The Signal, 1936-10-1, Page 66-Tbureday, October tit, 19119
-Registered elpt.nnctrIst-
RI'e+• RYasltleed (:lasses Miffed
(17 years in Stratford), at
Babe tree's Jewelry Stere
"Satisfaction at Moderate Cost".
Mother -What le your bgby-tl[Otbel
crying about?
Junior-- fir has dug a Idg hose 1a ilia
backyaraVetweate 4e -betas 1i 1E 411e
bout*. '_ .._.
The Dotter coodiwted a produce
SI HOPPA RDTION, Sept". '.8.- Mr.
Rubt. Bloke, of Clinton, and his sister,
Mrs. McKende, of Ed.wouton, visited
at Mr. Thos. Menary's on Monday.
The Ladles' Guild of Christ church.
Port AIM•rt, entertained the Guilds of
Itiplcy. l.ucknuw and Dungannon and
the W M S. of the United church, Port
Albert. ,m 'herb e,y. Mrs. (Rev.) A.
C. Calder, of Geslerleh. ars the speaker.
_Mrs Harvey' Potter, of Laugbenk,
Sask.. Is visiting her pareuta, Mr. and
Mrs. Ktihtrt Bogie.
There 'was no service lu t'brlst
cbureh on ruuday last. owiug to the
Ilhssw ut Rev. J. Geoghegan.
rtasA- aitSlstdia t>t9 Wfhh , tauY
watermelons: w
Oar Obo&Os.....+..- :•., �i) cegt1
Tear Aolce" ..."."" 73 cents
A good grade of fleece
natural shade.
Sizes 34 to 44.
Stock up now . for . next
Agent for Tip Top Tailors
- -PHONE 384
By I. W. Hart, Division of Botany,
e'rot rail Experimental Farm
Tile hires aases•lated with autumn,
and especially (k -tuber, are ufteas nut
happy ones:
"The mehulcholy days are come,
The saddest of the peer,
Of wallll,g wlwl.ti and slaked woods,
And meadows brown rod Sere."
Sunday Afternoon
• . •
Goderlch, (Merle
Behold, a Stranger at the dotal
He gentley knocks, has knocked before,
las waited lung, la ealthlg still:
lou treat no otber frleud au ILL
If a person is at all Iw•Ilued to lie ;sovereign of 10414, Thou Prince Of
peselwlstk', Illtev the author lot the Peracr,
above, Ile thought suggests Itself shut '0 may Thy gentle reign increase:
!the glutiously loug and suunS days of I Throw wide the door. ' each willing
mauler ars over • that the tura Rattle
with 11 the mighty force of his un-
quen able entbualasm. They arrived
the sly part of the week and rested
withwiththe Sabbath Day when they, after
their usual cu41tuw, sought out the Jew -
lab place of worship. There war no
synagogue but there was a plat* of
prayer. This they resorted to and
there Paul preached his first sermon
In iturupe and gained a couvers ionthe person of Lydia. 1t was a small
congregation but t'aul knew one greatec
secret of the true evaugeIlst'a life --not
to despise the twos and threes that
umke up s worshipping cuulpasly.
Lydia gator proof of ber Interest in the
new message by tuteresting herself at
woe In the messengers. Bring • wo-
wn of means,'she 'gelled them to
730kr Salt k$rown-L.b1e1..
. --.-• period of decay has come' that eco( A gys. t
uissa--make use of her home -is- a plat* of raetlAp when roughly handladhy a nub. tweet, twenty and thirty ktls>o4
lug now remains to him but to prix 4
--Josef* G , abode m
The agistrates, with their Own hands,
lists. They 4111• of couesie,Inderetend
} s';
- through u s.•asuo of dank dt.e•um;ort • •' s
A.1 1L'R'N, Sept. 29. -Miss Margaret
Ferguson, who has been substituting
for a teacher In the vicinity of Guelph,
returned hose on Monday.
