HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-8-27, Page 22-ffilerlideF, August 27th, 11038
Courtesy an Asset
among Motorists
Established 1848
kosher of Canadian Weekly News-
papers Association
Published every Thursday morning.
Subscription price 42.00 per year,
=1.410 if paid to advance. Subscribers
la United states will please add 50c
for postage. -
W. H. Robertson. Editor and Manager
Telephone M . (loderlch, Ont.
MAFEKIN(:, Aug, 85 -Mr. Thus.
Henry ,[pent a dew days last week with
her sinter, Mrs. McCready, Harriette*.
Blake's W. M. 8. met at the home of
Mrs. Sam Alton. The young ladies
had charge of the meeting.
Recent visitors at the home of Mr.
and .Mrs. 8. J. Kilpatrick Included Mr.
alai Mre. Pab er Kilpatrick, ut Terme
to: Mr. and MrM. J. U. Hereon, of
Stratford, and Mr. Ward Agnew, of
1►weu Sound.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ferguson. lanes.
*punt Sunday with Mr. mud Mrs. El-
niere Phillips.
The people of Blake's church met to
' _ut.da)s Jla�ttet 27t. hh 1038 - the hall on Friday evening and after
-- _ e t 1T t(�gitlar 'i.el lli'pFddrii pi3eettial'
.+.,-- Mrs. War.-Aadeew Ai m&-,,-M1aa Alice
-:-..�1 I,�s Shackleton with gifts In appreciation
of their service In the church. To Mra.
Chairman Lyou of the Ontario Pow-
er Commission expresses confidence
that the Comwlaslou will be able to
reduce the wholesale prier of power In
the Niagara district by $2 in the, yea
beginning November 1st.
This Is etaluently satisfactory as
evidence that the financed of the Hy•
aro system are showing substantial
improvement. The statement, how-
ever, In the form In which It is wade,
raises ■ question of great importance
to those Hydro municipalities of
Western Ontario which, like Goderich,
are penalized by reason of their dis-
tance from tlw source of power and
their relatively small consumption of
power and are paying double or triple
the rates peed by such cities as Toma-
to. Hamilton, London atld others.
A straight cut of 82 per horsepower
will mean to aloe municipalities al-
ready favored a reduction of about
tea per ce.t. To Goderich aid Ti
ether municipalities( similarly situated
11 will semi a reduction of leas than
Audrew they gave a table and to MW
Shackleton a clock, Both young
ladles, although taken by surprise.
thanked the friends for the remem-
brance. Attarwards lunch was served.
On Saturday,
August 72nd. at the home of the
bride's parents, Rev. W. J. Patton sol-
emnized the marriage of Alice Louise,
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. No: -
man Shackleton, of Ashfield township,
to Walter H. Scott, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. 8. Scott of East Wawanosb.
The ceremony took place at high neon
under au arch of ferns and gladioli,
with only the immediate relatives of
the bride and groom present. The wed
ding music was played by Mrs. H
Norton. The bride. who was given la
marriage by her father, was lovely
In her bridal grown of white fiat crepe.
111141 wore u veil of tulle In sap style
with orange bloswsnax. Her flowers
were Sweetheart roses. Mrs. J. C.
Stothers of ieonioi and Mrs. H. Hor-
ton *erred the wedding breakfast
Later the happy couple left 011 a motor
trip to_ Stratford. Toronto stuLother
points. The brides travelling costume
was of pink crepe. with sort of navy
bio triple *herr, pink telt hat, and
five per crus. This would be maul- nary blue aerssurkx On their re-
fire Mr. and Mrs. Scott will reside
featly unfair. In F:,ast Wawanosh.
It is pusible that Mr. Lyon when he, • • •
made his statement had In 1pitwi the a Intended for last week)
PMII Osier of Luy Meadows
"Playing Harebell"
It's ouly a dusty field with a queer
arreugewealt of based cud wen swat
Bug a hard, little ball with a bat, and
a lot ut people yelling uutil they gel
sore throats. Yet It has au uutleut-
able *Bradawl fur the whole of us,
even to my spinster aunt Matilda,
whom 1 ouce observed in the act
of pounding a bald -beaded geutlewan
with her umbrella while cheering fur
her favorite*. That was lu the big
city, however, and ft's a lung ways
irum ttltru to Leay Slewduww.
