HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-7-30, Page 5• THE SIGNAL - GODERICH, ONT. { 11 SOAP SALE SPECIALS ! aSTU 6 SOAP- 4rt raker file >OgiiO SOAP - 12 cakes 31e PALIIOLIVE SOAP - U sakes see !'AIR MX, LAVLNDRII, LILAC 12 sales tee Large Batt Cakes ...12 for 33e .Mrgea's Olyleetioe "Soap 12 cakes 73c L.wstkse Complexion Soap. 12 raker Y:re Baby's Owe Sas/12 cakes I91e Cashmere Bactine/ Ses0. Rag. ler. Special 12 rake lac _CAMPBELL'S DRUG �TORL. P oSS lO 22 Tile *share TRUCK= SADLY INJURED AlvIo McAllister son of Mr and Mrs. Robert McAllister, of Goderlch township, still la in tbe hospital at London with Injuries received when the truck he was driving crashed Into the GIM of a bridge. a. few miles watt, of Kincardine on the Blue Water bibs way. The crash occurred on Theft; day night laic. The truck wed oat plrtNl demolished and MrLLlagE-W heeled 'Immesh that w was taken to tbe bospttal at Efaeaz• disc anL.latar to London, where the x-ray revealed three flfcturee to the pelvis and a broken right leg, also many superficial creta and bruises. Mr. McAllister's condition la serious, but 1t is not known as yet it he has been injured Internally. His parents are with him at London. Mr. McAllister baa many friends In Goderlch. He a driver for Epps' Transport out of Clinton. NILE, July 28. -Miss Emma Snell, of Toronto, is spending her vacation with ber father, Mr. Jas. Snell, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Win. (lark amid fam- ily and Misr Muriel Schram. of .God- KICh, visited on Sunday at the home .K Mr. Isaac Talk. _Ir. Edgar Shepperd spent last Sat- in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T1tMaa with d family, of Oshawa, are eWUng d relatfVA here- Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Morrish. of Chicago. and Mr. sod Mrs. Wm. Dna- dam, of Ingersoll, netted for a U•v Banish Flies Hygienically with 4eroxon FLY CATCHER soasouNIsT J• sliali a.m. QUE. ECONOMICAL • EFFECT/VE The Baptist Church Minister 10 �.m..SCHOOL -11 co. and 7 p�- 11�. 7. L. BARTON �wr., at. REV. S. It. McCLUNG, Minister a.m-BIBI.E-SCHOOL a.o. ail Rm-- ir. J. HARTO1I ' Tresses. oat. on u meats 1 To those contemplating _g Monument :- my PSIOis EiFO$M; BUYING Cemetery Lettering a Specialty --Ail Work Guaranteed - °Wee Marble std Granite Warks Moe Grant. Cantata. Oalt- Suempo or to Ball ! 7apfe days last week at the hose of Ms, and Mrs, John Tabb. We are pleased to report that KM Wm. Flanigan, who underwent an op- eration In Goderlch hospital last week. was able to return borne on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Telford Nixon, Mr. Jas. Snell and Mr. and Mn. H. Pentland and family visited on Sunday with Mr. aid Mrs. John Snell, of Londea- boro. Mr. and Mn. Robt. E1gle, France$ and Eleanor stent Sunday at the home of Mr. Wm. Finnigan. Miss Frances. EIgee will spend this week at the Mlnnehaba girlie camp at the Goderlct Summer School grounds. Rev. D. W. and Mrs. Pomeroy left last Saturday for their cottage In Mus- koka. where they w111 spend a month. During their absence Rev. W. G. Wynn, of Benmlller, will take charge of the services on the circuit, Nile and. Car- low uniting and holding the services alternately each Sunday evening It 7.30 p.m. Next Sunday, August 2. the service will be held In Carlow United church. Guild 11Ieetlalg.