HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-8-27, Page 1t
when you want Nine Printing
done. Call Thr Signal and juts
will get a good job at reasonable
everybody reads TDB iLSnal•
Which should suggest something
-to' the man who wants to get his
7HMsige across to the Pu'blie.
Hon. Earl Rowe
Speaks at Rayfield
'Large crowd Addressed Yesterday
by Conservative Leader
" and Col. Drew
1• spite of the non, there was a
good crowd yesterday afterunun at
Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, where Hou.
Karl Rowe made his first appearance
I• Huron county mince his appointment
as Provincial Conservative leader.
With hem were a number of Conserv.
live party stalwart.' front various
points In Western Ontario.
Mayor H. J. A. MacEwan acted as
chairman while the speakers, Col
George A. Drew and Mr. Rowe. ad-
dressed the gathering assembled In the
shelter of the trees. The policies ant
administration of the Hepburn Gov
ernmeut tense lu for eritielam from both
speakers. Mr. Stowe made light of
Mr. tiepluurn's promise to balauee the
Pruvhn•lal budget, holding that other
things. much as the welfare of the un
employed. were of. more Imwrdiete
co•(ern. Ile assailed the Government',
liquor policy and Bald the wishes of
the people of such districts as Huron.
Perth and I'eel had been ['touted 1n the
licensing of beverage Hams.
Mr. Rome devoted a short time t'
dbaysslug the school tax legislation of
eke last 'radon. It was ■ elumnily-
drafted piece 4)f legislation. he said.
and even Mr. Hepburn bimetal could
not say Just what It meant. The ('o••
aereetthr party. he said. was pledged
to repeal the legfelatlon. while pro
typing the righte of the Catholic Min`
Billy Ross. four-year-old Bruceleld
lad, was .struck down by • car on the
highway near hit home late Saturday
night adW 'iris takes -tar,-11sseMaa-
ter'. hospital at Seafonit. where ex-
amination revealed a fractured skull.
It Is thought the little boy will re-
Billy was croeaing the road in front
of a car driven M Joseph A. Smyth.
'if Rothwell. and becoming et cited,
ran directly In front of the car. Smyth
turned his car Into the ditch In an
retort to mire the boy, but caught him
with the front bumper.
Oe}yable Outing at BayIeM Arranged
by the Citmppmtpy
The employees of the Goderlch Eta -
valor and Tran it Company, with their
wive'', families and friends, about
fifty-five In a1l enjoyed a picnic a'
Jowett's Grove. Bayfteld, on Saturday
afternoon. as questa of the Company
A lengthy program. Including races
conteata and a treasure hunt for the
cblldn•n, was conducted by R. G. San -
demon and Jack Murl.on, after which
all enjoyed a softball game.
A bountiful supper, prepared by the
management of the Grove, topped off
In Ane manner the first pienle of the
employees of the Goderlch E. & T. Com
paay. The function may become an:
animal affair. but that point, has not
been decided upon as yet.
Twit l'ollegiate Institute Student. In
Line for Awards
Two graduates of the Gmlerleh Cil
leglate lt,tititte. whose Ane academic
standing. qualify them for several
scholarships, are MI'. Jean MacLeod,
daughter of Rev. i) onald and Mrs. Mac
Leod, and Walter Ruffen, son of Mt.
and Mrs. Chan. Ituff(•11. '
The young couple are sure of at least
one b•hotarehlp, the Robert MacKay
tnemori.I whaler/Mill, of $2(M) cash
This scholarship Is .olely for Goderica
'reorient* and, as no qualified last
year two will be presented title year.
Miss MacLeod secured first-class
honors In eleven subjects and Mr.
Ruffen revived ten firsts and a reedit.
It le entirely probable that the
young lad„y_wlll receive one of the Car
ter memorial echolstatpa, for stn -
dent. throughout tete county, and it r.c
not known as yet, owing to certain
speciflcatfona alp to subjects, whleb
one of the students will receive the
H. 1. Strang memorial acholarablp.
which is for G. C. 1. students and In
eludes each and tear years' tuition at
Toronto ilniversity.
611 Monday nfternoon a further a,I
ippon to the small fleet of pleasure
craft owned by GixlerIchitea w,.-
lannehel at the harbor. it was the
Roberta D., owned by Fred Love. The
white craft, with green waterline and.
ten dee+k, 1e n hatndeome .hip, 21 ft. 6 In.
in length. and It T'nlcereal four -cylin-
der engine should pt.h it around a;
about 10 m.p.h. The Robeft• D., eat
mune. le not n speed demon, hnt the
toy. Intend having a )ot of fnn with
her. •
• • ••
Nearly one-half million huahel of
grain have iwairel Into the elevators
•t the harbor here in the hod work.
On Friday last the Superior unloaded
26,660 bushel* of wheat at the (inderieh
elevator and the 11 B. Hanna 'intended
1110,000 bushels of wheat at the hill
on the mime day.
