The Signal, 1936-9-17, Page 5•
a' .,r- ..Gaa11L
Thursday, September 17tt, 111116-a
e I 1 over a lattowless chasm tied Hies back I YACHT Al SUMMER HOME HAYFIELD
Goderich to Vancouver in Six Days 4 against a sheer wail of rock. When
we remelted the western level we played Ants Nell Kamen at Gdr, tr eb EaI
--- - • .--• ..-••• follow the leader tkrough the black- I BAYot Toll, r vee S. and Mn.
nese of gtgltt at a seventy m.p.h. speed , Now Owned at Termite Lrwls. 111 LD, Sept.Se, arrived r. end and
(Continued from page 1) Park, B.C., and had a retreehiug drink
and decided to emend rite night la cab- lTuruuht Telrtlraw). returned Tweets,. Mre Iloorhuure
lows where pectureatlue little tarn- tot Ice-cold water Crum the Vermilion Inv Just 1.111/1 'of Seattle. \ sugl r
cottage leu the hike shore and rned Ter, who omit a week In 1'o -
bourse omitted, surrlwu(lyd b a few !firer. In rumlalrlrux with the 771F i A tlrrhutlr iiJp thin true roue. returned with- them.
freer• it war uuticeallr u _ T). Ione'trip•of the previous day', %'r cur mins (Thufg i"
Jay) brought tie to the end or our a ter W(wtlake, Charles (;smell!-,
_ that lreei+ grew early in hollows and on ered only 101 miles un Tuesday over y Wooly this In mind. 1)r. A. V. Gardner, who ha nit. Charles Falconer, Lorna West -
hair in beads rluw journey after a % r 1 delve on the •
the hillsides. There were mgrs on the V g roads which edge of r cliff Itorlerly the Pacific. purclmi+ed the &ewer yacht Anon' yes- lake and Evelyn liewrinhardt motored
hilltops. ldttle lakes, mirroring the rklrted shyer dropout tot huuJCels of fret. i wears in r esamet ''There must t* u•iday, 1s !OM' adca•attug r,uwwer cul- to ltehrrwory for i he. week -end.
.tirroundin billy. were havens for The hairpins rows lo handy, thudRb, Mr. mai Yrs. E. ,1. ['seeder and son.
Rsomething. {Signal ttw veins la one of lager Ito the fierce of yachts.
wild ducks and myrladr of what we for It certrluly was a • hrlr-ralalttg the big sellers here the W I Robert, of I(W'b.vuer, were here over
took to be sem pigeus. Their prem- Jouluey. t m/ !at 1 ".\ yacht eau ler purchased fur the sown., bringing with them Mrs. Ed-'
enee surprised us, for they were es- We mapped one or two buck -deer I U. to yolk • prieo. of a summer cottage, end there wards, who bad spent the week .1n
stilly tbe raver as Hume pretty little which kindly IosiY1 for us bookie the' The forthcoming lure' are all the couveuirsteew of the eutJ1ge Kitchener.
miniature sea gulls seen *round the wad, and in Kootenay Park canoe uWu are a few opinions Irk up on 0 ; in lwr. She is home fur the Amulet." Mr. gud Mrs. ('err of Toronto). who
harbor at Goderleb. r herd of moose, right in •all. The trause4nttlnrutal elrsh. illy. veld, - epee; al, week with Rev. James Parke,
If the Blue Water highway Ir a buck, two cows rod a young moos* Northern Michigan.
The Anona is power cruiser that returned home Monday.
We cannottell ou--
about the many shipments of new
fall merchandise we have received
during the last few days.
