The Signal, 1936-9-24, Page 8IIL 11—Thurmilay: September lith, 19 Par Imdigestl.a, talk media, and aY BRIEFS ataoaeh treads --take .:JASTRONOX STOMACH POWDER Sell at (.t%JPUELL'bl DRLG STORE It TAXi Pror.:tit. court el liff. 1'a•rvice, Beast nahtt• rate.. CLAYTON EDWARD Limithuu•r Street Phone 114 i Reserve Saturday October 81. for jibe Arthur Chale banner. ' A bake site la to be beld on tiatur- day, September 211, at the Star office, by the Mission Band of North street 1'ultr•d churA_ A number of Gederieh Lions were et Mltebell Wednesday night of last week, when tbs. newly -organised Lions Club of !list town was presented with iab charter. The \Voa rata dratatufe will wren iu MacKay Hall ou Thursday. oetobi r .11st. A "grandwwttierr' day" proiriam Is in charge of Mrs. W. Doak anti Mrs. R. Mathlrson. Curtiss Beauty Salon NalereBe Cufflink Melfi of Permanent Waving McGee Apartments - Hamilton Street The special pricer announced last week will he con- tinued until Saturday, September 26th. Appointments may be made by telephone. No. 3414 RAISE MKT SOTS AND WHOLESOME GIRLS ON MILK -MADE -..BREAD • _1fiADS IN OUR,OWN BAKESHOP TRT VS FOR CAKES AND PASTRIES E. U. O VEEAND,- r PEOEZ' 114 WEST STREET , t THE S a -n 1ELL COLBORNE TOWNSHIP EDD1N �S IX)1J$oH,NE'TOWNSHIP, Sept. 23,-- !S �AHLt4�,npt. 71—Alt roads led Mr, and Mrs, Melilla Tyndall, aw•uur l •+ to Carlow at �lltucaday and mauY. Sep - ponied 1n Mr curl Mrs. Arthur Cul- ll� 11t and young, found themselves 1111 X CALLAGNIIR—FI$HER the way. It 'war a beautiful Se hart, 01 Ihn,zruwou, spent the tcw•►- 1 p cad fo Toruutu. I,ti/itfn Tueolty, aeptcmbr'r l:.th, the leather day and the attendance at the Mrs. flash. Morris and her Aster, ter ut Miss Peart Fisher, datr(th-. ani 1 fair was one of the largos for sat firth. of s'vat hrH, tett ter of the late Mr. and Mra. Autos Iry.h- soar years. The exhibits were goof ou•Sautrday for a visit with friends ar .‘Urdu, Man Air,. lstrl McKnight anti two-llUd- r.ru spent the week -cud with friends at turret. - ARLOW ML -•es Ituby YetttK, %Nellie Clark, Amelia Urllwalu anti Mrs. A. Meng dersou swotted the .).V.)J.S. slr•tkrual uwfing pt Myth uu Tuesday. k• visiting friends In Toronto this week. Miss Eileen Ree., of Toronto, has returned home• after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mcilwaln. Mrs. Fordyce ('lark and Miss Ame- lia Metiwaln attended Helgrave school fair on Wednesday. Mrs. M. Me\Vhlnney, of Goderlch, L visiting Iter sister, Mrs. John Treble. THE RETURN TRiP T. C. Wlnlow, of Goderlch, bb sent, Air.. W. Williams. of Coldwater. aid Larne Nutte) and A. S. Taylor, both of Goderlch. returned Sunday night from their al for trip to Vancouver. They took a different conte for the :Warn OODERIOA ¥ARtIT PRICES There were only two major eban es to the nekrket this ort -k, with Well hog. dropping 26 to till rent. pee ewe., • and potatoes taktug another drop of 10 to 15 era's per erg • :r,dtry * er.io James Gallagher, bath of Ootit•r- and there wa• leen competition iu the haunss, ,liens, 5 rfw., bunder 4 lbss., 7c. crass -, Ws„ & felt. was solemnized at Brucetleld try, different clas.s.tt-----• Rev: W. A. Bremner. The couple, who Congratulations aud•'bert wishes to Eggs and Muller are weil-kuuwu tesldeuts of Goderteh, ons former neighbor, Mr. James Gal- 1gY-. per duse•p, 11.