HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-9-17, Page 1•C••••••••••
• latesall6-.sa
Full Program for
Mr. Bert Leach, a former resident of
- Fail. Next Week Goderich, now living In Detroit, is
speudIng a week vilest's."' !Jere.
On. Oben and yoUtg" in -/4F
bee yeaterdae after -otasuling tha
'Ooderich ExbIbitiost on Tuesday stumpier In Great Britain.
and Wednesday to Have Ihsty Miss Annie Atkinson was in Toronto
over the week -end •ttendJug the wed -
Special Features
ding of ber girl friend, Mime Dorothy
Mr. Clarence Purdon, who has been
the assistant in E. IL Wigle's drug
store, bag left to attend the School of
Pharmacy at Toronto.
Mrs. A. 11. Erskine entertained a
Oa Tuesday evening there will 1* a uumber of ladies at her home on Well -
vaudeville performance before the big ington street on Thursday afternoon
covered grandstand, a group of metro- last 10 honor of Mrs. R. J Henchman.
Next week is Goderich Fair Week.
Tbe exhibition will open on Tuesday
afternoon and will mellow until Wed -
needs, afternoon.
osuad Mrs, George johniton, miss
he the. I d if
lest-daestier Mtarri.
politan artists having been engaged for
the occasion. The program will be C, Kelso and Messrs. W. .1. Johnston
even inure varied and extensive than and' J. -N. McKinnon are visiting to -
those of the last two or three years day at London and attendieg the Wests
whelp bete given excellent satisfies ern Fair.
Don to large audiences. All exhibits Her. S. It. McClung was in Toronto
will be iu place lu the main hall, and ou Monday and Tuesday of this week
It will be au excellent opportunity to atteudlug 'morning of the stewardship
see the indoor dieplay. committee of the Baptist Ceurention of
again be a big program beton the aud Mrs. J. W. Craig', were at collected in taxes, efi-less moe$
randetead Special attention has Toronto for the week -end and were be expended in the ordieary channels
R. J. Deachman,10.P.,
Addresies Lions
Deal' With PrIssut-dIrikenotulo
Problems-ZopOrt OU BO -
cent Carnival
R. J. Deachmen, M.P., was the gueat
speaker at the luncheou of the Lions
Club at Hotel Bedford on Thursday
evening last. His eubject was
-Things Seen and Things Unseen," his
purpose being to show that behind sur -
!see eoadltIone are unseen factors tbat
am often more important thea the
surface indication&
As an instates of what be had in
Mind, the speaker spoke uf nubile
works construction, for which there
was a demand In periude of depression.
Such construction, be (obtruded, did
not create additional purchasing pow-
er. On the euntrtry, the expenditure,
st,.....M.her the moue was borrowed or
dull moment tbrougbout-tbe afternoon. I- Peunyof San Fernando:California. tory employlug a number of opera-
bee, gy,„ by pr„eteut ?towel,' to pro- present at the marriage of their niece. of business. On t o r tau ,
letting a program that will not leave a Miss Mabel Lilian Doper, to Mr. Max private funds were attested in a fee-
-tt • here w told be an inertesord vol -
Two •peeti carats in 2.20 and 2.28 Mrs• (1711: Wallop, Miss Mahe lee. t
To Discuss An Old
Boys' Reunion
Mayor Ince:den this week is
issuing a call to the citizens of
Goderich to attend a public meet-
ing at the (wan hall on Monday
eveniug next, at 8 o'clock, to dis-
cuss the propesal of the holding
of an old boys.' relation in Gorier -
kb next year.
It Is hoped there will be a
large and representative atten-
dance. It will be ten years next
year since the last reunion. on
the occasion of the centennial
eelebretlon of 1927. and there
bare been many enquiries from
old boys at • distance as to
when they would have an oppor-
tunity or getting together again.
It is not a bit too early to or
totalize for a reunion next sum -
Boer, us eeteral months are re-
quired to get word to Termer re-
sidents in all parts of the teottiP-
of the preparation of a program
adtspiate to the occasion
claimed, for purses auregatieg SOM. Strang and Miss C4' sire Reynolds spent tone of badness in the cointiuuulty.
Flat Reduction of
Power Rate Unfair
Public Utilities Commission Sends
Protest to H. E. P. ComInia
gion of Ontario
At the regular meeting of tbe public
utilities commission on Thursday night
last, another letter was received from
1tbe Provincial Power Commission urg-
ing collection of arrears from consum-
ere, foul the collector -waif Instructed
to act accordingly. ,
The commisaion decided to pun:hasp
out of Hydro funds ou baud $2,000 of
the recent Dominion Goveruwent issue
of ,three per ceut. perpetual bowls cal-
! table or after Septeurber 15, lie16.