-The Nile Ladies' ferrel on him and of welcome to the are spending a couple of weeks visit- punou, aniuuu.r• the engagement Of the amount disbursed by the Exhibit - Guild held their July meeting last young people who were Just beginning -Ing their aunts, Mr.. Mary Austin and tbelr daughter. Margaret Elizabeth, to tion. snake a staggering total. life toaetlwrbe called on Mr.. Wm.. M„ Jerry O'Connor. Samuel Gordon Kidd, - rue of Mrs. Goderich's Vimy Memorial Service (Continued from page 1) Canadian army have unkhown resting places over there. May God command tint that field iball always bear tbe remembrance that our men fought there for pedes." The singing of three verses of "Abide with Me" was followed by the Nation- al Anthem and the pronouueluj of the benediction by Dr. Barnett, after which Chas. Barker placed the Legion wreath at titp trate of tbe.cSnot>aph- eorlLast Post was sounded by R. T. See- ry, , and with the Court House Park A.S fiat; a1 half-mast and Legion and &•out e-.Wirered; there was-ftbselete silence and stillness In the park for l d -rH Cha MItM at her and two minutes, except for the dight of daughter; Yr. iod Mrs. ,!%teeth Mar several pigeons, which new and Lerman, on July lith. She had been swooped about and over the monument in failing health for some time and and the square of marchers and city- about six weeks ago wits taken from scary. her home In Lochalsh, where sbe re - Reveille was then sounded. nap were sided with her Sea Donald, to that of raised end rhe service was over. ber daugbtes, -Mrs. K. D. Mad.eenaa. Her husband died about four years ago and she to stirvlved by one son, Donald, three daughters, Mrs. Kenneth MacGregor, Duluth, Mn. Johnstolj..Gt Detroit, and Mrs. UirLennan, of -Ash- field, and several grandchildren. One brother. •DeAat Nis" tewart. of..Lsebalak. and a sister, at Duluth, also survive. Miss Jean Stotherr, with tbe Minors Deceased was a mu�hreduad friend. 1$ulrt, friends from Toronto, who have and neighbor, a tried, true and cour- a cottage at Port Albert, have to- teous friend, and the community willgether e on a motor trip to Ot- cberbei the memore_ 4L .her uptigh tiwa Maeugontl 1 sad chat$ rut. character that secured for ber the re- Miss Emily MelMur Ir home at Mr. 2 p.m. specs of all. The funeral was held Wm. McClure's for some holidays. Mr. Itr•ece% SlMlr and son Norman. on Thursday, the 16th, from the h0 10 while her employers have gone on the of Toronto, anti Miss ('handler visited of Mr. Kenneth MacLennan to Loch- %'Imy Ridge pilgrimage. wkh Mr and Mrs. A. E. Errington slab cemetery and was very largely Mrs. Fred ,Barlow and two children, Me• work. attended. The services were con- of tieatortb, are visiting at Mr. Geo. llrs. A. Y. Henderson stent a couple ducted by Rev. J. K. Mac(lillivray. I Itivett•s. d tiny., In Auburn Is.t week. Heartfelt sympathy is extended to tbe l Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moss and two - Miss Ruby Errlugtun Is vi,ltine at Port Albert Dila week. Mr. Weikel Morrish of ('hh-rgu and Mr. John 1 nud..s of w..sI.00rk fished stroke lately, has gone to Goderlch the formers sister. Mrs John Tani,. KINGSBRIDGEand is being cared for at his run Ler last tv.rk itres, lir' Itf Ott sal . fir, MyeNn Cas- Kwr Garvey 1 --dont - v Miss Helen Anderson 1e. visiting her niftier.. of Mtrathnty. are vklting tbe Father Garvey ret 'Pomo° is having formers .daughter. Mrs. Wm. L. bolklays at his home Mere at present. l uncle aad