HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-10-1, Page 3T• ---w 1 Are You a Step ? Are you keeplag la step with present day demands for advertised articles? It nut, you should piece an advertiaemeat; ,u The Signal this weak and every week. It Psj. le Advertise i• The Signal I(Ma Get a Worthwhile Job It takes experience to give clues and distinction to printing. (food composition, good pater and good tuk also show your Job Wurkrtn advantage. !be Sigma Prints a Better Jab THE SIONAt PRINTING .,E P.i L1TED, PablUben GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1936 EIGHTY-NINTH YEAR, N$). 40 . '. Craigie IE$>QRAACE and REAL ESTATE Get Our Automobile Rates Phone 24 Goderich The 0. F. Carey Co. Fire, ACCidat aad Mehr Car INSURANCE RepreoentaUv. Loaders Lifts Insurance Co. Olce :—Masonic Temple, Hoot Street, Goderieb Neils. HIR, Manager. TMs 234 Geo. Williams &Son DOMINION. PROVINCIAL orad MUNICIPAL BONDS Fire. Amidst, Antemtblie a.d General I.oara.ea Agents OFFICE. NEXT TO BANE OF COMMERCE nous u Godorioh For Sale st Port Albert Nisey Wooded Cepa. Leto HYDRO CONNECTION —Also Hooses in Towa— AUTO. ACCIDENT ..d 1111 INSURANCII W. J. POWELL PRONE SO2 GODERICH West Street ELECTRIC SHOP WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF Electriad Apish/ma" Fixtures, Electric Wiring of all Estimates gives se ',Audis, FRANK MCARTHUR Telephone 82 — Goderich .a. h The Studio Couch 12 THE IDEAL ARRANGE - 1E • It can be used as a chtetterdeld or In a moment can be converted Into a double bed or two single beds. -A wardrobe compartment can be added at a alight addi- tional cost. A ltvingroom and bedroom combined. You may choose Your own coverings. • J. R. Wheeler Funeral Dtrcator ate% F\(rnitt[n Dealer . . HlaaStes Street, rie,aficb PHO?•"ES : Store 333; Reg. 8.5I Clinton Scrap Aired in Court No one with whom they did business was interested enough to enquire. If there is anything wrong the Securities Commission will have to remedy 1t. 1 caunot And this man guilty en the evidence. 1 wilt dismiss the charge." Clayton aid Milton Ughtfoot, broth- Magistrate Threatens Jail Term if obis ftMs•Clll o raft d f be pre - Rowdyism Continues --A vice* week elected trial by the Magis- Long Session trate and pleaded not guilty. The case was adjourned two weeks. pend - A rough and tumble scrap between tug the arrest of a third suspect. law and disorder at Clinton on Tours- Sal Talmo a Udine day, September 17, saw tb• anal A sixteen -year-old Dungannon youth, round' In Magistrate J. A. Making' lull McClure, was w enthusiastic is hlµ interpretation of a bad man while court on Thursday last. with Wm. playing cowboys and Indiana or amps Monahan and David Kay taking the and rubbers that a frightened Dungan - count to tbe tune of 4110 and costa or non mother bad bins before tbe Magic twenty days. The former was found trate on a charge of mousultlag her guilty of creating a disturbance in a two little boys, several years McClure's public -place. the latter with obstruct- junior. ing an omaer. "You're going to get what's been The fracas began'wbeu Chief of Po- coming to you the last five years," lice A. E. ?remlln accosted ',Monahan fourteen -year-old Raymund Curri 1n a Chloe*. restaurant as the owner quoted McClure as saying while be of a car showing only one license plate. trussed the 4oy'a hands with wire and Monahan said the other plate was In ills legs and ankle* with rope. the haek seat ut the tar. The other "It was only in fun," said McClure. srsrehed the car but toutd not find "There were two girls be said be the missing marker and returned to wets going to tie to me,' quavered the restaurant "like a buil 1n a china Raymond. shop," according to one witness, and "Did you shoot -a gun at Cored Cur - called Monahan a liar, using a lnrld ry?" asked Crown Attorney Holmes. descriptive adjective. "Yes, when be asked me to, so his According to witnesses, Monahan brother wouhl think 1 had been shoot - moved towards the *Meer and several leg at him," raid McClure, who went others stepped in to stop a fight. A on to tell of taking the younger Curry melte ensued and Okief Fremtin swung boy into a