HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-7-16, Page 81 8--1rhurrday, July loth. 19 36 FURNITURE Repaired, Remodelled and A (_ -_ Upholstered WORK GUARANTEED PRICES REASONABLE George McKay It David's Strut, Goderich THE ptist Church --------- Ree. d R recluaj I9 a.es.-Skis Sent' { 11 a.m. ',FOREIGN ALLIANCES" - 7 •' DISAPPOI1ITRIDTd" 1 r GODERIOR IKAMET Pit1OE$ l'eultay Hens, 5 lb.., 12 s, 4-5 lbs., 1Oc: hens tinder 4 Rx , 8c. Kw and Butter ESAs, per doaen, I4c -18c; butter. dairy, lb. 20e; butter, creamery, lb., 25e. Bacon hogs. cwt.. $6.50; beef, 4e --3c; veal, lb., 6c -7e; lamb, lb.,' 7e -tic. Grain . Wheat, per bus, 60e --&Cc: buck- wheat, per bus., 35e- 4th•; ,al,, per bus.. 3(.k• -32c; burley, per l.u-, 4(1k -- 45c. Vegetables Pet-steel,a Mee awl freed Bran, 100-1h... bag, /.L16.4LbQ' shorts, 100-1b. bag. $1.20-$1.25; Mani- toba flour. 1008. bag, $2.85.6&36.6 A Londeesboro eorreapondeat writes: Mr. John Snell of Goderlcb, who recently baptist the Snell farm on, the 10th concession, has mooed la: •)Ifr, ]melt had the iiiktortane to a load of hay is the barn when the triprope broke. He had a bad 'baking up but no bones broken. E - EJ MIP THE SIGNAL CHURCH; NOTES The annual cougregattonal and Sun- day school picnic of Knox Presbyter- ian .•hur.•h ..111 be held at Harbor k on N'evluesday, July 29. Mho. Copp, of the Toronto Conser- %atory of Mu,ic, gang a solo In North street United church on Sunday Morn- ing, and Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, Al Seatbrth, sang-• duet et the evening Service. The Arthur Circle will meet In the lecture room of Knox church on Mon- day evening, July 20th, at 8 o'clock. The bale will be on display and lira. Glrvin Young will give a paper from the study book. The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of Knox church will be held Tnedae. JSrly 21•LAt 3 o'clock pm., at the home of Mrs. R. J. P. Walter. Saltford Heights. Mrs. T. Wardlaw Taylor and Mn. Robert Wil- son will take part in the program. Traaaportatlon is being arranged. AUBURN AC'SCRti. July 13 This-ca.mun- Was-sbeelted ie-reara-ot-3Ae'4Wth of Walter lean Gross, young spa of Mr. ind Mrs. William Gross. of Ate barn. on Friday. Death resulted from a ruptured appendix. The cblid was n hili uurtliiyear.-lteetderiia'y&P' eats he Is survived by three-bratbine Harold. Clayton and Carman. end one tr- With every purehaae of 25e or over, coupons will be given . for Kingsley Design English Dinnerware or Bogen' Al Plus Service Plata table fiat ware. S ECIAL Oise Kingsley Brea 'sad Butter Plate and cou- pons *'REE to the first fifty cu,tomers pur- chasing $1 or more of merchandise at The Square MAPLE LEAP BAKERY Phone 110W BREAD, BUNS, PASTRY, GROCERIES, ETC. SANITARY MEAT MARKET Week -End Specials 8sasked Skk Boma Ale Smoked Pknk' Hams. . 23e Rolled Pet Roast, Beef lye Lag Spring Iamb .. tgt Latta Spring Lamb 25e Fronts Spring Lamb 18e Blade Roast, Beef 12kc Pet Roast. Beef 12e Boiling ('uta, Beef lk (`OLD PLATE SPECIALS Dutell Iwai !se Framed Ham tae Beef Balaton lie Cold Roast Pena bye Ring Behemna. Heme-ade . Held BeYatl m 2 Ya fen _ Se .- _ .....