Pratte( against Flat Rednetiest
Tbe reported contemplated reduction
of $2 per h. p. by the Provincial Com-
mission heti* wholesale price of pow-
4S -
gars system was coosidered,the-and; it
was decided to proton to the Coin-
nthislon against a fiat reduction. lb.
, local toontnietion 'being of opinion thit
;the reduction should be proportionate
,. . _ to the rate's -now- charged tOthe maul- A ('LEAN HILL OF HEALTH
Re. mond Cutt. 6e -year old son of . ..
the latter part of laat week on • 7'00- One 'of tbe great problems tof the -- The towel I. free of etosum 1 ble
will afford good spurt fur tbuse wbo Mrs. Harvey Cutt, Nelson /4:1°11_11_11,___'''._.,__ whit ,tu., __-.. . ..., _ . on ea I to talklug, but he opened iqi on 'fume
like racing. The Canadian Vaudeville mile motor trip, the high point Of piessent-the-iivafelo reduce government- Mr- -4111'11
street, saw the fire trucks Ball at his th *"`-'"1.'" 114"*"`" -•`"--411-*"*. i`ove 004' eta• ---44--- hmalnlees-I-day-el-tals %seek_
which was at Callender, where the al expenditures so that more -money ; e eOni11118111011, the weretary ham for- whieti hal betel trotted te Whidser, 1)r.
Company will provide novelty acts tee itome this morning after he bad played
koce,ollend the meeting al the Town
p ---
Ilan nest %kettles etening.
,SIGNAL l'iliNTING Cu., LlitiTielb, Publishers
The steam yacht "Anima.", for year&
skippered by Captain Milicipla Mac-
Donald, of lloderieb, and which was
-and one summer, has been;sola to a
Dr. Gardner. of Toronto, press re-
ports state. This trim yacht, wh1cb
cold $200,000 to build, io said to have
*old for tbe price of a good 'summer
The tug Walter ilymau, towing a
derrick scow, upbound for Sault Ste.
Marie, was in port for a few hours on
• • •
Several Goderich members ofthe
crew of the Georgian have arrived
bow. Tbe boat has tied up at l'urt
• • •
On Friday last the Superior • un-
loaded 55,000 bushels of wheat and
20,000 busbels of bailey at the eleva-
tor, loading 500 tons of gait before
clearing for tbe head of the Lakes.
This worming the BrIcoldoc arrived
with 80,000 busbels of wheat and
11,0110 bushels of rye for tbe elevator.
toverAre Things
on Huron Farms?
Reeve "Bill" Stewart Throws
Some Light on a Mnch- -
discussed Subject -
With threshing operatives well ad-
vanced In North Huron, despite fre-
quent rains, and at least a normal
root t•roviiserreed, farmers- aneetegio-
ning to take stock of Me operation&
The constneue of opinion, cauvamed
over a wide 111415-1/11-farritorYWI ebe
north and east of Goderich,--t. that
those farmers who bad good wheat and
barley acreege-but wbo constitute less
than half tbe total -are cousiderable
better off than tbey were a year ago.
Except In isolated caws, however, the
extra money has gone to pay accumu-
lated debts.
-You don't iseaitol any tartness buy-
ing new automobiles thaw days, de-
--elseetilleese-W-litlant-iiteowart. of West
The tug T. T. Scott, from Amherst -
burg, towing a wow, light, bound for
Sault tete. Marie, was lu iron on Mon-
day. on • 'retown trip.
Wawauosh, in his homely phil000peteal
manner, ill answer to a query on "How
are things going On the fermi"
Keeve etewart, six -ply reeve of bis
towneelp, given credit for being a
.solid sort of tellue, not given math
ib- warded the following letter to Chair• tt. whitepy. 11.0,,a. report&
Rein Was "Spetty"
• d I ed hould be left for inveatmeiat in pre. • loeste out the farmers who had
vately-contrulled business.
Mr. Deachman also dealt with tile Ste -Regarding the proposed reduc-1 scHisAm- A*A8184-
, . bbal in the summer kitchen Fire -1.131** 140" °I the °utati° itualAos•visal;1 good wheat an barker yields anti we
uestion of imports and exports poiut- per horseptower for power'
men put the blaze out with chemicala.