taro and shooting a bole his baton; rf1ppieg ♦'us -e•" over-Iclif lb_t_Ise lat(d'sshit, Which he held away ear. Three of Monaha»'s friends, sup from ills body. Lions' Guest on 1 , National Problems Captain W. a C. Una Calls for Cutting Down of National Overhead Speaking at a dinner at Hotel Bed- ford on Thursday nlgbt lad. betas about forty members of the Goderich Lions Club and several visitors from the Clinton Club, Capt. W. C. C. lanes, representing tbe Commercial Bureau of Canada, spoke la in inter- esting manner of witless! problems sod their solution. Captain Innes stated that the "Bur- eau" was Incorporated In 1t1G5 by a number of public-spirited citizens who felt that a great educational work was nets/miry to make the masses resits* the necessity of solving Canada's out- standing national problems. It is a non-political organization, he said. The 'first probltsm dealt with- by the speaker was that of "too much govern- ment and theoverlappingaid dupli-ca thus of government services." The Dominion Government, nine Provin- cial governnte»ts and more than 4,400 municipal governments, he sold, are costing the taxpayers $U00,O40,000 per year, and "this appalling sum to guts cru eoly 10,_000,000 people." pusedly attempting to prevent a fight, "Gerald was nearly crying when be I 11 Is not only tbe earl orgovefn- were more of a hindrance than a help, came out of tbe barn,' said Raymund. °teats which has to be reckoned with. but wee are tacrtl anhually with tea according to tbe omeer, and the ars men went to the floor in a wild tangle. Chief Fremlin placed Monahan un- der arrest and was taking him to the ponce station when Kay interfere(. asking that Monahan be released. An- other scuffle ensued and tbe-mea went down cm the sidewalk. J. J. Glbbings, J.Y., who was called to the petite station, told of another fight there, in which Chief Fremlla, Monahan, Kay and another ma; McClure, termed a bully by the Magistrate. was given a stern lecture. Parliaments enacting more legislation "You come up before me again anck and (vsstrul or business. Much of the there it going to be troubler'Iward work done by our Provincial Govern - the cadl. "Scup trying to be a smart meats Is a duplication of work done [allow „ by the Federal Government, and It 1s The youth's ruse was placed In the a question as to whether our interests bands of his father, who promised to might be better served through one deal wltb his son. Ms•l'lure looked ce°teal government: If we are to far from "tough" as be reluctantly fol- ,attune recovery. . then we must lowed his Irate parent from the court- free industry from government inter- ference. tangled and rolled oo the door. "1 Malcolm Trumpour, of Waterloo, ad - was behind the desk," said the witness'. I mltted be had not • complied with a County Constable Bois )ytzslmmone. ; court order to pay bis wife S15 a wbo was called In to the riot, testi- 1 month, but said be had ubdertaken to sed the wee bad been drinking. "How take care of one of their two children. could you tell?" asked Crown Attorney I Magletrate Malthus ordered tbe man, Holmes. "Prom the looks and smell such being the case, to -pry -his wife. of them 1 could tell they had bleb i from whom he la separated, $7.50 per drinking," said the officer. "And bit- "month. sides," be added as an afterthought, ! A charge of reckless driving, result- tbel told ate the/ bad been," lag from r recent actRieat on No, 8 The J. P. said tbe language became highway west of Clinton, was die - so foul 1n the poliee station that be mis+sed. ft was resealed that the woe forettid to leave. I driver of the car that was struck bad "Perhaps Fremlln did not use as , made a lett turn across tbe highway emit tact as he should have," laid lin front of the car driven by the ac - Magistrate Eakins. "1t Is prettycured, wbo said he thought tbe other hard to know what to do with a man I Car was stopped at the side of the road. with beer under his belt." tins Ferule Dispute Rswtlyhst Mast Shp A dispute of several years' standing - "BCT tbls rowdlne i baggot-laatop,'- ver a lice fence found its way Into His trees 111ti'-said- keernly 10 lb* ac" I asst when R'llllam Thamer was Cured men. `I def not like this mob , charged with malicious damage by his "Tbe cost of government must be re- duced and 1t can be reduced. Tbe most obvious and direct way to reach this end 1s to eliminate all duplicating ger- views ervies and have a thorough understand- ing as to tbe powers and activities of Provinclal Governments, who dapi - tate mac1' 8ftbe-Federal tlov.rnmeat'i THE CHILDREN'S CLINIC Thh'tyHsr.