HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-9-24, Page 7,• rtAtsa:Rv+k rv.Iir. " rw a ,-, 4,11..'('diW,Att!rlitre: itis tie -� GODERICII, ONT. County and District • Mrs. Edward Sheffer of Hensel! forth tea years ago, died at the latter IE passed away on Saturday emulate last, 'pines. on September 13th, In his sew- . In her eighty -unit year. eutyaftth year. He le survived by Dr. and Mrs. R. 0. Redwoud, of two sisters, Mrs. Janice Rivers, Bea- , Winghaw, have returned from ■ six . forth. with whom be lived. and Mrs - weeks' trip to Ireland, Euglaud and 1 A. Itruwu, Farquhar. Wales. I (tslrgi J. Tuwu passed away on -Pi- - Jacob Shroedsr, of Dashwood, died I September 12th st the home of hle t' : September 10th at the age of seventy- sou, Harry, In Lower Wlugham. He attt years. A widow and revere' war iu his sixty -Mb year.- For some children survive. years deceased way a resident of Wroe- Rev. Father Paquette has returned . eter, where he conducted the UofIss to ',Ingham after spending some time House. His wife predecease -hraas Md In St. Josepb'a do% W rq be is survived by Otte _daughter tri be- tiadeswe a*ess rat sous_ K. J. Slma of Exeter had his right BslkwIU-Hedgeon the witderures, when ludiuus camped hand badly crushed while operating a On WtduesdU), September ltkh, at on the fiats at IBS mouth of the Mee- , machine at the canning factory In the hover of Mr. and Mrs. R. Skinner, ~time. ' that town on Thursday last. Exeter, their nitre, Viola Alice, (laugh- Nature has been kind to Goderlch. Mn. Harry Harmon was found dead ter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hodgson The bletel-red sunset with its refltrt d So her home et Hensel! on Tuesday of Decker; Man., was united In war- path of gold dancing across Leake Hu• morning of last week. She lived tinge to William E. Balkwill, son of ron Is worth travelling wiles to ser, alone.. Her husband died about a Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Batkwlil of Exe- and the Maitland Valley, with its month ago. ter. The ceremony was performed try wide meadows and high banks lined The theft of fountain )Fun, -pencils Rev. Arthur Page. Atter a trip to with gaudy *doted trees bowing to the ___ -_ _,.and gyatsetr, --gets, to the value of Manitoulin Irlruti aa4--Muskoka, the tuwh!lug. slugtug waterfalls. takes about MO. DOM the Seatorth nolle- young couple wilt make thele ,at one's very breath. Up -the _*altlsnd Slate lastituta,--bsaaged the atter- iKir: Valley. at Rromlller, tbere is a pit - dr pollee:- The school was en- ldaat W`ttranods P sneer turn trent the pages of yesterday wfit tered during the week -end. A pioneer resident. W the person of a dam and waterwheels In tbe two -old The marriage of Emma Merl, dough- Joshua I. Walsh. passed away at Bei- wills- • ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Niue, of ' grave on Sunday, September 13th, In Built after the style of Washington. the Blue Water highway, to Joseph I his eight) -second year. Deceased was the {Ilan of Goderich Is iwrfw els Raymond 1'oquette was solemnized by born In Halton comity and came as a Rev. Father Power of Zurich at St. Hwy of ,it years with kip parents to Peter's church, Drysdale, on Septem- 1 East Wlteataodlk .w3aa he,-Ilrad-este ber 14th. I tlnuue!, until he retired tea Betgrate Mr. and Mn. Frneat_Adama, well- Tent -years --- He Iot. roes y kla known residents of Hallett township, wife. two sone and two •daughters, celebrgsed_tbe twentyAttb annlyersarj, 4),g July 12th lust Ie.