HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-8-27, Page 7•;
County and District
(;Baton'; auuual flower oJlow was
held at the Lowy lull on Friday and
Saturday last and war a splendid rue-
The death of Mitts %etta t:. Bawdeu
occurred suddenly at Clinton un Fri-
day last. Deceased was born at Blyth,
a daughter of the lase Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Belden. She 1* sur•Ived b.
Noveral brother* and misters.
Mr. and Mrs. Israel T.ylur of foo
don, formerly of Clinton, celebrated
their golden wedding on Tuesday.
--moray sprat the Jai -..ratite Mete 'Tay
lora brother, Wesley Stevens, on the
old Stevela homestead •ad wear 4'lintuu
where the marriage took place fifty
yawn. ago.
Rev. J. L. Burgeon. after a pleMoeat-•
of severs' years in South Klnloa Pre.
byterian church, bas resigned the
charge, having a(repted a call to MO:,
rtston. lint. Itev. John Pollock 'las
been appointed Interim modeerrt',r
while the congregation hears erode
.later forethe yaca,,cy and extends e
I)rath claimed an •god and re-
spected resident of Hensen In the prr-
ono of Mrs. John McKenzie, who
parsed away at the home of her son.
Wm McKenzie, of Stanley township.
on Friday, August Loth. 1k.ease+I
lived alone In twr biome after th.
death of her husband fifteen years lip
The final illness war attributed to tb.•
extreme heat of July. She is survived
by three sats. -
____ _TLe.-deatL of t.ah.dta whin...
of John Jlalgh ..f Seaforth. ,s•eurred at 00 August 1:rile, Mildred Mary, daugh-
ttw home of her MSI-1111a1w. Itolwr% ter of Mr. amid Mrs. H,. M. Taylor.
.1 Kusa. Kinloss. In her seventy -Bluth Tuekersmith. way milted in marriage
year. Deterred war • daughter of the to Melviu ('amen (hale. son of Mr. and
hire Mr. sad Mrs. Peter Reid of Laug• Mrs. (lirlstoplwer Dole. of the saline - Awe summer .worths was. out nearly as
tow•ilshlp. Thr e•rewony .was Vie 'hazardous as donor the winter. .l[
foracd Ay Rev. G: in,' Burton of ('lin !many tinsea,Mie riled would be blocked.
ton. Ian, that ter only pasible way of travel
ApplMei lnnpectar was on foot. Several old-tlwers car,
recall vividly the days when they .buil
to walk through. 44w• snow . for flfte a
miles 111 ease of Sickness. and then
walk hack to show the palest the -way.
Later the community of Myth sough;
to have a regular rerviee. it Was
agreed ,that the priest would go also
to Blyth ou every Sunday which Calor
as the fifth Sunday of the mouth.
tui 14471:,, the Reverend FrtJwr Juhu
O'Connor, Who w•as then Ili charge
of $L Augustine. established ter fc.�
Roman Catholic church in 1VIutham.
The frame church in St. Augustine.
war fantod to be Inadequate for. the
star of the (N,ngre**tion. Plans were
new church, and_apot
of land war secured at the corner.
side. Mr. Ilalgh died four years * I.
at Seaforth, to which piece he and Mrs.
Haigh had refired flow their faro.
'Surviving are one daughter, Mrs.
It4,I.•rt J. Ross. alld-'fire• sou. George
Haigh, of $eaforth. ifurial to,.
place In llaitlaudbau4i cemetery, Sea
1'114 wedding took place eeeently at
(truce (teach of Anti E. L. Benuinger,
daughter of Mr. *441 Mrs. Freak lien
flinger of Blyth. -40 Robert John -Chat•
tn4�i•a:;y' .•tun csremmty war
peeformed'hy Rev. Kenneth Marl.e*n.
lite young couple will reside at Wlug-
Attridge -J lfrey-
d4E �dt, Peter's It. 41 4.1.ne h-
date. on Saturday. August 111t1i; 1IfeY
Father I.. Marchand kilned In wedlock
MIN. Ann Jeffrey. daughter of Mt.
slid Mrs. John Jtffrey. lith concesrlou
of (lay too 'whip. and William At-
tridge of Ih•lrolt. The young coup*
Mil reside In Detroit.