� Macaroni and Cheese _Leaf ltiss LCL Phone 4811. Hamillem IL We D ver. Next Ibises Hardware. interment was In ('cion cemetery. WESTFIEI D %VESTFIFILD, July 14. -Dr. J. W. Campbell and Mr. Everett Hoover. of St. Iw.ni.. Mich., were week -end visit - tors at the home of Mr. Wm. Clamp ' 4eIi. lir. and Mrs. Reg. Jennings and family, of Windsor. were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Waidoa. Miss Outten. of Pelugu. India, who le home on, fnrloagh and whose home is at Stratford. visited her cousin, /Ire. Notion McDowell, • few days 1•K week. Miss Anna McDowell, Miss Verna Vincent, Miss WInnitred Campbell, Miss Mary Cook, Miss. Alice Cook and Mira May Mases are atteadieg God- erich Summer School this week. i Master Ronald - Taylor returned home on Sunday after spending the ; week with his cousin, Master Donald Stonehouse. Goderich. The W.M.S. of Westfield United church met at the home of lira. Fred W. Cook on Wednesday, July 8th. Thirty-eight were present. M:ss Clot - ton of the Baptist Mission, Pelugn. India, gave s very Intere.ting talk on the life and ways of living of the people lirtmefa- Her tail was much enjoyed by the ladles. There was lunch and a social time at the Mose of the meeting. . O ..s,�..,.snvr. u... _..._.f-, GLEN WOOD DICED BEETS OR DICED CARROTS SURPRISE SOAP 10 -51` l 1 CONNOR'S CHICKEN HADDIE 2T -21:- Tins23'``_a a a Palmolive SOAP - 3 Cakes 1 '4 1 -• p .... NAVY TOILET TISSUE 4.25` -..lair Values are Effective for July 16th, 17th and lSth. BRUNSWICK Sar Bayside Loeb Quorum , SMART'S Spinach Witilt25 co EF lign" CAULIFLOWER, Choice 2 for 25c APPLES, Transparent 3 lbs. 25c 111MINION STORES (FRi`E DELIVERY ON AiLL ORDERS) ss GODERICH, ONT. TWENTY TUBS' SERVIOE isoslliit L ifeLEci) Mr. Newman' H. McLeod, 'assistant manager of the Prudential Insurance Co. at 8tretessdv.formeety of Gadgets1s, was presented recently with a twenty- year service medal to recognition of his twenty Jean of service with the Company. A luncheon in his honor was tendered at the Windsor hotel, Stratford. Mr. J,lcleod joined the Prudential Company in Clinton In 1916, and tato yyears laltroaae to the Com- nirl[Wed as'YSitettitit manager of tbe Stratford-Goderich division. AT HOTEL SUNSET Visitors at Hotel Sunset for the week were: Mrs. 11. Kay, Mrs. Smith - Ing, Grosse Pointe; Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bartlett. Windwr : Mn. Beverly 11aclnnis, Toronto. Miss Sweet, To- ronto; A. W. Moffatt. Toronto; Jas. 11. Mark and son. Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. M. K. McGregor, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Shannon, $t. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Ellls and baby. Detroit; Mr. nod Mrs. Henry Otis. Detroit; Mr. L. V. Ryan, Detroit; Miss M. B. CaUluma, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Clerk, Detroit; Dr. R. T. and Mrs. Tapert, Detroit; C. B. Grabill, T. P. Grabill and Preston Grabill, Springfield, 0.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tetley, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. W. Delano. Toronto; Mr. W. J. Phillips, London; R. N. Campbell, Toronto; Mrs. 0. P. Cole- man and Miss Mollie Matthews. Dun- malk, S.C.; W. 11. Atkinson, Hamil- ton; Mrs. Jefferson Thuber, Grosse Pointe; Mrs. H. W. Sharpe, and mother, Mss. Sharpe, and Mrs. Marshall, Wind- sor; Geo. R. Kock, Wanwatau, Wis.: Ma. Herman Blots, Milwaukee; G. H. Ross, Toronto,' Mrs. Archibald Mc- Auley, e. Auley, Ripley: ..-Ori-Waddell-,-Wet -Waddell, Wort Lambton; R. Vivian, Toronto; Miss Flo. Spai'IIe1G Turesto : -1?. A. Doyle, Galt ; B. J. Ungar, Galt. OBITUARY CAPTAIN DONALD MacKAY Captain Donald MacKay. veteran lake skipper who served his seaman's apprenticeship sailing out of New York In 1869, and who afterwards was for many years an esteemed re- sident of Goderieh, died •t the home of his daughter, Mrs. David MacDon- ald. near Ripley, on Friday last. He was in his ninety-first year. Atter the death of his wife eleven years ago he had lived with his eon Norman, and about four week, ago be went to visit his daughter at Rlple . Mr. MacKay %Wed fro* his -home in Scotland si;tyjeven years age, and after mulling out of