On Tuesday the Ontadoe wan tun-
loaded at the elevator. *he earrytne
245,000 bushels of wheat. and nn WM
ne*day the Brieoldoe unloaded 57,060
hu Rhein of wheat, Asx. barley and
.erventnga at the elevator.
Misses C. A. and S. McKinnon ate
In Toronto this week.
Mr. and Mra- Maw Cranston of St.
Marys are buildgllg with.* relatlyea,
►u town
-/JaeD•..' isitr7 1 M ..day ou
a trip to Detroit, M1gh., Toledo and
Dayton, Ohio.
Mr.'and Mrs. E. Paget have returned
to Toronto after v1agggg_risbee and
relatives in town.
Mr. Jack Martin of Ottawa 1s spend
lag his sacoetJon with his patents, Mr
and airs. M. H. Martin.
Mrs. Robert Wilmot' and Mr.. George
Johnston are holidaying with Miss
Mooney at "Fwlgewoud," l'ort Elgin.
Misers Roselle and Ruby Willie of
town are *pending a two week's
vacation with their (raisins Iu Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perkins returned
to their home at Sunbury Ads week
after a visit here with M. James C.
Mr. and Mrs. 1. D. Eastman awl
family have returned from a three
weeks' holiday outing on the Rideau
Ml* Nora and Masters Philip and
Emmerson Willis have returned home
after a pleasant three weeks' %belt in
Rev. M. D. O'Neill, of Des Moines,
Iowa, and Mr. T. J. O'Neill. of Win-
nipeg. Man.. have been spending the
past week with their relativ;(w at Kings
Mee. J. A. Barry •nd children. Caro-
lyn and Michael, have returned to De
trolt after spending some time with
Mn. itarry's parents, Mrs. and Mrs
M. H. Martin.
Mr. I). W. Green and teeter, Woe
Bella Green. left on Saturday last fot
n. ry. Ulm Green will remain at
Sudbury and Mr. Green will travel o•
to Vancouver.
Met. F. W. Cnik of Peterloroug.i
and, her .on. Mr. Norman Craik of
Montreal. have been holidaying in town.
the views of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bar
War Veterans
Enjoy ._Outing
l•Qc,al Picnic
Former Coaly odt-
Ju tel►f a neralelent dflatgla of rain
en Wednesday afternoon, the vetenw
of Post 109, Canadian legion, wl:u
their families and friends, enjoyed an
afternoon of sports and a picnic supper
at Harbor Park. It was the Drat of
what is expected 10 1tentralf11T1gi get-
together. Previously the veterans
of Huron county gathered annually.
but the affair swelled to such .propor
[Ions that is was de•idei to split 1:
up, and now Goderlch, In common with
other county centres, is having Its pas
!'has. Barker, president of the Gude'
rich branch, Wee in charge of tbe plc -
tib, and !toy McLean. of Saltford, are
mistral by J. W. MacViear and Ch.*.
Beunluon, was in charge of the recce.
Several Innings of a softball game,
Vets %s. Sons, played in the rain. re-
sulted in a 211-5 win for the yoUul
steer,. J. E. Huddle. was the lush -if
captain aunt Ken Juitk captained the
Veterans- .1. E. iluckhts, P. ; Chas.
Ilennleun, c.; 'H. Jane. .1. Jock, 1). E.
McLean, Frgn-', Windsor.
Sona --K. Juck. p.: B. Iluekins,
Bentley. Arnold, D. Mood, J. Mood.
McArthur, Fry. Meieor.
1'mpires -Wm. Mas! and Geo
The price of bread, which has been
expected to rise the last two weeks,
went up one cent on Monday locally.
A large leaf sells for bk now and a
ker. Brows street. +tush loaf for Sc.
Mr. and M. Robert Barrie of To-�
ronto motored to Goderlch on Sunday
morning. returning horny in the after-
noon, their daughters, Mlsees Bernie.,
and Margaret. returning with them.
after a plea*nt holiday spent in (:ntl-
erleh. While here they stayed with
their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs
Mer). Willis where their *tater Marlon
will also spend a two weeks' vaca-
The following people from ■ dis-
tance spent part of their holidays with
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Phillipa Fist
street: Mr, and Mrs. John Henderson
and daughters. Ruth and Jean. and
Mr. Wm. Walwin, of Fergus; Mee. H.
Trowbridge. of Sp..nlah, Algoma : Mr.
and Mr,.. ('rice Naylor and son Jack. of
Toronto; lire. i.. Naylor, of Lneknow
Mrs. I. Buxton and three children. of
Wilkie, Sank.; Mra. W. R. Farrier and
Mr. Garnet Farrier, of SVhite•burch ;
Mrs. S, Irwin, of Toronto and daughter.
Pearl. of New York ('ity ; Mr. and Mr..
P. Cook and babe, of Ashfield; the
Mt.se' Ikurfe end leorna Heid. of
lout now.
