HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-10-1, Page 4see
fir malkee...
Pine dark Worsted Suits. Mitre Trousers. Latest styles
Special Value $22.50
;: In the Realm of Sport
• t dropped o tiloomfield's 'drive to right
A. testier
on booty' wee one out, A. Bloom:
• • field having been caught stealing, and
put out. •
1 The Presbyterians scored two merge
W. C. Pridham &Son
Phone 57
STA L& �K anyone told you of It • before'"
A stotaksePer had for some-4+me : --
�yed la his window a card fn- I "Hundreds," replied the
scribed "Fishing Tickle." , whenever they drop
ln A customer drew the proprietor's t always r spend so ing'•
attention to the spelling. 'Hasn't . Impressions.
Victorians Take �a 1d. t iia and Bloomfield
were I
the Championship i the two were marooned when Cowell
and It ItlobbiUdd were
,lbw Win in Playoff Series with 1run. in the Urst of the eighth. but tbey
! � were dlt;alluwed when tea
Presbyterians w the me was
Lf7�+i'- �II�-LealiciL�isesp -4t darknela..and .1M
Contest - - w. ' score reverted to the s ve,Zb Inning('_
Tie score:
Tbe Church Softball ie•gue meson Presbyterians 0`0 2 3 0 1 3-0
\'lo turlarta 0 1 2 0 0 2 1-6
was brought te a .sntasng climax by i 1'Ire trams:
1 two crippled teams last MOD, i \'Ietorfanr-M. Fisher. c.; A. Fisher.
the Victorians defeated lbs Presbyter, i p.; A. Bloomfield, lb.; R. Bloomfield.
1lens 7-3 in the deciding game of the 2b.: C. B1oo1.11eId, ss.; G. Carrell, lib.;
playoffs. Wttb tbe chesoplonshlp, to it'. Miller. Lt.: B. Bloomfield, c.f.;
whit•" the Victorian.- battled with only 11t1uon►field, r.t.
H. Doak,c.: W. Mae;
Holman, anaonacer, and A. M. Robert-
son and Dr. H. R. Hall. AMIatbttg
Mies Y. Lane, with the girls' events
were Miss K. Park, Was Y. Z. Gild-
' dm. Mies J- Aekerlasa, et the salt,
1 and Misses Agnes Thorne's* and Phyl=
s It1*thIer.
A rrtrenImeut stand 1a charge of
t I Miss M. Campbell, ot the staff. and
It Misses Megeorle ('alder and Doris
Ideal Weather
for G. C. I. Sports
at illstisz
s w�..
Tomorrow afternoon athletes of the
Plante war well patronised during the 1
The ovule
to who distingulrbed
The struts and wU►oers : o ' i,,, ,1 Guderlch Collegiate
BOYS '•' 1 tbemrelres at the annual track sad
attll••{er 1 field meet ou Friday last will Journey
100 -Furl dash --Joe Laltuaque, j ..to•-+�seter to uiMld the honor of ibe
Fell,w., ilaruld .bore. , scbuot sad defend cbampluusbtp tro-
' pbks wqu dart year at the eouity'
No Outstanding PfrfoYminOa-- yYt'ard dash' -Jur I aKocque, Wm. i meet. Scores tit athletes from linens•
NO (iOIItsat i6 Senior •
at '
jiuruit 1hrt '►burs. I aywaty .c,)liegl#1rs ■cad high schools
ldrtt•wlle -W . Barns. � wIH participate fn the grains( @ontastR
Boys' *vends Rmt E -broad juap J y 'Illo.41 a
I Joe baltucgoe, Harold 6hore. FOWL TOl'RNAMEN'I
Toe Inoue" ' G.C.S. track and field (lop, step and Jump -W• Burnsrinks, including three from
'Ugh Jump -W. Burns, Joe LaRoc T"IrtJ
meet was boll under perfect Parkat weather quo. Jobe Fellow's. I Thirty
aud two 1ruw Ile three. tock
conditions at Agricultural on Frl- Pule vault -Chas. Wigle. part Ina Scukb doubles Uo ruameat
day last. Girls' events and a few 1 t output -Bob Carey, Jur LaRocgne, ou for lruwllag greens on Friday iigbt t*;
events in the Junior bola' seatloa were 1 contested by a large number of en- Jur Follows. last, with tuwi for prises. The prise-
rW p►,�,,
tries but in the 'intermediate 'tote
laleelaedlata winners were: 1st, T. Pritchard and "At
M; -yard dasb-Walter Weatbro( k, Jack Anuat, Goderlch; 2nd, C. Grit-
Turnor. fills and W. Abell, Goderlcb : 3rd, W.
