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the paper that
Everybody Reads
`> Brokers Charged WILL GO TO LONDON
f Te Argue Ottawa Gevesot's O•
Wtsi Conspiracy�
�I Refers else Privy O.vartl
d4 snnOnneentent tram (k'ewa pnk.
Hearing before Judge Costello Is
in IL •Fourth_
The trial of Ervin U. and Eldred L.
Ernest, former Walkerton brokers
�. charged with conspiracy to defraud,
Hailed In yesterday's dailies, is to tIN
effect that R. S. Robertson, K,O., of
Toronto, has been chosen as cblet
counsel for the Dominion Government
In appeals to be taken to the Judicial
committee of the Privy Council in re-
spect to the social reform legislation
of the late Bennett Government.
Hon. N. W. /Cowell, K.C., who acted
for the Government when these mea -
ares were being tested before the Ste
THE SIGNAL 1'RIN'1'Isi; co, 1.1111 TF: U Publishers
Reunion of ]9e37 T. G. Connon Passes H.Ilay- our Years
Miss Janet Martin is at Detroit on Dees Murk ll•asaage In Tows Seems
_August ] st to 7th
a that, to her sister, Mrs. J. A. Barry.
-»jts' C: 'Morrison ('ar, After Long Illness
yeuter, South e . _... The tl;
house on
East Safest Young
re bel ate answered two calla on Saturday
--street, has left on a trip to England. __
within tsar hours on Tuesday morning. I -�
Mr. Gordon Wong is cloning with ! e first was turned in about 5 a.m.
Donald M. Johnston to Be the friends at London,Toronto and Wtad C. P. R. Agent for Seventeen by Felice Sergeant A. C. Rues when 1 Birthday Celebration Recalls the
Secretary -Executive ,,,r this week. 1 Years and a Public-spirited be discovered flames in the muuielpal History of a Prominent Col -
Appointed Mr. Robert Fleming, of Revelstoke, i Titian
B.C., la vidting his sister, Mrs. W. I "!-"�'
The first week of August -Sunday, Proctor, Gibbons street. l he death,Jf town hall and nee hall on East street. Saturday, September 211th, was gm
g y' Mrs. Warnock lett on 18xwda,r to Tbo s G. Comm, The truck was rolled from the fire
August let, to Saturday. August 7th. spend the winter at *lunlprg with C.P.R. awe In, Godeflch, which oe• hall and a hove run in to the scene of eighty-fourth birthday of Alexander
both days inclusive -will be Goderlch's her daughter, Mrs. Guest.carred at Aleztapdra hospital early the the In a few minutes, but not be- Young of Loyal, one of Coy -borne town -
continues today la the -County Judge's pre Court of Canada, was last week Old Home Week in 1937. The decision Miss: Gladys Ellet, of London, visited Sunday morning, terminated an illness fern great damage had been done to !ship's best-known and most highly re -
the buiidlug and to ne sial b, a road
appointed Chief Justice of Ontario, ne adjournedfriends in town the pest week. She g
re -
Criminal Court before Judge T. M. • was made at the public had just returned from visit to Vlmy, of nearly two years and removed from sprinkler, a rotary rued brush and'slect,d residents. During the day
Costello, with every indication of last- cessltating tbe selection of new croon- meeting held at the town hall ou Moo- France. the town on. of Its most public-spirited other equipment. Damage was esti- I nblends called to congratulate
ing the week. The trial, whkh eel- •day night- citizens. Mr. Commit was In his six-Tmattrl at between $4,000 and $x,500, him, and he received many telephone
Mr. Robertson is a well-known God- Miss Doris Riley and Mr. Charles �
opened Monday, L in Its fourth day, erich old boy who for some years has Recummeudatluus of the striking Adams, of in. -Catharines, were guests
with the prosecution Kill In charge. been a leader of the Ontario bar. committee appointed at the intense for a few days this week at the home
Evidence is being taken on the con- - I of tbe lady's* parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.
