HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-9-24, Page 5GODERICH, ONT.
Thursday. September 24th. 19.18 !i
Resistance to Cold
and Otter Diseases is obtained by wing
You used this vitamin and lulu
aria took-.
$1.15 aid 1$2.41 • ,
e 72 -day treatasMtt
(Parke-Ihvie )
Each capsule contains tut leas
than 4 relieewrtthtt. ur rid Wvvr
ttil in 4ltautlu
25 for :>.'Se; 59 fur $I.00; 101) fur
$1.6e •
Al5 KKItT A1z1u.METrES
Foch t•apeule haw the full vltd•
Lula A and 11 value of 1t.• tea-
.poonfula of Cod Liver (111. -
as far $LN; IM ter 13.'38
Parke-Ihsvis ('od Liter
I Statwlanl i,ed )
' j 164w. bottle al.lte--'----.--
.•e(rert (od Liver 011.. 1 us, ilk.
10 or. Stir, 16 us. '61.19
A)ertot 10 I) Cod liter Oil
Small 60e, targe 51.60
Dr. C. J. Hamilton's'
81st Birthday
fiat of Ooderich Honot+tU 3y
Bit Adopted Town --A •
Notable garter ''
1From' The t'ornttfyttl' Standard -Free-
• holder, Kept. le) •
In order that *advantage might be
taker et a suitable, opportuulty to
yonor_o_1a.1t11tut. nwuiciyt*l servant of
ivany Jean' standing, and a Ottani 01
highest calibre In the person of Dr. (1
J. Ilamlituu, city council caut'elled the
rcKular uteeliuK, Monday night, and
heed a epeeist .e.sion at city hull last
•-- Yeate47}a§ waif UL
When the meeting opened, ler. Ham-
ilton war ruwmuued to Ibe mayor's
dal:-_ The veteran uttelk_alW
uuer of
bgaltlt was taken eoinpletely by s�.
- - prise. as he had -Attended the sadden
DUNGANNON to a party, the occasion being Mr sty iu.itatiuu under lite Impression
- twelfth birthday. Slauy hai9T,., that ...tined wished to t0Ufer with
- -----)-- - •-!--- Net -1 taros. Iris! r plat lu ewnneetiou with' Air otacial
)In John \Yveas oar returned to
Phone 90 The Square
tie Sproule .pati relented from_1_, two-
wowed vecat}tam-irpeat--(.kA-Htett+ia �TMr ut tiheppasdHw-after vlalt
relatives at Tomato, Niagara--lall4 Mt .�
111111wL __ ._ ' r rr Aaron Huron's
St Thomas. Stratford and Godertch.
miaow Mr. Jack C'urrau la doing Rcar-
_ ._ .. ..m..RTomato,
Auer+■ Bird
tot• home .
