The Signal, 1936-7-9, Page 8•T* . July tib. 1RiS 1' r RNITURE R pai>nd,'%1FsmmodeBed wad A IR Uf *LNTEED a r*icis REABON�Rtll, George McKay ,t(. David's Street, Godsrioh THE Rev. 8. It. Yo /fir 10 s. m. Bible School 11 Ila ,ter _oat -it aivs" V CASINO r GRAND RIND Olfl. s red "JESUS 11 CODING" FREE - FREE^ FREE With every pilrehase of 25c' or over, coup ni ieiI1 be given . for Kingsley Design English Dinnerware or Rogers' Al Plus Barrios Plate table flat ware. JI[ rUAL One Kingsley Bread and Butter Plate and cou- p's. FREE to the first 1tty.. uatomera pur- oBtll ( 1 of SW, of merchandise at' The 14111111': � *&PLE LRS)r Ea�RY Phone 110W ++. boss. PANTRY, GROCERIES, ETC. e . "et Sanitary Meat Market HOT WEATHER SPECIALS Cooked Ham Ms I ReserLde P............55e Veal Leat 2gr D.leh Loa !Ss Premed .lam Let..,, _2c Rbeg Boleros 2 M, ter Sts ha it.mk (Homemade) Feb Mal Cottage Rei 25e -LAMB- Railed Reese tie Lr Rest tic lei Roast .22c Prost Lalmsh ilea Breese �' 14e Blade Rets; (hack Roast Rib er Neck Bel Romp Rost Pae Lard 2 SM. for ISe Phew 456. Mashies St We Deliver. Iteat ldmtt'1s Hardware. • y v 3 ;w 1 r GNAL OLD GOLD T*DrURT$ Ilea Converted tato Dust In, etriek Nest Week In ueother column is as advertiser meat Inviting the peop'e of Goderich end meat, to tarn in their old gold at the store of E. C. Robertson. jewel- ler, where It nay be converted late cash or merchandise, or. It the owaar prefers, merely valued --a service which is performed without charge. In charge for this Old Gold Week will be Mr. P. B. Crews, who is well known In Goderich, having been la Wears as a jeweller at CUntoe for assay years. Gold 1s at the blgheet price rtgbt sow, 635 an ounce* and the visit of Mr. Crews, who 1e working under a Ogre, -neat license, will afford an es- ceptional opportunity to sell or trade oto Irinaeta that alridp'liave bass 1lrlwg unused. perish 41111.062_19a' num Ac yeast • -t c oHITUARf • MISS ELIZABr'rn OOUleiNer The death occurred at V'ermilon, Alberta, on Juno 211, of leis, Elisa- beth Cousins, second daugbter of the late Yr. and Yrs. Thumar Cousins of Colborne township, where abe eau born. After the death of her father the hoe a was broken ftp and she west to live with her Mater, Mrs. Bert Orr, and atter the latter's decease she re- I-are-orte �.`h'" D M�yh 'ed"+ha went to live with her sister, Mrs. David McPhee, at Vermilion. Alberta, where the resided until atnmmoned by deet*. She leaves three sisters, Misses /battle and Sicca Cousins. of Vancouver, and Mrs. David WPM.. r GODERICH, ONT. OBITUARY BRIEFS RIt/. ROBERT MARCSANT The death of Mrs. Marebant, wits it Hobert Merchant of Maitland road, amu, o,'urred lu the hospital at Olin - on Sat•y 1aet, In bar eighty- fOte,tt year.r4aLs, Matekaat war hernia Nor*tie Cogitate and cams with her bu to this cvuu.rand to Goder- ich Olen) gaga ago from Watcblu- stvw, Seeks, Ifrtglaal. Last April the aged lame celebrated the diamond jubtLee'01 {heir marr.agt. 