-24c:. bitter, wilt continue to reedit*. here. baiter, on hlr warrlage to Misr 1'rrrl tlrtlry, lb., j2e; batter, rrrym.ry, lbs w • .... 1-1•hrr. 1 27c. FOWLER—BALL MI . Ruby Young,, Helen Clark, L1ce 8/1at Au interesting welding was solemn- Ili. and Mn. W. W. Walter and Mrs. ltacuu.nogg, tot., $T.73$ Wei, ib, Tied at the rectory, Luckuow, un Sat- ! Iltntl('rson attended the fall router- 4e -5e; real, lb., 5c -41e1 1alllbe. ley today, September 19, abet, Hee. J. H. I eine of the wast dlstrlet of tbe W.Y. u. '7t.. g - Iliesfurtuud--thas_ .y g I S. in St. Andrew's United - ;Mirth. conteplun 7, A,htlrld, anti Charles Mr. Alex. Yuuug will otlebrate au- Wheat, per bur., 1 ; buck- FusNer. of AsIJlelrl. The bride other birthday ou Saturday and will sbrat, bus., ISr .aOc; oats, 0c; feed be home to blr frlavdr iu the after- barley, bus., 515c---tlJc; malting barley, wort. a becoming brow'u ensemble mu- slstin of car d far-trimm noon and evening.`—' Rev. George Wylie was conducting anniversary services at Bethel, near Strattroy, last Sunday. Next Sunday the sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed is the United church s and the Presbyterian church. Rally Day Service. --Rev. Mr. Mc- Netily, of Cairngorm, had charge of marriageuniting in marriage Ruby Ball of ;Birth, on Tuesday. [ crepe rens ed coat and accessories In the name shade. Mr. and Mrs. Fowler will reside on the bridegroom's farm in Ashdeld. • • • BISISETT—et RR1 . A quirt wedding took place at the parsonage of North street United church at Monday morning, -41— --10 Vegetables Vutatoes, new, $1.40—$1.50. Fleur and Feed Bran, 100-1b. bag, $1.50; shorts, 10tH Ib. hag, 61.00; Manitoba flour, 100-1b. bag, $3-63.23. The Goderlctt branch of tie Cana- dian Legion is ltold1ng�-_;fir o'clock. when Marion Jervis Curry, the Rally Day service ou Sunday after- Hotel Medford uu Thursday night of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Cur- noon.A miniature church building unit week. ry, was united in marriage to Edward was on a table at the front and the _. young people brought flowers to make .HORN it beautiful, which were placed by Mrs. Y. Y. Clad and Mise Hazel FBF-FO•—At Turoatu, uu Wednesday. August 26th, to Mr, and Mrs. Alex - 249W. ander Innis Forbes, of tlaaaingten. EYES EXAMINED AND GLASSES F1 TED AT REAB3NABLE PRICE OPTOMETRIIIT '- - PHONE 91 GODaRC= TO RENT To RENT.—COMFORTABLE COT- TAGE on Trafalgar street. Apply to M. W. IIIOWEIL trip. through the States of Washing Oeorge_BLaett, son of Mr. and Mrs. ton. Oregon, Idaho, nail, Wyoming, Charter Bissett. .'Rev. W. P. Lane Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and officiated. The bride was lovely in a Michigan TheA,933-mile motor trip navy un with a corsage. Program were Newton Fowler, Jack Tancourer tet-(i*fdenoii.'ii mi7>t Its y the couple, with Wilson, Rs we N wto and ler, J five der. .