storehouse at Elie rear of Fire Chief borne Family
Beacom's home and adjacent to the
last week were ■ppruced in the minting
splracy charge, but the young men NEW MAIL -CARRIER of Duaald M. Johnston as perruaueat
also are charged with theft. I George C. Feagan, Reeve of Colborne secretary of the reunion cummlttee sad
Yesterday Judge Costello remarked ctOwuahipe today commsacaa be. dudes--o"s fofuwJng as constltuting, with
that so for ere was so evidence of 'as ma��U-carrier on R.A. 2, Goderieb lbs other dicers, tbe ezetvaflve_
tonaplrata towirahip. Mr. Feagan bas coo, situs.: D. 1). Mooney, -J. •W. Cralgie, Cameron here on Thar last. it
The young area, who ire cousin., are Warted for the route formerly L.14 O• raw W. -H-.11108vvillOW C. It: is fury yearn duce ht let palma
charged with theft from clients and, Everett ABM., - and ■ Henry iiaeDeke, _+
Jointly, with conspiracy to defraud the Ou Wednesday last week Reeve Fee- J. It Rtynetds• .r Detroit, were guests at the Park House
public by faire yretruces end theft. Lan suffered a henry lots when his J. M. Roberts was meted ie par last week. Mrs. Hoebekt le counected
1. L. Ernest 1s charged with the theft Colborne township barn and contents chasing agent and assistant treasurer, with the early history of the Presby -
_.1 re.ed un January, 1935, from A. C. were destroyed by tire. He then Dr.• W.. F. Gallew was aploinled terlan ebureh In Goderlcb, the present
Adams, nerd E. M. Ernest le charged moved teethe Goderich township farm
of tbe names and nddrerrs• Kuox church building having peen
with the theft of $;2,012.44 on Decem- which be purchased recently. committee. 11l7iiattow did apt rod through the efforts of her
her 11, 1934, from J. J. Evans and the - -.. - _ work preparatory to the centennial grandfather, Rev. John Fraser, who
theft of $1,400 from Mrs. J. J. Evans, cele►oratlon of 1927 lu securit.g the was minister le55-62! :Rev. Mr. Fras
conducted by A. J. Becker, and •t name* and rddtesse,e of furter God- er Immediately preceded Rec. Dr. Cre
us November sf, 1934. Orangeville, ccnr(lucted by Messrs. Ar- er4h people in all purl- of the coatis- a minister of the charge.
Campbell Grant, of Walkerton, an -I not4 and I. ng, and both offices were
red for E. L. Ernest; U. E. Klein, eat and ■broad, and his acceptance Ot
Ysal run on Instructions than the bead of- the same task fur the 1937 reunion is
ICC:., of Walkerton, for E. M. Ernest, lice at Walkerton, said witness.
and Crown Attorney Dudley E. Holme, 1 Exhibiting a ledger from the bead a° assurance that It will be performed Deputy peeve Turner and Council- with the life of the town, and with a
prosecuted uflhe, the prtstecutor elicited the lefor- with pare and thoroughness. lora Brown, Mackin, and Humber at: deep-rooted Interest la things Meter:
The brokerage firm opened in June, 1 matlun that 1t was kept up by entries
F'ur the poet of chairman of the tended • ateeting of municipal raper 'cal he deiced into the chronicles re-
1tG34, cosi war clotted early In Feb' from hey and .ell slips placed In a publicity committee the choice fell up sentatices at Clinton ou Monday night laling to the early days of the settle -
11105. rack by her employers. If tbe stlpa ou W. H. Robertson,who filled the to ,sousleler the relict pruWem• ment of the ?Huron Trick and soon
Provincial Constables U. Mctlevis, were not placed in the rack, ibrre was same place' Lo lel¢7. --. knew more of the early history of God-
ot Walkrrtun, and Y. E. McCoy, of no other way of making entries. Thr Warning of other committee chair- KNOX CHURCH LADIES' AID erich aril the district than most Of
__Goderich. testified at :he °peel'g of "Those slips formed the basis for �° was left to the executice. The Ladles Aid Society of Knox Its old Inhabitant■. His collection of
the case that tory searched the Wal- the whole bookkeeping system," she The president, Mayor Maefrwan. Presbyterian church resumed their re- articles and documents connected with
hecto office on February 9 and 10.said asked for suggestlous for the program gular monthly meetings ou Friday the early history of the district wits
an extensive one.
Another of his chief Inters-ts was
Misr LillianHurlbut attractive I I be d and he ( O1 ■ pageant, gatherings ngs u ex- chalk and conducted devotional exer- Alexandra hospital. He was seers
young Stenographer who war with the Attorney continuing his examination. papist at the various school+, a general rises. These were taken part In by tart' of the board for many years and
Arm, known as Ervin M. Ernest until Witness acetified that in October, gathering with addreoaes and music by Mrs. J. E. Whitely, who read the later cfee-preeldent, and he gave a
)i former residents, aquatic sports, field Scripture, and Mrs. h','ardlaw Taylor. great deal of time and attention to
December, 19Gei, when It was changed 1934, the Harley, Easton & Co. firm, I
to R. L Brnrst & Co., when J. Cnigb i with which the brokers were dohs sports baseball, horse races, etc. who led in prayer. During the burl- hospital matters. He was secretary
ton, of Toronto, entered It, was the only Dtsslgess, closed out the account owing
Special church servile,• will no doubt nets part of the meeting 1t was agreed of the citizens' association which un-
beard on Monday. She was to failure to take stocks sent on draft.
