HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-9-24, Page 3Are You in Step
Are you keeping to Itep wllh present
day demauda for advertised artlelea? it
not, you should place an advertise/Meat to
The Signal this week and every week.
Paye It Advertise be Tse Ovid
-_ ---------ter.+. y
11 takes experience to give class and
distinction to printing. Good funk olltlon,
g,,od paper and gooti Ink also show your
Jolt \\'ork to advantage.
The Signal Prints a Better deb
J. W. Craigie
Get Our Au MU -Eat
Phone 24 . - ... Ooderich
The 0. F. Carey Co.
Fire, Accident aid Motor Car
Representative London Life
Insurance Co.
Office: -Masonic Temple, West
Street, Godertcb
Nelms HW, Manager. Theme US
Geo. Williams & Son
Fire, Accident, Automobile and
General Insurance Agents
Phew U Gedesieh
or Sale at Port Albert
Nleely Weeded Cottage Leta
-Also Houses in Town -
West Street
4 Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
Electric Wiring of all
Allan Gauley Wins
EBlake, Evelyn Little, ilia 'Heater.
White eggs -Jack Tarrlah. OeorM
Parrish, Russel Alton. Lorna Lttle.
Ashfield TrophyLimDalry cats, hewer-B111y. Famish.- Beef calf -Howard Blake, Katiestae
Meek -
Sennett, Marguerite Jamieson.
Agriculture or draft cult --Pearl
kwon, Jack raffish, Duncwu ?T!.'
risb, Evelyn Little.
Halter -broken calf -Howard Blake,
rgasekw. ,_ ieson_._ sully Farrier,
The Ashfield school fair, held at 1 Katherine Sennett.
Oourrle'a Corners on Friday afternoon Halter broken cult -Duncan Farrleh,
FittlII'1 VINTIt IEAtt. NO. fie
School Fair oa Friday Last Was
a Snooessful Event—The
Exhibits Good
Jack Farrah, Pearl Jamieeon.
last, was favored with fine weather and
Eee Iamb, breeding type -Howard
attracted a large attendance. Seven „Blake, Keith Blake, Hoary Drecuan,
schools took part: 8.8. No..J (Port '
Albert), Miss Annie Barr, teacher;
Kingsbridge school; No. 5, 34iss Ada I
M. Webeier, teacher; No. 9, Miss Olive II
L. Anderson, teacher; No- in Lanes). ham Durnin, Jos. Morrison, Rut
Duocan MacKay, teacher: No. 16 I ton, Roderick MacKenzie. his consent to proceedinp.
The court in which 41uggard will ul
../.1.mately elect telal will be decided to -
Huggard Waives
Preliminan Tr
• _ for Barg. Mays Walk
et Delvers Reapeue
Aniqnsui � Tea 71,jt.
y ibk
WiU - Elect Today—Variety
`-"Ores Before the Magistrate
•min Weekly Court
!t T►vtu�t a very short t
Thursday to dispose of the case of
John J. Haggard, Seafortb law•yet.
c1uirge.t with Ibe theft of numerous se -
Twenty-three motor accidents in
Hurou county In the last two weeks
ofi may largely be accounted ter by care-
mesa_ on__ the pah4 _ItL the '
County Trade Ueker Lever told The
Signal this week. The officer further
stated that charges under the U.T.A.
Market lamb -Howard Blake, Keith his counsel, James 11. Clerk, K.C.
Blake, Ronald Treleaven, Jack Far- sejr.P., of Windsor, Huggard waived
preliminary hearing and was couirultted
Li‘e stock judging competitions -Gra-
-, trisi by Magistrate J. A. Mak
sel .AI- Crown Attsweey 1). E. Holmes gave
( Locbalsh 1, Kiss Margaret I. Mac -1 Cooking
kenzie, teacher; No. 16 (Creeel, John Bran re 'dins -Elaine Littler -Mak
dry Its Judea Costello.