Mr. Gordon Hall-aud daughter Ernie. gita Malar.entry work -at the house of -Mist.are leaving next week for the West. p
Where they intend making their home. Mrs. Thus. Park and moa Billy, with
Hes. H. J. L. Fwdy ■ of family at-
tended the Stratford fu=r on Tne.day, some Auburn relatives, visited friend*
Mrs. Thos._ Rivett suffered an acute rt t'iiford uu Sunday, rx
*neck of appendiriti' an.l ea. rushed. Mrs. Elizabeth Robb 1•r :ick in bed i•l
to (1'derk•b hospital and was immei week and under the doctor's rare.der
week -end with her daugbter, Res:. Rohe ' ler meeting of the Womeng Asaucitt. v
Wilmot. tn Goderich. . . . ___LIctiern_ lot. the United church was held at c
A number of friends and neighbors the home of Mr-. S. 811.1111. The meet- y
xatherea as a surprise party at !the Mg toweled eith devotional exercises t
nom.- of Mr. •Chaa. Fowler, tith con-;, I'd 11 the preoident. The roll call
.P.P•d4A1 Of Ashileld. on Monday night.; was answered by a‘ verse of Scripture
ing them with a lovely dinner set. Ail aaa decided to engage a Tmuyorpatt- 0
enjoyed a soda) evening prior to; lee )4liter. to prepent n concert in the ,
their marriage on Saturday arr.. row.: near future if possible. Mrs. (Rev.) i
:er ea. Miss ituby Bali, of Crewe. • 1T. R. Turner gave a olio, and a read- i
The Dungannon Home •nd Reboot Ina wall given hY hina• Tn'''• Wehater, t
club will 1101.1 its Septcmher meetini -Educating for Pewee." The meeting e
Ibis Friday nigio at the sites,' st.i closed with a hymn and lir lemedic- .,
diuteJY__nprrated or. Latest reports Setera( members of the-111uaty muu
are that her conditionli.tivurable. ut the.L'ulted ebureb attended
aevu}enliou at !Myth un Tuewluy. a at
- ages_-_eht.4mith. and. tabs - 1- tete. Robs. -Meore-visiod--}Kr., Dared, ,
load oT ha iecti rn room fan Dun- Yrs. Nell 3icIC[nuua of tlodrrtdr roti t1
totaled to .ospI aurae on Yon y
Aoderlcb hospital. yuaday. •
Mr. Thor. Riven conveyed a truck- mow -Flare Lorain is enmities t e Burry.
happy p Tete einem.-uf the town
Wratterd fair this week as ti judge of t�_--'---.. t 'by electing
glasnost tr.•btwd to attend the Kt. Helens .lumestic exhibit.. ![laser C'uup1S
arkool hlr whk•b was Iwo1d un Tttes- a'
Yurri. and Lorne Roach were c(u:ea h
day. The children tame home well eh „fit,irate "Howe Catmiui' there
eased with their outing and proud tI
of the rr..tgnitlun: siren to their et It i. believed that the .ecoud green' a4u an....
titbit.. I ; their member of Parliament lit l9:
Anniversary weekly* will be held in .• of alfalfa is cau.iug trouble with beets moodiest
MI!' t'pltwl ehnreh on - Sunday next.. k.Urit . tut tit • 0 Atter being a little 1
Folk.wfng the 10 a.m. Keaday school footed, .ever*( '. al-tle irwli d by Wit- i
Fred l,tntlaud bloated and died 1.'6(1. t
.ertrite' morning- worahlp, wit, ^be.ln week, Yr. naw. Elilutt abbe tort'_* . ti
members of Of t
town of Cornwall have felt tbat tbel
could not allow the as:m.10n of you
eightytirsi birthday to Palm lettbil
tion an t,ls tutered on his fifty-second Hubbard Squash -Dr. Grieve, Fred
)'ear off continuous service. In this Barker
respect he �5�, the loudest servke of White or Golden Csbry-N. L. Car-
auy medic{ neer of health its Oa ter, Dr. Grieve.
Winter ('*(bag. -Z1. 8prot}i. Dr.
- Misr Activities Grieve.
Ha Mat aleaga- evinceda dee( la- savoy Cabbage -7-N. L. Carter.
terest in educational matters and for wed--rabhalft�!t, -irf3tll*rr-
many years has donated the Hamilton Grieve•
wedai for getw.ral proficiency In fibbee Tuntip Blond-1,teete-D. Sproul. N.
second form of Cornwall Collegiate la- I.w t'arier.
statute. He' has reveled tip leveret oe•,;" Lung Blood Beene- (. I.. Gttl4er..ltt
easluu. ar a member of the hoard of. Rider.
Public school trustees and 1s Bobo Year Carrots -D. Sproul, N. 1„ Carter.
u u ember u( and chairman ut the, Parsnips -1►. S ruul, N. I,. Carter. ,
board: Red lotions. %Vetttberrdeld-,N. L.
