The Signal, 1936-7-30, Page 2THE SIGNAL
ureday, July 30th. 1800
astabllabad ISIS
of Caeadlaa WWII! News-
ewrpapers Anaetiatite
r etaNADA
*eery Thursday monlns.
Selmerlptlei pries OM Per year,
it paid la admires. Subscribers
United States still please add kite
W. 11. Robertson, Edttoe ea Manager
Telephone Di (3tttle rtoh. Oat.
Thursday, July, 11150
There was not a single boaabeaile re-
tereace to the acbi•vemest of Qala.ds
soldiers in the war. That was as 1t
should be. What Disaffiliate did there
tbe world know& Premier King's mes-
sage, especially, was a direct appeal
to the MOON et Enrol)* to forget
bltterneaa. to lay aside enmity. sad to
build a better world on the sacrifices
IMde b7 Mee of all lands wbs died
twenty years ago. (Mu we hops that
Europe tit hetes to Ns srpefilt
Y sakes tole newortat to
4ssda m era:The a. It is ai la-
sptrel expression la stone "Mr
gild by a ikillst
bad of Oanda'° jalet. W " ber
taloa soma. It fillaskis dla Woe
et teats anis Slab MOM win
ism reseendMer0 PM* eta
Sive' ?USW tas &mind sic
menu la alert et Mmes to
dee ellW Mese there are
are writhes
er our treated boiseam :eery. It
brings thaens des t deeds whichtleas
valet *ea ea those battlefields
tont sordes the quarrels which
drove the eppodtg hosts to conflict.
Whey will be one such name. AI-
•peedy the scan of war have wetl-
alght vanished from the
landscape beneath us. kro**d us
jbere today there la peace and 1*-
l1dleg of bope. And so also
r dedicating this memorial to
ear fallen comrades our thoughts
tarntern rather the'splendor
nto the conse-
of our love for be than
to the cannonade which beat upon
til"' ridge a score of yaps ago.
'in that spirit, la a spirit of
thankfulness for their example, of
reverence for their devotion and
of pride to their comradeship, I
this memorial to 'Canada's i I 11 real pretty.
dead." I had a notion of asking someone to
la throe words King war ,
(Sracebrldge Gazette)
'We have had people say. "Why don't
you stop m7 paper when ml time it
up so that 1 would have "'hen to a
to pay up?" Once j use was up we atcldold
tai,' caro roe t his mime In changing tine
c dropped he .same In Aad
Six yeses SaRsk
said be guessed he would take The Ga-
mstt• _again. 1 said, '.Haven't you
been taking it all the timer "Not
for ail years," he said. He had got
so mad at having hie paper stopped
that he sulked six years amd we flow,Pag.aMtitlt• a May aline id
i fe.. --,- -"
told our secretary she wanted to pal I them must De an notal dew**
her subscription. Wham our mouag cloth, because these suits seem to Sat
lady asked if she knew bow tar hack ' smaller and smaller every yeaf. and
Grs dente -r" ,,sty laughed, oared her �w mind mdkercbkfs, 1a
11 Plies &el WI Midas
to go in and see what was going on
La town. The rest of the folks were
away, and so I decided that akin was
my chance for a tltng. Got my best
"bib and tucker" and a clean patr of
anti tae moue, ibot axe Met atootnwt. iilwls•
IT. ]lfgldls'ld. ute n. -Mr. sad
llaw.JLairel..s1E. a'a• wore r
gneata e[' the Stiptif•a, onci of . "8:'
Weatherbeed. *nd Mrs. Weatberhwd.
Miss Y7ftle A ter. of Luel now.
was a visitor Dora few dare with her
uncle, Mr. Jas. Dternln, awe with Yr.
and Mrs. John (;amerea.
Mr. and Mrs Wm. Dougherty and
Gwen. of (Wel", were visitors wttb
Mra. R. J. Woods during the week.
