HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-9-17, Page 8$-Thursday, September 17th, 19011 ff R. F. Player, Ales. Bre;. TFA01fER OF Organ, Plane, Slngl e& 'Timm SPECIAL CLASS 16 ('aledaota Terra's UPHOLSTERING and REPAIRS Neatly and correctly done Large range of coverings WM. WD BalaMoo Street Gedieeieb For hndigedbia• Ian. seidk7 and al ?WIUAI. AT LUCiiu'OW aee.teb trouble -take GASTRONOX STOMACH POWDEP Old at CAMPBELL'S DRUG TAXI Prompt, courteous service. - Reasouable rates. CLAYTON EDWARD Lighthouse Street Phone 616. Curtiss Beauty Salon Naterelk Crogoiook Method of Permanent Waving McGee Apartments - Hamilton Street The special' prices announced last wrrk will be con- tinued until Saturday, September-2i61h__ Appointments may be made by telephone, Ne 346 _"' RAISE HUSKY BOYS AND WHOLESOME GIRLS MILK -MADE BREAD HEALTHY'r1L-APPETIZING-NUTRITIOUS MAllr, IN OCR OWN BAKESHOP ON TRY I'S FOR CAKES AND PASTRIES E. U. CLEVELAND WEST STREET PHONE 114 Threshing Meat, Choice Roasts-.--.1-lc-Ib. Stew • teal ...Ile 12e Roast Iamb O 1St Leg 1 aanb ,1♦. 22I Roast Seal Ile Veal chops 2 Ibs. ter Fresh Hamburg Steak ell., et 2 Ibs. for SATURDAY SRBCIAIL ONLY 15e 35e 25e ROUND STEAK s, ib. 16e SIRLOIN STEAK Ib. 19e WING STEAK Ib. 18e BOLOGNA 2 lbs. for 25e SANITARY MEAT MARKET Ptiuse Inti HaaiRon Street We Deliver Dunea■.IlhoDsstakko Obsequies mi VA. ism base LargelyA'ls■11sd The funeral of ?twist. I1an4 a. 1lottaid, ktllad la the automobile acci- dent near Dungannon on September 7th, was held at Luckuow ou Friday last and was very largely attended. The employees of the Luc•kuuw Table Company were present. In a body and acted a' flowerbearere. The funeral cortege, one et the largest sees In I.ucknow in many years. was heeded by the town band, of which the de,' ceased was a member. The Inter- ment was In Greeuhlll cemetery. Bev. C. H. Me luoald,•-ot. Lut•know Preebyterlan church, was the omefat- elargFinan The pallbearers were three brotbbrs: Clarence, Cameron -and_ Leonard. sad t breeahmelsres-netaneseiminoineallanott and George Webster. GODERICH MARKET PRICES OBITUARY. /111487 AMIN II1QW ITT Mrs. Mary Ann 'Hewitt, widow of tate Lawn- }L lIIEItt 01 the Bay. field road. Goderich tuwurblp, passed away on Titeeday at tbe home of her sun, Frank Hewiyt, Stratford. The re- main* were broagbt-tu (kaierkb and the funeral took place'yeaterday after► noon from Brupbey's funeral parlors, where a service was conducted by Res. ' -\. E. Yoorbuu.,e. The interment was In aialtlaud cemetery. Dec -eared was Iu her eighty-recoud year. Heir hue - band predeceased her only eve mouthy, four children survive: Frank le..wnt, of Stratford; Mrs. Cora Lang - 'ley, of London ; Yrr. YeAlltrtt[► 'et Detroit, awl Mes, Trial Set for Walkerton Brokers Charged with Diverting Funds Entrusted to Them by CIi- sents for Investment The trials of Eldred -and Irvin M. Ernest, cousins, delime(• Walkerton brokers charged with conspiracy and theft, bare finally been set for Mon- day. September teeth, at 10 a.m., In County Ja 'r Criminal Courts judge m - = These charges, which have bees jg,,,eee are for nearly tau years, me +or6rarl. Laeiss-ArgYri-.when ..Arthur Verity. Se.urltp Frauds Cumwission investigator, was sent to Goderich and to Walkerton to probe the Ernest af- fairs. The accused have been on ball of 95,000 each. Each of the young men Is charged xo with tnspirary to defraud. In ad- dition Irvine M. Ernest is charged with the theft of 9201'' from J J took t.l another 1:, to 33 tent drop this week. with prospects of a good late -roll They ey brought tills) to 11. a.. ter 110.1b. hag. as com- pared t pared with $1.75 to $12 lam week. )>ltirrrs predicted they would drop =1. Bacon togs were -off 2.eeiis $82g pee 4411.