with the parade, followed by Mtratb- I iteopberry tarts -Evelyn little, --Kars ---Lloyd iteietit, young Inarried man tff Jas. Tuetibull. of Ethel, mid Martin I Ralph played in orchestra@ when liv-
Sent le Reformatory Late Saturday night cars driven bytworld of multi& - -
ion MacKenzie. Lorraine Drennan. Wroseeer, was aenteneed to six months phorutou, of Brussels, met in a head- ing here and became quite proficient
Iddelhemale. dedniti-and six mouthy Indeterminate On collision north of Bruceaeld. ,It, with the "traps," so much. so that
White cake, iced'-Lonise Campbell, la an oat, ls alleged Thornton was on tbe-wrirnirt when he journeyed weetward he landed
Lorna M. Reid. „t_Urace Campbell, Eda Ho reformatdry, sentences to
run concurrently. after be bad pleaded ride of the road. The cars were bad- i a job with a band playing at the Wiuter
ty damaged-, but frivereeseaped with !gardens, knowu as Vancouver's toost
a shaking up mid minor bruiser). !beautiful dance hall, from which place
On Sunday a car drivep-by John E." program* were broadcaist oser radio
McKeown. of -Windsor. crashed lulu aa_otatious MN() add CKWX. When the
auto In charge of Win. J. Clark, or besot broke up Ralph and a friend,
Varna, as the latter drove from a Vk Goulet, deckled to start out with
road. - The Clark ear was knocked woY•keil- up a stuart nisie-man orchestral
eighty-seven feet along tbe road and with three saxophones, two trumpets,
was extensively damaged, and the Mc- 'piano, drums, baso and guitar, and
Keown ear, after traversigg a ohaliow will be ready to take the air In Octo-
ditch aeventy-eight feet. rolled freer her on daily quarter-hour broadcasts.
against a telephone pole. The car 1The fifteen -day series will be known as
was wrecked, the driver sustained ,-A Quarter Hour of Memories."
cracked ribs and a passenger suffered 1 The music is only a Adeline with
injurieo to her head, shoulder and leg. Ralph, yaw is employed as bookkeeper
Oa Monday Fred Burdge, of Bruce-liat the office of a coal firm.
field, was driving Fred Fotheringham's
car towards Seaforth when he lost 811.011 REWARD
control. The car swerved 159 feet , ror any corn or callous, which cannot
along the road and rolled over three be remtWed by the Sew scientific Lloyd's
times. A scalp wound sae closed Itynolated Cern Salve. In 3 to 5 days.
with nine stitchee. 'This new salve de-eensitizes corns and
callouses with the Bret application.
Call your druggist today. •nd order a
!jar of Phis Wonderful Salve. Callouses
jot long standing will require slightly
longer treatmeot.
Fer Sale at Campbell's
There were four accidents over_ tbe
week -end, and;littiongh only three of
nearly one dozen persons involved were
injored, damage to vehicles mounted
into the hundreds of dollars
On !Saturday afteruoon a truck driv-
pit was etruck by a ear driven by
Geo. H. Beatty, of Tarns. The truck
was damaged extenolvely and the load
of gravel was spilled over the road, motored to the West coast last yeer
but the truck driver, Howard Mul- with his wife to make hie lime at
holland, of Goderieb township, es. Vancouver, Is well on tbe way toward
is a_
Fernier (Wed* Boy in (*ONO*
Watt as a Sideline
•Ralph L. Walters, Goderich boy who
raped tujury, as did Mr. Beatty. 1 making • name for himself in the
cona exercises directed by Inspector
Beacom- ._ The children went through
the exercbmw in most credita ble fashion.
Then foUowed the,public speaking.
aPelliniraid other competitions, which Phillips.-- guilty to seeer—AW enargetrur forger"
were observed with great Interest by Cookies, decorated -Lorena Crozier, and uttering.
the aseembled spectators. }Cathleen Gardiner, Grace Camel:tell. *The court has already erred ,on t
Tbe exttibito in the ball made a good Louise Campbell. side of clemency," said Magistrate
'hewing, in spite of the unfavorable
grosing conditions of tbe past summer.
There was a really splendid display of
cut flowers.
The Eaton trophy, awarded to the
'competitor taking tte greatest total
of points in tbe attire exhibition, was
won by Allan Gauley, of H.S. No. 16.
He spored 47 points Jack Farrah. rt., Lorraine Drennan, Frances Kto'
of No. 10, was close behind with 46. Crelght, Robe Murray.
and Kathleen Gardner, of No: 5, WWI Work apron -Lorena Crozier, Kath --
third with 44. leen Gardiner, Violet Cukbert„ Dori'
The list of prise -winners: Reid.
Grain Darning competitionosCecilla Watt,
Spring wheat-31arquis, quart, Rol Agnes Lednor, Grace Campbell, Lorna
Culbert, Chas. Adams; Margate, sheaf,
Roy Cultwrt, Chas. Adams.