Mrs. 11. W. Iloge and three children,
of Saskatoon, who have been the guests
of her Aunt, Mrs. J. .1. Wilson, and
other relstives for the last three
months, left for their home on WM.
day last, Mrs. Wilson` accompanying
them as far as Toronto.
The young people of Knox ''rated
church presented Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
Sturdy with a magaiine rack, wishing
them beppiuess on their journey
through life.
Last Friday night the people of the
community gathered at the Dome et
Mr. and Mrs. H. Peterson and pre -
'tented them with a sum of mo
nine with many others iewhew,.for their future hap
Born- to Mr. mud Mrs. 11 Yung-
biut, a moon, on Septembe . h.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. na, of To -
Ionto, wer . Mt. and Mr*. Ed -
until he emerge* to find himself in the
icy grip of winter!
That there it another and brighter
side was undoubtedly In the mind of
the Reverend Thomas Constable when
he sang:
"11a11, old October, bright and cbill,
Ylrit freedman from the summer
Pat (to Irish foreman -"Can you
gite me a job, mate?'
Foreman --"I've got a man here to-
day that ain't come, an If he don't
Rowa► 15:16 -21. -The Apostle here tore the clothes from their backs and the Malay language, *bleb the wit
PRAYER gives some account of blm*elf and of caused them at once to be flogged and
U laud, we t►ereteh Thee to lighten
his work. -He mentions, to the glory tbrowu tato prison. No ill-treatment
our darknetw 1 Open our eyes that of Gid' the great success of his min- sold, however, destroy that secret
yay nee, call us that we ma: hear ter_.r.
We mIn this account we note his source of Joy awl peace which St. Paul
Tey at challenge and follow we Har unwearied diligence and Industry in his 00414ese►ed in his loved Master's con -
work, also the extent of bis travels.
we recognize the lordship of Ham
In giving the gospel to the
whom Thou deist Bend! In lila name.
travelled many hundred milesilex es be
from Jerusalem. He preached In
many places that had not heard the ezpn"'slon when looking tack a tewf in their own language, tt 1s difficult
gospel before his coming. He was years later over the way by which the to.overestlmate what the results may
called to the hardest work; "there Lord had lel him. At midnight the lm." F'ruw The Toronto Globe.
wars many instructors, but Paul wag astonished prisoners -heard the tuner
Bee treat father; many that watered, dungeon ringing with songs of praise
but Paul was the great planter." Not raised by the Jewish strangers. An LEEBUBN
Amen. -Selected.
nun: • • •
Spice high the bowl and drink your 19111 8. S, LEMON FOR OCTOBER 4. USS
Thank heaven, at last the summer's L•••ee Tepie_-The
done."Leser Passage -Acts 1i:6 -I13:
Autumn 1s no less the season of 13:18-21.
glorious fruition when bud and blew Valdese Text --Matthew 26 1!omission
versa! language of Owl* tarts, and is
the language used In our Slide school.
Think for a moment what a tremens -
dot's ,spiritual force lies In this baby
Bible school
of students attending our
slots* presence. '•1 take pleasure in le Makassar. When they are tilled
weakneaace, In Injuries, In necessities. with the knowledge of the Word and
In persecutions, in distresses for] with the Holy Spirit, and go out with
Christ's sake," Is his own trlump)snt a buruiug message to their own people
h t last fulfilled their fruit,
, %%bee but that Paul preached In many places earttsuuake too, lent Its terrors to the
sots has.. a
In the 38th verse of floe 13th chap -
sucl cnauged a ripened fruit, wire where others had been at work before strange +•ens, shaking the prison to Its
ter of Acta we read, "And the conten-
hlung labor of the tanner nave be 1 1 took "to foundation end liaising the staples to
culminated 1u the harvest field, and dun was so sharp between them, that
all ante -the hirveet mouse and aqulr they departed aauuder tbe one from
sparrow. ploughman. and Witten. the other." The sequel of this story
,err the c.,mmetl im,4nty, 11144 as pude known through the Epistles
find yet Amain the great promise ful- is most Interesting. The quarrel be-
tween that to the end of floe the days(twren St. l'aul and St. Bareabas was
of harvest ,hall never falL not a permanent one. live years or
Ruskin' said that "the purest enol
au later when writing the lot Llestle
meet thoughtful minds areethose which to the Corinthians, St. Paul associates
color mesio{."- There must be. himself with Harthabai as 1f they were
therefore, many such minds lu Oelober. c•ompauluns ones Spin (I Uorintblana
For surely very few do not appreciate ' 9:8). "This quarrel shows us bow
the countryside when 1t Is alight with
the fire -red. scarlet, crimson end -
en leaves of the maple. doge , suite
mil and grape.