— Otherwise there were few prier changes. 'Miry Hens, 5 lbs., llc; here, 4-5 lbs., 10e; hens, under 4 lb.., 7c. Eggs mod Butter Eggs, per dozen, ltic-:lte: butter, dairy, Ib., 22e; butter, creamed, lb.. 27e. • • • I'larro Au oil re.Weut of Goderich, knows to two generatiuna ay one of this towu•s most plea•iug vo allata, parsed away un Friday laat, In the person lot Edgerton l'harles Belcher. Mr. Belcher was In his eighty-third year and had been iu falling health for 'setae years. Buru at Suutbawpton, I Oat., the sun of Robert and Mary Jens BGoderich to I Belcher, be came to ulerlch at the JUteau live years and bed d beef ever since. ale war a . .leer by trade. and was engaged lu that business tot Baron hogs. cwt., $$.ZI: beef, lb., 4c -5c; real, 1b., 15e -6c; lamb, lb., 6c - over thirty years, but later was as employee' ut the (3.derlcb Organ Co. until he gave up active empluymeet about eight year* ago. For many years 'be was chief of tbe tomo'• lire brigade, but be will be best remem- bered us a Auger who as church cbVr- irtrr or convert *Moist delighted to • use iris tinebaritone vole for the en- tcrtalouteut and uplift of his hear- er*. His love of song characterised 1 biro to the end, and he was happiest 'Grain when at home or in a gathering of I 'Wheat, per bus.. 93c -95e; luck- :frleuda he rang his favorite utetodles.+- BRIEFS .--- wheat, bus., 4.'k -.'At•; oats, 40e; feed Ile was tmarrled first to Mary .\un -- barley, bus., 55c• ---110t': malting barley, Canteieu, and after her death to Eliza- A meeting of the bean growers of 80e-S5e.- beth • Carrick, who survives hint. Huron county will be held kt the town Vegetables , One sou, George, at home, and one hall, Hensel), at 8 p.m. un Septen ber Potatoes, new, $1.50e --$1.(t5. daughter, Mrs. J. D. Kelly tlIaael), of _ard, taw Fleur sad Feed l'olumbue, Ohio, also survive, several The regular meeting of tbe Women's Brea, 140 -Ib. bag, $1.50; shorts, lop- children having predeceased him, Hospital Auxiliary will be held at the lb. bag, $1.60; Manitoba dour, 100-1b. The funeral took place Monday public library oit Monday, September bag, $3-$3.26. afternoon from bis Inoue, Cambria i at 4 o'clock. road, rib In the absence of Rev. f The cottage of Mrs. Ida M. George, S nes pas or , -cur a A fanner had a dream .Lusted church, the service Was Cron- ransacked at the week -tend, but nothing I }haus of Wiegbam, and of 91,4/5) from Mrss, J. J, JF$OA of the same time. The specific charge against Eldred Ernest la that be stole $T0.84 from A. 1'. Adams, amo of Wingham. It Is alleged that the brokers ac- cepted this money to buy certain stock', but did not execute the order, divert - Ing the mosey to their own use. la the case of the E•raos 4'ouple It turned out that the stuck. would have proved a very ',rentable investment, 11- pur- chased. Head office of the Ernest brokerage house was at Walkerton, with a branch oth'e at %Vito:haul COLBORNE TOWNSHIP O()).BORNIQ TU9ttNSH1P, Sept. 15. L[ as MLgoAy q ttnr-has raturw iL to Kitebener after apenritn her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan McManus. Miss Mary McMillan, of Port Albert, is visiting with Mer, herb. Morris. Messrs, Haw, and Peter McManus, of Colgate, Sask., have returned home after visiting their brother. Mr. Allan McManus, and other friesdsr Mr. and Yrs, Wm: Marsh are speud- Ing a couple of day's ya London this week. Miss Frances Martial and. Misr Elea- ' nor TJ•udall are attending, Stratford Normal ScbooL llenderaue, et visiting at tile twine of Mr. Wm. Marsh. EYES sI EXAMINED AND .t GLASSES FITTED AT REASONABLE PRICE ..wf. „ A. L . COLE - -'b86'r g FOUND ''lit ND.