• Cases. taws AB Pais at the County, r.- -' d A highly suet -earful crippled child- ren's clinic was -conducted by Dr. George Ramsay, of Victoria hospital. London, and's staff of amens. at Ale:- aiiraboci taThere oh Thursday last: The clink, bell jointly by the God - elicit and 8esfortb !Au* Clubs, was arranged by H. T. Edwards, inspector of tbe Children's Aid Society and cbalratan of the crippled children's eurn ittee of the Goderieb Lions Club. Thirty -our orthopedic and two eye cases were examined, with Pr. A- H. Taylor, of Goderieb, doing the X-ral work, Tite children came from all parts of tbe county. Huron county doctors, fourteen in number, attended s dipper at tbe Bed- ford hotel, and the members of tbe Women's Hospital Auxiliary provided it dinner for the little patients and their parents at the hospital. The nurses assisting Dr_ Ra were Miss Greta Ross, nur..e _ Ontario Society for ('rlppI*J ren, Mins Turville, secretive of the Wer Memorial hospital, and M1es Waite,, supervisor of the same hospital, all of Looden,Ind Nurses Sowerby a -a4 S,a•kett- sat_lCodertch. 7 A vote of thanks to Dr. Ramsay and I The Signal Le his staff, proposed by Lion Geo. Fer- guson, guson, of $eatortb, at the conclusion of the clinic, was heartily endorsed, GODERICH BRIDGE CUM At the annat meeting of the Goder- lch Bridge Club, held at the Meme of Mr. and Nrre.-W. W.- Ss -under" off -Mon- day night, officers for the coming year MC - Weft elected as follows: Hon. presi- dent, E. L. Dean; president, R. L Mo- Meben; vice-president, I. D. Eastman; treasurer, Mrs. (lab. Jenner ; secretary, Mrs. P. F. Carey ; exee•utive committee, Mrs. A. A. Nicol, N. C. Lanaway, Dr. J. A. Graham. The evening's game resulted as fol- lows: 1st, Mr. and Mn. Nicol, plus 31%; 2nd, Mrs. A. K, Henry sad Mrs. Geo. Jenner,. plus 2D; 3rd, I. D. East. man and W. F. Saunders, plus 27%. RALLY DAC' SER1'ICE The Sunday school of Knox Presby- terian church held the annual Bally Day service on Sunday morning, The attendance was smaller than usual, ow- ing to the inclement weather, but a activities. United action on tbe part the ielutow, pews Tbe- of all responsible taxpayers can' bring lathe church, ast a the decorated T'Ah this about " pulpit was beautifully decorated wfth bloc**, and the service was added to Duplication of itseene Tax by special mu*ie by Misses Dorothy Dealing with the duplication of In- Green, Donna Bell, Marie Bell, Catber- come taxes, which, be said, is "killing Inc Barton and Mary MacKay. Rev. the pose that lays the golden egg," D. J: Lane preached a splendid sermon the speaker stated "duplication of In- on how to run the rase of life, and route tines takes from the individual concluded with an object lesson for the and from Industry- over $100,000.000 children, on bow stn will spoil any per year," - life, yet God w111 make It Cao edble to He *puke of the Do*Inion Income make a 'fresh start. ' tax, "tbe high brackets of which reach The rally day was the last morning (14 per cent. and is nothing short of session of the Sunday school, and from confiscation ;" the Provincial tax in On- now off the school will meet at 3 p.m. rule, and It tilts -sort of thing keeps i McKillop township neighbor. BiiItam tarlo and the Western Prorinees, and, cta,atilintuu a One will not be enough. Nicbol,son. The disagreement started' in mow provinces, municipal income HOME ANI) SCHOOL BROADCASTS it will mean a r.. er i' 1 The Toronto Council of Home and ir)Ie1iIbatner ...tale_..-..._.._... It was the longest court In many , fence post to Include twelve tcet of .-rhe solution s to 111T1re"artt"du-+-14'8'4-„ t....io(i1i t!