HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-7-16, Page 9a S-'!orat1*, :my 10th. 19.16 THE ,.. Baptist Chir Rev. 6. H. McClung, Minister W a.m.-Bible Scheel 11 a.m. "FOREIGN ALLIANCES" 7 p.m. "DISAPPOINTM;ENTS" AODiRI08:MAARKET PRIORS twangy - Hens, S lbs„ 12e; hiss. 4-5 180., 10e; bens under 4 lin- , 8c, 184(e and Buffer THE SIGNAL CHURCH NOTES simmers The annual coosreratlooal and Sun- day sehool picnic of Knox Presbyter- ian church will be held at Harbor Park on Wednesday, July 29. Egls, Per doxenn, i4c-1&; Dntbr, Mlss Corp of the Toronto Conser- Miry, !b. 20c; butter, creamery, lU., eatory of Mnsic, sang a solo In North Yaic. street United church on Sunday shorn - Lite Mock 141g, and Yr. and lira. James Stewart, Bacon bow. cwt., 08SO; bast of Seatbrth, sang a duet at the evening . 1b, 4r -'8e; veal, lb., 6e -7c; lamb, lb., urvjee. 7c --8c, Grab Wheat, per baa., 60e --63e; buck- wheat. per ply„ 35e --40c; oats, per bust, 808 -Sett) barley, per bug., 40c- Mc.Potafoee,`as i7==2 'bgr- Maar and Feed Bran, 100-16, bag, /1.15--$1.20; shorts, 100.15. hag, $1.2o--$1.25; Mani - Ulf Sour, 10118. bag, $2.115-ja.35.• A Loedssboro correspondent writes: Mr. John Smell of Goderich, who AUBURN saNaKiybow the Snell farm en the The Arthur Circle will meet 10 the leett*'e room of Knox church o* Eon- 8.evening, July 2001, at 8 o'elock. TW bale will be on display and Yrs. Otrvin Young will give a paper from the study book. The regular. monthly meeting Of the W.M.S.. of Kao• church will be kelt p.m„ at the home of Yrs. Rt. J. P. Walter, Sanford Heights. Mrs, T. Wardlaw Taylor and Mrs. Robert Wil- son will take part 1n the program. Ttamr:portatlon is beteg arranged. Mak boatenindoll. has moved in. •Yr. i AC Ll1:g, joky^, -This cemaun. Snellka!_t8S Misfortune to fall Triim"1`lty was shocked to te(rew-was-me•&wei 'iload daily Is the barn when the !of Walter lean Gross, you grope bream H had a ttad rg 'haklo i ng non of but no ..mea broken. Mr. and lira. William Gross. of Au- up uu Friday. Death resulted from - • ruptured appendix. The child was ar 114 FRE With every purchase of 25e or over, coupons will be given . for Kingsley Design English Dinnerware or Rogers' Al �Qpp��//•��� Plus Service Plats table Sat ware. S Eam, One fey Bread and Batter Plate and cou- pons FREE to the first fifty customers pur- chasing $1 or more (If merchandise at ' The Square MAPLE =IT BAKERY Phone 110W BREAD, BUNS, PASTRY, GROCSREIS, ETC. k SANITARY MEAT MARKET Week -End Specials Smoked Bide Roans Ht 8mdted Plage yens .... 23e Railed Pet R.ert, rare lir Leg Shrug Lada.. ... 20e Leis Bprtm( lamb the rmils tipu Leh 14 Scads /aimE Ram 1234* ret Resat. reef 13e Baked Cul.. tee! Se ('0111 mere BPSICIAII Dwell Ina/ ..... Beef Basins H*msnade 1$e 2 ba. for 25. "..•••-.