Ur Hamilton ls au ex -member of Carter. •
})otrirltrp k'arilan..nt• ).arina VeenYellow Onions, Pastore -70.f. L. Oar-
. _. _ .
elected as Conservativereprereutatlee ter, M. -Rader.
fur Stormont county fn Oetolrer, 11r15, Yellow Ouioits, say other variety --
end held the meet uutll 1'arliemeut N. 1.. Carter, Mrs. W. H. Tremblay
dissolved its July,_19116. Silver Skin Unions -N. L. Carter.
Be is the only remaluing member of Six ears of Cont -Mrs 0. Jervis,
motaleel, .toff of Cornwall Genera} Mrs. W. H. Treasblay.
hospital mud Hotel Dien holkpital when age Plant -:t, -L. emir=.--
these institutions opened their doors. (altltduwere--N. L. Carter,. Hilton
Dr. Hamilton was twice married. Truett:tier,
of Ripe • Peppeta--Dr.
.His first wife was Harslet Sara IRckCollection
iron, etdeet daegioter at -us. J. J: Grieve. N. L. Carter.
-D1ciFlneoa. Of that union Ave aoaa� Tw Tve Tumattrea-sY�-L Carter. D.
were born-Oharlea Reginald Hamid- Sproul.
ton, Clarence Dickinson Hamilton, I Collection of Garden Herbe N. 1 .
Ernest Patrick HamGeorge eorge Car- Carter, Mrs. W.111. Tres y. ,r'
roil Shannon Hamilton, Maurice Cay-; - Coliectioe of Garden Prod N. L.
ley 1tquntala Hamilton all of -whom !Carter, F, Barker. -
naual Hosiery Contest
commencing Saturday, Sept. 26
and closing Saturday, Ott. 17th _ _ __
$10.00 worth of "Orient" and "Supersilk"
given to the winners
gotrayar-regetef! Reslfst_d 8t.1 Bf, ,7. L. 0..t�,.Mea,
Haat 1 n.
be too Holm Cline. daughter of the late ter & Sons. r•
Most highly reepecte4 families of Corn- Ich: N. L. Carter.
ut Dr. Hamilton. in his °sat quiet and Certer.
,u,nostentatIous manner. has been 'me Veget'able Marrow -A. Warner &
CorawlsilalLipdhaliliaorei.thwr.obpeltsheeor. nollis.
001n:rese:na:flr"Unit's-LuNe."TCa. rte
PudrPN_W"Ilige.mt0toyotubtebetoiWalr 61.111;I:rteheaPet)Pri: band was *ter lu his pocket To Ili __;_-_11_!_direa---7' Warne' T' 9611'
rime you devided to become itiw„t,.....whai,ipoietrul and no appeal for funds DoikelfiTIC SCIILTC11
Supersf/k---.X0. 442
The New 45 Oauge Extra Sheer Chiffon for wombs( wear
=iv anADIS 101 FALL -
Sp-eciattrithiclary Offer -75c"
!Pr. Ilionlitoto mates 'Pros. • famill 1 ...r- It.,.. IA' li Trviabl.):, ---r- PAINTINOIN t.141.-"
rein" itee'e in Is2e4 and as ItaYnt Ili4 gather were doetors. Ills mother !W, II, Trequi,ihy, . " - 1.andscape-i-Luelle Oratif. Cliatou
0 P041 and la104 atniatbe electors of
le ...linty of Storuipsit honored you
salon re -
meow quently married a aowtior; he had canned veiretatoteel-•; N,-1,.- Itr.. J. Maier
lialf-hrotherat rioetor: too. brotherte Carter. _ Madre Lucile Grant.
. y v e .„ ip-law were iloetors: teo of his PAM. 011111 meat eitiice.-Mns. .1. K. How- subject -Lu• ile ran .
WHIP Health tiertere-beitt
Doomia Motoring. John Moody.
Viewer winos, bArleasue Jolsa--
sten, Ruth Cornfield.
ThitNi!cla.s. relief map- itay Nelsen.
OrdeTia -natter.