_ _rj!nsoring 1 'Dennis. most cases Reins contested, N1ebolton's property. N)cbuls,,u prompt- plication anothafe (me )neome.41z wale series of broadcasts fromsterol"and court adjourned at 0 o'clock to' ly cut the wire and the ritual was in Canada, this income tax to be col- ( l'RIt, through which. familiar voices resume at 7.30 p.m.gone through mote than a score of levied by the Federal Government, and of Home and $ehdol workers and lead - Lucien lefortu»e, of Trenton, was times until Nieboleon finally laid the made much wider in its application in inti edncatlentan will be beard. I acquitted on a charge of unlawfully ! ehaepe. ' order to make practically all our wage- The fire broadcast will be heard on 1,•olleetlug debts without a license,! Terming it a "trivial case," Magis- earning citizens tax-eonseluus." Friday evening. (I tuhcr 2nd, at 7.30. i contrary to the Collectors' Agcnc•y Act. !trate Makins'eto pped the bearing atter + Public ownerabip 1n Canada has The subject I., "Making Acorn/Potence 1 The Crown was enable to disprove the' a few minutes and advised fife cum- rarely, if ever, been sue•resatui since with the Home and School Mlovclnent." detente claim that Lafortune was an ' p)ainant to take his tro»ble M the ('onfe.k'rsitoa, sill "Capt. Innes, and find the speaker 1s Mrs. P. ttandlford, agent for J. E. D. Cote. of Trenton, civil courts If he wished to do so. he rokeol his belief in private enter- nu outstanding g speaker and enthus)as owner of the Standard Personal can 1 --- I ),r)1e; tic worker )n the. Home and 1ichi,o1 Szaha •- -cttl geling..a ency. '"PH - E GREEN PASTURES" 1 -We use. as allexample the situation undvemetot. Arthur Verity,- of the l'5oii nt yt•ars-vtrr JpSpr„ a,ncs in Canada, tktoty er 91h—"Thr Relation of the uritlea Commission, stated that a 11- ire+nes, "The Green Pastured," bas, now wlwre the prtcately•ownam"`pciicei'trbffi'Y '4"•• "-llomat;' I)L-.C,..(.,...Cii4i, reline to operate a "personal call aye- I become the most widely d)wc•uaw'd me- 1 'modes - poly ninety-one per cent. of 1n- Mg. superintendent of Toronti-i a-hc ole. . tem'` bad been Issued Embolus*, bat , tion picture of a decade. Mach bas -been idurtry's fez ,,till as aealost the public that the license was revolled'1n April said for and against this remarkable , Ey-owns-4 power companies wbo Pay last year. !there but there is no desiring that ' little or no taxes. Defence counsel asked to have any I there is a wealth of Interesting enThe Railway Situation - reference to lefortmne's pad "stricken i•tertatnment 1° Its melodious footage. from the record" as Irrelevant. 1 Most of the criticism hag been di - "That's purely an Amertranham," rested -at the 'ir(terpretdtion nut Para- safd (.Town Attorney Holmes. "There its no such thing an having testimony 'stricken from the records' In Cana- dian courts." Mr. Verity tegttfed that on June 1st thin year a license to operate a "per-' mind, "deb -fries" and "ten -cent see - renal call system". was tokens out , by gore" may well mean the fulfilment of Cate, i their most bearenly dreams: so It is On July 4th, said Cote, he took La- well, in viewing "The Green Pastures." fortune inns tile firm' as agent. to takeone s broadest mind *long and Case for Securities Cl.melssiw appreciate fbe,.Interpretetlon as being "in this case," said His Worship. Goober 11t2--"Tbe Relation of the Hume to the- School"—lira. E., E. Reece, president of Provincial Fedeta-' non. The railway problem in (*nada is October 23rd—"The Need of the Sup Educe - perhaps the 'most outstanding problem port of Iarenl* In ProgressiveF.duca- to be dealt with, as it la slowly pap. tion"—Dr. L. J. gtmpetun, Minister of dhse as -presented, try the negro cast. flucaton for Ontario. The fact that Paradise mast bring ping the * nu lifebloodd of We.cc)untry•and October 30th—"Benefits Gained national credit. realization of our`highest ideals may miler through Adult Education"—Mr. W. J. n Canada we have 41,024 miles of president Canadian A**o* Iddon' bare been overlooked by many ut the Dunlop railways with a population per mile of critics. Te the lower-class Negroid 224 per*osn*. The Bureau ha* exam- for Adult Education. hied the carious solutions that have SOIL EVENING