HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-9-17, Page 204 XVI Ittr 1 -Thursday, Septemper 17tb, 1900 11 sh Established 1008 Neither of ('anadiae Weekly News- _ NEI AtltloClat{oL _ _ _ _. -.•--��.. _:: I Mort• OANADts', Published every Thursday moralag, Subscription price $2.00 per year, 11.50 if paid is advance. Subscribers to United States will please add 50e for postage. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LTD. W. 13. Roberta.% Mdlter and Kaaager Telephone 3i% : Ooderteb. Ont. Thursday, - September 17th, 19110 • • THE SIGNAL - GODERICH, ONT. Steamer Tashmoo Raised from River _ A.1511121.Y^ PROTEST - - -..tie- yubn('-littlltteree tames has done well In registering • protest with the Provincial Power Commission against the let reduction which, ac- cording to report, the Dein L sios pro- poses to make in be Nhll*e•ale price of power to msleipai * to the Nia- _ pea system. It is> `fit ttllti thig, redoctte.. may be $2.50 horsepower. The injustice of 014 • proposal is readily seen pbeo It to realised that tbe reduction will meta a lowering of I, 1 1 WlreekiaE Joblii. Success- fully uooess fullyCiompl.etaat Amherstburrg From Tbe Amherstburg Eche. Sept. 41 "11 couldu't les done, so they dill it." That aptly describes the rais- inof t the p►kasure....atram>;r.. Lulls - moo from the bottom ut tlw 1►etroit River on Saturday afternoon by Cap- tain J. Instrl Megueen and his capable maw.--13411-bestesbad beep -t herr sloe . ba n1WL-of Jeaw-ltd whew_itr-bit a rock in the ttu11V AAaed•-elfahnei tt11R made a run for the dock of the Bruu• ser, Mond Censda, Limited. where it sank after 1,400 passengers aboard had been safely put ashore. The sunken 'raft bad defied the efforts of one sel- necompany to raise her end they had hive up after •ip'ndNnc Sealy two Months on the Job. The e'ontract was to -let to (`sprain 'McQueen and the wrack was removed In record time. The Cofferdam about the hull of the Phil Osler of Lazy Meadows 13: HARRY J. BOYLE "A Country C►urdyard" - 1 pies. waylay.. it ',was wy Iwlug to sort of happy that made rate want to bump me up against something and take some of • the whistle out of me. - That's the! way 1 kook on it mow, but of e.mrse I didn't think any - lilting of It ltfen. I was Jugging dowu the East I:i.c row! tlw other evening. and it was out Tor ttt4:e wenn tett nights that make you begin to think that maybe Natoli 'has gut herself tied up in a knot and gone and given us a sample of spring liucteud °Lon.. with a crag ut jays' In it. I felt pretty goal. because i loarA..hesuroseerstisuroa Tim x.,.--••' } u we hal-bild-a couple -of ,huts Of apple - Joel, and then his wire Iuid Made u• some fresh wheat -cakes .meet up with maple -syrup and blot dales of butter on thein. 1 was whistling and singiug as much as my cracked old voice would atlas when we cable atauag 1&giPty- vanl. Now 1 have' htwii past -iltat plaice a titousattt y'!sh"iMF1(lars 1v out thtakfng about it. This true was different. Really. 1 rant Iwagtue what it was. but 1 had a notion that. 1 should go In that cemetery. 1 hub. tied Annabelle on by with the feeling as If 1 was running away from some- thing. At last 1 had to turn back and tie Iwr to the gate and go in. 1/own the little lath I went and by the slabs of umrlde that are standing over alp those old-liwwra that 1 knew. Round about the Matt spruce tree price to Toronto, Ha to. M boa1 other municipalities of tea per teat.. the was finished laced ab, utter which the canvas was placed about the out - while to (loderich It will aeon a re side and the large pumps put In place. duction of lets than six per cent. This tiaturday morning at 10.00 o'clock the would Increase the dispa to rate. I pumps started to operate, taking which already repreesats ty ban-: frim •hr iwall. (.caul progre▪ se was (neap unjust L town and matte for several 1 . and It hooked cipallttes In its class. j.as If the Mot would rise with little -- Wtiltag at" -IL -11 -TIL r- WIy:'H=111111 ttltr. _WtrA--at the - tines No Ill Effect from Government Saving Ontario House in Old London Closed, but Canada House Doing the Work Toronto. Sept. ick --The other day Hon. Vine,itt Massey. Canadian/Vigil Commissioner lu luudun, reveal to the Toronto ('awuliau flub plaits for au lutensive campaign lu the British biles to ia,pulariae Canadian products. This cawlaigu had beeu described by *epee- - se She .. of a :...Nfi• eH> planned campaign ever launehe•d by a Dumintw-lte-the ltd Country. -- -Mc- ---M - liaise' -r auuuuucrueut of the drier to develop the BrltIah market was wade aeve•rpl days after lieu. Detteeu Marshall, Ontario Miu(etcr of Agriculture, had ekpreseed the coutk" tion that, despite severe drought, farm- ers .of the Produce would experitace �"tiiiri,► tw`ti►�be &Hartle and the overseas ni rItet dttTing the next year. Jibe high Elemmiadoner's plaus for a drive to capture British markets to Canadian producers would sees to bear out this c9outentiou ut Mr. Mar- shall's, rand the meat els months will tell the story. When the Ontario ' Government closed up Ontario House in Loudon shortly after coming into Mee. much criticistu Was directed at Premier Hep- burn and his colleagues. 1t was claimed that an important channel of outlet for Uutario-grown sod utauufac- are" six graves and I sat down and tared -(►rewluct� had Iweu ilea by reason H•eat it una " T means a saving to Tomato of oyer broke down and It was • struggle to half-a'Iallllowdoliars pee year, .0irilnin 11u. progrt•aa 221111.11- luso-twee madie, fine to the many kwk. around Ha lite of sea tljy a quarter of a ' million dollars, tot London and Wind- hull Then, tae. the stern and the I the paddle wheels on both sides of the aor about 0164000 *Itch. Among them Mow of the boat were many incites these four clues wId absorb all but higher than the oiehlle. where the en - 4a fraction of the totsaving made by' Ones and the seven boilers are ,. lo - the entire Niagara s tem. at's'. 111111 the hull seemed to be 'breaking In Deo. More pumps were As The Signal noted at the time the t twreck ProvinciaP Power Com organised under the 11 went, the Commission 1 three city men, two trot one from Hamilton. I smaller municipalities god asserted their Agit to reprewentetlou on the Cu Yeas, there wits l'ow. hack to our th school -days we used to plan that soutr day we were going out W -Mouton,. and l i' isee ase-a-rawk---...Tile (+c+verameatn I reason for Its fietiyrt was that Ontario SEPTEMBER WOOLCOT BLANKETS Beautifully woven cotton and wool Blankets in clucks and plaid patterns, finished. and bound singly. Pular, mauve. greens, rose, blue,'trolld. Size fill x $1.87 tiff. Regular *_'..! i Each 1' REVERSIBLE BLANKETS b'iur,t all pure iv„ol Blankets, beautiful- ly satin -Lound. Extra Large size. 1{evci'•il,lt• int Kull anti blue, mauve and (;old, green $5.98 and ;;old. Regular $ i itt. Tach . , T MEWS-FINE-SHIRTS- price Ei f E--SHIRTS �uprlia► broadrtuth ut-- neat patterns. New fused-roll/1r attached.-.1'iizes $1.35 1:Y to itit•.. Speeiai MEN'S SOCKS SPECIALS FLOOR COVERING Heavy quality felt base Oilcloth, in 3 yards wide. Per Ittft)are yard LINOLEUM RUGS ON SALE 506 Size ;Ilia i 4 yards. ()u Sale. $13.00 4 x 5 yards. Ou sale.. • • -$17.00 HANDAERCIHE JOIE 100 dozen Christmas shipment. Dainty nifigrJla and in every color aud combina- t►ou. , 1'Tglia$ ir1iabrie with rolled edge* tS%jal 4 for • s White hem -stitch Handkercl,iefa, 1 - 16 - inch hemstitched, all -linen 5 for 2 Soeks. Jledi• Jiro', All- l'arhntrr. S k All -wool HALL RUNNERS um ul heavy weight its unusual (hole. of Ar Sixes 10 to 12. Pair • Axnunaters and by the yard. 1� 27 ;pehes wide. Per ygrd - Buttenick Patterns all in lor'dctober and Defined- tor on dole - W.ACHESON&SON CARLOW - 1'ARIA►W, .kept. pi Miss Marsha A. l'uter...