HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-7-16, Page 2:-rlleridaj, July lath, 18[46
L' ta►Uttaed 1848
Member of Canadian Weekly Mewl1.
papers Association -
Pub!tubed every Thara.a7 aaerniag.
Subscription price $11.011 per year,
$1.80 If paid In advance. Subscribers
In United States will please add 80c
for postage.
W. H. Robertson, Editor and Manager
Telephone 38 : Godericb, Ont.
Thursday, July lath, lead
it la a change 1. read tat some-
where in America raIes lave been
so frequent that the soil L too wet for
ealttvatloa. This la in Argentina, on
the other side of tbe equator.
• • •
We are not so generally ctalllad,
even in Canada, as we like to believe.
People pawing through the Fakes
swamp near Stratford recently naw
what they are sure was a ghat. They
gave a full description of the appart-
doe 74 are sure theca 1a wttcbcraft
com* in distinctly direrent categories,
the disembodied thing of the Ellice
swamp would seem to be a little of
both. as 11 was first a woman and
then a bear. Ob, well!
• • •
Reports from Bruce and the north-
ern part of Huron indicate that glib
tongued salesmen are working the old
trick of selling suit -lengths of sap-
posedly high-grade woollen cloth to un-
suspecting citizens. Almost always
the cloth proves to be shoddy and the
low price asked prones to be much too
blgb in the end. Reputable tailors do
not wish to make such material into
clothes bearing their name. and if It
is left to incompetent workmen a
botched job results. Citizens are al-
ways safe in purchasing from repo -
table merchants who advertise their
wares and whose guarantee that the
goods are as adrertised is worth some-
Staten, that the loss through this
sum'mer's beat and drought le the
baud of the Almighty upon the people
for the wilful destruction of crops and
lire stock in previous years in order
to maintain prices. We do not know
to what degree the Almighty inter-
venes directly :agfaadaae affairs; but
It may be accepted as a general prin-
ciple that any wanton interferes&
with the laws of nature has Its penal-
ty. Certainly the people of the
United States were laritine disaster
when, 1n• their price -tieing campaign,
they burned coins and other crops
Trouble Began Years Ago with
a Bad Investment, Says 8uggard
Always Hoped W Be Able to
Bacoap Logics
(1b the trip back to Canada from had gone; I had a• Idea Mw bad
to., Angeles, where he had given 811*- they were. The only time 1 ever felt
self up to the police, John J. Ruggeri' apprehensive was why 1 went to one
era interviewed by a uewspaper men awn tonna that mobil T'orrato Patera
aur told something of what he luta I used to wonder if they 'mightn't
guess who 1 woe.
A •r -
No, I didn't go armed w a long for a
band to tall on my shoulder, std •
voles to say: 'Haggard, ! ou're under
arrest' I didn't know how far thine
undergone In the two mouths he was
and destroyed you live stock. They 1 a fugitive from Juatke.
reckoned without UM drought that was I'm glad I gave myrrh up; I want
coming to burn ap their pastures and to get 11 neer," he declared, aquae -
crop. and *Stet !oases which j lea..1101elllfti/.-1E4>i I' nkl • k
porter straight la the eye. He
seriously. reduce 18s national ee•1th pt
no matter bow hap priers may g'o- in his shirt sleeves, a Sall. silibtr
Canada did not go beyond an attempt rather pale young man of about thirty -
to reduce grain acreage 1n the West, i seven with reddish curly hair, through
willct he aureola fingers as he talked.
"It all started wheu 1 made a bad
Inreotment some years ago," be said.
"IT went bad, so 1 Just 'borrowed' some
bonds from a safety deposit box. 1
knew 1t was wrong then, but 1 was
gulag to put 1t right back; 1 wee
only borrowing it. It wasn't as
though I walked into a place and stole
something. 1 thought I'd be ate* to
put !t back in • few days.
"That was the beginning. •Ij wept
on trove there. How long a,
More than tout or aro
' nag ',le' ranit"."1"' that �a t tioade retia ace
, 2iemem his beaver
and so, 1t very be argued. (he theory
Lala tq the growad. for we, too, have
*uttered seven know through beat sad
drought. But "the rain falls on the
int and the gayest," and Canada is
too close to the Uadted State* to miss
altogether the result* of its neighbor's
folly. M *ay rate. these violent ex-
tremes of client* are a challenge to
science, sad we Mall be dullards It
we do not learn *omethtng from them.