on the stand more than four boon At that time a $4,100 debit with the
tinder questioning by the prosecntor. Toronto Arm was wiped out with tbe
and Campbell Grant had just begun rale of clients' stocks. war veterans *mild likelyar- Goober Rlsaet's
his examination when Judge Costello "They would be clients' stocksthe Stroup and consisted of ooccatbon. he Was aptx►laterd honorary
called a halt at 5 p.m. which were sold out and bought is nage a military service for the Sus- a duet by Mesdames Keith Rerell and vice-president of the 1937 old boys' re -
Witness stated E. L. Ernest, ss again." day. 111. ('. Dunlop, these ladles entertain- union committee. He was a Mason,
manager, held a power of attorney "You mean they should have bete Tb. president spoke of the regret log the audlenee In their usual excel- a member of the Llone Club, of the
with the Bank of Commerce aid the bought la again," suggested Mr, with which news of the death of Mr, lent manner, and S very Interesting hoard of Trails and of other commun-
Toronto brokerage hoose of J. L. Fran- Holing,* - - T. O. Contend. secretary of the mitten- travel talk by Miss Eva Somerville, , Ito organizations.
__lis k Co. before be took ovAr the beak- -As far u 1 Whew Shy neat, bought, nH!I celebration of 1937, bad been rem Who related her impressions and ex- Mr. Connon is survired by hia, wife,
�OettlbN wlE ag
and a mutlod w,ai paaatd d4 periences while visiting Florida la!t formerly Mies I.nlulle M. Cinidell o
meting that a letter of sympatby.be winter. Tbe--exhales of tbc-41oriety ',Elm -ft, and one daugh
seat to Mrs. and Miss Connon. were extended by the preetident to son predeceased him *cone -yearnefie.
those who had contributed to the 1 ''core funeral service, conducted at
AT LONDON ''iiftstne►sw's entertainment, and _the,' the restdettce. Coboarg street.
prosecutor asked the witness as 40- Helaine -- - - - t } Ilam
the b 1 Treed ft w sl -a -Tai=
ln+urance of $3,500 is earrkd. ■^a ■uu vrrt.bday gifts.
ty`wixtb year and bad been a resident s
of Goderich for seventeen years. 1 A tray+lent, kuown, . police, who I A Pioneer Faintly
He was born at Elora, Ont., a son 'spent the ulght In the building, could The uame of Young la closely ma-
R. Riley, Church street. of Mr. and Mrs..TfuuWaa_Connon, and ant be found ou Tuesday morning, he 1 nested with the story of the pioneer
Mr. Alex. Matheson, of Cloverdale, lined there until twenty -tire yeas it 1ha_ving-.u-en passed up-ayuh be -w days -b4 Coltman* townNMp,- -One of •------- _
B.C., wbo has lien visiting boyhood 1 age. He entered the empluy at the I to have beets premised. It the Aria assn. -t coma to_ -tills- pant oto .___,
-es Leeba1..b, celled on Mr. Joke asylvanla Railroad 1a New York beliar.d arc ere was started by -1a the country was William Young, who „pampa.,
sad later in ,Buffalo. 3bcn for some gl"wht6 cigarette butt came out front Scotland In 1836 and •
-be..was with this Nickel Plate The ee.•ond tire, which eau -took up sired in the -iamb s -yet un_
11�#,ab $tOehtoa •]lir. Going damage, a as at x1.30 a.m.7ttbe home tuucheti by the settler's axe. As -
west to the Peace River district he °f Jos. Garrick, Hlarvn fetid. H ht came on he put some large pieces
was receiver for the •Edmonton Mort- a ohlmney lire and was easily extla- of bark against a fallen log and with '-e
gulehed: a stone fora pillow and a blanket for '
pp sad Loan Company to the inter-
eats of the Revillon Fur Co.. but soon jcoet'rmng he began bis life in the new ";,'1
returned to railroading with the Brit- NUPTIAL EVENT FOR-EitTURDA land. He was acc•ompsnted as ice
lela Columbia ¢Ieetrie Railway at New C1a Saturday morning. at Toaawan• as Kingston by ills brother, Al.:xan-
Weetmlust,r and Vancouver. In da. r.T., mos wireT�ro Crimple cher Young, fattier of Nn..\. Y. Hen
1917 he joined the C.P.R. at \Vtudsor •laughter of Mr. and Mee Donald Jersen and of Alebsmitar.Aotwg of
and two yearn later came to Gob•rieh Campbell of that ►,farce, formerly of Loyal, the subject of this sketch. Alex -
agent of the comp■any, which Joel- (kxlerlch, will le molted in marriage ruder spent the winter at Kingston,
tion he filled until his death. to Mr. Fwleard A. Carney. sun of Mr. 1.u[ next year came un to the lluroe
Here he quickly associated himself. and Mre. Michael Carney, of Goderich. 'Tract, and the remainder of the fans-
'Miss Campbell is well known among lly-Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Young,
the younger set In Goderich, and tbe the parents, George, Charles and Got.