•. it \ of T.......L,_.o, %jailing her e9ousin, Mrs. W. II. Reed. Ills+ Townsend, of Toronto, i, spend - mg a few days with per aunt -Mr.. Jnit I :t 1 •etung. The a i'.S. met at the home ofsMr. John 1'oi11tg on Thursday night. with Miss MIlwaito iu rliarge•. The Ladies' Ald held a successful sale of Maur cuokiiig sat Saturday afternoat in Guderich. e Rev-. George Wylie 'ea. ba. k lu his owu 4,11101 on Similay after thrice Weeks holidaying in dlff'rcut Iola es. _Next Sunday is .Rally - I1ay iu - :ell the elutr.-he.. when it is expected eteryoue w I II be out. , W. M. S. Meeting.-TitA sl'.M.a met at the home of Mr-. ,1,.1.. .t. 1 toter ou Thur.dsy-. Septr•wlwr•Itit6, with ttte tier-presidt•ut. Mrs. Mo 11waiu. in the astir. Thr meting upend with sing- ing aqui prayer by Sirs. Walter. sr. The Scripture lesson was taken by four members gititag verses un the 11u•we•, the Spirit of J.' -'it- I:hr•. Vict"ry " -The devotional leaflet was read by Mrs. Morris After,the minutes and roll o stil, the arranging for a tooth at the s,-h.ad fair on the 17th sus at- tended to. The sixth chapter of tlw study Is,uk. "The Nen Africa.- aa. taken by Mise. Clark. The meeting elosd with the Doxology and the Miz- pab beued1t•Uew. The Itusteess, assisted by her daughter. -erred afternoon tea, rind a soda! boor ass. spa•ut. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Allan Wilson in October. i w. and Mrs. Walter Scott, who were re- cently married. An address was sly_- rn ly Mr. Peter W. Jt9►tt, uncle of the 1 Wharton Echo) grosso. rhe hrlde and green erre at` the present time some 200 pk•k• ' the eI.sFag et (tltario House. awl fiHr're•tplem. of mills 1... -thy arttt-ese---ere a osenbinx -the- Prnlarnllta foe -- at farmers of Ihr {'naiads would pts Kift.. c of the .sprue.. and white snot ._ .-lihe_:11'__L-_ -1wW---11lxjr..Gni(._9ti'1•<tplLrell_111n:_.(£ty__t_.__Thtwr "sows must. be : of the tall ..•.sou oil Wednesday even- picket green before the seed pods opt4t anti release the well, Thla ier.dtate• the pickers 4?ftlabing the- tree, hetree•. for fir topmost ivm•s. „ , 1'am{.tootle 'l'io dee, of nal {ru gram The rooms are tailed ready for 111e vt n. in ehnree of Miss Margaret itt- fe•rsou afoot Rev, 11. %Viiso.a►. The Scripture lesson sas from I'salut 24. 11r. It.Iph•1trtdt•r.nn, of Gotiet•Irh, fa- vor's! with a so:u. Mr. Harry tntng, of GoMrielt, gate au interesting tall ou "1'Iw \recd of 1'outide•nee" Instru- mental mnsic was gives by Mr. Har• ,t' Mel soael - 1,1"y,1 N'a:d.•tt and Ned Ttnapi...ot ,o vioItan, Itt. Edgar Ilow- att on guitar, Mts. ,k'tut MJh.well ae- cowpauyhtK on the' piano. The .losh.g layout was'. "Tome. Every wool by Sat r rppre•s e, W. M. MeeetIag,-Thr W. M. S. meeting, wast held oto Wednesday after- noon at the I • of Mrs Albert Walsh, with forty-five prevent. It ea.;also a birthday parts, ee•Iebrating the seventieth.hirtbrtay of Mrs. Holt. fw•h:ntau it sat also Ida honor of Mr.. J. E. Ellis and Mrs. John Cook, who reentiy had birthdays and are the oldest mrmta•r of the moiety. 1he me'i ti uta'ttt'tt with the• tinging of "Thr I..trd if the Harvest.- fel- los ell by prayer by Mrs A. Walsh, w dao halt ch.trg.• of the• devotional pro- f/ram. The devo1101a1 leaflet, 'The Woman of Faith.- was read. A piano . duet was given by Mrs. i'utmerson GODERICH TOWNSHIP Rodger ala, Mier EgiN' Nev- e real readsc ings ore given andd the (imp - , ter in the study Mask on "Eduratiou" 11•1114KRIIit[ '111/WN111III', Sept. 15. -Miss Myrtle Ryan, of tkoderich. exited Last week with --her grandmoth- er. Mrs. R.Att. Mcllwaln, sr. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Longmire and family, of Goderirh, visited on Wed- , uesday with Mrs. Harwood and family. Mins Mary Bogie, of Nile, is at the home of Mr, and Mrs.'11 roller, taking rare of Mrs. Fuller, who baa haee quite ill_ The cora roa't which was to be held 1 on EYiday evening was necessarily post- poned at account of rain. Dra leek (ledb-Mr. and Mrs. Ar- , .thur_Tlchborne opened their borne On Tuesday evening for the September , meeting of the Dramatic Club. Twenty- seven members were present. Dom-; 'noes were played, with the honors 1 going to Ethel Mellwain and Norman (Fuller. Eris J. B. Orr was chalrinan } for the program, which consisted, of f. 1.rommunity **ging_-recitation. - _"The I Palter of the Shingle," by Elva Orr;; solo, 'Y'aatlea In the Air," by Mary Narwods,•relee'tloib'ly the Hermonk•a 1 Band. The roll call was responded. to' with "My 1'et ilrievance." Mrs.! ' Harwood offered ber home fnr_tbe Oc- ' tober meeting. tench was served and t a scw•taI half-hour enjoyed. Union Chinch Notes. -There was a • good-sized coogregalion at. (Union on i Sunday, wben the pastor, Rev. A. E. Maoghouiee. delivered ■ Inc address from the text Time (church of God, which •[1e hath purchased with -111m own !blood" I Ae'ts 20:2141. [hiring the Sun- day aloud session. a duet. "Lift 11p r TlitNIP-111”12;" was song try' Writ 'Mr: don I)rr and Harold (hedger The September meeting of the W.M.N. watt' hetrl on Wednesday afternoon at the hone of Mrs. E)rnrst Johnston, with thirteen present. Th.•re was no sew•• ling done. The de•votlonnl exercls'a were In t-harge of Miss Ethel Mcll- wain. The Scripture lesson 1St. John 11-171 was rend responsively. Prayer was offered by the leader. The roll call was respnndel to with the text word. "Light." Mra. Phillip. read a poem eolit ed "Home." It was Ile- itded to draw for the new quit( at the next meeting. The meeting (oloaed with the ford'+ Prover. bnmrh was served by the hoeteme._....Tbe macrement of the Lori's Supper w411 iwe dlapehsed at Union next Sunday. Sunday school at 2 p.m.. prear•hing eerie, and sacra- menst 3 p.m. Alt members :and adherent( are cordially Invited to this aervirr...:. lnnday, 'September 27, the Rally pray merrier will he et/Inducted at ttnlon. MONEY POR THE PENINSULA w real 14,W-111111. ter.. or wa}-la• go suer s Huu.r ors mealy a dujolicatiuu of work on the 11'. I'. hallway in la liar• nada House, the headquarters of the /'uuutry'. out diel w•Ith Ilse T. B. t'anadiau Gn t'r.tawut hi the Mother when h.• esus only fourteen. .and, and that it was a' needless ex ilea, Higgins, w•as gulag to la. a to. low Ilett wrote Iwwti,-. l;ot Hiarri,.,p'la•udittre• of mune}• to maintain a when he was Isenry and was Gwr lousy costly bnllding loud stag. This reason during the forty years Before Ile died , wa. our cousidend it guest and s ,rung tt to the ion.. : these were soon fiel.H11 1,11e to the thee. but lir. Ma.- dusters was re- s aft lulu a wtMflMl. hhrtlR _about 4.(M►. trykag to look after his wife and way urn Guterd- l'.'ilo•k the tnrn 11nue and after that 'children to ,'err thank of writing ,. i 'ry'. adAr•i+be[ore ttw+l'anadlan Club Isa,k. : taus a different t„tuplrxiva un affairs. c•oroutol of tits,' the wiule 111111 Itlat111r-,•tune to Mary \dna.. Poor lifts 31.r in Aloe first place, the forthcoming Toronto and the top it wasIstrhlplacel over she • Is time the 51... ith•d hruk.•t-hearted. t'our... it !''ampaign to 1w it "netted by the ('una- it'd( caused by the crash and after al w11w l" s put in postilion only,olet"s wit..twasthe,.war.that c•lttatol-ftet..� long l.dt:uf High l'uruuissloarr in Great ltrl- ._. _- together and 'ne.r.xary t.. keep the water ,Offs At as 1 eau remember Mary mantel to.: talo' Is now going t.. coli Ontario a me sort of !WIlii $ lay the roustss of this havea homeof her 0W11. ala w•as l singa dollar. Tlw shuts cost will be laslon. -e proud Malt were taken to the I promised to Fred situp -son. lout he ! borne by the ,IM,minlnu (ioverumeti, barber of the Island 1,11it•s Limited. at u''vrr came Mack [roto v").