Those is a magical leatlaa
placard that hangs down W front of
Tlmb store, and proclaims that there
will be a baseball gave In Murphy's
front field on Saturday afteruoou. 1
pretend not to have cern 1t, to eujoy la
full the uauy hints that the boys give
out, lu the hopes of au errand to the
store. And the Saturday morning
work is dispensed with lu start order.
"And Is there anything more to be done
around the house, Mother?" The
rascals! They know it they will their
uruther to the cause the battle will be
But I Kill feign ignorance of the
matter, and after dinner 1 develop a
great interest in tier newspaper. Two
urchins' bare feet stuff at the rug, and
they look from each to the other.
They cough and, stern old master that
I am, 1 keep on poring over the paper.
At Inst comes the stammered questlup
....'-The ball-gawe....kin we go?" I
look up to sec two boys with the ex
pression of the condemned waiting fur
their sentries. 1 have a notion of
eaying....'.\\'rll, there is a lot of work
to do." but 1 remember another boy to
a similar way. and I answer instead,
:All ALM.ALM.brut .km'#. eta! V late."
They're off! Trying 10 wail- and yet
wanting to run. And then. on a sud-
den impulse: hart feet churn the dust,
and tlwy go lickety-split down the
ruad. 1 go out to plant the cucum-
bers that the hent killed out. Some
,vague semis. of dissatisfaction scams to
work Inside of we. After all, I could
probable ranctToe roe Toronto In MAFFKINO. AUg. T,=dF. dud-lir+. go to the heti Rami• riot 1* lark before
other cities only, aud that the Intel- ittthard Johnston spent a few days t o'clock. After Owl Home would be
ileo 1s to lire the outlying mune-hien,. with Mr. 141111 Mrs. .IHraiu M4R,lt, plenty of time to put in the eueumlwrs-
IL1ow 8t111 1 resist and go on with my hue•
Oen a proportionate reduction, wide')
1 Mlss Margaret Dilater. Wharton. le Ingli
. Then 1 Mat up the on. and whet
would be for Godrrlrb auwetkiult visiting her raster, Mrs. Earl Swan, I go In 1 !MO. till sympathy for the
_5 horsepower. It /would' lir. end Mrs P. /'Iron and family boas-
like per orsepowr .
11f"-�rtadem••G- IJaaaagauittuu.-and-mra_ L'ummtags, Te'i l rough, and the site goes on wail'
rout... spent Sunday with 'Mr. end Mrs. her laklug'-"TI,iisr e'ihen
ever, for the
r m fedpalitis.s Jas. Webster, think 1 better ge in and get the seed,'
W rasur4' themowhewat-•lcra,/ vu dela Mesut visitors with Mr. and Mrs.. I say• and realize that it is possibly
point before the new rates are am- Sam Cook included Mira. Lusk, Turou- the nowt flimsy ex, n.4' ever known.
nonseed. The might go 9_4.....404, Har b err : Colborne; Mr. She stalls" and u
lxsb11.wers. "1 got the
s .Mtl
make the wsn one for painting out awl Mrs, l,wo. wan, sr., ItFs. (Mt ffdtr'thep'skHer. hat if yewrvllr
the In]uxtIee that has been suffered b7 I,Ibstrn and Misses Susie and KathleenInto tow. you might get some sugar."he
�that you would like to re shown t.•
Gibson, Zion. Of all the understanding people. On
the smallermuniciplRles ever since the Miss .lead Anderson la. visiting Mrr, n sudden impulse I kiss her. and she `''"n•'
Hydro project wear launched. It was ex- and Mrs. Itarrey \%'ebb at St. Heleus says, "Of all the alley old people," and
'acted that under Mr. Hepburn'* Gov- tele week. nukes ■ dab at me with her flour.
ernment something would be done In An (Md Resident De.perta,-Mrc bends. but 1 ran see 'that she le
Nathaniel Saunders pn-sed away at Pleased -
the the way of readjustment of rates the home of her daughter. Mrs. Herb. I'm off'.w LF:F.BI"ItX. Aug. 21. -Miss Bern 1 ha want to run, but lo
8o tar these expectations have been Curran, on Friday eleting, August ,4ckel by the welters that bare Cook of Goderich ws holidaying witsee
disappointed, and the present would 'te lith. Mrs, Saunders fell and frac- tinged my hair with frust. I begin her (ou4411, Miss Evellorton. herr Ia.t
a good opportunity,for the municlpall- tured her hip a year and to half ago- to e.uder who will Ise playing on aeetmd week.
