The Signal, 1936-7-9, Page 71
Brophey Bros.
Ambulance eervtt a at all' hsmrs.
day or stent
PHONES: Were 1*. Ras. 111
J. R. Wheeler
!~neural Director sad 6tit►almer
Au calla promptly attended W
day or night
--AJWUL►NC6 86RY1C6-
lia:.ddaat. NZ.
Hamlltea Street. Goder(ch
Walter Dalton
Huron Old Boy. Graduate
Goderlcb Collegiate Institute
13510 West Warren Ave..
Telephone Oragan 8658
West Street
Electrical Appliances,
E/rctrrc Wiring of all
glli■alss gives on appii'atie.
Telephone 82 - Goderich
County and District
Mrd. A. Currie, -11/ sgham, announces
the eagtyewent of her daughter, Kiss
!lila Currie, Toruutu. w Moreau M.
fleodcvauu of Lucknow, the marriage
to take place lu Au;turt.
M. and lira. A. T. Couper of Clin-
ton rifled from Montreal un Friday
for England, where they will spend
two mouths vlaltlug their bun, Wllita
C. Cooper, awl their brother, 1;ruest
Charles Wood of Scat.,rth, a Great
War inferno, died tut Monday atter a
lung illuers. lie leaves, beeldes his
wife, two eons and two daughters,.
1'hp j'BrTfal. .itlljf r.rilte Ausetrrw of
the Seafurtlt branch of the Canadian
Henry S. Sellers, eighty -six-year-old
resident ut Morris towasblp, died at
Ms home uu the 4th concession oe
June 30th. Deceased came to the
district from England arty -seven years
ago and had farmed suceeeefully ever
rime. Two sons and three daughters
The Leath of William Gordon Perrin
on June doth removed a lifelong re-
sident of Clinton. Deceased was in
hls seventy -bath year. He was for
some time In the employ ot the Grand
Trus* BwellwayithOla �7111111-
and later was l+arrlTIArrr„6 .
was [.ot married.
The .fkth of Agnes IHUI, widow of
William Gillespie, occurred on Satur-
day at her home in Seafortb. Dr
ceased was bens in York township and
moved with her parents to Colborne
township whets a young girl. After
their marriage In INTO the and her
husband had alvsd at Seafortb. Mr.
Gillespie died flit years ago. One son
and three daughters survtte.
C Aril
as !lints' of nine weeks. Deceased
was sixty-seven years ot age and was
bare 1n Aah6eld. Beakless her hue -
band, she is survived by one sou and
four daughters. •
Prtmslpal's Pay Leas titins Asalstant'e
Oorrle reports the anomaly of a pub-
lic school prluclpal whose salary la
*50 less than is paid W the assistant
teacher lu the school. The assistant
has been ou the staff for route years,
and when the print pat was engaged
reeutly be took the position for $175
less thou the former occupant of the
• Ds Egau1 Ittmiaers
Two booths set up for business In
Seaforth during the Dominion Day
celebration there. ii•s-wM operated
by C. M. Smith end 'the other by D.
H. Wilson. Wbeu tbey balanced
their book. at the (lose of the day's
business they found that each had done
exactly the same amouut of business,
namely $77.38 each.
IMAM Daughter in Ceirms
Robert Alexander Cawpbell died on
Sunday at his home In McKillop town-
ship. He was a native ot the town-
ship` in which he farmed successfully.
Besides his wife, he leaves one son,
three daughters, Mrs. T Hlldeb
Seaforth; Mrs. Adana Dodds, Listowel,
and Mrs. Baxter, Colborne township.
PORT ALBERT, July 6. --Mina Clara.
Willis visited with has slitter, Mrs.
Wilbur Stewart.
Miss Kathleen McKenzie spent a
few days wIt0 Mrs. Ed. Sowerby, 00d-
erkh towushlp.
Analversary services of Christ
church will toe held on Sunday, July
12th, at 11 a.m. and 730 p.m. The
garden party of last w. ea was quite
Mr. and Mrs. John Quaid motored
to Guelph on Monday, accompanied by
Misses Henrietta Quaid and Ankle
Barr, wbo are taking a bummer course
at G.A.0
We are pleased to report that Miss
Jsabell Pollock is slowly recovering
from her recent operatSiou.
Mlsa Floresce MclCensle, 11.N., re -
Pureed to KJtcbeuer last liategdae.
Mr. and Mrs. George Foster, of
Michigan. visited with the forwer's
brothers and sisters. Mr. Foster, wbo
spent his early years here, was great-
ly interested In meeting old -tires
Farmer lases Two /farms
Thus. Chapman, farmer on the 3rd
couceislon of Tuckeramltb, had the
misfortune to lope two adjoining barna
by are on Tuesday night of last week.