Mourth clam. relief map Billy Hill.
"Sin.e loos; you have • a remarkable "tree** from a medical
ere docroro; and be hitmelf. Truly .ri.es.$1.1...r.L4.071„. • Fruit - Lucile Greet. , • lielen Bottum. itutto Cornfield.
01441 e • f Corti- Cotteup--N. Carter, Win. Bottom. PAINTING IN WA'11:1111111AIRS .,1 °Primer Clam.. work scribbler -rasa-
. _ • r Martin. lion ikon
tikat_exacting porition with en- Oa her.. - TATictsettPertical Mrs. Miller. 1,18, First - l'lase, work iscribbler-,lioug.
Stour pfailes-N. 1.„ Capri.. Mrs. W. citie Grata:
re satisfactisin- to all its' ratepayers.
Crowds at 11. TretubhoY. • . • • Laudo-ape---2nol. lasclie Grant, ; Third Clam. work scrilibletr-aturiei
ever end other dread diseasels is in DO ' Misseerat•--,..N. L. Carter. Mrs. Itobt. • Marine- leis4le Grant. ,
mail Meashre due to the excellent ser• Goderich Fair G.,...,,,,:,....., .ebi, , • . . . 1.7,...,7.__LiTare. (tram. ; yourui Plate. ;work scribbler--41eleu; .
tee: you have rendered in that Carat' 1 . 1:k011 -N, I, t :trier, Mr.. I AIN PING IN 011.14 -AMATEUR • Thanker. ltnth Ilerittleld, !Mena Koh -
ikon Carrick. .
debt of gratitude which Call uever be - Prinwr. ?Boa and Second Cllasetri.
repaid. . Detain., four verietiso-F. Harker. Maple syinip--M. Itaili,r, A. T. I-imh. Fruit -Mi-. M. LiVifigotan.
..0 tp, the hope of s11 ef us that Mrs. Howrie. Mr.. W. H. Tremblay. j Tem -table ealail-N. I. Carter, Mrs. PAINTING IN WATCH, -00bOlto-- beat C.C.)11. work scribbler leftist-
, Fruit salad --S. L. Certer. Wui. 1:01- Landscape -Mb -A It. 1..ieingliven, 1 Third and Fourth Classes. best C.C.
od. In 111x wisdom, may yet spare Dahlias. two varieties -F. Barker.. Ng. H. Tremblay. '
lin for limey yeare of usefulness to 51r.. 'towels-. U. P. Gould. ifloviere -Miss M. Livingolon. -M. %cork •cribbler 0070 -Moder
in. The poor will Casty, remember , 1.0intrupe---aliss.. M._ Loana-voas,:
Ou for• yffur service. must generosity , Honey. iti 16:- J01111 Salkeld. • j -Prieter, and Second Claeoni,"
0 them. llur hospitals owe you a (l'outtnued from Page 4) - lioner-ltliver EdWards. John Flowers Miss M..Livingston, De. heat work scribbler (boys)-
.een Cas4t. and we isongreiniate you on Tremblay. J. W. Flatkeld. ----"- .------ 4 --Cold meat, pi. --X. L_Carter. ' ...- l'aTh.minlirlied ladnd F•ourtb Claaseiebegt CC.
be-ma.aaare -at good heanh that 7041', Aster*. ea_trich plume ---Mrs. .gowrie. chit -keit pie -N. .L. Cartel. Mrs. 0. ; - DRAW1Ntl
; Mrs. W..11.,,Tremblay... . ;Jerviit. tilintou. - ...__... AO Sultieet.. iu crayon,. 20, Lucile M. ..wark . scribbler tgirle)--(11enna
r_licedi loaf -Mrs. W. II. Tremblay. Grant.
he community in witich our lot has Salpiglosels-J. Juck. Ilya. 'W. 11 ton.
r p no. An Interesting prograui li 1 ti°n• 3141int'ent of -$11,,. swatfa grouP -DerAlliaalifisW•lispbrz _711„._,4:6.._iiruss:,:iiiAeiGiyrauslitb.,1e.-1, pen and Ink -2nd. Lie 1 Bird houge.nauted. 9 years aod; under
- I Arthur Adam., Elgin Boyce, Jas.