Barn and rigged Burned
The large bank barn riot plggeri-
on ter fnrw of WIllert Itros., Centra-
lia. were destroyed by fire recently.
Morse.. cattle end nearly all the pigs
were got out safely. 1.ut the seasons
crop of hay. with about :rasa bushels
of wheat and 24*4 bushelr of barley.
were cvrnsuw(NI by the flames. Then
Was some Insurance.
Dais -Taylor
St. Augustine's
Diamond Jubilee
?int Maas Celebrated-
Years Ago -Settlers Walked
Long Distances
lil'11.5tun. J. ,4o)rLR___ _... -
NT. At{i(')TINE, Aug. 94, -Tei.
North 'Hur.n community has Just oak*
borated Its diamond Jublieet
Ity this la meant that aeveuty•ttve
years ago the Roman Catholtes lee
had taken up hunt in this 'district de-,
dried that they neadiaLa_jukkual. asE,
visor. h mamst..L'atlau$e -dumb
w•ww"1rt Kingrbrldge, which war twelve
wiles to the west of thew. The roads
were poor and there were very few
who possessed imitable means of coo -
Miner. ._ ...
A regoert was deetrtebrd to the
eceIesinrtlea4 authorities (u Loudon,
asklug for the services of a priest
The result was that the priest from
the neighboring parish of Kingsbridge
war Instructed to say mass at the
St, Augustiiw settlewrut ou every
third Sundry.
Father Wase•reau was the first priest
tome. t:arly records establish -the
tact that on many occasions there were
at many as tea baptisms, and a goodly
number of weddings as well.
Parish Established
In 14470 a pariah was established. A
log church was built, with a sled of
the Came construction. The pastor
at Klugabrlalge_atlll Vontitluel to wiul-
ater to troth parishes. Inter, wiwn a
was built on the brow of the hill where
a..,•;t•ross-rtsada shims" hail Is -gun to
The Journeys for the pastor during
llaimma. Wang epklly. tiaaneghly bash -,
44.. 4a. • oast foliartioi'malaaise (our E.-.rm•
'admirer An troubles. A mooed of a0 yarn
Dr. Chasi's Ointment
1 Brophey Bros.
Ambulance service at all hours.
day or ntgbt _
PHONES: Story Its. Rets. 1111
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and Embalmer
AU calla promptly attended to
day or night
Store 3375 Residence 355w
Hamilton Street. Goderlch
1:eorgg Orv-Is, lit -S%ingham. has r,
_betted nolle• of IdJ . +IV1n,lut'tent as kr
sits.tor lit road* for the Douaiuicai Gov-
ernment Ile a111 bay.- charge of No.
7 .M,4 4,.4, which - Includes .everal_
counties 111 this part of uotaNh. (Gad
gravelling end bridges *11411 its the
pn•seeit work on taw Rine Water high --
way will .. • under his. oversight.
-First Rector Dies
Rev. Edward M. 'Bland, who was the
first Angliern rector resident In Lark;
now. diel at his home In Lincoln. Etlg
latest. retwattly. Rev. Mr. Bland was
rretor In 1lnngahnon in 10474 and ratr-
lmene•,d Molting perches la .Luckuow
4114 same_ year. die retard from •fes
• mlulstry in 114.17 and returned to Eng -
The Neto (hurcb
laud. Ile was In h1- eighty sixth year. I
(.raw Killed I Members of the congregation assisted
aurth 111,1111* that the greater tart of
the material which went into the con-
struction of the ►nllkling ween i rrlvel
from sonn•er neer at hand. The 11111e
for plastering was all quarried and
burned to the next field. The stale
was quarried from, the Maitland River.
This work was under the dlrertlm.
of John Leddy. 'a local resident, who
had pr.vlonrly been employed in the
quarrieys at Syracuse. New York State.