In addition, most 9f the farm equip-
ment was destroyed. - A strung S. S. NO. 17, AIMIFIELD
carried the flamer from nue structure' The following is the report of S: S.
oto the other au rapidly that little
8. 8. NO. 1. OOLBORNE
Those tearpd P. have been promo-
romoted. Naha are in order of merit.
Sr. IV-Oharlea Watson, Edgar
OWE, ShNdou Baxter.
Jr.• IV -Marshall Fowler, Verna
• rte Laasallne, p.
Jr. 111-I'hyllls Bean, Ethel Turto•,
p. ; Jtm McManus, p.
8r. II -Ursula Las.'rallne, p.; Elgin
Fowler, p -
I -John Lamellae, p.; George Tur-
ton. p.
Primer -Verne Bean.
yl 8 FR•T5 R, iTeacher.
• •• • • .
_ The assets of the gbegock-Manning
Plaza Ltd.. of Clinton, have been sold
to d sew company beaded by two form-
er employee* of the company. A. A.
Peel is t0 be the predNent of the new
grin, while C. W. Draper will be
• manager. •
Death ef Ws. Ja -tem
Ellztbeth Stroud, elle of John John-
ston, died at her Dome In Morris town-
ship on Wednesday, Juror 24th, atter
euuTil'ie done to sav4 suyt3IIdlv1QaJ - W, 11I-11etittrlee j°11114" 7296.
people motored out to see tDli !tiara Ruth Pentland 71, Norma ' McWn n-
Some insurance was carried.
ea (14
Fine Rees. Jr. 111 -Lola Moore 114%.
Lucknow people are very proud of Jr. 11 -Andrew Moore 481/4. Heten
their collection of roses, located in a
apace between the bowling green and
the tennis courts. Some 350 pinats
have been growing there for two years
and It is stated that they are at their
maximum beauty this veer. Geo. H.
Smith is given credit for planting the I M. IRENE JEFFERSON, ERSON, Teacher.
lovely sport, which townspeople claim • • •
Is as beautiful as any to Canada. PORT AI4hERT
Wreck Salt BMeeltThe lolloatng list shover !PPM/AY, July 6. --Air. and Mrs. 'H.
In the Port Albert school' Begley said son Jackie, of Hamliton.
Sr. IV -Eleanor Petrie, Horace I are visiting at Mr. aad Mr.. J. Men -
Crawford. any...
Jr. 1V -Verna Petrie, Roderick Mc-
r An lee cream SOCIALru ultiug from
Kenzie. Joe McGee, Harold Adams,' the Suuday school ■ttet:danee content,
Phyllis Met:might. I was laid in the church last Friday
Sr. 111 -Frances Meereight, Rose I evening. After the regular Young
Mnrrax..Gordon Martin, Leroy Draper, I People's service cud mutest* ice cream
Harold McGee.
__Br...1I- byrjle Adams,_,_
menAdams. Isobel Leduor,'Maxtne M
George Barger, % lido McCretght, El-
win Petrie, Earl Martin.
I -Margaret Adams.
Primer -Norris Met'relght,
Barger, Douglas Young.
Mlaslesary Takes Children me limagle•
ary Trip is Italia
The W.M.S. of Nbtth rtreet l'Wad
church wet on Mouday afternoon In
the Sunday school room of the church.
They had. as their guests the Meal'
bens of the Baby Baud and the Weldon
Baud with their mothers. After the
opeulad prayer • short busineat'aer
Mon was (-undiluted by the president.
Mrs. W. 1'. Lane; then Mrs. P. J.
Cautelou, one of the leaders of the
Baby Baud, was called to the chair
tuff yrrakled over the remainder of
the program.
A hywu was sung and Mrs. ('ante-
lon offered prayer, after which the
following program was glue° : Reci-
tations by -Marian Young, Mary Prld-
ham and Jean McDowell. • reading by
MttIYQret 'bond. the Scripture !anion.
.b' Jaak
Holland, vocal solo by Helen How-
ard and a violin solo b Catherine.
The pretty ceremony of promottell
from the Baby Hand to the Mission"
Rand then took place. Five child-
ren. Billie Bond. Marian Young, Don-
ald Mooney, Edward and Edythe Jen -
kiwi, were to be promoted. Only Bil-
lie and Marian were able to be prey
ent. They were received by Mrs. F.
W. Waite and the members of the Mis-
sion Band, and ell stood while Miss
Maude Howell ofre ed prayer.
