HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-8-27, Page 6i
:F "raced tee e}',.1..?
B -'faraday, August 37th, 11144
Low Rail Fares to
Canadian National
Aug. 28 - Sept. SI
In effect from masa, psrm
m Ontario
Geed pis Aus t 2t - 3apt. 12
RM.r. Limit . • September 14
}oil psetiaolan from any Agent
41iaitiiLWAY1 I3f1F'
was uv pleases you meet Others
:7 please otbep yea
>iia! 4eeterfield.
col Results- ,.„:pinta
Goderich Coatetitute
1t1 '�ilat,tawya-.tR l iktp �Ilus,
J mami
eiwdla4 those subjects ou w
.tmlents oI tohted standing o
metodalioh of the staff.
I"I" hide -ate- 75 ler cent
411" is tier per cent. to 74 1
Armlet Johroct4eurcAli, M, Chem. IL
Atiquith. Mary t II,
Asquith. Reglasid--Eng. Camp. 4-
Mod. Hhit. C, lag. II. Trig. II, Rot:. 1.
hien the
n recum= gr
or air 7!
ler oath ;
,c" is- 34
C, Fr.
r. Auth. 11. Tr. Comp n
Calder, MaMary-ring.ais�ei.lit c. -
Clare. Maryge Comp 11, Mod
aw, .
Hist. II. Alae I. OeIII. Phy., I.
Chola. I.
--Caatl#Io, Nurab--illitg, Lit. I. Mat.
Hist. 1.'Alg. 1, liana 11. twig. II, Let
Auth. 1, Lat, Coy. III, Ft. AnnaI,
.17. Comp 11.
Crawford. Rat Lit. Ii.
C.tt, Kenneth -VOL a Heart -
e, Trio. III. mom C, Lt - Auth. C.
Lt. Comp C. it A>ath. C. Fr. Comb
Many things lawful are not espedi-1Ea& Lit 1.
Oat. hat setbtng can its truly expedi- DOW Maurice -Eng. comp, C. Eng.
Olt which Is unlawful or sinful. -0. lit. C.
r 11011111Mona, Bisset. William -Eng. Lit C.
-Deaiiiadepe roge-•(bmp
Dowker, Art/kit-Eng. Comp. C.
Dewker, Awdr7-Fr. Auth. IIi, Ft.
Comp. II.
Durnln, Bernice -Eng. Comp. 111.
Elliott, Margaret -Eng. Pomp C,
Eug. Lit. C.
Farrlah, Muriel -Eng. Comp. C, Eng
Lit. l', Bot. 11. Zoo y. 1I.
lagan, Douglas -Eng. Lit. I1.
7ANiy. (', Fr. Pomp. C.
Hogarth. Bernice --Trig. I, Bot. I,
7ANi y. 11. Lat. Comp. 11I, Fr. Auth. 11,
Fr. Comp. 111.
'Hunter, John -Eng. Comp C, Eng.
Johnston. Roberta -Eng. Comp. 11.
Eng. Lit. 11.
Kershaw, John -Eng. Comp. C, Eng.
Lit- 111.
Knight, Wilson -Eng. Conip. C, Eng
Lib •C.
Lluklater, Francis -Eng. Comp. I11.
Drag: Lit. 111. lion,. Hist. C, Zoo'y. C,
Fr. Autb.--C.
lmgatk--Vthlaw-Eng. lAt Il. Fr.
Aotlt. C
MacLeod. Jean -Eng. Comp I. Eng
LS. h Mod. Hist, I, AIg. I. Grum. 1•
veranda was used as the stage. James
Lt. Auth. i, Lt. Vomp. I, Fr. Auth.Young acted as chairman, Interspers-
ing Fr. Cump� iierm. A. 1, Germ. Ing the number, on the program witu
C. I.. I his Jokes. The program consisted of
McKenzie, Ethel-Alg. ]I, Geom. 11. ow the following: Community .tneing; trio
Zoog.. C,, LatComp. C. by Arthemise, Pauline and Clarice
McManus, Gordon -Eng. Comp C. Lassallne: dialogue. "A Close Shave."
Mcilehen. Margaret -Mod. Hist. 11, by Harold Gardner and Everett Mc-
Alg. Ii, Geom. C, Trig. IL Lat. Auth.
Dwain: piano solo by Mrs. Harwood'
II, I.at. Comp. III, Fr. Autb. II, Fr.
