Cum,. Crop Report
Inc Inglis: fifth 4bas Annetta etre-- I •Ile intense drought «Iii h was Cl-
...- I----- -111-.1 i.ericnerall over mart of Central and
First i•;11441- Helen Gemini& 4 /nye, 11,1%-e fallen over most Kis -lions ..f the
Glenn. Ironalol 4,Fille.Pie. Jerry Wright : , Cris% ini e it Is now possible to size
second (.1mai Harold Ilettry. Eleanor up fairly avourately the extent I,f loss
Smyth. Harold Ervington, Het& l'ur- earissi by the drought. Fail sheat,
don: third Wass- -Alvin Alton, Marie • h • I 11 • •
was exiled and snot the crazed animal phrey. Itillaa Henry . sweet corn--dIretil
with his rine. Humphrey, Errwst Beecroft, 1;11rdoe
Mr-Donsid. Betty Elliott; turnips-
lIngh Itutterford, Irk Riven. Oliver
Glenn: beets -Florence Me/goers°.
Perey Ramage, Mary Humphrey, An-
isette Stewart: carrots Mae Melton;
Norris Crawford; onions -George Me-
tter. Mildew Wright, Atka Miller. An-
WEBTFIKIA). Sept. M.- -Miss Alice
Hiles, R:N., of Loudon, Man Pearl
Mien. of Hamilton. sod Mims Eliseo
Hiles. of Vaneotivey, B.C.. netted es
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. W. ,11.
jeit-slad Glean ..immtgrstiejassau;. pips pk In -Rome Me -
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell and
Asters -Roy Jones. Itetty Elliott,
children...were Exeter visitors over the mabei R„zeila
week -end. siabiosa-Mary Humphrey : zinnia --
The atook threshing new finished Jack Caesar. %Villa 'Irvin, Greta Hom-
iest Reek in this district and the phrey. quire- Wes t lierbead : (-mutton -
Gerard (Nerrie. Russel Webb, Clifford
Farrier. Johnny Jamieson; nnapdragon
-Harold Humphrey. George McGee,
Alvin Alton. lOttabelle Webster; hell-
chrysum-Coroline Humphrey. Ross
Ruseel Phillips, Angus Me -
Petrie; ...qcsipsis--Allan Miller: nas-
A registered. sell csiiiipped, clean
threshing outfit I. an indication, to the
farmer ihat the operator ia Interested
and efficient and should leadrtu more
t life • . le solicited in improving thin importaut
!melte-es. revenue and profits.
The contperetion of every threother
Humphrey, ituseel Webb. Ade Dow 8wati. Hozella Phillips. Ada Dow :
fos tell. hosing almost ren I I
of alfalfa %ere only slightly af-
1•.1‘.4. 11110111r Wig
phase of-crep pennon -Goo and in help -
to place it on a more profitable
grate turned out fair, considering the
dry summer and wet fall.
LRev. T. It. Turner. of Ihingannon
had charge of the service in Westfield
/torch on Sunday, as the pastor. Rev
H. Wilson, wars the 'speaker at the an-
niversary aervieen al Dungannon.
Iter_Doeald anti Mr. and Mrs. W. 1.1
Campbell riAtell 116/4 Marjorie Camp-
bell. agree -In -training at Stratford bos- phrey. Dorothy Webb, Henry Elliott.
