The Signal, 1936-7-30, Page 3w Better Priding isr Miter Business New ideas and prosperity are close re- lations. Integrity and intelligence sbould be our watchwords. Bo let us help you ly your Prtnttns Problems. We are here to ser•ve you at all time Signal Priding Leaves aGea )(in/re e� • The Mad impssiald Step Toward Increased selling power la a Or play adverUsemeot in The Skull. Ise- reaafsl merchants and our local and d1► strict newspaper coverage most advan- tageous. • 14- Para 4-.Ubar1ise to The Sigma THE SIGNAL PRINTING 00., LIMITED, Publishers Inas, A V rem/ %I. a A{r If. a • epees er j Fire, Ai cwt ani Meter Car IN&URANCE Representative London Life lasarance Co. Once :--MWalee, W e Gain -kb st Melees 811. Maaapr. 'Peds 23. rimla scree . Geo. Williams & Son DOMINION, PROVINCIAL and MUNICIPAL BONDS Fire. Accident. AstsseshSa and General hienglIglall Sri OTTIN1, or coint111108 — Mune 53 For Sale at Port Attic Wisely Weeded Cottage lets HYDRO CONNWTION —Also Hooses to Town— AUTO, ACCIDENT and FIRE INSURANCE W. J. POWELL MON! tS2 QODDLRICH 1T ITS Phumbing, !leafing —Oft— Evestroagling WI HAVE IT Repairs for all cakes of gots Or fauces Prompt service and reasonable rates. John Pinder rim 127 P. 0. Res Ilii Extra Specials FOR QUICK BALE —I- 1 Gull—green tUID net. orated ory enamel. green Regular $47.50, for....$39 .50 1 Only—Kitchen eabirwt In oak golden R,.asLU, :37.00, for Only—walnut finished 1 (hula— Regular $3005, for ..$19.50 1 secondhand Bedroom Suite at • bargain. Also many other odd pieirs at bargain prices. J R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Furniture Dealer • IlNZ Store G lm PHO355 warning! Tale of Barter GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 30. 1936 FOUND UWOONBCIOUS A motorcyclist. age Peto, of LAW desbo.% was found lying wed^ Heard -mean 1a tae auris about a smile cress tslraMa Separator Sold by Os•s Terms to Another Had a Lien on It -- Was Buyer Toldt facboes of a three-year-old barter re- eonaied in Magistrate J. A. Makin,' court on Tbursda7 lad. when Earl Greer, Seafortb markt gardener, pleaded not 'IOW _le afilarge of ob- tatntng $05 by false pretences from Chris. Dale, Tuckersaith township rarsser. The trade, long dormant, was re- hasbed in court after the seizure about a month ago of a separator from Dale by the Renfrew Machinery Company. Greer for Sea cow, Dab and roar ' i amass swearing Greer told them he had made an assignment and that the separator was exempt. Greer, however, dented that be had told the Dales the matter was "ail fixed up with the company." He said he bad admitted to the 'Dales Were was a Ilen note against the separator. "1 must And on the evidence as a whole that Greer did say the lien note wltb tbe company was *zed up' "maid Magistrate Makin,. "1 will have to And this man guilty." Restitution In the amount of =ffi was made to Dale by Greer, who will be given suspended sentence 1f be pays $18.20 before TbnrsdaJ next. In the meantime he was released on kis own ball of $200. 1t was revealed that at tLe time the separator -cow bszIS1 was made a _ farther trade, of waves. was made. with Dale throwing is a calf, three bags of oats and two bap of buck- wheat is make op for the dtaaegaae7 bump the vehicles. WMsseses Dfang ee _ Hod' contradictory evtdenes WWI given. Mea Dale, tbelr sons, Walter sad Melvyn. and a nephew, James Me - GUI. testifying against Mr. and lyra Greer. Referring to the contradictory evi- dence, Mr. Holmes laid: "If this le to be a caw of perjury, which is it to be against. the defendant or the plaintiff f He spoke of the testlmoa7 pfWalter and Melvyn Dale and James *WON MO were • and beard Greer say that everythtee was "used up" with the company. Mr. sad Mrs. Greer said under oath the three young men were not present at the time the plaintiff alleged Greer made the statement. Greer on July 16 elected trial by jury, but changed bis election last week in favor of a bearing by the Magistrate. Several trues were Imposed in Lame eases. A Goderlch township man paid $d and costa fpr driving through a stop sign and failing to turn to the right to allow another vehicle to pans. Other Anes were for speeding sad for driving through stop atgns. on No. 4 highway on Friday night. Be was toned by Miss Barbara 41e1111. of Londesboro, who sew the damaged 'machine Deride the road and found the man 1n the ditch. Peto was taken to the hospital at Clinton, where Dr. W. Oakes attended his painful head and face wound'. No bones were broken. It 1e believed Peal's machismo struck a two-by-four scantling width was lying on the road near the stens. 