The Signal, 1936-7-9, Page 6-$Torula,, J u ly 9th. 1938
"'yyi�t$'....•�:.:.:="'""�,fs , 1iNVGf-,..., w-.. .r'trj .�4.�yftl0aa.u.. --migarmituel
-Registered Optometrist -
dyes Rxaadaed Glasseb Fitted
(17 years In Stratford), at
Rebertases Jrwetry Stars
"Satisfaction at. Moderate Coat"
Sommer Suits..
Summer Samples fort
Men are here
Come in and see ua for your
Summer Toggery
Chas. Black
East street and Square
NILE, July T. -Mr. and Mrs. Belpt
Hoover and daughter Vivian. of Al-
berta, are visiting at the home of
Sr.. Hoovers parents. Mr. and Mrs.
W. Watson. /
Mrs. Jack Nevins. of Port 'Alberti
salad over the week -end with her
brotb!r, Mr. Wm. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. !'has. Keating, of
Belgrave, visited on Sunday with the
letter's slaters, Mrs. E. Segues and
Mrs. A. Kingsbury.
Miss Dorothy Pearson is visiting re-
latives at Buffalo.
Mise Lillian and Marler Tommy
Qutwelt are spending this week witb
their aunt In Ooderich township.
Mrs, L McIlwaln Is visiting friends
In_ Louden.
lir. Harold Jackson, of 10mbro. is
e get dlag Ids recaam) ay. the home of
Itis ,grandmother, Mrs. John McPhee.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold McIlwalu mo-
tored to Toronto last week, returning
ea -Saturday aeeompealed by tbe lat-
ter's sister, who will spend a couple of
weeks here.
The arcual picnic of the former pu-
�$te and friends of Nile school will be
held at Harbor Park, Goderich, on
Wednesday, July 15, 2 o'clock. Take
your p.cuic basket.
flit, ilsf,e mosso gee' 1ssessity. It ems
laetllse. Ilia Is tossrlslilss stI98Ms K
masks. broad Ohm visa API RIP est At
lits .— deo most dads= 1.1sestss,
_ all&s p aid - - semi
Best for all your Baking
Sale -July 9,10, 11
3 Bari 20c
CORNED BEEF... Bovril Brand
2Tins 23c
TOMATO JUICE 101/2 -ox. Ting
PINEAPPLE amore, 'lined
3 Bottles 25c
2 Tuns 23c
SOUPS Aylmer .... Exoept pure chicken .. 2 Tins 1 9c
TUNA FLAKES 1/s s Per Tin 1 Sc
2 23C
2s.0. Tina ....2 for 19c
Per Tin 14c
J. CALVIN tun- .. _ 1.-INEWET.., -
PNONE 116 or 216 PHOIit 46
W ESTFTRLD, July T. -Mrs. L Bu-
chanan 1* alettlag with Mrs. Tlpliag•
of Wtugtta�. -r-" _ ___._
Mrs. Bradford, of Ooderlch, Is vi l*
Ing at the home of Mr. Geo. Snell
Mr. Arthur Harrison and Mr. Jai
11rrlaon, of Toronto, are botldaylmg
at the home of Mr. Fred J. Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. John Snell and family,
of Windsor, visited with Mr. Geo.
Snell and other friends last week.
Rev. W. and Mrs. McIntosh and tam-
tly, of London, were gamete on July 1st
at the home of Mr. aid Mrs. Marvin
Kr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell and
fumy attended the Zealand re-aaloa
at Grand Bead on Thursday.
Yr. Warren Bamford, who has bees
tteching at Nlplgoo the past year, re-
turned hers' last week and left on
U,,udo7 with 11s slater, Mee Elaine.
for hoodoo. where they will take the
teachers' ewer conree.
The senior scale quartette (Mr. Wm.
Mi Dowell, Kr. Alva McDowell, Mr.
Maitland Hoary aid Mr. J. L. McDow-
eUo sang at Tion church in the tows-
shlp of Aabfleld on Sunday, it belsg
the sixtieth annlveisary of tbeir
church. The geatlemea were accor
panid by their wives.