Oats -Alaska, quart, Chester }UM-
Maple cream -Kathleen Gardiner, Making after Iteicht'e record had beeu
Marion MacKenzie, Olive Edgar, Elaine root loseeluded three suspended seb-
Household sebum' bocalltvwits-Vielee a $10 cheque and cashed it. ,
Culbert, Lorenk Crozier, Murton Mae. Clayion -and Milton Lightfoot, bra -
Kenzie, Katbleen Gibson.
Seeds( charged with robbing Ustsmne township
there, of . McGillivray township,
Initialled hatidkerchief-Verna Pet- barna of grain, pleaded not guilty and
Manual Training
Model in pla•tititie, ball and bat -.1.
gen; Alaska, sheaf. Harold Adams. C. Drennan, Catherine Gibson, BUDS
Graham Dunnin. Taylor, Harvey Taylor.
Barley-41.A.C. 21, quart, Raymond Salt box -Tont Phillip*, Harbora
Murphy, Keunetb Gault', Marguerite Adams, John Hunter, Lyle Ritchie.
Jamieson, Roderick MacKenzie: 0.A.C. Window box for dowers -Ronald
21, sheaf, Kenneth Gauley. Tom Phil- Treleaven, Russel Riteble, Roderick
ere. Collection rope knoto-Kennetk
Corn --Helen McGee, Grant raffish, Gauley, k:Illot Rivett.
John Hunter, Jos. Morrison. Medicine cabinet-Renald Trekavea.
were remanded on bail until Septetu-
ber 24th.
In A. 1:ustody
With two Salvation .1rtny officers
from Londou present, tao 'teen-age
girls, oue from Clinton and one from
Goderich, were given in their care ai•
ter a camera hearing. The charge
against the girl% was incorrigibility
aud they had all but exhausted the
patience and resources of local offl
charged with non-support, telegrapluol
asking for a week's adjournmeut.
It was granted.
Fred Papineau, a new settler in Hay
township, brought au automobile into
this country from Michigan on May
1st with his settler's effects, and
Winter vrbeat-Russel Alton, Louise Ton, ppliepi. failed to register it. Ilia uegleet cost
Campbell, Roland Treleaven, 1 Grace Nature Study
Campbell. , Collection pictures of wild animal
Vegetables ' Eric Hackett, Clarke Ziun, Ross Mac-
Turuips-Horace Crawford, Elaine 'Kenzie, Catherine Gibson.
lion.. Harold M.cOreo_41,411 Ritchie.1 Collection hay and grass--Kalth !now had Ontario marker&
Sentence Suspended
Beeto-Lois Hooter, Harbourn Hackett, Aimee Leduor, Chas. Adams,
Adams, Vincent Austin, Marion nac-Iiielth Ritchie. Sam liesett. of Clinton, struck
Kenzie. ; Collection insects -Eleanor Petrie, :Thomas O'Connell, Baylield emceeing',
Cerruti-Evelyn Little, Violet Cul- I Agnes Lednor. tin the face eith his fist. Ile was gireu
4a.,.mukagisterial lecture, a warning end
su.pendesi sentence on payment o.
An unusual charge wart that again•t
l'arsnips-Clark Zinn, Kathleen Gib- , Writing -
' ADS. t , iii,thieew p)344449„, .L•tieged- that' he' linvi -been conducting ' ----
Papinessu pleaded di-vais that
waiting until he bad threshed and
"Were you seared on your wedding
day r
"Yes, but I've learned since tbat I
was not Dearltlas seared as I should
have been."
-Registered Optometrist -
Wee Examined Gleams Fitted
(17 years in Stratford), at
Robertson's Jewelry Non
"Satisfaction at liodifrit
in Doeskin, Wool or Su.edine,
In plain, blue, black, fawn or
maroon, alio fancy plaids and
sway -hack styles. Priced
$1.95 to $5.50
Button and Zipper fronts
Sizes 34 to 46
Agent for Tip Top Tailors
P.110e 384
Do your shopping early.
Store closed all day Satur-
day, September 26th.
bell, Alan Gauley, Lorena Crozier. I yeeed,„imog conTest-
Onions-Keith Blake, Warren Zinn, 1Garduer, Duncan Farrish, Usk Cul -
Gibson, !Lucien Lator of Montreal. It was
son, Grace Campbell. Prinser-Kary Murpby. Roy
Iln, J. C. Drennan. Eider Rivett.