But we do invite you---
eik "rlleyvlrrs' parrdlae bark home, the tewrlued tt1 the woods, but two eow "Thr prevent Government 1. ruining has rolled ill the Mediterranean, the Mre. HeuJlcks and mux, who spent to visit our More au(' ver there new, up-to-the-minute Dress
r _ - vestries are that very same thing. On melee mud their youngsters formed a school*, e•untrolliug the' press and tag; Nettie and toe Great lake. nee Ir mns summer with (as Fatr-
tlttte tawYl Jcne_ r x orator rtteeeb. Fabric% and lintive-tre.eitcrtrtrtt direst
lttlr Yubdwit.IJilal ttlsl)l. ? Huish
airtries ll;irm. C1►rs w rat, left on Sunday for their home
N ik..iu lel r w" '_ fur au awed fur tor. we were a evil1 be centralized. It left for man, built vogue sante ago for a Detroit at Birmingham, Mlrh. a our 1
Ra 3 - . ill•mlle 1 R .r.w vra
•- errftt1a esarYe-110 tutnates. At Jy mkl+rrlset.. s uo.(M1M: Mwl• ll tC iiulcar '~ w - -,,.I..rf
we {erred through several townw, but sidled up to within tblrty feet of Roosevelt hasn't • cliaec." where near that Ugure was paid by Smith's mile, were visiting Mee. Fields
We ernes d the border at Portal into Thew. A coyote leaped across the Mlnnewtta : l yrs- for •week.
"Roosevelt will get. Gardner for the trim -belling Il
Saskatchewan ter the second tot lour road in front of ue ■s we drove in O.K.0.1►." I ure craft {bat he claims can be oper- airs. Beak and the Misses Bruck, of
tltru h_tt r1t forth Dakota:
ricers. on Monday mural" At 7 a.m., Wl W cheaply. T .are lu Yrs. C. B. Uhal>ntan'a
•ttrr driving Lie) celler,
Shortly after entering Canada we
saw the drat horse and buggy of the
whole 1,Atle miles. We saw also our -
first cowboy, but he was far from the
romantic figure pictured, by dime
novel*. There were no sta-tuna, no'
dashing . chaps, no sliver -mounted
prancttng steed, no Ill -gallon hat and ttu
one -lauded cigarette rolling. He was
an overalled farmer slouching on a
- ------blanketess a burre.wblekhNahletL
with drooping bead. We determined
to -ace our dimes truce now 11x. '-4
'Nowhere lave to Go"
L,ddentally, the West may lie In
Isw,r straits, hot all cattle and, burse.
seemed to be sleek and fat. one man
we stopped to chat with. however. Bald
the farnwre were attetrfptiig to sell
their *belt before winter, as those -was
ne -wi ter feel for. titeue. Our In-
_ yuruuaut + ytltli tUat .lx -ince 10 one'
foot grain Nmr. being cut when it was
discovered the heads there fairly good.
They will 1e. used for owe.1 next year.
W.• marvelled that the Tarun•r*
wained where they were alter •
drought of t 14.11 years. ....b'y're
-.-t0ttttlr-. I !fiend,
Inn on the -other hand there le no
other Warr 111 go. A few *e11t north,
t..' they are no letter off."
Another di apiwobHwehl was in More
for us toll the prairie. \\•e sae{ nur
first Joyner. and instead tot ouraup-
positton -that they %err Illte ground-
_ horns we thud they are the• rise tot a
*mull setlllreel. They %err saucy
little beggars, roll N0u111 .it un' their
bond lege at the side .f tlw r.wd. front
pa*. crossed, *Mebins 1Iw• traffic. We
sew any slumber wf hawks sailing ma.
0 -olio -ally in the sky ur iercbed on
telephone isoles.
c atayi as p as a summer cottage urunW
A Testi et nest "Ri000evelt wilt be reelected, but -people talk about tbe expene of a ; tentage.