C C Lee trophy PrrsbvteriatN►- tl only three youngsters were la 'rpartner, Wingbam, t
220- d d b Gerald O'Brien,O'BrleaRoy Miller and
one reverse. goes the C.
Donald, A Doak ... (ss 2nd) • D sec un _ yar dash --Gerald
tbe cps term loans sad W. Rose. Goderlfih;
IP. E. Vetted. fib., B. Bell• *event Brite to E J Pridham and meld et ;
A large crowd on Friday last saw i\. "we". c.L; S. Carter, r.f.; `' Half -utile -Gerald �ierald O'Brien, Leslie li'rlerlb. 4
tbe 1•resbyterlaus stage a desperate Mkldleton. 2b, 2nd. '-. ��������'"""`
I rally while facing a two -game deficit ('mp1,911' Brlow• F. "-jab.
and defeat the Victorians 9-6 In the , . - •
t�plona:bdd last fear. I p"
I Wiggins, 2b. (!b. 2irA): 13teddart, fir.: on wort of-tbe toeless. Joe O'Brien, 1Turnor.
• • • the Celle-
• •
third' game of the Church Softball i Monday's attempt to play the fourth
League playoffs for the champion P Ramo was defeated sty darkness: I the race[ sad wa u
and the C t' Lee trophy` It was I t '(drag performances HIR" Jump --Walter Wptbrook, II
;the Vice
}Mi dr -herald Q
rat tears' only sen at e Jrr51 • & Hdtram and Sweat.
was the only sensor contestant, Rlki• tieafortb; 7th. M. Rae and partner.
so them were uo events to that clasp. rald OBri-
Jark Barton had lnle°drd'rusulog alt- f Ruuotng broad }nnrp-[•e Wlagham: 8th, M. Ainslie and Rev.
position to the .champion, but he was , ea. Walter Westbrook, Roy Turner. J. Lane, Goderirb ; 9th, C. Sills and
kicked by a horse a few days before Hop, step and Jump -Walter Weat- partner. Seatorth,: 10th, Fred Hunt
s nabk to compete. brook. Gerald O'Brien, Ray Trader. and Jack Wiggins.Godericb.
e • • • There were nos fir
a ur1 ' first defeat in seven• `" d In danger 1 Seeger.
games. Last night's • aevrA-Inntngs fixture and so school record
Pole vault -Walter Westbrook. Bill
e wail marred sy �,In Lwirtbe t sees t of lee-M+Jotse-Jastiag duties tLa..+tax-...- r_ a _ ... __ _ .
r re was keen competltiun in the age 1
Harold Doak. catcher for the Pres'
turtnnate In the seetrad lin- Just tort) minute's. .Both teams were , The Shut t Doo Meson. Herb."Yood a
rob nolo- ho cre's's• with a resultant' p° -
i 11rr �___
• byterlans - Tn - tee ---Myrrh Bolt3SH
_1lrnd1vpno , the Preebyterlans D , 1 League, suffered • alight concusekel. t
t bags, when Him" was sriw in 'reel l-Ittu Awigrr._ 1 ftelaorrlals•suffered
• sad. a IttroMa nose whep `
tbPJ l� - [ rittnr, was strtcek a the oily the worse Ir that tbey were mine , close fi ax ior" the oltoeq a with
: ' was struck In the tacS i nae of
Itdtt tace�lJ • Dtt`'"ed ball. 11e yet us their battery. YacllowTd.beingcoo- irWch wax won hy Joe 1 aRocque with 1 tl GIRLS 1i hornhalr a w:1 struck
nald's pitches M a play-
tram the game with a broken nose lied tined to bis bay( with alekneas and Doak 1 19 al points.. Bill inds Burns
Joe Fella 7;t1u,1 Y o,tr gr we at Vtetorta Psrk na Fi1d*7
berag out of the picture
Derv. Stoddart souk his place and Pro 1 nulUrr Juln•tun, I'hJlli+ Gran: fast. lts,ekte" retartfed to watch the
+turned ,in t good innings
