The Signal, 1936-7-16, Page 3!letter Prtdiie he Better Basmesa
New !deem and prosperity are elms re-
latluns, integrity and lutelllgeut•e should
br our watchwords. Flu let us help you
In your Printing Problems. We are here
to serve you •t ail times.
Signal Prtoting Leays a Geed Impression
1. 1V. Craigi
laearaace ad Real Estate
sicial and
r leNi
The O. F. Carey Cm
Fire, Accident sad Meter Car
Representative London Life
Insurance Co.
Office:- -Masonic Temple, West
Street, Goderlch
Nelsen Hlltti Menages, 'These 231
Geo. Williams & Son
Fire, Accident, Aatesa41, and
General lsastasss dime*
Phase 53 Getkele i
Use The Signal's Classified Columna
For Sae at Port Alines
Meaty Wetsied Cottage Lets
-Also Houses In Tewa-
ad Ral Estate
Garreatse Bovis, Law Rates with
Abasiate glanselal Strength
h. Paso Me liens
LOW RATES -Best of Settlements
Information gladly given. Ca1L writs
or phone 114
IF i ren
Plumbing, Heating
stores or furnaces
Prompt service and reasonabte-
John Pinder
Passe 1ftl P. O. ass 1111
Water for Lawns
and Gardens
'FROM 7 to 8 O'CLOL'R a.m.
F'ROM 5 to 9 O'CLOCK p.m.
Before water is used for
lawn service or for gardens,
application must be made in
writing to the Public Utili-
ties Commission.
Use of hose during a fire
alarm is strictly prohibited.
Any infriction of the
above will be dealt with
according to the By-law.
P.Ibt Utilities c...issias
The Wet baelerta.t 3t.p
Toward increased selling power is a die-
l►play advertisement to The Signal. Sue-
teseful merchants And our local and Ma -
strict newspaper coverage most advan-
It Pty's to Advertise in The blit al
to Colonel Laing
Kelliher of 'tl INK*.
Colony Odae+Nss .Bis
Otte s!f the most distinguished of
Goderich's summer residents 1s Col.
F• H. Laing of Windsor, whose beauti-
ful home, "Cherry gate," at the end
of Elgin avenue, L one of the de-
lightful spots of Godericb's west end.
Col. Laing w•s eighty years of age on
Friday hast. Thla was only a paste
Ing incident In Ma life, for the Colonel
is still going strong and has no inten-
tion of allow.tng any arithmetical cal-
culation of years to cramp his style.
The l_litidous,,Aneord, however made
eeesalll '4- :.
Triter sketch of the Colonel's career
which we reproduce herewith, echo -
lug the congratulations tendered by
the people of his home town.
Windsor today congratulates CoL
F. H. Laing, partially by remote con-
trol, because be L observing his
eightieth birthday at bis summer
home in Godericb.
1. Basins• Shpty Years
la business here for the past sixty
Years. Colonel Laing pioneered a new
'octal order some time back-proat-
sharing wltb his employees. He en-
joyed tbe venture and found It a suc-
The passing years hare not dimmed
Ills Interest In current events, nor his
desire for better and more attractive
city. .One of his last acts before go-
ing to Godeeicb was to convey to The
WIndeor Star his plan for beautifica-
tion of the rlverfront from the Wal-
kervllle terry wharf to Ambaasador
It is because Col. Laing seeks to do
the square thing with his fellow toes
that be Inaugurated the system amend
1916 of tuning 55 per cent. of the set
profits back to his employees at Laing's
drug store on Ouellette ermine, be-
sides paying them good wages.
When the effect of the depression
began to be felt to 1900, there were
no profits to abate, so tbe Colonel
waived bis own income, retalaed ble
scale of pay and kept his employees
at work. A few years later the star
volunteered to take a eat.
Oculi Have Been =tali
While Colooel Lthag could have
been wealthy by keeping all profits,
his biggest kick to life has been to
watch his ideals Sourish.
"I'm not a Socialist or one of the
many odd fish Boating around these
days," he remarked on a former occa-
sion. He started bis profit -*haring
pian because be "thought 1t was the
decent thing to do."