After rpeudlug Tuesday fight st 4 on ge my o e. yacht, but Iia periw u has * suminli' Mr. and Mme, Armand Manistee ate
Waulerwrre, where there was eight cottage, a small motor loaf Is kept In vegang Mr. Mannas' pareatet fur a
degrees of frost, which left -a elm of 1 "tarMon haeru't a chance. He's an- r! t sail u the lake." he raid couple of weeks. -
other 'Hoover. His answer to every -1
U ler to u le•
ler on the waive pitcher, we drove "But a crew- uf'teu men e. needed ee I
thing 1e 'Good times are Nat around
through the Skookuwehuek Valley. de the corner.' We are perfectly otitis .1
Anaea. Who could afford to pay
touring out over tbe prairie to avoid fur' a yacht like [bate' he was asked. ! •
a road under construction. I" (3overaov '14•4441r waw --just -9te" ! - "Test omen*. 1 in mind onty," 1 -
Our third crossing of the border{ ed a rJpited the 1Jowtor. ,"1 bate ked see -
war at ltlugsgate, Into Idaho, at the I You lays your money and you takes' real yachts, lint 1 have neer paid a
2,407 -anile mark. The trip w'aa a be 1 your choles. crew. All the skilled belp ueedeJ
ttlup- petition of previous prairie country as I Well take some ashine here. It on this craft is an engineer;- The
far as Waterville, about country
ntles1 Hartwf _rainhig shortlyafter our aeric- I ,•raw will be wade up_of young lads '
al and this after perfect-- r. _ -
west of Spokiine, with the exception ape tit -Dilater. Nho•wont to + w iJ a`Rwd'rtlel tet:'
Fuel is the Beek Vard
In Saskatchewan we saw many coal
holes dug In the shies of bills. They
were not mines --merely boles In tbe
ground. It would be quite handy to
go out and dig a bucket of tenet in
the l.wek yard whenever fuel was
It twinned hard to imagine or real -
me. but we encountered etretebes of
prairie where for miles In any direc-
tion there was no sign of babttatioo
..r trees. The fiat Wattle Montered by
rolling hills. were held as a Willard -
The first typical Welter,' lawn we
pawned through was F..,tevan, Mask.
Therewee on wide. dusty main street
--Ind bore' another childhood dream
was shattered. Instead of seeing
homes tied to hitt-bine racks and high -I
heeled hombres swaggering about.
there wo re 'rear .cations, a. modern
pnottohtr. 11111 well -kept '1' tomoblles. 1
The W, -.t has guar slaty, we concluded.
(tut of Calgary at noon on Tuesday
we twilight our first elusive glimpse of
the foothills of the Rockies. Impofbig
and In.pitlng even through the base of
the Intervening ..evenly miles,.
We passed north'of tbe Turner Val-
ley olI • fields, burning gas wells of
which were visible for miles before we
reached Calgary on Monday night.
. It the open spares of the prairie
were tmprewtive - and the ferrite of
**ether's MMvenew beautiful, words
cannot descrthe the utter grandeur and
magnifirenee of the Rockies.
_.... _ • .-"`Woida,'IrRinet-Thfar- In'tmr ttmited
• vocabulary', canoe eacr a
ly thole. Impressive miles along wind-
ing roads through those densely -wooded
wnow4•appeed gargantuan, upheaved- by
tbe forces of natrre. or the ice-cold,
rnierafdegrePn- lake• emitting in the
valley,, or the tumbling. cascading
mountain streams. Every supertative
In the iCngllteb language could not de-
.erkte the scene. /tune t11 to ray It
that tb1 country of nature s beet,
Jt, moat overpowering state, maker one
neon for ever entertaining a pasting
thought that man is of very great
' And .o through thin beautiful coun-
try to Deng, a lovely spot In a land
of beauty. Here We spent a pleasant
afternoon picking up aide and ends for
go/nectars and viewing the wonderful
Banff Spring* hotel. We Afro wan-
dered throne{ a garden of Filen. eve -
oral years in the making. and still In-
complete. 1t was a rock garden con -
tattling thousands of ml1 tl-colored flow-
er, and plinth*, tier ups tier, whin
wlnoling stone wait* around beautiful
fonntalnt and cosy nooks. And 11111
magnifierat work la teeing directed .he
a,LOntario man, Harold C. Beckett,
of Eivse44o. The project wa1 begun 1
In October, t1¢64, and Pe called the
Cascade. of Time. There are 24,1100
plants and 1.4011tree. and shrulai on
tbe ferrates to date, and the rocks re -'I,
present every type to be found in the
Reenlist. It 1s an Immense undertak-
ing end when eompletcd will he the
beatify spot of the continent. '
Ass We also fuIfiikd a mw daring har`r' y
ni} ny y rs by riding along
' ' the traits at Banff. The hors must
beet been : inexperienced, though, for
every time we went ddwg the saddle
name up After altotlt fifteen nein- I
ntes we were minima to let the beast 1
' walk hack to the corral.