We are glad to report that Mr. Ken-
neth Campbell, wbo.haa been Gala
111 with blood poisoning. canoed !ry aa
int rtioa L fife foot, is improving, Vi
L staying at prassmt with Ida grand-
mother. Mrs. Barkley ;of Duapanon.
where Dr. Votes Ws been Is atten-
The farmers are busy haying. The
lias_Litt runinj. In Iii goal shape andr
a very good crop.
Mr. and Mrs. Worley Stackhouse
and Miss Era, of Br•aeebeid, Mr. and
Mrs.LDodda. of Brantford, and Miss
Ada Stackhon'e. of Blyth, were guests
on Sunday at the (tome of Mr. Wm.
Readferd Kewuisa—The Bradford
reunion was held at tl:c home of
George Snell. In East Wawanoah,
where some thirty -ore members of the
family jollied to celebrate the seven-
teenth Annual gathering. Irinoer was
served at noon and the afternoon was
spent 1n social chat aur' sports. Re-
presentatives were present from God -
'rich, Windsor, Dungannon and Weat-
Aeld.-s--Mobsrt r
of this Tomit a MPb of i. °cell
..,rile _ Pretstriat .-r
were of Irish decent, settled in Aahaeld,
M. Briiford passed away about thin
tyrflve years ago. Th.- next reunion
will he held In tbe same place.
Mwele lrassduatleas--Tbe following
are tbe tamer of the peals of Pro
tensor A. E. Cook who were success-
ful In passing the piano examination
at the Blyth local centre. The ex-
aminations were 1. charge of Mr. Ar.
thur Oliver, the well-known teweber of
piano at the Tor.into Co.ssryatory ad
Muds: (;rade II -Shirley Wallace,
Blyth (honors) ; Isabel McGill. Blyth
(honors). Grade IV -Arnold Cook,
Westfield (honor') ; Phyllis Cook,
Westfield (honors) ; Marion Mason.
Blyth (honors) ; Janet Hamm, Blyth
(honors) ;♦ Betty Aeon Ith. Auburn
(pass). Grade VI -Jack Mowbray,
Blnevale (honors). Grade VIII -VI -
ran Straughan, Auburn (honors);
Mary Laidlaw, Blyth (pass).
Silver Wedding Od ustlm.-Oa
Wednesday tart, 'at their summer cot`
i.Tityler of the United church, Rock -
tape at Port Alpert, Rev. W. and Mrs.
Tityler of the United church, Rock-
wood, Ont., celebrated the twentydith
anniversary of their wedding. Some
flirty -six relatives sad friends joined
them In marking the occasion. The
happy 'ouple were married at the home
M the hride, where R.iwln Taylor now
' lives in Esat Wawauoat,. Mrs. Tay-
Ilor was formerly Mary Taylor. The
bridesmaid of that time, Mrs. Albert
Walsh, the groomssae, Bert Taylor, and
the flower -girl. Mrs. Locale Cook, were
•Il at the anniversary dinner and the
bride wore her wedding gown of twen-
ty-five years ago. The Afternoon was
pleasantly spent at the lake, and •t
:. o'clock all gathererd le the 110151 -
room, where • most enjoyable diaper
was served. Rey. and Mrs. Taylor
have i family of three. Mrs.. Laverne
Pent!. . of Detroit. Marion and Kath -
Oen at home Present from this Mir
Diet were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor.
Mr -and Mr.. Alpert Welsh, Mr. sad
Mrs. F7wIn Taylor, Mr. and Mr*. Mel-
0,11.-,1:81ad6.atl:..+so-.lica.ol t-ft's,iteek
and Lho it families, end Mr. T. H. Tay-
' lor, Nt. and Mit. T. Taylor and Mrs.
Phoebe Taylor.
I •Iri1Tojf '3'u -ii A iiit`itatloa
for the lith[ go wef."--A, A. MUae.
Butt Family in
Annual Reunion
Nearly end hundred years ago Joseph
Butt left his home and the quiet 01
the Keigllah tumour at-DDorsetahlre
and set out with his wife and family
for Cauada, the little-known laud of
promise. It was a long trip tor the
Ii tiny ship, and the youag wife died.
being usable-.-wi*Sataad It: t'oto n.4
ut the month -lung vot age.