him: but many care notl.lukl:mer returned to Tunotlt0 an Yon-
bulld upon another man's foundatfpn.'' which the prisoners' chains were fast- Lldayto urate her studies it the l'n:-
I'aul, great preacher as he was, with eared. - - -- - 1►._ -
all his mighty signs and wonders, 'could The Jailer,,, re te.frftlhl_.*le�'pt sad rerslty
doo0thlrtog of himself to make one will seeing the prison dere opeledf'WIJe. Mr. and (Len. Wm. Stewurt, of Far -
obedient. To Christ hg gate all the would have comwitted suicide were iC go, ',1L, arrived here on Saturday.
glory. "I have therefore whereof I Clot for Paul's restraining voice. "Do 11Nh Inst., its visit Mrs. iStewart's sis-
may glory through , Jest+ Christ 1a thyself no berm; for we are ell here." t.•r and the/40er relatives. We are
those things which pertain to God." He rushed into the presence of the ;;lad to see them le our ueighlm,rbeosi
• • • Apostles crying out iu words %bleb again.
WORLD MISSIONS ... we eny._ . sin* been famous, "SUS 1 Hlaa -Lew. s Horton and lira. Ham
Coverdaleds Bible what mast 1 dodo he save! :'"-to wh-r Illi ton Fltlttos attended the Women's
1.1•:F:Ill'RN, Sept. 29. -Mr Dorothy
oughly natural and human, how, October 4 is a memorable date in
e our own, was the everyday 1 the blstory of English literature. On
primitive churcb. It takes . that day 4110 years ago there was -fin-
he false halo of infallibility' lobed the Brat Bible printed In Eng -
turn up tomorrow, 01'11 send him away But the function of the leaves wl'h w hich we are apt to Incest the ; limb. The version was prepares by before them, gathered his household to
an' take you on. Yelutreal Star. t!their elaew
zzliug and variegated colors Is aptles making us see them as real, Mika l'orrrrlale, a Yorkshireman, who to the glad Ill s which the
Ill 1 k sinful n like our -1 was educated at a J
out limited to mere ornament ted1 "$ el thoroughly t at
the squally famous answer was given, Presbyterial meeting (west *Mien) at
"Relieve on the Lor(' Jesus, and thou est. Andrew's l'ulted church, Blyth, on
shalt be save, thou and thy house." Tuesday afternoon, September '22nd.
The Jailer then took the Apostles, Mr. Jack Mel4uarrle, who has been
t►atbe.f their bruise( Iswlles, set fad :pending the holidays at the McQuar-
rle summer but*• here, left on Monday
aI-*en t wolf. gt,
mother Is spending a
with Mrs. Jaynes Ha
turning to her home at
Scot la.
week In town
_ _ Present
Coal a C 0 e--
Prices !