Intel, on Thursday. Supplememtary Classes
The Y.P.r. met on Thureday i•ven Winter wheat. qt. Gordon Mellear
ling with twenty-tWO present. The
ald, Lois Wi•loster. Jack Alton. Grant
meeting wax In charge of Mr. Herne
McDowell •and was led by Mr. Alvin
Seel'. The owning hymn was fol-
lowed by prayer by Rev. •H. Wilson
The 44.•ripture lessen was read by Mr
Janie.. Wititsh from St . John'. goepel
14:1-21. The topic %HS glen) by Miss
WIrsnifred Campbell. "The `Christian's
'Pert" A reading soot given by Miss
Vern, Vincent The meeting closed
with the MI21111h benislietion. after
IT IS SO coNrutaNG •
The followintsitimualpg-isinver.ation
any miles" ticket 11111.1`. HMI wairiiIell,-
ten Ivy Jessie E. )11cTaxgart in The Mail
• "I'd Hite to go to Quebec," Sabi the
fair young thing Grille troffer nitro,
-Quebec M lemivolans. Montana
North Careens. Texas er Catinditr
-Well 74)41 go IttrolIgh Montreal try
:...;;I. oleo', knew, but it i. somewhere
"King...111a 11/ Georgia. Illinois. Not's-
•lana, Maryland. Masonehusetts. Michi-
gan. Montana, Nebraska. New Jersey,
New York, Nora Fterptia, Ontario. Okla-
homa. Ohio. (Oregon. Pennsylvania,
!Bowie Island. TelIaN. West %Arenas or
J amaica?" politely asked. the agent.
I -11 think, Instead. I'd twtter Pier
. home in Toronto." said the tinted
young thing.
I"Ves, madam. quite right : but To-
. roman In F1111111/1, Illinois. Loni.latin.
I Kansas. Pennxylvanis. South Dakota.
iTexas. or Ontario?"
"Dear, 11olir! the Toronto I Mean
: is prod forty miler front Hamilton."
I "Yes, madam. hut there's Hamilton
In California, Georgia. Kentorky
Lonialans, Ma use, 1.. miesiorww.
MJ,ssogri. MIssissippl. Montana. NPR
! ItrunewIrk. Nes Jersey. New York.
veal*. tjuebee, south carotins, Tonne.
seer Mesa*. Virginia. Wsohlegtoq, Went
Virginia or Wisconsin."
Walter Dalton
Huron Old Boy Graduate
Goderich Collegiate Institute
13510 West Warren Ave .
Telephone Oregon 8558
Monuments !
To those eenteirwlatinfe
Cemetery Lettering a Special,
-All Work 1:11,11-1111(14.11
Chilton Marble and Granite Works
John Grant, Cfted4111. Oat.
S11111,000. 10 Hall 1 'ZS*
- Plumbing, Heating .
Repairs for all makes of
stoves or furnaces
Prompt servlee and realooffible
John Pinder
Rutherford; potabes. Irish Cobbler--
Bruefel Irvin. Raphael SU Marie. Mae
Green Mountnin -141111e Stewart. lark
Alton. Rephael SI. Marie. Caroline
Humphrey ; potatoes. Hooleys--Helen
Melhinald. Henry KIllott, Billie Stew -
tort. Earl McDonald: maturels. Ramie
Irvin. Clifford Farrier. Margeritt Mc-
Pherson. Annie Taylor: esiolpage-
Humphrey. Pauline Jones ;• 'moque.
from borne warden -Jack Alton. Rua
tsel Mehl). Clifford Farrier. Mitchell Et
colleetion of garden vege.
Northern Spy apple-4-,Maleolni
chirean. Marie Aitehison, Annie Tay -
bur: Margaret Mi•Pliernon: Iwo). applee
--Merglilret Aitchison, Angus McDon-
ald. Jean Aitchison. Angus Melronald.
Jean, Aitchison, Herold Taylor; toms-
P111.1"A•11. Crete d' Humphrey. Grant
Tifitiverford; peen' - -Billie Stewart,
Florence Mt -Pherson, Annie Taylor,
for table tese--Caroline, Humphrey.
Doris Reed. Eileen Snell.
Poulin Sad Eggs
Iterred cimiterel Ernest Bee
croft. Florence Iteei•roft. Angus Me -
Infield. Wilfred Haman.: !tarred
Hock. pullet Florence Beis.rroft. Krn-
Cranston: White Leghorn. cockerel -
to 11 Cranston. Florence McPherson:
White Leghorn. pullet --Ernest Bee-
ehanan. Laura Irwin: onp dozen white
eggs 1-11fford r Her. Bobble Lynne,
Mitchell Killott. Crane Rotherford; one
dozen brown eggs. Florenee Merher-
NOTI, (Ingot Rutherford.