The liugh hone Strung scholarship "ulY had about half a crop In our
•bed Ita mond '11°° $.2W
tweet) races. and tbe Goderich band 'quints were seen and duly a r
will dispense music. A number of with matches setting lire to aroll1e r
Intereeting judging events also wiU
take place in front of the granddand.
• baseball match between the olod-
crab team of the Huron -Perth Leagae
and a picked team from tbe Maitland
League will be an attraction for base-
ball fans.
Oulberfs team of trained oxen will
go through their paces on the track
and will be sonoeteing new to a large
proportion of the spectators.
Tbe board has contracted for a Mid-
way, with merry-go-round and other
amusement features for young and old. lepton had been here.
All this, of course, in addition to the Captain Argue G. Morrison and Mrs.
main features of the Exhibition -the Morrison, of Obicago, are making a
displays of live stock, fruit, flowers, holiday visit at the home of the forme
vegetables, home nosnufactureo, to brut er, 'ap
The I t rest Caledonia Terrace. Captain Angus economic ealvatlon Iles In consider*- 131re. Allisoo.
Mr. and Mrs. (jeo. Layton, of Exte
ter, spent a few days in town tbla
week, the guests of Mrs. J. Colborne.
Mr, 1). A. Bruce and his daughter,
)Ers. Joseph Ball, of Winnipeg, are
visiting Mr. Brute's mister, Mrs. J. H.
Mr. R. K. leinlaysen. with Hr. and
Mrs. E. IL Ogdep, of Boulder, Colo.,
called on Mr. Finlaysin's cousins, Mr.
anal Mrs. 31. J. MaeKey, Cameros
street. at the week -end, en route to
Ripley and Lucknow, to visit relatives.
11 to thirty-two years nuce Mr. Fin-
ot quite a thrill. !supplied to the municipalities un the of the Univereity 4if Toronto. has been
ing out teat, as all imports: must be
paid for with a corresponding value of g _Niagatu system, 1 ant instructed by I awarded to Mite Jean McLeod, daugh-
exports, the treater the %plume of ine (.0AL ou, sirovE ExpLopo the public utilities commlosion of tbe ter of Bev. Donald McLeod. late of
ports tbe greater would be tbe volume town of Cioderivh to submit that a lint Goderich. now of Bouriamaque, Que-
ts and coneequeetly of e111- \Viten a three -burner mai oil stove
with loud re- reduction covering power and Metre bee. This scholarship carries. $125 in
0 expor exploded --yesterday, w a
ployment. I port. Mrs. Jus. Allison, who was
The speaker also showed how the ; Olt. kitchen, was given • bad fright
employment of machinery, %%bile often but luckily escaped injury. Mrs. Al -
decried, in many cases tends to in- i listai was preparing pepper when the
creased employment. For- instance. stove suddenly blew up *Ithout ovate --
without macbinery the cost of a I lug. With presence or mind she car -
motor car would place it beyond the 1 reed tbe owe, °antiwar, ruled with
reach of an ordinary mao. !coal oil, outside. ' Tbe stove, a tangled
, MT. Deachrase couteuded that the ; mese of iron, soon burned itself out.
Intermits of the consumer are the in- ' but not before the house watt Ailed
terests of the human race, mid that 1 with smoke. It was a close call for
re1111 wor , •, •
already abown Indicates that the ex- is a retired office of the United States
hibita will be at least up to the high Coast Guard Both be and his wife
standard`of former years. are natives of Goderich.
• • • Mr. Chas. Wataon, of New York, IS
tion of the interest of the consumer.
lespenditures in Canada, he said, are!
far too higb.
• vote of thanks to the speaker was
NOTES spending • few days in town. lila moved by Lim C. C. Lee, seconded by 1
son. Keitineth, who has usually accost- Lion Harry Grit!. i
• soiled amplifier /system will be In
panted bim on his visits to his oid., Lion A. H. Krookine, treasurer of the ,740eal Boys Make Record Motor Int" We may have misinterpreted
needay afternoon programs. Oar Trip -Scenes and Incidents 'en' I41.6811*
We were Interested in the observe -
use for the Tuesday evening and Wed -
lime, is not with him this time, as Club, reported that the not prpeeeds
be has graduated into business life of the recent carnival were Seal. Prest.
by the Way Described by The thin towers In the wooded laud along
The children will be out In full force
and is at present on a six weeks' trip dent ilibbert added an expression of
on Wednesday. The public school
butIon-is not fair or ewe -table. frise+are j4 lode yeard tuition at the
reduction should be on a zone basis enivereity. Miss McLeod le else the
or a basis of percentage on the whole. winner of the Robert MacKay *dieter -
It carrot be Arid that a $2.00 re- sue. oe $200 bz eagle
duction to Niagara Fano wbo pays Miss McLeod will attend at the 1el-
$19.00 per h.p. and the sante $200 re- veralty at the coming- term.