--YOI'NG COLLIE DOG. / Owner may have same by proving property' and paylug for this advt. IYIONE 35. MUSIC HELEN' R. LANE, A.T.C.M. lemon) HELEN' Performer's and' ZlrarheT'a I ION�N6 OPTOMETRIST 91 _ _"•GOLEROH MASTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1. W. MO�ITEITH, Chartered Accountant 89 Ontario street, Stratford. Ontario (Member F'Iratbrook, McLeod & Mon- teith, Toronto, Ontario.) Cooter. Io- Plano aril Singles. Glasses lu ng ng, Piano and Theory to begin September 21. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. G. E. MYERS, V.S., B.V.Sc, VETERINARY SI'RGEUN Graduate of the University of To ronto and Ontario Veterinary College. street. !'hones: Day 200; residence 49W. ,1D. *NT Tilt IMAM IirNDRY, GODERICH, LIVE: STOCK AND GENERAL, AI•CTIONEER, Telephone No 119 Salts attended to anywhere and every effort made to give satlsfac■on. Farmers' sale notes discounted. (Mice at T. T. Murphy's, Hamilton _ DR. r. J. R. FORSTER. EYE, EAR. NOSE THROAT Late House Burgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, a•- sistant at Moorefield Eye Hospital TO RENT. -COMFORTABLE COT- and Golden Sque.re Throat Hospital - 1 TACE on Trafalgar- street ---Apply { London, Eng. to M. W. ILOWELL. EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED TO RENT. -SMALL HOUSE ON 53 Waterloo Street' S., Stratford. W 1I►DElt STREET. Lights and Telepbwe 267. water. J• Apply to MKS. ROBT. WIC- -, Next 'belt -Wednesday, October liJ n 11111 nous and''raise only, 2 to 9 p.m., al Bedford Hotel, (loderich. THE POli1T'ti TILL THFRF �Y 1' Lr t d1 North street Menesetung Park, was broken into and dreamed that he had two thou- ducted by Bev. A. E. Moorbouse, se- crlur is missing, county p0ticr re - lie sand bushels of %heat :old was hap stated by Rev. H. A. Marisa. The. port. i' . pallbearers were J. E. Barnwell, Mal -1 A talky truck, alleged], in charge Then he dreamed he sold it for f, 1.:.11 eolm McKay, A. M. Robertson, Oliver • of a drunken own, accompanied by a per bushel and hi- happiness in- ' Clark. W. C. Prldbam and W. J. An- woman, attracted the attention of creased. drew,. and the flower -bearers were J. -burch people, including Chief But he dreamed now that hr sold it IP. Hume, Allan MacDonald: F. Bishop, - posteletbwafte, a Sunday morning at to Iwo thousand different people and' H. 1L Long, Norman Wark and Robt. , the corner of Britannia road and the nobody had paid him and hr was sad. 1 BUset. Among the floral tributes i paved highway. 1,. N. Proctor, Brua- _PAINTING IM89ON8•. PA I NT1NC1 LESSONS. A clam is Dela* of- leed to • y Drawing. 'Decree. Painting. etc. Also Christina* Greeting Card, - Two hours $1. 'lea lessees 87.50 in ad- vance. " Shorter lesions- by arrangement. Enrol now- and don't miss the first Wt.•n he awakened he leafs -1 out of I was one from North street t'nitedi sets. was arrested, charged with drunk- classes. .-- !bed and ex.