Mina Charlotte Julio/stun. or Iiracr
&aid, la a visitor with her slater, Ural
I got a *011
Ow selling the pegs. Rud so 1 esu I Members of the Y.P.U. enjoyed a
Tog know, I always"' did like ptenic pt the Tenth bridge un Wednele
coasting along on that road Into tows flay aftenoou. An interesting pro -
coasting and feeling that browse that has the gram of games war carried out.
tang of the late un 1t, a -toggle' at The executive of the Huron Prie-
mJ whiskers. bytery I.P.U. had charge of the ter -
Of course there are a lot of big vice In the United church on Sunday
ears that go by me, bat 1 got there 1a morning. Devotional exercises were
an hour or so. The etreeta were ••ouducted by Yr. Stanley Tudd and
iag ho IILJIP...atith..ptoP10. ate I Mr. t+labpee mdusaghaa of White -
went walking around that 8euer•, cburCb, while lir. Oeerie Taylor oe
stopping to have a aay-°o with some of Wingham, who L the new Presbytery
sty eronlea that decided they didn't president, was the speaker. - Next
want to wort any assort, and bad re- Sunday Rev. gamer Taylor, of Gold -
tired. 1t wasn't quite dark and w 1 smith. will be the preacher.
moseyed down to the harbor and saw Mr. and lire. Am,. Knrdle. of To -
WI" t> tt7 tine twats and some deli runt°, were guests of Yrs. Yardley
I that were to %Mist -tom~ fa, Mr. and Mrs. HobtaseaWooda,
Mr. Fred Hyde, of Dtdatwry. Alta.
and Yr. Joe Hyde, of Underwood,
were visitors with their brotber,
Jas. Ilyde Hyde aoxoYpaaW
h* r ..e,vrti""T' '-ahaltill hand and Sea; &waw ilii ilitt►�d` • . ��:• y.'!�
born." So the handed over three tea- When 1 came back up there were
dollar MIL aid got &17.60 charge and I some people singing on the corner and
chuckled. dare said she never way so wanting to know 11 I wante3 to be
happy In her life when paying a WI. saved; but I walked on quick. because
So the j�,g0 pays ber nicely In ad-
- I wasted to go and see that pktnrr
vatee& 1M Mid ate always 4.8411 show *tont Mae West up In the Kon-
The-�sistle to a friend one llfid MI dike first. I went, trot I guess there
nub the Wel off before seid -tt. no nee of ane telling you about N.
So there you are. What would yea
do if nice folks got behind with their
1 t Oh, you would, would
as you likely saw It yourself. It U
I come out atter that and a couple 1. I weer the collo of no man
of young fellows there asked me It I creed or interest.
would Ilke to go owe to2 to hayfever, sinus
Howard V. O'Brien, writhe( in The
Chicago Da117 ,Nees*, hue outlined a
political platform that should make a
very definite appeal to the masses
wbo are 'teed of this *rd that and
want something dose about 1t. Here
50 pain high-class, all pure wool. large
doable -bad site and 90 inches long. Rain-
bow and fancy borders, beautifully finished
singly. Regular value $9.00. At t♦
per lair
Kest quslitstcsitb rtfy* '* hnr+lern es litotes_
Size 72 x 90 and finished singly. At a`•""
per pair..........�...,.,s:s- 7�
LINEN CLOTHS .__ -_ . -_ ,
Table Clothe of heavy pure linen. Ski I'y
2 yards with neat fancy borders. Dimity
colorings and guaranteed fast. Reg
priee $2.25. Each
Pure Linn Such Finest quality. Hem-
stitch with dainty borders. Size about 18
x 32. Iii• 40e each. On sale. .
3 for
Semi -service and chiffon, in
able shade for summer, in 3
81 to 10. Regular $1.0).
every fashion -
lengths. Sizes
On sale
In greys and heather shades. Buell
34 to 42. Regular * eseh.. , .. .
Heavy deep pile, splendid colorings. $2.48
Size 27 x 54. Formerly $3.50 each .