- ' -' a few friends, enjoyed t wedding din- E son,WilI s • net at, the lfome of the bride's grand- gale a recitation, "When A`.CO'fllER-BCOi't MOVE -- -,+mother, Mrs,., Joseph Curry, Plcton Jesus was a little toy like ae"-:tlra, street. The couple then left on • M' W' Molter told a flop of $boy's The Bac zntion i r [ad-bli wedtling trip by motor. They will re- t gltt to bis another. Yr. McNeB- dfatrirt' is contemplatingair-',another ad - side in Goderieh, 1y spoke dt the gift children can Whig Vallee in gout affairs, with the or- to their Lord and Master. gantsatlon uta St -miters' Club. which I ti• • • • scoutmasters mad their4-COX—WARRACK 1n -she dhrtrict_--3'tto pro -1 A quiet wedding took place on Fri- IaODERICH TOWNS Young. Those taking part in the • Threshing Meat, Choice Roasts ..11c Ib. - Stew l eat ... Ream Lamb Leg Lamb lb 1:e Roast \eaa Ib. 15e Ib, 13c \'esti ('hors 2 lbs. fee 35e Forth Hamburg Steak Ib, 22e 2 lbs. for 25r SAT( RDA1 SPECIAL ONLY ROUND STEAK Ib. I$e SIRLOIN STEAK Ib. 19r WING STEAK Ib, Ise BOLOGNA 2 lbs, for 25e SANITARY MEAT MARKET Pboew 485 Haofkse Street We Deliver poral comeet from W. A. Speed, field.day afternoon, September 18th, at the ' secretary, of London, who has left home of Mrs. Warrack, Essex street, GODERICH 'lOWNSIIIP, Sept. 22. the matter In the hated: of H. L. Wet.; when Emma Maxine, daughter of Mrs. —Many from this community attended son, D.S.M. Mr. Speed. who is at Warrack and the late Alexander War- the funeral of the late Mrs. (leo. present working on the organization - tack, was married to 1)ougald Cox, son Hewitt at Goderic•b last Wednesday. of troops at lfrussele and Hensall, of Mr. and Mrs. William Cox of Several from this district attended sugge.ts that headquarters be at Clin-, Guelph. The bride, given in mar- the London Fair last week. TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 99th, ton. A meeting will be held in the rlage by her uncle, Mr. Richard Young Little Arthur (tell, ran of Mr. and at 1.30 sham tear future. I of Windsors wore a rose lace ensemble Mrs. Fred Betl, 1s In the Gaterich hos- Everthing W be 19413: prolKletor le ! with rosebud corsage. and white ac- Vital as a result of Injuries when he led ring' fur West. • AHEAD OF THEM !cessurles. The bridesmaid, Miss Grace fell from an apple tree. GoR(i 11ALLt;Proprletor. The throw New York business men Neilson, of Guelph, wore a dress of The Arat meeting of the Junior Red T. N lL%RY A SON, Auctioneers. wereenjoying a vacation in the Maine Peach crepe with rosebud corsage and Cross Society was held at l'nlon school r - 2 . • walla+ - Eachonehad a reputation as white accessories. Edgar Warrack, on Friday morning, with Lorraine Lar an O - , angler.' n one excursion It was ; brother of the bride, was best man, saline in the chair. Readings were CARP or THA..Nifs _ _ agreed that the one who caught the Rev. Albert A. Stoll, of Calvary Bap. given by henna Wilson, Maxine Me first fish would pay for the dinners 1 tilt church, Gnelph, officiated. After Allister, Mary Harwood, Elva Orr, that night. One of them, a Scots -'a wedding supper Mr. and Mrs. Cog Arthemise Laa+taline and Bernice Ful - man. relating the story later, said: , left by motor for a short trip to To- ler. A health talk on "Appetite" was "Would you believe It? Those chaps ' ronto, the bride travelling in a grey given by Mies Mellwain. both had bite., and would not pull up ensemble with blue accessorles. They Uukm Cbureh Nates. Next Sunday their catch." i will live at 4. Woolwich street, will be tinily Day at Union church. Guelph. • The service will Ire held at 2,30 p.m- 115-9. JOHN ARTHUR AND FAMILY "I suppose you lost, then," said the d Vi'I4ARY SURGEON DR. G. E. MYERS. Y.ti.. B.Y.Be, VETERINARY 8I7RG>pON Graduate of the University of To- ronto and Ontario Veterinary College Unice at T. T Murphy's, thimilton street. Phones: Day 206; residence -son, Peter MaaRerss.