HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-8-27, Page 44--Taarrday, August 27th, 1936 1I'. 1 • :Cys THE SIGNAL - GODERICH, ONT. MOM rif I. -se I i ,• t•.e� V • • t:1-4 : "r: ' e S. ►'/ti. CORNFIELD'S 1 Ct"i MIS �Ct i IP 1 Cornfield's Always Give the Public the Best at the Lowest Prices Sale Commences Saturday, Aug. 29th, and ��t,;°°`. Sattirday,..Sept. l2th New Fall Millinery All .. Lbw a.aost slat pe.-eigis ~was, brims, noretty trimmings. brown and navy. All bend sizes. Anniversary Bale Prioe $1.95 CLEARING-BUIOKER MILLINERY White Felts, tailored Felts. :straw,, et.. Regular $2.95. Anniversary Sale Prioe 49c Mac►, i The Opportunity you have been waiting for A FREE GIFT For every Cash Pure ase of $ 5.00 or more we are giving away a Pair of Turkish Towels New and Season• able Merchandise at lowest cost Oilcloth and Thread TABLE OILCLOTH White and ietiterne*F40144..4A iw new ile�.1Ya. Anniversary Sale Price, 11/4 yd. Yard 39c Anniversary Sale Price, 11/2 yd. Yard 49c SEWING THREAD J. & P. 1'4'.. t'„sou Thread, black and Anniversary Sale Price 4 for 25c Ladies' Coats and Swagger Suits LADIES' WINTER COATS Advance sale of Fall and Winter Coater featuring new cloths of novelty__ woollens. ttus of distinction and styled in thelatest-mode-all the"wewest $B houettes- Bny now and tsx&I-- . 2tv-, ('oats valued at $25.00. Anniversary Sale Prins $20.00 A deposit will hold your Coat for you. NEW TWEED COATS Coats smartly tailored of English tweeds. The leading sport coat. A large variety of styles and materials. Anniversary Sale Pries .$12.95 and up SPRING COATS ---- _- -- !'lose -out price~' Tailored tweeds _aud.asquality wools -practical, usefdl_ great savings. Sizes 14 to 38. gemmae 612_95 to $15.95._ lmdval$et Sale Price $6.95 SWAGGER SUITS Two-piece Snits smartly made of good quality tweeds in plaids and mon otones. Sizes 14 to 20. Regular $16.50 to 419.50. Anniversary Sale Price $10.00 DRESSES Every Dress in stock marked down for a final elearaway. An unrestricted close- out. DRESS-formsr17 $1,96--$3.95 Crepes, voiles, novelty cottons. ' Anniversary Bale DRESSF.S-6m1* " Printed erepes,leee, *Aran crepes. 8t 14 to 20. Anniversary Sale Price DRES ` , -formerly $3.95 to $4.95 \Conieu's Dresses in dark prints. Cape sleeve,s_an4-' puff sleeves. Sizes 38 to 48. Aus161/2y 1 rtoy 241/2.- $2.95 t w--�! Oe $1.95 DRESSES -firm * -11" sod, and Dreaaea in crepes, chiffons. pure ,ilk,, evry-sane--mdiv11111al. Sizes 14 to 11 Anniversary Sale Price NEW FALL DRESSES $3.95 Featuring the new Princess silhou47ttes, tunic frocks. new materials, new shades. Reasonably prieed DRESSES -formerly $6.95 to $10.95 Netter Drowses .of every type -sport. afternoon. evening -crepes. chiffons. laces; `nits ineluded. All sixes. Anniversary Sale Price SKIRTS All -WWI Skirts. ' ' F:, 11 -ty l,•- -11.,111.1 s,•I1 at $2.05. 6aniverfEy...Bale Price 81 95 ROUSE DRESSES Print Presse In :, large %arioty wf .Ick, - Regular $Llai. Aaaltorsary Sale Price ...49c $4.95 HOSIERY weldrest full-fashioned silk Hose, 1n new Fall shades. First quality. Sheer chiffon. venire -weight and crelw. Reg• .*lar $1.1114 pair. ailaiversay Sale Prioe ,pair ilk Serylte•weight and chiffon Kae-kIa ' Hose In chiffon. Regular Vie pair. Anniversary Sale Prise pair 69c Clearing -Silk !lose, tine quality, good shades. I.Iale Hose, ribbed tops. Regular 50c pair. Anniversary Sale Prins pair ifs You Will Profit EREJ Ibex Blankets Best quality Blankets, large size. Anniversary Sale Price pair $225 WOOL -COT BLANKETS Plaid blankets. colors rose, blue, gold, green and mauve. Part wool. bound with corded ribbon. Anniversary Sale Price . . pair $3.59 GLOVES French Kid Gloves --smart styles in all shades; soy elty cliffs. Sizes f4 to •. Itegular $2.110 pr Anniversary Sale Price .... pair 49c CRETONNE Fast colors, good designs, 36" wide. Reg- ular up to 50c yard. versary Sale Pe19t yard 19c ramps Pristetl Crepes, Rayons. iKalts 73e yard. Flea rine. -- _ - Anniversary Sale Pries FLANNELETTE White and striped. 36•' wide. Firm quality. nivrsary Sale Pries. .6 yards for $1.00- _ ENGLISH FLANNELETTE ._ White only. heavy quality. 