Mac lintherford
lAirs Sleek
011117 calf. heifer gliingen let-Drin-
ald ;lea call; eifire or better •vtit
class Grnee Wenthernend. Annee Yields} of gilt there-ere/is worm pm:li-
te stew/let. Helen Durnin. logity .nortnal for lite Province as a
Compostitionn !whole. the lees than average
fourth Mad fifth (Anuses --Ler- 'for hiy in central (marl. being cOUP.
na Roach. Mary Fortin. Jean Well000d;
Foram Dorothy Webb. Marie Swan:
reeltation -Billy Stewart. Shirley Bu-
chanan. Wilma Gaynor. Helen Gam -
role; spelling match -John Pritchard.
Bolger. Brigham, Caroline Humphrey.
Raphael St. Marie; instrumental Polo
-Clifftirti Farrier, Cordon Lanenity,
liugh Rutherford. Florenee Beecroft;
wood. Ferric Patterson. tiro.* Ileac
terlialanced ity abuse normal yield* In
other tyuntien. "fhe preliminary esti
Mite of the prodio.tion of spring
grains plat -en the average yield for thr
reweave at 29.2 bushels per acre for
oatr, as compared with :Mt) buSheis in
193G, barley nt 27.1 bushels as ngaiust
:12.2 bushels, and M11/41 grains at '29.5
bushels' •s compared vvith 341.5 hu.hela
a rear ago. The aggregate reduction
Mid or spring grain from 11135,
as chin Vile-lfrat-
e.rhead. MnroiLd__Irviq;., darning wool assouato to 'slightly WW1 than tbe 'neu-
Weliwood. Caroline Humphrey. Annie mouth's crop' report, These crops --
1'401°r: weed -naming contest- Annetta fan wheat.. .fye, spring grains
Stewart.. Arthur RamagP. Rttabegg
mud hay and clover cropos-comprise
Welpater. Jean Wellwood; Bre stock
judging cumpetition Arthur Ramage
Harold Humphrey. Clayton Alton. Har-
Id, of Varna. Mee Robert Reid, of
Windsor, arid Mr. Edward 1149d. or
Femur° University, were visitors with
Mrs, R. Woods add Mr. Wilson
Woods last emelt.
Mr. and Mrs. lk-ndriek. of Port El-
gin. were guests 1111 Wednesday with
t Ir brother -In-law. Mr. Jac Hyde,
Mr.- B. Murray had as tbeie guests
Mr. James Ramage. Mre. Puryie.
Mr. Robert. Purcle„ahd„„Mr, flohlwin
Purvis atte,mierthe funeral at tier-
nin'of Mr. Itamage'vf tester. Mrs. Jane
Mr. Stanley Todd and his mother,
Mee IL Todd. left en Friday on a
trig to Miehtgan.
Mr Geo. Clark. of Hariallton, arid
approximately erventy-tive per cent. of
the value of, all field crepe produced
In Ontario. and from the mhos* men-
tioned yields it will be 'teen that the
effeetp of the drought. while netere.
were far from dixantroas.
The condition of Isle err' at tbe
end of Auguet was the looted in any
rear shore 11r-'2; when condition fig -
twee were find otahltahed. Aides
during the 'oat week of August and In
Srplenalwr lover practically the entire
Monate will boggeger, prove beneficial
to posturer. root.. potatoes and corn.
Mewing" NIsteh Phew --
Further definite intlicatitme that the
plowing match and faros inaeblairy
demon•Sration to be held 1111 Cornwall,
Out_ from Oc•tober 6 to 9 is to be
*.lhe biggest and best ever",, were re-
ceived this "reek by J. A. C.Arroll,
seerkor7-manager of the Ontario Plow-
men's Association. In the forw nt an
unprecedented number of 'application,
for exhibition spare in the contended
*This reser 'Tented City,' as the
l'arroll, "will house the larger( and
plements and equipment that boiTeitir
been il,..44.101110.11 ID t'ssada."