When in Windsor the Colonel can
be found at his desk for at least a
few bourn daily. He looks after real
estate and insurance. He always
favors the idea of unemployment In-
Born in Toronto on July 10, 1850,
Colonel Laing mend to London at the
age of four, with his parents. He
came to Windsor in li*7u and has since
resided here. He has .ren the city
grow from a population of 3;000 10 and with him were his parents bis
merissC1NG, July 14. -Mr. and
Hiram Moffat and cblldree and
Wtnpl>ked Blake, of Union, apeat
day at their homes Dere.
Mr. and lire. J. C. Brothers and
Bailie Nether•, ntjgp
cottage at Kintall.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Alton aa/ fatally,
of Londou, are spending tbelr vacation
with relatives.
Mrs. Thos. Henry bad the foliose.
log visitors recently: Mr. and Mrs.
Browning, of Southampton; Mr. and
Mn. McVready, of Harriston ; Mr. and
Mre. Thos. Irwin, of Paisley, and Mra.
Wm. McAllister, Michigan.
Mrs. Thos. Harris and three little
girls, Anna, Catherine and Margaret,
of Woodstock, and Miss Jessie Mac -
leer, of Ottawa, are the guests of
their sister, Mrs. Elmer Phillipa.
Recent visitors at Mr, and Mrs. Herb.
Curran's were Mr. and Mr,. Wm. John-
ston, of Goderlch, and their daughter,
troll; mr. and Mn. Jim Misner and
Nola, Mr. and Mrs. Glover and Mr.
Green, of,Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs.
.1. Curran and Ruth, of Crewe.
The Sunday reboot of Blake's church
are bolding their picnic at Ibe river
on Wednesday.
Want Huron Fishing
rounds Patrolled
Mrs, G
Sun -
Oeur Ove RM
uue ed Attend Gatbng-
11>+.yy LDatery
A reunion of the Ball tru:!!y, which
1t is Intended shall be an runnel
event, was held at the farm of How-
ard Williams, tbree miles north of
Hola.a'vH e, ots Wednesday of last
week. More than one hundred per-
sona attended from Detroit, Toronto,
8t. Catharines, Hamilton, Godericb, /Myth yth and Goderich township.
An interesting program of songs and
addressee was in charge of Nelson
Hill, of Goderlch, who acted as chair-
man. Harry Sturdy, of Auburn, was
Thr program was as follows: Sing
soot; taik by Mayor W. 8. R. Holmes,
of Clinton; song, Doris and Helen Lear,
of /Myth; rhyming history of the clan,
composed by Mrs. A. Taylor, of Blyth,
and read by Mr. Sturdy; addrees by
James Raitbby, of Auburn, and •
reading by Sadie Lovett, of Clinton.
Mr. HUI told in detail of sir ar-
terival of William Ball, senior, with his
wife and faintly in 1850. They tra-
velled by rail to London after the
two months' as vont', and walked
to the Colborne district behind a team
of oxer. Hardships were recounted
in detail by Yr. Hill, among the more
exhausting bring the regular trips to
Goderlch via Clinton, as there was no
bridge across the Maitland River.
Tbe chairman thanked those who
bad helped hint with the history and
promised a more complete account for
nest year.
Descendants et John Elliott Cerose
orate His rival to Canada
In April, 1830, a small salting ship
bearing a living cargo of emigrants
lean the shores of Ireland and pointed
her prow in tbe direction of Canada.
Among the passengers was one John
Elliott, who was born In the county
of Fermanagh, Enniskillen, Ireland,
the more than 100,000 of Greater wife and two cblldrm Robert aged
Windsor. Bach In 1870 ail the bust- two, and Gabriel, who was nine weeks
neon was on Sandwich street. of age.
In him youth, Colonel Icing worked The tiny ship piled on without mien•
In the late T. C. Suttoh's drug store, hap until the coast of Newfuaodland
c_.tperated near Howler's present Sand- was la sight. A storm atrack, lash-
RfNd"U'tter's iw7ailCs_, vW,geeen. esirelowntstkitswe dsreai :,,e
pleted his pharmacy roarse 1n Toron- and battering' It on the rock
y shore.
to and returned to the employ of gut- Mr. Elliott's fatb8i- was among those
ten's store. Sixty years ago be bought who were drowned, and the little
out'hit'.`Botton. He hes- bees • drug family struggled tin *bore with too
.tore proprietor ever since. For • clothes in which they stood, a few
short time he was in partnership with pounds sterling, and nothing elle,
Harwood O. Fleming, a brother di Cf. The little band later travelled wear.