but bad been able to get ar,nud her for the vllhee--If BIIi Adams the Anniversary servals will he held in
ties eie erne) to nolo in a strong pre' home with • little help. but her atrrtlgtn'bhleksmlth will to pitching. Perhaps L.wburn t'nitwl church on 44epfwnter
*enation of their e W e Commis" felled last winter. She was In her Ithey haven't yet started.13U1. Rey. Mr. ('umminge 01 1\'nitlu
sion and the Government eighty -*send year. Born neer Lind- There are threw men on bases! 14111Iw111 conduct the services.
say, she came here after the death of Adams is at hat' •1 m(m, B111, nock It Ballwin
Roy ]talon and err twu'4oa+-
her mother seventy-eight years ago. a ith over the moon!" A bit! Two men 1
returned to their home 111 Toronto �es;
her father, John Brown. Sixty years Friday after spending holidays at the
ago she unarmed John Campbell. wh•.
died about s year later. She then mar-
ried Nathaniel Saunders. who prede-
ceased her twenty-two years. She is
survived by her daughter, Mrs. Herb.
Curran. The funeral service. which
was held In Blake's church, w -as large-
ly ■ttenled. Interment was In Dun.-
gosnon esmetery. The services were
conducted by Bev. W. J. Patton The
pallbearers were Samuel Kilpatrick.
Thos. Anderson. Jas. Webster, Ernest
Blake, Herrman Phillips and Frank
Johnston. Friends from alstance
were: Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Milder and
Nola, Stratford; Mr, and Mrs. Will
Johnston, 4;oderkb: Mr, Fred John-
ston, Clinton; Mr. lid --M
d -ie, 'Gear.
Twamley, Iwuduh : Mr. ,aad Mrs, . W.
1.1. McKenzie, Lucknew-;-air, rut
Kenny Campbell and family. 1 1.
dnaur of Highways Urrss
Driven to Cheek Up on
Toroutu, August 25. -The courtesy of
Ontario motorists may well b• eine
Mitered one of the Pnrvtneeb most
substantial natural rtsuurcea loud mat'
Lt emoted on to maintain and Increase
the large flow of tourist traffic whirls
./Seine ad utiles isveri ,c ea, 'c-
e- II
eoaling to Ilon. T. 1t. M-Questeu, On-
tario Minister of Highways. who is el
ceedingiy well pleased with the co-op-
eration given by drivers to the "Tr)
Courtesy" campaign of his deprl'tment.
"We have roweivei hunlreda of come
telmentarw 's.tasents from vlalting
motorists," Mr. Mt•Qoasten said, "uu
the tonaideratloo and eourteay they
Mee received during their holiday In
Ontario, and we hare 110 better spon-
sors for the 1'rovint'r as 'the summer
playground of Amerlea' than Loons.*
who hare found it a delight to drive
along our Mghwaya."
A new "safe -driving code" of tete
points has been worked out by the de-
portment. Mr. McQuade° announced.
He urged that motorists frequently
check themselves on (ourteay and care
against the 1•.wh• w'hh'h had twee pre
pared by motoring experts in the form
o1 questions. an follows:
1 1. Do you keep your mind nn yew(
l 4rir1mg. wa teh the wuyrments 0111
'other calx. and try to anticlptte whit
they will do?
2.Doo you keep in the Ilse of traf-
fic. ewpe•Inlly when mitring the top c,f
a hill or a el,"^po torn?
:t you (-empty with traffic regu-
t mid, 11 R
lations. signals and signs, and slow
Idoses at crossings and dangeroue In-
t.•rsel•t to a s''
4. btu you know the feeling of hur-
Iug your ear always ander control. by
having it. brakee eleprlslly. inspctei
1. Do you watch for IM+Ie•trinns,
Iwlrtieulurly ehlldren,
Ii. ib eon signa4 to the ear iwhite'
when yon Intend to ehnnge your
• 7. Ino you maintain a sped estis-
faetory to motorists loth ahead of and
Large Size Linoleom Rugs on Sale
Greatly reduced prices on Large Size Rugs to clear
Splendid patterns and guaranteed quality
Size 3 1-2 x 4 yards. Regular $18, for $13.00
4 x 5 yards. Regular $20, for $17.00
-'" • -- _la -16.5.0* for...,,, _4,$0__
SILe ti J z 9. On sake
$ire $' s $': staple -
Sise 9' z 1014'. On gale
Size 9'
x 12'. On gale
TELT BASE Oyu: ----
1, 11/ 2 yards wide. Per square yard 9111:
3 Ft. ,s wide.: .Per square yard .... 50c
Ibex Flannelette with roar or 1)1ue border
Large double -bed Mize. 70 x 84. August
Sale Pair $2.29
ST.- HFI.F:NN.'Aug. 23. -Rev. L.