All -wool cashmere in dozens of new and
lot from
dainty patter*. A large clearing
the mtlla;..- s!u_up to $1.00 value.
Size 10 to it Per parr . . .......... .
i` .,,•,,,. - - --..•.. ane -
Master Arnold Bell, eldest son of Mr.
and Mn. Fred Bell, was operated ea
for appendicitis last Saturday morning
in the Godertch hospital.
subscription? d the Pav The annual Sunday school picnic of
you? Well, 1 believe treacly everyone _ lam opposed was in charge. Mr. S. R. By
Intends to pal. wants to pay. I was game for anything then, ■nd so and war. Union church will be held at Harbor I don gave an address In the interests
are careless; some get bard up. Suis. we bopped Into • car and went down Park, Goderkh, on Friday. of the Ontario Temperance Federitlon.
3. In m7 opinion there should be Mr. and Mrs Wm. Stevenson.
some are just mean. ` be are they
to this place on the bank of the lake. no nremployment.
scan that when they get behind they It was sort of dim -like In there, and h
tome were Dlaylug to a , 4. 1 stand firmly fur the abolition W
ledl i tla
so service or Sunday school On Air
gust 16th the Y.P.U. will take the ser-
vice. and on August 23rd Her. C. W.
D. Comm' hat Clinton will conduct the
service. Sendai school will be held
each Sunda7Jhete is service" -».There
was a fair -Mood. congregation it the
service In Union church on Sunday.
The pastor. Rev. A. E. Moorbots.,
don't even write us; they jnat re tN music -fellows of fazes.
It at the poeto®cr. you know the genie war. 5. I heartily endorse the principle Davidson.
kind of people I mean. But I Leel There were a lot of people in there hal dreamless Neep On Friday evening the torsion softball
• good tiny whaM with white clothes on. and black and
8. I nials & urge the Immediate team prided the Porter"' Union
team On
the Porter's Hill diamond and wltfe.
vk toriour.
The Ladies' Aid of Zion church, Tay-
lor's Corner, will meet at the home of,
Yrs. Robe Faller on Wednesday afters
noon. August 5th, at 2 o'clock.
Mrs A. Buchanan and Miss Matz
Buchanan, of Goderich, visited milli!
Windsor, visited on Sunday with t e 1 NOT WANTED IN KINCARDL'E
rents Yr. and Mrs. Roth.
ti ere tri
subscrtptloms are due who can rend as blue 'biro', like a if they belonged
Ibe money. Please! to Hitler's army or somethi sgmand
tbe girls they had wispy,
eappresslon of the tick, the mosquito,
the bookworm and the tsetse fly.
dresses. and it was a -T-I think we should have better
weather and, tt elected, I &sledge my -
at I inlaid" to unremitting effort 1 in that 'B-
Tea Isere 04 deny with me, and so manoeuvred in u 5*11 10
oomy Ihdge et Bandar afternoon. de- Ije14. w t1>p OWN I at a dark spot. and I waited untila I demand that poverty be ceded.
one of &bee. girls was going by and 1 1 assure lrN that nobody
aefsd the meaning and elltnlacance of Come thirty
of Huron R • I then I asked her for a dance. She As dog catcher (or president) and mea i t You that no tarn will si lett tday at the home of Mr. and Mt7C
Mel:. Henry Fuller sad
1 Kincardine News)
11 'e have yet to hear that the Kin-
cardine told (toys Reunion would be a
failure because of the lack of beer
parlors. Folks who have seen condi-
tions in other towns are quite satis-
fied with local conditions ■had the w-
eaned lack of facilities.
"It la an interesting, If obvious.
wino talks bravely
dbout war has ever b°es-kileg la war."