-aa4-MIs:- of their wedding on Thursday tart., celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of A large numlwr of friends gathered at their-marrtg�-_ their home to the evening to take fart e - in the Celebration. f_=--1 CREws A Ilensall couple, Ethel Mae Rubin- ' - son, youngest daughter of David Itub s -- When Mtce1 Gjme td Goderich T• H. INKSTER, F.K.G.S. in laniittlIM National Railways Magazine for September ( Photos by coartet; Casadiaa National Hallways. Magasiue 1 Tetirtsts have a word for 1t. able In the Brltteh 'stem. Weavtug throughout the world. When On seelug Goderich, with Its beau machines, farming wachlues, and tun- Lord Du$erin visited Goderich, Memorial at Goderielt to unidentified WI- tiful and colorful setting mud its old chimes of all deaeriptions were being in In 1875. arches around the res Ise[ stone et November cut, 1113. world atutowpitere, they suy : '•llualut'" traduced and unemployment became s -Square" were made of salt Week ogre. From thtlse timer we still barrels of popeyed youngsters for dire, The placeIs quaint in a rowantiv-w•y every fibre et tbe town'f b.4*g to echo hear references to "potatoes and pole." !Jere are a few faded gala tures from thiol tM the camp. Wer all leered And that romance has been worse )btu The rally settler to Canada dial not thane times. Bttvnt:te of the lnnt�ien•r explanation* and completely muddled cross the Atlantic in aeah•h of adven- busi,tt•t between Goderich and mood. the pacer, who thereupon chore me as i song that goer batt Zai the time ture-though adventure formed part can cities, chiefly in salt sad his scout. At the head of the whole 1014 ,-." wad ' whew afoot- of his very existence. lie looked epee nigh.- e- United Staten -Th =11 :_wa regtmenC`t _ _ Meted �_+ _ _ c_ to oppot'tunits lit erttle to Canada and s►xtk...et . fie rlerl•a Lt+r•tit{r=^saswri-=itr+tfs+nt create a living an a godsend.ty,flve fishingtn ahtng boats (to be Inter sup- ' bridge, lhruugi xliturd, and xrud Having paid his few dollars as an In- planted by steam tugs) put out from the wiudlug road to the camp. 1 doubt atalwent on his land. the settler hewed the harbor in quest of herring, width if 1 will ever have a bigger thrill in w) it home nut of the virgin forest, (Marcel. were then in great demand. Sturgeon, lite: At other times the soldiers were the land, planted grain and vegeteblex; now a luxury, could not 1* given moved lu coddle* duwu the C.K.U. bettered for pigs. cows, and horses, and sway' The taverns, some of which atitl hill mud marched across the tout- eatabtsbed himself. Hard work was turd [.slay, did t roaring business bridge Constructed by arwy cugiuerrs. hie lot and money' wits seater. Hut the settlers had something to work for. !q- sheer determination, mud co -opera. trial that is unknown tansy. they went' Into the bush took root, and built an ampler. The investors -nett In . England clamored for more returns and whet the settlers Could not meet their pay melts Galt did not worry. He knew the lard was good. Only time was re - At carry grocery store there was a Many Guderlctt boys auseered the barrel of free liquor for the gentle- call to arms. The memorial to those: purer blood -stream. ,and thus helping wen customers and tea on the stove from the ((twit goal uetrb) cuuulr), to bring relief from headache*. COURRIE'S CORNERS Thursday, September 24th. igad 7 BLINDING HEADACHES MADE HER HEIPt,E S Forced to Lie Down fir Hours at a Time Other sufferers from headaches wlU he Interertwl to Mad tits letter "Until dart summer I, war rebuff to very bad heada.'eh... Wille they lanttd 1"teemtsi to lose my atgld and all pow er lu my hinds, nod war torMrod 'moult; ° 1ts down for hours ata time, 'liy aunt Iwbo Iitr taken Krust•brn Ma1te for 12 year," with- leuetielal results) Mi. • , g&Atei My trying Niro. 1 did so, and I've not had any noun) of those head- avhes (,Ir Volt its W fact 1 fret amlW lsattar_--1 _ 11 . 