Tum4.001114'.vnutractor war SUM 4.001114'. pf
Clinton. The new ehurnit wits opened
zoit otA-
Olympic champions, athletes
of various nations compete
-in'.otl• of the most com-
prehensive.. sport programs
ever held in the Dominion.
World championship power-
boat races (225 cubic inch
class) Sept. 8, 9 and 10 ...
World professional cham-
pionship swims, men 5 miles,
Sept. 1; women, 3 miles,
Sept. 3 ... Diving exhibitions
twice daily by trio of world
famous professionals . . .
Archery championships Aug.
31 to Sept. 4 ... Junior track
meet and junior regatta Aug.
31 ... TableTennis champion-
ships Aug. 28 and 29 .. .
Athletic Day track meet
Sept. 5 ... Yacht and dinghy
races ... Softball and other
sports competitions atloat
..;arid ashore.
Walter Dalton
Huron Old Boy. Graduate
Godrrtch Collegiate Institute
13510 West Warren Ave..
Telephone Oregon 8661
Re11. R. it.
. u. 1. 110,401.. In the building of the , bun h It 15
■ valuable ere *len It wus struck by
SI car drtren bry_jsto •s Hughes. of Sea -
forth. The e.w was one of sectoral
owned by Bell. which wd
were nn,,eri,,g
on the highway without art attendantTrollyTrar (/deer Lever investigated au•l
RAI agreed to pay the Ingot of repairing
the car. which' was damaged by the inn
Pod. a
Retiring Saetary Honored
. ChaR. Stewart, for many year'M
%eretary-trrnter of the Si-nfotlh
Illgblander* 'Raid. was presrntel all August 19. 191.
with a ring atsd an a4 4.... by taw press- An event of intereid took plate on June
lett. Wm. Kerr, on the IKras ew lit his 19. 1900. when a presentation was made
retirement recently. Mr. StpwnrL it to the Right Reverend IMulr ('Connor.
was stalest. had ieen a faithful worker on the o•ewrion of els being reined 4.
In the intersect' of the organization
Ile 1s moving to Montreal. where he
has re•tirel a posftlan.
-11ak Martell Forbes Pa.se*
(teeth claimed W. R. Torben 0f
Brnr..els. on August 12th. removing one
of th metier respected citizens of that
villaipe. Deceased wits born In Hili -
beet township In 14x11. He removal to go,lfather. BI*hap O'Connor was born
McKillop while *1111 a .ht41 and was
mrrrted there. farming with his wife
until fifteen years ago, when he retired
to Brussels. Ills wife oiled thirteen
years agorbwt-tirre• daughters HMI Otte
NM survive.
Al.►-KF11 Rnr:EKN
FtWoon A )term F*
Gr.nu! Manage,
• lama.
T'��'" YOUR 1[OUT
when 700 buy D. ! H. CONI:'
The cone -Medlin Fromm elimio
ates the elate.
Place your orders now cud get
the rummer prow.
For Hardware. Plumbing and
Heating. call or phone- _.
Phone Store 24 -House 112
-s*. ria.
EAST-1101'ND •
- LILIVF: --
e;.sletich ....7..ilt a.m. 5.00 p.m.
iiolmeeaville ..7.45 a.m. 5.15 p.m.
Clinton *00 a.m. :.30 p.m.
Stratfnrd -.995 a.m. 6.35 p.m.
Toronto ...12 45 p.m. 110.25 pm.
1A•AVC (:rand Ih•nr1....2.24) pm.•
3.0:o pin
3.315 p.m. -
4 00 pxm.•
42:o p.m.
Leave Rayfield
Arrive I;crlerirh
Lente Goolerich
Leave Rayfield
Arrive (:rami 114.0(1- - .505 p.m.
•i)a1ly exeept Sundays and Willi -
da yr
itinerarle* planned to all paint •
In Canada. I tilted States al,
if ex leo.
II T. Intl.. (kaki Fussagl 1Nll TM tN
{. t LSI. aster* Mull It 113
Cass C IN Ws send in 11
Central °uterio Res Imes Ltd.