Tia Baser Parts '
We pawed through lovely ( estry In
Heat Palk. Alberts.-ted'--Keetouly ,
Grassiest olt the Rockies
of the lies Fells Star Park, which . In the short time we've been here btu my lint boat 1 had the save crew ,
we bear the name Jeiry on every hand.
WW1 the turmo r liter hod of thPCulum- for s•cru crus."
We Hud Jerry to everybody it moue
Iola Iflier. the Dry Falls is a Ssathllg Nounuuwl 1►r Gardner
sbeyer drop of 1/a1_ Art gouged out, of 'ether thrri flim Worship Mayor Mc-' .. R 1
liner, popular young picturesque Mayor•. ris the rr,uest s cert there L. !t a
the earth by tree I.rrrlour eroslux of eyOiau stare. sellingto spring and 44.11-
of tele picluresyn Western metropolis, Lem., en,,ruiwer. be islehetete
the great t'ulambts:
- After Waterville we struck Moses who's rMctloneering pn,wlsr to .Lar from cold. all winter. And there is
Coulee, rt1 141 of tour idea of Arizona,
and then, afte-r, a ee-hen-neIIe trip tato
Pine Canyon un a continuous down-
e rrdr, .1 which we adeaneed
westward :het yards over a mite of
wiadit►g V4/1411. WM..tea.. ad -the. J'•.tn
I.1* 1tltrr, w•I.ich runs through a weep-
derful fruit -wowing country. The
times of heavily -laden fruit trees for
wt I e•--arotflwl 14r.lsle - were. ,"• pisuted by.
We reaches! \\'enarc•hee, after a con-
IInuuus : -milt• 41o%11 grade• at dusk.
While there we saw Admiral Ityrd's
p{au.•, which he had on els trip w {tie
South Pole. Against our better Judg-
tueut %r de,idel Nee -we ftlewett Paan•
✓ height ..f 4.071 feet reaehel by a
winding read with net nae straight
stretch longer thin :AI' yards.
(lir the Verse el Nadia( -
Fortunately we followed two other
cars. to driters of welch
knew tate road. But tt was a terrify -
lag e•e.e keeping up with them
at a twenty to thirty m.p.h. clip. Ilad
se Malted until dawn t.. make the trip
we would. in all probability, have made
the trip in nennd gear. It Is a
breath -taking experience to have the
beam of the headlights swing first
u i i Ili th lint 1)
p .r we u 1 s 11w'a a+ wr -n s ti'tletuii lowlier tbao ...Ailing to keep a
been fulfilled. r0 wr are given to uta 11we y4,11110.•
deer. d. • _ve er... ar.nttat a garbs-are.cerate•
Net Hard as Elle Pocket1
• n ,hon• nrawud a summer cottage.
. e
u eth, r o
- - cine' r f eat f
4 1/1R RR t and tie• whole family can be aor11m-
yow stay -at -Homers are up *•- u,,d ubo_nr,l the craft. he ridded.
UrIj10 the West ('oast 1148-11 use oT tlnah- hi is not a 1,,•,t i•h'a. this „Alae .1
vial elifieulties. dismiss your fear. 1111':e e:nhr J. :1-+uuni.•r-rot hagc•. Aboutnuvlbattely. This 3.679 -utile N`c.Iw'ard• at score of members of. the \utioua1
_mins) J:uut was larder the half-ceht try 1444 1'sub a-,• etry:I 1 11w
ne_ fns--tnrn*iw,"44i1s-a>.el. th.nk. _im'r-.,,t1-.111 g' - atai1Lus-.4_1
'1w11-ut .tttu- .)t1eur-
t1, motlwers, God blest - Iheu1. who to the the 1•4,wtte, 1•Iat4-:•L•••e-.