Auction to eloderich wbo pays $43.00
per h.p. would be equitable TN HER TITH YEAR
Trusting that you will consider a
percentage 'Imola, I am,
Yours faithfully, •
L. L. KNOX, Secretary.
Goderich to Vancouver in Six Days
board has arranged to give the pupils
of Victoria and Central schools a treat
at the exhibition in lieu of the picnic
usually held on the Victoria school
There will be no chalice for ad -
Om In the Southern States. thanks to all who bad contributed to
this gratifying resulL
A YOUTHFUL PRIZE-WINNER - 1.1011 5. E. McDowelLeontribated a
Duuglas Eugene Pennington, four- solo, "Old Man River."
year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ------- ---
Pennington • Elgin avenue, ie the ANOTHER GUEST
tow nobly,' said the Reeve. "In the
teo Wasv•ntselies, In eastern Athfleld
and Colborne, in Grey and llowick,
the rain was very 'potty. Many
field's of oats were so short they bad
to be cut with a mower. Much of it
was teeter throsbed. A lot of the hay
*as short, too, and the berries and
early apples were a waehout. There's
wore to farming than wheat and bar-
ley, especially when you haven't got
any wheat and barley, or very little,'"
he philosophised. The reporter sat
Mrs. Jane Lyon Was the tentre of tight cud agreed, for an interview with
a happy family gathering at her home, Reeve "hill" Stewart (nal be bad
Anglesea street, on Friday late, when eery day.
she celebrated her ninety-sixth birth- Carton of Tax Ramrods
day. She was in One health and spir- eee where Peter Scott of East
Ito and cheerfully greeted 'those who Wawanoeh and Wilmot Haacke of
called to exteud felleitationa. A large Goderich township say their taxes are
birthday cake, with the requisite num-
ber of candles. was a prominent tea- paid BM per cent.," Mr. Stewart drolly
torr of tbe teleirratiou. Besides the III1Cre"41. "That's not true. Our
township is in the best shape of any
in the county. We have lees them
5190 of any kind of teem outstanding
and 111 call the county treasurer to
the way In northern Michigan, but Detroit. hear witness."
Signal Reporter
were even more intrigued by the speed . Mr. Nrskine explained that East
of fellow-motoriets. We were travel- TWO MORE BAND coNaarrs Wawanosh had no taxels more them
lite at, a sedate 00 m.p.h. end became Altbough the band of the Goderich three year,/ outstandleg and that God-
( Written for The Signal
by A. Stanley Taylor t ,,_ •
rather annoyed at tbe'way earisillPed Muskat Society bas Completed tbe ter- t;rich townehip had only non-resident
'Vancouver, Sept. 10.-Scome years past, so stepped up a little to 75 m.p.b. fee of concerts called for by its con- axes unpaid, but that amounts owing
lei each ease were more than in Mr.
Stewart's municipality.
Getting bat•k to the Crop situation,
Mr. Stewart went on. "Yes, the wbeat
and Worley were goott, thirty to forty
bushels to the acre, especially near the
lake shore. where hest'', dews during
the drought helped greatly. The
mangeloo and turnips will be normal,
airdeouriusee,val pestle. rtio Anserleasis, of , In an effort to Tahoe some eddltiocal perhaps letter than bormal. Late pet
tatoes are a good size, but fewer in a
Dace utilized it as a sight -see- i money for the eintrattgad.- -- - .
ing attrection acid have built a walk . hill. Tbe present price won't bold up.
ed bridge to Its topmeit peak. • .Aft ATTILISPIME OFFER Corn in pretty fair ant Hie pasture lo
the Ceti -he otry'be- title, ..