News of the Farm
Notes and 1'omwent. on
Agricultural Topics
Current Crop Report
Thrrshutg of fall wheal of average
yield and. quality is prtreeedl•g. - liar
try and oat *TFaw -15 * NI and the
fully with a spade or *hovel. or amt.!! WESTFIELD
q,afnt{tir% tttny be placed In sacks and
he man used.
4. In grading •rite -Need rmo+tbnerst--WE.11TF11:I.D. .ting. 2. --Mr. , sad
and plumpness of the kernel 1s pre- lint. 'Memo' Rodger of N4weastl(
ferrel rather than over -large Irregular *-ter,' guests bast w.ek nt ter home of
Rratns. Retnove nil soft and off -type Mrs. 5Vn1. Rodger and other friends.
Rrwt,.s gree -plenty nr-wlml-when .-bone
Ing. ensure soundness of seed by the
rrtuuval of all erideu,r'01 sprouting
Rost and we•hanh'al injury. Give
-Rreit'-t possible attention to •eeurias*
an exhibit which is bright and lustrous.
Take every precaution p0ssltT to .u-
surp purity of variety. Remove all
traces of wird reeds. grains of other
J[1•dr, glees of straw and other
foreign matter, also all kernels the tips
of which are discolored.
5. Make your entry early. fill out
all forms. properly. *hip carefully and
exhibit In attractive container*.
e • •
Cern Root -Rot In Ontario
Undoubtedly numerous corn grow-
ers. partletlarly those In Essex, Kent,
and Elgin counties, have leen won-
dering why their corn 1* so uneven
111 size and has made relatively slow
g rowth In crrtaln areas of the field.
One of the factor* largely responsible
for this condition has leen determinist
to be a root -rot condition.
Cornroot-rot, so far as is' known
has not been in the past a serious eo
trouble In Ontario. Thla year. ho
ever, the disease Is enuring -eriou
4*...... Without a doubt the excel•
yield of these grains Is light owing to
premature ripening *ad lack of umla-
ute while filling. Corn is showing
'tome improvement. Inst a below aver-
age yield of fodder Is expected. Sugar
wets and other root crops are -vari-
able. Pastures are In pour eondltigat
and new growth baa made little pro -
error. mite varieties of apples are
siting well and with a favorable au-
tumn average yields are Indicated. The
growth of totacr•o tar been retarded
and yields will be curtailed. Priming
.f flue-eured tobacco has commenced
and burley M in topping stage. The
crop la about two weeks later than
normal and favorahlc autumn weather
conditions are regUired.
Nutritional Valet of Alfalfa
the eeleesl*s(Ic*l position of Bishop et EXperlmrnts In the feeding of sheep
Peterborough i)lo ese. • A pearl rosary fir the correction of nutritlonat
wit. Presented to 'him by the school Ifclenclea eommon to breeding ewes. ted
renditions.children of the perish. Members of under rouge renditions. and on farina
the pariah presented him with a purse in Welters (*anode. hare rebutted in
of money. This permutation was made finding% welch are likely to prove of
at a special service held at the church great value to sheep ranchers and
by 1►aniel O'Callaghan, who wan bit farmers. The 1'eiereraity-of Alberta. In
co-operation with the National Re-
match t'Imnelt. tus•twen earrytng o0
experiments rimed to Improve rations
for breeding ewes when winters
are long and grazing la difficult, or
,when a. a result orf drought the sar:-
ety of feeds produced do farms Is re
Experiments covering a petl(id at
111T6ita ham contilno
lugredient. which .approximate quit,
closely those contrined In natural pas-
tures. Ewes triwliitigiTfalta bay as pail
of the ration retained their thriftiness.
reproductive vapclty and genersl
health flyer a period of eighteen
months. even though kept on dry feeed
rummer and winter.
The valise of this Information to
rangier.' end farmers Is that It sug-
gest' the Importance of feeding alfalfa
hay at all limp..A%hen. Owing to ad-
verse ellnta(;o .ondltions. feed has to
the (.ought or uuulr available on .the
range ser on 'farms, first cow*lderatlin
should ' be given to the purchase of
alfalfa limy. ,spoeially If reunited for
beet -diet 40ek.
