HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-9-24, Page 2ri 1„(I.1-.t•. r� +o A',.,• G",: !°j �P� .��', • 4:'. -� � _.:� r��'•k ,-'.. a. mak` ��c��� f.4� C Rental/bar >l5!!.:- Established 1!948 MMtber of Canadian Weekly Newt Paper* Association GODERICH : CASABA Published every Thursday morning. subscription price $2.00 per year, $1.50 it paid in advance. Subscribers 1n United Statins will please add 50e fur postage. THE 81GNAL PRINTING CO., LTD. W. H. Robertson, Editor and Manager Telephone M : Ooderlch, Ont. 1bursday, September 24th, 196 OLD HOME WEEN _ THE SIGNAL tissues la to be semi. And though Cl1a- co wrupe r ore to aseerpositioo In the Phil Ostler of Lazy Meadows the site we venture to assert that u the alto of a county museum 11 is not By HARRY J. BOYLE the logical place. The history of Goderich as a settled community goer back farther than that of any other place In the eounty, and the adjoining township of Colborne U the locale of a great deal of early history. Further- more, there are more people In God- erich to visit the museum than at any other place 1n the county. 11 the and listen to the cars go by. 1-011g this time every year good people of Clinton and its neigh- 1µ•t Into The habit of stopping Nile borhood and those of the other parts titstr as I eo by that old shed on the of the county would co-operate hstodge of the %allege and hook at them building up the museum here It would gaudy poster affairs. 1 reed *11 become In time the depository of a. about the super -fairs that they hold great deal of valuable hlaterkel.maler-14 Toronto or Luttdoi and 1 get dow 1a1. (K course. there should be a •a- 1 •1e th inf-thot. t'sually-1-t go 1 drop downn egsorea� 4walkvf•taawtge•rentec-tatllesvitrs .alis station and rte Jeska about GODERIC)i, ONT. Head of Canadiiin National Rail ars '•rluE viiLM;E SAlW"• ve never been wueh fnr*Waal A Practical Railwayman Who I d01u'.. exceptiug perhaps goime to the Hag i Lifetime of TraiII- ch44urh .upper at Thanksgiving or to inj Behind Him a neighbor's wake. lather than that 1 would just as stent alt out 0n the Aunounuement was made recently of hack stoup In nay sock feet and smoke the appointment of Mr. 8. J. Hunger _..JtJas& daYita scales lux-btans4.1811-., s . and Ooderlch L to have an old tet‘hlp ou which the various portions ;how much a ticket would he. and I nal bye' reunion in 19tH. The exact of the county might be suitably repro- m7 bead and say that I'll see him later dates have not yet been razed, bot toseated by persons of their own shoos- and maybe I'll go. doubt will be within the next week 1 The days go right smart end the sr two. Then the invitation can go _ - - layer Is tilled np with the news of *girth to the old boys and girls from the city fairs and before I realize it ■alifaz to Vancouver, In every State IIIUSr CARRY WIRELESS they are all giver. 1 11/111- over the understands the duties ■11d problems Ottawa, Sept. 17. --All freighters on fart that I hare missed them and of all grades from apprentice to exe- sf the Union, In every land wherever the Great Lakes of over 5,009 trues grumble along with everybody else cutive utBcer. they may be, to come back and spend tonnage and plying between ports about how poor the fair at the village els lengthy period of service has -vs s- a week of comradeship in the old more than $00 miles apart will be will be.