levied n "Iiun•h" to last the first day thole oufoh,,•r.
out, NN' were able to travel the first Titre,h1),1 u• 1 rr pIeihterd •,•1muit t1rn1 'Amen --
three (boy- without buying u hitt. t'' c.nh eitir.u- hrlte ad.•pt.-.I chi. form
oaf. - ' of -summer 1lnlilia y. .At lt.s'l,erler
1'11,1-11: .\ ctou,'g inventor 1. reiswit l this week. he .aid. t1).• harbor wni
roN'derl with y:c hes wi111 fami:il•s
1e. be trying t.. s•11 the• (K,Irut #id1T.'•1 J,lsu.rd. otos 1Is' Nw•k,•II,t the 11111-
:1 Mirror whirl. Is saki tot neike pr,eph ` le,r 1- des• rh•d..a the r.,i hr+ ••Iii t0
'appear lebooketil. This should err sonic other ts.rt. This •,Mattis In
'rattily -he booked Into. nlany other .114,91 ports. 111' :onion
.\nd W1wii.m's self The .\Anon will 11• commanded hs
oft m eke t.e sweet retired eolitudr, lies Gardner himself, NIM E. A,. atat-
ih.vN.., 01110•-1 11114• uN110'. as •the guest
When.. with 'her beet nurse. content
skipper air. Matthew. to ill hate all
She plume,. err feathers, and lela'gruw' Vrict:e';us Wool •••nlrnl at the bridge
her wh,R+'• deck - ... --
That in the various bustle of resort i Jev'k [`choles. Jr- s u ,.f Lon `Scholes.
Were all too ruffled and stenetimee ice•Diamond N• ells %inner. %ill be purser
leairwl.--Mlllou : of Ito• Anima. 1
DUNGANNON, -Sept. Ytl.=its. sod
Mrs. Utelrille Seboltshauer, of Miiver-
teat. *ere visitors with the latter's
.broth. -r. Mr. H. J. L. Eedy, last week.
The Women's. Association of the
Vatted ehttrrh meets HAS Friday -afters
µnun at, the home of Mre. Samuel
Mr. and Mrs. 1101)1. Moore visited oo
Sunday with their friends,- Mr. and
Mr.. ittehard 1'Wtslne. )Ibeppardton.
Mr. Jas. , . i'rutkshauk. of 'Formant
was . -a visitor on Nionday with Mr. and
Mr-. Wm. {tray.
Mt. and air.. "4111. Ilultry and graud-
se,tt. Hilly tlrnr)- .,f - F'Ie,.hrrN4t1, wore
wheek with relutives here.
alis 5'rlile P1•n11111111 now -veil to 1►11II'
ttna1,,n1 with thein after _.Ie•udtug n
ni1mt nt Fl.-h.•rtou.
\Ir. John Slut vv and Miss olive
stow. .'f Loudon. visited 111 Sauday
nt fire holm. of W. .\. l'ullert. On
their rvlilnt they were accompanied by
their: hrother 1trut e. who ha1T eloiu(
IIle pest week there.
Nev. John Walker. former foiled
chin It pa -tor here, had charge of the
morning worship On Mnudav amt 1141
,11r11•'.I 1t1111'Y4 w.1 r•y .err ices at the
e'r•we npp.eiulment afteruew,n and
1•ceutu :.
iforn on Friday, Septe'uber I1th. iu
Goderich hospital. to Mr. and airs.
.\h,• Smith. 6111 1.1411.101.11111 oft West
%Vowano.h, a tam. congratulations.
\Its. Peruke Roach Is spending a
few week• In Goderich.
\1'm. 4'ntls•rt. won of W. A. Culbert.
111) ,rHMeeshtn of Ashfield. has been
eleo•ew •1)y- (i:: H. Palerwu. agricultural
repre.entatiee ',,f Bruer, to take hitt,
Shorthorn .611 to the \Weslrttt Fair at
Innolon William belongs, to tbe Luck -
These Grocers in
Sell Kellogg's Products
Kellogg's Corn Flakes '
2 pkgs. for. 15c
C. M. Robertson ,r, --►
arehouse ` Croceteria
3 pkgs. for 23c
Pkg. 21c
2 pkgs. for 23c
Stop and Shop at Fred R. Price
1/2-1b. CQQ0MALT ..