'Bur riving, Wales tbe hasbaad, we three sons and a datllater in England and two dapghters in paned,. Sirs. Haley ut Toronto and Mrs W. dram of Kirk- land 1 oke ; and one sue. Walter, to the Southern States. The funeral look place item Bro- pt:y'3 fuserMe-amp: sa irtisotaY' afternoon, Rev. M 0. Calder, rector of SL Genrys's chant, oiclatlsg. The flower -bearers ware Lt -Col. H. C. Dunlop, James Bath, Bert Greenwood and James Neftel. and tbe pallbear- ers were Frank B. Ailey, Barry Far - rant, Albert Shore and Jos. Bicknell. Among thous present was Mrs. John Haley of Toroya, daughter of tie de- ceased. The Iatarment was in Malt - land cemetery. • • • JOSEPH H. JEFFICRY Joseph Henry Jeffery, Nelaou street, who was taken to Alexandra hospital un monde) of Mit week for an tippets- '•r'""i*bbtiR .sloe' a+wJaasseu yr►. Monday night, passed •way at the hospital on Friday morning tact. 11e was In his slxty-slxth•car. He e,t• born in Stanley township, a mos of l veil to Jeffery, who stn.. lives on ; .r home'tesd, and the tate ' (dleie Mayne, both of whom were natives of tltrebee of Vermilion. Alberti, and three broth- He we. married to Leah Denomme !n ars, William, of Marlette. Michigan ; 1 Stanley township and came to Uoder- Ueurge, of Toledo, Ohio. and Ben, of lett twenty-eight yearn ago. His wife San Gabriel. California. Tbe Tuner a,t was hold from the Fink United church of Vermilion. Alberta, the *w- ove being eou.lueted uy Rev. P. J. lambert. B.A., assisted by Rev. H. A. Boyd, R.D. Mr. lambert spoke feel- ingly of Mac (rosins' quiet, weediest faith In herself, in others, and In ken (110d, and of her tote for the thing% that contributed to her spiritual up building, Welug *L remarks upon the words of St. Mattbsw'a gospel,. "0 woman. great is thy ' tla1I ." The chard' was filled with a !stge assess - Wee of friends and neighbor* who had gathered to show their love and lateens Li* at deceased. The coin wast�trtYlti beautiful floral tri - 15d. Bremen. Mrs. Joseph Duchene*, tel beig her family and the w,,. David Deo -harm and John Jet - may whom site made dace going an West. than week fen.. atLa[ Bay talwas*!p ; Geosgo Jet fa died nine years later and l■ 19123 be was united 4* marriage to Ellasbeth MCOonnetl of Uodericp, who survives. Me. Jeffery was in the employ of the O.N.R. the Wt litteeu years, beteg wgerannuated on Jangary 51st this year. He was .• vetoed member of At. • Peter's . church and of the Holy Nam Society • ls? the cbarch. Sur- viving, beeldes his tether and widow, are igbf chlldreo : /delete Jeffery and Mr, Wm. W llioagbbty, both of Wind- ier; Jebn sad Ernest. of )(fiesta; Mrs. A. Wieser, of Goderich. and Irene, Edward and Phyllis Jeffery. at boast. There are ten brothers and Meters: Yrs Regis Demme, Mri before hAt=ta Mies Cousins enjoyed tory. $ta.ley tewns:iIp; flab[ Jef- an lues -end saetul 1L"e She was "IL Orad rocks, NIX; 1r'rnak ad Arthur Jeffery ilia Gilbert to stdiesly by a stroke. ♦ plants, of Godertm . - • Gilbert"liy wife Met tae halattrs I p1s?sd lla• Requiem high mass wa•sub r by Rei. lker Nagle at Bt. Peeve's thumb o• VW a0 an .► -i. y narntag. d Interment was dabs y' ht Unhorse a& annetery,. the pall- bearers belle "Win. McI.tocih, Jona 1417 SHORTENNG COFFEE Seal Brand LIFEBUOY � ZOO SOAP -Ilitnyv-' Up2ti-oi Bot! STANDARD QUALITY PEAS 3N225c R►.0 ROSE TEA (-rem on Label Pltg: 26` Artificial EXTRACTS - Domino BAKING POWDER Horn_r. A-sorte,' PUNCH DRINKS S -0g. bot. 1� 1 -ib. tin 1e 3 -oz. hot. let 1 WL:te Shoe Polish Rot 1 4' New Low Price CEiTO Bottle 2'( R,, hm.•Ilo RICHMELLO COFFEE Fi<R 294 K«Ilots BRAN FLAKE 2 Pkga.114 l_�rt(!IR x . ' 4 -Ib. Pkg. art 1 47t Pkb. Pkg. 1LTIlti Pio,. 