The Rural Voice, 1979-05, Page 56r- CLAY Silo Unloaders Feeders Cleaners Liquid Manure Equipment Hog Equipment — BUTLER Silo Unloaders Feeders Conveyors — FARMATIC Mills Augers. -etc.- — ACORN Manure Pumps Cleaners Heated Waterers — WESTEEL — ROSCO — Granaries — B&L Hog Confinements Systems Ventilation Systems LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS at Amberley [R.R.#1, Kincardine] L Phone 395-5286 HURON FEDERATION NEWSLETTER GLEN McMICHAEL TURNBERRY TWP. PRESIDENT Serving his second year as president of the Turnberry township federation, Glen McMichael is pleased with the role the federation played in arranging "kitchen meetings" to help inform the local farmers on the best use of the land. This will help the farmer to be prepared to assist in helping to formulate the land use plan for Turnberry township. Glen has been a line director and a vice president for the local federation in the past. He operates a 45 sow farrow to finish operation as well as handling 40 head of beef in the winter! Glen and his wife Phyllis live on a 150 acre farm and have two children - Marjory Ann 22, and a 10 year old son, David. Hay membership drive nets 60% of farmers On Thursday, March 29 a membership drive was held in Hay twp. The idea behind the drive had its beginning a month earlier. Bev Brown had asked each Township to get a complete list of farmers in their township in order to bring the Farm and Country mailing list up to date. A 1978 voters list of Hay township was obtained from Claire Deichert, last years deputy reeve. Mr. Deichert offered to help me as he knew every farmer in the township because of his recent campaign. While Mr. Deichert checked off each farmer in the 1c •: rsuip I checked the list of 1978 Individual Service members. A list was made of the non members. I'm Turnbull, The regional director for Hu on South told the Huron County Federation executive about the non member list. As a result, the county executive offered to help in signing the non members. The county executive had March 29 free so we went with that date. Those that helped with the effort in Hay were: Rick Grenier, Glen Thiel, Gerry Thiel, Murray Keys, Burnie Denomme and myself. The executive members were Allen Turnbull, A Ian Walper, Merle Gunby, Jim McIntosh, Bill Pullen. John VanBeers, and Bill Crawford. The non members were divided into areas by their concessions, with two men assigned to each area. In roughly five hours the complete township was covered and eighteen farm- ers had joined, and about the same amount expressed their interest to join at a later date. The lists were returned with the names of the farmers who were not at home at the time. These will be kept for use in the near future. I would personally like to thank once again all those who helped to make the day a success. I would also like to thank Town and Country Bowling lanes for their hospitability afford- ed us as we used it for the central meeting place for the day. As a result of this last drive, Hay township has over sixty per cent of its known farmers as Federation members. Andre Durand President Hay township, Federation of Agriculture. HOWICK HOLDS ANNUAL— PLANS JUNE TOWNSHIP MEETING Gorrie - About 60 I.S.M.'s from Howick Township turned out on March 28 to hear guest speaker, Tony McQuail. "Farmers today are very dependent on fossil fuels" stated Mr. McQuail. Accord- ing to Mr. McQuail, farmers should consider alternate renewable energy sources while we still have fossil fuels on hand. By considering wind, solar power, wood and other renewable energy sources, farmers can make a gradual, rather than drastic traumatic change, before fossil fuels run out. 1.S.M.'s present were enthusiastic about organizing a Township meeting in June. The new executive will be issuing further notice when arrangements are complete. t;tecteu w utnce tur LII coming year were: President, Claude Martin; First Vice -Pres., Bill Atton; County Director, Bill Atton; Sec. Treas., Mrs. Wayne Johnson; Line Directors, Murray Mulvey, Mrs. Deanne Dickson, Mel Grieg, Bill Taylor, Phil Maier, Stan Zurbrigg, Lyle Murray, Jim Renwick, Elmer Harding, Jack Stafford, Bill Bennett, Edgar Dane, Garfield Gibson, Pete Eskritt. W. J. McEACHERN CONSULTING Roll Overs and Net Worths BOOKKEEPING Et TAX SERVICE 30 years farm related experience with Revenue Canada W.J.McEACHERN R. R. 2, Grand Bend, Ont. 238-2616 THE RURAL VOICE/MAY 1979 PG. 55