- — ---- DIED AEAN—At Detroit, inch. day. day, September -dkb,. Florence Slat- tery, widow of the late Eugene Leas, in her Stith year. CHARTERED ACOOVNTA1I?S E -W. MONTEITH, - -- - - Chartered Accountant 89 Ontario street, Stratford, Ontario (Member Firstbra,k, Mcleod & Mui teith, Toronto, Ontario.) CLICSRINti AUCTION - SAIi:- . OF AIIiTlOr1(i FARM STOVE. IMPLEMENTS AND trl�U3IAB Q[''4 7, sjors RICH, FURNITURE. 1 LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL At lot 9; concession 7 E.L.,left AL'CTIONRER field, on Telephone Co 119 Sales attended to anywhere and every effort made to give satisfaction Farmers' sale notes discounted. KR, AND MRS, EUGENE L DtDAN, RAYMOND A\D EDWIN DEAN sincerely a gratefully thank all those wbo extend d kindness and sympathy in their sad bereavement. IRottener. "Ah, no My hook warns' baited.' fi These Prices are Effective for Sept. 24th. 25th, and 26th. Standard Quality PEASNo. 4 Sieve 3 N 2 COCOA. FI m 19< Chase Sr Sanborn'. . - - COFFEEDATW 1•'b 3 CHRISTIE'S JUNIOR RITZ Christie's Clrisei.'s ChrisW s ,sorted SODAS RITZ CREAMS Biscuits Biscuits Biscuits 2 lbs, 3 S( 2 "p1"... 2 1( - 14< Perfection 1-b. Tin , 1 , , , , , , , , , HEINZ KETCHUP ZB;35( sEINz _ TOMATO -SOUP 2 Tins 234 Kellogg's �►KES 3 Pkgs 23c - KELLOGG'S PEP - - - s - 2 Pkgs. 22t KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES • 2 Pkgt. 'jet DOMIN-- • •• •• and there will be no Sunday school f Auburn and MR.JAMES JACK- , CiLANSTOV—PRFDDIE seselod. The pastor, Rev. A. E O of Elmvale wish to extend their grateful thanks to neighbors and-frieus for tbe many kindnesses extended to their time of bereavement. • North street Tilted church was I gratefully decorated with autumn flowers and ferns to make a perfect setting for the interesting wedding 1 which took plate there on Wednesday morning. at 8.30 o'clock, when Rev. W. P. Lane united in marriage Edythe }`earl Priddle, It.N., only daughter of.. The sacrament of Use Lord . Supper ERAL allowance made on yUnr Mrs. Priddle and the late Mr. J. W. was dispensed at Inion nn Sunday to used tire* for new Doroinloos. Peddle, and Herbert Cranston, eau__lal_arge number of communicants. The };};};VERS gER\'IDE STATiON of Mr. and Mr.. Joseph Cranston, all ' vw"''rr, Rer. A. E. Moorbou*r, deity- of Goderieb. wed a fitting address from the text, ' The bride entered the church on "For though He was crucified through t airy=-of---►e�.Mne3e. Mr_ WJtu■��w•eaknesa, yet He linetll by the power a F tatbl1slrala. of the Lobes TGod. For we also are weak'r grin wedding march played by 31r. ):1, F. Player_ She looked lovely 1n a Power of God toward you" (11 Cor- gin avenue. ¥oorhouae, will have charge . About twenty -Ave young people of the Y.P.U. of Union church enjoyed a cora roasr at the beach at Mr. Fred Nattei'a on IED/CAL R. F. J. R. FORSTER, EYE, EAR. ',NOSE, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New Tort Ophthalmic and Aural hospital, as- sistant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden .$quire Throat Hospital, London. Eng, ,, EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED 53 Waterloo Street 8., Stratford. Telephone 267. Next visit—Wednesday, October Si. afternoon and evening only, 2 to 9 p.m., at Bedford Hotel, Goderlch. LEGAL - Friday evening. Games were played WANTED DUDLEY E. HOLMES, around a huge bonfire and cont and Barrister, Etc. sandwiches were the refreshment WANTED.—USETI TIRES. LIB- Oeste. -short House, Goderleb, r s n Telephone 55. tioIt AMP ROITIT .-CENTmrt� bawled, roomy bonrdlitg boost? Five minutes from ,r•1te,ol■ and _Squ.is._ -For %indent.. \1R%- k(WI � T M. LEE, , . s',....,.. _._., .-, Barrister and Solicitor Sun-- i Building, Adelaide i Yle- long white satin gown with lace jacket, inthigalts 13:41 The choir 'of Union toria Streets Toronto 2. tbe.klrt forming a train. Her finger- will begin their practice for the fait WANTED.—FIVE YOUNG YEN, Telephone Elgin 5301. tip length veil made a halo effect and and winter months, the tine practice 't»echanleally Inclined: for --- was caught_ with ornate_ bloM_oau. to held oa. Friday evening ■t the TEL}.V ISlO:t, RADIO and F ►1'ND I)htGLSKB PRACTITIONER She wore white kig slipper. aid cal- •---1oesyone �---__ -R8--INDt'STRT. a sled a shower bouquet of Jobasaa,.is urgent*{ requested to 1>,r present. - large organization -will properly pro-'CH1RlJI'R 1'lUk AND DRUGLESS 11111 roses with gypaophfla. • The -- — pare men selected. For personal In-' THERAPIST bridesmaid, Miss Fern Cranston, sir ?!ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCE, terview give age, present position,! Goderich. Phone 341 ter of the groom, wore a •dress of Mr. and Mr.. 1:. N. »owker announce phone, education. DE .FORESTS. -Bos ! Equipped with electro-magnetie 1 midnight blue silk velvet with filter the engagement of their daughter,+ 47, SiGNAL OFFICE, Godericb. Bathe. Electronic electric treatments Gertrude, to Mr. Judson G. Lee,Jr.,ol chiropractic. Chronic. organic, slipper. and carried pink Rose:Al ! [ 'roses. Lithe Mlle Audrey Cranston, of lash nes flue. The wedding will i and nervous diseases. Lady la at - take plass ea % in October. '1C NOTICE tendance. Ottlre hours 2 to 5 and 7 i two-yeat�rdd daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vis? Melville Cranston, dressed In yellow • and M Chris. Johnston ate V(YCERB' LISTS, I to 0 p.m. on Tuesdays Friday and bat. > „ j[L'Zrol'AL .v .� theenRnf t tient of their ono -`Ja urday, and on Wednesday 10 to lY i4ttitr ivelt..t w e. ml+Araw'..CL-' \'Ti, -OF �_ , and a girl. (warring a Colonial bunch of rr �� e,etsaarsi� DOUGLAS R. NAIRN, DOUGLAS and Solicitor - -Ogee Hamilton Street, Qoderfele- Telephone 512. mized flowers Mr. Joe Priddle, of Garrelt Thomas Carpenter, son of -Mrs by apppantment. University, Carpenter and the Captain J h Monday and Thursday at jgl1db4W Carpenter of Weiland. The marriage Notice is hereby given that I have A. N. ATKINSON bride, acted as beat man, and Mr. its. ack i. to take ince the latter complied with eettion 7 of the Voters' Resklenee and ol5ee--Coreer 'Or Howard; -also of Western University, D. pert of South street and Britannia