Skirting Lake Superior Ladle« of the district will la. ;much Before threshing small farmers bad
interested in a new baking coolest too many young ply. -They were la
attraction which bast been added to this
,,, a quandary whether to buy feed Or
year's prize list Of thelloderich Keno- sell the pigs. and now that they bars- ..
billfin• .11 -1* *0 °Ireli'llgl° ibe m111; ..tbreehed they're in the eame quandarf.
era orf Robin Hood fluor to duplicate - +be guile. Sly-
Weeks -old plip are bringing up to $4
. (
Better Crops In South Huron
Marquette, Negaunee and lehpetning, The offer by the millers of Robin , nth Huron bad much more rain
where eveeything-streets and build- Hotel flour provide* fur Additional than tbe mirth; especially around Fie -
three stops for re -fueling. About
Ingo -was covered with • line. Irrltat- prize money. All intereeted may find ter, and has • lucrative bean and
that summer is about over. There Worship en Victoria Street Lightfoot;' of Stephen township. aged 1 thirty-flve hours were all we had with
ing red dust. They prepare early for the events te which this effer applies -*him rogts)not grown In the north_
have been nearly two Invites of rain - The Free Methodist Society of God- nineteen and twenty-one years, are in , the gent known as Morpheme the re -
winter in that distrIct, for we saw a by referring to ;the prize list. Some pains of the south are said te
le the past seven days. Theerecord-
erich this Week commenced von- the county jail here awaiting trial 10-1mainder of tbe time being taken upi
1 f ta truck calloadIng.suow fences alotig the_ be "lb clever." The Department of
Agriculture has estimated that 'Huron's
crops this yeer will be worth one
million dollars more than In 1905,
'nese of which is already in circula-
tion, a fact very evident in some team&
__• ______ ____ ___
4. A. Making west -bon-
ored hp' the members of the legal pro-
fession at Stratford on 'Monday, the
Mimi members of the family circle
theft- were present Mr. and Mr.. 1'.
4i4 Lynn, Mr. and Mre. Jos Lena Mrs.
D. B. Faust and her eon Louis, all of
proud winner of the silver cup gives The colon), Jail MUNI. he getting pret- ago a man named Christopher Colum- They still Went st h • v -
missiou to the grandstand on Tuesday' ea • oee er, so we tract with the town, It has been de-
,, by the Merchants' Portrait co Ltd.. of ty well occupied. No fewer than six Ions who ridiculed and called a fool were perfectly cuutent to let 'em. tided to glve two more coneerts- -
The ferry trip from Mickinac Cit7 ton Saturday evening next and one 00
eveniug. Torino°, in their. recent personality were admitted at tbe week -end. ton wbeu be volved his intention of sailing
APPLES IMPROVING r rout eot . Sunday James Ward, of Wingliam,
westward in search of a new land. A change either Thureday, the 24th, or Friday.
_Rad proved very Interesting. The eft- the 2,-,th-, weather permitting. Bete of
to St. Ignore was • welcome
was brought here by -Constable Stew -
Apple,. in Moron county will be Wort Huse ago a man named Case. A. - .
WINNERS AT TORONTO art, of Beigrave, 00 a worrant issued i dval.oro.10.rielopdine. coca.rifui"end *8. upper these concerts Will be given' on the
about seventy-flve per vent. of a nor- was subjected to the eats*
Hugh Hill, of Oolboene township, by W. A. Galbralth. J.P., of Wingitans.11"""it
bad seven bead a Iris purebred Guern- Ward 11 charged with ubtaining i • us. i astle Square anti an opportunity will be
,seinsls aslilungura. for the prises which are toeing offered
mat crop tills year, large growers toldi emdit i treatment ellen he decided to Ily the Kock I I berry f la
giVen to citizens to 'purchase tickets
The Signal. There has been a won -
cattle at the Canadian Ngt_hspel by (Mee pretences from Alex. Young, !Atlantic solo. And to modestly plata ,
ourselves ill the seine categbri: iie ‘ellou'ailnigattumratiolipr8auLa:Igoiluatts-t:
garage mate Belgrave. I
I were told it was imposelble to visit
DISTALLS-OFFI('ER8 AT CLINTON !Vancouver toy tuuto an a two weeks"
. ,
Oe tueeday eveultet Mrs. Albert hwiideYr •
Taylor, presedent of Huron Council of (Atria, end Chart proved conelbsive-
ly -"who were 'the oole, and to prove,
Home and School Clubs, attended tbe
anitial meeting of Clinton Home and our own ease, re are a few statite-4-__ TIS evened). on the road 4111 the south
*bore of lake --Rtiperior ..we* magni-
end other winter apples are lisoking ; tics ot our Wye to the gateway to the
Other Huron county breeders wbo School Club, and installed the officers
derful improvement in the laot month,
Fixhibitiom and drew no fewer than
owing to plentiful rain. and warm
1 eight awards: First senior herd sire,
weather. The fruit _is Jame, -clean
aud at good quality. veining' Reda, 1-ehaelPion sutler maks, grand champion
male, first senior yearling, reserve jun-
on the merket, are bringing
ior champion, fourth and fifth on other
$1.:tri per bushel wholesale. Hen -
beim. shout $1. Snowo, Spit, liusoeta , senior yearlings, fourth in junior get
1 f ire in • clans of eleven.