Deliveered from ear and ear ram
Delivered from lard and forked.... -_
• Tlsis (Rai is for use In furnaces, Quebec
Teht Coal is tree the Foothills of Alberta
Cent ter furnaces, Quebec heaters. ranges
Per ton
Per too
(0 $830
and is a very popular
Ruta Pe
r eton 712.10
lles Coal Is the well -due wn D. & H., wi lei i. ('sne•eIearled. wblek
means that you get all Cod and not slate,.. (You do net ;14.01
want to pay for see.) Per ten
Ford ('eke. This ('oke is acknowledged throughout the ''sited
`tales and Canada to he one oqf tM best Cokes oe the aearkel... You
ran heat and rook very =law
with Ford P(' ten tin .5n
TTyod *ran 10 Int yodi6WWtUTt1lF-7tlt' per ton hese:
Fur.H*rtlware. i'lumbing,.�Je�Nuj and Eayestroughlug. try
be, sea me Tear vt i au raaq so
selves, and thereby exalts the power came into touch with many holding
r earlier
eminent In Christian character, so Tindale bad issued the first printed f ling for tbe first time In his life
shade. Nature assigns to them lull
nitely more Important offices, both to
surrounding nature and to the trete of
which they form a part. They puri-
fy the atmosphere. rrstoriug It to Its
normal condition. rendering it heallby
and salubrious whon vitiated by the
breath of animals. Nature has In this,
as in, all her works, united decorative
elegance and twenty of form with di-
rect and immediate utility.
However, leaves are not alone re-
sponsible for October's iiot of color.
There are also the wild fruits, mato
of which are edlide, such as the crow -
berry. creeping seowberry, hackberrl.
silver -berry,. buffalo -berry. Juneberry,
blue -fly honeysuckle, high -bush cran-
berry. Irlaalnyberry, sad so on.
Several kinds of wild flowers may
still be found in bloom: Michaelmas
(tandem, goldenrods, lotw-Ilas, chicory,
toeldfl ix, sueezewort and the wale:
persl -arts with its carmine flower•
Indeed. October seems determined t•►
display .11 the .odors of the rainbow l t
her quarrel with him who said that
"the melancholy days are come." for
tbe bluest of the bine fringed gentla't
IS .1111 bl.s.mlng,
"Thou waltrat late. and roe'st alone
When woods are bare Std birds itis t
Chas. C. Lee
The aged year Is urs* its end. .
-Theo aoih thy sweet and quiet eve
Look tbrtsigh its fringes to the sky,
Rini -blue ---as if that sky let fall
A flower tram Its ,'ernb-un wall."
lug- days•.
they were at once baptized and te-
of that grate which made them so reforming views. Ten years
jolced In their new faith. The jailer,
abundant in Christian labors." ( Rev. New Testament in English. The book, tDe pacer wlrlc•h passcth all under -
Dr. Stokes). - ;rushed from nor printing press to an- standing, realized the truth which Bt.
The effect of the quarrel was that , other, emuggled Into this country, had Augustineafterwards embodied In the
1t led to two distinct missions being been ecx'leslastlully denounced sad 'Immortal• words: -Thou. 0 God, hast
undertaken, the one it the Island of publicly burned. But neltI r Tisdale.furmeeJ u1 for Thyself, and our hearts`
Cyprus, the other on the continent of mor the printers nor the reading public ' are restless 1111 they find rest In Thee."
Ada. It nam when travelling and I were thus to be silenced. Fresh edl-'-(Condensed from The Expositor's
condrming the churches already estab Clone, In which the translator im-
llshed in Syria and Cillcia that Paul proved bis previous work, were soon
sol :Silas reached Troas in the nortb- tat the market. The whole question
Bible 1.