i uncut tae- a Vi to awn* ere without oat ,was 1-i to at with 11) i11* ''$Irwt;I1R broad ural Ra we art••r baring hh Injured none
The first two iwas ( were •nn Tien ' Friday. The Victorians were A 'herd bent rrngIstp In the inter- stun. pl•th Wb'x•nhaisv. FutdliYa Don- trtbvl, but fie was taken to-AM=anu ra
.1.tttl..ttatil Doak was ln�ured Tien the servkys-o[ (has. Larder' and mediate rhrwplonsh► race. Gerry ctrl. hr,spital rlwut 9 o'clor•k' that nlgbt,
Carl Bloomfield drove a high Volt in George ('ores((, butt good �• U'I1rIPn and Walt Westbrook breasting Running broad Jump--PaulineJohn-wIN'n IIPn15111 gent etarttel. ids wss
jdee'P centre tbat '(lint' fumbled. The , t Art Doak starred, in the Presbyter- the tape with four wine and n tie ntuu. win road Jum Enid n eJon- r 1*11 Ili 'row tM hospital on 'lunchy
runner wade Urs Darr and ravorel Ian' all eld and was that came bioway i .lie had them, withoison on all but each. Jeightrner ivas swede as`+west to c' -pared .old. afternoon. the '.oueurslon hating licca
23 w It ,cobvru r r• .
Maple Leaf Bread and Buns
our whu1,• wheat Bread in particularly appetizing. nutrition,.,,
and healthful, and is made with the finest-Ipgredisnt•
The Square
Phone 11aN'
Phone 47
Now Playinglee E. Brown, in "Earthworm Tractors."
"Mary of Scotland"
Una of the greatest love stories of all time -brought to the acreetr
by a warrrlii,lls east o1 famous stars headed by
"The Green Pastures"'
Tireerwes-esest-teli►ed•alwut mutton. Met uty. An interpretetlot' of
negro spiritual lite presented by a "cullud" cast and seTt,
characteristic music.
A unique And amasing sperm attraction!
Matinees Wednesday. Saturday and Holidays ■1 3 p.m
' Coming -"SMALL TOWN GIRL."
warn Curretl was este ulna bunt. nue ball
Target then K 1 1 is M•ry '••n• +tlght one
The i'reshtytSrla°a began to hit in ei>tit Israoutx and was on bat's twice. with tbr'bamplons Wilson. !furry Yowyt. i Tbe uufurhrnafe citv6er was well
the third. MacDonald ltning a siltgle' Al. Firloer. game and pitcher. cinched 11'4 11- t:elr, ale�'wk• lite J'tnb'r Distance throw-4'byla• Ginn. Beth emote a, goalie for years with the
d hate. Bell doubled to hie ower hall game the champion- ' girls' ' chamblall the events ale 1 I )IarJ 'Wilson. Rallor•. G•blrrlb's intermediate be/t-
1 g'n'ats. scoring the '(sluff run. A. Doak slip toiu the. lastinnings.rrbta for a vs lupine two firsts •ant( three secon•is •IMer.ediate ey lean. and he transferred to
singl 't: a)1Cauc °[ Smith. • 1'rultne Jnhustou, w• o s e the
over 'second when be ► ester entering
ti hos Ir ru -
I �t l Betl who scout home the ball t h I T4)110%1111( 1a '
- Tien opew drew a throw to •first. home run. Presbyterians
in Sm! i:.-yere ,lash-- 1'atbrrtu•' Barton, last wins. -r to help that team reach The prelttllYtlans were trailing 3-3 'sister "Bobble's" track shore was run- Ik•ttr+ F:r+'wan. Irene Hill. -fipals with Durham.
-Tire t there d Mill r walk do tn►=' Standing broad Jump- Orifi. als with
are being matie.tor a
J a. her -up- with 13 (win's, sic belga,' the
last of the third Miller walked and ; the out.