groom -to -be Is a trainman on the C'.P.R, duct, Mrs. Hugh Rose (with Mr. Rose),
out of London. The future place of Margaret (afterwards Mrs. John
abode Iran not been decided as yet. Glen) and Mary (afterwards lira.
John Ryan) -came from Scotland In
Ig�i, and seined the took, and papers I Court adjourned at 122.35 and to be carried out during vernier week, rftrruu.u, the 25th lust. Mrs. A. D.
In the once, sumed at 2 o'clock, with ]ties Hurlbut re -
and a number sere offered. There McLean, for prealdrgt, occupied the
returning tot stain t Crowe
included h 1 f
George Correll suffered a painful in -
Jury when the crank of his car
"•kicked" on Tuesday. Tbe handle
caught �tlm on the wrist. Although
no tonee were broken the wrist was
badly epralned.
Verne Smith, Bayfield road, was the
vlctlm of an unfortunate accident at
the elevator on Thursday last which
laid him up for a short time with a
badly bruised foot. He was caught
be arranged for the Sunday of reunion' to hold a fowl supper on Tuesday, No- dertook and carried through the God- by a moving piece of machinery which
week, and Rev, 1). J. Lane was ap readier 10th, In connection with the erich Centennial celebration of 1927 (•rushed ills foot. No bones sere
pointed to take charge of arrangements church anniversary. The program for and only last week. In reeognitlon of broken.
for these. It was intimated also that the afternoon was In charge of Mrs. his eminently valuable aervlcee on that
-Bees from E. Y. Brtttse 4s' r -18 afial*." .Said the._.
11111, -. must have bees. The elksta semi
Crews Attorney Solutes and Mr. stopped:' * -
Herein towered In a'vprhat battle-wWs- thaktdc'sskad Ms.
the content of the power of attorney. Miss Hurlbut agreed with a suttees -
His Honor overruled Mr. Klein's ob- tion put by Mr. Grant, that consdder-
Jection and the Crown put tbe question able stuck was on margin. Mr. ,
to tbe girl, who answered "I don't Holmes., however, refused to accept
know." the auggeetion and, producing stock
Mr. 'Holmes remarked repeatedly on ledger and stock sheets, instructed the
the apparent reticence of tbe witness, tUtien, to make sure.
who frequently answered questions' Mr. Klein Interrupted, stating tie
with "I don't know," or "I don't re- witnewk was only a etenograpber and
member." not competent no gUee--fuey complete
'Were you at one time engaged to , and accurate testimony.. '
one of the Frnesta?" he asked. • 1 don't know much shoat them,
The witness refused to *newer and they're just Mocks to me.' proLsted
both defem•e counsel entered a strong the witness.
objectlen to the question. At another point In the proceedings
"I *111 'show this witnelga 1s preju. the Crown Attorney, replying to ree-
=.-Irf atrinteaM' and refbshsg-. t mote ya�d.. t
question+ to the beet of her abltlt}rs fence counsel. objected to
retorted the Crown Attorney. - -- __ evidence. Mr. Grant objected to the
Miss Hurlbut finally admitted As Crown's leading que tiobe. --' -
became engaged 'to E. L. Ernest at Mr. Holmes pointed out to Miss
Christmas time 1934 but denied that Hurlbut several entries on the name et
abe ever diseased any proposed
changes In the once previously.
Mr. Holmes asked 1f E. M. Ernest
merely got out of the omce in Decem-
ber or if he sold out to E. L Ernest.
"Tbe bulginess changed bands" was
the reply.
At this point the Crown Attorney ap-
pealed to the judge to hare Mira Hori-
bt4t declared an adverse witness, and
asked permission to present heading
quest Inns.
