The Signal, 1936-7-16, Page 1Don't Forget
that you can save money by wilful
The Signal's Newspaper and Magazine.
Clubbing Service.
Special rates oft aft the Matinee
newspapers and periodicals.
DI4.1dITY-NINTH YEA% NO. 2111 •
Annual Reunion of
• ... - Mtn reelyn Wright: 01 Relarewt
ante ere visited mith Mist, North Costello.
1• --Nab a Oonwlete
Statement of Ms Doings -
Questioned at Length
Tor two and one-half hours on re-
. dap afternoon and again on Saturday
manias John J. Haggard, essaforth
*-1 lawyer, recounted, before a %special ex-
aminer at the court house here, his
movements since April 30, when he
' ded f rom hie Seaforth home to the
- " United States. Shortly after" his dts-
alleaaralen.AILAyletigation was con-
- • darted liste...1GraffIlrai.enirsii . '
e irritant diacovery [bat bonds and se-
curities to the value of $150,000 had
disappeared from eixty-five deposit
boxes held in hie office by clients. *
re of theft charges have been pre -
red aptinst the thirty -nine-year-old
Haggard, uervous, unkempt and poor-
dreesed, after two mouths' wander -
through the States, Huggard
walked into a police station at Los
geles and surrendered, making idio-
t known to the authorities. On
line 219 Inspector Chas. Ournett •nd
Provincial Constable W. C. Black, of
'Toronto, were diapatched to Los
,- Angeles to bring hlm back. They ar-
• Eved In Goderich about 2.30 on Fri-
day afternoon after a '1,000 -mile re -
;.tern trip via Vancouver and Toronto.
Huggard wa• pale and nervous and
yanked contInuouely at his mustache
as be walked along the corridor of the
coart house to the Division Court
room, where he had so often performed
counsel. He had shaved off the
ustache in an 'attempt at di/genies
hlie working on a ferry out of New
early in May.
In the court with Huggard were
wn Attorney I/ E. Holmes, In -
tor Garnett, Special Examiner
R. G. Reynolds and Arthur Ver-
o/ the Provincial Securities Com-
o* Toronto.
For two hours and a half quesUons
answers were recorded in the
elating heat of tbe row* Keg -
rd revealed his Ara ndastep had
made in 1938. At Gat time la
"borrowed" ids wfle's socarttles
carer cep a bad inventamit. From
eS on, fer eight years, bip bed begs
Master Hugh Garley, of London, is
visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. GrIndrod. •
Mrs. John Hale), of Toronto, visited
last week with her father, Ifn Robert
Merchant. Maitland reed.
Mr. sad Mrs. liaiold Peter, of At,
wood, emitsl at the Amine of Mr. and
Mrs. John Longo's-, on Friday.
Mho Ifiereisce Grindrod, of Toronto,
Is spending holidays with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Grindrod.
Mr. and Mrs..1. W. MacVicar visited
relatives in Toronto *Ter the week -end.
bliss ILariaa Dearle -.returned with
Old Nile School
Mrs. IL MacDonald and Mr. Ian
MacDonald, of Toronto, will spend
their holidays at the Blue Bird, Blue
Water Beach.
• Mr. and Mrs Douglas Campbell, of
Stk Catharines, are visiting at the home
of Mrs. Campbell's ,parenta Mr. and
Mrs. S. J. Wark.
Mr. and lira. Will J. Young, of
Saskatoon, visited at the home of the
latter's brotber, Mr. Thos. Gendry,
the past week.
Mr. John Galt, Jr., manager of the
Bank of Montreal at St. Catharines,
is visiting his parenta, Mr. and Mrs.
John Galt, Nelson street.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barrie and.
family, of Tempe', visited last week
at the home of Mrs. Barrie's sister,
Mrs. McD. Willie, South street.
Miss Lillian Barker, of the staff of
the post office, struck her foot when
she Mumbled at home on Sunday.
The injury was painful and examina-
tion revealed IlLree fracture" toes.