and rikeed the bases with (erne dtlig, read Wren. •benefit messenl game for the made
for a
1 scored on ■ "It b A. Flesher, who prat none mit. t strikeout -find .'sad a double csampfim. - 'smog man• wbo will be foreedtto lar
lay daeliw their hope ('atfrerioe Bartonewon they fires Iturtni,og broad Jump -Catherine J
the Victorians led one oo again when BI• Pa 'Wenn, Edrbroa Johnston. Wilma mala away tram ill work tura few
sent fumbled \ l'. Bl'wwfield's delve to Presbyterians Tete e lw�whe+tn ra-AulBloumAly for ehM t u,takrtla open bold lou the champion. "riff-
re -
centre field. leek Junod --Betty Eesimam PAeI-
I Going Into. the faurth Elliott and stretched a single to a home run ship. Edrienne 'Johnston and lk••ty
when ; through Mothers' tumble In left field. Eastman were runner-up and third, t� Farraut. Irene Hill: Why dress the dot that harks a[
Carter trnipled
l d *1 a scoring Treat.rget Irene 11111 r Craddoek, [tor- • fila'(' keep everyone in the narks *t
1 Carter tripled with c e.l drive Mar-
and with B. d he rateld put at Uma making
spAnnieIy. Whitten. andlitt - bopndiIC_ oori'y Medd, ,w rlenne on hood nwepe ey t tier 'stoner'`
1 r{gh4firld. Carter scored whey Yac- ler duplicated the first plat by woo- three Jump„ eerily and
-Dome' tberircmt11.9 a right field error. p�solth fi wentblonde, t Itistae, a throw-1'atherine Barton. ' _
'r sb terianN beld,tpe 5-3 lewd anti A. Fisher were out a► first• went on t'1oardik Hall ad ane 7 at h and
Pearl learner. Wilma (hilt.
The through r J I R• it's west to Bost on "B. ltlw+m third in \o�ritJ rnrr lwlrlrntw
nin t the north and fifth and added lig mil the championship. Agues one In the sixth when ('atter and Msr'i field'- error. and with A. Dona cltan't otp1oP11! runner -tip, four pinta
Pearl FnrranL Dorothy jiedd. �
f *coring Carter scored Wiggin15. s Sealer
1i11 mending broad Jump -Annie
Met -
Tempting Selected Meats
for Saturday Specials
Donald singled, the ureter
when Bell doybled. MacDonald was telt to tight field.
Elliott and Stoll-
The *camplor►s will rsrelce band- 100 -yard des(-Melo• Arabes, Adele
tagged out trying to best the throw to dart retired tee side. the second with some modals, bearing tbe (i.('.I. 'rest. Whitten. ]rap !motto. •(' Blomfield opened clws wh i
the plate ton. Jean L+Iwby. Agnes /'amp1r11.
In the 'set of the sixth, with Curl an Infield Coit and Powell advanced at the rr,mmeneemen eye Running broad Jump -Annie whlt-
and Russ Bloomfield •ate on hits. him with a clean single through third. ! are to the held In Nom-Wb1l this year ren,. Running
Cambroad -ell. Jean Lusby.
Middleton at 'second fumbled a boundedline althougheld was caught stealing and Instead of at the end utca of the I. Agnes Jump -Annie le wblt en.us Ada
drive lye Y. Fisher. Tbe bah M. Flakier made a sate bit 1 B. sports. T, wadi assisted hy S. E. Yr Tarrant. Alinas Annie cell.
ant InI the field and two min •striking the 'lie was pat dot ketose a run 11)owel tarter. Principal A. R. Scott,' loge. throw -Vora 1.1. 'bl. Jeno
bringing the Victorians within striking could be scored. Lumpy. Gladys )' t.
wit" two }lawn and Stutben on timer. Don Wiggins. recorder. Haru:d
Distance throw -Agnes Campbell.
Ven MacLeod. Jean Leahy.
Basketball accuracy -Agnes Camp-
bell. Ada Fairest. Annie Whitten.
Inter -form relay -I A. Fdrlenne
r.or,,....... Penne, nbastun. Beth
Schoenhals• Irene Hill: 111, 1Gladys
Fermat. Annie Whitten. Catharine
Organized sport in Oodericb breathed Barton. Alma Anderson : eommerelal,
Its -last. until the wlater season, wben Pauline Bradley. Norma Allis. Made -
the Victories* whipped the Presbyter- , trine Frisbee. Queenie 14Roegoe.
lens In three of four games in the ,
playoffs for the Church Softball j
League ebampbtuhip•
distance. trail(nR 8•- • 1
Again 1n be sec nth the Presbyter- with a walk the Presbyterians pulled
fans began t lay to Al Fisher's de- ',into a tie when Bell made a elms
liveries. K ins doubled to centre 'metre Heid bit. scoringg away ain In
and Stoddart doubled to left field.( The Vtetortanr pulled
+,r'yorihit his mate. Middleton then tbe third. w tpA Bloomfield
dropped a 11-11t-i11brt ItftArai*--ier-were--ee
, that Russ Bloomfield fumbled and , Smith sl0gled through Stoddart. Boor- -
' Stoddart scored. Carter bunted safe-' fag Bloomfield. end A. Fisher *eeri-
ly and MacDonald beat Carrell's throw i Mod to woes Miller.
