HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-10-1, Page 254':5•
- $-i.radaJ, October tat, 1
C:tabllabed 1848
Member of Canadian Weekly Newt -
papers Association
Published every Thursday morning.
Subscription price $2.00 per year,
$1.50 it paid in advance. Subscribers
ha United States will please add 150c
for postage.
W. H. Robertson, Editor and tanager
Telephone fill . Eiodsaisb, Oat.
Thursday, October 1st, 111118
Increased tee times over. The PRO -
vim -lel overhead ezpsase Is being re-
duced somewhat under the present
Uorernment, bat ODee an overhead cast
1s assumed It la almost Impossible ro
get rid .1 It.
If governing lashes must be reduged
la number, 'here might be some exhin-
i.atios of the proposition of doing
away with towushlp coon,lls. handling
over their work to the coltaty count III.
The automobile has so retired dis-
tances that It is as easy today to Ret
Tbe Hanover 'Post discusses the pro-
posal of abolition of county councila
and ands that, judging from tbe com-
ments of a number of newepapers
which It Quotes, there la a consider-
able body of opinion In favor of doing
away with the county councils. It Is
trot, however. convinced that tbe move
would result to much, It any, saving
to the taxpayers, or that it would
make any Improvement in the
• a.
Ostler of Lazy Meadows
It) 11.1ItSY J D11OYLE
Government Determined that Men
Being +,++ mid tinier now justmean,.Must Take Work When
10 eft bulk (411(1 watch the world change
nge Ilrav�' N•etitK', hemlttibehed fop, j)lalll
14r041101 us. Thur 11 is that mark with Offered $2.25
I„ diem ln1 huttold I)ouble•bed aisle,
regret the appru* c•h of the new mud• *bout 72 190. Prlr
OW fadlug 4,t the past. Just ItjCe-lLe 1'uruutu. :tilt. �►._ F'rripetir will
r know that there are 1311- 1 nw s-.- } n •
Hemstitched. Sizes 42 1f 33. Pair 75c
Road Projects
Cut Relief Rolls
Waiiasso HemsIitched Sheets $2 25
old landmark that wait taken twat he ylouavl 1.
trout Idle last week. No, It wax not the
demolishing of lin old mill, or of soy road protects now ureter way In rural-
ata nit the county as It was thirty.'.rs old huwestead. It was just the hum- harts of Outarto, with the Outerto awl
ago to traverse a, too wilily. There la'ble old divver that chugged along they 1;u'ornuwuts sharing 'the
no likelihood, so Ter as is aipurent, t d from LAZY 1tf,Cltrinws to the v111M►v
tat an average "riven titers a wee ew 3 bests. sR m
that such a change will be wade; I)nre
upon a time, It was bright and x1414 141111 (14,110, gtaal rondo are ntttadd
as a topic of conversation among thoseose new and shiny. and 1 ezperleueed tl►r. •Uuporhult to the farmer as they are
Interested ID such things It would be grandest kiwi of r thrill as 1 sat with to any other class In the community.
a change from the worn-out toplt of the wheel in soy hand. 1t smelled like pndabl) more so. 1a•causr poor roads
the ibotltton of twenty councils.
Seventeen inches of snow l4, Denver'
Time to think of the coal btu.
• • •
The Presidential election across the
line Is warming up. They have be-
gun to shoot.
system of municipal government. It'a9 a Ane summer month. what has
KYa: October in store?
Dome time ago, we were talking to a e • •
• • •
September of 1066 crowded Aug*3t
r taint shop, and the cushions w'erc
sour kind of leatherette and .liptwry.
I was not quite sure of the proper
4,w• of all the gu11grts 011 the (OA
hoards and the dash, but I managed
a1 last to gal It heeded off doNt the
lane. II had to stall along then, be-
fore 1 coaxed It tout of low into high.
What a thrill there was in going
a 1 the corner at fifteen miles au
hour' toasting along awl culling
down the wrath of Neighls,r Iltgglus
for scaring a colt. Etrn the air
srrow.' different, but 1 later came to
Wry 414114.1• r trruer to lose his mar-
arked wlu•u he Is rt•ady ti, stilt. some cow
w aII(T.