•and 313ry• I which uiniutainso•(hnatla Mouse. Se- 1'the north .end of Reds Rinne Island. by 1 hayed ,en as lit.reriau down to the vtntutotarto preduierrs will reap Ju.t as mlly,uch iw•neit from the eatupeigu as though (ltotario House still.tau•liuuel Tlw campaign opens In Glasgow in (blotter aemi every large centre ut popu- lation will he vieited. A tremendous Cate that his country ►a back again marine engineering feel and speaks , to go to New 1 or and to eat Ila• I onslaught of pwulrlleity will accompany _ just about where it was in -1914. ready I well for the ability ut Captain 11• - , stage. He took d,ntclug lesson. Mack Hie campsi'u and newspapers and to defy' its uel hbors andplunge Into (Jlie-h atoll the na.mlrr, of his sal- j_ 11 110 • days wlwu ,.„.rylwwly ,n,t,idrnri i radio w(I1 carry the slogan, "t'anada i it u otos and he wa. ali wet to g•• until (-ailing. And Ontario psrncintta will cloging c'etlllpapy. 1w• itt the forefront, for this Province war with the hope of emerging "top tea sitttudity atoll Sunday htntirw).''the day the timber fell on his down rt dog'; cad enforeto its will on Euro • I ' Msllnw''t barn raising, Ile was •all is the largest producer of diversified t Europe, closet the operations from the whore perhaps on tbe world. Hitler's defiaoee land there was a ertwral sash of relief it -ripple for almost forty tato year.. . products in the [ksmhtlun. Grabs and is directed to the demu.•raetes, but par- when it was definitely kuowu that the Tile Ihrylr Twins sero always wan: 'meat' and honey and fruits and canlwad Ibrittle had been won. hag to 1w together. They figure! that vegetable,• all the finished products Ocular!, to Russia, and he declares wlw•u glary grew up they would owu .a will les Irlrsootiest ta•fore the eyes of the that the German army Is ready to !when together. Tlwn the iufiu,i.•e British public. And manufactured engage with its foes ST. HELENS - took away' their parents and what prottets will not be forgotten. -I the (nosily was broken up they hid to Scarcely a l'rorince in Canada today that. Herr Hitler has gone mad with I ST.. Ible)LENS, (fere. 14.- Mr. and 'k" to different folks. 1 heard that maintain!, an ogler in for old Country. :' Mrs. ('1iff and eon Donald attended filet .twat years trying to find each The gruwth of Canada House and Its excitement; but the circumstances sug- 1 the Reed .p,lcnlc held at Stratford on 'ether. Tlwy did at fast -just talwoul activity along many linea makes it un - IS HITLER INTENT UPON WAR! the Lugs ['routers) and Henry Stokes, where 1t was !mooched. The holler, and engines will t* removed, atter littler of Germany has been making which the hull will he scrapped. speeches which would neem to indi- I The raising of thin Mot was a gee vdllage•. Almay. Iotartkrl and rtrve g•et thaI beau.' of her Wow either. • Jing 11enis vv.'s. the finest aetr,r bars In the days of the old log school that 1 ever knew. lie was always planning It would be charitable to presume gest that has words were premeditated and that he and the real rulers of Germany, of whom he is the tool, have a definite design and purpose in sending forth these apparently insane provo- cative utterances. It may be that in- ternal conditions In Germany are such that soieethieg is needed to distract the minds of the masses of tbe people • from their condition of _servitude to the war machine. Or It may be that Hitler h putting op a big front to frighten France and Britala into tutu- _ tag back to Germany the colonies which were taken from her In the Great War. Having already warm to kis own satisfaction that be may w-itlt,im- punity trample upon the treaty of --yd..,u a-k.t . Wute.._nat t Jha thlt he should believe the yh'turs of 1918 to be now so enervated that they ' would aceede to almost any demised K•turday. September 5th. 