•laimed to his wife : "Mary.. church, of which deceased was a mem- i driving, and Mrs. Mabel Bell, charged I have• had a solemn dream and I knees tier of lung standing and also for i'ith iutoxlcatiou. They- wlil.answer the meaning of it. 1 am going to Iwy many years a member of the choir, throe charges In Police Court toile,. that editor what we 11/We h1w for the The lnterweut was in Maitlaud crave The truck was chained up at.the sea[ Da lar tery. of the town hail: Those from out of town who attended e funeral braider the daughter. Mrs, DOMINION STORES LIMITED LIBBY'S T1OMATO JUICE CHECK THESE -E KRAFT -Salad Dressing \N \ T � Mracle Whip -2: - 'fancy 21N _. Keta Feta SALMON- UDLEY E. Holman. Barrister. tie. OIDce-/'Dort House._Goderiek. Telephone 55. , DOUGLAS R. NAIRN, Barrister and Solicitor UMe•e Hamilton Street. Goderb•` Telephone 512. • MARY HOWELL, — Phone 213 4 St- lemma street..ERNEST M. LEE. Barrister and Solicitor Sun Life Building, Adelaide and Vic- toria Streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 5301. WANTED FOR TRIAL WANTED. -MAID FOR GENERAL this afternoon was housework. Apply to THE SIGNAL. at a higher court WANTED. -A GOOD SECONDHAND price to BOX 34, THE SIG- THERAPIST NAL. Goderich, Phone 341 tbe COMMITTED J. D. Kelly, were Mrs. Kelly and Yr -l. John J. sluggard Campbell Kelly of Duntroun, Mrs. Las- •committed for trial sing and Miss Ilial-ou, of $ummerbUL--, • • • EVELYN DEAN A Goderich home . bas been .orely bereaved, and the young people of God- erich have beet one of tblrinuat bt loved members -of their- circle, by the death at Winter Haven, Florida, on Friday last, of Mary Evelyn Dean. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene 1. Dean of tuwu. Miss Clean, with a rouslu from Buffalo, went to Winter Haven almost a month "ago -erne a visit to her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, 1'. T. Bean, fernier well-known residents --n- rat (;tslerlt•I. She bad not been In vigorous health and 00 the Sunday be- ' fore her death she lecame serluusIt :II, and despite all that could be. done �1 c. ' for her she passed away on Friday k -t morning at Winter Haven hospital. ( Miss (lean was a graduate of -God- �•, star +r� ! erie1, Collegiate In litute, where, be- sides taking a high lace In her clatlttea, t , she took an active interest in the Llt- },11e4-,v4Ne -.-erary�(ociety.Lf which she was_presi- • D■ SSpeeial1 Vita -Fresh -Vacuum racked 1 FFE- activltIe'. Afterwerda sb'eentered Royal Vict..rie hospital, Montral,-aaa 'ormo- lu -training. but name to poor bealth she gave up the course and returned to her home. She was a member of _-- -„,Maitland Golf , Nub, of the Uoderlcb 1 Badminton Olub, of Maple Leat Chap- 1.04)4.„. ha 1. ib► 3ks>tae 1 s wxlality�ter's Zhurch. She was also a -member and ofth•er of t Twentieth Century Young Liberal Club. In all her associations she showed a kindly, gracious disposition that en- deared her to all, and there 1e general sorrow at her untimely death. She Is survived by her parents and by two, brothers, Raymond and Edwin. The body was brought to the strick- en home and om Wcdneadtly mot'alag L• a service Was field at Sf. Peters church,' In the prese•nee of a large gathering of sorrow log relatives and friends. The Aletne•k Chapter, I.0.1) E., of which Mrs. Dean 1. .Ceretarr. was repre- roost by memters. Requiem high mass ass sung by Rev W. A. bean of !'ort Inndefo . cousin o1 deceased, as - slated ley Rev. C. F. Nagle u1 8t. Peter's rhur,-le. Rev. . rt her I'a11ou preached the sermon. The pallbearers were Raymund and F..lwlu Mean. Herald' ('alder, John Hughes and John 11111014111, of town, xud tamer s K11loraa. of Stratford. Interment was In St. Peter'. cemetery In Colborne township. Among the leautiful flowers were tributes from the (icnleri.