Another enismragiig sign 411 14,:
e'1t1111U111' picture is 1114• reduction i4,
the relief r,411 Thousands Of turn
are now working on these 1:at road
projw•is because a clause In the agre•-
met? calls fyr at least liftv per tent.
relief d(4latr. So th,• relief rolls art 'wing
nvhttvl j4, that wry. Theo again
there Is a tetter tour in Industry ant
general lousiness, resuViug In ab.on.
tial of unemployed lot.. the ranks ,,r
learn that was what they called car labor once again. The hard presort!
Iain monoxide. 1 was r•t'-iwbued with to:tayrh.• who Itclude flit' farmrra tt
the spirit of adventurous auevaur' as the Province. are aided every time ,l
high official l4, the Odeerneteat,- •a.d f I wet gliding into the village, and saw relief re•ildent gots lack to work. and
there arose the matter of abolishing t And Ubyd OeorEr ivtmes baric t people. -dogs 14ttt1 t'•t•t'w ahlakrna rum- lila name L+ atrk�lcea from tiro rolls. •
councils, which '.bit -1e Germany .11 praise of it- ming for cover tMin the v1101' IC tuun I. or, after all, the money. to payay
la some counties with the suggestion I ler OD his tongue. No wonder L. O- seer. l4, rain I' tried to rementher
bow the salesman had sold 4110 to stop
iL 1 went arouud that blla•k' oro many
that it la so _wonder it didn't
that the Provincial Legislature should has lost his grip on tbe British people.
there would have to billtan answer to •-Sitigrdalr Melt oberriggf: , "dim- him up ago„/ * tn., trim, $
tbe queutIon: 'What are you going hat .111 IAMM clitickillefior sot banal dhlainess.• Then et UAW 1 IUTIled
food. clothing •nd whetter comer front
the pockets of thowe with Ribs.- .•
Cutting Down Relief .
The !Hepburn otowertinwers drive to
embus. the relief itsto by -providing
ork is bearing fruit fn many Arts -
to put in its place?" Pallei kr 6.110e MO. tFre laud It roosted uP to St"P Wilk II tiOng. Proof ..f the fact that the Gov•
It is easy enough 10 011y that then who say that she abould-Ifollow Qiigt jerk when it bit the bitching poet. erimr.14 n,4 144/ftlir why* rr "rra.
is no work being done hi county mutt- Britain's lead." What a novelty 11 Wet,. SIMI bow Ira-. 4.
r.itt every able•1104111r11 Wan 11111141 1111'•
cils which could 1101 he done by local
dnotriougly oe shined its black coat
..• • • , rept work when It b. available bo lame,
municipalltima or by tbe Province. , In to a lustre! Of f•ourse, it was re. out by what hatawnosi ilt reenlist."'
a way, this la true, but It .doesn't The ttlilLtOrd Sage d
-ucan't thiak aelmi 'from 811 alwalai "'aka aid umil township the ootiwr dity. In Ibis to wit -
'teem so easy when oue gets down to Much of the judging at the Cloderich onfy for trips and going 10 ehlireb: Olio ,o number 44f men. refused to .ite.
-brava tacks." For instanee. tbe town fall fair. Ile says to Allowed isix Tiwn gradually it began Mr..lore out- rept farm jobs at the current wag.. 0:-
.iierilege was. 1.0MMittell ati P.: per day. Hon. David Croll. Mut-
of -Smithville- him a high st*hool, :3.01:,,w t„mau,,,, airdethey wei., toren What a
but half the pupil,. come from the sur -
01)1V P•e4.14nd orize--as no' mpkins. hauling chop in it for tlic first time -ter .4 Wt•lfare. Ituntediately upon
rounding lowu.ships. These townships - • •,,, ., • --,,, After that 1 1 $41011 1001 11. 1111114h Alla learning of the situation., ordered a re-
pay A I'011 My rate and some 4if it goes .... ' bet.aine u 1114.11111 I Sereli111. 801110141 A 1111.1 1011 111 relief 111 those W110 nrid re.
to the Sinithville school to pay for the , With both teams in the *or it MeellIell to have mono. intuition of 1t• .•
rural implis in attendance there., 11, series" in New York City. the clinksic 1 degenertiv). It develotitat a wheeze then. can 1..• no quarrel. When el.h.•
then, county e01104:116 were abolished, baseloall ovent will not be so interest- 1 and a rattle tool a very cantankerous 11.1i,,,1 iiien are 4449141 work at a fair
disposition. It took a fiendish delight
of having the towitshipa pay a Wham .w, nknet.iraem,.awyhteroukat Hwy
. Irate of ploy. intil refuse .tto twerp( it.