36" wide. Anniversary Sale Price ..5 yards for $1.00 FACTORY COTTON :114" Cotton. tine even guality. Anniversary Sale Price .8 yards for $1.00 PURE LINEN TOWELLING lama fine quality. colored borders. Reg nlar _:»• and :'W• yard. Anniversary Sale Price yard 19c SHEETS LADIES' SPORT SWEATERS Palley Plinio erg In all -wool. short sleeves. Regular $1.91. Anniversary Sale Prioe _ " 91,69 BLOUSES ring :t line of voile and print lRoases. Re11nl», $1.1114 411 Anniversary Sale Prioe 39e LINGERIE Itayon Pu11ies and lnoonwrs. 1.arpe make. Flue quality. white and isomer. Anniversary Sale Pries pair 25c NIGHTGOWNS AND PYJAMAS .1 large 4-,'riety of styles in pastel shaded. Regular Anniversary Sale Price 95c SLIPS /`regw SIIps, .11111 rtly made. Ince 1rlrioaaed. white 411,1 te•ar.' .' Ilegnlu' $1.114 Anniversary Bale Price $1.00 ANGEL SKIN BLIPS Well eat. Ince -trimmed and tailored style 11'hlte and ,Intro.,. Sizes :rl to 44 Itegular SI tat Anniversary Sale Price 85c FOUNDATION GARMENTS I'tearing e..rse•ts, (lit -tiles. (',.re•le•Ih•< R: a - ken sizes. It.golar 1,195 to 112 ..17, Anniversary Sale Price $1.00 Knitting Yarn "Him Canada" Wool. one ounce balls. 3•Ply,all shades Regular 15e ball. Anniversary Sale Price 10c ball a! "Al Men ! Young Men! NEW PALL 2 -TROUSER SUITS Clothing i9 going: up -buy non' and save money. { AllAWool pav'y'_altdblown woes and.CSiTord Smart models for - .me»iin71 }bung lili'1t. pair trousers.= Regular $''3!111 L 'w Anniversary Sale Price $1950 MEN'S TOPCOATS All -wool tweeds, greys and browns. Sizes 35 to 40. Regular $12.95 to 914.50. Anniversary Sale Price $8.95 Escellentiy•tailored of all wool worsteds in greys. navys and browns. -stripes.. plants- .and overehiee Size, 33 ta�38-Lvublc and single-breaa<te4l st les. 2 - it trousers. Regular 919.:,0 Anniversary Sale Price $14.95 YOUTHS' SUITS All -wool worsteds in navy and brown. • over-pla id design. 2 -pair longs. Sizes 13 years to 15 years. Anniversary Sale Pirce $10.95 tri MEN'S FELT HATS \,•tt Fail shales Ne't shapes Anniversary Sale Price FINE SOCKS $1.79 WORK SOCKS Pennon's all -wool Socks, dark Shy with white toes and heels. Anniversary Sale Price....3 pair for SIAS " Lisle and silk and lisle Sock$ variety of patterns. • Anaigsary Sale Prioe ' 251. Fine qu:IIif, SI10.4.4 of blenched cotton, hem- stitch1.11 414',11 Regular $1.2,5 each. Anniversary Sale Price each 91.00 BRASSIERES 1arterials and styles. well made. Anniversary Sale Price 25c Swiss Net Curtains Fine net with I,,,r,l,-r• o,- r11 R,ggtar Matt 1.:01 Anniversary Sale Price. pair $1.95 l▪ ousiv MEN'S UNDERWEAR Penman's Balbriggan Underwear. piece and combinations. Anniversary Sale Price SHOI1tS Suit 79c -Extra foe- glia 11 y, well -tailored, pjooll cut. Sizes 344 ::5 Regular 75e pair: Anniversary Sale Pries pair 49c MEN'S PULLOVER SWEATERS Penman duality, all -wool, \--neck and tiirtla• neck 1{e!nl;,r +_' ', Anniversary Sale Price $1.49 BOYS' PULLOVER SWEATERS \ea ,411.. 10r100 color, all -wool `17.1.1 1 to 2. Anniversary Sale Price • WORK SHIRTS 98c \;,c, in,lilo dyed and military 4101111,1 I.are, ronin slake. triple stit(hed. Anni,'ersary Sale Price A. CORNFIELD Ladies' and Men's Wear "SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP' Phone 418 - -' West Side of Square, Goderich wow, �s r4c` t l 'a i• / l 89c BOYS' GOLF SOCKS ...Strong 'tearing Stacks iu heavy quaht% I isle. Anniversary y • . .414 4 29c Assortment of Ties .'t large assortment of hoe duality silk, In plaids and stripes Annivesary Sale Price 39c BOYS' KNICKERS 1'r,pare for school days -New tweeds, Lieu' pattern.. well made, reasonably priced. BOYS' SHIRTS AND BLOUSES 141' ,•oar,,,, broadcloth. Clearing. Anniversary Sale Pries MEN'S WORK PANTS 49c . `irons }'ants. Well .made. SII .,n•. Anniversary Sale Price pair $1.35 Men's Broadcloth Shirts Fine -Broadcloth Shirts, patterned 1!11 attrbetive atria and cheeks. Attached and separate collars. Sixes 14 to 17. Regular up to $1.75. Anniversary Sale Price $1.19 Psi"' i m., 3 ,._,. mr. , • 4i