Comp. C.
Martin, Frances -Mod. Hist II, Alg.
C, Geom. C, Bot. II, Zoo'y. Ii, Iat
Auth. III. Lat. Comp. III, Fr. Autb.
11I, Fr. Comp III.
y(tcol rg•ret_Eng. Comp. II. Eng.
Lit. II. C. !Prig. II, Bot. 1I, Fr.
Orr, Brace -..Mod. Hist. C. Alt C,
Trig. C, Zoo'y. II._
Plante, Doris ---Mod. Hist. I, Trig.
1, Lt. Aatb. I1, Lat. Comp. 111.
Btltffell, Waltft-Eng. Comp C, Eng
Lit. % Mod. Hist. I. Alg. I. Geom. I.
Trig. I. Chem. I, Lat. Auth. I, LaL
Comp I, Fr. Auth. I, Fr. Comp. I.
Ruston. Alice -Eng. Lit. iII, Zotey.
Saunders. Geraldine -Eng Comp II,
Eng. Lit. 11.
Stevens. Harold -Mod. Hist II, AI&
F, Geom. 1. Trig. I, Chem. I. Lat. Auth
I. Lat. Comp. I1, Fr. Anti 1, Fr. Comp
11, Germ. Auth. I. Germ. Comp. I.
Sfothers. Lenore -Eng, Comp C.
Eng. Lit. C.Thornelo c. Agnea -Ent. Comp. C,
Eng. Lit. C.
Turner. Harold -Mod. Hist. C, Int
Conte. C.
Whitely. Benson -Eng. Comp C.
Wiggins, Donald -Eng. Comp. Ill.
Eng. Lit. III.
Wllwm: ![aryl-E11�C.mp I1, Ent..
Lit.- 111. •
Young. 'Howard-Mo4W
H. H. A1tt I .tun : I honglas S. Thompwm, Toronto;
111. tletm. I1. - ` - - Mrs. H 11. Strachan, l'leveland : Miss
_ 1-. Beatrice Taylor. Landon; M1.e M.
HURON M. P. TO BI IADCABT Marion Ellis, London; Mr. and Mrs.
R. J. Deachman. MP; for North
(Huron. will speak over CikNX, WIng-
ham. on Monday. Angmt 31st. at
1_.:k0 noon. His topic will be "How
far have we gone' The address will
ial with the extent of the preaen;
drrcovery and the Denser[• for the
Yr/der ,Douglas Orr of Goderich hu
been holidaying at the home of his
aunt, Mrs. J. B. Orr.
Mrs. Jas. Roesof Guelph Is vIsl-
tlu$ bar dater, Mrr Geo. Frlcuuer.
TL Beer art FrauL?of
Chicago flit -visiting at the- home of
the lady's sister and brother-in-law,
Ills. Wylie Jobinton and Mr. Join. -
stmt. •114 with other relative[.
Mr. end Mrs. 14. 1t. McMath andfatally. of Holmesville. were renew-
ing acquatatanes at Union on Sun
Rev. C. De Witt Coaens of 011ulot,
arupled the pulpit of Union church ou
Sunday and delivered an inspiring ad-
dress (row the text, "But whosoever
drluketh of the water Riot I shall give
deet[ never thirst ;.but .ttte.Stai>tv
..L i*all
Wow Jahn *ball be in hive
a well ut water, springing up tutu
everlasting life" (John 4:14). -
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bogie, Madeline
and Melvin, of Nile, visited on Sun-
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
The Ladies' Aid of Zion church.rri
Taylor's Cue, will meet at the home
of Mrs. Frank Chambers, on Wednes-
day afternoon, September ,2nd. at 2
o'clk. Everyone bring kuktlug
The Sunday school picnic of t'nlou
church will he held at Kitchlgawl MI
Monday afternoon, August 31. --
' Eric Spelran underwent an opera-
tion for the removal of his tonsils last
Kenneth Sowerby, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Sowerby, was quite 111 last
week with an attack of appendicitis.
The Union Sunday school picnic 1'.
to be held rat lamp Kitehlgaml et:
Monday. August 31st.
Serial Gatbering.-The ice-cream so-
cial held on Thursday evening at the
Porter home was a .complete success.
The weather was ideal and the large
MANY people ask us why Kelloggs tante better.
One of the most important reasons L that they're
.lsseys crisp and oven -fresh. They're protected by the
ant patented WAXTITE inner bag.