Mr. Butt and his family* landed
safely and came island to settle in
the Maitland block of Hallett towu-
ship, where he farmed contentedly and
with some caress for man) years.
His youngest sun, Stephen, was a fa-
vorite with an. and on his -nighty,..
wound blrthdac, ou July 2, ltr20, the
whole family gathered for a reunion.
Thus began the Butt family reunion,
and un Saturday last the sixteenth re-
union was he'd at Harbor Park. More
than seventy persons were present
from Trenton. Detroit ani Grua.e lie,
Mich., Hamilton, Tomato, Wellesley,
•T. zy:! itra
and Goderieb-.-stirs.;... '
Matter 'at . vailrb4_ >n the pavilion,
and during the afternoon a program
of games and races was coaducted by
Mrs. E. J. Crich, of Clinton. Com-
munity singing. led by Mr. Wm. Pal-
, mer and daughters Rohe and'Adelise,
of Hamilton, was enjoyed before the
evening meaL
In the absence of the chairman,
Thos. W. Butt, of Klppen, the reunion
was In charge of Mr. R. H. Mew, of
Gudertch, aadsted by Mrs. Wa. Fleh-
er, of Godertcb.
Among those present were Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. Mew, of Ooderlch ; Mr. and
Mrs. J. I. Ball, of Clinton; Mr. asd
Mrs. Norma Habklrk, of Trenton.
Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ball, of
Grosse Ile. Mich.; Mrs. Samuel Allln,
of Goderich ; Mrs. NeU McKinnon, of
Ooderlch; Mrs'. Wm. lusher, of God-
ertch ; Wm. H. Mew, of Goderlch ; Mr.
and Mrs. Leslie Ball and fatally, of
Londesboro; Tom Gray and Miss
Mable Brownlee, of Ooderleb ; Mr. and
Mrs. Amos Bali and fatally, of Au-
burn; Mrs. Margaret We.tcott, of
Wellesley ; J 8. Llchly, of Wel-
lesley; Mr. and Mrs. B. Westcott, Fred
E. Westcott, John L W i eott and
Mrs. J. T. Weetcott, all of Hamilton;
Mrs. W. Vodden and fatally, of Lon-
deshoro ; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shob-
brook, of Auburn; Mr. and Yrs. I. G.
(Mohingv, of Clinton; Mrs. D. Wright,
of Londesbere ; Mrs. Ma Crich, of
Canton; Mrs Haaaab Taylor. of Rea -
sail L B. Pbllllpe, of Hamilton;
Awry Phllllps, of Toronto; Wm. Pal-
mer, Rosie Palmer. Adeline Palmer.
111. Adam and Mrs. Vic Boyce amd
tastily, all of Hamilton ; Mr. and Mrs.
H. Btanbury, of Clinton; Jas. 8. Pa-
Way. of Howell; 'Mr. sat Mrs. L ilk
Altia and Gladys, of GoderIch : Nora
B. Petty, of Heenan ; Florence L Pet-
ty. of Heusall; Warren Glbbinp sad
Percy Olbblugt:, of Ciliates.
It was decided the picnic should be
held at Harbor Park asxtjear_m the
drat- -Sate rda Js4t. -
The committee for MOT was ap
poteftd as follows: Thee. Butt. of
Klppea, prealdemt ; Amos Ball, of Au-
burn, treasurer, and R. H. Mew, of
Goderlch; *porta committee. Bert
Westcott, of Hamilton, and Jas. 8.
Petty, of Ha all,
BENiMILL , July T. -Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Long, of Lethbridge, Mta.,
were recent visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. t.tng. It 1s thirty-
one years since they were Dere before.
Mr. Win. McLarty, of Round Hill,
e rirsr i sect
Mr. sad Mrs. J-.R.,loag, _ -
r. and Mrs. Ken. Bowden bare re-
turned to their home, at Long Brandi
after spending their holiday: with the
GLtter's ta, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Mrs. ure and Miss L WH -
visited of inal, visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Moore
for a few days last week. They re -
tensed to Montreal on Snoday accom-
panied by Miss Lorna Moore, who is
spending her holidays -Mare.