"No, I never saw my plroures lu the
gaiter. 1 never found ruueh about
myself in them, ex'ept once. People
I knew In Toronto wale [,ring bold a*
material wit ess's I guess I was
ea; heNx4hro the- slerj
was at Its height, '3 didn't ser any
papers then."
8everal days of this 1n New York
and Huggard decided to try for new
pastures. First be went to Chicago,
stayed there over algkt; spent a algbt
at Kansas City, as4 lauded In bailee
'I'd heard of the eeuteenlal and I
thought I might be able to land a job
there. Tried for fear or five days,
but It was no use. You know, when
yoe're travelling eater an ajeumed
fame with a cloud banging over you.
doesn't help your confidence any.
It doesn't bele you to go in sad ask
for a job. You net of wonder it
Of 1.tsti ase and Dmgessea Preshgter-
Woe at Harbor Park
The annual annual con;ragatioaal and Sun-
day school picnic of Locknow aad
Dungannon Presbyterian churches was
held at Harbor Park on Thursday
afternoon last. Rev, C. H. 31a(4/somata.
minister of the charges, and Mr. James
Pickering, Sunday school superinten-
went es and on. 1 jun vut .Dont, H Job om'tfe
to get 1t stopped. Then dr my aggard next tried Port Arthur,
chance to get it all back. When that (a Teza' sea port. Bat with no strike
didn't come through If I had known b pope""• 00 one Ines Interested in
then what I know now Oh, well." hiring him, eq he took a bus to Lon
Sher Desperation ''Angeles.
During those years, "Yes, more than • No, I didn'tCo�pea tbe bus because
four or tire," that be as a respected i 1 thought the poloose t h
citizen, • sucveesful lawyer of - , g t be watch
fortb, meeting every day on the s I iug the trains; to Stet, the pollee
people whose bonds be bad "borrow swatch the Doses more than tory do the
dent of Luckaow, were in charge of ; Haggard had many a qualm of - 'trains. 1 didn't have any luck In
the event. Jsc1en.e. 1.411, Angeles, either,
More than three hundred -,members 1 "1 wonder now how 1 ever kept ..I "MI the time I had been travelling
of the congregation' and children off he replied. "11's a wonder I didn't (l'd been thinking. wondering If 1
the Sunday schools attended. and atter collapse right in front of them. 1 should give myself ap. It seemed to
an excellent picnic lunch was enjoyed
• program of races and contests was
conducted by Mr. Gordon Fisher, un-
der the direction of Miss Marlon Mac-
aoDougall, chairman of the sports eoln-
mlttee. Bathing and softball also
contributed to the enjoywent of the
"I guess It was sheer desperation we that 1 was moving In a smaller
kept ate s'otag. Besides,. 1 was vies !circle all the time. Things seemed to
to put 18e iaeearttlen back. 1 kaew I I be closing to on net. Whed I 'ran
was going to. 1 ne.ver lost confidence away and entered the Mates I did It
for a moment In my ability to do that. I tec'au'e 1 thought i could come Sark
Then canoe 18.1 .taa1 deal that didn't i thought i could get s Job and re'
go through. I know now why 1t didn't; 1 habilitate myself. 1 didn't know
tbere was so march tn)aoing. 1 thought
I might be lucky at last ■tad get some-
thing to do that would enable me to
outing. I was just a sucker. if t had only
The races and contests resulted as known."
follows: When this last effort to recoup his
Biz to eight years- Giria, Winnie losses failed, blind panic atru-k John 1 pis back all 1 had taken. 1 was
MacDonald, Roby Irwin: boys, George J. Haggard. "1 don't know why I nn i desperate, and desperation kept me
Chin. Allan 1ltawart.
Nine to eleven years --Girls, Helen
With the heat ware over, the losses Orr, Helen Stothere; boys, Boss Pater -
are being counted. Over five hundred 900..11m Purvis.
deaths In the Province --nearly half of Twelve is Aft•ys years-Oirte,
them to Toronto alone --are attributed ?Belle bei boys. Jack Cook, i premiere no longer. He drove to Fort
to the heat The da 1 John MaelBeada„ En From there be sent a parcel
mage to drops
L not easily estimated. Without
question it is enormous, bot good rains
from now em mild to goon extent
restore pine Mad! ass garages.