aunt. Mr. and Mrr. Color Young Mr. and Mrs. Roy !lusher of 1)e- Pentland. at Grimed,y. Presentation to Newly -weds. --on Mon- fruit visited at Mr. J. Morrison's re -1 Mr*. Sam Swan it visiting her cou- vtns, Mrs. Bombard and Jas. (•ull,ert. DONNYBROOK DONNYBROOK, July M1. -Service la Donnybrook United churcili will be held nest Sunday at 2 p.m. Mb.. Nettle and Mr. Joe Flynn, of Toronto, are visiting their uncle, Mr. Joe Leddy. Mira Margaret Jefferson is visiting relatives e.1 Munro. �-t� Mlaser Ferne and Funs Plowman have returned home After visiting their slater. Mrs. 1. Mims, of Ashfield. Several from here went to (hider Irh on Saturday for a picnic. A tension of the Naylor family was held In (Joderich on Thursday of last week. CARLOW A/W, Jail 2.-11r. and Mrs. Henry Stell, Ur. and Mrs. Stone and Mr. and Jardine. of CoUingwood. altar - their -bustler,- Yr. --Allies Stoll. anti attended the wedding of daughter Irene to Mr. Fordyce Clark. The ',entice next Sunday In the United church will be at 7.30 p.m.. with Rev. George Wylie le charge Sunday *chime et the usual hour. DUNGANNON DUNIGANNON, July 2e.. -Mn. Ren- dall Whyard and three chlidren, Lil- lian, Jack and Maryanne. of Winnipeg,• vloited the former's uncle Yr. N. 1'. Whyard, over the week -end. Mrs. Bert Bradford and daughter Betty spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Thor. Shields, Saltford. Mrs. Wm. McClure visited ever the week -end with relatives at lluderloh, Mrs. Robt. Wilson and Mrs. John Mc- Clure. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ShackletOk and two cbtWreu, of Detroit, are goggle with hit 'nuttier, Mrs. Nellie Shackle- ton. less Marjorie Smith 11 visions 1Sia week 1n Guderich with bet uncle, Mr. beetle Smith. ---9_ itulatenrgra extended to IM• Bert Whyard, who obtained sixth prtae la the coutert among the Godertch stores. The prise was a lovely elec- tric lecttric door lamp with indirect light- ing, with pretty yellow, green and red shades. Bert appreciates all the ae- listaaca. 1dst was given him to help him win. Mrs. Win. Kelly, of Belgrave, spent Monday visiting with her parents, Mr. sad Mn. Jos. A. Killougb. Her son JImwy is remaining for a longer visit Miss Dorothy Ttgert, of Sheppardton, is visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. Was!'8tothetsr-- - bereaved family in the passing of their I sons, of Ebenezer, visited on Sunday beloved mother. with his brother, Mr. John Moss. Mr. Ja.•. Smith, who suffered a day night neighbors and friends gath- ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Fordy.s- ('Talk. who hail Jua rt - turned froth tlwir honeymoon. to wish, them well end .i,Joy a social .%ruing together. Mr. Alex. Yoemlg was ape. pointed chairman and after a few words of thanks fur the Augur COO - The Kiutalt brunet, of the Woum'n'-. at G.elerleh' served at the clone. Institute held" their Jnly meeting at . Gue.tr e.1 present at the bowe of the bums of Mrs: 11. J. U•t'ouuur 01) Mr.