35Choice Red Pitted 25 • Correll, Rickard Brennan. Wallace Black, Mica.' Tonin sad Adams Bar- row. arrow. -n £ - • 01R WATER SIMPLY I • LOT Tbe o•i�+• . Dear Bk. -Would Jos Insert tbti'ial. lowing letter In your geed I am sere there are many Others wbo feel as we do about the -drinking water t• arch. rite all this tali *beet Arts for the Square. which are not a sever 1114. why' nqt epaod the money ea eolaethiug that would be a benefit to 411, namely an artesian well in the Square where people could come sed 1111 their containers whh pure water? The town water at present is hardly tit to drink, and 1t is especially hard on invalids and children to have to drink this. Many summer visitors boll t ieir drinking water all the time, which la not a very good advertise- ment for Codericb. True, there is a spring at the harbor, but Its mineral content Is too•strdng for some people, and others are unable to walk all that CherrI way for w r. •a,•�. f. , .beasts. 1:12, 21c Brunswick Sardine -.s In 0.1, Tomato and Mustard Sauce Tin 5' CLARK'‘, Pok&Beans os. 3v25' na _`1 Tomato. 'Vegetable, Scotch troth aft Vat. IOW aid Ilth 411-72S` TOM*TO JL1/CE +: A well In the Square weal` be • very comfortig t thing during a typhoid scare suet as ailed in ties spring. A CTTiZEN. Ooderietb Js1y 511. (We are armored by a member of the board of bealtb that there Is no - titbit wrong with the Goderich water. It Is reported by the Provincial Board et Health laboratories to be "clans A," which is the highest elaadDcatlon "A Citizen" may object to the chlorine, but this is need cm the order of the Provincial Board of Health and is an additional lnenranec against the presence of anythls8 harmful In the water. If summer visitors boll the water there Is no occasion her them to do so. "A OIttsen" does not re- member when Goderich obtained its water supply from sitesian' wells: those who do would not wnnt to goo back to that system. The water was ao bard that It corroded pipes and kitch?n utensils and an3thing *tee in which It was planed, and the women enmp! timed bitterly of it. True, we had a typhoid scare some months neoe1 Typhoid ham been •Imoet unknow tt Ir Goderich for many years, asd a lien iwo or three cases appeared this spring the very fact that the dig le so rare bore contributed to ilbe "Ware." We are mmtsurtd, flowerer, that the came were not tremehlei to the tdwn water. -Met. SWNALI ;. ay.,....._ ... Chub and Ium- uric acid leftin erten - tete ver, eels.. -at ':w • ti1 Clearlug of all millinery, white and colored, from 51 up. C. A. sate 8. WEIN NON, Opus re On Friday, July 17. group 2 of the Ladles' Aid of Knox cburcb will hold t! supper In the church basement from 5 toed oclock. Admission, 25 cents The regular montbly meeting of the Uoderlcb Township Hospital Auxiliary will be held at the home of Mrs. Thos. Johnston, Huron road, on Thursday. July 16, at 2.20 p.m Roes Pennington salle4 as watch and Bill Meteor an wbeelaman on the steamer Windoe wheal it 'eft port last night for the heal of the Lakes. The ship had been laid up titre for weeks. Any stns roll Dim developed and eight border or deckle -edge. pictures gee.Sir,� .,., :L 2 :vale-eac*.- Mall f your films. We pay return postage. Prompt service. HIgtegrade work. Established over fort; fears. BURGESS STUDIO, Mitchell, Ont. GODIIRICH 1[ARKRT PRIORS Poly Hens, Il lbs., 12c ; helss, 4-5 lbs., 10c; bens under .4 lbs., Se. Eggs and Better Kgd.. per dosen, 14c -18c; butter, dairy, lb. 185; butter. creamery, 1b.. Live Shish � {e -b;• : teal, lb., lie -'-'7e; lamb, I*,'ee== lee. Grain Wheat, per bus., 60e -65c; beck- wbeat, per bus., 33e -3.8c; oats, per bus., 25e --30c; barley, per bus., SSo-- 4tk•. Vegetables Potatoes, new, 51.75 .52.00 bag. Plate ad Feed Bran, 100.ib. bag, 51.15--.11.20; abort% l00 -lb. ML $1.311--$1.25; Mani- toba sours 100 -Ib, bag, gl2.85-13.35. Ma DONALD. -At Alexandra hospital. Oederich. os Wenae day, Jule 8th. 10 Nr_ and Mrs. Clarence MicDoe- hid,Va dangbaer. DIRH YARUHA'NTs--Al•Clintoe. on Satur- day, July ak, Mrs.. jtobt..Marellant, in her r. MIARTITI.