- Macaroni and Geese L.af2ge • .......25. Preened yam Ur Cold Rest Peak i5e Cold /.led Imam ate Pose lard 11e Phone ISS. Handless St We Deliver. Mtge$ Boat's Hardware. in his fourth year. Besides Its par- ents he 1s survived by three brothers, tuns. arias. and one sister, EMI. Rev. R. A. Brdtipt eoa- �.a�fiw.a►- lnterment was lu 1'nion (Yale -err WESTFIELD WEISTFiELD., July 14. -Dr. J. W. (autptwll and Me. Everett Hoover, of St. i...ttie Mich.. were week -end vlMt- tor. at the home of Mr. Wm. Camp R. Bartlett. Wtadsor; Mn. Beverly GODERICH, ONT. ai.Rvloz OBITUARY L Meg+EXD ' Yr. Merman' L McLeod, assistant manager of Um Prndeatttal tantrums Co. at Stestfeallefmemealy . aoderkh. was presented recently with a twenty - yeti service medal in reeoquttlon of Ms twenty years of service with the mpany. A luncheon in his honor was tendered st the Windsor hotel, Stratford. Mr, McLeod Joined the Prudential Company in Clinton in 1916. and two yes w ieter came to the Cetm- pea7's ' Coderl& odiee. Two years manager aZ the Stratford-Goderleb dIv5 MS. London after suffering a merles of strokes, passed away at that city on ALFRED DINES Rondonia of Goderich whu made the acquaintance of Alfred Dines dur- ing hid two weeks' stay In Goderich (his mouth learned with deep regret of his death on Mendel' ulght at Ma *pertinent at 81. Thomas. Mr. Dines, who was slaty -nine years of age, was a victim of a heart attack brought ou by the heat. He was caretaker of the Times -Journal building at 8t. Thomas. While In Goderlcb Mr. Dines stayed of the British hotel. • • • into. GEO. TH'URLOW WANTED. -USED TI1CBli. L18 - A former resident of (his district, rflt KRAL allutremee made on lour in the person of Ma•garet Dougherty. used tires for gate Dorsi/lions . Bi/1Y4widow of the lata George rburlow, ERS SERVICE STATION, t 5000 EXTRA VOTES ON rued. zt SY:sspes- ea i1:aa4a3-Sa.-bas. VE'2lJJNABY SURGEON DR, G. E. MTZRS, V.8., B.V.8c, VETERINARY BURGEON Graduate of the University of To mato and Ontario Veterinary Collega. Once at T 1' Murphy's, Hamilton street. Plumes: Day 206; residences 249W. WANTED wANTED -SA SE TRAILER. Will rent for three or four months or buy. PIbUY10 87, Goderich. Community Campaign Note Paper Sale 4 Saturday, July 1 1 etgbtletb year. Deceased was bora near Sheppsrdton, where she lived the greater part of her life, and where she married Yr. Tburlow, who died thirty years ,ago. She lived to God - .rich a short time before going to live at Winnipeg with her daughter, Mrs. Davis, who survives, with two other daughters, Mrs. John Oakley, of WANTli a -.-YOUNG HIGH SCHOOL girl would give part-time terrteq in exchange for good home and saltlU remuneratloy. ` Apply BOX 6. TUX SIGNAL. ,t MIEN WANTED FOR RAWLEIG8 Routes of S00 families. Reliable hustler should start earning 023 week- Toliotl): 4181 Mrs, W. lustre. a? Shep- Ir *et mems? * F aVr,)je today, pardton. RAWIMIO11, Dept. )4(•-210-8-0, Yon - The remains were brought to God- treal, Canada. erleb and a funeral serve*. will be conducted by Rev. A. C, Calder at 8t. George'. chorea this afternoon. 1n- terment will be la Halt, d JOS'11PA YAi�i'1\ '�"'� rap. a reside t of Godes.