Tend to Make Light and Shallow OUP
Conception of God
More than our hundred persons from
Gusierieb. Clinton, Seeforth, Exeter,
Brucefleld and Wingham attended the
annual picnic of the Odttfetlows -and
Itebekahe of districts 8 and 9 at Bay-
field on Wednesday of last week.
A full program of sports was en-
joyed under the direction of J. A. Sut-
ter, past district deputy. and H. C.
lawmen, both of Clinton, and after •
sumptuous picnic supper was served
all joined to a softball game.
Thome attending from Goderlch were
Mrs. Wm. Doak and daughter Evelyu
and grandson Barry; Mary McAstock-
er, Wm. MacAulay, Chat. Worse:'.
Arnold Doak, Elwyn Doak and Claytnu
('on. Haechler, sixteen -year-old acid
of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rambler, North
street. was seriously Injured at the+
plant of the Goderich Manufacturing
Company on Tuesday afternoon, when
be was crushed between the log -carrier
and a buffer in the sawyer', depart
meant. The boy was /standing In frau'
of the buffer when the carriage was
released after hiking a log to the
waw. The machine shot lack against
the het; striking him In the ..best and
fracturing three ribs and his breast-
-We are treating .!esus Chrlst tote bone. The boy also suffered Lntera.al
lightly," warned Rev_ Wut. Weir; oI injuries, wttle11,' however, were ant of
Huntsville, pri•ie•hlug at the morning a serious nature. ,He was nnti's'
.ervle at Knox Presbyterian churcn 'loos for some minutes, but after
on Sunday last. "%Ve are thlnkkig treatment at the office of Hr. J. M.
about 'lint too much In ■ supetflcial Graham be was removed to his
home, where he is reeling comfort-
way. We are too lackadalsleal In bur
regard for the Son of God. instead
of oils taking us to Divine heights w••
have brought Him to our own iete'
Perhaps It is the fault of the trend of
the day.
-For the same reason we have not
the sane respect and love for our
homes. They are merely glorified
boarding houses. Neither do we re
spe•t womanhood as orete-we did, for
in giving them their so-called freedom
we have taken them from the pedestal
on which they once stood."
Met' Wetr based hie sermon on thy
words of l'eter to Christ, first, In 131.
Luke, 5:8 -"Depart from me, for 1 am
a sinful, man, U Lord,' and in St.
Matthew, 14:31b—"lord, save me.'
Our own tendeneles to bald state-
tatment and Inadequate fulfilment make
us like Peter, and being so much like
him we naturally feel kindly toward
him, .aid the speaker. T00 MUCH WEATHER '
"Too many of us are not worthy t,1
sit In God's house; there are too man: .tmbitlout Idol's Poatpone 250 -Mit Trip
of us who feel we are making a goo.' to Next Year
job of our lives, end there are all to*, Two members of the Goslerit•h Boy
few reedy to say. '1 am a sinful man... Scout trelopa, whn bravely started tiff
-We talk of our mistakes and adml' on a 250 -tulle bicycle trip to Algon•
t4•iup •ramental fallings, but blame our quln Park on Wevin•wIay of last week,
}itef Fs or lay our faults to prele+
tluntiou. We must he like Peter, how-
ever. and put our falth in the Lac
"Although at one (hue ile lived
ainone men. before, even ea now, He
lived with God. It Is tome we realized
tha t we need to take Ilim from the
trivialities and the commonplace apt;-
tnde in which we hold Him, and place
111m oil the right hand of God.
"No matter how hard we try to ;w'
goal, onf only hope, as with Peter, Is
tet putt our faith In the power of Jesus
Christ to .ace."
Quoting the test.. Mr. Weir non -
eluded with the words: "There 0 the
gospel. (►t Jesus (AiHat In AB its .im
plielty. The queatlott ja. Do you be-
lieve itr
In the evenms Mr. Weir took as hic
text the words of Jeyes 1 :22—"Ice ye
diwee of the weld, and not here's
M the morning service :pias Ger;
rude Ifwl•t sang'• solo. and In the
evening the teololat wasEsv. C..B. Dag-
gett of Listowel. ,
W E D D 1.li..II S J
"- will ni took 'Di
'Meda ,d►+ypwt ,
United church manse, Klppen, Shea
Mlaa Gwendoline lavada, daughter of
Mrs. A. E. t'Iarke of Blake, became til•'
bride of Mr. Window Cull Attridge,
sat of Mr. cud" Yrs,' MinatoAttridge
of Water4owu. (int. The c'erewony
Wee performed by Bev. E. F. Chandler.
The bride, whose brother William gave
ler lit marriage, wore a travelling suit
of black noire with white ae•euaries
.And carried a bouquet of June roses
aunt maiden hair fern. The bride'
mild. Mhis Mary Clarke. sister of the
-bride.. wore a• gown of pale pink chif-
fon with white accessories and carried
a bouquet of rose anttrrhiuum. Mr.