New York for one reason he struck out for the Great Lakes distrlet and settled in 'Goder- ich. where for half -a -century he was engaged In commercial fishing. He was married in 1R73 to Henrietta Mac- Lean, who died in 1925. He is sur- vived by five sons and two daughters: Robert. of Southampton, Ont.; John and Norman, of town; Major Donald MacKay, of Williams Lake, B.C., who is a member of the British Columbia nd Hector, Provincial Government biologist, of Toronto; Mrs. Kenneth Campbell, of Detroit, MIs. YJi_MacDonald, of- _Boron_ township,Bruce county. Rev. D. J. Lane, of Knox Presbyterian church, a which deceased was ■ member, con- ducted the funeral service on Baad*y on the lawn at the home of Mr. Nor- man MacKay, Wellesley street. 1p- terment was In Maitland cemetery. tbepallbeareIs being Norman and Joke MacKay, of Goderich; Robert MacKay. of Southampton; Hector MacKay, of ;.David MacDonald, of Rote* townsbip, and J. W. Baker, of Goder- ich. VIMY PROGRAM IS ANNOUNCED cntawa, July 15. -An outline of the program for the Vimy memottsi un' ceiling in Frsuce, July 26, was re- leased today by tee National Defence Department. While 6,000 ('a,srt*n war veterans look on, King Eilward will arrive at Vim shortly after 2 p.m. He will he greeted by a royal wets tad ,will in• spat the guard d Senor. ' Another royal gelate will gout the &tdent Of Tress --ware ant-- at': company the King. N a rakted date. Thfa will be tollndsd by m service con- ducted by three war -time chaplains, Rev. C. (3. Owen, Rev. G. A. Fall's and, Mabel) E. A. Deschamps. I'remier Mackenzie King then will speak by trans-Att*ntfe telephone, to he fnllOwed by Minister of Justice La- pointe sad Defence Minister Macken- rie. King FAIward then will Speak and nnvell the memerlal. This will be followed by the ,nunding of the Last Post, a two mie,ite period of anent* eb' ,il eeilism o.r*m,.••a..*•0•••trff The President at France then will speak, the rcren,ny rowing to an end with the King I r.sznting the leading Canadian rcpreaentttivea to the Prest- dent. The program alit be broadcast from Vlmy by the RrklsRitfnadeaKing ('or- poration and the Canadian Radio Rroadca,ttmg Commtaaton. n OBITUARY ALFRED DINES Residents of Godelieb who made the aequalutauce of Alfred Dines dur- ing his two weeks' stay lu Goderich this month learned with deep regret of his death on Monday night at his apartment at St. Thomas. Mr. Dines, who was sixty-nine years of age, was a vletim of a beset attack brought on by the beat. He was caretaker of the Times -Journal building at 8t. Thomas. While in Guderlch Mr. Dines stayed at the British hotel. • • • MRS. GEO. TiIURLOW A former resident of this district, in the person of Margaret I►ougherty, widow of the late George rhurlow, 4V1c1 .at Wtnetp es stitadas 1n hes eightieth year. Deceased ems born near Sheppardton, where she lived the greater part of her lite, and where she married Mr. Thurlow, who died thirty years ,ago. She lived 1n God- erich a short time before going to live at Wlaalpeg with her daughter, Mrs. Deets, who survives. with two other daughters, Mrs. John Oakley, of torontb "sad Mrs. W, Forte', of Sherr pardton. The remains were brought to God- erich and a funeral service will be conducted by Rev. A. C. Calder at 8t George's chore* tbb alternooar terment will be In Maitland caemetery. • • • -.•-.POSEPH -DLiBf1TN -e-a leis who hid been for some years at London after suffering a series of strokes•, passed away at that city on Thursday last. A native of Asbfleld township, deceased was in his serenty- Itth year. He married Margaret Ana Hogan at Nile about fifty years ago and came to live in Goderich, where be was in the employof the Gol.