__- given him, realdenre in seven of the town. Already a number of former required to earry radio -telegraph equip- Then the boys start to perk up and uina provinces of the Dominion. He Gedericbitee, anticipating the decision ment and a competent operator •from I sew them making bird -nests ac.14,nas Hved sad woriM in the maritime Jost reached, have expressed their in- l4gp[rmtoer•11 to for close of East n. *•rates for their pet rabbits and groom- Pruvinter, in Quebec and Ontario, in tention of visiting their old home town text summer, and no doubt the num- ber w111 be greatly augmented as soon as the datea are definitely known. A community undertaking of this land means a vast amount of work for those upon whom the chief responsibtl- ford as cltalrwau of the board of trus- tees of the (rnrdlan \atioual hall- ways. Mr. Hungerford bve rlues to his ne ofifce experience gained during fifty Years of service with both the major railway systems of ivada, and an in- ill&rte "know ge u e ranapor a - tion raquireweuts of all tedious of ___Jea___.+__ - Mm'-- bald. lu__ sum� cession, important positions of reap° albillty In connection with the opera- tion, maintenance, construction and ad- ministration of the Canadian railways. Railroading has been his life -work and, by reaeou of this 'fact, he knows and IBIS ta tion, It was announced yesterday by Ing up Christopher the colt. The wife Hon. C. U. Rowe Minister of Trane is shining up sealers of jam and pee- r k__ serves and I get my best shoes out port. The Minister announced the order entd shine them up. Then the morn- where the National System now oper- bad been issued under provisions of ingof the fair they get the ear all rtes the Central Vermont Railway. the new Canada Shipping Act Pre loaded up until it looks like a moderu His career is a story of endeavor and vinnsly the r•ompuisory radio equip- ment applied to passenger vessels only. each of tbe three Prairie Provinces and in British Columbia. Likewise, he has served In the State of Vermont, tty is laid. This work can be greatly DEPOSIT Boum RBI.EA ign lessened by the voluntary and cordial ( Seal fort b F.zposltor) .s co-operation of all the citizens. Namess Owners of securities and documents and addresses of former residents vr•1wbohad safety depoiit-boies ht -11M -ii the town can be recalled or hunted ; Huggard vault were tMCQe happy oa a *leak around to where Tim Mu p u p and handed In to the committee. Thursday last, when the court order has a crock of apple -Jack. It tests..' sad later on there will be plenty 18Igranted by Justice -J-. A. McBvoy eagle real lHsol and after I have s swig -I do in planning and preparing the into effect and the boxes were released. feel real gaol. Along about Dae• week's program, so that the returning Edward T. Berry, acting for the oeho•k the fair begins. The boys Guaranty Trust Company of Canada, ethic realrelose to me and then I slip. old boys and girls may he asseired of , pfr Windsor, trustee o[ the Huggard !state, fiscal . a half -dollar a •e• and they a good time while they are here. took the proof of ownership of deposit strenk for the midway. The spirit should b•: All together boxes and made the releases. . Now 1 always maintain that thee* r to provide a happy. memorable time All safety deposit •foxes. hove hese midwaye are nothing more than m•w- for the homeeromers of 1937. in the custody of the bank since last ey.grahs. f At the gros•ry store 1 argue I Ma,; a circumstance.that has brought that the fair dlrw.tors sl Id not alb s• - Nom's- Atk. All the road s axe prat t . well jammed top with the neigh- bors and tltelr stuff and we have to I 160 Y WOMEN'S KINGLESS CHIFFON and light ttervtee weight Silk Stock- Ings. Pair MERCURY MAKE itt Fall altadaa, suntan, neutral beige, leather tan, smoke - naiad. 2 pairs ;1.36; pair 69c s•- NEW 9 z 12 BRANUM in Modern and lentian types Special Siete 4'�6" X 7` 6. Each.. -.. . 1V v 9 e1i sizer' i Eaeb .. . Sisp 9 i `101/x'. Each $35.00 $12.00 $19.00 ' $25.00 $27.50 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Extra large size and heavy nap. Rain- bow borders. Finished singly. Size 72 x 90. Pair $2.78. Each $1.39 SHEETING HIS bleached gnovr-white- -Sheeting. 7tt inches wide. Regular 65c. Septem- 49c us" QQ������+soe.