- •D cemetery. - AT .1Nl6I• SCOW Thursday last. A native of Asb3eld Visitors at Hotel Bhagat for the township, deceased was in ids seventy - week were: Yrs. IL Kay. Mrs. Smith- fifth year. He married Margaret Asa lag. Orosae Polate; Mr. and Mn. A` Hugon at Nile about fifty years ago and came to live In Goderlcb, where he was la the employ of the Goderkh Organ Company nearly tblrtl-he mars. His wife died_.lana Mears ago, leaving lour children:.]A1- vta Martin, Mrs. Albert Mere gad Mrs. ('has. Stokes, all of Roderick. and Mrs. Ben Trumble of Flint -Web. Ten rears ago Mr, Martla matried Mrs. Allee ]toms, and lived it kis home on Maitland road anti! his re- curring 1)Inees necessitated his re- moval to Leedom. lila wife survirea bine witb the four children already cloned. Tire reaoalns were brought 1.36 Hart Parr tractor ; 36.410 Goodl- be borne of Yr. Mart)n's son-ia- son thresher. straw ntt••r attachment; lir. Albert Mero, where a brief 16 -ft grain loader and pipes. Wall rat service was conducted by Rev. 'equipped, good run ulne order. Also Der Nagle on Saturday 'morning, , 20-tt p. George White steam engine; which requiem high nam was 36-50 George White straw -utter st- at 8t. Peter's church, of white taebmemt ; 16h bell. Iliaclanis, Toronto; Mir Sweet, To- ronto; A. W. Moffatt. Toronto; Jag 11. `Meek and son, Windsor; Mt lad -Kra M. L McGregor, Toronto; pr. and Mrs. Shannon, St. T oml.: Mr„ -sad Yrs. Sills gad baby. Detroit; Mr, -gad Mn. Henry Otis. Detroit; Mr. L V. Ryan. Detaoft; Miss M. B. Colliaaoa, Mr. and Mrs.- Reg, Jennlnp and j family, of Windsor, were week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isieitors Wm. Weldon. Miss Clutton, of Pelneu, India, who 114 home on furlough and whose home is at Stratford, visited her cocain, Mrs. Norman McDowell, a dew days Detroit; Mr. gad Mrs. E. D. Clark, Wet week. Detroit; Dr. R. T. and Mrs. Tapsrt. Mew Anna McDowell, Miss Verna Detroit; C. 1 . Crablll, T. P. Crabill Vincent. Elm Wlnnlfred Campbell, and Prestos 0oblll, Springfield, 0.; Miss Mary Cook, Rim Alice Cook and Mr. and Mr* hank Teglar, Detroit; II11las May Mason are attending God- Mr. and Mrs. W. Devour, Toidato; !erica Summer School this week. Mr. W. J. Phillips, London; B. N. 111111 Master Ronald Taylor returned Campbell, Tenet°: Mn.. 0. P. Cole - home on Sunday after spending the man gad Mies YalIle-1d't71likws, Dun - week with his cousin, Master Donald malk, B.C.; W. H. Atkinson, Hamll- Atonebou,e. Goderieb. ton; Mrs Je�arson Tbuber, Grosse The W.Y.S. of Westfield United Palate; Mrs $'W. Sharpe, aad mother, ch area gut at thaAcme of Mrs Fred W. Cook on Wednesday, July 8th. Thirty-eight were present. INC*. Cot- ton of the Baptist Minion, Pelugm. India. gave a very interesting talk on the life and ways of living of the people of India. Her talk was mtteb enjoyed by tbe ladies. Thee w,a lunch and a social time at the floss et the Mooting. BRUNSWICK In Oil. Tomato or Mustard Sauce BAYSIDE CHOICE QUALITY SURPRISE SOAP 10B-51` Jar Drink It CeiY 16 os. Tin tl oa. TM Toddy 39` 23c CONNOR'S GLACIER CHICKEN Sardines 2m.15` HADDIESMART 5 2 2 3 Spinach Nn. 2 �5 T , n s Nat. 2 Tin Palmolive SOAP 3 C cakr,14 Bvdr REEF COFFEE Richmello NAVY TOILET UE ORANGES CAULIFLOWER, choice .. APPLES, Transparent �cGppRAPEFRUI T, Seadleeg- - - - .. . SPIN ,Fresh a:. WATERIELON, " gap . '29c dcoa_. ..2 for 25c 3 lbs. ....tor, e W:.:�.,rb � •roes. •59c ' (PREF DELIVEit'' ON ALL ORDERS) • a KV- Sharpe, oat Mrs. Marshall, Wtad- sor; Oeo. R. Leek, Wanwatase. Was Mrs Herman 1tEatr, Milwaukee; O. H. Boas, Toroate:_ lire. Archibald Mc- Auley. Ripley; Beery Waddell, Port Iambton; N. Vivian, Toronto; Miss Flo. Sperling, Toronto; E. A. Doyle, Obit; B. J. Unger, Galt. to t law, Nee Fat after song FOS SALE WOTt'PA�CON 8AT1Ttt b.