Mr. Beeson tlltranghaa and Was
Helen Stranghan have returned to To-
ronto and Kitebener respectively after
holidaying with their permits here,
Mr. Roes Ptrtmnaer bad the misfor-
tune to dislocate bis shoulder while
playing hall on Monday evening.
ASH YIELD. July T. -Mrs. Norman
Patterson, of Montreal, L visiting with
her mother, Mrs. Robert Drennan.
Mr. and Mrs. L D. Horton, pf To-
ronto, spent the week -end with Mrs.
Robert Drennan.
Mls. Jean MacGregor la attending
summer school In Toronto and Tata.
Margret Macgeosie is at summer
school at Midland.
MIs. Donald. Mar0r'gor retorncd
to Duluth on Saturday after visiting
at the home of her uncle, Mr. Juba
Mr. and Mrs. David MacDill, of
Winghas, called on their Ashaeld
friends one day lest week.
Mrs. Khmer West and children. of
Port Colborne, are visiting at the
home of Mrs. Jas. West.
*les Marjorie Blesett underwent as
operation for appendieltii In Kincar-
dine boepital on Monday. We hope
for a speedy recovery.
Mr. end Mrs. Prank Origin and
ehildren, of Detroit, opera the week-
end with her mother, Mrs. JNA John-
Word hos bees re elvell here of the
tit 43i1sio.t+ ad -fEo,"tliostae-Waj"
ker. The funeral 16 to bg Mil teddy
(Tneedey) from the home of his sis-
1rter, Mien Relay Walter. At+aberley, with
Interment in Oreeahtll etmetery, Lack -
sow. Our seers..y*spathy le outmoded
to a1l.
Sunday Afternoon
Ooderich, Ontario
Stlil on the homeward Journey
Across the desert pain,
Beside another lendmare
We pilgrims meet .sato:
We moot in cloud and suuahlae
Beneath a tbangeful sky,
With calm and storm before us,
As In the drys gone by.
-.lane Borthwkt,
bd.ewaw. %stir, .ys 1Ibd, Toe is l �t �Mes9�at r
Els o.r+.'� �,td r .t iM it.a'.'a" swaM�« w.
• • •
Grant, our father, that the devout•
of the early Olrbtlana to one another
may teach as more and more to look
upon the needsof others rather than
to our own seldsh interests. Ames,
• • •
S. b. LESSON FOR JULY 19; 1931
!mamas Tspie--$seloi Service let tYe
Early March.
Leven Passage --Acts 4:32-33, 2 (Jur.
Golden Text -Adm 21:31.
The cutamanity of goods and its rs
salt, .:nim our attention in the Ant
part of today's �l-esnooaa�.• -The gift of
saa USW -earliest
Christie', commanla7a Vera the
special leatutes of Jerusalem CbrL-
tianity. The gift of tongues we And
also at Careers' on the first convey
Ston of the (kettles, at Ephesus and
at Corinth. It then disappeared. The
community of goods was tried at Jeru-
..slem. It listed but a .hurt
and then Laded from the ordinary c.
rice of the Obrtstlan Church.
The first C\r)•tlau Pentecost and the
da. s succeeding 0 were a period of
amuse raiigleee sacitement. Their
brotherhood and their bullet that
Chrbt s second coming was near at
hand naturally led to the community
of good.. The Master had poised in-
to the in% Bible world wheoce He would
shortly reapp,ar. Why should they
not thee, as brethren in Christ. have
one common puree, and spend the
whole time in waiting and watching
for the return of the one they loved
so well?