-Ml Lebde n, oa Thursday. July 91, Joseph Mart*, 1k iii 7g year. - Tbe funeral will Cage place from the bolas of his son-Ifiaw, Albert Mato, Bruce street, Coderiels, on Ila urday, at 9 a.m., to sit. Peter'stbu VR7IQINARY NORGEO hg, O. E.. MYERI3t w , VETERINARY SURODON - Graduate of tie University ef T routs and O.terie Veterinary Office at T. T. Murphy's1 street Mess: Day SOSO SOW. - . CAWOF THANIEll - 11/11111 PAWL? PALY Or `'> LATE 701111111 JERRY take 111. opportunity to thank their;diaay friends for the kind alai sincere ia- presdons of sympathy trndere4 them 1s their recast bereavement. y. That also wish to thank these who laird ears for the fsaeraL IR. ROBERT MARCHANT AND FAMILY wish to expreelt tat* !in - core appreciation at tie realty kind - negate extended to theft to their be- reavement by the cleatlof their bee - loved wife and mother. 'They ale grateful to those who seseliewilre and to tease who leaned thtirmktiptter the Nonni ACOOUNTAN I , J. W. MONTIITH, Chartered Aecas.taat tm Ontario street, Stratford, °otitis (Member Flratbrouk, McLeod A M telt*, TorosW, Ontario.) MEN WANTED FOR RA-Wtalt Routes of 800 families. ROl.$s hustler should start earnlag tlldl,weik ly and Increase rapidly. Mani RAWLIOIOH, Dept. MC -21041i,, M treat, Canada. FOR SALE v ' LvH OR BALI.--ONIC BAR1 12 MAIT- l' LAND Golf Club. Apply BOX IN Uhtierleh. .k 101.097 POINTS FOR 'SAL . Makes of plows. Somme s VICE STATION, Ooderie!. COR SAL.. -HUDSON QAC I21 • good eeaditsss. Vietrolei le lathe." any caw Call at 92 Ea* street L'OR BAI.R.-TWO VITROLiTE.'POP I tables 4800 In Doe hese. In perfect coedit: ma. LEGG'S SWAT MARKET, Hamilton spirit - • L'OR SAt�R.--$LN1►11N, FaW & • W tt ampaign (Ore raper Sale S�►y, July 11 6060 EXTRA VOTES ON NOTE PAPER ON EST:J:'.- DAY, JULY 11th + .44 `'A.. COLS PUB+iO NOTICE A 1 TI DM /LI YOUR OLD TIO, I.IB- GOD, ri fief, V eoadltlen ■ =AL allowance made oa new Do- 14'$TA�- 1ttr. M1......-- UOUBR FOR 8A TWO-STORY l&shriek boas on street. Eight moms and bathroom. Good location. Would exchange ter bungalow or cot- tage. Apply at SIGNAL. OPTICL THRESHING OUTT'IT FOR SALK- L ie 36 Hart Parr tractor ; 36-50 Goodi- son thresher strawrutt.•r attachment: 164t. grain loader and pipes. Well equipped, good funding order. AI•o 20•h.p. George .White steam engine; 36-30 George white straweutter at tachment ISA. grainloader sad pipes. Good running order. Will sell togetb- se or u -p9 rely. MUGA OH'IBHOI.M, R.R. ". Obdertch. 1 AND MIR. heti XcCA61N AND' as FAMiLY AND RELATIVES of the lets ;Irk Eltesbttl Novtns wish to tieink' their neighbors and Meads for the many kbedimies .t'sb0vers _ .. during her Insure and at her Beat They wish a1.0 to thank those who seat floral tributes and tbose who leased can Lot tae funeraL 'iEND.* WANTED rrscrellke FOR DREDGING QDAld+l) ((ENDERS addressed to the J nn.l"rslgied and endorsed 'Tender ter Ur 0s, Stokes Bay, Ont." will lee NY'until 12 Vele& seen (day- light ), Mendy. July I19, MIL 'r'eraltva will not be considered n- 1.