�r wallrinraia.. .. .. BLANKETS .r Finest"- alr-wool, closely woven and heavily napped, beautifully bordered in deep rainbow effect. Finished singly. Full $3.75 90 inches long. Pair $7 50. Each & SDN r official position penult in, motoring i HOW TO COAX PROBPRR1lTY through the country districts of Que- 1 ( Milverton Sun) bee, making frequent , pilgrimages to ; . Reports from practically every die - achievement. The youth wbo west 'kis old home -et Farnham, 'where he-trkt are to the effect that business cheerfully to work as an apprentice in stmt has alas, friends. 'Conditions are improving and menu- tbe locomotive shops of the South- Just under sit feet ln-belght,be has--lecturersare looking forward to a re - merely crawl along Itecauae Neighbor Eastern Railway at Farnham. Que., 1a the slim build and quiet bearing that I guise old-fashioned boom this fall. It Huggins to leatiing an it ,*ill that Is 18140 has, b•evime, in 10: (1, the eau at ere so often associated with the stn..; takgs,dollar wheat and increased farm pretty temperamental. 1 -- the head of the largest railway sell- dent. Ile is slow of speech, but while' 'paces to evtax prosperity around the 1n at the fair everybody is !emitting chary of words those that are spoken corner. teal In the western benalsphere. The ad -while -Use folks are busy 1 n creating lfirnarta- have shown carry tonvklfo'a. i Murpit that he has floe Will td`a b el-,ve. -With A few yean ago SI 'Twterviewer $AZ1 OPPRESSION industry ane study he won position closed a Smith/ Interview by anitsg.. (London Advert is'rt ttwo questions of Mr; jigggarthyd. Has Hitler is (wing praised for having answers are so character stie that they set tree more than :sermon political deserve record. Asked' what he re- prisoners on the oceasl'n of his l,irtb- garded as the most Important factor day recently. - Tbe fact that the num- in the ac•hlerrment,pf..his success, the her of political priseuerp In Germany president of the Canadian National re- _runs into thJm buudreds of thousands /.a.... Whist eek -fly. ty y issls pilar!! "Attending to my own business shows more strikingly than anything thssk,s.. m,.e vas, -o.• 4, stasse asata and doing it thoroughly." To the else could bow bitter an enemy 1se the sad seen oluntn.uWa Amore oltOrms. query, •'What do you regard as the Nazi regime to the progress of man- Dr. ChaseOintment' secret of pining the goodwill of teas of thousands of employee*?' Mr. Hungerforl's reply was even more dr- - rect. ,for he answered, "Friendly co- operation." These two answers might he said to form the keynote of his ratter. great inconvenience to the owners, and {them to is• on the grounds. Thus i. THE SPANISH TANGLE' u some cases actual hardship. 1 i is that i poke to where the cattle are J Many of the boxes contained only 1lwing'shown behind the old» drill- . The Toronto Star quotes a pars- , personal paper;,, but In others there relied. past 11e horseshoe engirt*. end graph from all article contributed to were nonregistered bonds, hearing In -!then came to the midway. sort of hop• Foreign Affairs, a high-class l'nited Iterest coupons, to which their owners Ing that nobody will see me. States quarterly, by Lawrence A. i have had no access. for over four I There Is always a lot of music and months. so that their release was more; yelling and people are laughing and i Fernsworth. who for some years was' than welcomed. !see them riding around on little hoed - - the correspondent of The L,udou I Alt Thursday afternoon there were len horses. I usually start off h7 Timex at Barcelona. It puts the Span- busy scenes witnessed at the bank, as buying a glass of that orangeade and lab situation in a nutshell an& may'mistime owners came, submitted their' maybe a hot -log. end the first thing help persons who are bewildered by proofs of claim and departed. happy !you know 1 stn ex had as any of the therwtae tie course of events in unhappy Spain r o . i kids•Throwing dsrtx and baseballs and to get their meatal bearings. The paragraph he: TOWNSHIP