14 4.
odientlel There 'are very few Bald- i arreroalli e-rif Ter tbe ensuing year. Those ammo- ie1e1•011-1. Hoene the paved road, likteen mettle
- killed Iwo whiter. ago. Frank Todd of St- Helens, with Aber- Ipaneing Mrs. Taylor to Clinton were Our 3,079 -nolle tioderIch-to-Vetwouver railway, winding through 4irgin for -
wins. as so many trees were frost- • ex1111411seeeell-TIX7
deem Argus cattle. and Ephraim Ihiell 'Miss Esther Hume, lecretary-treasureeArii). begun at 5.15 p. m. Friday, bete
whielo Included the Hiawatha ForTUB-
ATIIER of Hallett. with Leicester sheep. of the'Home and 8cbool Club Council, , tember 4, was concluded juot six days elie-M
• Mrs. Robt. Bisset and Mref.--11L
,.....,.. - The _mercury rose to /48- degades•As ° •••••
Tuetelay, a reminder of tbe July bot ANOTHiloffnen ---7Rues- ---= • .,..... _. _
nat t -four hours, a reminder Free Methodists Erecting Hotta. of CHARGED WITH STEALING GRAIN
Two brothers 011lytoo and Milton
opell, and dropped to 59 within tbe - -
later. plus .5 minutes, at 5.20 p.m. Sep-
-Wilber RP, And of the 14-1 hours re-
quired for rri- trip we were'dirtetrig 90
hours and 15 minutes, with twenty -
• - 44 1
sermand Ottawa ltationat Park. of the -coveter providiell the wiewintLo.lea
In claret contrast we pawed through exhibits are baked with Robin !toed
s.vh- Aod .-usilaseisiapialbeeed roundel -Seise,
sauce September 10 to date. with Islet
sear's for comparison:
1985 110.1
Max. Min. Max. Mtn.
struction of a church of their own at day on a charge of stealing 115 hush- 441111 gal g
the corner of Park and Victoria streets els of, wheat and barley from Us -1 We left Goderieb with the best Iva/. A TRIP TO PLoarDA
on a lot Just purchiesed from Mrs. borne township barns. Provincial ebb's of our friends ringing in our At Ashland we mw our first (Agar
DoLoog Constable McCoy. who made the ar- ears and sped through the old famstore Indian We understood they mhiliar ret Me Gives Deserlptive Talk
b went out with bustles. Maybe both ,
Hume and Scheel Club
Thurs.. Sept. 10.78 dd MI 46
The new edifite, of frame and stucco rests. says the grain Was stolen from inter o ,
14e41t 11 "" "" 79 '65' 74 4*.o.- construction. eeven-foot basement with barns on properties on vt•hich there I horder at Sarn The Home end School Club of Cen-
la at 7.1:1 p.nt. Of a re coming back.
Sat., Sept: 12 71 64 74 ms We spent the sfecond night at Su r -
duo, ade---14-eeete-75- •131-- superstructure, Is planned to seat LI5, are no houses anti was sold at lien- Cuprite we missed tbe ferry by the , • De trill who'd held au .oloen-air meeting
but. it lor, then headed out into the prairie.
int Harbor Park on Tuesslay afternoon,
Mon., Sept. 14 75 ao 74 Deeember let. When taken over from Lightfoot was arrested near Altai 'wasn't • err,.
sail and Zurich elevator,. :11113tot,__width tbe front bumper,
far from monotonous. , . F. Saunders,
IBM tor toe sea, run, wim. ri,n„ t centrary te_tita_expectations, it La-h-ii__---preatahant-idn-
the cootractors, the McKenzie Estate l'raig. after a chase. I and we Mail were on United States
to be able to give a word picture of
u like presiding. The snecting opened With
h • t SA h cab" the ;tinged of 'I) Canada." Mra.
Tues., Sept. 15
Wed.. Sept. 16
79 59 Q7 41
dehtedness. one of tholoremost priti- NORTH ST. UNITED W. M. 8. tor X Y Zee to get through the cuetonts,
heard of before leaving but it rained I ovcasion being the twentit•th anelvers-
of Clinton, it is to he free of in- tbe dried -Out, hopeless condition We *launder. was tbe cliolce of the Club
ciolee, we are informed, of the Free The September meeting of the euber. , for the „Si, of of t hip Spry of 104 appointment as magietrate.