Another reason is their delicious
Savor. Their oven -fresh crispness
ilia. never been imitated. Kellogg's
ase blade only from the finest in-
gredients. Nourishing. Easy to
Don't be satisfied with any other
brand. Ask for Kellogg's by risme.
Nothing takes the place of ,
Sunday Afternoon
Ooderlch, Ontario
Thou art giving and forglvtng,
Ever blesslug. ever blest,
Wellsprlug of the joy of 11)114,Oeeen-depth of happy rest
Thou our ruttier, Christ our brother,-
AU who lite in love are Thine:
Teach us how to love each other,
Lift us to the joy dlvlue.
-Henry Van Dyke.
We thank Thee, G Lord, for Thy great
gift -of- hive- to all usaukiud- _
and unwell aeetica.JY.Javiag aur DOWmen. -Amen.
. e •
S. S. LESSON FOR SEPT. gib, 1134
Lessen Timis -Turning Is lbs Gentiles.
Lemma Passage -Alas 14:4.13, 11, t4;
Re-- 11:811.
Golden Test -Acta 13:47.
When Paul and Barnabas left the
island of !'rete, they sailed across to
Terga In 1'amphylia and afterwards
went Inland to Antioch 1n ['fiddle.As was their custom, they entered the
-synagogue din the Sabbath Day. The
rulers invited them to speak " If they
bad any word of exhortation for
the people." Paul accepted the invi-
tation and reviewed the history of the
children of Israel down through the
mere until the resurreetton of Jesus
When the Jews were gone out of the
synagogue. the Gentiles besought that
these words might be preached to them
the next Sabbath Day. No doubt dur-
IPZ d be
the following week there would.
mach discussion about 'P WPI *Ord',
su that on the next Sabath Day al-
most the whole city came together
to hear the word of God. ,This great
multitude roused the Jews to envy and
they became beside themselves, blas-
pheming and contradicting Paul. Then
It we. that they bard bold words
from the Apmttles : "It was necessary
that the word of God should first have
b'Token oken to you : but seeing 7e put
wan: It from you. and Judge yourselves un-
plap, "A Joker In Johnston.Bet veil. worthy of everlasting life, lo, we tarn
F:lva Orr, }toddle nston. !tatty Ful
With every purchase of 25c or over, coupons will be given
. for Kingsley Design English Dinnerware or Rogers' Al
Plus Service Plate table flat ware.
SPECIAL One Kingsley Bread and Butter Plate and cou-
pons FREE to the first fifty customers pur-
chasing $1 or more of merchandise at
The Square MAPLE LEABAKERY Phone 110W
Grocery Specials for Thursday,
,.... Friday and Saturday
SPECIAL! "Crunchie" Sweet Mixed
Large 27 -os. jar 23c
$PE}�CL,i .--
.,2 pkg.. ik
146. fruits 27c
CHEESE •• • Lb' 25c
Strap Chips
Puffed Rioe
Ginger Snap
3 lbs. 25c
2 pigs. 25c
Lb. 10c
Maxwell Hottae
Coffee 1-1b. tin 39c
Special- "Surprise"
Surprise "
SOAP a bas 25c
UMIAKLarge 32 -os. jar 25c
\vlmer Gulden
Bantam Corn ....2 tins 25c
Pumpkin ... Large tin 12c
(loom oo1-1b. tin 24c
(111 English
Floor Wax 1'...56o
Special- "St. Croix"
8 cakes 25c
SPECIAL "Standard"
, ..4 tins 19c
r -1 2 tins 23c
wen. fon-ed 10 pass through the
most trring experiences. However,
they erre sustained and comforted by
(heir faith. and having endured so
nch together. the Ora which bind
to cue auotitr'asw bury strong.
As a Christian group, they conduct
■ Consumers' Co-operative Store, and
recently the young men of the church,
about forty strong, contracted for work
on a new government road being built
some miles away. on condition that
they be not asked to work on Sundays.
Having tried them. the Japanese boss
is quite pleased with his bargain, for
not only do they begin early and work
bn into the eight on Saturdays. but
are so faithful and diligent the six
days of the week that their nou-
Chrletiau fellow -workmen have besot
forced by their example to loaf leas
than la usual with this type of work
Their church is everything to them
people. and they well deserve the help
being given them to maintain 1t unit.
they are able of themsclvea. the Kor-
ean General Assembly ■astatine in
support of their pastor. and the taw.
dlau Woman's Missionary Surety 11.
the maintenance eat their Blblewomen.