- David Sproule are her sister. Thursday evening hist. with a ter. lir'. L. Hearts, of Toronto. and her The cost of staging the Canadian ! g.ssl attendance,. granddaughter, Jean Wllsuo, of God. National Exhibition is one million dui - Mn. Marvin Lanus!' and children erk.b. tars each year. The exhibitors ez- and Miss Bender 1.40000, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ryan, of Dun -"pend huge sums which, together with Summer Wash Fabrics at attractively reduced prices FIGURED VOILE SPOTTED LINEEN DAINTY ORGANDIE FIGURED SPARVA CHECKED DRESS LINEN NOVELTY COTTON LACE REGULAR PRICE 59c to $1.30 per yard Clearing at 38c yard 3-- Print Print House Dresses in a Targe assortment of attractive patterns Sizes :14 to 44. Regular $1.26 each Clearing at 87c each E. Hibbert by the Methodist church tQ-Gbina. M a guest with Dr. and Mrs. Votes, who met and became friends on the mission Gelds. Dr. Hartwell after his long missionary service lives retired with lila family at Vancouver. A miscellaneous shower was given In honor of Mss Margaret Ryan, bride - elect, on Wednesday of last week. at the home of a girl friend. Miss Ber- nice Roach. The girls of the young women's Sunday school class of the United church assembled and their classmate was completely surprised -wbeq taken to a room where above the table was hanging a white bell with pink and whit streamers with the gifts attached all around. A so- cial afternoon was enjoyed by the gyred and dainty refreshments were Thursday afternoon at the home o Mrs. C. Dustow, with a good atten- dance. The preeldent, Mn. D. McGrtt- ten, presided. The Scripture lesson was read by Miss Mary Bogle and readings were given by Min Denny McGratten and Miss Beth Cantwell. IIt was decided to bold the inn picnic on Thursday afternoon, July O. After the business discussion the diet- ing was brought to a close by aU ie- lilledletton. Misses unaa an -fl 1 nlgan sad Mrs. C. Bestow, served i dainty lune►. and a sods! hour was spent. :qRe deereaso ilttr7 with Marsh and Mrs. Dare Mean to comelllss LSlllau hJeiton ..f Ih.•trdt Is Edith Kidd and the late Wm. -Kidd of formerforward, and while tbe former read honer ou holisay•• Southampton. The marriage Is to au aihiremi of congratulation and good An Lvltatisa-Srhtrda}.Snudsr take place the middle of Auguvt. wishes. Mrs. Bean prrs'utel to tbe and Monday. August 1st. find. and 3rd. Misr Alberta Currie Is spending ten young .•ouple a my of flatt sllcerare. IH course you'll remember these three days at the Goderlch summer school. Thr groom ou tebrlf oMrs. wClark 1,1g rrd-letter days awl well vee you The W.Y.S. of Erskine Presbyterian awl himself thanked t.w friends for or the 04,1 Boys' Reunion at Klug*- CLnLC�-11L•npart. sl nttiet ausUlac asribe(rful goollgift. wii,lie.T enQ-th.ir vetn'hr7dtpe•. -An 2 - lirrwril TJ- Sofa: 'wilt"- les at their church on Thursday, Au- Ttwen fupuw.Md a S"*Vr�i"their fa mines aid friends, are es - cram of old fa"D"S.lllar sa•• 10 pe•tell to att.-nel sad there w111 certain- gust lith. The visitors are thr Anglo Ali eturyunac ji)Jhe(l sta!er•hrn, read- .I.v Is• fur. M-tleye$*.--fie' dna., nib.. ' , ca laidlo Guild and the Paltry church �` 1 W.Y.S.. oT�angannan, The rresbyter- �e'+Y 4..mc sod enjoy rile carnival on the I Iia Ladies' Ltd. of Carlow, Crewe with the Natloual Anthem and "1'nlw' ovmo yt eight. Mstnrday. Routh.. (Jo(1 tram wlwm aN trlessgnp fiuw:' , r.frtshuaems, etc.. and au open-air i tithed ehatch W.M.B. and the Pres - God- Ladles' Ltd, of Lucknow. A .r_. _ •forty dawn with emelt. supplirdegi-U1t1'edlt>reaa�a aagasr" la being ptrs KNO CC�Rt PICNIC by llogan•s orchestra. airs iii. aQts''/ss t hl followed by refresumenta _ _. 4t....r a .rat. event- pared, O L. Itod ..'rsac a¢Evs easte..