COUNCIL hitting a weight to try and make a hell ring. Seeing the bills dwtndlc n - "ID a moment when a duly I silver, and srori that Is gone a» wen. i elected and constitutional govern---- OOLBOR?JK TOWNSHIP i listen spellbound to • fellow who as swot was lighting, it. back to the The municipal council met in the bettering shut the slgbts inside of a wall, to save Spanish democracy township hall September 15th, at 2 tent. i make to walk away, hut air. both from the onslaught of its p.m.., with all the members present. attraction Is ton much and won 1 ,to enemies of the right and from the Minutes of last meeting were adopted inikle t's tovedoon `erymy s11d ure grµlht. and 1 excessive demands of revolution- as read. roll Into pod all find out y. from the da •ries of the kind commonly called On mut' Reeve Fesgan was in- !Next morning 1 am ufrom a ay. red, the privileged classes:e , the ructed to look after tax sale. what I have repent. but t hide a Int of ee army and the church, to salvage A bylaw was passed setting the per- their material Interests, dellbera- ceutages on unpaid taxes as follows: weertiele•ow trinkets that I won at tie' after position of Inc tad responslbll- ately made common cause in an From 14th of December, 190(1, to tat ;'Moths. You know 1 Is a lot 11f attack upon tax government, dello of iebruary per ce rad h wap clout that fair that S. J. HUNGRRFO!D there HYDRO RAMIS (Mount Forest Confederate) Ontario Hydro -Electric promises • -tit of $2 per horsepower In the Dear future. That will mean a cut of tea per cent. to say those that are now m- ing $20 per horsepower, but of only Ise per cent. to those paying $40 per horse- power, and of only four per cent. to ,. thole. paying $C40 a horsepower. Tbe 1g fellows with the cheap power get the advantage. Thy not snake MM. • reduction on a percentage basis? icy. 1937-2 rat after take a c e'aDn Tbe first half of his railway career y ,. Z� {apt mut__ but f really Mu't deny t sMori' _ Was Witt..l•itb..tlle_-Canadian Pitcl4.c It was agreed to accept Mr. IL good ttfime. Railway, then came Ma identification Hill'. tender. 19e per cubic yard, for with the Canadian Northern, subse- the Allan drain, contract to be con- TORONTO MAN ARRESTED quently to be fused with the Inter - {stetted by 1st of November, 11.68. colonial and _National Transcontinental On motion $10 was donated to Dow Charged with Theft of Stocks, Proper` to form the nucleus of the (Canadian gannrn fair. • ty of Seafe th Mas National system. When the Grand Road superintendent's vouchers and �, E. Newton, travelling salesman. Trunk Pacific became entangled In co - the following accounts were submitted of +Toronto, appeared before F. G. andel difficulties It became the fourth and parsed for payment: Road sup- -Weir, J.P., on Monday morning, entity of the Canadian National Rall- erintendeut's vouchers, $351.10; Geo. charged with the theft of stocks rat- ways and Mr. Hungerford took over erstely. in which both sides hire since had an equal share of guilt, de- liberately opened the gates (o the revolution of untutored and in- furiated masses bent upon wiping out democratic government and establishing the supreme domina- tion of the proletariat." As is not uncommonly the case, the moderate party in Spain has come t•1 grief between the greedy and impa- tient "upper' classes and the extreme C. Feagan, selecting jurors, $3; Joseph Alton, selecting jurors, $3; Wm. !al- lows, selecting jurors, $3: Wm. Sal- uel at $1,200, the property of Robert the position of vice-president and gen- Boyd, of Seaforth. Newton was re eral manager of that road in addition mended until Aetober ins oa ball of ,1r to his vice-presidency of the other se _ -."leftists." As the civil war has pro- lows, stamps ■nd registration fees, 200M1. flops of the National system. Thus chis uoie neuro b $'7; Munictpat World, account, $1.26: It Is alleged Boy& feat