- From The Missionary Monthly
ler, Aand Lasa
sline Bernice John_ to the Gentiles. For ea hath the Lord
commanded us. saying. 1 have set thee
"Tn he Professor's Mistake,"
and Bernie Fuller; dlalogu by James s to be a light of the Gentiles, that thou
Young and Marlon Colwell; musics: aboulcies t be for salvatton unto tee
reading, The Minuet." by Artbemiss end of the earth." Much persecution
and Pauline Ins aline: -The Mystert- followed the Meld preaching of the
nus Max Milian." by Harold (lordlier Apostles. as they went from city to
and Everett Mellwain. lee cream and city. However, In the city of Lystra
cake were served on the lawn and the the people. seeing the miraculous pow -
evening wan brought to a close with elk exercised by Paul on s man born a
the National Anthem. About $17 was erlpp le• were convinced the Apostles
realized. The social was sponsored by were gods come down In the likeness
the Dramatic Club and the Young l'eu- of men and they were prepared to wor-
pie'" Union. ship them. Even the priest of Jupiter
brought oxen and garlands to assist
RUN OVER BY WATER TANK the people In their sacrifices. It was
}toward Cox, Porter" HUI, was poo- with much effort that Paul and Barna-
fully injured on - Tuesday afternoon nes restrained them. Very soon after
when the team drawing a water tank
these game people drove the Apostles
bolted. Mr. Cox was knocked doter (from their city. Recovering from the
and the water tank Went over his tastily injury done to them, when the
foot. He was brought 10 Goderich, but people east stones at them. they went
the foot was so Daddy swollen the at. on their way and came to Derbe, where'
tending physician was unable to as- unmolested they Drenched to and
certain whether or net any bones were taught many. Afterwards they re -
broken. Mr. Cox was returned to bit traced their steps to Perga. from which
home. plaee they sailed for Antioch where they
had been sent forth as missionaries.
REGISTERED AT HOTEL SUNSET "When they were come. and had garb
C. D. Halley. Montreal: Miss Sara ered the church together. they re-
hearsed all that Got had done with
M. Hyslop. Burlington; 1). Luella them. and how 11e had opened- the
Brown. Burlington; E. W. ('ockrrline.
g- door of faith unto the Gentiles."
Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey. King -
Romans 14: S -13. --Paul in this chan-
ter expresses h1s great desire for the
Jews that they might be saved. ile
shows that there is a great dtferente
between the righteousness of the law
to which the unbelieving Jews were
weddc%I. and the righteousness of faith
offered In the Gnapel. Christ himself
said 11s. same not to destroy the law
but to fulfil it. sn here we i re Pan!
declaring: "For Christ Is the end of
the law for righteonsness to every one
that belleveth. For Moses timerll.etb
the righteousness which is of the law,
that the man which drwth those things -
shalt live by them. But the rlghteonse
nem which is of faith speaketh on thi4'-
wine, that it thou shalt ,confess with
holies tieing pe-e.ent. The president.
Mrs. Jas, McKenzie. took charge of
the meeting. Miss Maud Howell,
missionary uu furlough from Trini-
dad, antra a very Ane address on bet
wort and showed • leap }Ictus* of
the people and places in Trinidad
Mrs. Lundy, who is now at her cottage.
was present and told of a young lady
belonging to their United church in
Streeetsvllle who Is to go as a milk
*!unary to India. Mrs. Gordoo read
the life of Mrs. Elizabeth Buchanan,
au old and valued member of the So-
etety, but now out West. A favorite
hymn of Miss Green's mother, "Will
your anchor hold'[" was sung and the
iAwrd's Prayer was repested in unison.
after which the hostess served a daluty
lunch which brought a very plateanc
and profitable afternoon to a close.
PORT ALBERT. August 2I1. -Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Baird of Hrneelel.t
visited on Sunday at the home of Lr.
Jas. McKenzie.
We are glad to report that Mlus
Henrietta guild. who bad an opera-
tion for appendlcitla In Goderich hoop&
tat. is progressing favorably.
Mrs. RI -hand Reed arrived home 04
Saturday evening after spending a few
days in Goderich.
Miss Phoebe Boughton. who had been
vtslting her nnele, Mr. Jas. Crawford,
and cousins for a week, returned to
her home in Arden, Manitoba, on Tues.