bee» offered and believes tbIt unifies- tl(sa under private management la the solution." With regard to the British North metier' to ib soarer.' AmPrlca All. the speaker remarked : fie have Teen npeerating under these One thing fa sure, to moss "The „ Green Ps*ture*' 1* to MIPs an event "Pad(* of ('Urlfe(1era(ion foe *lxty- snit be left out of the countless din- change, Spar*, praodleally without Ing.' change, yet our nation has greatly "we have a license `ranted the Stand- ard Personal Call- System under the name J. E. D. Cote. He 1s the firm. We Hien have the defendant working cha andour requirements ha with Cote. Is be a partner ov an "•"Th."Green.Pastnres comes to the ngeMd agent? Cote east I*fortune Is an Capital Theatre Thursday, Friday and j.er,e-changret. The Asltte'* that may fraise agent. Appereaffy none else knows. Saturday of next week. • served u* well of drat hare become ob*o1Nr. Ted H/mP of our perij►le, somebf our Provinces, want no (Mange NEW DEAL BY -NEW DEALERS The People of Goderich and vicinity may now have the but kinds of Coal at the lowest prices in this part of the country. CAN YOU BEAT THESE PRICES ? ALL COAL WEIGHED ON TOWN SCALES .,.. - - ,•. .. CASH ON DELIVERY l' C=$11_ Hard Coat $12,50 -Pocahontas $10 h)387 HUCKINS & SEABROOKS'sair k's 1—do trot want to eliminate waste and lnetticlei (•y by. revising the A.N.A. Act." A vote of thank moved by Lion R. r. Hays and seconded) by Mr. 11. P. i Dunlop, was tended Io Captain i inset by bIon I11b1*Ptt, president of the (iodercl .ab, ;Atria* thecosines inhale wen pro• sided by Tony t'arr's orchestra. UID WELL iN THE WEST , An Ashfield old-timer who left his native township fifty-three years ago has returned to greet his old friends with a stow of affluence that speaks well of itis long atsaenie. lie ie Alex. Smith, who answered the call to "go West, young men, away back in '83, being one of the that to leave the dis- trict. Ile settled at duel's, Minitoba, about 140 mile* from Brandon, and farmed a whelp seetl(in, which be sold for $1S000 la good' limes However. he.tnok the farm over again and re- cently sold --it again for $A,4O11. Mr. tlmitis 18 slatting relativist st Ktnttt,}i, Walkerton and Kincardine. In Honor of Twenty-fifth Wedding Anniversary On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Noble -Young. Wells street were the guests of bonnr'at a noels' evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. (co.lSillier, Huron road. The party, which was In the nature of a snrprlse for Mr. and Mrs. Young, was to mark the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of their we(1o11ng. It wRs on September 27, 1911, that Phoebe Beacom waw united in mar- riage to Noble A. Young by Rev. Mr. Brown at the parsonage of North street l'nited church. They have llveli in Goderieh *Ince their marriage. About forty persons(; friends and re- latives'. tlatives, greeted Mr. and Mrs. Young when they entered the Miller home on MQnday night. The couple received a heautif» t bouquet from little Verna Miller, a lovely silver dower basket from Marjorie hillier, and a handanme silver tea set from their son, Hargis] Toth*, aH to behalf set tludr friends sty. Telethon. A nappy evening was prim ln'Mng- cone end playing tardy. The winners at 31M) were Mr. John Harris and Mils Damn Bell. Mr. J. W. hell and Miss Mary Tlchlornc received the end/Ma- llon sward*. At the (*conclusion of the card gams, a lovely luncheon was served by Mrs, MIller, ass4ded by Mrs. W. V. H. i'rice, Mrs. B. Arnold and others. Among the gathering were the two children of ..the rusts of honor,, MAA ('sit MaeDonald and Harold Tonlig, , v•1 ie delbe Way for: Advertising and Jobfrintine New ImperialiStStation 1 c ;:ir Corner Victoria and Belson ,,".. -.a.. 1 Now Open for Business FULLY ,EQUIPPED GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION COMPLETE LINE OF ATLAS TIRES, BATTER= AND AUTO ACCESSORIZE Repairs on All Cars A, Wm. A. Cr • algt PH('lNE 513 * PROPRIETOR r McKinnon's Millinery ! -SALE OCTOBER 8th, 9th and 1 Oth Thursday, Friday and Saturday Only • 70 We have arranged with mfr furrier for this Three- I)ay Sale. Never again this season will we be able to offer Ruch a fine selection of Fur Coats at such low prices 1)nn't miss this opportlttlltY, lel'Y NOV 1 Every ('oat fully guaranteed. A generous allow- ance on your old '°$t on plinths/sing a new one. Also storage for one year. !EMODEY.I.IWO DOME AT FACTORY PRICES All the Newest in Millinery ! 