Wliklbwou, Mrs, Wilkinson and sow
Murray, of Fingal. visited nt the manse
aml with other friends here.
Mrs.'Neil Stuart and daughter,•Mlas
Florence. of ltrrtt.t,n, 1. S.are rtsi=
tors with Mrs. J. 1t. Rutherford.
Mrs, W. 1. Miller. Nile. WS -I4. Ruth-
erford and Miss !edict Sillier wet:
visitors wilis Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, •
Port .Albert. last week
Mr. 1t,.siuke nod children. 04 \\':slr•-
I.M.. are guest: this desk wadi Mr. II 1141 -
Mrs, 11'w. J/1 1144.11.
Mr. and ilk.. Neil 1bd.1. .,f to rat•
fume were rw-ent vi.itor- with Mr.
Jus. Robb.
Mr. and Mrs. harry Rine of Tia-
n -tenons Mr.. Heuer nod .on Itu.ii, 'tf
Timmins, were recut Rlwets with M1+-
W. 1'. ltutherfonl
Mr. Newly Tech' and. 'Mra. John
4 ..L. l..aad.ws. 4w44•I4.-weeh.estt
at the home of Mr. and Sirs. 11,.Tosl.I.
Mr. H. Rutherford, Mr. W. 1. Milner.
Moss W. IA Rutherford. Mr, Xeil Stu-
art ami Miss Florence Stuart visited
ttki14 IIrIPn+ W •n'. In+titlltr wl:.
meet at Mr. tire. Mciteb ert+' on Thurs-
day, September :ill.
44 ise you give other motorists the
right of any when there is any ques-
tion about it"!
9. Do you dip or dim your lights
When uu•e.tlug other *'urn At ill •
111. 11n you .how the mune rem
The drsght Is broken.
• • •
Labor Day this year comes on Sep-
tember Tri, the latest date on which
Rssa tidL
School doors
will open wide next
week for the lays and girls who bare
been enjoying the long, happy summer
• • •
The Goderich tall fair Is leas than
a month away. Time to begin getting
ready, folks, for the exhibits you In-
tend t0 make.
"Toronto may be IM,mhrl Int the next
war!" cries an alarmist. W1111lde'f
that make 11 popular "tartare" if per.
forme.' In front of the Exhihttl.m
grandataod.1., .
• • ;TX
"Green Postpile. ware mooed in
Ontario doting several weeks of
drought. hut like the ptelItrr cif 111e
same name they have 1.0110. t,oek
it was Bismarck. we believe, who
said Lord Snlidhttry was a lath
painted to look like Ir..h. 14*IdWiil. et
al of the present 411)7 seem to la• 1.
seen the pint.
• • •
over in England obey are ha(Ing 0'
much rata Tarsiers are des$ lring •rf
grttinlAlbelr crops properly harVestel.
Where is flits "balance 01 aatiiTr ere
eot.l.ts talk about? -
• • •
Tattooing of poultry, is- suggesfel
as a protection against chlckeh thiev-
ing. But p'rhaI" the best robin Is the
old-fashioned on' 141 tattooing the
$blevea with huekehot.
• • 4.
Senator Conten* of .Detroit; '-a R.
puhllcon, Mars 1(1114 he will support
President Roosevelt for re.electioa.
Party now. In (be States seem to be
. grotty well shot this year.
• • •
-4jgd. •Ellhank, a visitor from ((rest
) ln, In en Iddress at Toronto tuade
seat remarks roe the sebjec( of ('ana-
diad defense which called forth a re-
buke from the alien Inn Ma('ken1f.
f4rnadkn , Mlnklrr of ieefence The
Minla(ar said O*nadlSn* Md not want
say "perlerin9TIng intper11111.t." to
Mkt.te Their defems pollrles. Perhaps
•� M be joust ae well If brfh
come home. and 8111 is safe on second.
