The Rural Voice, 1979-04, Page 32rNEW! From CIL
The Cold-F.1°TM
Save time, fuel and money.
A patented system that revolutionizes the
application of anhydrous ammonia .. .
the lowest cost nitrogen source available
This technique utilizes a simple non-mechanical conversion chamber to change
'hot' pressurized anhydrous ammonia into a stable easy -to -manage super-
cooled non -pressure liquid. This cold (-33°C) liquid ammonia is then fed by
gravity directly into the soil. Conventional field tillage equipment such as field
cultivators, disc harrows or chisel plows can be used.
This method of application saves at least one trip over the field, compared to a
conventional ammonia application. And with a shallower depth of ammonia
application -- minimum 4 inches -- a much faster nitrogen application and seed
bed preparation operation occurs. There are two models available, the large
capacity central source converter or individual "mini" converters, one required
for each injection point, both models will save you time, fuel and money.
"Cold -Flo" is already well established in the U.S. and it was successfully
introduced in Ontario in 1978.
rM - USS Agr-Chemicaia
'Helping things grow"
PG. 30 THE P"DAI %inirScIAooil- 1971