-- lade on the forma supplied by the Department and In accordanee with the eondltlona set forth therein. Combined specification and form of N SALE Of A OOMJ OR- D�VE-ROOMED HOVEL 1fe street, Goderich. a TURDAY, JULY 11th, cock sharp lot S75 --•excepting the east us bet. Tie house L newly and decorated. has town water highga asd splendid dollar. TilliMS-1,100 cash. balance a0mthlso en=tente of 1110 ea m0ereek * * Per eats,- . •• TelIKIND2Y k CT1ON( 80 #,AF Sep are: tsatrosted Ila sell without alai Yoservo the coatenta of the boos the lata. km F. T. Anise. 8t Pis- mire. erused. street. Omit1 ss SLTCBDAT, JULE 1Dth. eiimmeeci t5 Lit 1.10 •'clock : Uvlag-room tsra0Mings. lnclnding a good chesterfield salt*. ruga. bride. lamps. ornameatir. etc.; dining -room furnishings theiedIng complete salts er ten phase. raj. dishes. china, ass - ware, Ilsea sad cetiery ; bedrooms, con- tests of Mas folly furnished, rugs, etc.; Miers tnt*Mbt$gs and McClary elec- tric range with annex. practically new; garden Bose, gvreen tools, and numer- ous other articles. TERMS -Cash. T. OUNBEY & SON, Auctioneers. THOMAS OUNDRY. OODERION. LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL A U(TIONIiRR Telephone No. 119 Bales attended to eoywbere and ever, effort made to give • ptlsfactlaa. Farmers' sale notes dieconsted. 1QDICAL DR. 5'. J. R. roMYTR1 MOSS. THROAT. tete Hose Surgsoa Opbthalais and Aural instant at Moorefield and Golden Bpaare '1'1 Loadoa,. J2sg. EYES TESTED; ' *0 WI Waterloo iliniqipM Telepboee 15T. • Next visit- Wedsaglla/ 1t1. from 7 p.a., to 11.20 AIL ¶'burr day. July 20th, at Bee otel. R.22411. YAM RAs. 1 AUCTION SALM OF A N'IaId.,Bt:II/P BRICE AND IITU(X'0 BI'NOALOW. We are instructed to sell by public auction at the premiers, Keays street, Goderich, on FRIDAY, .5ULY 17th, at 5.Jb p.m.: A comfortable bungalow and lot No. 1917; also lot 1241+. The home con- tains lig room, alcove, dinlag-root♦. teektillebilake b*tbttages, trld hardwood Doors, high airy cellar an - der whole house, and good furnace. There M a two -car garage with Mast Soon, lights, etc. The lots contain a number of fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs. The property L situated in • good part of Ooderlch. TERYL-Twenty per cent. of pur- chase price to be paid at time of rale, balance to be paid in thirty days or otberwtse arranged for. The propeftl can be inspected at any time by applying to tbe undersigned. ' T. (SUNDRY k SON. Auctioneers. AUCTION /AL•11 OF FARM AND IMMINENT/4. There will be offered eor sale by Ed- ward Fisher, at lot 2, ct♦pcesslon 8, Colborne township (just east of Car - hew), on Me rN i ►A F, JULY 20th, 1996, commenclpg at 1 o'clock p.m.: tender be obtained on •pplfntfon Horseet--Black horse; mix years olid; N 1*. nederdgsodcan, ►Iso at the oleo tbeetnut bone, twelve years old. of the District Engineer, 'Customs l ._.{,crc- NA freshened; two Building. Loudon, Ont. cows. freshener! la January ; two cows, Tenders most Include the towing of freahened In April: three two -year - the plant to and from the work. The dredges and other plant which are lntee6led to be employed on MU Work, AM have been duly reglwtered 1* t'aniil■ on or before the thirty-first day of December, 1929, or shall have been constructed eh.1 registered in Canada since the said dats leech tender must be accompanied by a certified eheqne on • chartered bank le Oensda, made payable to the order of the Hnnonrnhlo the Minister of Public Works equal to 5 per cent. of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Gonda M the Dominion of Canada or a the (beadiest Rational Railway Compauy and its conetitucnt Compan- les uncnnditioeelly guaranteed as to prlaripal end intermit by the Domin- ion of Canada, of the AforementIoned rands and a certified chege• If re. gnired to make up an odd swatst. In no tame shall the aecnrfjy 4s'osk be lege Akan $50000, t, . rt.. • s,{ g Ay or t t, I.