'1 A.ter., collection -It. S. Winter. lira .44_M_rik%
Dela' el Mira. Menary.--Deatis Mended to artily when reading of tbe troft moask-N. I.. Carter. Mrs. do ing-Atirkofru. 4111,ubilrier't-Penettirant. -=311.1-11.44"-L-111"elLittle.110oi' rld2..n7PlaAr:. jDn'odugliiinstlefft-ollaorredd. .
...tuned end Mrs. W. F. Saunders. i:of Peeved tea, The attendanoce • was Members of council. °mai& and ' HowrIe. .;, ,
t WO .- °there in the council 'chamber ate t; Verbenie. colleetion-F. Itariver,_.1.11Zurieh :_ Sits. -.1. J. Robertson.
adiao-Iria-Itieett_ an , Thursday, .1144tIon white' 'sorted but two -or three I dress you have joist read, I Pr .
Animal _Plijoi. collection -Mrs. W. Mrs. J. J. Roberegon.
Bretti.i. white-rairoi. A. Goldthorpe. ' stun. Lucile -Griot- , ciie 1 11.4)134)1wri•trelitie7d.1.1 .A.'"dm. ever " yea"-
ititurday last. In the permed -6C Mtg. riit IO Antoet- inipti,sibie for me -to ' Clinton; G. P. Gould. Mts.. W. 11.j Best working Mall'a dinner -Mrs. 6. ,
;Jervis, N. L. Carter. --'-• Situtisil..A111N147171114orventIntisioluNeAlLu-
Mary limary. lier aufblen death expres. in wort* my deep appreciation Treniblay. ,.
Zinnias. small size -F. Barker. R. S. I BAKING Grant. lor. Grieve. ----.------ -..._- ... . -1- -Maple woodwork - no metal. meter-
aleloned one of our older eitizene 011 addresa was finished. •
sin Winter J. W. Salkeld. ; Single; piece, dorsi-LT(1m M.-Li:Ali-- lal, 9 years and under Keith Acheausi,•
(Walter Thorns., Francis Schram; 12
was due le an attack of acute indigos- 'for the twist iments expressed ift the ad -
entertained elem." of her girl canon !tours. Khe was Eiirmerly litillirldire-
-- - - i ilfosi eifd-, Ils-failea--1.fisikIng with ento.4-- ;1.. Three cups and sanweros--Itra. Ilow- Tears and under- Donald Thomas,
Curran and was inerried to Mr. Jas.
Stenary about fort•y years ago. Her 1 tion. "It is true that I am the oldest •
medical officer of health in (Putario, in ill. Tremblay...T.' gf.ifilkeld.-F. Barker. Bread, brow-g-Strs. j. j. n•obertem-s-rie,-.Misoo M. Liviaffates.___'_____-____-__ _Mitdresr La V't '.. Jack Fritzley: over 12
Gladiolus. sii spikea-r. Barker, H. Mrs. A. Goldthonw. - Three plates- to alatt'h--2nd. Dr, ' years --4 le•• I No vr ker, -ATTAII-BORIIIIS, ' .-
ilerstral nom.- and *boot Club. Goder,
lob. is expo. ted to give as: address.
All latetested in the School Clultayerk
a vialtor with her ooti, Bert Bradford.
(berterSelobi *nit Chairs made tas
your order.