•rich Organ Company nearly thirty -flue years. His wife died elgbtesaa years ago, leaving four children: Mel- vin Martin, Mrs. Albert 'Mery and Mrs. Chas. Stokes, all of Goderich. and Mrs. Ben Trumble of Flint, lied Ten years ago Mr. Martin matr$ed Mrs. Alice Morris, and lived at his home on Maitland road until his re- curring Marts neeessltated his re - moral to London. His wife survives him, with the four children already mentioned. The remains were brouglit to the home of Mr. Martin's son -In- law, Mr. Albert Mero, where a brief fusers! service was conducted by Rev. Father Nsgle on Saturday 'morning. after which requiem high ma's war sang at St. Peter'. church, of which deceased was a member. Interment was in the Colborne R. C. cemetery, the pallbearers being Noah Geromette;,- John Hussey, Wm. Mc6to&h, Jobe holm, Gilbert Plante and Attlee" Jeffery. VVIUINARY BI'RGEON DR. G. K MYERS, V.S.. B.V.Bc, vK''ERINARY BUBO -DON Graduate of the University of To- ronto and Coterie Veterinary OoUage. Office at 7'. T. Morphy'R Hamilton street. Phone*: Day 106; residence 249W. WAN'1111 WANTED. -CABOOSE TRAILER. w Will rent for three or four mouths or buy.' PHONE 87, Goderlcb. WANTED.-1'0I3D TIRES. LIB- tnr KRAL allowance made on your used tires for new Dominions. ltdtlEV- EB'S SERVICE STATION. • WANT . -YOUNG H1051 SCHOOL Brno girl would give part time services In exchange for good home and small remuneration. ` Apply,BOX 6, THE SIGNAL, .4 MEN W'ANTTD FOR RA'wl.EIOe1 Routes of 800 families. Reliable hustler should start earning $25 week - 17 sod &acreaea rapldty. Write today: RAWLBIGH, Dept. MC -216-8'O, Mon- treal, Canada. FOR BALM • Community Community Campaign Note Paper Sale Saturday, July 11 5000 EXTRA VOTES ON NOTE -PA DAY, JULY Htti - A. L. COLE.. Registered Opta.ebbt Oodariah ('HAHlYfO ACCOUNTANTS W. MONTRITH. Chartered Accountant Straddle- Oatarf0 "`" ...:4Ait t% Marrero ."tt telt*, Tomato, Ontario.) COR SALE. -HUDSON CAB. IN • good eoadittoa. Vktroh to sabot - say ease. Call at 90 East street. VCR BALM. --TWO VITROLITE-TOP a 'ablest 48x:10 In. iron base. la perfect eondttlon. LEGG'8 MEAT MARKET, Hamilton street SALE:.-aBlNPER. FROWr & WOOD, &ft. eat, In mood condition. Apply 12 STANLEY STREET. or tele- phone No. 80. SD FOR BALE. -TWO-STORY ▪ orlck house on Nelson street. Eight rooms and bathroom. Good location. Would exchange for bungalow or cap tage. Apply at SIGNAL omen THRESHING OUTFIT FOR SALE. - ▪ 1A36 Hart Parr tractor ; 36-50 Ooodi- son thresher, straweutter attachment; l&tt. grain kinder and pipes. Wall equipped,` good ronulny order. Ales 20-b.p. George White ream engine; 36-50 George White .trawcutter at- tachment ; 1&tt. gralnioader and pipes. Good running order. Will sell togeth- er or separately. HUGU (HISHOLM. 5,11. R Goderleh. • • • WILLIAM BEATTT A victim of a heart attack brought on by the IWease beat of last week. William Beatty, aged sixty-two, col- lapsed at his summer cottage at Bogie's Beach on Sunday morning and died before the arrival of medical aid. Mr. Beatty, a retired bank man- ager who two years ago entered the insurance field in Goderich, was well known and highly regarded by a host of friends, attracted to bin by his pleasant and cheery disposition. He was born at Bayfield and as • young man entered the employ of the Ster- ling Bank. He was manager of branches of the bank at Hayfield, Var- na, Dungannon, Mount Brydges and Hlllaburg, and retired In 1925. His wife, who survives him, was formerly Miss Cora Roberts, of Dunganaoa. He was a member of the Memoir Lodge. Canadian Mader of -Foresters and Llone Club, and was treasurer'of- the Goderich Collegiate Institute board. Beside• the widow, he leave, -a son. William, aged thirteen. Mr. J. M. Roberts. clerk of Huron county, 1s a brother -In-law of the deceased. The funeral service was conducted at St. George's church on Wednesday afternoon by the rector,' Rev. A. C. Calder. Interment was kn Maitland Col. H. C. Dunlop, E. D. Brown, Dr. 