Augustus Clarke attended the groom
After a motor trip through Eastern
Canada and tbe States, Mr. and Mrs.
Attridge will reside in Godt•rteh,
wiwre Mr, Attridge Is on the um a staff
of the Goderbeh Salt Company.
• • •
A quiet welding was solemnized, en
Saturday, August 2.2at1. at the manse of
St. Paul's Presby-terian church, To-
ronto, when Rev. It. C. McDeruuld mu-
ted r In marriage ('lewlnthne 11na ),
only daughter of Mr. Arthur Williams
and the late Moe. Williams of Gode-
rich, and Alfred Charles Wood Hine*.
son of Mrs. Hines and the late Mr.
George Hines of Toronto. The bride was
charmingly gowned in yellow chiffon and
earned Johanna 11111 roses, cornflow-
ers and baby's breath. Iler ouly. at
tendant, Miss Hanel Shun of Chat -
m, wore blue, cnIRon safe blanc
accessories. Her bouquet was of
Briarcliff robes, eorutlowers and
baby's breath.—Iir. J. O. Hines, bro-
ther of the groom, was test man. Af-
ter the ceremony a reeption was held
at the home of the bride, where Miss
Lena Shearer- and Mrs. Hines moth; t
of the gnaw. received the many guests.
Later Mr. and Mrs. Hines lett on a
boat trip to Buffalo, Crystal Beach and
utter points; the bride_ Unveiling in a
,.green knitted suit' with brown actor
Waries.lM fttrTr reitire
side in Toronto.
Violent Week -end
Storm Does Damage
In a full-page advertisement In this
Issue of The Siguat," A.- Cornfield an'
nougces 1111. fifteenth anniversary sal?,
to commence on Saturday next, August
29th- A perm's{ of the ennuaaos•saws
will show that this sale offers excep-
tional opportunities for the purchase
u dry gouda, clothing, millinery, etc.,
t money -saving prices. When C'orn-
field's announce a sale It means a large
movement of goals aerosol the counter
to people who are looking for big
values, and all shrewd buyers within
shopping dlttanee of" Gode+rich should
make 0 a point to get to on this big
male (knnmencing next Saturday.
returned to their Iotm•s about 10.31'
Monday night after covering about
half the distance.
The top,', itoi! Barnes and Bill Sal
ger, although firm In their Intention
to uncle the trip, were defeated by til•
weather. AImo-t every night It rained. pink and white. Later the bride and
groom left for their home at London,
the bride trntclling in a black crepe
dress with white trim, white felt hat
and matching aevetaoriw. Previous to
the welding a twdrnotn shower we.
held for the bride-to-be by hese friend,
and neighbors at the hotne of Mins
3:r -h so
• • •
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wi111a:u
Freeth, PIelon street, was the scene
on Tuesday night of au interesting
hymeneal evert When at 8 o'clotl
Bev. S. It. Me'luug, pastor of the Bap-
tist church, p•rturwed the weddi.tg
ceremony uniting Miss Jearfe Laughlin,
aunt of Mrs. 1 reeth, and Mr. Donald
Colquttuuu. The bride wore a gown of
royal blue chiffon with trintunin( ve•.
white crepe and matching accessories,
and a corsage bouquet of Brian:titre
roses. The bridesmaid, Mrs. Freeth,
wore blue chiffon velvet with whits
satin trimming and a corsage of sea-
son's flowers. The groom was attended
by Mr. Wm. Freeth. The bride's
mother, airs. Catharine I.aughliu, wii
In Bleck sheer crepe with velvet trim
ming, with corsage of rows and ,other
dowers. The flower -girl, little Mario.]
Rose Freeth. ens dress—tat in milk knit-
ted crepe and carried a basket of lark•
suer, mnliosa. gbidull, gytsophila and
corufluwert.-[fterwards the wedding
dinner was served to twelve, the
brides table -Cueing tirrorated In a pint.
and white aet(cwe and (-Centred with
the welding eek... Ont -of -town gue'o'
were Mrs. Catharine iaughlln, Maga
ra Fails, N.T„ Mr. Robert iteott. of
tlrlmshy; Mims Dorothy Jennings sed
Mr. Jack Jennings of Exeter. Mr. and
Mrs. eolgnhoun will reside, at Niagara*
Pelle; :et. i~•
• • •
A pretty mummer wedding todk place
in the parlor -of Pie terpin
chnrch on Saturday. Angled 22iid, at
U I. a m �atbsn Andrsy- Noreen, oat,
daughter of Mr. Matthew Sproul and
the late Yr*. Sproul of Goderieh, mss
united In marriage to Victor Maurice
Robertson. only eon of Mr. and Mrs.
Jes. Robertson, of London. The eerc-
mony warn performed by Rev. D. J.