Newton he Mme to know tbe organisation, rfvi . has "-pleekw--eer-•K�estnr' •'rte be-enestnngvd ieni-*sett she business a operation of the the party el.wt,ljlt_lad P Ili,,._-__ ter,, 96..7• Valentine Plebes, woNk..l• owner received oothing in return, great railway groups. When. In 1982. bad to depend more and more upon cemetery, $4; Jas. Adams, work In The attempted deal is said to bare the Grand Trunk was added to the the support of the "red" element. No cemetery, $2.80: Melvin Culbert, do taken place In 1934. Canadian National Railways be stutter which side wlne. the resulting nation to Dungannon fair, Ent A warrant was out for Newton two was chosen by Sir Henry Tbom- --'^'- ante win be mew of fere*; for the gree Couni'li Adjourned to meet Ockliiir weeks before be was arrested at Toron- ton as vice-president In charge of -the operating, mafntpnga a >td 'ZotF- ECZEMA •• ant t. stemoewtie---t:oveesmeee, shamed 14 isi.�� upon the w111 of the people as ex- WM. SALLOWS, Clerk, L9- Qauatz_g� �ir_hle J: F*-�,tr�p�.,.� c a brought him t0 Goderlch on Mantas,. �structton"df' ?Be 'wtrote- Nattoaat-sys-' . tem, and to him fell the task of co- ordinating the various properties into an operating entity. Ten years later, he became acting president of the Na- tional Railways, and In 1934 was ap- pointed to the rank of president, report- ing to the trustees a position which he has held nntll his present appoint - . 4 meat. v . Ludon Dcobomlet) Through the whole period of vast - -- .hence le rellroadt*g, Mr. Hungerford • What 1s afoot in Surope? What I.ajared by Here Hitler. At preset. has kept abreast cif every improve- - these two dictators, with all the civil men( and development. As he knew pressed by ballot. will to out of the I reestlon, Either the fasciata or the British Public Wonders about reds will the "top dog." The outcome Government s.e�aaf to either who cannot (/e satisfactory Attitude of Govel nment to people who believe in democratic government. EDITORIAL NOTES The price of wheat has lumped to ASHFIELD ASHFIELD, Sept. 22. -Mr. and Mrs. Chester Rite -hie, pf Detroit, visked with their many A4blield friends this week. Mr, -and Mrs. Alex. Johnston, of Chicago. are Thetisg with their many friends and rrlairat hers Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacKay. John. Mrs. Johnston and Harold attended the Western Fair one day last week. Mr. Alex. Mathesarm and '4011, of Yanrouver, are *Ishtar among their many friends here. -� Wedding bells are ringing loudly! ST. AUGUSTINE ST. AUGUSTiNE. Sept. 22. -Mrs. Pratt. of Brownsville, 1s the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Robinson thts week: Better Appearance ! YOU'LL L4)(1K-11ETTER DRESSED- . 1'OI "GL FEEL•BETTER DRKS$ED- Y(ll'•6L A('TUALLY KE BETTER DRK$$El) When you wear ('lothea measured and fitted by - MARTIN Kr•ing-your Stilts or Overgoabs in now for general repair t, emessitairi Frank H. Martin PHONE 317 TAILOR WEST $T:" ---Afterhavtag charge-"nf-Rtr:-Angtriflae end Lucknow parishes for one year, Rev. Fatter Donnellan is being mowed this week to East Windsor. Rev. Father Martin hs his successor. The regular monthly meeting of the . St. Augustine Women's Institute will be held, at the home of Mrs. Mason McAllister on Wednesday, October 14th, at 2.'(0 p.m. Please note the change In the date -the 14th instead of the 7th of October. Mr. and Mrs. E. Sbarpe and dangtt- ter, Misr Margaret, as eMr. and Mrs. A. McRae, of Ayr, were week -end rtaltors with Mr. and Mrs -Mama die-- AlTlater.'" so_ - iaiflil$ _ t orner Vist/FI/ sad Eitaon Itisi 1 ,txamoism t 1- Now Open for Business FULLY EQUIPPED GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION COMPLETE LIlil OF ATLAS TtRZS, Bit AND AUTO ACCESSORIES Mr. 5113 - 1Fa 'rebTe Ypsser and daughter Margaret, of Bluevale, were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. David McAlllater. - Thrashing and worn -cutting are the smita.of the 41.I. Ju tigheyis1u1je, _ LEEBUIN LEF:Iit:RN, Sept. =.