-this �'-- Ott Sutslsy. w -wive Wien aerw W IP Web slighter than popular opinion i lseeg Mi �ber �ka� �" I tlw shun h •t 17.:10 a.m. sad acre at weak to lose his children's pet Indian would indicate.“ -Havelock Ellis. tat, p.m. Sunday u.sm as excellent poet, which wee pasturing at Mr. A cool breese, a bright sat in a ,Bauer will be served 1n the parish Brodie's farm. It got the caulk of For the period of oho Canadian N. -cloud -flecked sky and the shouts and hall. Everybody welcome. Admission It aloe caught in the ring of the hal- Halal Exhibition this year the rail- I laughter of happy cblldren transformed _adult 40c, children 26c. Admits- ter sad broke its neck. The pony will ways, steamship and eoach lines are Harbor Park Into a merry picnic ;slurs to Sundry rvetting supper, 2;tc be greatly missed, not only by the offering lower fans than for more than ground on R'ednerday afternoon, when 1 (,n Monday be sure W drop In at family but by many other children of a ode. th g CARNIVAL � The St. George's Church C'arniv'al postponed last week owinjrto bald weather will be held on the ' ` Redoryr i14 iii11= TO- NIGHT _-Thursday) at 8 p.m. FREE - FREE - FREE With every purchase of 25e or over, coupons will be given . for Design English Dinnerware or Rogers' Al Pus Barrios Plata table flat ware. cnt•aA One Lingalsy Bread and gutter Pate and cou- pons FREE to the first fifty customers pur- chasing $1 or more of merchandise at The Square MAPLE LEAF BAKERY *. Phone 110W BREAD, BUNS, PASTRY, GROCE1I$S, ETC. ire New Imperial Oil Station Coater Victoria and Nelson Streets Now Open for Business FULLY EQUIPP® GARAGE AND SFIUK STATION { COMPLETE LINE OF ATLAS TIRES, BATTERIES Repairs on All Cars t Wm. A. Crag, ',HONE :+1:t: �'RO1'RIET()R the annual congregational and Sunday the Ringe;oM.lge garden party and belt, school picnic of Knox Presbyterian ',the old boys celehistl. There will be church was held. !booths. keno. refrtsbmeutx Supper Scores of children entered with en- served from 6 10 8.30, Lucknow CIW thualasm into the racer and contests x. ns Bawl fu attrudaw-e all evening, held during the afternoon, In charge and at 8.30 a grand concert, with ren, Ferree and J. C., also their coastal of Mr. E. C. Beacom, Sunday school ' sp.•e•hes. songs. etc. Rev. M. N. Sullt- I Doris Reed, visited on Sunday at superintendent, F. G. Weir, Geo. W. ;van. chairman. Bauble Beech with Mr. Wm. Altor'a Schaefer Ind Rev. D. J. Lane. The rtrmnt,p program will conclude family, who have a trailer camp there. Miss Madeleine Lane and Mise. Edith !with another ph.tfurm dawn, with Ilo- Mr. David Flgglas and children, Taylor also assisted in entertaining gars -s snappy orebestra again supplying 1 Agnes and Jean. of Welland, spent the the dUdrea during tba skr. v, f S_.•aad 'Lae musts. the many- activities really t {red at Mr,, and Mrs. David a softball game in which older boys serve • moll re4t•A't(il tit' aiIMh. Gleno'v. The-lirtTfb remalnrh'Y fr' and girls joined provided an exciting the best thing to do is t0 come along a longer visit with their grandpyarenti. Interlude. I and join in Tde fun yourself The Mn. Wm. Young, of Godericb, and When the last contest was con old boy" stay girls will be tlwr. from Mrs. E. 0. Gould, of Toronto. have eluded all were ready for the sump- far and near. so the on hail to r•uetl.i. n gnests..Mtetr wiog. e'bother, loons basket latah which had been acquaintances. We'll be seeing yonI Mrs. Wm. H. Wilson. provided by tbe ladle.. - • Mr, and -.Mrs. Allaaaraed�•n A .andl._ (Needy treats were given all the I All creat thinkers have mitis fa• little son. of Arnprlor, were week -end little boys and girls- who participated selfish love the basis of thing.