Philippians 3:7 -14. ---Paul in writing
to the church, which had Its origin In
western section of the continent of ' of the Scriptures 1n English was being the meeting place by the river, re -
Asia. Here Paul bad a vision in the I openly discussed. Those now In pow- called bow strictly he had been trained
night that changed his field of labor er were friendm of the new learning; in the Jewish faith, bow zealously be
from Asia to Europe. Divine provl- , and with More and Cromwell Cover- had upheld its worship and how unre-
denee had cent out his great work In'dale was to terms of Intimacy. It 1s lentlessly he had persecuted the Chris -
Europe, and was impelling bim west -!likely that he began his translation, [fano. All this was changed when
ward even when he desired to tarry if net •t their suggestion, at least with be bad a vision of Christ and came
In Asia. How the Spirit Fommade their sympathy. -According -to Fore,
eated His w111 we are not told. Sf. I he sedated Tindale at Hamburg In
Paul lived In an atmosphere of Di- i the preparation of the Pentateuch to
sine communion, cultivating continual- lltitgllsb. But Tindale makes no men -
1y a senior ut t),e Divine presence tion of such help, -and Coverdale claims
atld Game wheel.' so experience aino knowledge of the original tonguess,
to know He was what He had claimed
to be. and be declared to these Pblltp-
pia■ Christians that what things were
at one time considered gain to him he
now counts Mss for Christ. Further,
affirmed his purpose In life to be
guidance of wilkt OW( butler world i His own Prologue speaks of his 'Titrriet and Hits alone. "This one
knows nothing. Thus It was that SLI sumc'len('y.'',_A refugee on the Coo- thing I do, forgetting those things
Paul at lengtb' was led to the ancient Iti*ent, now in his furtles,*he plodded wblch are behind, and reaching fortb
elty of Treas. where God revealed t0
h im his ordained field of labor. A
man of Macedonia appeared in a night
on for some six or seven years. basing unto those things which are imefore, 1
his version on "live sundry interpre- press toward the mark for the prize of
tete," now Identified as a Swiss -Ger- the high calling of God In CLrt't Jesus."
eteion inviting 1►1m over to '.drops, man @tyle. a later Latin version. Lutb- •
saute- and help ,t When Paul and ■ eNuoll es i ;IHes V�4
seen the vision, straightway he and TR he followed the general 'ITT* laid r
his companion made ready to respond down by the pioneer, a simple version , About a decade ago, Rev. Hobert
and were soon 011 their way to Pbilippl. I Suitable for the common people. By Jaffray. representative of the Christian
He usunlly directed hfm attention to October. Mrs the Bible, hrlutsd prof. and Missionary Alliance. who has led
great cities. Where cast maemeo of ably at Zurich, was computed, and the King's messengers into ninny 11 -
humanity were gathered together, ti merda the end of the year cople.t claimed countries, turned his face to -
there St. Paul loved to fling himself mast have reached our shores. There ward the leech East Inctfes, where the
I It was neither etadall} Ids sad nor wild men of llorncss dwell in the dart-
and saying, "Come over tato Mace- er's G as 'Bible, the t i Ieulgate
.d TI I I ' published hooks Wise -
11 23 Deep -cut
Grocery Specials
for this BIG EVENT
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Large Meaty
2 lb..
Large pkg.
Garden Patbb Peas .17 -os. tins 2 for 25c
Aylmer beano Foods ......1 tins 19c
Carnation Milk Small 5c ; large tin 10c
Ronsom Vanilla Extract 5 -os. bot. 19c
Crother's Soda Biscuits LID. bag 25o
Quaker Puffed Wheat 2 pkgs. 19c
Bee Hive Cdrn Syrep i-lb.tin 39c
Vbs. l lc
Large 25 -os. jar
25c .
2 large No 2 size tills
before re-
Kentvtlle, Nova
bawd. - tt- trade its own way. T.. meas of-heathealsm. That denture ffeB
H. Darlow reminds ms 'that "for the a God -Invited errand the results leaves
melodious phrasing of our English no room for doubt. At the beginning
Basle we are ehlefly hrholden to Coo- . uf.1(01 rtomething like )4,)4,000,II 'rpm*Ig.
terdaie" -What that phrasing was Borneo had Im'en. won for (-brief, and a
like. everyone acquainted wing, the flouri.hing Bible Training Schott' Isumirrmr-wei,
capable of Jmlging. Fon that version :men Tor-TBe builf of Turttrer
1s Coverdale's. slightly revised by hint- Ism among the rather. "(sue hU'n-
self for the Great Bible of Vaal. Its ldrel students eute•rid the training
familiar worth', dear to, the heart of school at the new year, ninety per
English readers e11 over the world, are cent. of whom are men. Fifty tufa-
part of the debt we owe to Miles Cover-
dale. --Robert are Kllgoltr, in The Brit -11w practical work, gaining experience
lab Weekly. Ih moo -winning," writes Mr. Jaffrey..