The nalligg of the experiments aril•
of spchnl signitlesncc In view of tet
Ton nerd not, 1107 dtdt-'I' t.uelttu*, hunt Igreater volume of altnifs hay' now
for friends only ht the forum or In the !below produced In the prairie-'rovinces
$.nate•hoV ; 'if lou are careful anti Intel thn,ltgl*nit Canada..
- -An ideal Need Exhibit_ ._.._
- -A Betaideal ('urioaItJ-
13eo. (1nMbough, farmer living near
Cattail. her dl,covered a pother maple
tree on his` -pure which luta leave*
measuring ow -tart* ■s ten Inches, by
eight Inrbwe. The average maple leaf
measure* only three by tour Inches and
horticulturists err at a Iles to explain
the exceptional size of the foliage ora
tilt* one tree. partirularly In a year
which hbeen en so dry as the pres-
Hon Jas. Gardiner Speaks
Hon. James (incliner. Minister of
Agriculture in the 44tt*wa Gocpnr
stent. visited hfk mother at Klrktln
on his return, from s visit to (treat
Britain and France and was invited
In addfear the rottgregittion of Thane.,
Koad United chun•h Nate; the noor,,ln,t
.ervlcp. Ile gave a vivid account of
the uuveeilleg of the Canadian war
memorial at 1'Imy and told of ,oudl-
tiosns In England, where evidences of
pn.%perlty were seen lint there wn•
muck talk of war.
Death of Mrs. W. G. W1IIhi
Sea forth 1...t on nld and highly
esteemed resident when Mrs. 1V. 1:.
'lolls passel away at her bonne OR doming marriage id (:hldys Victoria. eonalrtr of our made up of krrrlet+
f5'eadn.sday. Augost i'Ki . ihN*nae l only ',atwitter of ;Rev. S. T- Tacker *1.4 (typical of-'Hta'1Nartety and nrnrly alike
hail been In 111 -health for eight yell- Mr*. Tuiker. of LIl(k,low. too K. t: m* posstbte In rite.. *hope and solar.
and for the pant two years ens con Rossiter. - of Tot�.Ito, rorthirrly of I Th. • wb.,lr exhibit should present n
Sault Ste. M,,rle •The eerenlnny wird 1. vigorous. 1U.trollr appointive(appointive(fined to her tool. Furn,rly she loo
vPfy a4.HtP part In church and Coot tnkw pine,` in Mc,emter. and should he fur from all impurities4I l •
sad reared 10 41114. garish. and the
old log cabin which was his birth
place still stands.
Others prominent In the ('Hunch. who
served as pastors of their peri.h.
are Monsignor McEwen• of St. Martin's
church In London, and the Reverend
Dean Leurenl0au, of Our Laity of the
Lake church to Ear
_Aa:a_celebration of the diamond jubi-
lee. tin old-time garden party was
hell on the grounds on Wedne*dmi
evening last. Tido was in •
double Jubilee for the community. It
Is serenty-five yearn since the first
Roman Catholic tiers -lee was -held, and
gfifty years since the first regular pa*
tor was establlrhed, who rewltleed hi tbP
"it cannot iw too often repeated that
there is no single cauw of war-"'-
Julian Huxley.
To civet wpatth is ba.e• and 'sordid;
bolt to covet honor Is treated as the
tuark of a generous and exulted nature
attene. son will find them at homy • • •
a bso.-Penson.
�--- tt Ideal ,,.d Pxhlbtt for a seed fat:
muniry affairs. Surviving. Ie%hle4 her Mr. and 51t' . .I olnt 1 •rdte of op and all rrhlpnv of dlsease and 111)
rich tone -hip. nunonuce the engage- r011ndue,*. .
husband. are hyo seats. Gonion of 1)•. moor of their only daughter, Madre. Thu following *nRRI•rtlonr asp
droit and Robert fit Tgrrostoi and feu 40 Clarence .Ialne. 1.1 trOlorc. of Har offered:. -
rich ands, \Its. Ji, 1.. 1 eche) 1d Chide:
rl%hn, sou of 514 anti 51 r.. I:rc,l -1. RemuOve all the off -tile heads cr
rich and Mrs. K1 J. Iterhe•Ic of tea' 1.Ivepntore of (linton, the no.rrisg>e.j0 pnnk•I,., flan the grow•Ing trop,
forth. uses ('(ampetaesationtake 2 .allow thrLo
{14ry ; 1
Janne Wylie. Turubwrry towas141p
farmer and a director ot• the Howie,.