•-4;1oA work. Rill. old boy!" I see the
boys nudge each other and look at me.
1 look hark at them M a sheepish way
..but there. Adams Is running for
home -he -he's safe: And i find
myself pounding old Ezra, the mail-
You can hare your big tengtm games.
but give me the day. when they're play-
ing hall In Murphy's field.
PORTER'S HILL Mtg. 2 -i. --Sire.
Robert Fuller bas as her guests her
three nieces, daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
John Graham of St. Thomas.
Mrs. Mark Lowden has as her guests
liter rtes and nephew, Ruth and
Lloyd .Hamilton...f Hamilton,
Born -To Mr. and Mrs. Will Orr,
You should forgive many things lu in Alexandra hospital. (ioderieh. a son.
lir. and Mrs. John Schmidt and
otters, but nothing In yourself. -Au- dsnghter, Mr. Gies Gilbert, .Ad . Lon-
wrotu+. don, visited with Mr. and Mr�•O. G.
Mesa Irene Woods and friend, from
London. spent the week -end with her
parents. Mr. ant Mrs. Milton Woods.
(In Sunday. August :11th. sacrament
will Iw dispensed at Grace church. Al:
memlwrs are asked to be preltent.
Very few were out on Wednesday
evening to sae the lantern slides shown
In aid of the 84111417 school.
Mrs, Held Torrats•e has returned II
Iwrme term Clinton hospital, where she
The Mitnehester Guardian's Landon
correspondent writes:
This year one thing turned the
11 its of many 111 ,s back to the
esrly war yenrs: the Canadians In their
11111snlyd-cu1urwl Is•rl-1,. who were lice' spelt two weeks. '.lass olive leun,1
last week after the unreeling o1 Mr. is staying with her.
.,11w•nrd's tentorial on the Vituy Ridge The dt,,rm of Saturday night pHMsd A
- .surely the mind ,j IOlIatc of all the by our district, and we got frees.
memorials of the Great Wart Inlnrm nor rain. 11 I+ Mnrporislntt haw
The dight of Ih,•w• tnen • in their .eg.•bltiun •'x1.141 wt(h so 111414' modem
crowds In the London street. recalled torr. Of mete rested of our
Avidly the war 1,111111111. w'Itk Its farmer. having been growing Millets*
ditTiff s,r-Mw, rumor«, Tttwy -4se mrd.. tare-. lett (Jin year we are gMilletts*
dl. -aged now and had little of the
tse(L. M 11111 ___
soldier about them except the medal,
they all wok --1 saw several with nix
`--dist the look of men who had come
through a lot. One remembered 44194
11- wise the Canadians who withstafnd
the first Ras attack In the sur and how
their h1'rolem fhIlllel England at the
time, Many of them end n puzzled
look in their crew as they went aloud
the 'new- mnhnmentel rnmlml (hat Ind
replace) .M mush of the homely iwonlol,
that wee In their m1' lee. 4441m.' of
thetu were tnkt11g their eons to hotel'
and re.tanrInts fust have long ehu:e
di.App•Ared. such n. th' T91•isto. k
hotel In Covent Garden and the Gobi
en Crew. of ('hnrhtg ('r1w,s. They were
relieved `When they could show their
sons St. f'oul's and the Cheshire
NOW the•' ('an9d19ne bore v*1del1wl
4eao. hark 4o the 111041 wb'n1e they 4494
Mme en mnnfnlly and hop'fully In
11014. Thr thing that tunny of them
took hack In their mints was that fhc
men here still take off their hate as
they palm the,f''rotaph.
home of the formcr'a mother and brie
t her.
W.M.S. Meeting. -The meeting o1 the
ieebtorn Women's Mfadonary Society on
Weineaday. August lfkh. was held a,
the home of Mrs. Irving Hunter. 'vitt.
a large attendants. The opening
hymn was "O (s41. Dau help to atrP•
past." The Hlhle reeding pertaining
to "spiritual grnwtb" was read by
Ruby Cook, Pearl Hunter and Eve
Horton. Mlaa Horton also reading the
flevotlotal leaflet on the same subject.