-Mrs. L. Craw- ley and son Donald. of Toronto, and Mrs. M Tobin, of (io)erich, called on friends in our burg on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Freeman and deugbterx Beryl and Alice. of Wain - fleet, let., are visiting their relatives- in our neighborhood. - .l4everal In our burg attent4 tbk London Fair un differept dare Tact I I have Herr Rltler and-Signot above the duller mark. Thar will he land military forces of their totalltar- the weakn*ase* and the Iimltations of week. Behind them. are mekl 11e earl ton Des end the thin* they Mr. call initiative In European affair*?the running in Europe. The policy hauled (which were mere toys eom- tune to fall out of an apple tree on l orae great news to those farmers In the Ilan W ng t y gl Andrew Bogie hard the misfor West who happen to have a good crop, but It w111 not make any millionaires in Huron county. What out farmers would like to see is a letteif4vrlce fur rattle. Mnssolin! wrought to secure their pres- • • • The rains we have been having will soften the land nicely for fall plow- ing. They w111 abet bring along the tall wheat and help the late turnip. to grow !rigger, hut they make the aarveeting of beams ditecuits--Cliotoo News -Record. Wouldn't you think the editor of The News-Reeorel knew ■11 about farm- ing? We'd like to bet, though. that the editorial hand never guided a plow along a single furroa, or pulled • turnip, late or early, or harvested a ban. (Dome now, o rn up: • • • The News -Record says Huron county aawld bre ■ museum where articles which pertain to the beginnings of settlement In this country_ might toe U. Clinton, It says, is the "logical pare" for itch • museum. There U, IJta,wever, as Institution of Dile deaerlp- $s• already in Goderich where a large glad most Interesting collection et -an - I f4 riffai ...ale And what paralysis Is It that has wisdeb has given them their initiative overtaken the great democracies of haw beer* that of Denton: "Ile Britain end t'rauww? it Is credibly.l'audace; de I'audaee; toujour) de reported (fiat when last autumn It t'hudace!" The dlctetorr have nicely seemed that Britain's stout champion- calculated the little more which, they wup of the league, covenant might might vdare to seise with impunity till have forced the Duce to abandon his' each fresh o•easlo0 for their audacity. aggression In hkltjopia, a deputation It la not their atilt If their blues.have of Hellen admirals waited upotl the ilut teen called. They were not mere 'dictator. Their submission was: "If it . foolhardy gamblers. They have shown 11'a your policy to proceed with an Isuore there a spark of genuine courage !action which will precipitate war with I it patting their policies and their de- lft/4411 °At ma be right, and, any I cisions to the test. It I. this deeper - way, we will to y4.11 But we ate courage In them and Its absence in think we ought to tell you, before you I the lenders of the democratic croon - irrevocably ('ommit yourself, that If tries which account for the ascendancy it comes to that, Italy w111 find her- i of Fascism In the European arena and self without a fleet In forty-eight hone's. the decline of democracy. We shall simply be /F►wn out of the IWhat, then, has !rappelled to that water'" The FasecIst dictator Is re- ' John-Itu.1Mb quality of determinatio• ported to have replied : Thank you. »1,1,-11 has es. often in aur own history my ehi1dren. And now go hack to Issued forth NI dogged courage --and your ships end make your rninds peaty. i xnmettmea in skier wllifulnpas, lie- f can poe(tlrely Ito tire you that the lovely egotism or even brutality? To - British are never going to fight, j,cday we are compelled to witness the e haterer I chose to do These Brit- I display of a spirit which errords ish are s0 cluttered up with their strangely with British history and Brent pos*ps*lon*, fin feral Het that traditions something will crack if they make the in our opinion. tat. situati011 is slightest move, that they have (sem- pletely Immobilised themselves. We ;ran count them nut." Signor Mussolini was right. The secret which he know* then h* now Europe le now grave enough to wa'fh rant,eonsultation.. bet WOOS represeata- thee of ail portiere in (treat Rritiln. 