Hanalaten Street - Godes**
predeceared her thirty-one i point uf er mate. I WAD appointed by Nut bread -11r.. W. 11 Tretuality,,- Grieve. • - • Geo. I.eit•
Gladiolus. four spikes -II. T. -Eri. ----Mese-41.-ittonehouge__ PHOTOGRAPHY
)egra. ago at Crree. where they farmed. the late Mayor Kirkpatrick prior to I
i'sollrtiTion of amateur photniraply.--
Menary then moved to the ril- the neatly): epldemle 1395; T Lwilt1111. r• Barker,birsh stooebousc Toi...bioutcs--unx Stiniehott•e....5C
Gladiolly. (one .pike- Barker. N. L. -Carter.
lege. where whe had since lived. She w rote to the Department of Health to
M A Goldthorpe Mrs W. tele, Mists J. Groves.
to mourn bet only sister. Mrs. Nei- ' my appointment, and 1 am proud of .
--1- cookie. -N. I,. Carter, -Mrs. Howrle.
r- H. Tremblay.
Ile abackleretr. She took an active the reply 1 received. it um,
Petunias. skate-. small, collection- Rocks -N. I.. Carter, Mr*. W. H.
part in tbe various branches of the are the oldeet medical officer of health
: F. Barker. Mrs. It. Stoat -house. J. Juck. Tremblay.
e _ meetings --- when health permitted. beat: -
Juck. F. Barker. Mrs. R. Stonehenge. W. H. Tremblay.
Some of her outstsoding qualities were Dr. Hamilton recalled that in Mt
U (test iiiireh work and uttended the 'in -the Province. And -you are the
Table botiquet !shown In vowe-s-J. Dark fruit cate.----N; -1.-Nettei; Mee.
Roaes-r. Barker, H. 'I'. Edwards. I,ight fruit cake -46. L. Carter, Mrs.
kindneas to the sick. giv-
log her service. st,j different times, and
a great icor of flower.. A large con-
courtie of fri.sids gathered at the
home on Stondal afternoon to pay
final respects Her pastor, Rev. T.
-early years of bis service. the 'medical
officer was under the direct dictation
Sirs. D.A. Fowler, Dungannon.
of the toms council, bat that nor he inch*
1 Centrepiece table bouquet- F. Bar.
hi acrountahle to the Departtnent, al- Mrs. R. Stonehouee.
though council has the right to lodge ;bee" J• W' Salkeld'
Snapdragon -Mrs. W. H. Tremblay,
a complaint •t any time if be is dr 1
Light -layer cake -liaise _Freda
Scheenhals, N. L. Carter. 1
Raisin ple-N. L. (Miler, reda
Judges -Mary it. Adelaide
IAI(AA. E. 1. MaeNaughton.
Peter Pat
First Class- Don Carrick June
Baechler, Beryl Sanderson.
Second Cia144-EliN in Bennett, 1.1 1- ,
Ilan Irwin. Helen Graham.
Third 01113M1-Jeati Proctor, Eleanor
MIFIRT4•11. /eau Harding
Fourth Clines -Jean Moody, hots',
(Remainder ..1 list next. week.)
irEit 1)1 -
Organ. Piano. Singing, Theory
10 i'aledonia Terrace
Kingsbridge Hall
19 KitiO
26 -KENO
Sept 27th, 1936 --
went! information front Agents!.
Canadian National
th t in all MY
from the jillsociatiola-og-years of serviaer-t hese never ireall__!' "(IL Assorted tarts -Mrs
Among She floral tributes wig a -wreath • • I am glad to any a
Cherie dish, recipe
Billy Newcombe. Mel* 11111, (lara
IroomAticirlinirw tart tri.-1=1:1xL, Jan ciziArun. roe me
in Dungannon ceiletery. 10 tbelkes ablate: asite.e1 111toces-r. this ker, 4. leek. N. b.
Patisoles-J. Jingo. y. Mace
KEEP Tim cm [4mm HEALTH I WIT i
Mole Leaf Bread and Buns
iiiaThealtlifni. and is made with the those ingredients • "
Phone 110W The Square
Smart Shoes
For the Boys and Girls who are
now preparing for the Fall
term at school
We are TWA offering the greatest value. In good. reliable Footwear
at prbea that are away below the present manufacturers' prima
Faotwear of all styles in Oxfords, Strap Slippers
Call and imperil our stork gerfie isa show yen the wonderful
values we are offering
The Practical Shoe Meth
will contlnue to do so. ..