1t is not known bow long he remained unconscious In the ditch before being found. Beneath the roof of tbe combined Colineiller paiae -and List Meek parities at the Canadian National Ex- blbitfes Is a Boor space area of slight- ly mere than twenty-four and a half Local Hydro Power _ _ Rate Hawed Other Rates Remain as Before— Meeting of Public Milks commission A letter from the Hydro -Electric Power Commission, read at the regular meeting of the public WORM@ cos - mlulon on Thursday last, advised that, after investigating the operating conditions of the local system daring the year, the Commission had deter- mined on an Interim rate of $43 per h.p:.per year for power suppikltd-Se this municipality during the year com- mencing January 1, 1936 The Jaterlm rate L the same as In previous years, bat It was recom- r mended by the ComaJasioa that reduc- tions be leads b the power consume - dorm - - TM 1bAlRhp mea ne echedule of rt_ local commlselos, mien a reduction of nearly 10 par cent, from 3.2c to 2.9e per kilowatt-hour for tbe first nfty boas' use per month of connected load or maximum demand, and 1.le Instead of 2.1e per kilowatt -boar for the second dila hours' use per month. The kilowatt-hour rate of .Esc for all additional monthly consumption re- seals* the same, aa do domestic, eoaa- atereial, water heater flat rate and street lighting charges. The Commission further recom- mended that an accumulated surpass of $487.40 be refunded to the water- works department and a surplus of Pitt) to the steed 1tbt1ng -depart- ment in connectloef with niclpal ser- vices. On motion this recommenda- tion was passed. The euperintendent reported the sedl- Water for Lawns and Gardens MAY BE USED ONLY FROM 7 to 8 O'CLOCK f m. AND FROM 5 to 9 O'CLOCK p.m. Before water is used for lawn service or for gardens, application must be made in writing to the Public Utili- ties Commission. BUN ABBISTs HEN Grey county L not to be outdone in the matter of hot weather stories. Itppears that a ben, sitting on a belching of eggs on a farm near Der - m, became discouraged when the 1�t wain! settled down and lett"RAt- MIK and the eggs to their fate. From then on for six days the eggs were uncovered and were presumed spoiled. One day last week, however, eblcks ware hear chirping in the nest and tnvesttption disclosed that some had already emerged from their shells and the others were arriving rapidly. They are said to be Ane. healthy little birds and to be getting along well with only the sun for a mother. Sep - _- — _sociewoweememSliMmrissammer- NOT 000D TOR CARNIVAL Rad Oteerwbe Welcome Pals Damper ea Charge Garden Party Although the rain of Thursday last was welcomed by all, it was most in- opportune for the annual carnival and garden party of Bt. George's church. which was to he held on the rectory lawn. The evening was not a total lose, however, for more than two hun- dred persons enjoyed a sapper served In the parish hall. Mrs. A. F. Sturdy and Mrs. J. S. Platt were in charge of the sapper, which was served ander 'the auspice, of the Chnrcbwoman's GnlW. ,Booths on the lawn were not opened owing to the steady downpour of rain, hut candy, Sower fancy- work booths, a fishpond and keno tables were well patronised in the hal nd7. Those in cbarge meeubers of tbe Margaret Seeger Club, Mrs. A. C. Calder, Mrs. D. Z. Camp- bell, ampbel1, Mrs. G. N. Dow'ker ; Sowers, Mrs. J. Jock, MW Claire Reynolds; fancy- work, Mn. H. J. A. Mac/Swan. Mrs. ti Wurtele ; fishpond, Mrs. 0. Ginn : keno. H. C. Welham,, A. F. Sturdy. 1. D. i:retain, J. A. Graham. Mrs. E. H. Hill was the winner est au afghan In a draw conducted by the rector, and Mrs. (Gamble won a rug. Eire of hose _11S $ fire-mr t'`- "tom' features were post - alarm is 5trictty" df fined "' Any infraction of the above will be dealt with wording to the By-law. Public UtaN r"' OODSRI01I owed to � ggid1 lgt oaf this week, when the variotri rreetn* ' he fall awls, 011 thh^-bo37 grounds, In spite of 11I! irafillrEilalk Boos, last Thursday **WW1 Great was considered quite a rem" eon beteg tate tae than i%� .71,r... 'Sympathetic onderatandtns of fe1- k,wraen has ever Franklin en nklth n 1 - aaark of the leader Ranee - reit mentation basis had been cleaned again and the hydrants had been opened. 1t was stated samples of drinking water sent tel -Government uuoratones were marl nrst-clam rating. A request from the Royal hotel for a larger water service pipe was re- ferred to the engineer ; and several lighting service applications and two for electric ranges were pared PDYl11l 4TIAav NVQ Wilson Bsadercock, Teekersmlth township fanner. on Tuesday was found guilty of incest and sentenced W throe years in the paalteatiary at Kingston. He pleaded guilty to a charge of attempted latest sad was Sentenced to two years en the ebkrge, -run concurrently with the previous 6undercoei'e _ two 7oasg tt", testified against him abd no defence was entered. The hearing was before Magistrate J. A. Making at 111zeter. iseur!-NINTa YEAR, NO. IS R. A.REIID (17 Fears . 8011inky 11 . "Bata taction at Madera § oar s_ "Beauty in itself le aot a gift. feminity is."—Heart Bernstein. J. Cfaigie Derr s W L Estate 1- . Myo apse Naas PHONE 24 :-: OODE1<ICM 41°. 7111. 1°1.4'14137K ''L:: ef - _ t - r Bllstering Days in Borneo Increased Shell's Experience -- FROM Borneo, from Brasil—from England, from Egypt—from-o.... areoad the globe, comes Shell experience to the Canadian Shell - refineries. Through this world experience in all climates and on all roads, plus years of study of Canadian conditions, Shell has crested expressly for Canada—A gasoline so efficient that you get every last mile from every gallon. A gasoline that starts !aster. And these qualities are uniform in every gallon of Shell you buy because Shell pinups are sealed against substitution. TOV CAN . BB - SURE of SHELL H. J. Fisher HAMILTON ST. GODIIRI0E LBai+ker's Service t� BAYTL.ELD ROAD OOH r T. Randall RURON ROAD OODERI011