Potiturea, Irish Cobbler -Russel Al-
ton, John Merrison, Alan Gauley, Eu -
Potatoes, Geeeh---Msnatabk=.- Alan
Telephone 82 — Cloderich
Find claw -Clarke Zinn. Betty Ham- a "4°141' -Tria"Ter la `c ltrti".":"`
ilton, Elaine Little, Jack Farrisli. Itlistriet %%Whom the necessary liven:iv.
Second class-Margueritt Jamieson, His case was adjourned one week,
John Cuthbert -iv -on, Goderich: -
Third class -Allen Gauley, Helen r"datit 'tha 'MY linuniug`' Tffmeti'
plaintiff, patched up tbe matter of a
Crawford, Elva Moran. MacKenzie, Marion MacKenzie, EvelYn
Potatoett, Dooley -Homer Dumb), Little.
Customs may lead a man into many Cecilia Watt, Ilosard Blake. Jack Fourth claw -Lorna M. Reid, Cieci-
errors; but itijustlfies none. -Field- Farrish. lia Watt, Helen McGee, Graham Dur-
ing. Mangels-Kathleen Gardiner, J. C. ion.
The Smart 10 Samples for
Men Are Here Now!
They are here for your
Chas. Black
East Street and Square
The Studio
RAW* llaed AP a chesterfield
or in a moment can he eonverted
into a double bed or two single
beds. A w a rd robe comps rt mei) t
ean be added at a plight addi-
tional east. A livingroom and
bediliont eambined. You may
choose your own coverings.
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Direetor and
Furniture Dealer .
Hama*. Stmt. Gederieb
Store RIM; Roo. 1155
Drennan, Helen McGee, Violet Culbert.
Cabbage -Ivan Rivett, Margaret
Adams, Alan Gauley, George Tartish.
lableasAI9011id Treleaven, "" RiTat'
Horace Crawlea="-
Tomatoets-Elwood Miller, Rena Kil-
ler, Lorraine Durnin, Ross MacKen4e.
Asters--:3ohn Austin, Keith Blake,
Lorraine Drennan.
Scabiosa-Eda Phillips.
Zinnia -Helen McGee, Vincent Aus-
tin, Ross MacKenzie, Lois Hunter. t
Cosmoso-Earl Martin, Lorna Hunter,
Idle Ritchie, Catherine Gibson.
Scapdragon-Marion MacKenzie,
Marjorie Bissell, Freda Saunders, J.
C. Drennan.
Lloyd Saundere, Clarke Zinn, Lorna
Calendula-Warreo Zinn, Amite
Culbert, Harold Adams, borne Phil-
Coreopels-Eiva Mora n, Louise
Campbell, Kenneth Gauley.
Nasturtium -Helen MacKenzie, Jim
Hunter, Eric Hackett, Teresa Anetin.
Bouquet from home garden -Warren
Zinn, Rumel Alton, Clarke Zinn, Alan
Geranium in bloom -Loma M. Reid.
Alen Geuley, Henry Mennen. Marion
Northern Spy •pples--Lorne Little,
Jack Farrieh. Kathleen Gardiner, Alai)
Snow apples -Kathleen Gardimer,
Keith Hackett, Roy Culbert. Evelmi
Pears -Donald England, Horace
Cravvford, Roy Culbert, Helen Mac-
VVarren Zinn. Clarke Zinn, Also
Ga nley. • Poultry
Barred Rock. cockerel -04m. Far -
Huh, Jack raffish. Howard Blake,
Lorraine Drennan; pullet, George Far -
flub, Jack raffish, Helen MacKenzie,
Alan (lanky.
White Leghorn, cockerel -George
Farrish, Lorraine Drennan, Helen Mae.
Kenzie, J. C. Drennen 90110, Jack
Farriarh, George raffish. Lorraine
Drennan, Helen Maeltenele.
Drown eggs Alan tionley, Howard
Fifth clatts-liarriet Whitely, Violet
Culbert, Jean Nelson„ Reta Wilson.
Map Drawing
Second classoLloyd Saundere, Ai-
n Ritehie -Dyle Ritchie. Johnny Hun -
$43.80 N.S.F. cheque satisfactorily tt•
the court. The charge WAS with.
drawl' on payment of costs.