•h i'tddle Lite rery Board, the Goderich Bridge ('Cols the G.C.I. Literary Society, the Malt - laud Goit Aub, the Goderich Baseball rinh, slid Ibe-B3ltItiritrie (TITh. rge WO securities from s of .testing FICO: otlo safe.Kindly send pollen- CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS his clients. lars and I DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER CHURCH NOTES ,—at__ TLtf Alar meeting of the Arthur Mere will he held In the leeture room of Knox church on Monday evening September 21stit 8 o'clock, The Mission Circle of North street United cburch will hold its regular meeting on Wednesday, September 23, at 8 p.m., .at the home of Miss Edna Driver, Huron road. - Victurla street United church Y.P.U. will resume its artivities for the fall term with a -meeting on Monday even - :lug. September 21, under the rdlrectlol of the Christhw citizenship depart - went. ' The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of Vic- , toric street United church was held in the school room on Monday, with Mrs. Henry Breen, priesldent, In the chair. Reaper meat • - A a ' , -1' i t>•- ._ �. . 'retafdr,- --- -.-treasurer ',Bee eery satisfactory reports- __ Mrs. Robt. 0000 read "tbe Scripture lesson, the Sib chapter of Acts: A reading on .'fries was given by Mrs. Chas. Young. Fourteen members answered the roll Th- meat tntc was..sioss P a missionary prayer by Mrs, tl. ••4nArrh'-vreft-wereetrifrrtl-T�1171 hour was spent. he There was a f•ssl attendance at the regular meeting of Knox-httrch on Tuesday afternoon. The president, Mrs. A. Taylor, gave a short report of the Presbyterial rally held recently at t'acen church, Exeter. A number of good ideas were passed on to other auxiliaries at this rally, and it is hQped that a greater interest will be stlmy- t the work CLL She.. devotional period was in charge of Mrs. Sanderson, Mrs. T. W. Taylor/ Mrs.LEdward and Mrs. ('rook, with the president In t14g .•hair. 3 111,2 This MAXWELL ___ 1: HOUSE Tin 7 5C t Princess .\ Fla SOAP a iG _Skop 10 1,—.35c ars35c s Catch's Resell -tut 27e MACARONI PALMOLIVE . SUPER SUDS ,r. ' art' itR CHIPS() I Pie 17 SOAP 5 !,,a'-23(3 I 0-(.z. f W YOU, CAN'T, S1W AT NIGHT d,k COOKING ONIONS 10 lb. bag. 27c SAVOY CABBAGE Large size 10c and 12c Eating or Cooking APPLES 6 -qt. 25c ('hnice �tslit PUMPKik �= No. 21A Tiffss 1S! KKOVAH Isivealth Shite r,ran„d ' ds. Pkg DATFS, Unpittetfi- - 17t 4 Special values effective Ins : rt, 7S,in .., Tits 18! 24- o inion," SIO -RE S LIMITILD (FRET DELIV RI< ON ALL ORDERS) 1 WANTED. -USED TIRES. LiE- ERAi, allowame made, on your Used tires for new Dominions, Bl•:EVElts t4F:1tVI0'1* STATION DOOM AND iI()ARI►.- CENTRALLY Iterated. roomy hoarding honor Five minutes from whim's and Square. Ideal fur students. M118. R(1111 (;(1111). corner Victoria street and F:1• gin avenue. FOR SALE - Equipped with electro-magnette baths. Electronic electric treatments and chiropraetk•. Chronic, organic, and nervous diseases. Lady la at- tendance. Office hours 2 to 5 and 7 W re p.m on Tuesday, Friday and Sat. urday, and on Wednesday 10 to 12 a.m. 001y, or consultation may be bad by appointment. - Monday and Thursday at Mitchell. A. N. ATKINSCIN Residence and oth e-l'oruer of South Street and Britannia road. C1iSURANCE, LOANS. .RPC. ' . R SALE. -=PLOW I't1INT8. i ICKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR I'olhts fc,r all makes cif plows et IIEEVi'RS' SERVICE STATIN?'