there would have to be • new system
lug ag usual this year. It take.; a ,
hit of inter-fity riv•iry to warm thlugs was at least (mate. st lw %tile to realize that the
of the coat of: operatIng'tne amithrille ilb.vernment ol.". not propose 4.4 s send
: !home in uty Sunday twat. It had to
Tbis could. of course, be done with-
out much trouble. but it would not
lower the oost Oft omerating the Smith -
1,110 ahd redirtributing grants. And.'
if this argument is sound as concerning
schools, which are a big factor in eoun-
tv expenditures, it would also be sound
in many other items or expenditure.
A county pays SLOW a month toward
old age pensions anti mothers' •ilow-
antes amid home for the aged end in-
firm, and this expenditure would have
to be met whether we hail eounty coun-
elle or not. We demand good roads.
and the ratepayers would have to pay
8100.000 a year for mad work In the Plans are going forward at the loot
emrntirtto matter What kind of govern• Office Department, Ottawa, for the li-
mem Sad control of the matter. In sue of a oozies-Ji‘ing_.
'Xtra heavy yliali[y ilia veli.-iaj, -
F•oishett singly in Iar�et double $2 78
s' e, 72 x 90. Pair.....
3% yards
Special clearing. :112 x 4 yards
the &intim by Miss H. Unit and Mr.
S. F. McDowell. of Onderleh. mho fell-
dered two pleasing duets. -
Miss 114•1Ie Swan lia• taken • posi-
tion assisting at the home of,Mr.SOIM
WNW. Port Albert.
Mrs. Altwrt tinier has returned from
.fileiden Valley. where she visited her
daughter. Mr.. Driver
meeting of the Ihiugannon Wownen'o
!the bottle of Mrs. J J. Ryan with the
president in o•harge. roll call will-
' reoponded to by -One Form of Polite -
'made to the hind for critiiiiled children,
-le ee•pon••• to. a letter front the Lions
Club. Donations of fruit and vege-
table', max be left at the keine of Mts.
It. Itradford this week for the Child -
r truer Shelter. Mrs. It. .Ir. McKenzie
read au article on Welfare" and
Mra. C. C. Brown gave "Current
th.n on the utikIng of paileakes. Plans
are under way 10 hold a hot fowl -up-
per about 1 he last of Ortoter. The
tweeting we. followed by the serving of
lunch and a social half-hour.
Hesse and SAW Cluit.-Artivitivs
of the ihissationo Dome and School
Club la ran for the coming season hy
hi „vain „minty is nt,w 10 be known tittle. out of ten. The livetioe osoussoll i.
ito le ashamed to Is. 011 S111.11 a wreck,
as **Bannockburn.- It wag from iwhen it might too... 10e4.11 On a Packard, .,
Bannockburn in Scotlaud that the sod managed' tot get turned upside'
Premier's grandfather came and 'stab- lido% ii. 'rile engine develoPed all rf- 1
premier ha* built iris ..4,,tw,e. _By lb. t Ira% err,I. depending on the speed.
way, what a sonorous title -Mites-
gall 141 iroiolioons campaign to 011.1 it
the Wm principal. Mr. 0. itikney.
bellosifuhninaten::: Sileteh:a ri t eig:vbe
a immorour recitation. Mrs. Frank
of the Central Home and
lied Pinkney reoponded in words
of the ILEA. eonvention last Easter
Allee--Would you put yotirself out
Fred- Certainly
Alioe Then tile door av you go
The tire chief wao 'inverting a build
'thorough hostas-Don. he twine to the
manager and laid.
; delegate. Tbe president expressed, Eire Chief - 1 hod this building wife
„tin. airpreelation of the deb for Dire. exo•ept for otie thing Yon have a t
IIt. Turner afterwardweatertaised the Manager oh, don't
Saunders' adtirese.- Mrs. (Rev.) T. 1 flre ...cape.
tioderIch visitor, at the parioaags.- - Ala Jeep Year .!