Hie Honor demurred at such a meas-
lmong those re1 ttTttTt _plijt-__ a cora on ay afternoon, a rg y
University for a course in municipal benediction. iieotTiKi� 7t"P'fy7rhr'rerMr
management are the following from - - St. George's church. pf which deceased
thi. county: Warden R. J. Bowman, was a member. °Metaled and the pall -
of Brussels; County Treasurer .t. Ii. bearers were Mayor H. .1. A. MacEwen, were olrfeing.
WEDDINGS - �dll, L. Parsons. J. R. Reynolds. J. W. Iti ;amt Fettled tom' thee on the 8th
Count r, .t'c�unty Clerk J. M. Roberta, Fraser, Harry Aaaderson sad H. N.
County tunglneer T. R. ratter+rm and 1 Jl ST A ('OIN('IDBNCE cotwes.lon of Colborne.-- Eight bun-
t• W. Monteith, auditor- The courses- �'�*'-'+ , 1'helac•ker a w.tlsinak. The Inter -
On was In Maitland cemetery.
Orr Wednesday afternoon, fr.m 1.30 Bred aeres of land were taken up,
which „lacus fur ay, will continue two MarUONlIJI-SHiEIJ$to 4 o'clock, the CountyJude's Crim- four hundred on each side of the road,
day. a w'•► fur four weeks In Goober. A large number of ('.1'.R. nmclaa g
A quiet wedding hole l I t -e at Pine warp In attPndnn. a at 11 . funeral : Incl Court was (keerted, a Itb•'the ex- for stitch they pull 50 cents per acre.
REGRET THEIR DEPARTURE River mans.., wh•n Rev. J. C, Nlcbol- p- iev. ('rahle, superintrndc•tlt.• Iwooloq ; eeptton of two disconsolate officers de- .\ rrrt•k ran through the property on
sin united in marriage Erma Rotene, 11. Ripley. dUtrlct engineer, Toronto; tailed to guard the exhibits, wame title which later a sawmill and a barley
daughter of Robert Shlella and the I A. t) w„Iter. d{cslonal engineer, Loo- ty in number, In the trial of the Ere- 111111 were brat. -
Ike Mrs. Situ i., Amlerley, to George I dun : F1. I'. ('r,-lgblun, bridtte and _-----,-_ Walkerton brokers. Scheel'
A.Maellonakf, won of Mr. and Mrs.
Alex. MacDonald, Huron township.
ae..Jt** MeeDowaId and Musrag
'x6r-8otetAt; slster'avd iinitfieFAFintr s:
'fo?"i1t nt at Gtiel h; R. FShaw,.ute••.ttllu�t ► 1Ju-pl�uvft
bridegroom, at(.'ndel the eotrple. The formerly agent at Guelph; R. E. Shaw, The ether.- That *
sted,Heg petty esme to tioderlrh, i mewl. -RTyltt: J. Loewe, agent, me.
of "tour" was the well-known fact the
where diener war serrerl to them at'(law �E (- Keyes, agent, Auburn; T. fudge T. U. C'roKdlo, who is p seldlns
Tiro Bruce county mea held at Owen
Sound are wasted by polies here on,
charge -1 of breaking and entering the
Menesetung Park cottage, "Huron
Lodge," owned by Mr*. Iola George, of
Detroit, and stealing ramp equipment
valued at $100. The men, Jack Finkle
rker, aleo are wanted at
Owen Sound and • a e . .
The theft at Meneaetung• believed
have oec erred last week, was dds-
hovered by Mrs. George witeu she was
"Uncle Randy to •hart of relative{
-war_-r•m.rutrr_46.4_-.ay„ek=id.-__The-r others in Colborne township, , -
etolen art i. Ie+ were recovered In a ear, ---...
elver sold leo le stolen, which the men
birthday on Saturday last.
Clinton News -Record: Mr. and Mrs.
If. M. Ford left thio week for Goder-
lr4,. where they will make their home
In future, Mr. Ford baring taken over
Ito 4aa•vanos agency, there. Mr, Ford
In an ei er t1l young man and,
doubt make good In his new pa.tion.
Their friends regret their
front town. but good wishes for con-
tinued happtnesss and succuss follow
J. J. Evans. Among them were the' them to their new itome-
purehaae of two groups of Slacoe-
November, 1934, totalling 1.000 shares.' FORTY YEARS' SERVICE
"Do you know if that Slscoe ever
can a -op?" ! Marked by Presentation to Regimental
"No, I don't think it did," wax the '
Another item showed) a sale of 000
shares of R. C. Nickel for $2711 in Jan-
uary, 1935. Thee was paid with a
cheque which was returned N.S.F.