�Y 41LY 11th A., L. COLE Registered Optsiastljlt Oodss'l:ia CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS R SALE. -ONE SHARE IN MALT. W. MONTEITH, GadeMCh IlatrY�1-C� A'" - 119X-= Dererraad red Accountant )erp- elsrarlliR:. Hgtltit}t r .a1 _ (Member Flretbrook, McLeod & Mon - good condi L i�:,4:TtKr nl�li . mahag-j ll` 5=iii .so any ease. Cad! at M East West h,OR SALE. -S''IO ViTROLiTS-TOP a tables 4$x:10 la, Iron base. 1a perfect con Ilton L8GG(I'S MEAT MARKF7r, Hamilton street R SALE. -BINDER. )'R0[tT & ' OOD ft. cat. b , eodktaa, Appy �.r phone No. S9. DOt'SE POR SALE. -TWO-STORY a uriek hoses on Nelson street. Eigbt rooms and bathroom. Good location. Would exchange for bungalow or cot. tage. Apply at SIGNAL OFFICL ,'�[RESHi\J Ot'TI'IT FOR SALE. - deceased was a member. Interment . was !a the Colborne R. C. cemetery, the pallbearers being Noah Geromette. aloha Hussey, Wm. McIntosh, John Cbisbolm, Gilbert Plante and Arthur Jeffery. • • • W1 LIAR M BEA TTY A victim of a heart attack brought OBITUARY on by the Intense heat of kart week. CAPTAIN DONALD MaeKAT Captain Donald MacKay, veteran lake skipper wale nerved bis seaman's apprenticeship 'Wailing out of New York in 181111, and who afterwards was for many Tetra an esteemed re - i sldeat of Goderieb, died at the Dome of his daughter, Mrs. David Macl)on- ■ld, near Ripley, on Friday last. He ' was in his ninety -Sleet yost•. After the death of bis wife eleven years ago he had lived wit;. Isis- eon Norma'. and stout four weeks ago be went W visit his daugbter at Ripley. Mr. MacKay Majed from hie home in Scotland slaty-Imre* years age, and after sailing out of New York for one season he struck out for the Great Lakes dtstrlct and settled In Coder.- ich, where for half -a -century he was engaged In commercial' Asbing. Be was married in 1873 to Henrietta Mac- Lean, who died to 1925. He 1. aur• tired by Ave momg and two d*agbterre s Robert, of SoutUtatptrn, Ont.; John - and Norman. of town; Major Donald MacKay, of Williams Like, B.C., who Is a member of the British Columbia Legliktture, and Hector. Government biologist, of Toronto; Mrs. Kansa Campbell. of Detroit, and Mrs. David MacDonald,. of Huron township, Bruce county. Rev. D. J. Lane, of Knox Presbyterian church, of which deceased was a member, con- ducted the funeral eerviee on Sunday on the lawn at tbe home of Mr. Nor- man MacKay, Wellesley street. He-- torment p= terment was 1n Maitland cemetery, the pallbearers being Norman and John MacKay, of Dederieb ; Robert MacKay, of Southampton; Hector MacKay, of Ile[ Toronto; David 1deDonald, of Huron township, and J. W. Baker, of Gorier- 1ch. - William Beatty. aged sixty-two, col- lapsed at ht. summer cottage at