Fire -Jpsnrane4. Company.. declined to
*melt prymPnt from his company t.).n Hors im•nrred why.)
his Mt', rack
!And load of -limy destroyed h
fiK le' the Ileal reratly..,
Mr. r
.tilted that the Are must bate Irmo
„,unci by n spark trolls els pile or
1 aretle his Rom War rtook1110
3118. Ham)! Petra of -London and Ills,
May 'Cooney of fAnldeshoro visited with
Mr. and Mrs- Walter ()k..
Mr. and Mrs- Wm. Vendor of Bad -
palm. Mich.. are vtertting ' with- her
soMr. 51. Henry, stet ether friesxia._
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Campbell clotted
on Sunday with Mr mut Mrs. HaroHarold.\Ill,, of 1.ucknus.
Master Donald Stonelutuse of Gode
rich spent last week with his euusiu
Master Rynald Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs, 1a. ('lark of Ottawa
wer(• week -end guests at the home of
Mrs. Marvin Meih.w•ell. Mr. ('clh.
Clark returned home with tberd.
A very severe electrical storm, ae
eompanlet b►- who'. -rain and hall.
swept over this district early Sunday
morning. uprooting trews. breaklq;i
down fruit neer. ar
, teing down slier,
unroofing barns. The Westfield eltu4ch
ens struck by lightning. (•nosing politepolitedamage-hut no fire.
The character of each our of us
the fortunes of the world are endive
len to our higher natures: this is our Wily
w• out of moral chaos and darkness. -Rae
1: Rufus Ellis.
totally cool night* accompanied br
rainsratduring the past -spring favored -
the development of the disease. En.-
lees a careful examination of the TOOI
sy'atews of affected plants is made fur
dead rootlets or dlscolnresl tendons ,len
Uelog rootlets the determination of this
trouble 1n difilcult. Fre•queutly, the
only drove.gruund symptom of thl•
disease is a shorting of the affected
plants. Usually, however. plants In
Belled fields are also uneven In size
nd'often the diseased plants are light-
a M
er In or than hettithl plants. and
the loiteir-ftietir li iaoer inclose ease.
become ,treaked and die. it should
ale, be awtltlonel-fhet the presence of
nK o -rot -organisms in the roil 1s fre-
quently responsible for poor gertnina-•
Hon and resultant uneven stands of
Born. `
Porn in the United- $tate if aff~eeted-
toy revere! distinct roos'rot , diseases.
and though it 1*• sot yet known which
one or MIM are r..po n ihle for the
tumble In Ontario certain preventive
weariless are common to 011 rant -rots'
(of torn, In the first place a rotation
should be practised. (ern trhotld not
risme(follow torn on the rismeInnd year. of•
ter yr9..e•er. From the standpoint of
'rent -rot it la mushy wife to plant corn
flu the POMP laud only nuc* every tlileP
or four years. At least • tripe of
ew,rn riot la- carried by the aced. 1'nu-
siNduently. for (he-trele•tlnn of mrd
no Pars .bn ra
iug may d1%eolotlon or
111111411111/11111111411111/11 at renkhtg of kernel. should
be used. Ti .. dusting of 4,•,'d with or
Ramie mi rettry cotnpnnnds has 1n the
South Rlsen good erontrnl lit s.rdltn%
tits nod has Iniprnvel the Initial
tend*. A menenrc of stve
or., hail alai
limn obtained to the hres'dIIng ofrtrain.►v-
nf corn re,l,tanl to rood -not`.