Before Mr. HMOs* concluded leis
questlonitg Mies Hurlbut said she was
Sergeant-Major James
George James, who officially retired
this year as regimental sergeant -major
i.of Huron Regiment, after forty years
of military &service, was the guest of
honor at • dinner at the Commercial
1 betel. Seaforth, hest night, whlob was
are but said: "1 will permit you to pald 1101 weeed 15p the fitf6-`-- attended
try omcen of the Heroes
prompt the witness," Coder crofts -examination begun by 1 Middlesex Regiment. About fifty of-
-Did E. M. Ernest continue in the Mr. Grant at 4.40 p.m., Miss Hurlbut liken' were present, from London,
huulnPsa 'tier December 14, 11634?" admitted she had had no experience in Strathroy, Fotdwlch, Seaforth, Clinton,
"No," a broker's office previous to bee en• Wingham and Goderich.
"Did he reeelce any money from the gagement under E. M. Ernest. With a beautifhlly illuminated ad•
"1 don't know."
"Did he tate any active part in the
business?" '
"1' don't think so."
Statements Sag N Clients
Miss Hurlbut said F. L. Ernest and
J. Crighton, of Toronto, constituted the
b tin's of E. L. Ernie,/ & Co. Pre -
sinus to the partnership C`rlghton had In that way." she said. glment -in appreciation
gone over the hooka with her and dtate- Ledger incomplete in the Hurons In various capacities
meats hod haven prepared to send to One reason the ledger was incom- during the years 1896 to 1934."
clients. All the statements were sent plete, she testlted, was that some bust The dinner was to take place on
nut, witness Ineiated, stating she did news. done at Wingham. was not ea Thursday last, September 74, Mit was
nut remember telling (tlghton she was terel. This was In answer to a re postponed Just before the 'aro hoer.
Inutructel to withhold statements from eelpt produced by Mr. Brant whkb Mr. James, although be has official -
certain clients. She further denied bore the signature of A. J. Recker. ly resigned his once, acceded to the
any knowlcc*e of (st'Igjtten's Inter And- Court., was adjourned at 5 p.m. un- request of several officers at the hon -
Ing statements which had not been
Producing a cheque for $3(1.45, dated
D►een er 21. 111'1, from E. L. F,rneat
A Co. to F. M. Ernest, Mr. Tlolmea
Mated he Intended showing that -E.
M. Ernest was not as entirely diatom -
elated from the flrm as he wonid like
the court fo believe"
Mies Itnre mt Bald ales never had
made a footmen. sheet showing stock
pnrch'Pel by clients and which the
Arm ahoeld hare on hand, nor had she
ever balanced the books of the flrm,
even whoa It changed hands.
The firm had offices In Wingham,
building master. London; J. Hollyrnan, 1 It neves (deserved that the time of the \l hen Na.:1 who..t house (whkh tw
school -
travelling freight agent, Toronto; H. adjournment closely
cultxdded with the always been krxowvasYoang'esctaas
1A. l'b.mea, agent, Gsteiph; W. h. 'tad- time ocupled by the opening game la house) was erected, the early teachers
-i 4iitast•8fwsingeoer, is ..-Vaecwa -- - -•- .--
1 M. M. 'Hosebargh. The •selpol
• of toga, with desks tong the
during the trial, thirty yet;rs ago wax•' The attendance at one time
was up to ninety, the larger boys and
the backstop for the wwdl-known Co► I gkla in many canes attending only for
tell° battery whkh swept the Ottawa the winter months. The brick school
Vaifer-end ie ' understood that Hie as it now stands was built In 1865.
Hower uas not lost his lose of the At that time the teacher's salary was
game. • 11:100, with free house adjoining tape
HARVEST SERVICES school. He also got his wood free.
Brantfon!: G. H. Jaekeon. agent, God- lie kept n cow which ran In the woods
erich; W. McMillan, chief clerk, God- Harvest bomb aervlcee, conducted at and along tee roadelde, and he worked
erich. Among the beautiful floral tri- the Baptist church morning and even- on Saturday-. and on holidays for her
butes was one lrom tete C.N,R, staff art Ing on Senility by the paster, Rev. S, wittier feed.
Galerlcb.---c_� �_�-__.