Bogie's Beach on Sunday morning and died before (he arrival of medical aid. Mr. Beatty. a retired bank man - gralnloeder and pipes, Oeod matting order. Will sell toget8- or or separately. HCGI1 CIIISI•DOLY, ILIL St Oodertea. AUCTION MTES L'CCION BALK OF THE 001e - OP A WELL PURNISHIDII 0010 , We are tnetrueted to sell without any reserve 8.e eontesta of the lean of the lab *7s P. T, Cralgle, St. Vin - cent er cent street. (),dark.. M ager who two 6AtYpRI)4Y, JULY lits, years ago entered the eommsmctag at ,1.30Q •'(jock: Insurance field in Goderich, was well ti-.-grroom foto -'-hags, laclodlag a AUCTIONING THOMAS OUNDRY, GODERICH, LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTION eta Telephone No. 110 Sales attended to anywhere and every effort made _ to ah aati.etles. Farmers' W e gnaw Eissomi.d. EII DICAL DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE, ZAa, KOBE, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New •Yerk Ophthalmic sad Aural Hospital, a. - Milani at Moorefield Eye Hoopftal and Golden Square Throat Hospital. London. Eng. RYE8 TESTED, OLA88g8 SUPPLIED 53 Waterloo Street 8.. 8trwtford. Teiepbooe 267. Next visit-Wedaeaday. July 39th, from 7 p.m., to 11.80 a m on Thurs- day, July 3015, at BNtcrd Hotel s LIEU DUMPS- E. HOLIMS, Barrlater, Ste. Oilleo f`oart Hocae, Goderick. " Telephone 55. DOUGLAS R. NAIRN, Barrister and Solicitor 00ee Hamilton Street, Goderich. Talepbote 61L L4L8T M. LEM Barrister and Solicitor See Lab Banding, Adetald* and Vic- toriaand highly regarded by a host Streets, Toronto 2. knownf iends, attracted e tr him by Pis t good ebester8.14 sly ruga, bridges TM�hase Elgin 6301. temps, urDasenuta,. etq„ dlning-room sm•i pleasant and cheery disposition. He furnishings Including complete suite was born at Rayfield and as a Joust of ten pieces. rag, dishes, china, glair DUNHAM rRALT1pNEs man entered the employ of the liter- ware, linen and euUery, bedrooms, cog ling Rank. He was manager of teats of tour Nile furnished, rugs, etc.; CHIROPRACTOR AND DA[IOIass branches of the tank at Bayfield, Ver. ea, Dungannon, Mount Brydges sad Hlfisburg, and retired la 1925. His wife, who sureives him, was formal, M1. Cora Robert., of Dungannon. He was a member of the Maseek Lodge. Gaaadlan Order of Foresters and Lions Club. and was treasurer of the Goderleb -'0elleRtate institute board. Besides the widow, he leave* a son. William, aged thirteen. Mr. J. M. Roberts, trek of Huron county. a brother -its -law of the deceased. The fameral service was eondnettr t St. George's chore)/ on Wednesday fternoon by the rector; Rev. A. C. Interment was Ip mi cemetery, the pal)beinners being Col. H. C. Dunlop, E. D. Brown, Dr, 'J. A. Gibbets, R. C. Rays, W. A. CouI- thorns and A. Wilkes. Dr. J. Evan* and wife, of Toronto, and Mr. had Mrs. T. Fvans, of Brant- ford, spent a few days at [be borne of Mr. and yrs. Alex. Cooper, Hamil- onstreet, VIKY PROGRAM I8 ANNOUNCED Ottawa, July 15. -An outline of (be program for the Viwy memorial un- veiling in Fame' July 28, was re- leased today by' tyb„Natlone! Defence 1)elsettmemt. .__. While. 