Of tlw many_new features being. In-
troduced it this year's match which
are expetted to attraet wide interest
and •ttention. Mr. Carroll, remarked,
are. tlw llemmiNtrallinie to be siren by
Pl-ebampion plowmen and l/r.' E. N.
Hopi:inn, chief of field husbandry for
the Iltrminien liepartment of Agricul-
tented match plowmen- arid capable
demenstrntors will he conducted each
tiny !War the tnatch beatignerfere.
be e‘plalneil and plow eettings win
feature ham been included on
Thie ycer will he the first time this
with lel IfuelfelM his( Yenr• 119ek- Clorroll 'mantis' mil.. , ,
lent Mention on which masiorfaetorrent
I.and will be provided tot a ...oven -
Wan played at 63. the linig-titue,g•gir- will demon -graft% dtitwegritylupulltuauralah'iltsultilkee-
half the eroP,' •nd yields P1.1141d. he footing of three to five horses goorking
In me. teifirix.iirinlfeeraly,thitatfthiotereltouandn:laalrlv-
attended the 14winow fal/-14r1eFitereeirepremeneelessioad,„herkeigeagimi_digrm
11r. Niarvin McDowell, of- Westfield, ing ond roots are considerably
Ths• meeting iif the Herds Mission
their winter ti•rsi supplier. nill. in moat lila three lodgers, on tristhenter-decidcl
on Saturday afternoon. tgetober 'Aril, I'lloeo. /A pollen, v erknolderable difficulty • • II
!land will he in•Iii in the church parlor
..0 osp theta off when lie igaw them h.
at 2.30 iv' •lotk. an the children are iti keeping milk 1111114luethen up to
invited. . "You Bleep are a nice pe ir !". be sok,.
rice -president. Wallets. Miller. pre-
'1'he Y.P.1'. met S11•111a). evening The The condition of ionstlirPg at 1 III' ..
first ..f :,44.1.teniler was the loosest on ,nii..,. 1,, iityt ion. for_ you didn't 4. •
pf your are gIrlall III stop here. you li
sided and read the Scripture lesnsin. record oith a ovinglit ion figure of 701. 1,„qh. sciti, 1,,,,, loam unto tbip ni..i.
the lessen. Mrs. Lorne Wine's had fluid milk supply for the city of Tot-
h Central tinted°. from which the ,i,g;••. .1„,ad,h, Th„„.
$10.411 REWARD
Murray 'Taylor read the 1.,,murnla on
i•harge of tile entib•cl. "Drama Prepare- runts, I• derived, posturer mere the
Gan and Prenentition - Hey. Mr. W..1.4 in the .Provinci• and most ealrY ror nto vont or
Wright floated ;nth •bss benedh•tion. ' fertners Woe been Motile feeding their
. hero,. for weeke. The tweeted rioting 'Thynolairel t'orn Salve. In 3 to 5 dent.
the grain harvested will .114.. of a qual-
ity tiffor Ived. It properly cleaned and
F'orrnerts whip take stock of their
grain supply soon after harvest and
reserve, wherever 110,1•11/1e, a portion of
the best quality of their oats.
barley or other eraln for seed neat
year will not ..nly tenon themselves
Fall Suits
The Smart Fall Samples for
Ken Are Here Now!
They are here for your
Chas. Black
East Street and Square
-Hydro Electric
Qukk. clean -and -
e y ro Store
1114.11 It 110 started ..111 with a ..ipphos were *Ipso fed %el'. h
spurt. and lacked the 'stamina to finish sill make 11 luiperative that hay lo• tsr of this
The wsyshie imetnie•• is full of tor feeding livestock and wiotro,ir
your lwIrooderliggIstfifii.sadnicen.1111,
(4.,11,11111011.4.9,1 i h the first application.
Their oleo-. were taken by patient and fed yery • nrefi:Ily_th_lo winter MO 11111
efiehowy plodders who ne,er knew 1.17_17,47...t .71.1en.__wh.11.11 are eon.441.110oger treormevapapheirs Drug stare
eli quit.- J. R. Todd, en II suffi. lent for tbe Proviawc as a yne saw at
of long standing w Ill reopilre slightly