'ljiAl iN FELTS, VEGVF."I'S' ANi) VELOURS -- BRIMS AND e1/bsly-F'rTTIN(7 TVi'EM Reblocking and Remodelling carefully and reasonably done. C. A. & S. McKinnon - PHONE 155Ct.-2 a , teevoi Rua 1 1I: I Smart Shoes -For the Boys and Girls who are now preparing for the Fall term at schoolii We are now offering the greatest values fa good, rel able Footwear Ott prices that are away below the present manufacturers' prices Footwear of all styles .A Osfords, Strap S1pers TENNIS AND GYMNASIUM SHOES ARE HERE fOR ALL THAT =QUIRE THEM (fail and import mar stiook ,mrd le Ulf skew yes the ws derfd , values we are offering' t t 3 GEO. MacVICAR The Practical Shoe Man ill SIDE OF SQUARE GODERICH. ONTARIO i A vote of thanks to Dr. Ramsay and I The Signal Le his staff, proposed by Lion Geo. Fer- guson, guson, of $eatortb, at the conclusion of the clinic, was heartily endorsed, GODERICH BRIDGE CUM At the annat meeting of the Goder- lch Bridge Club, held at the Meme of Mr. and Nrre.-W. W.- Ss -under" off -Mon- day night, officers for the coming year MC - Weft elected as follows: Hon. presi- dent, E. L. Dean; president, R. L Mo- Meben; vice-president, I. D. Eastman; treasurer, Mrs. (lab. Jenner ; secretary, Mrs. P. F. Carey ; exee•utive committee, Mrs. A. A. Nicol, N. C. Lanaway, Dr. J. A. Graham. The evening's game resulted as fol- lows: 1st, Mr. and Mn. Nicol, plus 31%; 2nd, Mrs. A. K, Henry sad Mrs. Geo. Jenner,. plus 2D; 3rd, I. D. East. man and W. F. Saunders, plus 27%. RALLY DAC' SER1'ICE The Sunday school of Knox Presby- terian church held the annual Bally Day service on Sunday morning, The attendance was smaller than usual, ow- ing to the inclement weather, but a activities. United action on tbe part the ielutow, pews Tbe- of all responsible taxpayers can' bring lathe church, ast a the decorated T'Ah this about " pulpit was beautifully decorated wfth bloc**, and the service was added to Duplication of itseene Tax by special mu*ie by Misses Dorothy Dealing with the duplication of In- Green, Donna Bell, Marie Bell, Catber- come taxes, which, be said, is "killing Inc Barton and Mary MacKay. Rev. the pose that lays the golden egg," D. J: Lane preached a splendid sermon the speaker stated "duplication of In- on how to run the rase of life, and route tines takes from the individual concluded with an object lesson for the and from Industry- over $100,000.000 children, on bow stn will spoil any per year," - life, yet God w111 make It Cao edble to He *puke of the Do*Inion Income make a 'fresh start. ' tax, "tbe high brackets of which reach The rally day was the last morning (14 per cent. and is nothing short of session of the Sunday school, and from confiscation ;" the Provincial tax in On- now off the school will meet at 3 p.m. rule, and It tilts -sort of thing keeps i McKillop township neighbor. BiiItam tarlo and the Western Prorinees, and, cta,atilintuu a One will not be enough. Nicbol,son. The disagreement started' in mow provinces, municipal income HOME ANI) SCHOOL BROADCASTS it will mean a r.. er i' 1 The Toronto Council of Home and ir)Ie1iIbatner ...tale_..-..._.._... It was the longest court In many , fence post to Include twelve tcet of .-rhe solution s to 111T1re"artt"du-+-14'8'4-„ t....io(i1i t!