Gratitude -reverence -pride. eo. Mend M -A. A Mitre.
o er 'toe, an i
at the week 1 camp id Cedar
` ben fore .he really saw what a hard -look- 1 with everything he wants.
emotions call the hearts of Caradtana p
w they remember the pliant bola In addition to pr Person
fns guy I was. Well, ser, my old 1 0• It you vote me into office I shall family spent Sunday in London at the
c dare marksman. In the person of Lieut. D. joints protested and they *quested Wit night sad day assist extnva- home of Mr. and Yrs. Geo. M1 the
who west forth In thea tragi f possible jut Dr ndI lance, bmrealteraer, graft *std falling lough.
tf war to lam down their lied, a nom. f3md11 Iaijewed.-Last Tburda7 Mr. i
t a r. `'os it • few of the sola -1 Alvin 7 13, McAllister. of Clinton driver o
be, In Nearly
de of honor and freedom nngd a Ing to pant
Hearty two dersdd have passed shoe
Thr conclusion of the war ; other d bamdreds more, such lora accident near near
Om oceaelon. consp0.ed of thirty cera didn't seem to pal mach ideation o .
the hearts
These f thud kb made a aplendld Showing d I of ber out on the door be- l to provide each and every one of you O Mr. and Yr
8t3E'PPAHD'I'OIS, lab/ 16. -Mf. and
Mn. Steve Aldridge, of Flint, Yield/pm
spent the week -ed with tkd[ ttalrt.
Miss Mary Barrows.
A number from the coning* ab•
tended the Masonic Wok fib Mina .
last Wednesday..
Mile Mary Burrow's and lir. sed
Mr.. Stele Aldridge visited to (iUitoa
on Sunday.
Everybody le smiling after the re-
freshing rains. _
Mr. Rising has at then storeking a and bas a
ber of changes
gas pump installed.
There have been no services In Christ
church. Port Albert. tbe lar t duple of
H. of
Sundays, owing to Rev.
gbegan being on hie vacation.
The bridge at the United caurc* la
almost compkted.
"People are living lotlonger. at *"1
year tbetr expectation
given age la increasing." -Lord Reran.
ed 1W a
nd as a whole was held tag mel -,late u
es a model for the three remaining Wise we got
orders I little breetbing MMIL
companies u[ 120 men. Camp - order way tete western time, one of
R. Nairn who error ° when we were turning the censers, a
116, the company rated high on the, the Boor esu allpperm itm�T esu ata
'-hese ate permitted I . Transport truck, met "Mb ■ ser-
e platform -If time per i Epps KI 4ine110 when
ties Mend set own
A P lea fa my opposition to cold soap and m7 � five truck he was driving cradled Into
Abase Ones formed. other interests ane on Saturday issued» �ot.ltmltlata OM111.001M1.......,.n_L, agleb to t:emeut..FalTert. He was remored
Company nil
bitercumted; minds are crowded with lour ins
tructed m t and "A' amd laundry can put 1a a rt. Bot t to the 1Ctaeardine 1 where It
iter everts -bat nothing can crowd ComHuroa tis of the Middlesex Light ln- t '
At the 'memories of those 7•. it was over, ■nd a fellow have told you enough with two aces and his hip dWoc•ted. On
fantry h model gl1em'selves n order herded m al
allied got unrulJ and It was slapping
rtpham t i a ti
b indicate ml was found hly IK was fractured n
so to p At tut
1 off tis* Boor. I mumbled soundness. These are plant t
gigs and let bat u ywterdar' and cleanliness atter "A" company at a sort of thanks to Oils lady, and _.0. *._0100 no thtaking person could pole Friday be was taken to a London
erbesdada were tors by the fateful which was to charge of 1e� up la nip ice sad Mid.�`v tr __which
lam- hospital. Mr. and Yrs. Soot. Mehl -
mews trees ovatweas• Alain we can' major A. a Jane. at Cedar flack you, air, I enjoyed that Banca p word o[ the accident and later to
and time to recall those words from The men aft up camp so mach. You duce just like a �lhe Oovern B Ildl displays
w London.