1 _"y .. 7 Q fie.. v •�: i regularly in future."- tlirr,l M. W. ', headache- can frequently be traced to A disordered stomach. and to the an. suspected retention in the system of stagnating waste material witch poi- sons the blood. The numerous gait. in Kruecheu assist In the complete eltmi nation of waste matter. resulting in r for the ladies! side who gave their ail "W honor and When salt - was • die -veered In !glory remolds us all tea well that the pa)-tuy; quantities -in the tatted Iltatte•i 1 descendants of British and Pennsyts a number fit -owners or /att'-wettrtn , vents Dutch settlers have cherished Goti,rich mud Saltford lost their shirts. freedom and a simple admityttion. of The strong survived, and malt is still their forefathers and of Canada. an important ioduatry. The Westeru 'ewe uaa wrought 'Outages iu Gude- caned,. Flour Mills has a silt output rich. '1'ht Meuesetung River w.•s slutag tl to the Maitland 1r, honor u: tiie Weuteiaut-Guyer, or, Sli Peregrine Maitland. (Gtderkb was awned w tumor of Lord Goderich.) Where the - Imitate ..ein r+l utilise river data there Left --Yard � and _ -taw a nue gulf course The wit • - Hrnne,1 in hertz i won the W la* Bette *4 Asdesit'h and o' , ng ra to wuraolle- ljtr. BIL Patten, for moo) years )ard engineer there. Below. puffing up ,i tTie..R. grade. (`O[rREf>Ilb' . oust- t. - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bray. of Windsor. were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson. Mr. Albert McQuold, of Lueknow, spent a few dale- recent_ with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Little. Mr. and Mrs. Leese [Parrish visited at Mr. Elmer Parrish's. at Hanover, os Thursday Mrs. Da (iTT:itite riturttsd on Mon- day from vi4 ting ]tr, and linkMao- kenale Wtel' t. TRiU6Wiis. eating a uuwbet u[ sato biscuits' inaon and the late Mrs. Robinson. and I CREWE. Sept. =..-Mr. and Mra •Levi Randa, were united In marriage' Sam Sherwood spent a few days last at Seaforth on September 12th. The ! week in lesldon and attended London • wedding cereniouy- was ta•rformel byFair. Rev. ('anon Appleyard at St. Thomas' I Mrs. J. Mcuary is visiting relatives ' Anglo. an church. Lin Detroit. - • Joshua Ashton, a resident of 1's- - Mies "'ranee,' ('eokier has returned 1.. borne township math -be moved to Sea.- home after spending a week with friend, to Orangeville and Toronto,' r ;� Mr. and Mrs. -leek -Curran sad tlaughterr Ruth and Mit* Beatrice Tres �- 4 leaven attended London Fair nn rri- Frepees wail one of the four girls from Huron on the C.N.R. judging team. THE KIDNEYS day lent. Mr: Colin Crozier left last week to attend the Stratford Normal School. Several from here attended the Doe-. Only the kidneys can purify the lyi'r'a.k Ohorch anniversary service(' blood and rid the system of poisonous "" Sunday last impurities which cause serious and - - -- -- painful ailments such a. rheumatism ST. HELENS and lumbago. The kidneys are - quickly aroused to action by the use of this time -tested prescription ST. HELENS, Sept: 21. -Mr. and DR. CRAWS Mr,. Robert Deyeit. of Wingham, and siha'T _Liver Pills Mr. George Seott lied children. of Iangalde. were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Swan. Mr. and Mex. Robert Rur•hanan had as their genet the former's mother, 11 Bir Bros. Mrs. Buchanan, of Lueknow. Mr. and Mrs. R. Woods had ea their goesfs over the week -end Mr. Schles- I'11fR LRADING tet and Miss Irene Woods. of Kit- - PVNRRAL DIRECTORS _ cheater. 