The Rural Voice, 1979-02, Page 36Canada is to agriculture.
It is the last frontier, in this case for
farming in Canada. It is the only remaining
unexploited area where scientists believe
farming can be undertaken with success.
But the harsh climate, short growing
season. heavy woodlands, long days and
acid soils of the Peace River Region
combine to represent one of the greatest
challenges to agricultural science.
There is no doubt that the land will be
needed to meet increasing demand for
food. Canada is a vast country. but only a
small percentage of its total land mass can
be used for agriculture. The balance is
rocky bushland. suitable only for limited
lumber production.
The potential of the Peace River Region
for agriculture is enormous. The area
straddles the border between British
Columbia and Alberta, between the 50th
and 60th parallels. Its land mass covers
more than 25 million hectares. of which
slightly less than nine million hectares are
considered to have potential for farming.
At present. only two million hectares are
being cultivated.
"It's that remaining seven million
hectares that represents the challenge to
science," says Jim McKenzie. head of the
environment and special crops section of
Agriculture Canada's Northern Research
Group. based in the heart of the Peace
River Region at Beaverlodge, Alta.
The task of developing the land is not
simple. Research has already adapted
crops to conditions in areas of the Peace
already'used for farming. Forage, cereals,
oilseeds and some horticultural crops have
been adapted to flourish here.
"The region varies from rolling uplands
through prairies and glacial -like basins to
deeply -carved river valleys and dense
bushland," Dr. McKenzie says. "This,
combined with other factors, creates
numerous micro -climates.
"Temperature, rainfall and length of the
growing season can vary dramatically from
one area to another."
And in addition to the agricultural
problems this poses, there exists an
everincreasing competition between agri-
culture and forestry. Land cleared for
farming obviously is land lost for timber
The Northern Research Group is cur-
rently proposing a start at "square one"
for further development of the Peace River
Region for farming.
"We need a complete land evaluation
program for this remaining seven million
hectares that has some potential for
agriculture." Dr. McKenzie says.
Almost every factor affecting food
production has to be taken into account.
These include soil types - which vary
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greatly throughout the area - rainfall. temp-
eratures and number of host -tree clays.
Daylength too is of critical importance.
Compared with an abundance of harsh
aspects for agriculture, days are long in the
Peace River Region - golf games can start
at 9 p.m. during the summer. This
provides plants with a chance to reach
maturity between killing frosts, the May 5
to September 18 period at Beaverlodge.
"After we have collected and analyzed
all this information on the area, we will
know exactly which parts of the undev-
eloped area of the Peace River Region is
best suited for farming," Dr. McKenzie
"We know how much daylight, soil
nutrients, heat and how many frost -free
days are needed by our crops. This
information, coupled with new data gath-
ered from the area in the land evaluation
program will allow us to immediately
identify the areas into which agriculture
can spread.
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