,to first, on welch Middleton scored. Holding the Presbyterians 4-2
i With four runs to get back tbe Vic- I through. the tbird, Y. Fisher and A.
torlans tried hard In the last of the Bloomfield went on bases oa an error
seventh, starting off well with a triple I and a hit, and Fisher ored nee
by Miller, wbo scored when
Carter infield hit by B. B •
The Fur adds so.much 'in apppearance
and warmth to your W inter Coat
Shawl and notched collars of wolf, sable, fox, French seal.
and tile.ta CoaMatsss are made
of all -wool fabrics in black, brown, navy, green
these Coats have half -chamois interlining. Size range 13-46.
Women's regular and half -sizes, includ- � A as up
e .
ing Misses sizes. Prices rang
Tweed Coats for Misses
Not expenaivP-lint good looking'
In noon" tones and smart plaids.
Sizer 1:1.17.,
Special $12.95
Just received new slitllm,tttr of chic Ilats.
Turbans in velvet.
Toques --swooping brims with the Aare
for height in pointed croi(',tr 'in felt, in
Mark,- $'reef►. brown, tile. '
$1.95 up
Our c011eetion of stunning new fashion*.
spirited and young or mauve and dignified.
Moderately (if df'4I
t T: $6.95
Phone 418
"Shop where..X..ou ore invited to shop" ----- -
Men's and Young Men's
Smart style:. :pod fay rics...solntd
tailoring' -
NPW Pall woollens its cheeks.
stripes a191 'novelly Weneee. . A11
quits' with extra trsntsern. Outstand-
ing values. Come in and lej them
meet with your approval. •
Men's and Boys' ,
Pen'nan't fine quality wool ;eport-
wear, always right in style and rea-
sonably priced.
Plain Knit -Brush Woo).
Crew Neck* -Zipper Fastening*.
Shades --brown ant burgundy.
being retired the Victorians againted P • • •
�laaas�t Tbe final game. Played last, night.
wag fast and clean and the essence 1
of good sportsmanship.
• • •
The losers were ie%n`
Dapped. In that they need' a new bat- 1
eery which aster hid worked together
before. nor bad ember man previously l
pitched or caught In a league game.
• • •
"Short' Stoddart stepped Into the'
box to replace "Skip' MacDonald. wlto,
'tis said suffered a kink In. Ms elbow
front overexercise.
• • •
Vie Elliott went behind the plate to
replace Harold Doak. who was laid ods
in a previous game when he stopped
the Prelbytertane scoreless. In t
of the fourth. but In the fifth with.
Bell -and Carter sate on hits the lead
was reduced l0 54. retie-
- --bribe last. at- tba_idz1A,.,f.1Let. .
ing tee leaden 1-2-3, Stoddart
Nettie singled and Middleton walked
m nit: the bases with eons oat. The
gulden opportunity was loft, bowerw.
wile' 11. Doak, who replaced Stothers
In the field, struck out.` b Stoddart
ran into a double play '
Bell sante out.
With Smite safe on an error In the
first of the seventb, tbe last intense
A. Flaber ',mashed a homer to the
road behind centre field. putting the
1 Victorians ahead 7-3 and ending tbe
scoring. R 11 R p
The spore: one of M'a/eDonald's Itches with his'-
Victoreer • 2 0 2 1 0 0 2-7 6 2 face, with remitted hemorrhages and
Presbyterians ..1 1 0 6 1 0 0-3 8 6 a slight concosafon. to say nothing of
The teams:•• broken nose.
t ••• Vlitorlao T *1* -- i4: F1+11'1-
er. p.: A. Bloomfield. Powe,'.' On the other hand, tbe Victorians
21,.: C. ltkwmtleld, s.s ; 1J�. looasfield. - were without the serci'es of Chas.