41D 11�ALMiRR Mr. McKinley Ramage. of St. Tani. / .The newly -appointed officials' of tlu is Mr. and Ur, . Adam Johnston, Myrtle now the wrlry "tiatirn" for foliuwera and Gordon attended the silver wed - of Jubn 1.: and trausieut bone -crushers. lag celebration of Yr. and Mrs. Mel, e rive ry u r+ d aot'1ai- ata' � Irwin. near Lurkmrw. 111.1 Triday bilious between the Meuest•tlulg Celle. evening. i'lyb and the Marine ('hull uo longi: A good crowd attended the athnwd exists, '['he bite -saving, 1M'at, willtL fair held here last Friday aftetnoos. WAIN Cur en wxuy )cars lu chxrgr of The _prises. donated by the Women's Capt[ n Bubb, Iola g • veneer the , Club for the starling es'ntest. were grap•...tie 1 Aluetip. A few fishing hila' given out during the rftetn000. The still feat out from Ch(• harbor cud nue dans' at night, for which mimic wag ita7--btltt year -'the- ilet(ay brotbtrrs i<nppl%i Ili the Bogies of Sbeppardioa. t r and .uteri t lw',nard wade u Ituu, ntstr wan well attended. of over Itiur tour of perch: The Mr. William Wariug it Roll' to work tr•tug.ucriuu flub lu laid iw.tllutiee for Mr. Bari i(isersend, of ltetfeet. for . to npused of men past the eighty x month; _ _ turjcl urn clatigt•s III its wr•utlet•slit,t; • - ounuiill)., 1 _.{egfe, n wonderful adusewtare. an amp --Urlhuw's ('retht.aml liar li.reen'.r.�u. ,In•nm. fir a continue" round of rnrl„sity .hop »laud lily )t•sNerdtt3 t ph•n=ere• Whs..•ter it I -..'it',. nitre The curt 1iouta•, at the top of li:HM.r. 11111, -elands 'close -to the site of 'Tiger - Dunlops first log structure and was Ger , s units• of Thomas Mercer Jones, Gull's : sutswswr HS suiwriulttadrnt .of 1't. Wingham Fall Fair 1'.,uada Cowpony. All iwwrlise h:nal � forged nn•h°r, all flat war t.alyutge•11 WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY [rw flu• Slrw•rMetun' 11 when she t.,,' mitred to prove its value aid the set- of 12.1110 tons per year and the Goderich rammed a.'r1 sunk by an Amcrlrru tiers' ateriing worth. Tbe directors Salt ('om wn s. -It. ser iii+ lhr early drys of Go,h SEPT. 30th, OCT- 1st, 1936 1 7 produces ahtut fifl ttwt rich, rests uu a platform not fur (n•., grew- alt want. .1.1, shout the year par day: Inekientally, haat summer, r' the lighthouse that cath its tinting lir ti 1 t'hristie, I'rt+. a A. t' • wig tM(2. I:r11 was superseded. Itsgustad; such a remote spot as Great Rear iake. lana nut on Leake Nunln le welcuun omt iaily o{wn _the Fair At 1 :w, lie returned -W 1/ttlniiitt. t fieri 1de'it'betgtr Ord salt with rile 1 ehr warn timer•. Mawr the liglttbtn••'•Thnrs.A■i Attenuate' When ((alt returned tri England. Goderich label Ixtaewls a alt et the ('Menwn N'nr. ---_ With tkr opening [ the C adt tat but itinete Irtx7, when a ramrod billed SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS si.es..i rl... Maitland from Wend. Lotlerltfi Ikrmme our fit the marl 1 Tiger Dunlop retired to his home at " tt' rn THURSDAY AFTERNOON G.derich, where he sought to form x rival community. -In this be was not stweresful, but his efforts in cbam Mooing the rause of disgruntled set- tlers caused --00 slid of trouble for the ___Lauda ('owpeny. AMbsl- asce service at NI hours,. ` Is home, with his pareota, Mr. and etrical. III cartwheel t.tyte the eight (tuiniga J;4)wpany,- becan ,Jtt1(113y� -... _.day or rapt xM• J•a. Ramage. streets radiate at lie many angles [row The Family comport.. whfle 1)nuTop PBOA4IRB: !)term WI. .Ras. 31Z Messrs. A. Welch, W. 1. Miller, W. the central Mork and "Square." and his follOWLDg drew the title of J. Foran, -Eldon Mttter Ken. Pv loll -h Etienne Orate. in Mx explore- r y..