'J. A. Graham, R. C. Hay., W. A. Coal- -aad A. Wilkes _---__._- Dr. J. Evans and wife, of Terwto, and Mr. -and Mrs. d Evaas, of Meant! ford, ,peat a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cooper, Hamil- ton street. BORN H1UMBER.-At St. Lambert, Que., on Tuesday. Jvll11..to_Mr. and Mrs. Chas. M. Humber, d we. DDE B*IATTY.-At Bogie's. Beach, on Sun - dal. July 12, Witham Beatty, aged 62 years. MacKAY.-In Huron township, Bruce county, on Friday, July 10, Captain Ronald MacKay, in his 91st year. THURLOtW,-At Winnipeg, on Sunday, July 12. Margaret Dougherty, wi- dow of the late George Thurlow, In her 8001 year. CARD OF THANKS '1 HE WRFE A^' F4M j7 -Q , MIC LATE JOSEPH MARTIN wish to rewrite their sincere appreciation Of the many klndneeaes extended to them in- their - recant berwromena----Tiley wish especially to thank the employ- ees of the Goderich Salt Co. and those who loaned cars for the funeral. TO IIENT Tu RENT. -FURNISHED ROOMS, l■ centrally located. .Apply BOX 10. THE SIGNAL. D(IUSE TO Ep1NT.---FUR\ii$HED, for three or four months. ON Bruce street. Phone 87, Oodericb. ,.uA T on Hamilton atreet. All odern conveniences. REG. McGEE, Hamil- ton street. Til RENT. _P JRNiSH7gT SUMMER (c)TTA(tK. _ At the lake;_ Melte minntea from tore. Every ronvea- lente. Sandy beach. Apply W. A(itP1SON & S0!t. AUCTION SALMI - AUCTION BAJA 0 ODSe- TDNTs OF A WELL FURNISHED HOMO:. We are Instrneted to sell frtthout any reserve the emulate of the bona of the late Mr, It. T, Cralgle, St. Vin- cent street, Go11erith. ea SATI'RDAY, JULY 1&h, commencing at 1.30 o'clock : Living -roux furnishings, Including a good ckeRerpald suite, raga, bridge lamps, ornames+ts,. rte,; dining -room furnishings including complete suite of ten pieces, rttg, dishes, china, glare- w•re, linen and cutlery; bedrooms, con- tents of four feoly furnished, rugs, rte.; kitchen furalebingr and McCrary elec- tric ketrlc range with woe. practically new ; garden hose. glades tools, and numer- ous otbe. articles. n , TERMS -Cash. T. GUMMY & BOK Awtioneers. ALCrioN wax of 1''OIIILLOCIIir' BRICK AND STCOCO BUNGALOW. We are lasttucted to sell by public auction at the premise*, Keay. street, Goderki, ea num!. JULY 17th. at 6.12 p.m.: A comfortable bungalow and lot No. 1267; also lot 1248. The home eon - kitchen. two bedrooms, bathroom and hardwood floors, high airy cellar un - dr -whole house, and good furnace. There L a two -car garage with cement Poor, lights, etc. The Iota contain a ,member of fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs. The property is situated in a good part of Goderich. TERMS -Twenty per cent. of pur- chase price to be paid at time of sole, balance to be pard in thirty days or otherwise arranged for. The property can be In.W.eted ■1 any time by applying to the undersigned. T. GUNDRY & SON, Auctioneers. AUCTION SAI,E OF /*ARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. There will be offered for sale by Ed- ward Fisher, at lot 2, concession 8, Colborne township (just east of Car- low), on MONDAY. JULY 20th, 1966, commencing at 1 o'clock p.m.: Horses, -Black horse, six years old, chestnut horse, twelve years old. Cows. --Cor just freshened; two eowS, freshener! In /satiety; two cows, freshened to April: three two -year- olds; Ore yearlings; four spring calves. Pigs. -One Roo, with litter; one sow, bred six weeks; fifteen chunks. Poultry. -Fifty bens aad two hens with chlekma Impletwts.