W. M. S. Meetbag.-The
of the t'uitest church met at
the home of Miss Bella Green ort God-
erich on Thursday last twenty-five
to Satur4$$L4!
Nu dancing Tuesday. Sept hat.,
Thursday. Sept. Sed. or F041ay.
Sept 41 b.
Old-time Fiddlers' Coldest
Monday Night, Aug.3lst
A Night of Old-time Daactag
Prizes for Mouth -organ
Playing and st.p-dancing
Plan M spend the FUMYnt
we-ned at Grand Bend. Then
will be tires big daees-$ttr
Meat, Menday Maung
Midnight aMends" Night.
Rent a Cottage -Reduced rates
now. Apply Casino
N. P. l.eekwood. Kingsville; R. W. Gra-
ham, London; Mrs. Maurice J. Quinn
and daughters. Detroit ; Mr. and Mrs.
C. F. Moore. Weston, Ont.: Mrs. J.
Kent Smith and daughter. Detroit:
Mrs. J. W. Westeott, sr., Miss M. L.
Westeott.and Mrs. B. Schumacher, Ann
Arbor; Mrs. K. Oram. Hamilton: Miss
L Hay, Hamilton; Thos. H. Millar,
Detroit; Mr. and Men. J. A. Whar-
ton, Miss Wharton and Mr. Wharton.
Detroit ; Mr. and Mrs. Marshall. Toron-
to; Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Smith, Detroit;
Mr. and Mra. S. W. Mellatrip, Detroit;
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McLaughlin, Its
trout; Mr. and Mrs. Y. H. Poleni, De-
troit; Miss May Beason, Toronto; Ma
Evelyn Robertson, Toronto;
Mllllman, Kgrt „Wayne; Mrs. L. G.
Holterman,,fort Wayne; Mr. and Mrs.
C. C. Bowen`and four children, De -
'milt; Mrs. G. B. Schaefer, Detroit,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kern, Detroit;
Misses F. and E. Wood, Ortllla; Mr.
and Mrs. A. M. Lang, Kitchener; M".
and Mrs. Alfred R. Tapert, Detroit;
Mr. and Mrs, R. Brown, Wayne, Mich:
Mrs. Hamilton Cassels and Mina A.
Cassels, Toronto; Dr. and Mrs. Oracc,
London; Dr. and Mrs. Robs. T. Tapert,
Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Borden,
Detroit; Mr and Mrs. Fredk. 1.. Bor-
den, Detroit ; Mrs. Wm. MacMtiitan,
Toronto; bre. W. M. McC•naland, To-
ronto; Mr. and Mr.. A. C. Woodward,
ilev. Thomas J. Feed Has Made Geed
Record at Strathroy
A recent issue of The Strathroy Age
Despatch hat the following referenc?
to a clergyman well known In Oode-
rich and vicinity:
"Strathroy has a big citizen In the
Rev. Father Ford. parish priest of AU
Saints' church -not only In the sense
of the physical. for he 1s 6 feet 3 inches
tall and tips the scales at around 290,
but also In the realm of the spfrftnat,
metal and civic, for he has already won
the admiration of all by his big -
heartedness and kindly Interest In the•
welfare ref the cemmnntty-- and its
people. Father Ford has proved him-
self a very devoted priest and capable
administrator of parish affairs. Com-
pleting the program of improvements
Inaugurated by his predecessor, the
late Rev. Father J. J. Young. a Ane
woe basement has just been finished
in the Church edifice, whietl is shortly
to 1' 1141.I fer•the first time. This un-
dertaking will be • decided asset in
future for the congregation on, All
Saints' parish. Rev. Father Ford 14
a native of Huron county, being born
near Gotlerieh, and a member of a
large pioneer funnily. Ile has six
brothers and three sisters. After his
ordination to the priesthood. Father
Ford was first attacher) to St. Peter's
Cathedral, London ; then was Adminis-
trator for two years at Ingersoll:
serval as pastor for four years •t
Bothwell, and oleo twelve years at
%V w, !%Ise, Eswex evinnty. Father Ford
came hr Strathroy In April. 1143, after
• very happy and surcesful pastorate
in Dresden. Ile is a lover of musk
EDI playa the violin very well. Just
recently he became prealdent of the
Lions ('dub, a servile organisation with
which he has been actively tdentlfeti
for some time. That he Is able to Awl
a little time for worthwhile thing•
outside his parochial duties Is an evl-
dente rat hits broad. (Trhetlan outlook up-
on Missouri those who know anything of
his quiet pastoral work ran vouch for
his deep practleal sympathy for the
poor and rllstressed. Father Yard la
PHONE 116 or 216 PHONE 46 naturally beloved by hes own eengre
Baton, and his genial, kindly nature
vippmemmillipmpingeopmeir Is fait winning him a Yost of wart
friends oetslde his clfnrcb."