Those who refuse to work when the
opportunity present% itoelf are tee
helloing the 11111.44 of the ittitomplooyea
There are thousatiols on relief mit.'
svotild take any kind of Joh if it womb!
restore to them g semblance indo
I 111.i. 11111 tiler.. are those v1,1
wish for nothing lout 111 live oat ilk. the holding of the September meeting
milder bounty. taking evert thing they at the school last Friday evening. with
.4411 get- awl giving nothiust rtt Kra. (Dr. --1- A.- Yoiresin charge. Mrs
pi art fed up with hotline to pay Chas. Alton extended a weloome to
.1 all tbe ear VS 1Ie. to soitoport VI110 ‘4,111•1 %votes
;NEW STAN,' Mill CONING salesmen lie c..11141 lino, .on trill ".1", ""ri'
Agitators iltplatelsed
with her. 144411 11Se the dust wait -tierri•
, more smoothly now. than •t any - Isar
lite. Mother didn't say anything. nu
I maw 11..4- glancing in a ra.tht•r envious
short.-Mill-rotinty spends hell it bat_ tbay wIU not be on sale until tb•
dollars a year. we would not sere tit a end of tbe year. Tile reason hi
it_mieirr400king_ene in a alum problem. It took a firm stand on the
-,,,...____ money: by abolishing county councils. it requires afgeral months for tbe IAD- . It (lime tos be milled tbe "back or ___„._,,
1 hated 10 part with it. A shiny among the unemployed and otirrint .11,
same only it would ht• colleeted and that tbe DPW so Ed. new. -7,7": ,-;-dmicrir,r,it.p„rriiim .1,444.111'44.1 a 1141 olissatiofactioti. have olio !
cellent profile litempss of King
ward VIII. Tbe new eerier will be
Part of tbe annual issue If approxi -
know, this
Better Appearance !
i-01"1,14, ACTUALLY 111; BETTER DREssED
When you wear Clothes measured a11.1 fitted by -
yotir Stiits or Overt -oat* in 11011 for general repair
-Frank H. Martin
dhoti -Baited hy other bodies
What, therefore, would be put In the
replavell the old tuotio•l, and Is now
being given the careful etto•ntion (ha:
known Canadian has said that the best mately 2,000.000,000 Palm postage .1.1"ie ddiMed 84 her "'An' saw in I h.. untoistolooment "Murillo.% N
povernment is a local government, and stamp'. In F,ngland 'tbe first issue Yet there wag • bond of attactuuen.
eluoio•o. to -bore froun within- and •re
the fartlwr away governnientot gel of stainper twaring the bead of King for tlw old contrivano•e that was et.
from the people they represent, the :Falwell! was on gale for a few days pientes1 by the years of faithful ser
OUP 1 111111 14 1101 1011 11 installing it 44. ' l""'r• deluded Ilwoltic who lis
tened to the Wilk of agitators, absorbed
all the glib philosophy of extrem,sts.
now see just wlwre this road ha.
[Item The piddle has otopposl gym -
way the avt•rage taxpayer look* 011 th •
sitoation is that if the people on r
enough food to eat. etiou,:.
WO gtievanee. A lot of people. so
yelled white-collar workers. hart LA '
roads more cheaply than they , g01 1110re than this. And What the.
Iva maintained by the county?' Ilow TOWN01411'. Sept. ME KINtitillitlISIE. Rept. 211.-Mtr. Mtge
force of the btu has been utilized to
clamp 110W11 1011 1 114.1e individual+ who
poorer is their adminhdtatio.n. We ' and was then taken off tbe market
would favor giving greater povierg to :and ttw present supply of George V
local municipel governments, whoi are ;statute will tw sold until exhausted.
" closely In touch with their people and i Another issue of new stampo will fol.
responsive to their will. But if coon- low after the coronation next May.
ty roads for example, were handed The Engliah issue lor of tiw same else
tlw front lawn as a memorial. but tit.
(Amity relellosi Hut could yom blame
me for brushing away a tear. as I
heard it go up the road. and as tiw
sound 1,1110 boat In the distance 1 Stip%
..tigelcitrithreewitehips4w.wbLeb_.thes. and.tologje Ow George V Witte but lit that my old Model T was making lis
over the fantSlar toad.