E. Fleming, K.C. Hy to Huron county and Mr. Elliott
Berrewed Cash to Build changed his last pound for food at the
riaherm a Protest Operations of
0. >R Trap-nsaen m
Oanadian Waters
Sarnia, July 10. -take Huron fish-
ermen proteetlug that United States
trap netters are still operetta. in Cana-
dian waters, despite seizure of their
nets and tare. imposed lestmonth,
have the promise of William A. Guth-
rie, M.Ld., Lambton Wert, that be
will clean up the poachers "1f it's the
last thing 1 do."
Tag May 11411111
Reiterating Ll. promise to
intruders out
of this area, the
.y ago wB1P' ty
lor, of the Game and Fieberlee
pertinent, aad presented a petition
from local Ashermen asking that the
Lake Huron fishing grounds be pa-
trolled regularly by a Government boat
The Government tug Mtsefor4,
In the Meares here last month, is
now at boderlcb. This Is the only
patrol boat operated by the Govern-
ment, and It ,overs a big terttitory,
Mr. Guthrie stated. However, a de-
termined effort will be made to have
the Mlseford returned, or another boat
stationed here.
time Never Quit
Mr. and Mrs. Will Clayton and son
Jack, of Putnam, 'peat Sunday at
home of Mr. John Treble.
Miss Gladys Treble, of Toronto, U
vtsiti tier _parents and other friends
While Nair liollaayi, _ .._.-
lir. and Mrs. Geo. Paterson, of To-
ronto, wele visiting relatives here last
Mrs. Mora Am", of Ohio, and two
daughters are visiting her mother, Mn.
John A. Walter, and other relatives.
Among twenty persons who attended
the annual Biddle Willy reunion at
Port Rowan on Friday were Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Humber, of Goderlch, and
their sons -In-law and daughters, Mr,
and Mrs. P H. Scbweyer, of Neuer
Tor Mr. and Mre. W. J. Don-
aldson, of Hamilton. Relating, were
at also front Baglnaw, Detroit
ting and bathing made up aim.. most
ble recision.
Seven confiscated nets were returned
to [vatted States trap netters last
month, on payment of 1500 fines each,
and a promise that there would be no
repetition of poaching operations.
As to promised mutation of poach -
Ing, one Lake Huron fisherman states:
"Seise of them never took their nets
away •t all. There are at least thir-
ty -dee submarine nets In Canadian
waters at the present time, and they
will have us out of business 1a short
order utiles* we get some action.
"These United States fishermen," b.
went on, "are wealthy men, and it
looks as theagh they're Just thumbing
their notes at Oatarlo."
Makin large Mask
[:slag woad nets, the local fisher-
men are eusdmd to shallow water,
but their nogbbora are staking large
hauls of white lab oma la deep water.
It is stated. It is also pointed out
•saay small lab from the Govelraaseat
lab hatcberhs at Point Ddwai'd are
beteg lifted 11 the United States nets.
Hauled up too fast, they get the
"bends" and die.
There is no possibility now of a dis-
pute as to the international boundary
line, an Latae rallied when the nets
were sealed last month. A United
States conservatlln boat bas placed a
buoy to show the dividing line.
MOM £ a*
1Ne D111eulty Here 1. Moronic;
Some Goderlcb youngnmen are much
tittereeted In the decision of a Toronto
rt that the city bylaw prooibtting
aka" for swimming apparel ap-
onty to those who actually go is
the water. There upp•rently was
nothing to prevent men from lolling
me the sands clad only to shorts.
Such U the case also with the God
erlch bylaw, which was drawn up 1s
1907. It states: "No persons or
perwn shall bathe or wadi their per-
son in any public water within the
boundaries of this corporation between
the boars of seven et the clock in tie
moral'sg and nine of the clock In the
evening unlet wearing • proper batb-
lag dress covering the body from the
neck to the knees."
The latter part of the bylaw is not
enforced these day., of course, but no-
thing at all is said as to what most
be worn on tbe beach.
However, local young fellows are sot
to got the Ides that they man wane
whatever they please on the beach. for
they soar leave themselves liable an -
der another bylaw which reads: "Nu
person shall Indecently expose army
part of his or her person In any street
or tIc place."
it that is not sumcfe t to check
Ile ardent sun -ba s at the
harbor, the torn has an ce-I. tbe-
bole that should settle the matter once
and for all time aa far as the beads
►ere is concerned. The beach at the
Goderlch waterfront is town property,
It having been leased from the Goveru-
meat for jl per Year, and, of course.