'when they were all tuc•ktret out. Naw• necessary for a -Province to maintain Mr. and Mrs, A. Pollock and Mia ! Hwy are togt•tlwr, but there i. six [eel Its own separate establishment. The Minnie Hyde. of Kine•ardine, were visitors with Mr. James Hyde last week. The seh,a,1 fair will be held at 8t. of earth between thew and the suit- Hepburn Gorernment has saved bun- drels of thousand» of dollars,by clos- ing up Ontario House and it eanpot be truthfully said that the farmers of llntarlo have suffered as a consequence. IK course, it is very nice to bave a Pro- vincial headquarters la London, but It's as expensive proposition. In these days wben governments are bent ono making every dollar pay its way. lus- uries cannot he afforded. Maybe In good times Ontario will again establish 1ts own once In London, just for the prestige of having one there, bet In the meantime the Dominion Govern- meotr is doing exactly the' same work, and, what is alto Important, paytag the entire cost. - light. I Rot up and weft out. stool as Aplt nalwlle went up tlw road I cewldn 1 Helene on Tuesday. September 22. help thinking how Fate sort of elwat- Kr. and Mrs. Stanley Black. of Port I us alt. Elgin. were reerat giteets with Mrs. R. J. Woods. Mr. Arnold Woods is on a trip to Toronto and Orangeville. A191fyIDLD, Sept. 18. -Codas Mar - Mrs. J. B. Rutherford revolved a , garet Armstrong, of Chicago. Is visit - telegram Monday morning Informing Ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John her of the death of Mr». Neil Stuart, I MacRae. which aratred after as operation. I Mr. Ralph Cowles of Kitrhener,mpent Mrs. Stuart was a ♦Ltltur at Mrs. the week -end at the home of Mr. D. A. Rutherfoad's home and returned two matDonald, weeks ago to her home at Evanston, Missies Dmma sad Jape Rost, of Ili. l Goderlch, visited with Mrs. IiaHone Women's Iantkute.-Twenny-ef ht ,one day last, weffh. te, George n itute _e_ ,al Thursday afford.. xtii Liotta Mac1 18 KTh a at u[a a s..a ("soleal tiueraPrting $-+hp Wo lierts men's inrltlhite t�thn hums f -this. rnnAtgiT Rltgfa ]k•t T 7th -Kin a noon. Mise Mary Murray. the ,nor' spent the week -end at her home.. ( Mr. Rod. rinlayaun and Mr. and ASHFIELD rather than fight's in the meantime Britain is rapidly re -arming; trance has an Immense army ready for any eventuality. and Russia, although'.he Is cultivating the arts of peace ratber than those of war, Is prepared /with vast resources to resist ally ■ggreasion aimed by Ger- many against her. It would be well for Hitler and the overloads whose puppet be Is to ponder --weft tide have learned from the events of two de•atiea ago. EDITORIAL NOTES The rains are spoiling the little potatoes. • • . The next holiday will be Thatksgiv- � ing Day --Monday, October 12111. . • • • Premier Ileptwrn knows his onions. it any rate, he has a crop of 30,000 bushels of the tear -makers on bre Elgin county farm this year. • • • The T roatd Exhibit don is over, Lon- don's doe's W Fair Is on this Werk, and the tsar& will be clear for the Godertcb Indust hal ElhlMtirat on Tuesday and Wednesday of next weee's. • • • _ • Two stories by Baron llunehausen, Ws world's West liar, are inelndesi In the new grade elz reader. Well, Di -6114 - re. are tor study lying they may as well liart from an aeknowledged mar.' furl -Londe. Advertiser. Perhaps the Ilea is to give the pi- plla to underlies! Mat they are sot to believe all they relit Not a bed Nee, either, • • • Rep.Mlaaa le the hilted States ate 'i dent. presided. !Helpful suggestions Mrs. tt'gden, of Boulder, Colorado, are for .•hod lunches were gtr 3' 7o te- visiting with6'Nr& a'311r1L88g7t-116e• .ponce to the roll call. It was de-' Ih,nald. eided to send.it donation to the ('hild• i Mr. and Mn. Finite Norptv{, pf (Mai ren'. Shelter at Goderie•h. Arrange -'elate,,. are visiting with the lads par- m4ots were made for holding a cunei ones. Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacDonald. counter and also a bawds at the school fair to 1.e Mold on Tuesday of next week. The subject chosen, "Co-opera- tion Itetweea Home and Sthool• ," was taken by Mrs. Wallaer Miller. A poem was read bt Mrs MBK:' Webb, "First -Ihr}s at Scheel." A social hour was afterwards epee* serer , tlx trestle. Inter 1 Tw ing .(stet by the u„ttes.es, Mrs. I,. lntruiu. Miss Annie Intruiu and M,rs. Fred Megotillin. 1 etwuragel by the rowans of Monday's elections in Statue, oho an all- around victory- foe the GASP. le. the ethyl* ,luted, 1h•mra•rats' point the fart that :Seine is seldom any thing but Itepubllcan, and it was'one of the handful of Staten that gave n majority for Hover In 111111. So Roosevelt will not Lose anything It Maine give% Its vote•. 10 'l.endon to November next, as no doubt 1t will deo • • • The Woodstock Sentinel -Review 'ba Friday last Issued • magnificent epe- eist nwnttwr to mark the fiftieth an- niversary of Its pubtication as a dally newspaper. The Seenttnel-Kevlew•bda always hid a reputation as one of otosrio's sdhstantlal Journah, and It le • pli•d.ure to Gofertch people to know that under the editorial management I of a 4ioderh•h old lacy, W. E. Elliott. it is maintaining that reputattnn fn full measure. The Signal extends It, eongretulations upon this Jubilee totes - sloe, and whit).* Inc The Meatiest -Re- view a Dontlnean4 of its sweets as the Jotl)'.illetle ezpIIMttaid cba�p10i of the ideals and Interests of the epleodld meaty of Oxford. ' i!t Whitley Weekly Record: (411144.4+ b a- inmost .many a man's head-: in tact. •11+ a bong 11((1111 that has. no tw,e- ing AUTUMN Tlw golden haw of autumn Is brooding o'er the Isnd, And the mellow charms of summer Ne4.111 reluctant to disband. '1'h• medals, a color riot, !Wee!) and hemi40k1 tat the hill, Witt; it flaunting. crimson maple 4'inllenge• painter's brush and skill. The hate bee's Lazy humpting, As he wits the nectar sweet From the and flowers' bounteous offer• Ing 1n their syIvan, cod ret rea t. The blue jay calla i warning That he'll soon he winging taw, And there a tarrying robin • Trills :his fireweli notes to you. Fairies hold their midnight tronas. And nn the morning dew is seen Where they dropped their !ells of gtsaamer To dime upon the green., Ton heel • twang of longing, As you breathe the merle air, For the gypsies' carefree wanderings And the scarlet hues Mei wear. Oh, the bine-of fringed gentian • Aad the charm of goldenrod O'er the aun-deenelaed bible 1a autumn _Tell themaltelti. of pod. -Rosalla O'Co••or, LEEBiJI�IN (,OI+H)URN, Sept. -15. -Mr. and Mrs. ioIi'fl "H. It'arrish, ut Goderkh, spent noon at the Mme. LLIbe former's parents here. Congratulations are due to Mr. end Mrs. James Horton on the arrival of • baby atm at the lioderich hospital on th. Saturday. Bogie dDouglas tember a had his ton- sils removed at the (kolerieh hospital last week. He has recovered nicely. Mina Lulu Jewell i» leaving this week [or a trip to Alberta to That her brother Joe. Pitt-siztth ArnJversary.--Sunday, September 13th.. dawned clearer anj_. brighter and at 11 o'clock a goodly number met to observe the fifty-slzth anniversary of the Leebum chdreh. Among flume premrat were a ane nom- ber from the other churches, on tbe circuit. The services were t•onduc'ted by the chairman of I'reaa,ytery, Rev. C. Cummings, of Walton, whose ad- dress's were beard with deep Interest and appreriatitm. He said he felt It an honor tt,'Mand In the pulpit where the late Rev. James Hamilton had steasl as pastor Inc a 'tumbril, of yens. Ills morning theme wan taken from the inl'ldent of Chelsea wasltitg the disciples' feet. His evening theme was from the puwt ge in 11 Chronicles In whleh Amaglalt offered himself free- ly to tbe Lord. The cbolr WAN ma- mboed oed by awulbers of Nile and Port Albert (-hairs, who eautrlbuted a duet and a lido by Wm. Sage, "The Stran- ger of Galilee." At the evening mer- ge( the WemteeM male quartette sang two selections which were enjoyed by alt. There was a gnod-attendamee.and a generoes offering. Tbe wore it will he long remembered. ' SHE ALWAYS MAID "NO^ Miither (to small daughter who h:el returned arum tea with friends): "1 hots• you asivf. 