Another hymn aa• followed by an
interesting address by Miss mutton,
)}tuptist ;igl i,tt ut. Telugu, In -
U ebYlana
on au imaginary trip to her wfsslou
field. She told them of the setas
they would witness on the way, showed
them trodels of the fruits and vege-
tables grown In 1041a, sad showed.
also, little figures representing' various
men about the mission, the postman.
the barber and the wastrer•maa. Need-
less to say, Miss Chubut held the un-
divided attention of the children and
of the grown-ups too She concluded
koy address by telling the story of a
Utile [TrT In
nalfrIfffellftlerePlibet who
became a follower of Jesus and who
was true to I(Im In spite or qll the
efforts of her Hindu family to lndute
her to worship the Hindu gods as she
Johnston I11) T6, Ronald 1'eutland at. bad been taught to do.
Harold JlaeWhtuney 113. 4 After the singing of^'1 Am So Glad,"
1 -Lois Mcw btnney, Isabel, land the pronouncing of the benediction
t Printer -Funke Yielder. Lei by Mrs. Hamilton, a social time war
Johnston. Yvoutw Moore, George Ffel- ; epeut and ice cream cones and home -
der. I made candy were served.
Thursday. July 8th, MI6 -7
Phone 47
Coder ,ch
Now Playlet-Jeatiette M.eIknald. ht ".[1i. Mei rs N'„t„N" with
)atom a (2lev'allrr.
Herbert 'Marshall, Joan Parker Iwo Oars - -
take us on a delightful Journey. tram park berth t0 altar, la tate
new r ilunnt1. cowed,
"If You Could Only Cook"
George Raft and Joan Bennett
teamed in a modern awl amuaiug tale 01 ads.•uturous
-.._--- .•,Per zd- IOUs Ntterealrat:z:.a4--•�-�
While the people of Kincardine are
hopeful of the reopening of their salt
block, 1t 1s reported that the present
buildings will be demolished some time
tufa summer. If operations are re-
sumed new brlldinp will be neces-
sary. anyway, and the owners consid-
er that the dooner the present strut. -
1 tures are out of the way the better.
The deeps to wreck the Awn. will
• gqe work to a score or more of
for some weeks.
Beata -McKay
The United cburcb, Wingbam, was
the scene of a late June wedding on
the lest Saturday of. the month when
leveda raer, d•ng-fier 6f Mr. and
Mrs. John H. McKsy, Wingham, was
united/ in marriage to Geo. Robert
Scott,'son of Mr. a -d Mrs. Alex. Scott,
also of Wingbam. Res. J. F. Ander-
nderson pa'formed the ceremony. After
a "wedd n lrlp-0a 111"Mote dill
northern points, the young couple will
reside In Wingham.
A quiet wedding was solemnised at
Melville church manse, Brussels, on
Wednesday afternoon or' last week.
when Isabelle Aleen Warwick, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Warwick,
5th concession Grey, was united in
marrlige to William James Shortreed,
sura of Mrs. Wm. [Mouthed and the
late Wm. Shortreed of Walton.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Wm. Moore. The young couple will
make their home In Walton.
Dreamed M Elver
James Johnston, a well-known citi-
zen of Brawls, was drowned In the
riesemet that place on Monday of last
week. Ile bad been missing for some
hours when a search was commenced
by frteods. His bat was found on the
dam across the stem, giving a doe
as to his whereabouts. The water
was dragged 'rad the body located
dulckly. Deed/lied wu.-.a--native of
Lucknow, aged fifty-three, and leaves
to mourn his loss four Motels.
At Riverview Farm, Stanley town-
ship, the Dome of Mr. and Mrs. Adam
Seeman, on Saturda;.'lene 27th, their
dao=titer, Anne, wan. united In mar-
siagmmi Harold Ford NooDss, of St
Johns, Newfoundland. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. C W. D. Coz-
en., of,Clinton, assisted Ly Rev. J. E.
Hogg, of Stretbroy, formerly of Clin-
ton. After the usual testivitles Mr.
Ind lira,'Noomia lee on a trip to Que-
bec, New York stud Boston, on their
return from which they will feelde at
. Kroadfoot-Love
Duffs United church manse, Waltom
was the scene of a quiet wedding wheat
Miss Jean Britton, eldest dangllter of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph iove, of Walton.
became the bride of Walter R. Broad-,
foot, son of the late John Broadfuot
end Mrs. itroadfoot, of Grey township.