• -L
from s . R
place early In SeSeptember „/
(rvh*s of Mitchell ly rimmed eneN before cutri Stook ook It 1
'Kesidents of MYchetl are .tin .dine .ltttillsi,h.044. find puttee! ardent wet
.what mystified over the horning off 4. weather, ft only a Ihhull gnantly
fiery .,crass mo the ont.IsIrta of that bring threrheil. a nail may he marl.
town one ,oeuing last week. A reit npre,ldltg m 1•*m•*N on the ground Semi'
dent saw the tire on the railway rliinks row a bright penny flay. stn•
bnnkut4tit mud 114010e.) the Afire
01144. Inter ae-un.Imnrint that offiett1
to 11e .pt. An eleven foot uptight
with. a .6617-fnot erns. beam, all vt
mnplP. had 4..-.. a-rnpgwsl 4S 4tH-slNlkirl
Ile felt that roe pten.,• for a I,•+• hnrlsp and t,nn•hed off When th.
Nurel Ill his own rarcles,114' nhorhe.1 fire was oil It w,n' fonnrI Ihat,tt0 wglrl,l
,t be see,•ptel. iIs also desldenl td was little d4Ou.Red. SO. flit a* 81104111
,telt smokIn/ entirely. -- (there U no branch of the Kp (CIS)
Semon meat. ``' Klan Ito Mit.he•11 nod no explur*etloir
Annrwnrment 4. MHO.' of IIS forth- 0f the beetling ails ret been diarovete..
4 e •
s Ten> ,.•. .,► .4;10 "•*'•'2
West Street
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
Electric Wiring of all
Estimates gives on application
Telephone 8'd - (Joderich
Summer Suits
Summer Samples for the
Men ar hers
Coins' to and see us-TO
Summer Toggery
Chas. Black
East Street and Square
1y it feta *drabber are ne.lrTfnr (•a4i1
*teat to hoe•nl out the largest Itt'rnels.
it the tiro -eking mreltinee i* Iwlig used.
rail. nit exen'I*n.l In peeing leu,
it is ._ rtinConghly rir.Mrd nut brier/-
eforestarting and thnt it M adj.*fed propel-. all.* Norms Ritchie, of l.uekhow
fy•yhlted *Huh M1*w Elhn�ilelhlhft.1V_
.t' Itent„se n11 appendage.from oaf. (aid *pelt. ' .-
lir burley by the nee of the scourer. Mia. Anne Kennedy. Of Ripley. lett
it' none Is atnllnhle. the seNri may blitrlaa week -end with mfr. And 31r•i. Iter:,.
put In a b*rrcl and work.Nl over tart- .t:nsI$n.
PAItAMOI•NT. Atte, 2.1. -Mrs. Ari
their Cook and (ibis Mary Cook rpo•nt
a few day% with Mr. and Mrs. Ad.
lllielh,nsId. Pine, t(irer. this week.
t(e.ent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Win. It. Martel were Mr. and Mrs. A
Ceytell *141 Mien 1lerer)y, front Teter
laden. NISI Mrs. JOM Wall. froth ,
air. *hpr Mrs. Herb. En*Ign and yr
And Mrs. (lime R.welgn enjoyed a nioto:
Trip through Bruce I'e•nlnrnla . Ina
Mgr, I A,rni -(Masco omens • and . Apia
('ntharinr. of Detroit. are visiting *Rif
Mr. ISM Mrs, lime* Marlh,nsid.
• The Canadian National's crack
train, the Continental Limited,
from Toronto to W in nipeg, Jasper,
Vancouver and return,leaves each
terminal daily.
(from Toronto 10.80 P.M , E.S.T.)
Travel on the Continental Limited
is practicality and economy de luxe
-every 1936 last-minute comfort;
low summer fares; common-sense
prices for meals; special coach
lunch service; table d'hote meals
in the dining car at special low
prices 1* well as the regular a la
carte service.
Stop off at Jasper in the Canadian
Rockies for golf, trail riding,
hiking, fishing, swimming. Rates
•t Jasper Park Lodge are low -
from $7 00 a day including me•1•,
• s