• Ging rrf'the problem ,'onfroet-
leg th missionaries may he gathered
from the following excerpt: "Stu-
dents come to us from all points of
the eompaas, natives from many of the
unreached islands, and speaking be -
*, S"..3 ; Til .
"' roti UT . the *alms -
When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Prince of glory died.
My richest gain 1 count but loss,
And pour contempt on alt my pride.
Were the whole realm of nature
• 'mine, -
That were a present far too small;
Love +o amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my alL
-Isaac Watts.
Our Master and our Lori(, we would
ball Thee as King of our lives: Help
ma to serve Thee worthily, teach us to
live In succi a way at to fulfil Thy
purp,fees. Amen.
for Arthritis, Neu,itn, Laenbogo esed
for Ha Fever, Asthmto
and Bronchial Trouble
For Pyorrhea, Sore Gums and Donal
for Indigestion end Contlipotiom
for Nutrition) Anentlo,
Nervousww and Low Vitality
ViTA-KELP lot Stomach, Live and
K,dney Trosble.
A food iota g, tends to correct
the ''Metabolism by feeding the
Glands of the body their proper
Minerals, and restoring the blood
to the proper balance, thus restor-
ing the organs of the body to their
proper funcnon.
Mineral sr.rras(on b the und•rty4ng
souse of awns d4•.••, of humanity.
Start taking Vita -Kelp today, to
- help rebuild your worn-out t ierwws.
Strengthen your nerves; improve
your appetite; increase yourphy-
ncal and mental forces. For Men,
Women and Children. Cost so
little day. Just two small tab-
the very _Minerals and stamina
your system needs for Bodily
Off t/ v
OoadCz .
;Bet a i,
io�1IAa '/Uli0
• • •
S. S. I.F.ti*ON FOR 0('T. 11. 1936
Lesson Topic -Becoming a ('hristian.
Le tion l'am0ago-.trtm IR :22-31; Philips
plans 3:7.14.
Golden Text -.iota 16:31.
Continuing his stor), the wryer of
the -Acts of the Ap,stlt's relates an IB-"
eident that stir -red up opposition to
Paul and nulls. mere was a female
slave, the property of some crafty men
tris say her traded on the simplicity
of The peopletale was possessed
srlth a spirit . of (litigation. What
tit' unturc of:k1Yl ittiff1rWas we do
mit DIM k,lnw. Rt. 1m1 addressed
the -Writ ,/tying. "1 charge filer lel
lin• name of .(esus Christ to come out,
of her." And the spirit. we are told,
came out that very hour, leaving tlie
girl's Inner r,tnre on, a more pure a„d
min, This was the signal for • riot.
The slate owners retegnlzcd that Choir
hopes of gain had tied. They seized
Pent nisi !Nlas and haled them before
the rulers and Mt 1104t1 them of dis-
turbing the pease of the city and of
teaching customs unlawful for them as
Boman. to re'eelse They were give*
. 0 chance evidently to claim Roma*
tllithiewklp as Pan' did on anothetb.oe-
-2nd to 9th October-
BUB 43e
UI %TRl-$AL1e014F
1, t. sr', Lie
.4prst'A ('od liver
011, 10 1).
73e, 61.69
1.10N'4 TOOTH
1'181.1.11'M 141F.EI)
Bulk. pound 2941
Natural 33e
Large 79e
DYE 5se
4 taken 13e
1)104-Stmeet, Rlt,
Putnam's, !Stunned
pkgs. for 2Se
Wood, tine, sn►ooth .
Se /hg.
33e, 49e, 9641
f1.t1.T PETRK
Ih. 1 !k
- -
RIAiNDBX for the
Hair, 211e, 91.011
23e, 43e, 79e
Ill Y'Kl.E''*4
10e, 73e
('. R. Q. Stew' ('elle
The kind In the red
box Vie
Dui lop's Lauder's Campbell's Wigle's
Dragster. Drugstore Drsea•t.. Desessdse*
_ .. _.; »•- �... .�'.r--•err.. w'oar