_ R. McClung, were attended by appre- There are very few now living who
dative congregations, although owingatte•ndPcl mimed at That time, but
JIL 4, C. 0 MEET - to the Inclement weather the 'Gen-
ffbe MtmesetuoiWrNe f'iub tit '-d■m'e was not large. amort: Mr. eel Big's old Andre schoolmates
g i arc Mrs. Samuel plane'. Andrew lilt-
ing its tali and winter season with a Spec al must under the dlretJon of
meeting next Tuesday night, when Mrrr_R lo'aldwon organ end choir -
nominations will be revived for om- leader, was a pleawint feature of bile
vers for tete coming year.
services,---- .t the morning eervieit
the British Exchange hotel, after C. Crawford, car department, Guelph;
which Mr. and Jere. MacDonald tett' D. A. Smith, formerly travelling freight
on a motor tour of the Eastern States. agent, Ontario dletrlct.
On their return they will reside on tbi The C.N.R. was represented by A. R.
• 2nd concession of Huron township, Munro, division freight agent, Strut•
' • ^ ford: Fred Broad. travelling freight
CARPENTER-JOHNSTON agent, Stratford; 8. D. Croft, agent,
A quiet autumn wedding was solem-
nised at the rectory of St. Mary's
church, Toronto, on Saturday morning
at 11.30 o'clock, when )Alas Margaret
Irene Johnston, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. (Ztrlttopher Johnston,
road. Goderich, was united In
Hoge to Garrett Thomas Carpenter,
son of Mrs. carpenter, of Welland, and
tie late ('apt. John Carpenter, Great
Lakes sinner. Rev. Father Mogan of-
ficiated. The couple were attended
'rransactione In buying and selling dress, read by Lt. -Col. A. F. Sturdy, ey Mr. and Mrs. Harry Witmer, of
at Toronto, received via teletype ■t Mr. James was presewted with a hand- (Jrelerleh. -
Walkerton. were entered before money !some gold -headed ebony cane, In Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter, both well
actually was handled, she stated. i scribed, "Presented to R.S.M. G. James, known and highly regarded by a large
She admitted there were a•casione (Huron Regiment, 1((98-1941" circle of friends in Goderich, w11I Ilse
when clients did not put tap cash for
The adds e� under the in/dente of at Welland, where the groom is em -
i Ilan, George and John Elliott, Mrs. H.
Temperatures of the Had week and
of the corresponding week of test year,
as recorded officially, were at follows:
1930 196:
jtrs Hanriltor ('Hutton sang "Breathe
one Me, Breath 111 Gal," and the•cholt
rendered the anthem, "Pralesc to Jeho-
vah." Mra. McClung wax tike soloist
In the evening, singing "Let the Earth
Seting Forth,"'and a toll eDole sang
Rail (Tena Struughan), Mrs. John
Robertson (Margaret J. Blair), John
Symington, William Strbugban and his
nye, Grace Watt.
Alex. loung Horn In 1852
Alexander Young was herrn on lot
7, conceselon 8, E . Colborne town-
ship. on )September 2tit11, Dow. His
std k received on draft, and it was the Huron Regiment, set forth that PI"yeal• Mrs. Carpenter wax an opera- Mas Mlu Max Min. "Another Trmorrok." I parents were .\ilexander young, form-
erly to Toronto to be sold, the presentation to R.R.M. James was tor In the loal orate of the Bell Tele- Thurs., Sept. 24 ,...7:. 4t1 77 40 "ThP Miracle of the Harvest" cosi rely of Nairnshire, Scotland, and
"Quite often losses were sntdafneet made by the oMllcer, of the Ilnrcrn tie phone Company,, Fri., Sept. 'LS fib :iii 148 "Nifure's (grollenge to Faith" irefitng, ht ('bristrnu Muckennle, who had come
of ills oerviees • • •• Sat., kept. 211 64 Ori 78 ;p subjects christen by Mr. McClung,
S('RI'TON-MERO Sun., Sept. 27 ......Itt10 5t; CCH 43 I PORT-Nl'PTIe}I. RE('EPTIO11t
A wedding of Irwin Interest look Mon., Beet. 'lit (IB 46 Stl 1 ffi
On \inndap night Mr. and Mrs.