It le the privilege of the town to or-
der anyone from the sands.
Tbe present Laing building was
erected In liaise and at the time was
one of the largest on Ouellette avenue.
Ile bad to do some real financing to
see tbe project throngb, and Sam Sto-
ver took the mortgage. He borrowed
Sums to complete 11.
tlraveile House on the Huron road
between Clinton and Goderieb. The
family proceeded on to the omce of
the Canada Company In Goderkh,
where a purchase of a barrel of Soar
left them with fifty rents with which
to hegln their new home. They lived
HP was connected with the militia tont yeah on the antis coneedelon of
here as early as ix73. and is The sole cloeterich township, then moved to the
surviving (flk,r of the original 21st bib enneeaslon, one $IIIb -'1511[11 of Por-
ters MIL
Mr. Elliott died In 188,5 and the last
of his ten children, Mr.. James Cox,
died about two yearn ago. Many of
hie grandehildren and great-grand-
chlldren, howe commemorating the
arrival of John Nott !n Canada al-
most 100 years ago to the 'day, gath-
ered •t Jowett'' Grove, Hayfield, on
Thursday last.
Seventy-five persons were present
from Detroit, Toronto, London, God-
erlch, Clinton, Seaforth, I►unganmoo,
Zurich, Varna and Stanley and God-
erlrh townships•
it was decided that the reunion
ahould be an annual affair, the gather-
ing to tate play.* next year at the
name time and place.
A program of games was postponed
owing to the heat, hut a most enjoy-
able get-together wan held, after which
a picnic supper wan enjoyed.
The following nlicara„rare elected:
''resident, Wesley Meloan, eloderieb;
vice-pre.Iden . Edwin tinter, Varna;
secretary. John E. Hammel), Goderieh;
committee, Victor Elliott and i...1le
One, Gnd,rl, h tnwnshlp: Arthnr lgl-
imtt, lhingannon : Wilmer Reid, Var-
na: Mrot W Ma Ir. London; Gehrial
10111net, Toronto; Mrs. W. Stewart,
Is.ex Fusiliers, of which he was eon).
mending oM ser frogs 1907 to 1911.
Colonel Laing was responsible for hav-
ing the Armories hdllt on the site
where It stands today. Tie offered
Dire Aervlcea for the World War, but
his age was against him. Whenever
"old-timers" gather now he ran al-
ways be relied upon for anecdote. of
the yesteryears.
In the real estate field. he doe*n't
mind blot houses being oeeupled by
chlldreb. He onee made the roper
latlon that for every child born In one
of him possessions he would give the
mother a month's tenancy free of rent.
HP only had to make the offer good
Colonel being has been a tub -ream in
Maur/ince sot well a. In the drug husi-
ness, and always an optimist. Long
Alnee. he expressed the opinion that
the depreeslon wan waning. 111. per-
sonallty Is one that turn* ..the dark.
clouds lntelrle out., That'a why he bas
remained active. Ile Is one of Wind -
Mr's nutstnnding and moat highly re-
spected imminent men.
"Amerirxn* canner realise trove many
ehancec for meets; improvement they
lose by their inMerate habit of keep
Ing rep Mx coevwrsntions when there
twelve in tate r.-,rn "- Abtejrnest
1Hssaet. """'"' 7se tie $1$W1,-Aatistsnd Cam= ---
.."'"4410101•••••.* -- •t
Hoick Township
Man to be Sentenced
Convicted of Entering and Theft
- . , - r!*4er Gases :,n_.*agi
trate', Oourt
John Habermehi, Howick iown.hlp
farmer, wee remanded for Scalene* on
two charges of breaking, entering and
theft and one of being to possession
of stolen goods wben be appeared be-
fore Magistrate .J. A. Makins at Wing -
ham on Thursday last. Habermebl
pleaded not guilty to the chargee, but
was found guilty by the Magistrate
when the emirate was beard. He
will be sentenced to Magfetrate Ma -
kips' court ibis afternoon. tat_ lea
will be taken to Perth county to face
t.#ro cLargy-Qt ±batt.
rfarsa nettedblm a large number and
variety of tools. Two of bis victims
were Chas. Harris and Eldon Anken-
In court last week John Cuthbert -
eon, painter, said be was not able to
pay his helper, Wm. Ensign, for work
done weeks ago. He said there was
$250 owing him by an estate and that
be was unable to realise the amount
until the estate was settled. Oath-
bertson promised to pay Ensign $34 by
Ross McLean, V.S., of Luckaow,
pleaded guilty to baring liquor un-
lawfully In a public pace. He was
caught by County Constable J. Fergu-
son, of Goderich, and Constable J.
