The Rural Voice, 1979-02, Page 38"Thriving agricultural community" Perth F of A wants $5,000 The Perth County Federation of Agriculture is determined to convince all the municipalities in the County that Fe deration should be eligible for a grant to help fund its projects in 1979. At their January meeting in Mitchell the directors agreed to send a form letter to the munici 1 councils explaining why the Federation .should receive the grant. The Federation. which has been established in Perth for 35 years, argues that it is the largest single representative of farmers in the county. Past President Ken Green said, "Perth County is the benificiary of a thriving agricultural community". Agriculture both directly and indirectly create jobs in the county and therefore it is the prime stimulator of the area's economy said Green. "It's not just that the farmers spend money in the area but there's all the businesses like the feedmills, cheese factories, and machinery dealers which benefit" he said. Green told the members that the Federation made a request to County Council's Agricultural Committee last year for a grant. The recommendation was defeated when it came to the council session. "We asked for $5,000 and then agreed to settle for $3,000 and came back with nothing." The Federation then had to approach the townships individually for funds and some still refused to contribute. The towns and villages were not asked for money. Treasurer Bill Osborne said eight of the 11 townships in the county gave grants Which ranged from $75 to $350. He said, in total $1,850 was raised. Elma, Hibbert and North Easthope refused to make a donation to the Federaton. Green said, "North Easthope's philosophy is, they would no more support us than a union. . . Well I don't see it that way, I think we're more like a Chamber of Commerce than a union." Several directors commented that other counties in the region give financial support to their Federations of Agriculture. Some have gone to a levy system to collect funds for the Federation. Green said that he and other re- presentatives would be approaching Perth County Council in March with a request for $5.000. W.D.HOPPER & SONS Water Well Drilling R.R.2 SEAFORTH Members of the Ontario Water Well Assoc. . Prompt Reliable Service . Free Estimates . 4 Modern Rotary Rigs CaII Collect Neil James Durl Seaforth Seaforth Seaforth 527-1737 527-0775 527-08281 'Where Hopper Goes the Water Flows' SINCE 1915 PG. 38 THE RURAL VOICE/FEBRUARY 1979 PERTH Federation of Agriculture Annual Meeting Wed. Feb. 14 1 p.m. Stratford Coliseum Speakers: Howard Famme, Accountant Ken Chase of Farm Credit Corp. Canfarm Spokesman LUNCHEON PRECEDING MEETING. TICKETS AVAILABLE IN ADVANCE FROM DIRECTORS During Agricultural Week THISIS IT ! WHEN YOU SEE THE BERG HYDRO -man MANURE PUMP It forces the manure from the barn. through an undergrouna pipe to the storage area. As the manure enters storage area tro below, the outside surtace forms a crust, which retains the important nitrogen and potassium inside the pile and also reduces the odor and fly problems. And the manure is ready for spreading, when you want it. For details call KEITH SIEMON Plumbing — Farm Equipment R.R. 4, Walton, Ont. Phone 345-2734 •UIIO• EVERYTHING SETTER FOR