Mr. and. Mts. J IL Shook and
danghteis Bathers and Patricia, of
Landon, are in the Plumose cottage
at Blue Water Beach and ha we as
their guest Mrs. Mary Odium, of
Mrs. Moser. of Seattle, Wash.,
spent the last three weeks with her
sister, Mrs. J. W. 'Hulas.. 112gin avesala
and Oft Wthay to pat her oid
home ath(II at cagwood. It
W as a Yam singperience lira Mos-
er, as It wartiglaty-ong years dace
last vales* PlitaterWrelatives.
of town, are spending their
IA URI c01151114 Blue Water
Large Gathering Yesterday at
Harbor Park-Rebekahs
fro* Reatorth
Virlth the moderation on Wednesday
of the intense beat which bad con-
tinued for a week, Harbor Park once
more beeame the mecca of picnickers.
Nearly two hundred persons •ttended
two picnics at tbe park yesterday and
enjoyed an afternoon of sumo. 'tams
With, wa
tne presto.
80 degrees, t
week was t
town. Ou
harbor said 1
at the water
Yesterday Ida
week tbe te
bench. but the(
Wel& on MO
MU' to Monde
It ranged fro
from the
put in at this
E'4 COPPPIMX,.- ifirapr tie*
the Beverly
Bett, Billy a
cliore Sven- elite--MSEINDE-IMOMONffrimlT „d
presenting the original class of the The tar. Ge*
"old Nile school" and several genera- I sturdy',
tions of their deseendents, attended the el. of whim
sixth annual reunion at the park. Miss 04.004 ten a
M. Bailie, daughter of Wm. Bailie, of coal st the mill
Goderich, one of the charter pupils of At tbe ele
the school, was president of the 1936 loadeti 30,000 ha
'reunion; Mrs. J. Treble, of Carlow, nrday and the
was secretary -treasurer; Mrs. D. Mc- a cargo of 25,0019
liwain, of Goderich, convener of the oats. The 8
picnic, and Mrs. D. McGrattan. of of salt front the
conrener of the program coon- "lip., &beds beep
t1M1111V, of Port Huron, tbe one°,crilled,nY
Other charter pupils present were
"granddaddy" tl.PM alt at eight'. hers of Huron
nine years; Stephen et.,:hers, of God- er at Ilarbor
erich; Andrew Mcliwain, ot Mrs. and friend_11,_toT
Jae. Lyoes, of Londesborough, and
Mrs. John Treble, of Colborne town FAREwitu.
ship. One other member, wbo ws
unable to be present. was Jas. Hol-
land. who is confined to the boapital
Montreal aft so 1
here. A group of the old boys sad
girls visited him at the hospital main bra.och et,
Before be left.
The "old Nile school" was belit in
gathered PM/
it. Martin mut *al
&Oar home la
It Hatt at the
Otninssey, Raid
144 et yllrs. A. 0.
read. at 'Sunday Mb'
Mrs. IL Smith and
« .
and Mr. Wm. Moran.
, a ,
and Mr. and Mrs. B.
.'s'of Mrs. M. Smith
*WA Alpo, remr•-•,..400
ate ts
OcalPiet Ink
rink 011 ailed Chunk
. •
The tioderich Same* Schalk
der the auspices of the MUMS an
Perth Presbyteries of the Gated
March, is being hold this WWI AM Ile
camp grounds vm tbs..** at
Dunlop. Taitratir einisaisiis -
serestreve. 6.4
211a. eiregiaikteljthemsase.0 „die
_Ttlkill& boil soli.
IP o'clock.
SY C. Hum
• study 11*
1859 and its first teacher was • Me.
Wilson. The first trustees were Bob-
ert Taylor, John Mallough and John
Black The school was rased ia
1982 and the section was spilt in two
to make way for 8.8. No. 1 at Nile
and ES. No. 2 or •Circhard Row
The "pupils" were preeent, with
tbeir children and grandchildren, from
as far as Alberta and flaskateheeres.
with others trove Port Huron, Luck -
sow, 'Myth, Magmata* Batimiller,
Hallett township and (iodate*
with a handsome
parting gift to
Mr. Touag
Yr. C. W.
Gederich from
of the bank.
• 1
Tk alert
gonnell WIP
tbelr families
anneal pienk
21E04 4.
ier aemidatant of
ef the Batik of
• y to enter as
nk Toroato.
e bank
ver• ter,
ed by
4bere by
co 10
aro perhso-
Vhay, Franee,..
under the •ti
branch of the
at •
aeries xi
Lees. will
Mr. and Mrs. William Bloomfield,
(Lidera* PCIDOIMCW the ntarviage 01
their Milliliter, Edith Louvain, to Wil-
liam Mitchell son of the late OWE*
and lira James Mitchell, Oolloorne
township. Alla marriage tath pis*
hi April. 4,,f
Oa Teethey night Hrs. Wet. Law -
51 (iodate* Rebekah Lodge No.
IR was Walled nit sistrict fileety*
dirt asseesading Mime Juni
The installatioa
at the Odd-
• about forty Eir
�ISW "sal Iles
IIIMAT Uses daring the years he
twinge* of conaienee when he
hie trusting citentain the streets.
once. at the time Tom -Brows,
yor of Stratford, absconded, he
ered • momentary panic, but be
on, trying to frees himself of the
as of debt and all the time be-
g more deeply involved. "I was
ker," he said, when referring to
-anal deal" which ended as Meas-
ly as prerious ones.
fter the mission of questioning on
y Crown Attorney D. E. Holmes
Huggard was "quite happy and
ous to make a complete statement
all he had done."
ed if there was any hope of
ard's clients regaining their
Mr. Holmes said "1 am neither
out nor deetroying any hope
to whether or mit anyone will get
bine back. I know nothing about
end of
4alurd5y morning, after he had
t Tet bight in jail, lipggard's
fessIonal statement was completed
he appeared before F. G. Weir,
., and was -remanded to jail until
(Thursday) on two charges, in -
ng $2,500, preferred by Joseph
mmett of Seaforth.
t was intimated an adjonrnmeut
id be made on Thursday, and
r that the preliminary hearing
Id not take place until some time
Clark, E.C., )11.P.P., of Wind-
, counsel for Hugger* and the
lawyer's father, John Haggard
Toronto, were present when the
man was remanded on Pater -
ff. will be here Friday evening
a scheduledHuron-Perth Batteball
gue• game. The game will be
at ILIA p.m. at Agricultural
Csosty ilaseelistian-sl. M.
Johnston President
At a meeting in the orange Hall,
ttstreet, on Saturday evebing, the
ron Rural Mall Couriers' Assocta-
• WAR organised under the direc-
of Mr. P. B. Lowry, of Rodney.
!dent of the Rural Mail Couriers'
sociation. About thirty Huron
inty drivers attended the meeting.
.1 M. Johnston, of Goderich, was
eeted president of the aesociation
Adam M•cAtiosi. of Goderich,
named Net -votary; N. W. Long, of
poen, treasurer. and W. R. Sholdiee,
Wilton. adjuament officer.
The Huron County Aneociation was
med for the double purpo're of •t-
pting better service for the pstronil
proteeting the delvers. "They
P the only men in thPVORttli FervIre
ho are not nn it etre ight watery,'
Id one member of the executive,
lot pointed out that tenders for driv-
er,-.7ttesteed sew J.our sawn
man is doing a good job let him
keep on, he said
The Huron Rural Mall Comiersi As
soelation will hold the first mating at
goatees% on Raturffkl, /ray Tt.
Tier 'band, who di
soddenly last year, as the 'congeal
brother of the late4.4.merican humor-
ist "Bill" Nye. Haalso has the db.
auction of having served twenty-dve
years as Senior District Judge of the
S eventh District in Minnesota, and of
being commissioned Major with tbe
American forces in France. While
In Goderich Mrs. Nye will be staying
at the Park House.
Recent guests at Prhidle's tourist
home, William street, Included Mr. B.
Gorman and Mr. N. Brown, of Wind-
sor; Miss A. Timms, a London, and
Mies Ruth Hyatt, 01 Byron.
. Mrs. Frank Perkins and little Mash -
ter, of Sudbury, are visiting their re-
laUves here..
Mrs. AMMO Pastnere Glenn, of De-
trolt, is visiting In town and vicinity
and Is the fU4Mt. et Mra. M. Swanson.
sbe was accompanied en the motor
trip by her sos-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph smith, of De-
troit, and their two children -
Mr. Can, H. Symonds of Tee-
e Ttkr Georgia. illovialting hia'brnthers,
George and Will, luad'Isay remain for'
the rest of the summer. Mr:* ay
mond* before be left here over thirty:
years ago conducted • barber shop oni
West street. Before that he was a
eooper, anti evidently a good one, for'
he has In his possesakei it copy of The
Signal of the yeer 188.`, In whhh it le
reeorded that in one day he made 180
barrel.. In OPP WePit he made 500, and
for nine consecutive weeka his average
was 400. At Oat time Mr. Symonds
was working for the late M. Carl.
Goderich had some fast coopera In
those days, and Charles Symonds was
one of the hustlers.
The reetory at Barfield on WesIneo-
day afternoon was the scene of the
annual picnic of the Deanery of Huron
A.V.P.A., with the preaident. Robert
Arehibald, of Seaforth, in charge. A
program of 'Torts was held, with the
(Mtge,' group carrying off the banner
for scoring the moot point'', 40 In all.
Supper was Nerved on the lawn at the
rectory. The branehea represented
were Clinton, Seatorth, Wingham,
linage' and Cloderich.
sdeo enjoyed the anneal Sena at the
park. Sports were held under the
convenership of Miss Jean Smith and
a sumptuous picnic supper was en-
joyed. The committee in charge of
the supper was under the convener -
ship of Mrs. W. Free.
About twenty-five members of L.O.L.
No. 182 and Princess Mary Lodge No.
4•48, L.O.B.A.. marched In the Orange
parade at London on Monday. The
men were led 10 F I'. t ,eseland.
W.M., and ttw ladiee were lit charge
of Mrs. Geo. James, W.M Other
members of the Orange lodges went to
Listowel for the day.
Visitor and His Car Arouse Muth
Considerable interest was aroused
!wok by sae
epee of somoiEris entirely new to -most
in -the automotive world. 'ft was a
Fluadoer-Suipe 80, as ltsglish slx-eylin-
der 'ear driven by Harry Todd, of
Portsmouth. England, who is on a
motor tour acro. Canada with his
wife. They eintio -across on -the
Queen Mary with his car and chauf-
Mr. Todd, a former bricklayer, be-
came a bookmaker in England and
struck it rieh, enabling him to take
this trip. His profession, of course,
la quit lawful In England.
His car attracted entail crowds
wherever was parked, with its
right -hired e, four speeds ahead
and other feat 5 (stating In for min-
ute examination.
Mr. Tor* pointed t that he-pur-
ehaeed his Been,* plat or $90, but
that they are good durin e life of
the car in addition, thou , he is
called upon to pay an additi4nal an-
nual luxury tax. He was surprised
at the number of workingmen driving
cars in Canada. "A workingman
can't afford one in England," be said.
Ineidentally Mr. Todd had neat.; el-
perienced such hot weather as be dtd
here. "It never gets thia hot hr Eng-
land," he saki, mopping his brow.
His Majesty Unhurt-AssaiLant
Lofidon. Eng., Poly 16 An apparent
assatimin, carrying a e,folver arid a'
large TIPPUP reeemblinc a brick. at-
tacked King Fklward VIII as L. rola
on him horse at the heed of a Guards'
parade near Buckingbarr Palace today.
His ltajeety WAR nnhnrt and hi• sea*.
tua_was arreseed. "j,c. man threw
the iwieit-elveper as;eilt "tribe iciipe
and reportedly strnek his charger on
the neat The hone reared hot the
Ring unit -kir had it ander metro'. A '
tryolverler leaped as the man sod',
societies. the had the pub-
lic generally site asked to attend.
The radio broadcest of the service
In Franc* will be received here in the
morning of the 26th,
at the mischedan of the beginesa •
In examination results of the courses
for public and separate school.teschers
at the Stratford Normal School, twelve
graduate!' of the Goderich Oollegiate
Institute were awarded interim arst-
class certith atm. In the list are only
two young men.
Those marked •1 have obtained
schools for the 1936-7 season.
The graduate* are Margaret E. Ma-
xon, Jean 0. Itoltertann•. Jessie 11.
Mathieson, Albert M. Baker, all of
Goderich; R. Ernest Crawford, O•oder-
ich, 0.11. 3: Alma E. Sallow'. Goder-
kh, R.R. 0; corahelle Dtekson•. Dun-
gannon. Wit. Margsret 11. H. Simp-
son, Kintnil: Margaret .1. Houston,
M. J. Bernice tawniest, Margaret G.
4400411. Jean -M. An -
-Iff:=-And Mr Th C..-Ilinadisge re-
turned on Tuesday front •• visit with
their aon-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrit.-Notamd Walker, NW other friends
Ii Toronto. From there they went
to Markham and called at the old
home where Mr. Muni:anis was born,
and at the hoike where his parents
first lived when they came to this
country from England in 1853.
At Toronto' Mr. Munninge noted the
immense Increase in the sae of the
city since he lived there for some years
In* the late SO's and early 90's. He
also took much 'were* in looking up
some of The hullange be helped to
fermi in thoee-yea rt-tbe Ditnn avenue
United church. the Widmer. road Bap-
tist church, the Parkdale Collegiate
Institute, and the West Toronto water -
work. building.
knoeked ti* IPT010Pt. R large One, to
the gronnd, and other bystanders
joined in the scrap, 'Ant foot and
mounted pollee quickly closed In a04
the man was anhdued.
The monarch nnflinehingly witnrssed
the nttempt on hie life In the heart of
London with the PPM. 4.001
nein, and aplomb with whieh he famed
danger in the front line trenehes (Inv -
Int the war. and generona tribute was
paid thp young ruler's feariew polite
tinting the fevr seeonia his life Was at
•Dispel 1tifrallillY1M1Mad of the
rident sfter eh* Ring had retnrned to
Rockingham Palace. She was'grest-s
ly npiet end at oneee hastened to the
Ring te coogratnisto him on Ma escape.
Inspection .W.111-1/11-
Mtop to Water Wastage.
At a meeting of tbe.pubile utilities
commiselon at the tarn hall on Thai..
day laet, the Ropertntendent reported
that, Recording to the amount of wa-
ter being used, there was a consider-
able wastage. The superintendent
WWI ntithorixed to engage mentoIn-
spect ell water -eiders. and to cut off
the metric@ where it lam found water
wee being used eentrary to rulers and
regulations. Such action as Is MPCPP-
sary to stop the ,,eete will be taken.
The teiperintendoet reported that
ell sedimentation 'wane, arreene. and
water mains had been cleared ont
The water 'apply is grade "A," ac-
cording to it repo•t from th• Govern-
ment laberatories It London.
The tender of reed Seabrook to
bruah, ucrape, dell and paint the
waterworks strindmpe for $104 was
All extra light la to he Installed Oa
Pflit street. The superintendent was
irothdfirist•tiv *pent On for "Sensosthia
pllee. Three eppiesetiona for thus... -
wire nprvices and 'leveret applications
for electrie light' services were
On Thursday night last Mr. and
Mrs. F. B. Riley, Church street, en-
tertained a few friends at a ferewell
party in honor of Mrs. H. Palmer, who
left yesterday for Montreal to embark
on the Vimy pilgrimage. An enjoy-
able evening was qpent playing Card.,
MINS 11. Arnold and Mr. A. Shore being
the winners at 500.
The home wan prettily decorated
with a profusion of flowers In a pink
and white color scheme.
Mrs. l'almer reeelved a handsome
rain -cape from Mrs. Riley as • gift
from her friends, and a farewell ad -
dream was read by MCP. George James.
The United Church aummer «hoot
is in progress at tbe church camp
grounds at Dunlop this week.
On Monday neat Cathp Beau Se-
camp for young peopU's-retselers .from
Western Ontario. It will continue
until July 27.
Then, beginning July
will be a !senior girls' camp. to be fol-
lowed by a camp for junior girls...the
two to occupy two weeks in all.
On August 9th a recreation camping
tarty from l'erth county will occupy
the grounds. Thle le the laid fixture
for the treason, am far at at present
oh Thursday IN•ft %Dm Echo Mac-
Donald entertained about thirty five
ladle,' at a (Jinner-hridge at thp l'ark
House,. nt which her mother, Mra. Mur-
doch MacDonald, was the guest- -or
Mrs. MacDonald, assisted by her
daughter, Mrs. F. W. Leckie, of Lon-
don, and Mrs. Rod. Johneton and Mime
Ann MacDonald, reeeiveti the guests
and ushered them Into the isitting-rooM,
which waa beautifully decorited In a
blue and gold color. jacheme. The din-
-room was tastefully arranged in the
name .echente, which W. carried out
with yellow candles in 'diver holders
and befdrets of bine and gold flowers.
A moot enjoyable afternoon was spett,
many enjoying a ganw of bridge after
the luncheon.
ftsus a ais wain' visit in West-
ern Canada. Stte,wati wkh a sister
at Treberne. Man., fer sorne time, and
also attended a family reunion at the
home of another efator, Mrs. J A.
Watson. Melville, Salk.. where. asides
her two sisters, two brothers living
la the West were present.
The band of tbe Clodecich Nudes'
Society will take part in it tattoo at
Waterloo on Saturdsv. with it number
of other bands from Western Ontario
The Goderich band has outilned one
or tuo interewing evenings for the
month of August. Tbe one a Ith prob-
ably the moat appeal will be a proposed
cornett and promenade at the beach.
Partimaitirs will be given plans
are developed. •
Turned tots Cask at Robertson's 4.
Mt. 11.. B.- Crews. who this week hal
-been baying- -edul geld and silver at
E. C. Robertson's jewellery More. has
had a busy week and reports that *-
large altiount- of geld and silver bas
been turned ioto cosh by the people
of Goderich and vicinity. Mr. Crews'
stay here will •onclude on Saturday
Much Interest has been shown in a
large and nnique collection of old
jewellery In the Robertson jewellery
dere window. Old lockets, rings,
brooches and other ornaments, wbieh
no doubt at one titre were Valued by
their owners, some 02 them now long
dead, for sentimental -or other reasons.,
SFC in the collection which Mr. Crews
has got together over many years
Mr. Crews sill be glad to talk to
anyone who has any articles of gold or
nil'er of whl h he or she would like
to (Umlaute, or he will -value, without
*barge, any tinkle of old jirwellery.-
en be' 'abaft • ta
especially invited to atiOno-
this concert tomorrow (Friday) afgas. '
at 8.15 o'cloek.
Saturday will be "stunt night" ind
the presentation of certiliketas -and of
the camp shield will take place. MAP.
C. W. D. Caws will have charge.
The Sunday morning service at the
camp. at 11 o'clock. will be conducted
by Rev. A. W. Hooe. At 8 p.m. com-
munion service will he conducted by
Hey. W. P. lane, end the closing ser-
vice of the school will be held at
o'clock ln the evening and will be con-
ducted by the newly -appointed presi-
The officers of the school are:
President, Rev, W. A. Bremner; dean.
Rev. C. W. I/. Coatis; secretary -
treasurer, Miss Helen Lane; reglatsar.
Miss Mabel Bailie.
The following have registered:
Six from Goderieh Leave Thie Week
for Great War SCPIIPP
thaiPriell Is represented In the great
Vim,' pilgrimage by Mx perpons who
left this week. Mr. and Mrr. D. D.
Mooney left by 'motor on Monday to
vlelt Mrs. Illooney'e former home at
Stittsville, near Ottawa. na their wey,
to Montrt•al. whenee they wOuld Rail
by 8.8 Asennia. Mrs. H. Palmer,
Mae Helen Streng and Mt. 11. S.
Tarner left by C.N.II nn Wednearlay,
end'Mr .1 IL curson thia (Thnrainy)
afternoon Mrs. Palmer and Mr. Tur-
ner 'nil l'y /11.14. Antonle, Miss Rtrang
by KS Montrose. and Mr. NUMMI by
•Xess-iheriessa or -Redford. . atormatr,,,-amt,
1 Mr. Walter L. Sanndert, of /item'.
Ind Mr Erneet Pritchard, of (*onto,
swell known floderleb old bora, ilso are
taking the trip. ,,_ .... _
Miss Orate Strang Leaven ea Holiday
Voyage to Hodson Bar
Mims 4:r1cc 81 rang left. Goderich
on Monday and on Tuesday, at Mon-
treal, hoarded thc steemahip Nascothe
for n trip to Hudson Bay. 'I'h•
Netfropie k a Government @apply
vteamer %bleb taking food aad
other articles to the outpoatslof civil-
izsillon in the far North. She carries
ti lo inN.11,7aan:t
, llaundastdoina':
Mounted Police ret...rnIng to their posts
artehrestili) Troreeds down the Rt. Law-
refer. 'minds the t.abrador moot and
pottees through 11odaon altralts Into the
bay. At Peit Churchill Miss !Unarm
will leave her 11111i restorn home by way
of the Ilud-on Slay Railway and
Tssopis, nftor calling at }Ind -
I tos
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North nPoorlte.
usang...-titettas.c4 ..v•
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tstaff of the fl collegiate in-
.,,,gptitntlk tall
'dilute, will he heel* time to resume
her Mita* at the beginning of the
Itert M'hyard, Dungannon.
seitimA... IL_ Turner. Daugsanns.,
lithe. Lase, Goderich.
Mabel A. Bailie, Goderich.
MUNN Woolens, Windsor.
Gina Kemp, Munro.
Velma Skinner, Munro.
Bela Pridham, Munro.
Fred Clarke, Munro.
Mildred Follick, Hensel'.
Dorothy McQueen, liensall.
Fitewart Ferguson, Auburn.
Rev. W. A. Bremner, Brucefield,
Rev. Charles D. Daniel, Palinersto*
'try. Mr. Knechtel, Palmerston. •
Willard Aiken, Clinton.
Gordon llearn, Clinton.
Donald McGillivray, °Mere.
Florence Poo', Listowel.
Ruth Coles, Limowel,
Iona Swan, St. Helens.
Laurine Maier, St. Helens.
Riche rd Wee t her hes d, St. Helga,.
Isabel Atkin, MIlverton.
Helen Walker, Milverton.
Harry Mellor, Brucefield.
Ann Wray, Milbank.
Vivian Waddell, Milbank,
Ruth Wray, MUthank.
Eva Stackhouse, lirtteedekl_
Audrey Steckbouie. Breathes,
Janet Watson. Brucetteld
Jean Watson, Bruceneld.
Rev. W. P. lane, tiodetlett
Ted Jordan. Mitchell.
Orville Elea, Mitchell
Hanel Yonne, Smith', fin
•Elolue Werner. Mitchell.
Meilen Myer',
tiordon Arrnotir, Onderich.
Joel@ Flanhaer., Bod•rieh,
Rev. 1. It Mooreraeand Bend.
Verna Hotter. lienkton.
Aideen tinhm.
Ruth liendrleks, Grand BP1141.
/Juan %lima, Grand TkeuL
(trend Bend.
Ile er"'^w8Y.
!mewl Forrert Famondville.
Hare) McLachlan, Figniondvilles.
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The marriage terok prIt'e retently
the pepanyterion Wingham, 01
MI* tree Johngton, 141.100 Pr Of 1111‘.
„DaiLucidicat, 6410eriehist0 Isear L.Iinrae ,
of 11,TPCPC. The er4-114j"
wait performed hy Rev. K. Mafiosos.
yr. sod Mrs,. Harneee will naide ta
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