Stopped into Trouble
Atiotbee c:11114.ril CAW. was that of
Roy Londesway rind Arthur FAIwitt
Parry. both of Tueker.rmith. charge4
with no:waiting Mrs., Lydia l'ariy,
wife rof Arthur 'Hewitt. Londeeway
roar_ be JAIL In .14
and -got the usual desorte. The case
was dismissed atal lie was ordered to
keep away from the Parry home. l'ar
ry was convicted, bound over to keep
the peace for one year and given sus-
pended sentence on payment of roots.
Third clam -Alen Gauley, lielen
Hackett, Isabelle Hamiltoc, Eileen
Fourth class -Elliott Rivett, Helen
McGee, Eleanor Petrie, Lorna M. Reid.
Fifth ciess-Mary Horton, Violet
Culbert, Ilarriet Whitely.
First clasre-Mary. MurphY, Kathleen
PhMlps Lorne Hunter, Keith Blake.
Seeoiod class -Lloyd Saunders, Ray-
mond Murphy, Tom Pbtilipe, Jobnny
Third clasa-Eileen Wallace. Helen
MacKenzie, John Austin, Vincent
Phillips, Lorne Phillips, Jimmie Hun-
Fifth claart- Marion E Cowan, Mar-
jorie Btssett, Phyllis Blake
Emmy. fourth and fifth classics -
Mary Horton, Phyllis Blake. Bertram
Curran, Jimmie Hunter.
Public speaking -Keith Hackett,
Pearl Jamieson, Evelyn Little. Aimee
Recitation -Elaine Little. Marguer-
ite Jamiestn, Rena 34111er, Katherine
Spelling match -Kenneth Gauley,
Duncan raffish, Ruth P)ngland, Grace
twit rumentel solo -Annie Culbert.
Joe McG0e, Graham Durnln. Eugene
Mental arithmetic contest --John
Morrison, Jo«. Morrison, Agnes Led -
nor, Freda Sannders.
To fall thirty feet from the roof
Reid. ta a eanopy top and *neaps with -
mit injury wan the breathtaking ex-
perience of Reg. Bridle on Friday last
Bridle was doing some work on the
rooftop when he slipped and plunged
etraight down to the roof over the
riveway. Ile wax badly shaken, but
no bones were broken. end he was
able to continue bla Work after la abort
"breather "
Glen C. Lodge was re-elected presi-
dent of the Baptist Y.P.U. at a meet-
ing on Monday night for reorganiza-
tion for the coming year. There was
a good turnout of member& Miss
Ruth Bunt, of New Hamburg, daugh-
ter of a former pastor of the Baptist
church, was named honorary preeident.
Other officers are: Vice-president,
Miss Thelma Reynolds; secretary, Atlas
Vera Wilkins.; treasurer, Miro Inf?
Mak; pianist, MIse Leah Griff.
Donations to the Chifdren's Shelter
AkteP January 1st :
Women's Institute, Kintall, fruit,
clotheo, soap; Presbyterian church.
Cfarlow, goose, cake; Mrs. R. Orr. coat :
Ahmeek Chapter, sandwiches; Mr. D.
Morris, vegetables: Mrs. Wm. Proctor,
vegetable& fruit ; Mrs. F. Allen,
clothes; Mro. Wm. Dosk, vegetables:
Mrs. Wm. Clerk, bag of cracked
wheat ; Mrs. Hold. RUPPPI, mittens;
Mrs. Murdoch McKay, vegetablee; MM.
Bert McWhInney, half a gallon maple
syrup; Women's Association of United
church, Fordwich. crate of eggs; Mr.
ertson. picture, chair, mattress. vege-
tables; fliarset Bros., ice cream; Mims
M. Edward& clothes, rhubarb, apples:
Mrs. W. Tremblay, benne; Mrs. N.
Pierson, beans, rhubarb; Mrs. W. P.
Lane, potatoes.; Mrs. ()eo. timer& rhu-
barb, vegetable& apples; Judge Coe -
tell°, watermelon; Mrs. Gordon Iamb,
vegetables, peanuts; Mre. ClaVenee
Morrie, starve. rhubarb, vegetables;
Mra. F. Hibbert, clothes; Saltford
Sunday school, sandwiches, cake; Mrs.
McKenzie. peers; Mrs. E. Willis, vege-
wlebeit, cake.
School days are here againl In thousands of
bpuseholda. life gets back to after-holiiii
regularity and Tontine.
The borne telephone helps the children to keep
in tonch with their new-fonnd classmate,—
lightens the home -keeping burdens for Mother
—keeps Father in touch with bis world.
nave yon a telephone in your borne?
Nothing yields more foc what it costs than
tbe bone telephone.