-Marucey-ftarrla binder; Froot & Wood mower; Massey -Harris hay 'loader; Prost & Wood horse rate: Cpcksbutt steel roller; cultiva- tor; Cocksbntt tiding plow; Frost Wood single plow, No. 21; Cockah0tt two -furrowed Kangaroo plow ; bo scuffler; harrow's, fear sections: ham fanning mill ; Marley -Hanle discs; seed drill;' tutnip drill; roo' vetoer; De Leval cream separator; buggy; ratter; two wagons; Eureka hay and stock rack ; .tone -boat; pair of sleighs; waeelbarrow ; set double harnei►:...let.flAC1e pJIrAC/:.-4ft..plor hartbeest; two gatvanlaed pig trongbs; flan barrels; fork.; chain•: shorela; pile of !ember; some household et- fe•cte and nnmerena other smirks. TERMS--Ceelt. . . Overyt>.ftig -mem be ��q)d as to prietor 1. rre$ tie-rirmin$. - T. O4JNDAY & SON, Auctioneers. LbiWAsli1 rumen, Proprietor. A TH()MAS GUNDRY, OODICRI0H, LIVE STOCK AND ODNERAL AUCTIONEER Telephone No 119 Sales ■tteoded to anywhere and every effort made to give satisfaction. Farmers' sale notes dlscouated. MEDICAL DR. F. J. R. FORSTER, bTin, 14lt. KOBE, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New Yerk Opbthalmtc and Aural Hospital. ar 'latest at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Squr.re Throat Hospital, London, Eng. EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED 63 Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Telephooe 267. Next visit -Wednesday, July nth, from 7 p.m., to 11.30 a.m. on Thurs- day, July 301b, at Bodfcrd HeteL MAL . tai al4 =UM - --narrllgar. Me. - -r Oise--4bert Heals, Oederkh, DOUGLAS R. NAIRN, Barrister aad Solicitor Mee Hamilton Street. Goderich. Telephone 612. ERNEST M. LEE, Barrister and Solicitor Sun Life Balldtag, Adelaide sad Vie.' tort* Streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elea 5301. HOMILIES PRACTITIONER CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Ooderlch, Phone 341 Equipped with electro-magnetie baths. Electronic electric treatments and chiropractic. Chronic, organic, and servous diseases. Lady is at- tendance. 0fi1ce bourn 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. bn Tuesday, Friday and Sat- urday, and on Wednesday 10 to 12 a.m. only. or consultation may be bad by appolntmest. Monday end Thursday at Mitchell A. N. ATKINSON Residence and omOce-Corner of South street and Britasat* road. D4BURANCIII. IAANB, RFC., KILLOP MTAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE CO. -Farm and isolated town property insured. Omcere-Alec. Broadfoot, President, Seafortb ; John E. Pepper, Vice-Preal- dent. Brucefleld ; M. A. Reid, Secre- tary -Treasurer, Sea forth. Directors -Alex. Broadfoot, Rea - forth; James elholdice, Walton; Wm. Knex, Londesboro; George Leoakardt, Dublin ; John E. Pepper, Brumfield: James Connolly, Goderlcb ; Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth ; Alex. Mclwing, Blyth. Agents -W. J. Teo, R.R. 3, Clinton: James Watt.' Blytb ; John E. Pepper, R.R. 1, Bracefield ; R. F. McKerelmr, R.R. I, Dublin; Cbaa. F. Hewitt, Kin- cardine; R. G. Jarmutb, R.R. 1, Born- holm. Policy -holders can make all payments and get their cards recelpted at the Royal Rank, Clinton; Calvin Catt's Grocery, Kingston street, Goderich. or .1. H. Reid'a General Store, Bayfield. Warning! Owners or harborera of Dogs in the Town of Gode- rich without a licence are subject to penalty tinder Town Bylaw. The Bylaw will now be strictly enforced. ' w Tsar ptrr •-• chafed at the"Fax ('olleetor's ,nice or from the undersigned (signed) R. C. Poatelethtvaito Chief of Police. ,w