".->>l�rlatires y saFdy be mead 1. de-
atwibing the conditions of the past
week, for the high temperatures broke
all records for the Province, the toll
of death as the result of 18. ;est Is
unprecedented, and the beat and
drought combined caused more de-
struction to growing crop than was
ever done before In a week *tree On-
tario was settled.
away ; 1 wish now 1 hadn't. If I had r"taxi
known what I know now, i never
would have left."
11 wa4'near the end of Aprll that
rd felt be could stand In
• • •
Ernest Warner, formerly of Godes
Slagle ladies'
Stogie men's
Managers' and
Teachers' ea
%erns Stewart. to his wife in Seaforth containing the
Frank McKenzie. keys of his car, telling her where be
lan race -Wm. had parked it, and enclosing
which read: "Don't think
*Arlan 'leo- i'w Just a fool."
-i walked hie bike headquarters
"Across from Tezal 1 kept tbinking
and thinking stoat It alt. Sometimes
1'd come to tbe eabdnsio. that ;1
should give winch up to the puller.
I'm a Roman estimate by religion; I
went to a priest be -advice. We
talked 1t over aid finally we both
agreed that tbe theta to do was to go
back and face the Music.
and said: Caotals,. t glass you're
lib New looking for me.„ pte Jobe J.Hag-
ChampsMarrled ladle[ vier -Mrs. A. Pater- geed.' He looked see, over, said he
"Yes, that's the way I felt about it.” didn't think I wee canted, or If i was,
eon.be declared, wiping
Married men's rare -Gordon Jamie y tbe perspiration from he didn't remember. He went over
son. its Lee. ...That wan only note 1 and looked over some Ales and there he
Clothenptn rare Ylss Yatsrl Mac- wrote her. I changed my name •nd found the circular with my !eecrlp•
De.nald. went across the border. What did I
Blindfold raft -Lloyd Conan, Bill change 1117 name to? Ob. you don't
Chia. 'need to know that, do you? I Just
Slipper kick -Mrs. A. Paterson. changed it, that's all. That's enough,
Wheelbarrow rate --Donald John- IAn't It?"
atone and Bruce MacDonald.
Nall race --errs. A. Paterson. Mess
!Katherine Marponpll.
kb, who edits The Bark's Falls Ar Bag racy -Lane Gardner.
row, evidently writes 81a editorial col -1 •'TDcught 1s the most vita) and
non at long range. Anyway. Fast powerful thing In the moire unl-
wee)/ (July 8th), when Ontario was Terse••' -Mary I'k•kford.
• swelter/as wader terrific beat, bda
paper casae out with the following
editorial paragraph:
We aro not anion to take ever
' the weethermai'a job, but warless
sonoetbtag Is dims seem about these
cold nights well have to report him
,r mow.. ,y°,b�s•q��r A G.
June and near frost In July is
altogether, too much like winter
for a climate that is making an
appeal for tourist trade. Please
turn on the heat for a couple of
months. _
The Arrow orersbot the mark that
time, and 1f the editor bas not bad a
blessing 1n his ears the last few days
we miss our guess.
By Grenville Metier
Every normal person w
)4.1in and ibaefui lite.
be Dave
majority of such pervious to live
to a ripe old age. l:afertemetely cove-
iraratively few of thetl6tiff8aleta t0 t
warrant the expeetaties or longevity. b
tion. i know It's a hackneyed thing
to say; they all say It; but I'm glad
1 gave myself np; 1 went to get Ole
thiag over."
But Hugard shrinks from the ordeal
And so under tbe name of John Doe, of facing h1s old friends and clients
or John Smith, John J. Huggard went in Seaforth, men a*d women for whom'
to Buffalo to look for a job. But to be acted as counsel for twelve fears.
get a job there one needed references,
or experience.
"How could I give references? How
could I tell them what experience I
had? My experience waa in law and
if 1 tried to get a job In a law omce,
I would have to produce my certlfi-
And go Gee fugitive set off for New
"1 don't wast to do 1t, but 1 have
to. I want to get It over. Oh, 1
don't know why 1 did it. I mover
did a disheest thing is connsctloa
with my law practlee, all the time I
was there; they'll all teU ecru [bat
I've lost faith is human nature, se
have they. They've lost their fait\
1n homes estate benne of what I
York, thinking to lose himself 1n that dk{ to them, and I've beet mime through
metropolis. 8o confident was he that .*omeoue els[... Oh, It I'd omit' known
he was safe that be Inquired his way then what I do pow.;
from policemen several tunes. - 1!i/� W Qom
'vNo, I wasn't nenotu abet being VolaatatNe the speaker observed
feutad. phldyrr.c., ibe•'vmt_.�:: _.•
wouldn't have pee near a ma hi his caw sold t of g
uniform. I didn't see how the air- Tom 'Brown, may -
betides would have any Idea where 1 or of Stratford; wise ales disappeared
ad gooe. 1 guess 1 didn't realise how after eiehr aling clients' fuada end
win died In Mexico, where he bad
taken refuge.
"There was a difinemee, aweigh; le-
Tbey frequently violate ate best-knowa t
laws for maintaining gonad health. , h
81mpIkIty has characterised the flees t
of octogenarians. Simple food and
exercises, 'meter wort, regular hours
of sleep, uniform cheerfulness --theses o
bey would be after me. I bidet
ad much criminal work In my pro-
ice; 1 dida't knew -anytbing •boat
bow the pollee worked." quer waa .ever tbe cease of my lbws.
In New York again, under the name 1111," he declared. '•l never get to
f John Doe, or John Smith, Haggard rimming ironed, having good times •std
tight work. Finally las money was "P"dt.g. There was sever any se
xhausted, so he telephoned a bleed den change came over me like came
well -formes habits are said to be male-
• • • ly re•pnnsihie for tbetr ioeg and heal -
Troia newspaper reports It would ap- ibis 11rew
pear that • good deal of energy was It is not so much the number of
stpended at the Grange celebrations of year" we spend on earth that ti im-
portant, but the nervus we reader 10 er
aim past week in denouncing seper-1
we schools. it was mostly wasted 'The real kr, to conment kid In t
seem, however_ Most Protestants,balancing the daily 1 of work and
and, we are told. some Roman Catbo- money -making with emus acts of
lien, do not like separate aebools; but, kindness. •
a Provincial Government composed en- Strange it Ie that most of the torr
tlrely of Orangemen could hot do sway mes welters, pori a* Shakespeare.
In Toronto asking for help. Thin over him. I didn't know him per -
tailed and next day he got a Job sonny. bat I've talked it all over
aboard a boat salting on a coastwise with Intimate friends of his. Ire
'those less fortunate than ourselves.
Clearance! Bathing Suits
Heavy Japanese, with double cotton,
warp, in various patterns and designs. Clear-
36 in. z 72 in.
4 ft., 6 in. x 7 ft. 6 in.
6 ft. 1 9 ft.
3 yds. x 4 yds.
CNG tileraJi>'is
Ina% VA and 3 yards wide. At per 50c
etilaffe yard
All new summer shades, in our beat makes
—Mercury, "Circle Har." Chiffon, cre
and service weight. Bye to 10. Value
01,00, pair
Ken'. and women's. They're iegular $1Ao
and iit.bO---wool, of warm, to fancy weaves,
nos/ strap and tis arrangsmslnta, all colors.
aims 32 to 42. ON BALI .... $1.25 and $1.96
In a range of color combinations, floral
and conventional. Width 36 in. July 25c
sale, yd.
Han-ymoor Axminster Rugs. All this
reason's. Clearing at sacrifice prices.
Heavy deep pile, seamje*ti, guaranteed.
Size '31/4 x 3 yds•
Size 3 1 3 yds.
Mike 3 It 31y yds, . .
Elise i -.ii. -* 54 in. each r....+ .... T 2A8
Turniabisd aaakglr oot$a i to roes.
Every ooavonisnea, as abs lake. Twelve
minute from town. sand/ bsasls,
I was a little frtg8teeed then that the ST. HELENS
police might Investigate me, too."
"Tben you had begun to take bonds
even then?" The Star asked.
"Yea, 1 had. Wby didn't that teach
me a lesson? Well, 1 felt sure I could
recoup my losses, You know bow It
Is; you see things happening to others
and you may to yourself : 'Oh. that
couldn't happen to rare.' I kept on at
it. and here i am. But that last deal
shouldn't have failed the way It did.
And 1t wouldn't hare, If I'd known
what 1 know now. 1 was Just • suck-
(Brantford E.*posltra
Robert W. Service. who male tame
mod fortune with "Songs of • Sour-
ourdough" and other t.00ks, bas lived 1n
Europe since leaving Canada. Now
be announces that In spite of his "pro-
found aversion to work" be dupes in
the fall to whilst "Bathtub Ballads."
This Is quoted ss a sample chorus:
"Please, Mother, don't -hats Father
wltb the bread knife;
Remember 'twee a gift wives you
were wed.
Rut If you must stab Father with the
bread knife
Please, Mother, [tae aaotlet tar the
Who says that the Melee muse bas
, {erlsbed?
(`RIME; Jetty 13. -Yr. Ed. Der-
erala, Ghee and Warren, of StouffvUle.
are visiting a1 the tome of his brother,
Mr. Marvin Derain.
Mian Feriae Ball Is holidaying with
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Clifton, Lacknow.
Miss Lorraine Drennan is visiting
her cousin, Helen Stotbers, near Dun-
gannon, gad Master Athol* Mothers
Is vtaftlog his cousin. J. C. Dramas.
Miss Lorena Crozier Is vlsidag with
her couslas, Jean •nd Carolyn Allen.
of Locknow!
We congratulate Keo.eth Coulee
and Anna May Colbert on passing
tbelr cornice ersaalnatla►.
Dr. J. W. Campbell •rad Mr. Everett
Hoover, of St. Loma. Mtchigsa, sad
Mr. Wm. Campbell, of Donnybrook,
visited on Friday at Mr. Wm. Crosier's.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Larkin, Mar-
garet and Arthur, of Toronto, aro
vlattiag at Mr. M. Shackleton'''.
Mrs. Aubrey Higgins and son Jaek,
of Detroitt% are visiting at Mr. sad
Mea J. Menary's.
..•Jtir'2f e
ly, of Lucknew, v ,
Maker's o. Tuesday trap
Misses Sabo Kllpa -
me! Jorma spent tae adult♦
friends 1■ Lock.dw•
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mtn as/ Bs
attended a picnic . aC i teat
Miss Olive Kflpatriek has been en-
gaged as teacher for another year.
"If you haven't pot public opiiion a
democracy nal fight a war; If you
hare got It, you weer) little else." -
else out of New York. That was member very well when be disappeared. I Bernard M. Baruch.
wby the pollee failed to And him when
bey scoured the city atter the tele-
phone call had been traced.
Thaektray. depict old age as
with them; torr ere imbedded In the ugly,- malignant, shrewd, kypoeritleal.; Ire
constitution of Canada. More pray or simply Imbecile. We are often
tics%c'd peahen. was tbe denuniatlah br"t to b Ileve that old age to wynbey- w
the Renate GellYIRISSIITS Trgtstattop deerspitudw
of last *region altering the apportion -1 Oid •10 emerging,irum a Ilfe of 1n- fa
tweeting work aft(!' vixenish service. p
from years spent In tabor, meditation,
patitude, kindliness, and the Ilkp,
should be beautiful and inspiring
Learned About Eaglets
"1 only got the job on the boat be-
etle there was a strike. I was In
he engine room working a. ■ wiper.
was to get 3.i0 a month. I don't.
ow why they railed in. • wiper;
bout the only wiping i did was to
ipe perspiration," he said, salting the
words with action sod mopping him
ee. 'The bat was run by Diesel
nines and we bad to take them apart
under the direction of an engineer. I
learned a lit about those engines."
It was while he was on thin boot,
ae New torleans. that Mr. Hugely,
adv+ itis one and only attempt at dia-
Ilse. He feared that others in the
ew might grow suspicious of him
ppearance, bin lack of toughness and
Indieatlnne of bard work; so he
hared off hie moustache.
went of 'wheel taxes; Thi. !eg(si.-'
Hon ran be amended 'by a majority
sof the Legislature. We doubt very
much, however, it It will be, even Gentleness and toG•nn(-e should *o ti
should there he a change of novena- dominate a life st its zenith, that much I m
mewl. 'Mr. Henry, the former Pre- to one can look with a' much Interest, at
as ere[ at the game without a touch'
neereeognizerl the financial diMenl- of eery or regret• er
ties which traced mans- separate It would be helpful to set down 111' of
sc▪ hools and In, ceased the Provincial wrftl.g the undesirable qualities and A
grants to they Reboots without1 bahit• observed to ofd people• and re- 1
(-banging, u.uu , emaa r wa
the law. jyr. Hepburn took i*dvatwed age In sorb a tan we work 1 wax doing: the crew toted to
the more steal htfor� N ranee of poll the Province oat of debt; it Ideal of e•onerot seem* to bare been
. Noire to avoid them when we reach an
R a 'e i would Include ra!sett rene*s, layinghare hp,'n snap/dons of me. See, I'm
amending by law the tamthod by which e- IMfing It grow again. We'wnri net deaervtw ry o elan for its d, lncona- ahandonM and the Board hes Arson*
' IAnwn the !'w, living In the pan, carr Ihree weeks; malted Norfolk sod some floe to try to Ilse within its IncnM, a mere sales agency, s 'tonere of rr
at, abbe we are glad to know Ikea
querulous -
he we gat hack to New York the the railway fa profitable and that sub -
A, grnmhllnot. r',,eptouanesa, and des- nanttal rednrH interest f
p waa ge a been obtained. cs, have aur doubts
englmeer wanted to tat bet D
a sailed to the
Where Profits Are Loss
(Owen Sound Sun -Times 1
Addressing a Board of Trade han-
gnet'et Kenora Thnraday night, Prcm-
` et 8ppbern referred to improvement
M Ontario's finanr•lal petition. The
Government, he sold, was adjusting
its whole finanelsl .tr.ctnre; and he
to buy all Its supper. from the brew-
ers and distillers.- and they are not
selling without making • profit. lar
ducting the manufaet^rera' profits and
the eoet of maintaining the shops and
warehouses --not to mention the fres
tion of nae per cent. the Government
promised a substantial redaction in bands to the municipalities where itev-
Ontario's gross deist this year.. He erage rooms are located -the Govern -
said further that when we spend now menta share Is only about half the
we are spending out of current revenue. total expenditure, perhaps not that.
Liquor Control Board pronto, Temls- i Rather an expensive way to raises re -
kerning a Northern Ontario Railway refine.
profits and lower interest rates had When the first Liquor Control Board
contributed In no resll meaanre to this took office Its head, the late W. P.
satlefectory condlti0e. Hanna, said that be would he well
The Government deserters reedit for pbeseed it the Board had to quit on
the efforts It has made and is making amount of lose of hndne•aw, but that
the grant' are ninth. Both parties Orono.. In attire, nnperaensttiveneas B
risme in for more or les•atiortmn* from +lark et humor and Imterver rat
the 12th of July orators; bet even so
strong an organization se Ike Orange
Society will have Mtn' nity reversing
• policy that In practice, at asp -rate,
has been adopted by both Cobliggehtive
sad 1dDerml Governments.
• • •
her towns on the comma to the south.
she booked t t Ind"' Th on in n great r• ea Das
e rare, a ow
We know n man, ore nearing the
golden gate. wh„r. Hae In uniformly, coned i get metsports? Would I have
tolerant and s.rret-timiwrerl. He gone If i mold? Yea, 1 think L would.”
Deter tell(' arson himself. never in- I Reek In New York; another search
(lieges In ansrAotxgr }}tied• and for work, but oleo. eea..srttyea', For
•rqualntenrow Ilke t he 1 his some days he trsmprd the streets. try-
p•ny, as he ex rA.. mg the agemdes, looking for enythl
D ve a sweet sad are ^ti•
venue. The steady increase 11 has
shown In its props from year to year
Is not something of which anyone
*honed he prond. We may think we
whether the Liquor Control Board pro- are drinking ourselresa Into prosperity;
fits may are ra1Md • contribution to a but If tis the private prMlt were ellen-
satisfactory modifies. lnated-by abolishing the *emir test-
a i• true that tie Board returns fie ---the people would have s int of
a hied -some sem mors--year-to the aseeee-.to tarn Into. more .,.benef elal
a ^ • evi® 1 treamrry : hive that •am retweaeat* only ! !channels. Tbey might me ave^ air
We Irv• heard the theory ad- iib Not Afraid • portion of orbs! la actually being Deet to a tittle extra Income tax, for
Inv maxim, ripe fruit of sunny ex 'pent on drink. Thi LAquese Cantrell legitimate bestaeeaw would be getting
rsaced; M • eselemt de. Mi . fp,,,„ ._ -Wen-1 afraid of (wins arrested? Board is not s maaetecturer; 11 bstJhe menet,
ST. HELENS, July LY. -Word was
received ou Thursday night by Mr.
mud Mrs. Robinson Woods of the destb
In Toronto of their little grandmas.
Keith Sutberlaud, eight -month. -old non
of Mr. and lar•. Alex. Murdle, atter
only a (cu-bour ilium from septic writ
throat. The funeral was bead at
Luckuuw eu Friday afterauon
!Iles Thiry Wallace, of Walkerton.
Mr. A. J. Walla+•, of 'Barrie, and Mr.
and Mrs. Briery Jones, of New York.
sere relent . i,itors with Mr. and Mrs.
le. J. Thom ■tad Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Rev. H. M. Wright, Mrs. Wright and
George are leaving this. week on their
holidays. lir. (aux and !ties Gladys
Cox, of Leamington, who have been
vlsftors at tilt waass fur a couple of
weeks, are returning with them -
Mks Y. C. Rutberford and Maw W.
D. katberAW attended the Matthews -
Craw wedding st Fergus un Tuesday.
The bride, Miss Evelyn Craw, was
lean in St. Helen•.
Mrs. Joe Mrintosh, of Vlneb*d, L
% Wting at her hoose here.
Miss Irene Woods has been a visitor
with Der sister, Mrs, Alex. Murdbe, aid
Mr. Hurdle. Tonne.
Yr. and' Mkt D. Tadd attended Me
foment! of ate latter s brutber. Ids. i
Andrew Neely, at Saginaw, M118,, oa
There will be so murning service la
Ceivfa batted kureb next Sunday
Itis edge ry committee, with
Mrs. W. E. ,idon eomerser, bad
charge of ale steering of the Y.P.G.
on Sunday evening. Mess Vern Tay-
lor read the Scripture hewn and the
comments were read ray Yew Mary Ir-
win. The Bible character, on David,
was read by Mew lona Swan. The
topic, "Released for ltervke," waa
take. by Miss Laurier Miller.
"Things will improve when busier,*
men get over tiger t red l dome l 'an of
agMty' thinking and adapt them-
•slul to the 'age of plenty -Edward
A. Vilest.
To the Editor. -I was greatly later-
eeted by the aanoumceveest in Iasi
week's Signal of the birthday of Mrs
Link, Vaastone of Benmllter, ninety
years old on June 23rd, the day when
King F.dward was forty-two, and 1
wish to express through the Some
paper my good wishes for this elect
lady whom I have know since my
i recall the first Dominion hey at
f enmlller sixty-nine yeses ago whim
William Vawlofe (Bill to everybody
at Benmlllerr took hie sweetheart
Lisle Ann (ate to the ce4Mrstk.. la
I Goderirh. 1 remember too her fatter,
Thomas Oke, er., bee brotber Samue(,
who was my Sunday school teacber
In old 7,1..• eburels and her brothers
John and Thongs. It was also my
lot to work for a tins; with Wm. Van -
stone, end whet a falr, generous hoes
he wae and f have grateful memory
of the winter 1 spent In Re home of
Mr. and Mrs Wm. Vanatsoe whoa f
' bad gone beck to *ehool and wall tak-
I lag tbe (-nurse under Peter Castries
at R.nmllier which completed ■y per -
parade, for a tb(rd-.'lass certlinne.
Certainly this good lady Sas try /1 `
Loudon, Ont.
July 7th.
10f17f Efir,f(vrr.
[Jam treed.
melha. yea
isdigeetioa. Yoe sea depead ea
tido tireestrowa treadmill*.
=us.T.Liver Fills
A Suit from
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separimierwieriser asalims .ad Pressing
Frudc H Mart' -
P1101tZ 317 TAiLos w'1rT IT.
Talkies --
The week of 17th to 24th Jilt', ieclosiwe
For Aembern.-_(;e.
gumlike/ .. ..509
Tsai Gel .
Wash Ostia ..... St
PhIltlief MID et
TM Amt Trap ..Hs
Plat Tama' Botta.
Bat?M 011, 4-0,
WSW age
Itadataft Cape
eist Xie
Mhos, Develegbe
Msau Sk
Odo'a1. se lt$e
Andrews Itis 11a1b
gnash Health 9ata,
rrwtieed Yeast ..Mr
Have ea hood -11: -
tract Read Straw-
berry Ste
Preh.k laser awl $
Blades t!e
iwYhr Mews. paira
Mama's Cereal
Corti's. Tota& Tow
cls illlt
L I.
Campbell's Lauder's Dunlop's Wigle':
Drsa•se.. Deseseer• Drugaeses Drupsae.