Rev. Charles Cumming officiated. After
the ceremony. Mt. and Mrs. Broadfo of
lett by motor for a trip through the
Maritime Provlttrwa. On their return
they will reside on the bridegroom's
farm cu the 16th concellslom of Grey
and -:'ake • ware nerved. .
Visitors at Mr. std MEC Z.11osary's
west -end woos
This message is addressed
to BOTH of YOU
ALL OP US who drive motor can have our individual
preferences as to the speed at which we travel. Some
of us like to drive slowly; others like to travel faster.
(I am not referring to the 'speed fiends" who drive
recklessly and dangerously, but to the rank and file
of sane, sensible drivers.) There is a wide variation
is adv --preferred speeds.
When the road is clear and open, we have every
reasonable right to give these preferences free rein,
and travel at any speed which suits us - up to the
legal limit. But I believe you will agree that when
traffic is heavy, it is neither courteous tear fair to
travel faster or slower than the general speed at which
the traffic is moving.
At such times, the deliberately slow driver blocks the
road for all who are behind him. It becomes irksome
and wearying to those who have long trips still ahead
of than - and finally induces them to "cut in" or
take chances which they would'never take under other
On the other hand, it is equally discourteous for fast
drivers to cut in and out of the traffic lane when traffic
IS moving at • reasonable speed. It upsets and un-
nerves the more cautious drivers; increases the acci-
dent hazard tremendously; and invariably saves only
a very FEW minutes of time in the end.
1 appeal to BOTH kinds of drivers to let themselves
be governed by the true SPIRIT of Courtesy - to
consider the convenience and the safety of fellow -
motorists, as well as their rights. Let us show the
same courtesy to others on the highway, that we show
to visitors in our homes. it will go a long way toward
making our highways SAFER. and in making motoring
stili more pleasant.
Sincerely yours,
a a...-
Mather Remus; $ss
Tragedy In a Hurun township home
was averted when Mrs. Emil Mae
Lennon, after four attempts, brought
the body of her young son. 'George.
from a pool of water into which hs
had toppled from the bridge across it.
She then applied first *id until the
arrival of Dr. R A. Mc('or.b of Rip-
ley, who after half-an-hoarl' work
restored conaetouameas to the lad
According to the doctor In attendance
Ally the fact that the lad struck his
lar. us'' a•.4 ''a#a h, * Su- the
9081 SOW .him from d -owning. as he
S. 1MAUR, Teacher.
• • •
The following puplLt have been
promoted: -
To Sr. IV -Lorna Moore, Ilorothy
To Jr. IT -Evelyn Jenkins, • Jean
Hill, Wfe•itred McCabe. tart Fisher.
Opal' Hoy
• To Sr. 11I-Norine %'t•nstone. 11111y
Hill. Gordon Fisher, Donald Prim-
mer, Veronica LaRocque, Earl Feagan.
To Jr. lli--41I11y Fisher.
To Sr. 11 -Ross Feagsn, Den Willis,
To Jr. 11 -Bert Feagan. Jean Good.
Catherine Hill, Mervyn Hoy, Meer
Jenkin, Rita Laltocque, Ila McCabe.
Norine Willis, Noreen Ftaber.
To Si. I -Walter Moore, Verdun
To Sr. Primer --Gordon Fatima. Gil-
ford Pfrimmer. _.
To Jr. !'rimer -Gerald Fisher, Eve-
lyn Hill, Florence Jewell, Eleanor
- 8. J. BROWN, Teather.
•• • • -
1'. S. S. NO. 1, COLBORN E
Following is the -report of standing
for the June promotion eraminatlons of
I'.S.S. No. 1. Colborne:
To Sr. IV Un order of morn) -Ruth
Cantwell. Ruby Wilson, Margret Me-
KnIg'ut and Lillian Cantwell (equal).
To Jr. iV-Helen Fro., Veru Cald-
well, Harry Feagan, Violet Free.
To. Sr 111 -Helen Young sad Mart
Feagan t e.ioal i, Dorothy Pearson.
To. Jr. III Lois Femme, *Bernice
Matthew,. •\VilIns Pentland.
Standing on term's work (April to
Jr. 11 Hoy \I -K Hight, 1)Lnatd Wtl-
w.n. Tommy cootvi d. llartfld Knight.
Sr. I -Elwyn Feriaan, •Percy Mell-
waln: *Gordon Matthews.
Sr. Primer -.Jean Feagan, ',Beulah
Knight and Marjorie Free (equal).
'111117 Knight..
Thos' marked by astel7sk 'save
missal a week or mere.
• Number um roll, 30' a Se for
year, 27.