, are situated. aid- the townships re- plainer *ad Ta-oreifild7.7"'"----
teridence, and more engineering. could GODICRICHTOWNSHIP
they maintain and construct* these
much more, lf any, does 11 11.11•i a town. Mr!. Wm. Rt•id. of Wonky township, Kenzie, of Edmonton, ,Mr. and MM. h'ive. gut' th',1,1„1,1,1!' nhem1497#41 harm°
ehip to haul gravel or build a bridge vilified on Sunday whit 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Make *IA Mr. tied Mrs. Edgar are responsumities tliat wistalii he , ,
Robt. Davidsos. 1 Blake and children, of Clinton. called ily in these day. of financial strIng.11
Narrow bp w'ortb,whik.. and wontd•dw _ Mr. and Mrs. Mein Porter and now, on Mr. and Mrs. E M. Sullivan on Y'
- than it dreg the county? Wont.' the r
service be av efficient? , . ily, id Stanley tovrniphip. spent Sunday Monday. Mrs McKenzie. (f.rmerly 1 - -
certainly. we belleTe..it wowhi Dot at• 4be home of Mr. Ned Mrs,. Austea Barbara Blake. Is Visiting the widow
Inapectlir IC CI Beacom pitid his as- Hugh John Blake, itto concesoion of :
ter could art y - Anniversary iwrvIcen will be hem to Mr. _Jgs. Wallace mailt• n trip this ,
•nd family of her brother, the late
be economical to tranefer conqdrupf.r•
.111 inthm4"1121"19"ligaiLeir to- a Zion church. Taylor's t'arruer. oallun- week to Sarnia, wbere he met his wife
touple of rogineess and have two or otay
october 4. at 1 1 rant and -T.30 p.m. •and daughters on their return from I
three lawlers draw till'a contrail. - If- „rb, iiie....i.it; .wir iw wry._117 4.1. wylie Detroit. . ..,
We want to save:on governmental (cier.
of Benotiller. There will be special 41
Mrg. Wm. McCarthy, spent Iasi week I
head., we sbouldul think 'if abotishing
music. vielting friends in Goderich.
county rgancik• am! handing over their
The lAdkve Aid of Zion chureh. Tay- Me. Geon Sullivan returned home!
work to the provInee. lors Cornerr, will ttleet at the -tonne of 'bit Sundae from bill tiati In Iii‘troli•
Mee. Dave! Hodges on Wediweday Lots of good prises were distributed
• Midi a view WA! expressed 10 us by s
a man holding an Itoportant position
afternoon. Detober 7. at 2 o'clock. I end esally won at the keno party last
In a (-minty 'outsell adjoining Dye,. Union i'hurelt Biotes.-The regular nielit and there are still loto on hand
_., and he thought roundels should meat Who ire going to
iseethig of the Y.P.C. will lw held on Ail belt WontlaY•
Trtday evening Monday. lietoler .be among the lucky one.. next time?
Zloty st Union Rally Day 'services blairkets, going 041 Cheaply.
'were trmitlooted at Union on Sunday, , -
with the superintendent. Mr. James' PORT ALI3ERT
with lowed exPemiltures to 00e11 AO Younti. In charge. There waste -lam'
extent that people •re elImplaining of attendance. - The Scripture 'fret Alli !
In groups. Mafioso ways and 111141110 of
controlling their tax rate, nod no.1
low the province to. make greater in-
roads Into the nautii. goat domain. 'tie
Government has loaded the counties
ths high etninty _rate mind blaming
were read by Maurice liarwood sod PORT A1.11FIRT. tac.pt 29.-Mro.
emitott runnel', ..ati..:41,;:f whereas their
Stanley Mellwa In. A *do, -new--
hands are pretty we tied. body,- 010 ming bv Mary Maywood.
We agree,that there is too Much 'Phe school children vane ''When Moth -
government In ranada and that there era or sawar." El‘it 111-r rPlId a story,
bi too much overlapping. Whet le
"A air of .Rnotetsnry.- and ;WOO Me.
seeded l'A a move to. bring down the Allirrter recited "Irhst 4•4444 i (liver
QOM of government. and not by Ann -
The pastor, Rev. A. E. lloorlioune, ado month. Mille Belie Bean. of Dna-
isig it froui divert to Irallreet taxation,
Ifttlitied the children. and W11 14 1 he useigannon, its laklug care of Mrs. Quaid.