-- goats with Kn. Ward's Smother, Dr. in the rer'Fat whleb revolted as tot- iMgry Pickford. Arnold Vokr•. lows: I Mn. Sam 'Glenn. of Detroit, he a Under five years --Girls, Margaret "What the old order describes se vhitor with ber sister -la -law, Mrs. Healey, Katherine Cott, Muriel 'ragged Individuallsm' means the reit- Jas. Stonehouse. Schram: boys, Barry Doak. ' mentation of the many for the benefit Dr. Gert Hartwell, D.D., a pioneer Five to six years-(11rla, Mona Wil- or the few."- B. G. Tugweli. missionary. wbo In MSS was sent oat W, Ruth Bogie, Betty Taylor; boys, Buddy Harrison. Jim Saunders, Bobby Duquette. Seven to eight years -Girls, Pauline Patterson, Jaw• Sparks. Jean Ruther- ford : boys. Francis Schram, Ross Sparks. Donald Patterson. Nine to ten years- dirks, Betty Du- quette, Pbyllls MacMillan, Irene Milne: boys, Elgin Fisher, Harold Wil - eon. Archie MacDonald. Eleven to twelve years-6irle. Shir- ley hlr ley 'Nieto', Eleanor MecEwan, Mary Schaefer; boys, Douglas MaeIk,nald, Billy Wilma, Harold Iaer. Stztee• yein and under --Tyrie, Frances Elliott. Audrey Fisher, Betty Sttanghan ; boys, Billy Lanaway, Jack Tuft.rd, Nell Thompson. Teachers' rare -Mks' Elsie Bell, Mrs. D. J. Lane. Thread -the -needle race --Betty Strai- ghan and Madeelne tare. Anlrey Fisher Owl Mary Helen lie heater. Rath He remembers with clarity the first Irish settlement in the vicinity of Bay- I • Farris!' and Fleenor MitEwan. (school -hones. At that time It was dlfil- 'VIA. Their Inatrmtions had not Sack rare -Robert Hawthorne, Har- eult to obtain school-ma'im' and 50 Igen explicit. and so they took up land, old Icer, Jack Trafford. !two local farmers, by name Desmond chopped, logged and cleared np fifty Thrrrteggrd race--tllr, Fume's land Wall. were preserd Into service 55 acres. which they put In crop. They Elliott and Margaret Elliott; bola.' pedagogues. The first •eha,l-home were clearing an additional twenty J•.t T.1lerd sod Robert Hawthorne. lwaa • log structure with a lova bench acres when they discovered that the Girls' shoe reee--Shirley Niviait running arnnnd the extent of the room. land 0n 5 hich they were settled he -4, May Healey. Mildred Laws. lTbls In tura gave way to • frame longed to another man. The law al, i L•dlei *tipper tick -Rath Doer., school, and with Improvements came a lowest them the crop. Mrs. Geo. Ma.•Ewan. Mips 10dith Tay' . regular teacher. Instead of the two Attu this they esrrls.l their seed ..1 . •..M._--.•.w'a:... +e.,/r'tasmsss}tertwvr-arrow haM•dn ratre4IF >�t hs-•.wtvww awe. *44o Mat.-ko,-nwd w&k.,d.a-. Wbeslttarrow race --HarnM Dee alternate periods of two weeks. up the shore of lake Huron to the and Ikoiglas Marla:meld. Donald AI00' At that time they were 501 partice- lith con.•wsslon of ASMeId. where they Ye slid Fra,* Rswtberae. Mr about such matters as location; and took'np land, cleared two sir.. and Llr1s' allpper kk'k-Mildred Laws., it was t0 11w contractor's chagrin that planted It In potatoes. Betty Mtrstllhsn, Mary Retell Adis!'t • found the fraue school had twen Tunas. haring pe.