6,000 Canadian war veterans look on, King Edward will arrive at I'Imy shortly atter 2 p.m. He *111 he greeted by • royal aelnte and will In. . , specs ..tba.. Shard o1 honor. Another royal notate will g'*et the President of Frolics, who will ac- company the King to ■ ranted dais. This will be followed by a service con- ducted b, three war -tiro. chaplains, Rev. C. Ix (hwen, Rev. G. A. Faille and Bishop E. A. Deaehampa. ['reeler Mack,'ttede King then w111 *peek by trans-Atlantic telepbone, to �l) he followed by %tighter of Justice La- I e point. sod Defence) Minister Macken- Tyr followed � RNs. BORN i1�ER.-At St. Lambert, Que., on Tuesday, July 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. M. Humber, a son. MED BATTY. -At Bogie's Beach, want -- day. July 12, William Beatty, aged 62 years. MacKAY.-In Huron townahtp, Bruce county, on-Tridaj July 10, Captain Donald MacKay, in his 91st year. THrRLOW.--At Winnipeg, oe Sunday, July 12, Margaret Dougherty, wi- dow of We late George Tburlow, in her -80(8 year. CARD or THANKS E WIFE AND FAMILY OF THE •a LATE JIOS1tPH MARTIAf. wish to express their sincere appreciation of the stay kindliest** extended to them la their recent bereavement. They Wish especially to thank the employ- ees of tbe Goderich Salt Co. and those who loaned ears for the funeral. TO RENI REINT.-TURNTI8HED 1100)18. entrdy located. Apply BOX 10. iC SIGNAL ale. In arrl the. will speak and • n 40F4.066+44,4,400.101 rn effte-rnernor r ed hy the �os*dltl of NI and the Reveille The President of France then will 'r,a atswk, the eerem^n, coming M an en4 cont with the Ring pr'et3MNag the leading ton ('aned's', repreeent4tapes to the Prat- - dent. Tat The preemie a dj -be iseni4Fi4l'ffilm 1 t Almy hy the RrItIg4Jtrnadesst,ng Cor- min perstloo, gad tie, Canadian Hallo tenets Broadcasting co, isitesioa. A kitc�en furaishinga and McClary .ler THERAPY, trlc range will a*aoa, praegcyity new ; Godiiiituippederich, !'hone 341 tprdeD hose, gzrdru 1001*, and Homer -baths. ICI with elaruomagnade Otto other ankles o)Electronic aCbnoc , organic, treatments rl�ltllB-iar.h. � and chlroprwc•tk. Chronic. organic, T. OU.YDrY ! (and acetum dce hos Lady lD at - S0 ', Auctioneers. tesdance. Once hour. 2 to 5 gad 7 ACC!'P07t BALK OF L'::ELL,1lUIIlr W 8 p'tn. Tuesday, FriJ1y sod 8st- BRICK Lstp STCCUCI BUNGALOW- arday, and on Wednesday 10 to 12 a.m. only, or consultation may be had by appointment. auctlon at the premise. femys street Monday sod Thursday at Yltchell Goderlck, on j A. N. ATK/NBONi TRJU:tl', JCLt 17th, Residence and once -Corner of at 01.45 I South street and Brltaonla road. p m.: A comfortehtc bungalow and lot No. 247; also lot I_IM. The hoer con- I11i8t1R.tNti� LOAj18, R'PC„ e "ifvling"rooin al •ore, dlntag� kitchen, two bedrooms, bathroom and + LOP .