--- Phone 40 - Goderich. Ont.' VOR PALE -VERT' ('HEAP. A P(►I'L TRY H1)114E. 16 x 50 1t., sompl.•I• ANCE CU. -Farm and isolated town property insured. Coker' -Alex. liroadfoot, President. Seaforth ; John E. I'epper, Vice— Presi-dent. Brueeteld ; M. A. Reid, • Seery- tery-Treasurer, eer -tary-Treasurer, Seaforth. 'pt! to .114' H. ('AMP! LL, Auburn. Direr tura-x.-A efoot, Sea• :forth ; James Sholdice, Walton; Wm. von SALE. DYE HICYCLE, IN ox, I,atrtentora. Cearge I:eofSTcidr, shape. Dublin; John E. Pepper, Brueefleld; BF-EVF:RS' $ERVI('E STATION James Connolly, Goderich ; m. ]'hone 40 (iolerfe h, (int ioylan, Seaforth ; W. R. ArchibaldThoa, ..._Sealert.1 Alex_ MaEsring, ]Bibb.------ OUSN FOR HALE.-trWO-STORY Agents -W. J. Yeo, R.R. 3, Clinton; ttrfva nun on"-reetwS 2fFk r Erg lT"*WT'* WRIT; myth-6/RT 1C7-Pepfr rooms end bathroom, Gond mention. R.R. 1, Brueeteld ; R. F. McKereber, Would exchange for bungalow or cot. R.R. 1, Dublin; Chas. F. Hewitt, Kin- tege. Apply at SiGNAL. OFFICE. cardlne; R. G. Jermuth, R.R. 1, Born- holm. R. SALE. -QUEBEC HEATER, Policy-holders'can make all paymeata with bot water attachments, floor and get their cards recelpted at the coverblg, eombteatIon taps, desk chairs Royal Bank, Clinton; Cattle Cutt's and tables. Apply to EDNA M. Grocery,. Kingston street, Goderich, or CAMPBELL, Beauty Shop, Square. .1. H. Rein's General Store, Bayfield. The Baptist Church Rev 8. It. Nc('lung. Minister 10 a m --Bible School 11 n m "The Christian Reply to the Spirit Of Defeat." 7 pm - "Lessons Prom the House Fly.” RN SMiTI1. Af Alexandra hospital, God- erleh, on Friday, September 11, to Yr. and. Mrs. A. Smith, Aubnrn,,a- 0100. N1T(11E1,1,.-At Alexandra hospital, ftrederinh:4on Saturday, feeptembeT 12. toshtr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitebetl, Godlerk$. a•son - WiLLIS.-At Alexandra hospital, Goderich, on Monday, September 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Verne Willis, ef ibi(lerle'b: A son. DIED ltl'TLI9i)GL`.�-t Goderit h. on Friday', -September,tt--Yttttda M. )tnttedgL aged 63 years. '19f61A71litR.-In Golerle h, on F?Iday, September 11th, Edgerton C. Belcher, In his Hard year. DEAN -At Winter itaven, Florida, 01 Friday. September 11. Nary Evelyn, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs lleM Dean. of Goderich, aged 24 years. •> One To the Citizens of Goderich:- Public oderich:-Public Mee9ng will he held at the Town Hall, Goelerkh. on "Honda), September 21st, 1936. at N o'clock In the evening, for the purpose o,f considering the adsisahtlit) of holding an Old Home Week In 1937. t CARD OF THANES IRA. E. C. AFit.(1FIER AND PAMILY wish to offend their tasteful thanks LO neighbors and friends foeasay kind- nesse* extended daring Mr. Deleber't Illness and in the time of bereavetaset, 11 will be ten years air's, the celebration of our Centennial In 1927. Many of our eitireus and man) of our (11d Ito). and Girls are urging that sueh a tele - Walton he held. 11 our rill/ens are not whole lwartedly entha-,elle about the proposal, the nailer will he dropped. que(lon is not for the Connell to e(tle, but is entlrel) up to the ritisenu of this loon, to make Iheir own decision. • We hope for a large and represenlaltve gathering. H..7. _A.- MacEWAN,