Mrs. Jas. 'Hamilton of Goderich led in
prayer. Another beautiful hymn.
"Breathe on me. Breath of God," was
.ung. The roll call was responded to
with a reference to Nazareth. M1..
Edith Clutton (e'ousln M Mrs. Hun
ter). lately returned from indla, tbeu
spoke. telling of her first Impreaalon*
4411 reaching India. of the customs elf
the country, such a. the cooking of
meals, the work of tranapiantinR rlee.
Mow - Ales. do thee* washing, about
their houses, etc. She had with her
several picture. and several setter•
that she had brought with her. TbI.
talk was mach apprswdated by the
ladies. "Rock of Ages" was the C101 -
Ing hymn and prnyer wad offered by
Mrs. Lundy, ■ former pintoes wife.
A. dainty lunch was *ervrl and the
birthday lox was mewed around.
we M, It
Mlnlsfrr a' old •xpR*s tl*fr spin rets give outsider*
troch a led Impr4'a
pet private. Thecae famliy 1111fr- *Ion• don't yon know)
On Sunday. 1114' of th1e minister* 111
n neighl-oringemlpft offend 1411 exsendrl sd,1 h9rlwr shop dhsappe*awl. Spell
Prayer of thnnke for the beautiful and slI)wrseded the tine -honored methods
*1,11111.1)1 rain the previone night. Ile Anil fired many of the old habit.
was to •went h1kee nbnck when talk• Into the dierard. One for whleh we
Ing with Mom' Menders of his flock patessl to sh'd n tear we. the pse*sin:
after the service to hemi that io rain of the
palm rhythmicaf morin. o ho can
er the nd fallen here.
Wedded. --The marriage was stlems hand ns he swept the fon to and fr,
17.141 at San Ernie -hew. California, on the while he pine114l And ehneked the
iatenlay. August 1:11t1., of Miss A,1) 1stnloth-shaven chw•ks? It was like a
Medhnl4ld, younger 1Mughter of the plunge into a pool of steer, .parldtag
bite Mr. and Mrs. James Milkmaid water or n sip fr..mthe n.e$ar e►f
of Porter's 11111. to William J. luny. the gIMIM. itmt like the sensation It
of San Francis+,. The eerem0tly nes 'reltes1 the palm beef rats mewed on 9114l
performed by Rey, R. W. Rlmmon. •.f tee felt mall reetltly theP they were
'Westminster Presbyterian church. Sat, wholly extinctlint while lying In 1
F'rnnc(s",' Hem w•lsho• Are ,ytenMd barber's, clink 44 linderleh ar Aga la
by the Istat''* friends herr. frit the n1,4 falhlllnr palm lest zephyr
-Y_-.- -,
fanning "tor .h'reo cheek Again we
felt the pinching and the chucking ns
the parlor enrefully selected gent•
from his endlau tii,Al of Infnrmetlnn
to drone Into our weeshloeke11 ears.
'11144 ton *awed to 4411,1 frog, to 44111i
fro, to and fen. And we felt that 0114
long trip was. lifter all. not In vain.
man with 'kewwl will and aRr•tlos, For we had discovered (hat 4he,world
1n1/w1. WW1 the exception of wisdom, In Its progress had not wholly Moll
1 doubt If the kiwis have given to matt ter9ted (het friend of our doa'nv dols
kind any duller gift elven). the old palm tear fan.
writer In Tlw Amlwrstburg Felt( `w
"Rambling" iodmmn tells of how he
fennel an old, friend In Iiowterirh-e-in
o banner r:bop. Thou:
When barber shops beeamc Meanly
parlors( and blrhern were trans -
termed into hmsorinl tirtlts n 10 11f the
*sew. comfort and sw'Inblllty of the
Went n young ratan *arse in the day-
time mow. Into hie pocket, lout what
he spemis In the evening Roes into his
character. Dr. T. Cayler.
What 1+ friendship otlwr than •18r
hentt,tor 41 all tlllilIM 144)1114' and h11•
BENS' II.I.F:It. Aug. 2:., --Iter. P. W
Pomeroy of Nile prench0l at the Ifni
tel church lust Sunday morning to au
appreciative congregation. .\r the
Sunday school session aitch fnllow•.d
the *emir Mr. It. H. Mew of G.wle-
rlch t(wok the_leadership 11 the Bible
Mrw•tlem91,1ter i nl
owl church had thee- mrftl,l&".t the
church on Friday evening Miss Grew.