_ _rj!nsoring 1 'Dennis. most cases Reins contested, N1ebolton's property. N)cbuls,,u prompt- plication anothafe (me )neome.41z wale series of broadcasts fromsterol"and court adjourned at 0 o'clock to' ly cut the wire and the ritual was in Canada, this income tax to be col- ( l'RIt, through which. familiar voices resume at 7.30 p.m.gone through mote than a score of levied by the Federal Government, and of Home and $ehdol workers and lead - Lucien lefortu»e, of Trenton, was times until Nieboleon finally laid the made much wider in its application in inti edncatlentan will be beard. I acquitted on a charge of unlawfully ! ehaepe. ' order to make practically all our wage- The fire broadcast will be heard on 1,•olleetlug debts without a license,! Terming it a "trivial case," Magis- earning citizens tax-eonseluus." Friday evening. (I tuhcr 2nd, at 7.30. i contrary to the Collectors' Agcnc•y Act. !trate Makins'eto pped the bearing atter + Public ownerabip 1n Canada has The subject I., "Making Acorn/Potence 1 The Crown was enable to disprove the' a few minutes and advised fife cum- rarely, if ever, been sue•resatui since with the Home and School Mlovclnent." detente claim that Lafortune was an ' p)ainant to take his tro»ble M the ('onfe.k'rsitoa, sill "Capt. Innes, and find the speaker 1s Mrs. P. ttandlford, agent for J. E. D. Cote. of Trenton, civil courts If he wished to do so. he rokeol his belief in private enter- nu outstanding g speaker and enthus)as owner of the Standard Personal can 1 --- I ),r)1e; tic worker )n the. Home and 1ichi,o1 Szaha •- -cttl geling..a ency. '"PH - E GREEN PASTURES" 1 -We use. as allexample the situation undvemetot. Arthur Verity,- of the l'5oii nt yt•ars-vtrr JpSpr„ a,ncs in Canada, tktoty er 91h—"Thr Relation of the uritlea Commission, stated that a 11- ire+nes, "The Green Pastured," bas, now wlwre the prtcately•ownam"`pciicei'trbffi'Y '4"•• "-llomat;' I)L-.C,..(.,...Cii4i, reline to operate a "personal call aye- I become the most widely d)wc•uaw'd me- 1 'modes - poly ninety-one per cent. of 1n- Mg. superintendent of Toronti-i a-hc ole. . tem'` bad been Issued Embolus*, bat , tion picture of a decade. Mach bas -been idurtry's fez ,,till as aealost the public that the license was revolled'1n April said for and against this remarkable , Ey-owns-4 power companies wbo Pay last year. !there but there is no desiring that ' little or no taxes. Defence counsel asked to have any I there is a wealth of Interesting enThe Railway Situation - reference to lefortmne's pad "stricken i•tertatnment 1° Its melodious footage. from the record" as Irrelevant. 1 Most of the criticism hag been di - "That's purely an Amertranham," rested -at the 'ir(terpretdtion nut Para- safd (.Town Attorney Holmes. "There its no such thing an having testimony 'stricken from the records' In Cana- dian courts." Mr. Verity tegttfed that on June 1st thin year a license to operate a "per-' mind, "deb -fries" and "ten -cent see - renal call system". was tokens out , by gore" may well mean the fulfilment of Cate, i their most bearenly dreams: so It is On July 4th, said Cote, he took La- well, in viewing "The Green Pastures." fortune inns tile firm' as agent. to takeone s broadest mind *long and Case for Securities Cl.melssiw appreciate fbe,.Interpretetlon as being "in this case," said His Worship. Goober 11t2--"Tbe Relation of the Hume to the- School"—lira. E., E. Reece, president of Provincial Fedeta-' non. The railway problem in (*nada is October 23rd—"The Need of the Sup Educe - perhaps the 'most outstanding problem port of Iarenl* In ProgressiveF.duca- to be dealt with, as it la slowly pap. tion"—Dr. L. J. gtmpetun, Minister of dhse as -presented, try the negro cast. flucaton for Ontario. The fact that Paradise mast bring ping the * nu lifebloodd of We.cc)untry•and October 30th—"Benefits Gained national credit. realization of our`highest ideals may miler through Adult Education"—Mr. W. J. n Canada we have 41,024 miles of president Canadian A**o* Iddon' bare been overlooked by many ut the Dunlop railways with a population per mile of critics. Te the lower-class Negroid 224 per*osn*. The Bureau ha* exam- for Adult Education. hied the carious solutions that have SOIL EVENING bee» offered and believes tbIt unifies- tl(sa under private management la the solution." With regard to the British North metier' to ib soarer.' AmPrlca All. the speaker remarked : fie have Teen npeerating under these One thing fa sure, to moss "The „ Green Ps*ture*' 1* to MIPs an event "Pad(* of ('Urlfe(1era(ion foe *lxty- snit be left out of the countless din- change, Spar*, praodleally without Ing.' change, yet our nation has greatly "we have a license `ranted the Stand- ard Personal Call- System under the