1t le_k►e future which matters to tela retry pared with the locomotives and *11 - steel passenger trains now In opera- tion ), so, also, he knows the intricate details and the capacity of the mon- ster 0141), the 5700 and the 0400 types that are the pride \f the Canadian National system today lend which re- present, fn large measure. the results of his 0%10 experience. Mr. Ilungerford's career, however. has been founded not alone upon 1Ns marked aucvess In the mechanical dlvl- *Ions of the railway industry. He has long been recognised as one of the outstanding railway operating om era of the eontinent, and as an administra- tor of great ability. Whether the problems he those of traffic or firmer*, or those related to the ancillary ser- vices such as telegraphs, express, hotels, etc, hie judgment commands the reepef•t of those who have special - tied la much fields. It Ia typical of the man and his method* of work that his peraOoalfty is little known outside of the trans- portation world. He playa • little golf, 1s fond of walking, and In his early day* was a keen l.etna.e player. He is a staunch believer In the Im- portance of fresh air for keeping physi- cally fit, which be regard. as a prime duty, and In the summer time tee speeds e s many Moon es the restraints .f M. Saturday and break a small tone In his leg. Mrs. Horace Horton Is laid up with an uttack of asthma, regnlring the calling of the doctor. We are glad to report there is some Improvement. Mr. James Parrish Is h Alexandra hospital with a broken leg anffered In 1 Ie motor ambient on Wednesday after- noon of last week. Nle will he laid up from wdrk for some time. (laurrh Nstes.-:4ervire In Lcehur■ t next Sundahtt 11 a,m. Sunday school at 10.15 s m. A good attmdanee 1s requested for the resumption of the Sunday sehnnl . September 27th will he Bible Society Sunday ...4)n Wed- nesday lent, the Women's MIa*lonwry i4oe•Iety held their September meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Salloma, with is good attendance. Mise B. Shaw. Oce president. wee leader. The meeting was op.nerd with a (hymn and Scripture reading led by the president. Miss l)llth Horton, and prayer by Mrs A. Ilorton. The pre•si- dent reed the program of the west section Presbyterial rally et Rlyth and stated that this society was asked to , give 0110 number 0111 the program. Mrs. ' H. (Totten gave the ehept.r In the study hok After the meeting a dainty htneh was served by the hast.»» and her daughter. Ratpairg sew An QM Wm. A. Craig, PHONE 518 �--- +' = `-_ - PROPRIETOR • - Seasonable Merchandise ster Specially Priced a AT OODERICH DRUG STORES -WRF.K OF SEPTEMBER 250 M (N'TORER tori FLY TOX 23e 19c 99.11 SWATS - Ilk SI ()ANN LINIMENT 1!!e SAI. HEPATiCA ase MOONGIOW NAI1. POLISH Regular 29e. for 19. CHOCOI.ATR BARS.. .6 far 25e 4Y1'P WHITE PiNE AND TAR 25e and her MASON'S 49 40e, 75‘ SCOTT'S EMILSION..5ae, Sae WRITING PAD AND ENVEIA)I"04 25e WIIAJAMM' AQUA (INA and TALCUM. 7k value fee See IPANA TOOTH PASTE. 4,fe I,ISTERINE 79r I)aggel a Ramsdell' (reams, 29e WOODBI Ri'S FACE POWDER 25e, Ser ('. R. Q. for Colds .. 25e \i('K'S 1•ATRA-N01. 45, MENTHOLATIIM 27e, 54e THERMOGENE 47e CANNING POWDER ...es. 15. PARKE'S CATSUP F1,AVOR 25. WOODBURY'S FA('IAI. SOAP Ilk, 3 for 25e MODEMS 21e. 2 for 39r ('HEWING GUM.. . 9 for 25, - BUY DRUGS AT THE DRUGSTORE - Campbell's Dunlop's Lauder's Wigle': Drwe.w*r. Dvug.t.r. - tryst... Drwr•tsvr V)1114 itOffit61 l;� r"` .o.miale4.