Dieters AM Tributes ---
1 Marigolds -F. Thicker, R. S. Winter,
gardner evoke toriegy. adding their .1 house. E. Barker. - ,....... •
Everla.ting flowere--F. Barker, Mrs.
congratulations and personal tributes.
lir. W. A. Milligan and Dr.
Phillips, members of city mune'', added '
their hest whams. ..• 1 Jerusalemolverry tree -N. L. Carter,
i_feIefv•ilr._____, 1wtaor.I.i_di_irt_tno!if. PI;_r77_nlirlillare7 "jinn 7: TrblaY' . • • .
Res Begonia -Miss M. Livingston.
floe rle.
eight by city council on. tbe occa- • tlegon in . neit her ikex nor' Tuberous
own ot eighty-111-st birthday. --
F not asparegus-D Spraml. Mrs.
Anatrague Grimm.. Mrs.
W. II. Tye -Robley.
I'lant.- in Barker,
Mr.. ilowrie.
41ould. F. Harker.
Irlah Cobbler Potatoes. T. Gunary.
it). Jervis. Clinton; Ilene Rader,
Carter 'Mrs. IL Stonelimow.
fireplo.M110.tain Pots toei--N. Ts.
I Resler. Mr..' fowler, N: 1.. Carter. • 1
forth N. L.Certe.
born in risisierich. Ont.. September, .o,
flts ea. the min of Dr. Mor-
gan Jetties 11.1Milil/n. OAP Of the early
settler. sof Oiiinty of Huron. who
*led July 2'4. Pon7. when C. J. Illendl-
On WYK hilt three year" old.
Enteiring the University of Tamils,
in us a student in medicine be
gradllated -May le, 11479. After prat.- •
tieing lila profession in his h. town
for a short time. he came to Cornwall
;November 27 of that year lend IR„the '
coming November Ivlll romplete fifty -
and medical practitioner in Cornwall.
flfty-two pear. of whieb have been
MI AAP .1%11 account.
Dr. Hamilton's first porition of
publir trust ea. his election ati
couneillor from West Ward Si 18(44.
He xidempientiv Nerved ex retivel
pun terve sad Mayor, 011ie* the
tatter proration In lill4) and again in
1144.5. dnrine the greet
smallpox epidemic in Montreal, and
the fertile Oen of the Previnelal Board
of Health of Ontario. lie was appOinted
MellICNI "Meer of health for Ciornarall.
hy Jame. T. Klettpankt. thee Reline
mace? Ile it si911 filling ttiat posi-
Doughnuts -lee W.
Graham gems -Mrs.
Durk layer coke AN.
IL •Tremblay,
Howr e.
fruit, and leavegs-Helen Wiltion, Joyce
Johnny flake -IT. L. Certer, Wm. er -Edwin Bennett. Don Ainslie, Billy ;
1411 AU. 14,11-tlertati.- krintim *.IfismierIch 'Fall f.
Creston •puffs -N. L.. Carter. ' Third eters tii•nlign. Ism
Pure 4:old Manufacturing Co. Lim- --Barbara Forrester: Grant Johnston. ;
Judges --Mrto John Sorvii7by, Mtn. Yntlith 1.1.M.-lesiorti Tor 1....k corer
First Olass. drawing and coloring
with crayons sof a single flowei With
leaves. fruits or vegetables -Joyce
Midden. Iteryl Sanderson. Walter 1
Thomas. Mounting on art paper of '
free nand paper cutting of vegetables,
Noble Yonne •It tekiewn Borman, James Hume,
The People of Goderich and vicinity may now have the best kinds of Coal at the
lowest prices in this part of the country. CAN YOU BEAT THESE PRICES ?