"She Couldi't Take It"
1'owWg-"A Tale of Two Cities," featuring Ronald l'ohnan
Matinees Wednesday, Saturday and itotidays sr :t p.m.
Keunrth Campbell and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Aubrey niggles and son
Jack, and Mr. and Mrs. Lin Anderson
and family, all of Detroit.
Mr. Aldon Hasty lett last week for
twhere he Intends taking •
Ity attended the jubilee services at
?toe onSunday and Monday.
Mr. sad Mrs. M. Shackleton and Ben-
son and Miss Margaret Ledaor at-
tended the Edgar pluck at Wingbam
Mt •Saturday.
The July meeting ••f the W.M.8. wpm
betd-at the hone of Mise-Ifielleelr ea
Thursday last, with a good -atten-
dance. ,
Misses Elia Whitley, OseI1Ia Watt
and Lorena Crosier and Graham Dur-
nln and Elliott,Rivett l5're aneeeedut
In passing their entrance on their
year'. work. Congratt:intiuns. '!heir
teacher, MIs., Olive Kilpatrick, left to-
day for Londoa to take a summer
codrse. . -
11r. Harold Thmilaao, of Loedoo,
spent a few days rete fly at the home
l of hi• uncle, Mr. R. Flaelgaa..
i lutendid for last week)
CROWE. June 30. -Miss Gertrude
Finnigan with a friend, from London,
visited at lir. Raymond Finniga's on ;
Sunday. .
Mrs. 11. J. Blake sod Harold and t
Mrs. Crabl.s, of Vancouver. motored
to St. t'atbartnes on Saturday. Mr's.
Blake and Mrs. Croons remained for
a visit. Harold was accompanied
home by Ids nephew, Ennis Comfort.
Mrs. Wm. Campbell, of Donnybrook,
Is visiting at the home of ber daugh-
ter, Mrs: Wad's. Crosier.
Mrs. Bender and cot Edwin, of Lon-
don. forolbrly of Blyth, 'hilted on Fri-
daT st-'11ir.-Wm. Crodera,_.
Transparent renin le being made
from coal !t Is only attest ass-
thlyd the weight of gliass, sad ea-
-P•. row ('.....,,,..!•-
l:oderich . ..7.90 a.m. 5.00 p.m.
HolwesviU. -.7.45 a.m. 5.15 pm.
(Widen- ....,x,W a.m. 5.30,g.m.
--ARR1T'ta• -
Stratford... SOlTa.m. CMS pm.
Toronto 14.45 p.m. 16.25 p.m.
GRAND BEND --60116111C111
Leave Grand hand....:.^_0 p.m.•
( Hayfield 3.115 p.w.
.lrrire Ooderlc•h 3.35 p.m.
IA•llr,• (4041erh'h 4(51 pm .•
Lea VI- hayfield 4'25 p.m.
Arrive Grand Iiwud5.00 p.m.
•!)slit el,v'it Sttllllaya and holi-
Itineraries planned to all points
In ('a°ada, United States and
9.1. h1se, MGs Wimp Isis!, Tit IN
1. t UM, Isite l IMe it alt
Gni. C. lee, tlsts Irma, isl. 71
Central Ontario &its Lima Ltd.
To bridge the gad
btween week -ends •
was unconscious and no water entered
hist lungs. lie had beet. In the water,
about five minutes when rescued.
bN Haase Week
Winston aretns to he r roterfng from
Its first Old Home Werk, but mem-
...Hes of the glories linger on. Booths
ocropted moat of the vacant lots
around town and all lid a magol6-
esil Neatness. (Inc hatcher sold 400
pounds of hamburg ..111141 -400 poenaa
of wcinern, and others did well In pro -
roport!.. s, so that the quantity of booth
comestibles cons°mcd reached garps-
tnan size. Including MOS) dozen colla
from one bakery., Tea doi.n �igs
broken in one kitchen fo- one hreall•
fa.t shows how the (Inc northern air
affects visitors. That GL, crowd was
II Jolly one la *videoer: by the fact
that one hotel alone sold $1.*%) worth
of 114)1114 refreshment on Dominion
--M- leAald- sus
a •»cite-sfnt rennicm.
JIM Thompson never lets loneliness
get him down. With the family
away for the summer be bridges the
gap between week -ends, ty telephone.
Twice a week, at a set hour, he has a
reassuring and cheering chat with
wife and youngsters. There's nothing
like Long Distance to take the edge
off separation. It's speedy. clear, de-
pendable and invaluable In emer-
On both "Anyone" and "Terson-te.ree-
som" valla, lour rWstI� ly terry
evening after T, DJISINiDA Y.