Lane. The bride was *bec'ombngly
gowned In white rjpple erepe. ',mad
white erepe int with veil, white gloves
anti show, She earried a bouquet of
Johanna Hill ruses with iaby'e breath
and' mWldet hair fern. Miss Alma
Scrimgeour. as bridesmaid, wore a
white and navy crepe ensemble with a
shnuldcret(e of rams and fern. The
groom e•a. attended by Mr. Brenton
(:punkin of Blyth. Atter the Ceremony
a reception WWI held at the home of the
hr$e'e father, where bmmedialc
friends and relufivt•s of the !elle and
groom were entertained at n w•eddl11g
hmcheotn served by Mr.. Jack Sproul,
a-ststell by Misses Doris Williams and
.l's.+ie T1de.well. The dining -room was
heat efnlly dee',ant t(d with summer
flowers. while the bride's table. (putted
with the welding cake. w -n! lovely in
Their paraphernalia would h• thorough
ly dried by the following evening but
rain again would *oak them. Even a
Scout .ueh as any one of (hoar treinel
In Goderlch could not be expected to
light a fire In a deluge, se Mora meats
taken by the reodslde were void.
To cap It nil, thl-,ivy* were tampe•l Vlnle :tproul.
at Shanty Bay on lake !timer* on
Saturday night when the violent wind
and eltvetrk dorm struck, ripping their
tent loose slid lancing then' expts(d
to a deluge which assumed the pear
portlome of a cloudburst.
Enough eves enon,gh. The boys
packed up and met one for home on
Sunday, completely the 105 miles tack
to Goderlch tate Monday night.
Weather permitting. the boys hope
to retch Algongntn Park next year today. -
Today Capt ('rosier, who has been'in
charge of t oral branch of the
Selost ion Army for about twenty
month., Int Viet for Strathroy. Capt
('rosier I. exchanging with ('apt. By-
ron i'uM;, of Strathroy, the change
being a tart of an extensive mors
mcnt among the Army Akers. Cep!
and Mrs. Purdy are expec'ted here
wn Down int
wetting Palk—Girl Hu
Narrow Escape
Although there were nv eaters of per-
aohat injury, one child narrowly
escaped serious hurt and there was con-
siderable property damage ou Satur-
day night and during the early hours
of Sunday morning, when the wore'
storm of the year swept this
district. Cheery gales aecompukd by
a torrential downpour of. rale with
thunder and lightning kept residents
awake as the storm swept over.
A tree on Church street was felled by
lightning and another on Elgin acepur
dragged down Hydro wires, Electric
light servicer was disrupted time and
again during the night.
The storm seemed to strike Jnat
moth of ()Week* and its path swept
well yp the lake shore. Nowhere 111
Chia dlstrh't wee its fury tuneentrated
more than at Menesetung Park; -wiser:
frightened summer visitors spent •
sleepless night *5 trees crashed almost
at regular Interval's. Sixteen Ices
were felled in the perk. same more
than three feet in diameter.
The fourteen -year-old daughter of
John Long. oef l)tsliawa; narrowly
escaped Injury when a tree fell aerosa
the tent In w'hleh she wail sheltering
with her parents and Lloyd Correll an 1
family, also of Oshawa. The jwo
frmtllr hat- gathered- togetlecr- 5,. Otto
tent when the •Mond storm struck
about 4 o'clock In the morning.
huge tree was snapped by the wind
and It fell across the tent. planing the
little girl in her led. All efforts to
free her were fruitless until an axe
was procured and the tree ent swa
from the vi•re.'t Lige of` Pot. n
some Inexplicable manner the little girl
escaped injury.
Another tree fell on the tar owrwed
Principal Archibald, of Oakville
.1. H. Taylor and family, of Galt, at
their summer cottage at the Park.
Tose top of the ear was pierced by the
heavy trunk of the tree.
Everywhere branches end debris
strewed lbw-etreet* stet a untrys►cke
and at Saltford Heights a chimney waa
blown down.
Telephone lines were down and be-
tween Goderich and Dungannon the
damage was not repaired until near.)
noon on Sunday. An elm tree feu
across the aims and i1 rrled several
Ades to the ground.
In the west end of the town a holt
ort lightning mtrm'k a Mi fe,poptar tree,
burning the hark -and scattering'aplln
tern on -the ground. '
Another bolt struck the boars of
Jos. Moody. Market etrect, travelling
down the electric wire*, which were
fused by the' hest and the tight .peke.
Guests of the lasfwtek at the lark
House were Mr. and Mrs. John It.
t'ampbell, South Bend, Ind.; Mrs. Tow
Armstrong, Montclair, N. J.; Walter.
Bromeley, . Detroit ; Elliott Sanderson,
Detroit; H. K. McLaughlin; Toronto;
Mr. and Mrs, Howard C. Kreps, L'Itts
burg; K. M. Lean, Stratford; Mr. and
.YV, Jnkaater, Guelph; W. W.