- ►flrr wiped 1 out the Want In• lAOtS. Thl. (70DRRIOH g e Tile toMurne ['Moms keit rivalry grew the famous eonteided e.V A elle of the best `in the entire system. election of 1841, though the fleet else• tier the elevator was rebuilt of .con Asa youngster I liked to clamber ou Hurl ars held In itCti, when Colonel erste rad, with frequent al storage the yard engine and ride front for bur war home over the week -end. corded contact by white men was wbt•u Esmond opposed Captain Robert bin. being bulii, now a, a total storage lour to the top of the hill. It Is a alt... Mr. Neely Todd. of London. wax Gotaf and Ducharme built a trod lath of three million bushels. In it)2t1 tt, R.Wheeler yR Duulup, R.N. a mile and a third from the harbor to homy over the werek and. Neel tax me- in est ell the wide flat. In 1!t2ti. handled nearly 17,000,000 bowie, ti19 J. y R 1 /captain Dunlop secured 3.'t votes tit C. N. station and the grade Is ver cured a position with the Machine But even tefore Gooding. an Ametlean, ,_ anWadditional Chorda Flour Mills handling sate iter vena. I[ I Au. Funeral Direeter and RMbehaer Tool Company. Stratford. and iiucharme, a French-Canadian. "Ramat _. for his opla.neut nod became {O rtlmuet tau an nddlant, 4.000.000mil bushels, Th 8swda Scheel Rall .-Sunday School formed their tradIn V the fleet ll.l'. for Huron. He died inturrt+ctly t engine d. In the rxrly dr) All calls promptly attended to y 7 R pa ,• 1841. The settlers nominated 1,,, letter plan[, with a milling cxpacit7 u( the yard engine latrorerl to mora tw 1 addi- day or night Rally Dar wan observed in the United Detroit. plans were helot laid beyond 2:aq barrels of Sour per day Iu church A Sunday morning, when tbe the sea that were soon to unbolt the Tiger to take his platy, while Captain flint to It. elevator and salt plant, bar cars of grain up the hill at one time. -AMBULANCE tgIRRViCi�James McGill !erection was the Calla Now, powerful locomotives haul s1. PHONR! 'theme of the service was "We. too, Idraer to Western Ontario and open a ala scum ru nominee. With grown to stet pruq.rtluna since 1S7S Store .415 Res(deate• ASS* it V yopen sot- when t Itylea and Hutchison bullt a cans and Inure t the hill without diffi- culty. Omld heist our tteai!urer." lass, IL east area between Toronto and Grdc M Hamilton Street Godterieb • M. Wright presided and the Scripture rich. to Its, the Canada Company at Itrttrnburc's hotel lasting a lain-bThearrel stone mill. eeR7' week. i'ee'Iim� ran TiT� g��- I Area lessons were read by Marie Swat), (an eo_�Ue planned by John Galt) rely different t from tIt.t T •rt Helen McDonald and Arthur Remade. was hotted iiii and- prevented only by the arrival the tied) dlRrrrat from tlut In which - mttitia ftp London. When the re 1 - -- V. Mr. Wright Rave the address std With lt►rb, t3tU, hod Guelph tw1r�.. aClaOneta sought abottgr.isrsJsy - Dorothy Miller read a story. "The Ilabed,.John Galt determined to estale treats par Stress• • majority of dolts shoot Into fie Lake had the hes- . dt Tiger Dunlop contested the eleetl.:u bee b guardedg ` Jar of Rowemary," which wax followed Ilab a leaflet. on lie shore of Lake by two loft cettcrete Walter �tt�ton by a recitation by Je•e, Wright. Mar. heron. la ltt'17, after drspwiehint and a commission was sent to a role breakwaters, to which Bert Kebob- bee Ramage, the saplerintendeot made an Tiger Dtrslop- Iris "warden of tie)rich from York. When they learned veli the a 11*1,r •master, hustles anglers fJNDL'RTAxCSRtherthe ('mads Company had notified Huron Old Boy. Graduate earnest appeal for greater interest i■ foreata"-overiand with a number• of when the flet are nibbling. There I fowl- settlers to vote, for Strachan t'r r minimum depth of 23teet to the tar• Goderich Collegiate !Milted* the -Sunday school. mixes men and chain -bearers, Galt set lk out for Lake Hume. Galt travelled be closed out. and that fraudulent Isar nod, In 1921, 22 grain carriers.. 13510 Vest Warren Ave.. overland. to. York, Hien through New• totes had [leen cast, Captain Strachan ,000 additional bushel:. in le•rtltef for the winter is its shelter, WESTFIEI.D market- and IMrrle to llrvlrglan Bar ■ frilly nae gentleman was uo.extrst ltlt (1.000 nETRorT, MICH.and the Tiger was awarded the seat. their holds. Where. at Ihtaetasguiabeoe, Hb Ida- ti In tS41F: after the peening of the Telephone Oregon 8658 IIgOB12'I•DLD. Sept. ?.2.�fome of Jrsq:e gxubetrl ••Bar.• was placed at Ga1rrlOh nag given more than -..her the London Fair visitors from this kwublelpnl Act. wflteh ended Canada quota of men to the maline calling, to his sank*. The "Be,""Bee" steamed caUty were Mr. Wm. McDowell. Mr., around the Braver Peninsula and dove ` ,Norman McDowell. Nr. Wm. iiia lung Itlrn..xvhaerw mise was weltomtl+ �._ lin..Walter hook. 1 Midi. the Huron Mrore line to the Mewls" Mr. -and Mrs. Forest McKellar asd In the anchorage. at the month Of )lit• Mrs. Albert McKellar, of MieMgai4trivet-_bJ_-_TIBir_ Liuniotk41■ he 'r and Mr.. Wesley Staekhoure, of Bance. ;and Indians. field. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Furl Ih, rite hiih•rest overlooking the Melte Wlghtman. setting -Dunlop had built a Ing cabin-- Mr. and lrre. A. 1•. W. Hardisty, taw first In lloderieh. When the town Miss Catherine seat Wee Karr.' of celebrated Its ci dtener, a cairn was ' Ga•It, visited in Sunday at the holes` erected on the brow of Harbor Hill of Mr. and Mrs. John Rurhanan. , :Park to mark the spot where Dua- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Melvin realm. at- Iopp's cable stood. tended London Fntr on Thnrielay mod •11 was en•ougb the vision and I then motored to Wheatley to visit the ability of John Gell that Goderich former's brother, Ren. Elmer Taylor, came Into existence, but Tiger Dun - i and Mrs. Taylor, over the week -end. lop flnde his place -in history as the Mr. and Mra. Norman Mt•11owell and town'a flret lied most illustrious hate. Mr. Wm. McDowell aml Mlxs other. A Scottish military aur - Mildred Thornton •resited oei Sunday goon, Ur. William (TigerI Dunlop with Mex. (►sheldrston of Goderieh. served in Canada In tbe War of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crozier. of Crewe. I8I2. Later he nerved in India, , vlaHed on Sunday with the latter's where he earned his enduring sobri- DSM Oslrw (yve4iraid Plumbing,Heating arenas, Mr. and Mre.-R'. H. Campbell. quer. while boating one day on a . Mr. and Mist. Mortis Bosman and i,w flanges, a no•mlwr of the petty Th.tt open calm. with the sins- -OR- Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mel)owell attended ! seized a tiger cub. An hifuriated , the family...0BM Sat upon the grays Stratford fair on Tuesday. Ittgrens rushed the tool. While eels., ewrid•ed hy rite reek wall. In the gree' Eavestroughing Mrr. Harry Govier, of Auburn, fhe patrty went Into a {snlc. Duulo,t ea landmark to rem ind visitor,. visited last week at the home of ber'ien.dly it Is +Aldo tussal his snuff box atirrtng dare that framed the optelds WE HAVE IT sen, Mr. Wt , Gorier. 'Into the tigress' Gave ,and (Iwo klll.•-1 ehaplern of Heron history. One Salt - Mr. and, Mrs. Stanley Slhtllorpe and her with his sword. turd reeldent. Harry Mr1'reath, ha• - Repairs for all makes of children, of Blyth, visited at the home And there Is an 14 matting 'tory 'rf done much to•IMprone. the itppesnine • of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Conk on !un- Tiger Dunlop And him brother. Captain of 11* mire. bet the Wet time a visited IA•schy, Balky. Geek. Hog. (tusk• stoves or furnaces day. Dunlop. regarding the letter's marriage it 1 had lab remove SOW of the grate Pine. Punch. Rte•k, Spike, Suet Hifi (Imetal• at Ihr home of Mr. and Mr•. Ito their housekeeer. When the Tiee, from the slabs to read the time -worn Wit'skers. Prompt service and reawmahle W. F. Cemphell on Sunday were Mr. suggested to his hr�ICher tint one if intcriptbna. • The ant ended the military trnhelnr rates. and Mrs. Nnrtr.am Carter and Mias tlwno s1 Id uiarry"lhe lady they de. I Ity this time there w•as a lively trade c -amp at Attriil's. Harms the Mnlllrrtl Jose and Mra. J. R. Tyerman of Sea -'Oiled to rep a cotes 'The Tiger "li{iq'rl lin lumber, flour, and other eommodites when young men would gather .t norm forth -and Mr and Mn Wm. Httea a cote Ind chose "Heade." He ion the lakes and shipbuilding beeline to sing'"'renting tonight ou fhr fit.' 4'r, spent n few days with Mr. mad of Clinton. eon, of to,1rse. alld his brothel n thriving htdnstre Fishing en1ert•d !camp 'round...." How ween 1 re Mra. 1". Riming, John Pinder _ - - �marrtw, the honxekeerelref. ,The rnln had Into Its htyAq Ieeo, when drillers, menAwr when a Grand Trunk trnln Homed wnrk and fresh air need to two Mends! turn out more pretty girls than the About Ow tiuw the Canada (company beauty parlors. lw;as formed lit ing r litinus were h r the tittle ('suns Noy, the old emit has nested in silence. Tii: memorial .gates on Huron . t'osd, erected on Gov neeseion of the Ualerk:b-Ceateanlal rt 11127, commemorate - in tbelr twin pil- lars the two founders -of tate town -- Jobe Gait sad Tiger 1tunlep Tbe Buffalo and Lake Huron !tall--' way hater became part of the Greet auk: _ 'lfoday 'the lbw from- thtdl rich is a connecting link in the also• Im{atrt::nt points on the [:rest Lakes foe- the trans -shipment of grain. The first grain elevator war built in lYM! !o• the Buffalo -and Lake Huron Rah- way- to grain from the w•hont•- ars. By 18110 gratin from the Wer. war 'being dumped Into its bins. lc ltf►7 it was destroyed by ere and a belesattiosobeshel elevator' . was* stru,teed by the newly -organised (keit- at mu latlonal chain and tet rink- nod ink and Fred Webb attended the Western tions along the Great lakes, may batt' T■Ir 11.1 week. been the first white man to visit the Mr- Geo. Me•Quillan, of Kapuakaatng, mouth of the Meneeetung, the first r.- Monuments ! To those contemplating erecting a Monument: - GET KY PRICES BEFORE BUYING Cemetery tettering n Specialty, --Ali Werk Guaranteed - Cliates Marble sad Granite Works John Grant. (canton. Ont. Sueeeaaor to hall & '/spfe iF i'I"S Con:Many rule. Goderich was ineorpora- which • large number of v R and ofd ted at. a town. hut Tiger Duefop did "chiefs" and "r klpperi' give evidence not live to saw this. ,ale, diedthe pre Many of her mations "Ile aete,gt in the the Antle or in the ;Orient, while I pre- c:ol1A' yeay-w'hite-i,errht -ast wnperht- - -- - - fee to icecap the-^goaal old day's" whet; tendert of the- Lachine (anal, and now deep." for the storms of the Ilreat 1 travelled de luxe on the Grand Trawl Lakes are not mild affairs. 41n Noretnc tb Cairn at (Falrbratd, near the vlllarrt ber 9th, 1 1., with many helglder• stranded to .become a total lean, 13 of Ashford which is Just "over tire -Albert and -Gutty" and J.Ie insist ships-a•anght In the rivet 1'„of flint gide elves'' from GotlRrIeh. r• of fury -stent drown 111111 over -that I .write a history of Goderich. Tires were lost. - There la no need for that Her story • in winter time, sailors, with time stands fir you and ■l1 to see. And antheir bands, Ginned to hockey m" our tndav• roll into yesterdays that mocin 'her day, Goderich had a story will gloe!IA!row brighter than hockey teem '•that ranked among my pen coma ever depict. the top-ttotcberi, The last great 1 - T. II. I. lee oasis was about twenty-two! SHEPI�ABUTON years ago when the salk,r. played,1 Teterboro, The battle, a regular old-time dnnnylbrnok, confirmed at1 SIIETTAItlYI'US. wept _...J. -Mr. the 'Redford hotel following the Wm. Hawkins has returned Item viwlt- Same and the boa which carried ing his daughter in the West nod his the Teterboro warriorr to the (trend ; brother. Mr. Frank Hawkins, of To. Trunk station had every window rout°. bs .pending a few days vi.lting broken en route, relatives sad friends here lu GnderMh every jIny of fn gem._ Mrs. Earl Bogle, who had the mis- eratlons salaried a Moniker. Them fortune to cut her hand very .erlou.ly, were en many if (111011111d/4. Melheigall•, la improving. McKay.. McLean., and McLeod. that Mr. Thos. Menary find Minn M. Men .people had to distinguish each Ind! I miry attended tbe funeral of the form- -violent with a nb,kname. The custom er's .i••ter-In-haw, Mrs. Janata., MenAry spread to Include every boy. To m.o. 1 of Dungnnn•e, nn Monday. tion merely a few of them: RIIss. Mina Florence Hockley, of Lent/nide., JITNEY DANCING Old-time Dance Competition Wrestling Matches Thursday It. J. 1'1111111F 1I 1.. SIiF:ItItt ONIIY. ce r r w wood funtished foe fee t •r Harz; and Lake livens Railway.. The °tie- aitl site of the rtil[wi, ' teff Ina)"1t•" 4 Goderich was dear the 'Heron road - about a Mile and • halt from the peer est locatios. The turntable pit may be seen there today. Then, indium /• ` '`v •' , implored to watch the "Iron hors?" perform and marvelled that it re- mained on the tracks. w'tlllnm 4', 1 B11191 Patton is part of the Canadian National System at Gode rich. He has been on the yard engin: there tot' twenty-seven years. 'Whenever 1 call on him now he likes to have me toil of thy vagabond journeys aloud: coA� AND COKE We are getting foal and Coke by water Before placingtlyour order get our pricer. For Hardware, Plumbing, Heat- ing, E:avestronghing, phone or sl► AT Int MAIMS !mss '/idt, i! -Rolle lit Hydro Electric ...a11141 FOR THAT CHILLY - r Is vldting with Mr. and Mr.. F. Rioting. Mrs. Baird. of Rruu'441eld, In virtttt ', with her sister, Mrs. Angus Gerdes. Mr. Will Sage ix .pending a few days 1. 7'ornnto. Mr. and Mem. Root. Rising. of Wlnd- VBsse 127 P. O. Be: 131 • *victim oil. found salt, the real. I load of moldier!, pulled into the Attain', If yon know how to mitred *Am than blra.nral anti business floerithed. The fit 1 ii,'riell one night end one yon get, von have • the philtsopher'n sr,:• tndu•try Made lGalerlch i n •pit° 1.4 the erneer' asked x hum It stone, - -Franklin' t• r -s :: r FALL NIGHT 1711 -131 ectric Heater WARMS 'ME RAiOM iN A FR.Y MINUTES , • Quack, clean and economical SEE THE LATEST STYLES IA ELECTRIC HEATERS ON DISPLAY Irl' LEAi)IN(l 1)F:AI,ER'4 ANi) AT The Hydro Store Square Goderich r w.' -w - .^'^..