Stewart, of Belgrave, with tour six -
ounce medicine bottles of liquor In the
back seat of his ear at a barn dans,
He paid a fine of 1100 with costs of
P. W. Lang, of Tucson. Anson*, did
not appear in court and thus forfeited
a iso caab bond placed with County
Tragic (Nicer N. Lever, when be was
caught consuming liquor in a public
Carl Hart, of Wingbam. plea
guilty to a charge of permitting dr
esteem and paid a ane of $10 with
Joeepb 3aragey, , fined
110 aad costa for drlvofGorrleh g withwas impro-
per Sawn; .Alvin Farquharson, of Oren
township, paid $5 and coats when be
wunable M lfb!s psro
perateas an latarodnce aad Joseph Beckinit ltr,
oof Ilintoo. paid $2 and emits for driv-
ing with lmpitepslflithts.
E1tlQiT]' 11V'1'H YEAR, NO. 29
94 -ib. H4110 11e
`.EPkg. lye
Ti lean with Pourrtq-1011161--
Feed and Tryst lee
Hound and Oblong Shapes
Protects bottom of cage and
helps to keep bird's nails
$ Sheets In carton ilk
Can Ile
curs A lee -
SSB lee
Juetrtte Canary Guide Book Erre
with purchase
Gordon Tebbutt
The council met on July Srd at 1
o'clock, all members being present.
The minutes of prertous meeting of
Jane 1st were read and condrmed.
A letter from the Scott Memorial Hoe
tal re an indigent patient was read
and ordered AWL
C. R. Coultes requested a money
grant to Belgrave school fair. Tea
dollars was granted for same.
The following accounts were exam -
and ordered paid : .1. T. Climates.
haul tl g lad sawing logs, 44.47; A-
Mbore, part payment on eulemet. 44es;
Advance -Times, prlau•g, 18.10; W. FL
Jansen, payment on McQetllan drain.
1100: John Bucbanan, work on read 4.
$190; Robt. 8ne!l, work on road 2.
$5.50; Z. 8. Hubbell A Sona, stent cal -
vert. 445,14; H. Irwin, work es road
10. $417.01 ; R McDariey, salary and
repairs, 479.50- A. ?at/eo, Work oa
road 12, ; 0)1... Robiassn, erasi+-
Inng gravel. 11 1. emu*
tile, 421.75; W. Boyle, oll and lace.
$2.21; John Beecroft. plank. 1*48;
Sawyer-Mas.ey, blade and links, 4 ,48;
Robt. Scott, 2000 yards gravel, $40.
Council adjourned to meet on Au-
gust 4th, at 1 o'clock p.m.
R. R. REDNOMD, Clerk pro tem.
"it 1s ftt>bns{ble to change human
nature but poe+bie to change human
behaviour." -81r Norman Angell
"The ,a Iencee are the windows
through which philosophy sees the
world, they are the si'nses of which
14 1s the soul" -W411 Durant.
Then Orly Complete Low -Priced Cor
LISTEN to what the motor -wine ere saying, and
you'll choose your new car on facts, not
claims... by aeeiag, comparlapr driving!
Drive the 1936 Chevrolet, first of all , For
this is the leading car that most people ere
buying. It's the only low cod c which
glues you Hydraulic steel
Turret Top Body by Planet -%1e Action
gliding ride--Valve-in-Head Engine -Firma
No -Draft Ventilation -and Safety Elan in
every window.
So come to our showrooms today a
the proof, behind the wheel, that C et
1a "The Only Complete Low -reload -'
Monthly payments to suit your pitman the
General Motors Instalment Plan.
O. Moister De Luse Models
e. .
Godericb, Out.
(Seasd0,4 Orin S• tau. c.i.f.)
Master DeLut ebb'im$KI
De tiered r It•'"r. O,aaw, oat.
fr.rthr aad
pear. ell•.
Mame 234
C -7N