road. Western brother of the t late n n was nigher: inuring the signing of the September. register, Mrs. Elmer Cranston, of St. >— Meryl. sang sweetly, "1 Love You Edith barker, sister of the groom, was Truly," dressed In poudre blue mousseline de to vote In Use said munlMpality at At the reception at the home of the sole and carried roses and Illy of the municipal elections, and that such list bride'. mother, Mrs. Priddle received valley. Mr. Duncan Cartwright, twin ternalna there for inspection. the quarte; wearing rust crepe. with brother of the bride, was groomsman. Andwl hereby -call upon all voters Mack hat and shoes, and a nonage of Mrs. Barker, mother of the groom, who to take immediate proeeedings to have carnations; and )1rs. Cranston wore wore navy blue triple sheer with cor- any errors or omleslona corrected se - Watt crepe with white trimmings and range-ot Briar 11111 ruses, received with ciiT311ng to law, the last day of appeal a shoulder bouquet of carnations. The' 'Nes. W. J. Andrew. who wore navy being the 10th day of October, 1936, house wee elaborately decorated with triple shier,corsage with of Johanna pink and white streamers and How- !Hill roweTouring the signing of the Dated this 10th day of September, ars. A iarge white tee!! was saapended f register, r. barker sang' "(1 Promise WILLIAM MALLOWS, Clerk over the tat►le immediately above the i me," ampanied on the piano by borne Townahtp. w•eldlag cake which centred the tahle. 1 Mrra. A. 31'Nevin._ %lies ina Mantel! and Mies Phyllis The house thrcrnghont was decorated Jewell, enuelna of the bride, served , with gladiolus and roses, the color ' the gusts. - !scheme tieing pink and white. k\ but- immedlately after the wedding fit luncheon was served. Mrs. C. breakfast, the bride and groom left Weymouth, of Londestssrn, aunt of tb* on a motetr trip, the bride Wearing a bride, and Mrs, Templeton. aunt of Lista Act and that I have posted up at my office In the towneblp of Col- borne on the lath day of September, 193n. the list of all persona entitied • See our detlmoastsa.iem es Laois G.lati l*. Free 25c recipe hook with on pkg. Juicy Sweet Orat pi dos 2Se (FRBe DELIVERY O N ALL O1tDBrH$) FOR RALE FOR BALE.—PLOW P01NT$. BUY Points for all maker of ppjjppwwiill et BEEITR$' SERVICE $Td1'I(» shot taffeta dress, grey eurlifur coat the groo$n, poured, the waltreasea being Phone 41) GodeHch. Ont. and witne hat ots Miss Itctth Cartwright,, sister of the Mr. and Mae.shCranstandonparse. will reside bride. and )Ifs. Dolly ttnrker, .l•a.. lei/I _ $ALE, ONE BICYCLE:, IN A-1 In t;olerteh ar the bride's home, and 01 the rasa, with ai(.s Emily Meru- ` Mrs. Pearl i'riddle levshortly all's Dorothy iiertllff, friends 1IE,h\Ei1S' SF:$VICE STATION Londmi. inhere wlil e411 ae bsr et the Rale, from Clinton. and Phone 40 (loderich, Ont. borne withher son, oi. Who le attend- Ida and groom left on a motor RT Ing university. to Baltimore, alaryinnd. the (j -jr-1 iro1lE NetaouTtreet. Igbt • • • Thi - trip rIeIt. s ravelling draws being navy Amick hooka no Nelson street �Elgbl '" BARKER—CARTWRIGHT trlue w•I accessories to match. On Woald rammoms and mer for bnn Good or cot• A pretty evening wadding took their rn they ;wiH-reside on Baia, ill rot- peace on Saturday, September 1910. ave., onto. Wgl. A1fgtF K $fAlYAt, OFFICE ft�gq at the home of the bride's uncle and The oom'a gift to the bride was r R BALE—ESTATE OF MRS anal. Mr. and Mre. W. J. Andrew en any. and diamond dinner ring; to /' MARY DEAN: 11, 1$. Anent steep, Its«•k street. Galerith, when Knt14 tA. err Id, n •liver clip hrarelet: BtalerRjtt; ]ir'Tel Ruffle; 1FFhihl Inner Agnea, daughter of the fat, Air (."t. to <he groomsman. a 'porta watch,+naPro{erfp., Tnfse.nitt In pare or thrttcrlght of (Tinton, was united in :anal 1" the• -"1o1 -•t. a collar and tie Aleck. Apple- JA$, Ai!f,\iE"j"j'*.11111t. m.rrtajb to Thomas ilpnry ftarket.'.s't, e I rbie wn' the recipient °f 7 Loc•h**. °( now. ani of Mr, amd Mrs. J Bari:er of Te* three .honer- In 'I'ornnto and manv rout°, the cere111rs,1' being'.1'evfornu•d !sawiful gift-. nnoong them being n rill'? SALE. --IVORY 11Ption. 44. ois be Her. I)rW its (tervu•q* of l'!Inton. ve,,,i minister . 111nn• .luck Anti 8 haat- • a tlte, IV* pl re., grs„t .•nndfHon, 444, The bride entered the ru°n on the -nnte• , hetlnc from tlrt•-firm with whom Al 're dIng'T1lttp• en Men tools. k1t- arrn of her uncle. Mr. W. .1 .Andre". they were both employe) ornirt, or TELE. rhes tablao b•'. tri, fan and heater, to the "delft'. of the.'Lob* •¢sin trr(I (►ut of sown gar• -1s were Yr. aid run at STAR. ding march, played by Mr. J. Harker. Mrs. J. Barker, Mrs. Templeton. Won, PROM p p. father of the groom. and took her Edith and ikslly Barker, Mia. A. r M- elee, ander an arch banked with pink son and 11 . I1. Gordon, Toronto; Mr, QAR)i FOR HALF,.--PIP'I•f ACRES,and white gladiola.. She looked charm- and airs. C:. Weymouth and ML J, 1` lot 2A. enneention 4, Tneketfsmitk, Ing In a gown of pink point d'esprlt t'artwrlght, tmnAwtworn: Mr. and ire, Arirk house. warn with .tone fnnnda. with Coronation bridal vet and silver , Bert Olbbinga and M". ]. CS*tion, good wafer, small orchard. Kip- allppera and carried Tallman roses wrtght, Clinton: Mr and Mr.. 11. At11- pen !tK mite.. Apply WM. WAi and trnuvardla. Her attendant, MW ands, Bad. RaytIeld rose t TE, INSURANCE, LOANS, IPTtC, McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSLR- ASCE CO.—Farm and isolated town property Insured. Omeers—Alex, Broadfoot, Presfdelets• Seaforth ; John E. Pepper, Vice -Presi- dent, Brucefield ; M. A. Reid• Secre- ttary-Treasurer, Seatorth. Directors—Alex. Broadfoot, Sea - forth; James Sholdlce, Walton; Wm. Kbox, Londesboro; George Leonbardt, In; John E. Pepper, Brncefield ; James Connolly, Goderlcb; Tbomaa Moylan, Seaforth ; W. R. Archibald. Seaforth ; Alex. McEwing, Blyth. Agents—W, J. Yeo, R.R. 3, Clinton; James Watt, Blyth; Jobn E. Pepper. R.11. 1, Itrttcefield ; R. F. McKercher, R.R. 1, Dubllnl Chas. F. Hewitt, Kin- cardine; R. O, Jarmuth, R.R. 1, Born- holm. Polley -holders can make all payment* and get their (bards recelpted at the Royal Bast; Cllatedl; Calvin Cutt's Grottery, Elniletoa -street, Ooderlch, or J. H. I1etd'e General Store, Bayeeld. HEADQUARTERS FOR FURNITURE and PAINT A 1 I.CRAFT PAINTS are hlgY t• quality and few I pries, Tee «Ill find fine cissa values In our atnt•k of FURNITURE and ST19Vi121 We poaltively save yon money W. H. Blackstone -" ,-,tb. Broadway of Goderiea" '8