name J. E. D. Cote. He 1s the firm. We Hien have the defendant working cha andour requirements ha with Cote. Is be a partner ov an "•"Th."Green.Pastnres comes to the ngeMd agent? Cote east I*fortune Is an Capital Theatre Thursday, Friday and j.er,e-changret. The Asltte'* that may fraise agent. Appereaffy none else knows. Saturday of next week. • served u* well of drat hare become ob*o1Nr. Ted H/mP of our perij►le, somebf our Provinces, want no (Mange NEW DEAL BY -NEW DEALERS The People of Goderich and vicinity may now have the but kinds of Coal at the lowest prices in this part of the country. CAN YOU BEAT THESE PRICES ? ALL COAL WEIGHED ON TOWN SCALES .,.. - - ,•. .. CASH ON DELIVERY l' C=$11_ Hard Coat $12,50 -Pocahontas $10 h)387 HUCKINS & SEABROOKS'sair k's 1—do trot want to eliminate waste and lnetticlei (•y by. revising the A.N.A. Act." A vote of thank moved by Lion R. r. Hays and seconded) by Mr. 11. P. i Dunlop, was tended Io Captain i inset by bIon I11b1*Ptt, president of the (iodercl .ab, ;Atria* thecosines inhale wen pro• sided by Tony t'arr's orchestra. UID WELL iN THE WEST , An Ashfield old-timer who left his native township fifty-three years ago has returned to greet his old friends with a stow of affluence that speaks well of itis long atsaenie. lie ie Alex. Smith, who answered the call to "go West, young men, away back in '83, being one of the that to leave the dis- trict. Ile settled at duel's, Minitoba, about 140 mile* from Brandon, and farmed a whelp seetl(in, which be sold for $1S000 la good' limes However. he.tnok the farm over again and re- cently sold --it again for $A,4O11. Mr. tlmitis 18 slatting relativist st Ktnttt,}i, Walkerton and Kincardine. In Honor of Twenty-fifth Wedding Anniversary On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Noble -Young. Wells street were the guests of bonnr'at a noels' evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. (co.lSillier, Huron road. The party, which was In the nature of a snrprlse for Mr. and Mrs. Young, was to mark the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of their we(1o11ng. It wRs on September 27, 1911, that Phoebe Beacom waw united in mar- riage to Noble A. Young by Rev. Mr. Brown at the parsonage of North street l'nited church. They have llveli in Goderieh *Ince their marriage. About forty persons(; friends and re- latives'. tlatives, greeted Mr. and Mrs. Young when they entered the Miller home on MQnday night. The couple received a heautif» t bouquet from little Verna Miller, a lovely silver dower basket from Marjorie hillier, and a handanme silver tea set from their son, Hargis] Toth*, aH to behalf set tludr friends sty. Telethon. A nappy evening was prim ln'Mng- cone end playing tardy. The winners at 31M) were Mr. John Harris and Mils Damn Bell. Mr. J. W. hell and Miss Mary Tlchlornc received the end/Ma- llon sward*. At the (*conclusion of the card gams, a lovely luncheon was served by Mrs, MIller, ass4ded by Mrs. W. V. H. i'rice, Mrs. B. Arnold and others. Among the gathering were the two children of ..the rusts of honor,, MAA ('sit MaeDonald and Harold Tonlig, , v•1 ie delbe Way for: Advertising and Jobfrintine New ImperialiStStation 1 c ;:ir Corner Victoria and Belson ,,".. -.a.. 1 Now Open for Business FULLY ,EQUIPPED GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION COMPLETE LINE OF ATLAS TIRES, BATTER= AND AUTO ACCESSORIZE Repairs on All Cars A, Wm. A. Cr • algt PH('lNE 513 * PROPRIETOR r McKinnon's Millinery ! -SALE OCTOBER 8th, 9th and 1 Oth Thursday, Friday and Saturday Only • 70 We have arranged with mfr furrier for this Three- I)ay Sale. Never again this season will we be able to offer Ruch a fine selection of Fur Coats at such low prices 1)nn't miss this opportlttlltY, lel'Y NOV 1 Every ('oat fully guaranteed. A generous allow- ance on your old '°$t on plinths/sing a new one. Also storage for one year. !EMODEY.I.IWO DOME AT FACTORY PRICES All the Newest in Millinery ! 'ljiAl iN FELTS, VEGVF."I'S' ANi) VELOURS -- BRIMS AND e1/bsly-F'rTTIN(7 TVi'EM Reblocking and Remodelling carefully and reasonably done. C. A. & S. McKinnon - PHONE 155Ct.-2 a , teevoi Rua 1 1I: