HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-9-24, Page 67 x,e v e 1 Yes, We are goingout�fbusinessl DO YOU WANT FOOTWEAR at LOWEST PRICES? rim „ During the past few months we have had . a' very satisfactory clearing out of our stock. We still have several thousand dollars worth of high- grade Shoes, such as ---Style Arch, Cantilever, Blatchford's Onyx, Wilkie Glove.Fit, etc., for Women, and for Men --the Slater, Wilkie Glove-Phit, etc. __-- -maawasmeszam ON WHICH ■ .., -- . .min PRICBSWILL BE CUT- TO THE- BONE TO CLEAR At the beginning of our Sale we stated that prices were advancing. ' They have advanced considerably, and together with the increased sales tax, shoes bought at present manufacturers' prices must be sold at much higher figures. This is your opportunity to buy Up-to-date FOOTWEAR purchased at pre -advanced prices. Special Reduction Clearing Sale starts Frid'y,Sept.s 25 All Goods sold for Cash only. Here is a partial list of our present low prices. WOMEN'S STRAPS AND 'f'finI large aas..rtment of Women's black and QQ brown Strap. and Tire. • (Tearing Sale Price...Pair•r� .0 WOXZI1$ STRAPSGORZILAND.yOUORDDd A large •sw.rrmeot cif Women's Ozfor,h. Straps 111141 Gorr«. in black emit and kid. patent and brnwb.ealf. Regular up to $3.00. (7rariug Kale frier. Pairt,5l•A8 WOMEN'S STRAPS, GORES AND OXFORDS An assortment .K WOmrn.f, black, brown and paten: Strap. lore.. and Oxford.. Itegular up to $1.88 $4.(N0. Clearing Sale Prier. fair •W WOMEN'S OXFORDS, STRAPS AND GORES --"'A vrryTSrar asaortmenr-of Womeu'r black kid, blackcalf. brown and patent-Oxforda. Straps and Gores. s7 yu'i"pC` tug..iltaie-Prnt :: ,.,":.$988 STRAPS AND TEs .im' Onyx and Murray's Straps and Ties. Regular $4.98 $4I -.'IO to 15.00. (Tearing Sale Price ��!! v THE PRECEDING LINES ARE WONDERFUL VALUES COME E%RL% AND GET YOl'E SIZE MIN'S TINE OXFORDS Men's flue black aid tan Oxfords. Regular $238 2 38 ni, to $3.50. Clearing Sale Price. Pair i �O ;111'8 BOOTS ♦ large atrortauest of Wes black and tan Boot. Regular up to 1E70 pair, Clearing Bale Price. $2.8 Pair 9 MEN'S BOOTS -i-tt t`eierineentof-7Rn'w black ttaK. Welt kid and tan calf Hoots. Regular up to $6.00., Clearing $3.48 Kale Price. • 'Pair MEN'S -BOOTS Mens Wilkie Glove -felt and Slater kid Root - Regular 17.:1.0 to $14.50. Clearing Sale Price. X5.68 Pair 7� YOUTHS' BOOTS Youth'• Boots. Slays 11 to 13%. Clearing $1 68 Rale Price Pala WW Youths' Good -Year Welt Boots. Pair $2.38 MISSES' STRAPS-OZDL 'fir. r pifeed„fltripet '8fase It 14'2. (Tearing Sale Prides, Pair 13.9 $1.18, $1.38, $1.68 nod 8 ___ MISSES' HOOTS Mime.' high -Weed. Boot.. Slays 11 to 2.0 (Tearing 98c $1.68 Kale Priers Pair WOMEN'S STRAPS, TIES AND GORES Women's Iiw black and brown Sid Straps, Ties and Gores. Many of these are good arch mrrerttve Shoes. Regular up to $8.011. Clearing Sale Price. Pair $3.48 7 WDM IWB TEs Women'. Style -Arch Tie.. Regular $7.00. $4 98 ('Irarinr Kale Prier. Pair 7 g .757 • WIL:IE TIES. AND STRAPS Wilkie Glove-Phit T7w. and Straps Rept-..78 lar $7.00 and 17.50. !Tearing Rale Prkr.% Pair cmQ MEN'S FINE OXFORDS up to $4.00. Clearing Kale Price. Pair up to $& lei MEN'S FINE OXFORDS Men's floe black and tan Oxfords. Regular $3.1j8 up to $8.50. Clearing Sale Prier Pair MEN'S FINE OXFORDS Mena tine black kid and calf Oxfords, in black and tan. Regular up to 17.00. Clearing. Sale 48 Price. Pair MEN'S FINE OXFORDS Men's ane black kid and calf Oxfords. In black and tan. Regular up to $R.00. Clearing Sale Price. $5.48 Pair 1811E E WORT GOTS Hundreds of pain of these have been sold during this sale and we still have a good aa.aaortment. Clearing Rale Pries. Pair ..$1.98, 8,mad $3.44 BOYS' OXFORDS Boy.' Oxfords. Rises 1 to 51. (Tearing Salo Price. Pair i•$U8 a' $2.38 BOYS' SCHOOL BOOTS Bog; School Hoots. Siwe 1 to 555. Clearing Sale Prices $1.3$, 11.68, $1.08 and $238 Bogs' Good -Year Welt Boots. Pair *$2.88 YOUTHS' OXFORD$ 13%. Clearingf Sale Price. Pali . `1.30"';1.68 AU our Travelling Goods at Clearing Sale Prices. 160 Aiwa AND SAVE MONEY CHILD'S STRAPS AND OXPORD8 ('hlid'a Patent Straps and Oxfords S1aes 8 to 10%. xa $1.18, $l.9S and $1.88 CHILD'S BOOTS Child's high -laced and button Boots Sues 8 to 10%. 9& "'$1.4S ('(oaring Sale Prkea. Pair I>TFAITS' BOOTS _ .t Infant's button and laced Boots. Situs 1 to 1. (Tearing Mk Price. Pair Get in on these Big Bargain;.,. aFP. Everything to be cleared. Buy at • 6 1 1