the pen of Alfred Noyes, on the Springs on Thursday atilt and °a She seemed to be searching In her I �J.tea�Bervtces will
Friday spent tbe day on the tinge•• mind for the proper word, and I could this year ogrbe attinl Union Mina hoe of the (loderlch cenotaph: ..A•, (company averaged average for the nee that expression on her ince, and pr t• t ed articld M held at Union ebureb during the
„� that time mirth (yrs give they whichUtes. led the my old heart did a double nip back- ( from Australia, Ceylon, Brotiand. ' ew . pastor's absence on hollda7a On
thirty men,tad, Scall Africa, Isdta lttga.t tad the stewards will have
threat crowded
reTolning three ceespaalea• wards and eldrrwaye, at the same time. like
' Zealand, sesta I charge. Oa August lab tied. will be
'lacy crwded aS tMtr 7'tMS lat�Q- Tom plainer won *ret prise put op Ther she finished ail ]amt like aha iMnce.
by the officers of "A" Company and the an elephant," and'fn tbe next moment I
boar, ride. on
of right 'Privilege of wearing crossed marksman
mho had dl"'eppdred.
And for me nesting areal' ilei sleeve u the chalmpl I may go to town some otber Sat -
they died." of tbe company. Bewared 96 oat d erda7 right, but f don't flirt that Ill
a posslDk lib. A. ?. Sown won go back to the pavilion.
second prize, scoriae tit, wad Beret.
down es tie ell 'oF' iToei lite
Canada was at Play Ridge. 1e spirit.
ea Sunda? Last.
• . .
The Manitoba Wiese 1Reat also bee
tripped over the obstacle that tikes
alt Oovermmeats during a depression.
• • •
The prairie crops are said to be the
Babied to rears. Ahad a high price
ter grain will not do much good to
hresers who haven't any.
• • •
The latetst news from Spain Indi-
aw that the Government forces aro
Government Minding
at the Canadian l4atloeal Exbibttioa
tee exhibitsofn
oducts and manufactured
Ju. ealkeid and Corporal Y. L. Hata- Aso( 'ENDURING MONINEltl'I'
erfegton tied for third prise with 96(Renfrew Mercury)
Oa Saturday companydrill was tbe
order of the day sad camp duty was SeventrroOe years of age and with
allotted to a few, and on Bandar after a record of forty-four years' social
sen a oebeerentAi4Lbeld for the 1n- service la Labrador, Sir Wilfred ProleOren-
apectlon, which w conducted b7 Geis, tell le -new *datele1ir.
J. C. Stewart, D.O.C., Y.D. No. 1, and ably continue on in hie r of love"
Major Whitelaw, general stall officer. bat for the fact that besot lttrouble
The Middlesex Light Infantry band befallen bime re.. Itst of le l Y 1. Intion to
wee present on Sunday and Monday spend etre him kis best wishes *Ed
A tactteel scheme on Monday morn- bearing
fog, In which the Northland sucrose deep gratttnde of the people of Lbra-
fully repulsed a band of attackers froth dor and the admiration of everybody
the Southland, rounded cwt the pro- knowing anything of hes labors In that
st coast
rg Limit. R. B. c e Lieut 4.had bleak eountry on B. of this continent. the Hier work there
charge of the defence; t�wsut tun- was a work of self-sacrifice, with all
concerned the better of it materially
except himself. In his case tbere Is
an Illustration of the rearing of a
monomeet more enduring than bras.
Sturdy and Lieut. H. C.
wag everywhere and that the res oruvred Lewes gun positions; Lieut. F.
Nis will noon
he, In possession of the A Cutch was In charge of a rifle mc-
obey c•Matry tion, and bleat. D. R. Nairn led a sola'
• • • toon In the attack.
T♦e Manitoba elections indicate that
0.(,,s. 1. I„siag ground In that
previa, e. Po..ibIy 1a a few lean
it will jets the other third -party move-
ments in Canada that have nourish d
for • well* and then droppedof
• • •
Mosda7's election in Manitoba may
result la a stalemate. AA time of
writing Premier Bracken was consid-
erably short of a majority of &eats In
the new Hoose, and the riding, atilt
M teport were not expected to improve
Ida position. With Liberal-Progrd-
Alms, Coneer'ttfvea. Social Credit and
O. C. )/. nominees. an well as a num-
bee of independents, In ten running.