*ed the ninetieth ter, teonetreeted os the wrong ate, end 1l54. thla old-timer looks forward Men's reel. RsV. D: J. tZaw ems' Get th•t no pot of if war MeatOd ea lbs to Me erptnrtsodee ..f ,nsetia• Yiow . C. Reacma. ted. F. G. Wets. J. C. lit. Intended plot which _bad been set mess hI. termer school -mats' (1114 Mr. Roseau' mooed out Mit. �e� N aside far the purpose. companions. and re-IlvIig with them • fiat efty-yard dash to breet't No -The Inst "arch was of loo. it Is ihs hw•le•ts of hygons disye. e neighborhood. Mom Melba Fowler was a week -sod guest with her friend, Miss Etta Swan. Luc•know. Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Alton and child - s lite danger of an immediate war Ix, In my tist11111ate of the sdtnatton, out of the reckasiag."-David Loyd t:eoree- Special Holiday DANCE AT THE PAVILION Monday, August 3rd HOWARD TRAVERS and his nine -piece band This I. one of the emart.'.t hatela In We•.tern Omarl.: ,0 haslet ogre MY olgs.rUwlty 1.. thine. TO their mush. ADMISSION 100 JITNEY DANCING Reminiscences of a Kingsbridge Old -Timer Ry HARRY J. Id(IYLE In antirilattlon of the reunion to be reealle.l that ss the cnngregatiun grew held the coming week -end. former reel- the church continued to he made larger on a sort of Installment plan. Three dent. of Kingsbridge are tnrnlpg back additions were made to the church, ■t the pages of time to review the scenes various times. A. the flet structure of former days. M4.hael 011.1117 of was made on the "horn -type." the roof Goderlch has the enviable distinction was raised sad given a teak. to elfm- of being among the first children to taste this feature. he born In the parish of Kingsbridge. In recalling the live. of the pion. Interviewed yesterday at his home ,.,•rs. It Is to he noted that they en - here, he attributed his longevity to a dared manifold hardahlps In wrest - healthful climate, stotinenee from al- tog the virgin land from the element~ robotic etlmulant.. and, as he added Mr. O'Reilly relates an experience_ with an unmistakable brogue. "hardy of hie parents. who, when they first Irish ancestora." eame to the Huron tract, nettled In an Capital Phone 47 5ou.0 lectrlc SYSTEM Theatre Godenck Noe Nevins- Will Roger, 1 . \ . oneleticut Yankee.TTllIfielt Twain. Monday. Tuesday and Wrelwrsday-/k(r Iloliday tipadeL--_ Joe Louis vs. Max Scluling Complete motion picture record of the sensational heavyweight up- set' 1mportaar,fir oti iii AftIM"�ttdn, .....e.4 es an ..4»u1 William Powell, Rosalind Roswell sad aaio-bat0M aisle, the wings of Ian Cupid In a delightful ti,us•.ly "RENDEZVOUS" Thurulal. Friday and Saturday --A picture you will talk shout. "MR. DEEDS GOES TO TOWN" This Fnuk Capra production is rated as the year's test romantic • comedy...It's simply chuckle -pocket. Gary Cooper. Jean Arthur, George Banrrett Matinee.--Yuuday. IVehin s.lsy end Saturday at 3 p.m. Coming- Sidney Temple, Iu "Captain January." • • KINGSBRIDGE August 1, Saturday, 8 p.m. CARNIVAL BOOTHS REFRESHMENTS PLATFORM - HOGAN'S ORCHESIiRA August 2. Sunday Services 8.30, 10.30 BENEDICTION 4.30 P.111 Uinnhr 1 i,.m. and 8 p.m.--Adnitw'404, : hl il.lrc n August 3, Monday. Supper 6 to 8.30 Adults 40c. children 25c - BOOTHS KENO REFRESHMENTS >iIPEECHES AND 80N08 Grand Concert 8.30 p.m. 1'hatrman-Rev M \ Sullivan Lnckncw Citizens' Band. Platform -Bogan'. Orchestra. 1)RAWi'iNO: FORf'R1%rtt AT 11 red. Come and Help the Ohl Boys Celebrate! TAKE SIPPER AT IUOiiltIDOI Anile THE HOLIDAY RAG=S III GODERICH