('trimmer prrsldrl. Camp palms --
were inspected and num.-rens solnx.
were smog. A delightful evening was
spent togrtlwr.
Mr. E. [grimmer and Mrs. Mary
1'frlmnwr entertained the Rev. and
Mrs. A. W. Brown and family of Liam_
Mum to • special dinner on Wednes-
day noon.
Mr. and Mr-. Arthur E. Brown of
Toronto after 1111 extended touring trap
pitched their tent on the lawn of Mr.
Waiters' home and stayed in the vicini-
ty until Tuesday. when they returned
to the city. �t,
The beery 'Ie truest storm on Satur
day night somewhat alarmed some of
the Inhaldtan(n of this wommunity.
The storm 411(1 considerable damage ;o
the rural telephone lines.
Mr. and Mr.. Palmer Kilpatrick of
Toronto paid a visit to Mr. and Mrs.
W. 1„1g last week.
The mill dam 1* the most popular
place In th1s district for the gather-
ing of young people. The water fans
are always In evidence. These
nler night+ are full of the sound. of
merrrinnkdng ut thin point.
Mr. J. Flsley and Mr. W. Fancy
enter:uined to dinner on 440,1,1,43 tilt
Misses i.aura, Norma and Elva Snell,
land Grant and Hervey Snrlh Lnndes-
Ilooro, Her. A. W. and Mrs. Itrown' n1
Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F
Brown of Toronto, and Mite-. Ethel
and Bertha Brown.
The big bridge at Renrnfller certll1111)
looks as If It were dote for e_nm sal
of paint. Isn't this iltgtr8•tant- .true•
titre being negl e.trl too long?
An agRrn..h•e seller of re114d0ns
Maks called at rnrt.m+ hordes In the
village aid vicinity last week and
when 1M• didn't mnk' progress well
.ale. of the books of his peculiar sr•
Ile •.Iowol his 'ispleseure. Tlwrt•
should be n cheek-Ia of these dlor•trr
door salesmen who with a Inek of
('hrl.tinn Brace press their pro-
phrticnl hi ,ks wlth n ps•nllar inter
pr'N1tl1n on a 44444(e114 and retie -tem
Ourensstnr+ 1114)' traveled the Iron
age: the gulden is before us. -ht.
Only the kidneys ran purify the
blond and rid the ardent of poisonous
impurities which call.@ serious and
painful ailments wish an rheumatism
and lumbago. The kidneys are
quickly nrnuaed to action by the
UM d this tima-teat.ad ptyacrlptlon
Kidd•*-Li..1 Pills
(roln9 4
SERI. Trn•)
Uav d•stinati ;
midnight 5.0"
r %Op tale
Ta� ado'staloft • ewrylfares o
spend aha19bird« L4
Relining. Repairing, Altering. ('leaning and Pressing
Frank -.H. Martin
Phone 47
NOW -laurel and Hardy In -THY BOHEMIAN GIRL"
Ronald Colman - Claudette Colbert
\iter Mr1.ag1.n, Rwlind Kuowtl and cast of ten thoueend
traying the thritliog adventures of Oulda'a famous novel
William Powell and - -- ur-
cesramal In it +aa, -y w,phe+tltrot,A melndnuna centred around a
race track murder mystery
('OMiNG-Warner Bartter in -THE KiNG OF B('RIERQUE-
Matlnees Wednesday, Saturday and holidays at 3 p.m.
n •
Your Patronage
28th August to 4th September, inclusive
TOOTH URI `11 .or
111 • School Ito)
Iteenlnr : s fe.
P.\STE ter and 35.
S \1. 118:1'\TI('.\
small 3 it sire for '9e
4' \S('ARFTS
101, 25e, 50e
Mt. lie pegs.
Doz. 5e or lee
STI mtsrS
$2.54 up •
N.\SAI. 1►R(►1'S
35e and Sir
R\7•\I \. fee
1111' FE%'ER
:.1►e and $1.110
F1.1' TON
33e, 494, fltie
11. T. 1'RFAkill.
13e, 21e, 35e
254 and 4er
FA(1.tI. ('REAM
23, and Me
Dunlop's Lauder's Campbell's Wigle':
Dragster. Drugoter• Dragoons