« J. Y. ROM WILLI.1C.. -` Recrelaty. Ottram41111114K of PnhilcUot: w/orkg olds; dive yearlings; four spring calves. Pigs. -one row, with litter ; one sow, bred mix week•; fifteen chunk,. Poultry,.-FYfty hens and two hens with chicken. Ieapleme.ts.-Maamey-Ha eels %inder ; Frost h Wood mower; Maasey-Harris hay loader; Frost & Wood bona rake; Cockmhutt Keel roller; albeit - tor : C'bkahutt riding pbow ;‘)Frost k Wood elatgle plow. No. 21; Corkabutt two -furrowed Kangaroo plow; horse muffler : barrows, tour sections: Chat - dam fanning min ; Maas.y-Ran e Aims( acted drill: tttvnlp drill; toot palper • De Leval 'Weans separator • MAL '111. HOLMES, Barrtster, ate. oscn_ b.rt Hosea. Gederle*. Telspbos. Q6 VOJ.Ai R. MAIM- r Dardalar and Se)ieiter Ogtw' HamUYMa Street, Oedwltet Telepbees ill L'RNDIIT IL. LIM • �a Barrister and Sieldettee Om Life Rending. Ad lehle sad Vie - toffs Straits. Tomato 2. Telephone Elgta 6291. s DRUGLESS PlIAOSITIONER. CHIROCHIROPRACTOR AND DROOLS/a PRACTOR Goderieh. Phone S41 Equipped with Wctro-magndis baths. Electronic electric treatms•to and chiropractic. Chronic, eremitic, sad nervous diseases. . Lady as at- teadanee. Office boars 2 to 5 aid 7 to 8 p.m. oo Tuesday, Friday and Sat- urday, and on Wednesday 10 to 12 a.a. only, or consultation may be bed by appointment. Monday and Thursday at Mitchell. A. N. ATKINSON Residence and odce--Corset of South street and Britannia road. INSURANCE, RPC. KILLOP MUTUAL tett MUIR- ANCE CO. -Fara. ro !at>taed tows property insured. Ode rn-AMz Broagfoot, President, Seafortb ; John L !told, Bromfield ; M. A. ]told, eoer terry -Treasurer, Sea forth. . Dl rotors-Alox. Bvoadfoot, Sea - forth; James Bboldice, Walton; Wm. Kaox. Londesboro ; George Leoabardt, Dublin; John E. Pepper, Broeedeld ; James Connolly, Goderlebt Thomas Moylan, Seaton!: W. R. Arehlbald, Seaforth ; Alex. McRw/tg Blyth. Ageets-W. J. Tao. kit le. Metes: James Watt, Blyth; Joke E. Pepper, R.R. 1, Brneeeeld ; R. - F. McKereher. B.R. 1, Dublin; Chan. r. Hewitt, Kin- cardine; R. G. Jarmuth, R.R. 1, Boni- holm. orn.holm. Policy -holden can make all payme.ta and get their cards recelpted aR tb. Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cott', Grocery, Kingston street. Goderich, or J. H. Retd'e General Store, Bayeeld. AMR 11 W arning! Owners or hartorera of Delhi in the Town of Oode- rieb without a licenel are sobjea' ,to penalty tinder buggy ; eat ter ; two wagons ; Mors& ?ossa 8311W. hay and stock rack; atn.e-boat!!' esteem The Rytlrll• will now be of mleltths; wbeeltMtMw; set OalMle harnemw; vet Anglo berness;'ed *tour Mimeo's: two galvsnlse4 pis trnnftha : two barrels; forts; cltalMl- al ovela; pied 4t limber: mune betiabntd at- numerous other articles. *155 asst be mid, as the pro - Strictly 'rfn toreed. t._ Lienee Tags may be pin - shamed At the Tax t'olleetor's Aloe or from the nndetsiened 1L C. Pestel•thesatta 9rleter N Slvint up ?armies. °hist sit PEW ROraIALHk, fes, Proprietor. T.41 A BON, Auctioneers. 4 'f t