10 lbs. HONEY
1 Ib. Red 'Band COFFEE and 1 KacBeth Ctlp and Saucer 59c
10 lbs. GRANULATED Sl Ga it,
L I M IT E f)
- P11ON2-461 - __1$U D:iri t
When you require ---
we are prepared to show you an exceptional assortment of
Drapery and Curtain Goods at prices that would appeal.
stow Boy.' Club and is going with the Ann Jan Me.\111ster and Mr. John
I. twootiose.members oa Tuesday next Tigert of fort A1t'ert. They will re -
and returning oil 1'hirreday. - This 1a4 *Idle at"tlfit groom'* twine at fort Al -
; the second year in su,ce•sslon lie hiss beet.
exhibited at the Western Fair.
Mrs. Tho.. I'ark and Mrs. {'has. Al-
ton made n trip to Myth oat Tuesday.
Jli.- intdotrle aletunald ha. left
for 4'hesl.y, w here she has a Istsiliva
:It the hoer of Mr.IFrcl Fowler.
• Mtt `i-ernn - Vernon. of Trowbridge.
a gu.•.t wile Itcc.•u,'d airs. '1'. R.
Tarter. -
\lis. Emile Mct'lure. of Codcrich,
.there the week -end at- the -home of her
parents. air. and mfrs. Wm. McClure.
w'innle Mo4'lure, (t.N., who.
.eoet .several works' in Toronto, has
1, I -ti rtt,'i1 Wane. -
holly Day $e•rcieeM are being ob-
served in the 1'hb'st church on Sun-
Itnru on Wednesday. September Is;.
to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Errington, the
Galt,e1 of Went Wawan,, h, a
daaitit,r 4'ongrat,lati(us'
Tigert-McAlllsber.-A quiet mewl -'i
ding *as At lemnimet at the borne of the
bride, at 4 p.m. on Monday, when Rev
J. Gr,ytbegan uultel in marriage Mrs.
Specials for Saturday
Leg Lamb ----- - -.
Lamb Stew .. 12c
Shoulder Roast ... ....15c
Veal Chops ...2 lbs. for 35c
Breast for Stuffing.. .,._1144-
Chuck Roast ...13c
Rib Boil 9c
Hamburg Steak 10c
Robinson's Meat Market.
Il till!."I'1►\ .Tl;E'ET
Phone 36 Free Delivery
These Grocers in
Sell Kellogg 's Products
Try A. & P. Stores`
He 'frlITCHELL-_.
RED ROSE COFFEE 1 lb. tip 39c
1 LARGE PKG. LUX, 1 LIFEBUOY SOAP ...Both for 24c
No housewife can afford to miss Kel- 1 Can Johnston's Moor *ex and 1 Bottle of Furniture.Polish Caany
logg's Great Harvest Sanr COCO! Right now, ILLArTE Sflv.r Polish All for
'$ TOILET SOAP 4 cakes fortlbc
your grocer ea
s u
r a s= os"":- --- for lsc
Cereals and many tempting foods at
special prices -the greatest value
of the fall season.
YOU KNOW how the price of grain has gone up.
But for this special sale -your grocer is still
featuring tiny of Kellogg's delicious, ready -to -eat
cereals at the lowest prices in their history.
See your grocer and sloth your pantry shelves
today! Oven -fresh -ready to serve. Great for
school -day breakfasts. No cooking. Kellogg's save
you time as well as money. Made by Kellogg in
London, Ontario.
Friday and Saturday 4 Specials !
FANCY CAKES • 2 lbs. 29c
RICE KRISPiES 2 gal`s'. 23c-°
Ja Calvin Cutt Je J. McEwen
Phone 116 or 216 -• t Peons 48
'Neter as
s .t ,
'snallir ' 11/1.1"2,,i1114yws '.mat ....r; #imir.. .
_..,v _tme -