Doherty, omento; Mr. and Mrs. ,John,
Tonkin, Washington, I). (2.; Mr. and
Mrs. itlaruid W. Ormeruel, Windsu",
Mr. and Mrs, Melvin C Walsh, Pon-
tiac; Mr and Mrs. F. M. Linton: Pon•
Cuss; Mr and Mrs. Miller, London;
Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Rundle, Fit Cath.
• MlasA_Grav(nn, ]fess Margaret,
Field, (*hatItem ; Maude Torrance, Ida
M. Walkeushaw, Clinton; -.Mr, and Mrs.
It. ('rahttt Rpringfield, Ohio; Mr. and
Mrs. Towers, London; Mr. and Mrs.
W. P. Sillick, Denver, Colo.; Herbert
McKegue, Nellie McKagte, Teeswater;
J. T, Nesbitt, Glasgow, Scotland; 11.
G. McLean, W. K. McLean, Weirs -
dale, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Daly
and Patricia, Evansville, Ind.
Double Birthday :tnnhtrsary Cele-
'elsbrated at Jowett's Grove -
Jowett's I; novo. Bay held, was the
gathering place of a happy group um
Thursday afternoon. August :nth, wham
abet twenty tuemlwrs of the Penning-
ton faml' ' gathered to celebrate t o y R atht o t ile
birthday of t'harles,l'eanington and of
little thirkey Jean Freeman.
The weather waa perfect, the crow.1
happy, and the nipper all that it
could be. Mr. Ernest Stamp, of Ohio,
gave a lovely addrene oti ntt'ematty
of family love and companionship an t
the twenty and joy of a faintly getting
'togetheriwnce a year. Ronald PennlitR-
ton entertained generously 'with mush
on his con(ert guitar, and Shirley Free.
man climbed on the table and gave a
very good demuustrntlon of what a
wee girl ran do with her feet. Coa-
grattuletious and a hearty .'lap.,, 'ere
given to 11r. Thomas Pennington, wbd
Is in him eightieth year. It was um
antmonsly decided to make the Rath
piing alt annual affair and to me•
et Jowett ,s (:rove each year on the
third Saturday in August.
(fliers of the year were ele•ted•as
follows; President Thomas i.'enning-
ton ; eccretery. Mrs. ('has. Penning-
ton. thelerich : treasurer, Mrs, Roy
Stange, Adrian, Mich.
Members of the family were pres-
ent from Merfpoaa, Ohio; Adrian,
Mich ; W slketvllle and Goderieh
Mise ('uustast,e Htdt, of 'Toronto, 1a
at the Park House.
Mesa Thlrzit Lewitt, of Ottawa, visi-
ted friends in toren the post week.
tinter--Hacl►toahi event-tbr•;
hug . •w•uek with relatives at Wood-
Mrs. E. 1.audrr Tait. of Mount
Forest, cialttd friends in town this
Mrs. Copeland, of New York. is vise
plug at the' hr.ome of her mother, Mrs
.t. 1'. Hunte
]Ir. Albert N. Wiggins has returned
to Ih•trolt after spending a week with
relatives In town.
Mr. and Mr,. Hay Gilson, of Bu(•
tabu, visited with Mr. and alts. Johu
1\'iggitu, last week. has r
•'Mesa Iloipe clutch returned to her
h • here after ',pending a few days
with relatives at Stratford.
Mr. Ronald Pennington hu, gone t,.
Adrian. Michigan, to 11..11) in the More
of Ala uncle, Mr. Roy Stamp.
Mr. and Mra. Joseph T. Griffin of
18trolt, Mlch., are visiting their _rale
tires In Gcnlerivh a11d Aubticbtl.
Mr. and Mrs. H. I., Watson were at
liecetortb on Friday attending the (mer-
it::Mrs. Walfei►ii'a wether, Mrs. W
t:. Willa,
' -Mimes Pauline -and Geraldine McEw-
en have returned home after taking
mummer course' at a1- 14)11 and Mid
land, recpectively.
lir--WV.'ilome, one of the—Hiroo
old boys of Toronto, visited friegda In
Goderle ,.She'ppaniton and Colborne
township. the past week.
Mrs. James Frank and the Mixers
Irene and Kathryn Frank, of Jack -
mon, Mich:, are the guests of Mra, G
S. Litt at Hotel Bedford. -
tineet,r at the home of Yea: David
aiellwaln last week were Mr. and Yrs.
Wm. Elliott, of Winds or, and Mrs.
Miegaret ('nie. of Detroit, Mich.
Mr. and Urs. Percy Twee and sons
Warren and I►avid. of Essex, have
been visiting this week with MIA
Principal E. R. Underhill and Mrs.
Underhill and daughter, Marylyn, c+f
Arnprior, were guests of Principal A
R. Scott and Mew Scott last week.
Mr. II. .t. Chamberlain has returned
to his home at Niagara 1r11iitle' T..
after spending a few days at the haw
of Mr. and Mee. W. G. Wilson.