-Far L sod INl�U ert hardwood tloon, high airy *eller uu-AVCS CO. -Farm and isolated der whole house, sed good furnace. town property lasered. Thnes- forth; la a two -ear garage with cement 0mc.rs-Ates. Broadtor, President. floor, lights,etc. The lots contain • Dnmher of fruit and ornamental tree* fortD; John it. Pepper. VieePrad- 1 deist. Brucefleld : M. A. Reid, Seem - and shrubs. The property is situated in • good part of Goderich. TERMS --Twenty per emit. of pur- chase price to he paid at time of sale, balance to be paid in thirty days or otberwiae arranged for. The property can be in*p.eted at any time by sppying to the undersigned. T. OUNDRY as SON, Auctioneers We are Instructed tar sell by public AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND 1MPLFmENTs. There w111 he Offered for sale by Ed. ward Fisher, at lot 2, concession '8, Colborne townsi:ip (Just east of Car- low), on MONDAY. JULY 20th, 1936, commencing st l o', lock p.m.: Benear-Black horse, six years old, chestnut horse, twelve years old. Osws.-Cor Just freshened; two roma, fresbett.r! In January; two cows, freshened 16 April ; three two -year- olds; Ave yearlings; tour spring calves, Pigs. -One now, with litter; one sow, hred six week.. fifteen chunks. Poultry:-lrlfty bens and two hens with thickens. Implements.--)ilaaey-Harris binder; F?o*t A Wond mower; Mae*ey-llarrls hay loader; Prost & Wood horse rake; Coekshatt steel roller; cultiva- tor: Coekshutt riding plow; Frost 4 Wood t,s1nglg. pine, No. 21; Cocksbutt two -furrowed Y*ataroo plow; horse Renffler ; harms 4, four rection • Chat- ham tannin[ mill; MesseyHarrte diem; aced drill; turnip drill; roil* tart' -Treasurer, Seeforth. Directors -Alex. Broadtoot, Sea - forth; James Sboldlee, Walton; Wm Kam, Loodesboro ; George Leonhardt, Dublin; John E. Pepper, Broeeddd ; James Connolly, Goderich; Thomas Moylan, 8eatorth ; W. R. Archibald, Seafortb ; Alex. Me5wing, Blyth. Agents -W. J. Teo, R.R. 8, Clinton: James Watt, Blyth; John E. Pepper, A.R. 1, Brueetield ; R. F. McKercher, R.R. 1, Dublin; Chas. 1. Hewitt. Kin- cardine; R. G. Jarmutb, R.R. 1, Born- holm. Policy -holders can make all payments and get their cards reeelpted at SDs Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cott's Oroeery, Kingston street, Oodericb. or J. H. Reid's General Store, Bayfield. Warning! Owners or harborer. of Dogs in the Town of Oode- rich without a licence are 7$F Th 55"n' - -y97RN Islyr), yelper; Dee t..tral cream separator; subject to penalty under W"'?R'lita . artuvmr-•---or bglyt:: fir. ,&w... *#Salta,; -Brno; e8& Town Bylaw. re• street. Phone 87, Goderlch. hay ane" atbctc* racer ffi,e-Mat; pair - a $"u nirrintornivirrirner of aIetghs; ne*iharrow; eet double mtrictiy enfore ed. *1ntfMMhrtt;-r€i welwtfs lermvsats wet ai.sa .�►., Hamiltnn street. .A11 modern hermits • two gerenIsed pig tronghs ; feen/m * Tiny alta `tt-" "'sa ebleneea. RSG. Trt$}L5, Mull- two barrels; forks; chafes; shovels; ehaaed at the Tax ('olleetor's etreet, pile of loather. some household .f- d)fiice or from the underaigrted tats and nnetaprons nthpr rlteles. (Sighed) RPN'r F7"ItQIA1r7Ei) Ai'VIrrR TSRMS-Than ) rTTA.FP, At the Safi.; twelve 1eeeytbing snot be sold. a the pro R. C. Ptlatslsthtuaite rtes from town. Ever r•nnven- p'Ietnr la giving np farming. Randy beach. Apply W. T. (1TNURI' 4 SON, Anetlonpoes, Chief Of Police. C 1glPilON & StYlt•. EDWARD FISHER, Proprietor.