- - - - Methodist faith. • W.M.§. of North street United church 1 A complimentary address was piecom-
panted by a handsome desk set.
11, 1nid been bilmitnided and the three (hos we were In tbe wide
s • - Home and School' Connell of Hume
The etre". 14 tbe dr' "mmer-the it"Mittliti**Ilall'ot room reeeivet'l inc banger
For •OTOO fee yesrs oie congrega- -was held on Monday afternoon. In 'didn't know when we had crossed the open *Pace's'
, • lift on In number, has bee ------------ prealtient, Mot. %V.Ileirder. we would have knoen as ptoon
a Mr. and Mrs. J D. Farrish, Lake the ministry of Hee. II. A. Marlatt. J. B. Gra am, firet vice-preoldent. The countr$ Is Ineell the Sarile, of course,1 wag 13°""111)114 in the' el.91)rt NC/. treated.
Jaws Vanish Injured Ye/deeds, aa
taltittud River Hill Read -•t
seventh conseenettV Incidentally- • BICYCLE TOO SLOW
yanw• yartieh, aged twenty-two. son meeting at Maeliav hall. 11111' finder 1'. Lane.the chair WaS taken by lira. 1 as the blindfold Will remove, for the hugest nutuber of mothers
. LoV•"#,.'
Illtiwe we coru more tban three I . Wheti a seventeen -year-old Clinton
Miss Eth Setuerville wait the gueet ,all'l stule a bleYele in that town and
Shore toed C(dhorne townehlio. le in A 92,000 bequeot in the will of the Corresponding secretary Watt retinested but l' S.A. is emblazetted ite over the *bete_
int, jest, II Millian. of-Gosierich, who to write to Mrs. A. E. Mathewn, late-'; place by the flambe). of beer eigna one or tour feet high and oats literally speaker and move an interesting talk of it to Grand Bend the other day,
i i hand. were from one to two feet in height. MI tier 11111 tO F10141111 last winter. she walked right into the arms of the
lair. A telephone -call had preceded
her arrival. The young lady is is
fail here sad will appear before the
Magistrate today.
Alexandra hospital With a broke!' leg
fouffered In a motor accident yerderday
afternoon shortly after 4 o'clock. His
companion, Ralph Kingswell, aged fif-
teen, riding tandem, escape0 with min
or toilette*.
e At the Godericlread of the Maitland
River bridge, rounding a curve as the
bill. FarrIsb's motorcycle eklided on
the *4't rited, throwing the Merl to
tbe path of an Approaching entomb -
bile. Kingonvell's head hit the bumper
of the car and was cut, while FarriSail
I allied under him and WAS beaken.
,slied on December iiIth, 110.141tauttle the ly removed to Stratford, a letter ex lemotto er . Farm buildings were well -kept, though.
building of the new church Poosible. Pinsille the appreciation of the mem- pa int.ol signo to brilliant neon* and ... 141134.41pocrillwil the trip south from Cars -
The will sets out Hint the sten of $600 hers for her fine work as oecretary, , billboards lining the highways. - tie summed the farmers bad nothing
- ada through Alit various States, and
in to be noel for curreet' expenses and and their regret at her removal.
Lakes whieb formerly covered Free- repoke of ibe people, the stately South-
; But lo and behold. as we aped else to do. 0
upon , *iy. eraiitoortra and tali in 'articular watch 4I heidne,,
rn; manolowe sal In eomparloon the
of the rery, very poor. Be
for obtaining a plitee .of worship. The correepontling secret/fey woorat- ' through the fastnesses of the State of
If church were not built the money too requested to write to Mrs. J. L. Mithlgaii, ee did corny
aide p rice W 1 le, covered an area tbe elm of Goderich I sides St Petereburg she visited TIM -
%id letters. "Luncheons. Griadries, and Were nothing but dee betle. . pa. Clearwater and other teams of
' '" t .1 we did lean back with The third night out met 'Vent at loitereet around the cuspid of Florida.
W Il• to go to mission.. . Aitken A letter expressive of the sym-
The late Mr. Millian also left a hon* pathy of the society In ber recent be-
one el the main attractlene of th
now occupied as A parsonage by Rev.' Mrs. J. W. Priddie contincted the 1. sigh of relief Tbere la Tet hive- 111001. 24•Do 1437 gale. from home.
len tprbatornSkitaetnecebeebrysivoRvaiw4terends,lapslohckedh
Stpuier-Yille brought to thin meeting
on the Barfield road to the Society. reovonent. . . .
plaees is the beautiful flowers. Miss
with nther stouvenirs, Spanish n 0 '
Mr. Marlatt. A bequest of $500 was devotional program. The Seripture! for the American people.
also MR& losLorne Park Free Meth- , reading WAS glyen'hy Mrs. P. W. cur- - Through Michigan
adeertieed the fuel at 51.116 per ton.