Britannia road.
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. I'hlllfpe. Enid
'street, returned last week front a
ter trip to Montreal and Quebec city.
They also took a boat -trip through t:nr
Thoneand Islands.
Mr. and Mr,. IL G. Boggs and two
children, of Oklahoma ('Icy, are vial
ting at the house• of Mr. and Mrs. It.
1'. *uniting*. The Indy was forwelly
Miss Gertrude Uuuning'.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sillick, of twit -
ver, Col., made a brief Ball on friends
in town on Tuesday. - They have been
visiting at Mr. Sillick'a old home at
Teeawater, Mr's. Silllek was former-
ly ML's Sara Harriet 'of Goderieh,
Mentors,. %harry and Keith Mclean.
of %Veirslale, Florida. are spending a
few days hooking up oldfriends .in
town. They travel by motor car and
haste been. visiting other pints In On-
elwre they. _hare _relatives and
friends. They are. mons of the lat.'
11r. Thos.. F. Adella ail, who prn.Llsed j
In Goderlch before leaving with the
family to make their home in Florida
many years _ago.
Miss Grace Strang returned home
on Tuesday from'4ter trip to Iludaow
Bay, The voyage to the Bay vol. made
in the Government .supply steanics
Natwupte, by way of the St. lawreuce
aDi7 tltr Labrador toast, then through
Ilndson Strait and across the l;ay to
tfiurebttt, .]flan iStrang tweet a few
days at Churchill before heaving br
way of the Hudson Bay Railway for.
Winnipeg anti thence home. She de-
tecrilw'u the entire trip as a most In'
'ti•rt s (1iig and - wonder tri exprr•ttme'e.' -
Mrs. James Navin, of I)an4 ury,
I swa, --P.... b. 4 --by- -bee nephew's-- Mr.
George Faust. of Detroit, arrived la
Go derich on Sunday for a visit with
ber,,Aot b•r,.. Yea. lace Lynn. Simal-
nenudy lire. It. B. Faust and bee
aughter, MINA Jane Fau.t, R.N., of
Detroit, renl•hd Goderlch to visit Mre.
Lynn, laving c plebs' a trip t•)
Washington. New York and Atlantic
I uredny of -tilt-
Jenny Lynne. of Galerich, accompanied
M[m, and Miss Fautd on a visit to the
Shrine of the Martyrs, at Midland.
The vlelthig party- leaven for IA•troit
iwo Baker of town was painfully
Injured about the,face and -ern and
was badly shaken when his oar {dunked
from the road over a fifteen -toot em-
bankment tit a creek on Monday night.
The aerident oceurrei near. Auburn
when a rear tire of his car blew out.
Tice car swerved and left the road,
coming to rest in two feet of water.
fdttunen•ly right die up. The vehicle,
which wag taken from the creek on
Tuesday, was hinny damaged. Mr.
(taker 'suffered a severe gash on pis
taco which retp$fied meveral stitches. ,
Fat. Seruton, of Clinton, driver for a
gasoline Arm, narrowly escaped eerier
inJnry Wednesday of lad week when the
ltrgt• tank Riisttine truck he was driving
turned over, wheel,' In Or, on No. 5
highway two mike. ChM Ade of Sea-
furthh. St•rtton drove over • hill Into n
flock of Ife•se on the roast. 1M strue<
one and in attempting to avotd,lht•
others 'laded his truck over. As the
vehicle rolled over five More seer
were (-rushed. in spite nt the !crimes
nature of the areidett, damage to the
truck did' not exceed $23leruten
eecaptd with _lip Inbred hand and
scratches and hralaee.
Fine Display of
Summer Bloom
iadioli Predominate at Hortit,
tural Society Exhibi-
The annual summer Moser show a
the Goderlch ' Horticultural Society,
held in Sturdy's store on the Square oat
Friday rat- Saturday last, was a high-
ly successful Iertaking, and .tit
petard, ac.ording to the others ut the
Society, those held in the tart thrc-
Gladioli predominated, and there were
some warvclieuu blooms, iu spite of tilt
dry season. There were forty exhibit*
of this stately dower, ranging fru*
pure white to rich rad shades, and
there were our huudnal other exhibits.
Including phlox, similes, African wart- F ,'
golds, calendula, scabiosa, larkspur,
salpigloosla, snapdragon. stocks peen- *�
'la, pauskes, ruses, sweet peas,' aster.,
verbena, dahlias, gloxinias, plant,
anti ferns. 1Yrere were twenty-three
-rx)dbiturs, including four In the child-
ren's depanwetrt:
R. Stouehouse wan awarded the
Herbert Waters challenge trophy, win-
ning the largest number of points wltu
s PYhlhtta— Mita ItalhTU tdtaU*r
thirty-nine. George Bowra, who was
n second place, reeelved the (Mart..