A class is being formed to *[tidy
Drawing, Design,
Painting, etc.
Mao (i%rlattnas Greeting (lords
Two boars Si (in
Ten lessons .47.50, In advanee
Shorter lessons by arrangement
Eland new and dent etas the
Ind elan..
Mary Howell
Photo. 913 4 st Planet St.
thy month the Lord Jens, and abaft
Wien la thine heart that God bath
raisei Alm from the dead, thou shalt he
saved. 'There IS no . Tfferenee between
the Jew and the Greek! for whosoever
shall call upon the name of the Lord
shall be saved."
In Jeans Christ there Is neither
Greek nor Jew. The same Lord over
all Is rich unto all. When He pro-
claimed His name. the Lord. the Lewd
God. gracious and merciful, He signified
hot only what Ile was to the Jews, but
what He Is and will be to all that call
upon Him. It was for preaching a uni-
versal Gospel that the Jews were se
angry with Paul
• • • -
Miss .mma Palethorpe writes orf a
vial[ to Tong }!rung thin at the ex-
treme nortn of Manchuria, where •e
Western woman had yet visited. A
young theological student went ss a
helper, teaching and conducting the
evening meetings.
There to a ehurch at Tong He-
ins Chin which has an interesting
history. and as one reads about 1t now.
one 1s reminded of the book of Arts.
its members, numbering .shoat three
hundred, were formerly prosperous rice
farmers In Russia. NO as they refused
to renounce Christianity at the bidding
of the Soviet they were. of course.
subject to persecution. and were Anally
warned by some loyal Russian friends
to flee. Their forced flight war in win-
ter. end entalled untold hardship and
suffering. They Came empty -hamlet
having to Ienve all ttehlnd. and settled
in this village. Jnat oe'er the border In
Here one of the first things they did
uses to build for themselves a new
place on, worship. doing much of the
work with their own hands. Tong 11e
ung ('hin has not proved A peaceful
haven. for only a year or so After they
come Korean eommnnists ran amuck
there for months. The pastor wager
foreed o iter fur his life. hiding in the
hill. for days. The windows and
furnlchtngs of the ehnrch were
smashed, and the manse looted,
and all the church members
Take a day next month
Plias mew wIR . Imegy M a *Meas day set owe ea Wawa Fab.
Tsar sea ba* 'meal aabblioa awned ita*ow r C neda Lobes
bane edblr ed set.. -,sat ssesbor Set yew pods end amonoom P
y any mbar seer/ Y Weston' tb.tmtw
Tb. hatse lit el ever 133.301 dews h.aes& of lee aRieabor
ad Wnsatr sabres. Tsa7 swig v I. Genodn sad Show- Sends.
hide& Gemara Indway. Art Ginty. Dine. Pet imd TMwer taws. B .
and Salm Departments. sic 4
DAYS Sept. 14-19ONE Wsj looks=
L oEfrosElelligft •
-l1/l--Arivep a-isiea 1421 Durant es/an
WIN &aim Sstlaa 032 Feed Model B 2 -tan Track
11111 504 with stake rack
1111 Olga Omani 1121 Harley-D'vidsso Meter"
1111 bolus [[alba cycle, twin-cylloder IE
Siad and tight is every way
• 1
Phone 379
DOOOM-DellOnno MALS 15 Hamilton street
- s
fityltat and !special Representative of
Os the above [tate, mein will have an apperta lty of
Iwrmseting an setatan ding eoibMd .n of Befti.h Waslam
for the new assays. The Tip Top re rtweathtive will
ala. indse'prvt London and New Petri'* latest style
trends ter mea and women_
Unrestricted etudes of these superior 1abr le% hand -
cutting and tailoring fa year individual neurone, em-
phasise Tip Tap Tailors' "mere fee year money" policy.
Feel free tri consult with the Tip Top Representative