3h.; C. Nlller, Lt.: V. 14m1c.f. R. !, i.arder an4 George Carrell. the former
(non-A' Id, r.1. being out of town, the latter having
PrrbJterfans=\'. moo. c.; H.
glttltyl wards'.
Hata Roast r. I*
Loin Resat r. ler
Shoulder Roast ... r. Ilk
Rolled Ribr. lar
AB Steaks r. Ilk
-� =
Char lbs. for 35e
Shoulder Reset r_ 15c
Mir -ted Chickens r. 22e
Robiosea's Meat Market
Photos 36 Tree Delivery
Meek/art. ; D. Wigain''. lb.; S. Car-- _spr.._.. • •
ter,2h.: -A. Doak, es.; L. N•ttel, 3b.: '
Even PO, the chnmplmn'h1p de'•Idlag
11. Boll. 1.1.: D. 1[lddleton, c.t.; •• 'game• was only a 7-3 win.
Stotler). r.f. (H. Doak 5411). • • • '
Umpires -H. 'gurney, F. Bowra and There will be one more scheduled
W. ',molly. game :before the equipment Is hung up. 1
it will i,e a benefit game for Dnek 0n
• • •
The (iot)erleh Bowling 1 yeClub ars, In !t The Victorians anti Presbyterians are
one of the hut Det tcyea+s mashie the game and are out to sell
lristorS, {s not yet content to Pall ► th kelt. There la no stales! pelts
W. J. Raker. the
the season closed. W.
the tickets. the players' feeling sure
energetic chairman
sentonet invitationstouet0 the public will contribute is generously
c iA�,man1 �1.tom'rt in •
neigh/Airing clubs to take P as It has throngho• � t the season.
"blanket toornaseit" to 1►e lrthe
pyetoo street greens nn Tsankafrleidonving IMn't refuse a tk•kgt.
ay will be In irlah trebles, , '` • • .
act a.m. The kite ALA the town'* little world's aer-
ie' comfit to an end the politic toms
its attention to the hiekory-horsehide
civil war la New York.
G.C.I. grednatea••re'bemoaning the
time' "way batt when" the Colley:We
bad a track and Reid team to be proud
ilay. ave r
to commence at 10 o'clock
prises will be bfaakets.
On Saturday last the ladies of Malt -
land Golf (Nub bold their final field
day after • eateceatnl season of week-
ly tourneys. More than tweitj ladles
participated In the events. Mn. A. A.
Nkol wlming tbe low gross prise and
' Mem Gertrude 0vaaa the low net prem.
The Weida 1104e contrast was won by
Mrs. R. d.. Uoyd. and lam.
mpetl(I)rr )
Masklia wen the patting
' Attest thirty tattles attended the
ccharge of tea at tbe Mrs. 11. 1). bloomy.convey,
2'. poured M 11". If -J.
Tea was po ,
, ROA.
• • •
Tomorrow the athletes representing
the 0.C.1. go to tbetemat7 sweet at
Rieter. sed 11 is the weakest repr'e-
seatattve team la mare, not in mislay,
but la quantity.
• • •
it might fie a good thing to remem-
ber that "alLssesk.ead.se. dart baa
Jv1t a dull bsy."
Anniversary Specials!
Ilk eekhrating our 2nd yyear in business we offer to the
Iadiea of Ooderich and vicmi ytiie toliBilriii�F EfRtrtIttt; "foy"
Our Popular $316 Oroquignole Oil Wave
for $2.60 Complete
Our $54O Croguignols or Combination Oil Wave
for $3.60 Complete
Our $7.60 Nestle or Individual Waw
for $6.00 Oompletp
Three Permanents produce soft natural waves with curly.
rieyglette ends.
1k.u't_take dan. AL/Yroml9 an experienced uperatur do your bair.
Hollywood Beauty Shoppe
PHONE 12 (Next to Capital Theatre) WEST STREET
Members N.11nWtl I,adle•s Ilair Dresser. or tint*rlo
Watch for Announcgment
OF 1
New Dodge Models
Next Week *4
1436 -FORD VII COACH, splendid Condition.
1424 --FORD 003.011. ..
1426 --FORD COACH.
PRICY") 1414 IA T1► SE1.1. RFF(IRI' THE NEW Mltlrg;f ste(►Mtr IN
Phone 279 51011(30- DeSOTO 0A1,0R 15 Hamilton lStient'