Hortbe•ultura) Ataysedatiou ribbon. The
Judge was A. E. Hunter, of Stratford.
ou Saturday morning the show was
enhanced by' a collection of gladiol.
from the gardens of Rev. J. J. Brown.
of Lean, - - - - -
Prizes were awarded as follows:
Aatere—Mrs, Jas- Bisset, IL T. Ed-
ward*, Mrs. D. Willis.
Cut Sowers—lt. St Mouse, Freak
Kershaw, Mrs. W. J. 14eld. - _ -_
Caleudulaa-11. T. Edwards, ]ora D.
Willis, Geo. Down. -
hifa.--Stn. D.' 'iI1ia;-one Aub,, - --
Mrs. Jas. Bisset, .Mrs. D. Willis. Gist, -_
Gladioli --.Nine, unused, F. Barker, IL
T. Edwards; dve, named, le. Kershaw,
Lstlwtrrds:-J. Cutbbertmoir; foar.` _.•.:.
nut named, Mrs. Jas. Bisset, Mrs. IR
Wlffis; three, not name[, Mrs. 1)
Willis; two, red or scarlet. Mre. Chas'
Young, It. Stonehouse, II. T. Edward's; "
wo, pink, It. Stonehouse, H. T. Ed-
ward*, Mr*, R. Winter; two, white, H. —
'r. Edward,', Mrs. R. Winter, J. Cuth-
twrtson ; two, striped, R, Stonehouse.
11. T. /Awards, F. Barker; two, yellow.
J. l'uthbertson ; two, salmon, Mrs. W.
J. ltebd, H. T. Edward's, Mrs. R. Win-
ter; two, A. O. V., R. Stonehouse, Mrs
Cline. Young, F. Kerabaw.
Douse plants—Three, Geo. Bowe*:
one In bloom, Mrs. G. SNUB, Qat. .
Bowen, Mimi M. E. Salkeld.
Phlox. perennial—Mre. W. J. Reid,
F. Kershaw, Miss Cornfield.
$ttlpigiessIs —R, Stone•hoolme, Mrs -
rs4'11,1.. Edward.
Stocks - -1'. Kershaw, F', Barker.
Sweet peas--F,'fiarker. Geo, Bowra,
Tnbte 1.on.11et--11. Stonehou*e, F.
Kershaw. Mims Sa'kelti.
• Vcriseua--Geo, lktwra. F. Barker,
Miss Salkeld.
Zinnias—Six mammoth, R. .Ston'-
hotter, Mtn, Jae. Disset, Get. Bowra•
A. 0. V.. Qi. T, Edwards. F. Barker,
Mina Salkeld; basket. one variety, R.
St .house, Mei. f Willis, Mr-'Chsa
Iarkepur—Mb', Salkeld, N. T. FA -
we ods.
L'ansle--Geo. Bowra. F. Barker.
1'ttuntag—Three, aingle, F. Kershaw,
F. Barker; eight, double. F. Barker.
itosee=-(4la,-fi 'P.-Fwtwarda, R. Stone-
mr'se,lieo, Birwra, E. Nels►tn,
Hnaprirages—%ight, Mrs. Jas. 131e -
met .
Scabloaa—Mrs. R. Winter_ T, Bar-
ker, Miss Salkeld.
A farewell bridge party was held at
the home of Miss Irene I'ellow late
night for Miss Alma O'Brien, whet
eaves on Tueslay next to enter train
ug at St. Jusepli's hotpdtal, London.
Four tables of bridge were played.
sixteen yt bidk•s being present.
lllaa.Miirlorle Usle6 - ._
er. Misa O'Brien was showered bf
her friend* with many lovely handker-
chiefs. A delightful luncheon wax
served at the conclusion of the bridge
name by the-hc+*teaw, Mite Pellow, as-
smisted by MbBurrows. of Stilt -
A 'Mort tiny of one week In Gode-
rtcli wean sufficient to convince "Sandy,"
intelligent Little throttle owned by Mr.
B. Werksman, deputy sheriff of Pitts--
imrg, that this town ;Areas an Ideal
place. •
.tn urgent eel! arrive! 4)11 Thursday
tact for Mr. Werksman to return to h1*
home town, cutting short him holiday
In • cot(age un tlie bike bank, but
when the pArty wail ready t* leave
there was no -len of Sandy. The only
eine hr had left waa the frayed end
of n lea■h, which he had chewed
throng!. ,t march of nu Innir or two
was fruitless and the party perforce
llnd to leave. lett a .Iglu WAR gebtlied Ile
n poo on West street.
Adopt ;b &Moc'k in the afteesio,.a
Sandy wee picked up by a per.on whet
heti .awn the nol le of 1,1', (Metopes raism
The pup WA* contentedly exploring
strinns Interesting mento In Court
Hone Park. per ham hewn shipped to
his owner. lout •if he ham tiny power* of
p•remetion at all It is a arrtaitty Ait
will return here nest year.