Abe tie i House may not give any one
pates a majority and a period of un-
certaietj *fid "dickering" would ensue.
the r
I• • •
again boa been kind to West -
to, and In spite of tbe recent
o111164 it appears that farm
ge all, will be good. A
who has etre ren-
d. farmers Of this part of
o0ta1 epr Ieee in
astty wt11 soon be
greatly am% that the autumn
ety anti spirit In the
well ary t+"" t• be hoped
*tett 1 II. eta o f pltoe wilt
cwt Isla �M of
er••• is 9h eKrse't-
• • •
tam N iii emosnaay of
pomade. war manor -
*1* wow et pMace.
Recollections of Doctor Cadman
The Medford avenue branch of the
Young Yen's Christian Aaaneiation,
Brooklyn, is not so large nor so mod-
ern as some of the newer Y.M.C.A.
centres. One would call : t an Toll old-
fashioned, comfortable pl
meeting place was famous, however -
famous because of Doctor Cadman and
hi. Muddy afternoon addresses t r
great minister preached
and, after hie sermon,
"There Is ane tone to those horns. It
suggests some baud. I have heard In
Europe." be said, and then went on.
Impromptu, to make comments on
bando and baud mode that were very
Interesting to hie bearer. and to the
delighted mnsictaz.. 'Some of you)
men play as 1f you had been with the
Coldstream (Wards. Havesny of you
played In that Mixt?" Up s of two or
three hands. "And some of on, sure-
lyplayed in the Garde ReOubilcalne?"
maul Jean.
ouswerrd all sorts of questions it a^ be Ingolred. Two nes three happy
peculiarly rapid, definite way. His 1 player. nodded. "And I have beard
sermons were forceful, penetrating, res- I '.uch tonea from the Belgian eluides,
euniproml,ing, kindly, and his Intel- I am cure." he• said. Sure enough,
1ectual range and versatility quite re-, belonged
thbe andsmes bandsmen
formerlyd t bard
1 can recall a few of the smaller Then Its requested a .plrlted Sousa
Incidents of meetings 1 attended..le ane- mar .aand the
lRthe band played it *110
Once, atter the sermon,
ewering a batch of questions that bad 1 1 recall a frequent. but never mon-
been sent up by truth -acuter+ and 1 otomws, feature of thee* Surds. after -
critics, with his congregation almost I noon meeting. The ehalrman. emll-
breatbleesl7 listening to grove mat- 1 Ing. and acting a. If be knew what
tern of peam war, mora& tear, be was eoming• would ask his vengrep-
plckedmirpoi..esrd and read thea; "I `tiny what hymn It would like for the
am a man of 4M. My mother died !opening nnmbet. it was generally the
wheti l wile *"tittle chthA'.- u teems,.' U Ye the 014, Old Story..'
I know her in Heaven?" Th1• time tie. with an effected air of .srpriso.
the Doctor paused. ••1(h* w111 know
as it to say NWbet, agalnf but happy
yon," he mid, with feeling at the choice, would oazoneoe the num-
At one service the l(atvatlon Army I bar and peg*. And haw flew tutees
Headquarters bend from London gay* . bnmh+d men sang that hymn! In
the half gloom of the andltorlum -t
thw light. wee. turned low 50 that
0.50411 ase* would Wig-itwas meet
inspiring to hear this old hymn Mang
a eomctstt. Doctor Cadman came on
taw stage free) ties Ideas drains a
sMediae and the chair:ass of ex*r-
elae. made • geatute tis stop the music.
The greet Preacher etiekly held et with Whig sad yearning. by mere of
Isis band sad .tgaaUM to tbe band t reet.dfar
leader to ceetlaae, ev1deatly InterestedD� w1Il sine r Cadman..
la the music. Them M ied the sept°use
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