place on Saturllsy morning, Septem- Tires., Sept. 29 „il 40 :.7 41 1 fiertert ('ranxtnn, who were married
her pith, when Margaret N. Mero, rid. \Wel.. Sept. 30 e0 .1•k8 6l •� 1 on Wednesday of brei week, received trip. 79rP passengers pad to bring
est daughter of 'M r. and Mrs. Albert ``-' '- I acorea of trlemle at a reception at in own prorlei°°a, prfuel9aaly °a t- .e'
Mean, Bruce Street, became the bride MARRIAGE ANNOIT10ED meal, and water, and had to do their
of John 14. Srutmt, of London, 1 their home on William Street. Ter&
young- The home of Mr. and Mrs. O. Ginn, ' J. W. Prhdlle, mother of the bride, aa- town corking, Ile •settled with other,
er don of Mr. and Mra. Edward ecru- N.IPo,l street, was the scene of a gay. eel at the happy function. The of ills family (already meutioneel) sin
tit 'Tuesday at 10 a.m. ewe that he continue to act locally ane ton, of Clinton. Rev. Father Nagle gathering on Thursday nlght last, know was attractIvely deceratel for , the Sth concession of Colborne, and his
When Miss Hurlbut resnmcd the 14.8.M. A thew appointment will toe officiates]. Miss Jean ('hl.holm was when a surprise miseellancoua shower tie oeeati n. the• guest+ helot rdvelcpd' future wife Fettled (a AshllPid neat
stand on Tnesda7 1 for con- made for the regiment, hut Mr. James bridesmaid and Frank Meen, brother was held far their daughter, Mire tipfnrp ' hank of terns ami autumn 1 Klsrtall. At that time th. conte; .. ,e
tinned croud•examinat an by air. Grant. I will carry on In Go/let-kb. of the bride, supported the groom. The Gladys, whose marriage to Mr. A. 8. A„wears. \nen+t pleasant eeeatng was was all woods and there was nol
the forest. The
She traded the procedure of entering I Platy one yearn young today, Mr. young eouple lett on a motor trip to Henry,-. "--- ----- ---SpentraJ a
the ledger from the ticker And getting Jame, joined. the 33rd Huron Regiment Toronto and XI F'olla. On their J
In tox•h with clients to complete a on May 24. 11411(1. Ile heeome R.P. M. return they will make their home In
buying or Selling tron,actlnn• I in 1913. He enlisted with the 161st Landon.
If (-Bente couldn't pay when stock I Overseen Battalion on December 4, Before the wedding the Bride was
was deliverer] on drift and the firm 1915, end when he returned to Cam the attest of honor at eet•erel delight -
was lrnehIe to take It orer, the Mock ado In 1919 he re-enlisted with the fill MRAlr+. The Sodalky of St. Peter', the winners being Mrs. E. Evans and ton In behalf of the honored guest's those times be*ra o essionally got into
was recalled to Toronto for resale. menu. church entertained at a anrprlae party Mrs. J. Johnstom. The con oi&(bon many friends. 1 mds-k wedding Added rte Digpen, end ane night, oma „f the
Many times the firm loft money in 1 And now, sitb(mgh he has retired of- and presentation at the home of der. 'ward was presented to Mrs. Geo. Jen t„ the enjoyment of the Peening 1 tobys hearing the Dig+ agnea7ing
this way, as they had on nnmerons o•- fictally, hit trim nnlformed figure w1W1
.., s.wr.;,-a., ,,
front Inverness, Scotland, In 1844. As
already recordist, hie father carne to
Canada in 1833. 7'he ,sailing vessel
on which lie made the voyage wail be•
calmed for three week's of a nine -weeks'
was recently made known. About JO -fore has marriage Mrs. Cranston ' land Was gradaaYy (leered and In
twenty friend,' of the popular young was the guest ,pf honor at a bridge -1 IfkV4 the gravelling of the road from
woman were present. Mrs. Henry re- shuwor 't the home of Mrand corn Anbnrn to /ln(Ierich was finished and
r•PIl.•d a Mire haslcat of gifts from her Iv •1 ''moon. \'b -tor'' strut_ Gifts ' toll gatee were eetabllabed, one at
friends, after which "500" was played, were presented by Mina Maxine Pat- 1 Smlth'e HSI' and one at Saltford, In
end Mrs M. Tobin. Miss Helert-Page , air. At rise ennelntlnn of the card whh h was eoneh.ded with a dainty hopped out of bed. took after Brute
cessions to pare►ase Mw stack again i so/owner to take a prominent part 1n gave a towel *lower. and Mrs, 'tersoaa games a most enin7ahle luueherrn wan Inncb•.m nerved by the host..., •Mint with a Arco and made short work o/ it•
(Continued on page S) 1fecal arts; h•ppenlbµ Crawford held a lovely kitchen shouse. I e.ereeel. I Ruth Patton. • • (CootInue4 oa pap 5)
y rl, . ' "'tF 144C-7:;.4 p " 1t` n i< o rQ S(� S ,� 14z _t - , - a �■�"`•r/ [ %_ ,+,-4. ,.
t l ' 'et e . ' :-t e