But we are sot at all -"Old- on the Of eandlis. illustrated the amount of We hope tor a speetly-iiteevery.
idea that the abelition of county contl- good that can let done when ille light Mr. Hert Cravi-foord Itailves thin week
elle would help tbe altinition greatly, Of Je.1111 Uhrlot fills the heart. : for Port Dimon to 'loft his aunt, Ilra,
If •t all; and we would firot like to be - Grace Pentland.
snowed tl_TertfiwtinsOre efficient and more ililwaitios. Journal: We learn olio Mr. Carman Hayden: Is buoy filling
WOMAN y wrnild take Ito place, regret that the Ito -year-old %Oil flr Mg silo MIA Week.
There I. great truth In the state the largest lee cream....manufseturer 1.. ' The W.M.tt *lire United church
went that 'the farther away govern• New York is unhappy. Ilot scoop. held their monthly meeting lila week,
twenty four being In attendance. The
nienta fet !Tom the people they rents- " trirafre.
--- -------- ladle.% were glad too have with :them
gent. the poorer io their adminlera- A-LITTIA PATH /Coo Minnie Dickson. oho Ease a
' I 'I've 10 .41`1. 0 little path very fine address on her work In
' sctual figures that Prrovineial admin- i Ilarot-trogiden through tile grams. Hiearot hospital Thio was very 'in -
!titration of Toledo. for Imitative, coots 1 I 1 make* mt. think o,f friendly folk tweeting to oil The W 14 M. la in-
vited to a theinkoffering meeting to
more than eminfr admInIstratbm. Who, unassuming. pasa,
he hetet in the Antillean chureh On
While county and township counella, IMPIll. "Don aorne little met
itat• kept their expenditures within
I I love to gee a little path lire Cunningham litte-s ferload at
bound... Provinrial Governot"t el' I Hord trodden thromgh the gram. friends from Seaforth to. %Nit her on
'Miller, le the last thirty years has
i Eraneee Harris Smith Monday
Harvey Potter. of Langbank, Soak., Is
visiting her parent,. Mr. and 1Mrs.
Hobert Bogle. and ortief
We are worry tip report Jobe
Quaid, who bag not been eenjor Ono*
time. has !teen ordered to bed for a
Arm Agitti.---
DUNGANNON. Sept. :10. -Mr. and
Mrs Wm ftrsy are visiting for • few
Mira at the home of him girder, Mrs.
Stephen Weller, tioderich.
Sunday with their cousin, Mrs. John
woo visitor with her mother, Mrs.
David Krrington. on Tuesday.
The monthly meeting of the Wo-
meti••• Missionary ilociety is being held
till. Friday afternoon In the basement
, of the United church. to be followed ity
the Ilona! ten -fent ten.
cently had Hydro light inatalled ot bet
Iresidence. which als41 allowed a street
Mr. Gordon- Hell had • very -women&
NI cash gale of live alos•k. Implementa
and household effect., on Tutooday . r.
jami daughter will leitve
for ihe Wevid to make their home.
a vioitor with her eousin. Mies miry
Mint [motile Eedy is enjoying a visit r
with relanveo and friendo et Stratford.
Mims Tuna Finnigan and WWI it.
Dillott attended the funeral of the lat-
ter's eoti4M. Mr. Hold. Mclomn, Jr. at
Gooterich on Monday.
thserationg eommetteed thio wee* on
the rattling of the roof on the Allen
block •
John Dornin, jr of the Rth comes -
•110)1 of Wert Wowancralt. was lately
eonfronted by a wild CC when going
after big row* in ttv. evening An the
cal had kitten+. John decided *he mold
have poopeaslon of the cow. aro well,
until he wag better armed.
Auniversery oerviosso at the United
church were ohoerved on Sunday. In
erowd attended In the evening Rev.
Diugh WIlann, of Althorn, WAX the
iopeaker The Moir wan assined It
tiAlirtut _
On calls to pdints over
-- 130 miles
Once again we have cut the cost of Long Distance. On
September 1st, a new schedule of rates became effective
on calls (both person-to-person and station -to -station)
to points over 130 miles distant. This reduction will mean
an annual saving of over $200,000.00 to teleOlone users
in Ontario and Quebec alone.
This is the second time this year that Long Distance costs
have been reduced. In the past seven years, we have made
six substantial rate revisions. At the same time we have
constantly improved service, as evidenced_by the fact
that, while in 1929 it took an average of 3.4 Minutes to
complete a Long Distance call, to -day the average is
only 78, seconds.
To -day, your telephone is within easy reach of any one of
33,000,000 telephones scarred throughout the world.
Low night rates from 7 every evening and all day Sunday!