'No, thank you.',ottenca than 'Yew. thank you Little Mary "Jet i did. 1 fedn'' bees-t+,tieg more than half -an hoar before they lemon saying. 'ilawot yes Hindi you have 'Mien cnonghr And 1 •sold, 'No, thank you,' every time.' ing. with thirty-seven present. "The meeting was in charge of Mr. Alvin Snell and was lel by Mr. Thoughts WESTFIELD WEtrrr1 EN.1►, Kept. 111.- -Mrs. Me- Itrirn, of• Whiteeehereh, visited lase week with her daughter, Mrs. Perry Vincent, Mr. aiept MM. Jahn Vincent were Niagara and Hamilton vivitors Last week. t Al ori 100 friends and relatives mea at the home of Mfr. and Mrs. Harvey Bleck mi Wednesday **wing stet pee- n -eked a miseella•eeurs shower 'to Mr, 404.:,4e �y���^t'v gr ' y .' . P!4 .'`yi ,roes n'rt`i ATR$',�i1"alit, k .. u MM'T'o-. ..r svr. '-__-. was taken by Mrs. Wm. Carter. tie,• era. of the Ladles Led in prayer. The president, Mrs. J. Metall, had charge of the busines», Mrs. J. E. Ells and Mrs. W. F. Campbell were made lite - members of the Society. Mrs. Stan- ley Cook was appointed delegate to ij attend the sectional meeting at Blyth on Tuesday, September 2n. The meet- ing was Mamboed with prayer, after whleb lunch was sowed. Goeertonwul btoyrr, who lacks doom up p•rieslieallr and stills• dims Q. Angtts, w lure Iles - vol is sei.•ul((teally ez• arrc'es1 it. be used by the l:otrrtament hi ihi•ti rcfore•ttatlou work. For some n•as,at the Itruer 1'e•niu 'oda produc.•.'Iw•ttter tours than toth.•r a:1111.s .net. In fnet..weme• varetlea ars fennel only oat the 'truce l'eala- stale - l'b,• 11ot.•ramrut ltuy,-r ha• Juat Ie- 1rtrosl from Algot/in and the Renfrew district and states that the crop la the•.t Io•ahltl•• is set diiwp/kdoilyrg the I earchar tlw 1'enin.tila' will have :o 1es thoroughly ;ti.•l,ed. It is exps-t..I flint pndwbly Leae Iwtslt,'1. orf the sterner mates will b•• hakem off the IS•tnusuic nod as $2.110 a bu.hel Is told for them 1t Is a tidy sou ..f money eon1i11tl ito at this time of year. Thar .ttrne• ••awt11 is t.rnt•tieally over ,Hoot the pin.• ewes+, do net bring et g,sod a pritw: BACKACHE As well as rheumatism and lum- bago develops from uric acid left is the blood by defective kidneys. Lasting relief comes when the Liver, kidneys and bowels are aroused to action by DR. CRAWS Kidm.T-Liver Pills Better Appearance ! YHi"i.L_.IA)0K BETTER DRESSED- 1'O1"1.1. FEEL I(Erl'ER DRESSED - ACTUALLY HE BETTER DRESSED - When you wear Clothes measured and fitted by- _ Bring your Suits or 0.111reoata in now for general repair sap__ Frank H. Martin PHONE 317 TAILOR WEST ST i i This Is MovingTime! WE WANT TO MOVE OUR SEASONABLE M RCHANDISE These items are specially priced for the week 18th to 25th September I.ISTERINE I an . 79e WILLIAMS' PiNK PILL'S i:w• NEW PIPES - tiw RAT POi.YONS ('rap on Sense ..:9r Rat Nip 2Jr, Reuel' en Rata 29v PARAWAX 5e rake E7.r TOX Fib 001114 h'1.1" PADS( ` FhV SWATTERS ('OIAb.tTE;'Y TOOTII PASTE Small 1St ; large 3:0 SAI. iIEPATI('A Small tar ('ASTORIA Small 21, DEXTRI MALTOSI; No. I, 2 or 3, S5e C'HASE'S NERVE iflilon 4se CORKS, FRUIT JAR RiNGS 11,1'M, SPI('E4 RAI.I('lIJC ACID SA('CHARiNE KALT PETER , tae SULPHATE of IRON , 3 Lbs• for 25e 1). 1'. ('KEOKVL Ilse New Dislnfeelaatt 15e, 25e, Sae XAM RUN 44e TESTED COD GIVER 011. 11 -es. bottle Ste TOOTH /IRISH bipedal lee E7NE MTATiONERV Alaxan Pad and Pkg. Envelopes% 23e - BUY DRUGS AT THE DRUGSTORE - 'Campbell's - Dunlop's Lauder's Wigle's Drugstore r Dreltalwv Dniester* Drugstore itt a 0