MO College at Port Oredit. The mum ' rie; prayer was offered by Mrs. Gra. We atayed the first night at Ray (lty
ten oeveral Occaolons we noticed the'
autos In III Although the tolimate is so I.'.
and many different kinds of ocasbell"
Both boys suffered 1110100e001 lacers- of $1.1110 writ also bequeathed 10 the Jinni. Mrs. Malcolm M. "ay. In . •1 anti the following nigrning travelled
rema ins of ; antiquated
Orono and bruis0s. very till
W.M.S. of Victoria street United Chas Barker. Mrs. Jamee Hamilton through more or lett uninspiring enun-
fieldo. It occurred to ulo that prob-
G. 1'. I students from Auburn, Mau- church. end in ease 11 wooled not of gave an eleellent resume of the eon- try to Mackinac City at the einction
Mots. v •arn •e e. ferent frtem ours pt the Christtnne sea
ree Been. Mary Atquith and Beryl existence to North street United W.M.S. I tetifoo of the Angiist slumber -of the of 1.nkesi Michignn and Ilieses I- ...-.._ ...r. ,' .., ,.--(;:mi a/tn.. 1.1/111'efi ;Le° non, the people- of St. Petersburg
Wilson, returning home hrought their Admitting that there are alread, tr")1Mi"lifilitrY Wiwilli.r, and Mrs. 1. ileth- cblentally. Pa -------------- thing un I in', 'air • "1" tuela..wah IPPruld showed great enthusiasm isi their cele -
car to a halt a few feet from the many ehnrehtss In Gotterleh. the Free v1'11116011 ilitere'ting And S.iltford We Rsw Demi, at the 41,1,r::rVeitt,:l:: l.h1Cvptin:811k 17:44:yatftedtTedWhear. bratIon. heantiftil decorations end won-
Methorlitts maintain that the existing in her presentation of the etildy intertection of a couple of prominent
*melee on the Prairie • derful musk being mit'-Ii In evidence.
A hearty vote of thanks watt ten -
wrecked motorcycle.
Traffic Officer Norman Lever said
raffish, In clomp of the motoreycle,
had rounded the curve wide and had
""d; o• made a sharp turn to avoid a college -on,
lid the nowt. restilting. Marks on the
1111)11:14111I MEN AT LONDON
Godeetcb poultry fanciers were re- r
presented at the Western Fair it Lan-
Min this week by Thomas Itowler./;-„.
Noble Young and Gordon KaittIng. aa• •
Mr. Bowler took six prise*: First
pullet, third cockerel and third ben is
bud orpingtons, first hen and third
pullet in silver spangled, third hen is
Cornish bantams. Mr. Young hal.
first cockerel and seeend pullet
white Wyandottet. Gordon KalttlIng
had first lien In buff Leghores.
01 doled o.• the opeaker. on motion of ler hat been exhiS‘111'i
There was • big ahowina Is the Poutchurchem have failed in giving trite .‘frIca. Mrs. M. ',wrong arid
The sunrise on the prairie W fin a try classes st the Western Mr. poultrynew-
odiritual guidance to the people. the leaflet "The Spirit of Jealla Gild. WI. were amnseil by wayside signs ,
The new chnreh will he a meant hun- Victory," end duet. -Was That Some- along the way. 041Ptlemanottrated tioell"clY r more o than we 311s Sharlilan Held Mra. eamphett
, Imeginefl it coold I*. The searehine England and Cased' for over toss*
Bred yards from VIctorra Street !vote Yon!' was pleasingly rendered -American habit of esatmeretion It .. hp d to he Afterwerde a picnic suppe_r was years,
un p. -.'ped n bol- and ee oars the Old Country
United church tend oely'''a abort hy Mr.. Harker Ind Miss Addle read, -Worms 1.0(5) fetst Another, 1•'1F" ofterve(' and the meeting -*MS Much en- fanciers' &SOW Phew verb Motility $
lenkina 1not very flattering. was -Worm. Drive (9iatineed on page 51 )nTerl by all present it prnereed In this country.. •
`e .;
_ • fence from Knox chalet.
• ''• Ov.1 ;reed bore this out, be
- •
104' ?Di'
-• "Nf'4,044."Cteir'.00,4 •
' t,-
_ +1.,04.-• -s