"The Church at Jerusalem, as fife
apoetoilc history shows us. reaped the
natural restut of this false step. By
adopting the principles of communism,
they lest hold of that principle of In-
dividual 111e aid exertion which lies ,
at the very root of all cirUleatlos and
all ldvaocwment, and they fell, as the
natural remit. Into the direst poverty
There was tee reason in the natant of
lta compositloa why the Jerusalem
Church should have been more pavers
ty-stricken Ms■ the chorcbee et
Dgbasast Philippi or Corlath. glares
and very humble folk made up cls
membership of these churches. At
Jerusalem a greet company of tae
priests because obedient to lb* faith.
and they were, aa a class, la stay
circumstances. There was nothing to
make the Mother Church of Cbrhaes-
dom that peeper community we flat 1t'
to have beim W through St. mart
miniatry, save the ooe Initial .Make.
which doebti es the Church 'seabed -
ties found It eery bard afterwards to
correct; for when men get tato the
bit of epos alms it is seep -
difficult to restore the habits of heal-
thy Independence." -(Rte. G. T.
2 Cerlmttians I:1 -8. --In this pa's -
age we have set forth by St. Paul the
grace of liberality.
The effects from the lost of individ-
ual efforts consequent upon the intro-
ducUoa'of the common purse was rtft
evident In the poverty-strlckea Mother
Church sod this condltl,,n appealed
We for yolk who began • year ago,
aot only to do, but also to will. But
now complete the doing also."
Those who Slee isAhe pour Are ea,
operating with Ord, and the more a
community L Christlanlaed the more
will that state be reell•ed In which
each. La what he needs.
• • •
Faaslae Raltrof in Pleaded Areas
instead of giving free relief as was
otter done lo former years, several
n ew methods are being tried. The
purpose L to prevent psupertaing those
and tro larth•r -
so 'pr 'ts•
la the autumn. sod wheat bass
were given t0 enable as many as pm -
B ible to sow their land when the water
receded or dried up. 1M farmers tufa
helped will bare tbelr own food agate
at the time of spring harvest, and be
able to repay their seed loan. for
the famine sufferers In winter, indur
trial co-operatives were organised and
each,omember received a small loge,
his land being security for the loan.
strongly to St. Paul and la Ulla pass-
age from Cotlnthlans we have hts
stirring appeal to the churcvoesth be !tad
oaglsed In Corinth. He made a
mualtles wb
similar appeal to all the Gentile com-
ere he had ministered
asiletm to a t
11a* the fof -er�
jest u taken up by St. Pall In the
seventh and elgkth chapters: Money,
1s usually a etellcatt topic to handle
In the Church, and we may count our-
selves happy 11 having two chapters
from the pen. of SL Pani 1a which he
treats at large of a collection. We
see the mind of Christ applied In them
to a subject which is always with us,
and sometlmett embarrassing; and if
there are traces here and there that
embarrassment was felt even by the
Apostle, they only show more clearly
the wonderful wealth of thought and
feeling whleb he could bring to bear
an an ungrateful theme. "Money,"
as such, has no character, and so be
never mentions it. But be calls the
thing winch be wants • grace, a ser
vire, a communion In aereke, • muni-
flren_e, a blessing, • manifestation of
love. It Is as though be said to the
Corinthians: "You have made me
rery happy, and now I must tell you
what • happy experience I have had Macedonia. acedonia. The grace of God has
been poured out on the ebarcbe•t .ad
they have given with Incredible liber-
ality to the c)llectlon for the Jewish
poor. It so moved me that 1 begged
Titus, who had already made some
arrangements In connection with this
matter among yon, to return and com-
plete the work."
Not only did be represent to the
Corinthians the example of other
charchee as a reason why they should
help the Jerusalem church. but he cited
ChristenChrin giving of Himself as a mo-
tive to lIbera'Ity. He became poor
for our oaken, and by His poverty we
became rich. He Is the greet pat-
tern for even such a simple human
thing as a charitable gift. m
Paul Alen urges his plea In the In-
terest of the Corinthians theaelvese.
He is not commanding. but giving his
judgment:, "This," he says, "1s profit -
Dr. Chasls Ointment
ablrbwlisd.-refuges% became ca
iters, berme WS or carters who
transported coat, grain and various
commodities and resold on suitable
markets at a profit. Women became
gnat makers, weavers, spinners, sack
makers and ensued In all surto of
[tome and village industry. Gradual-
ly temporary shelters were altered to
more sabtaatial and comfortable pro
tacilon from the cold.
The Iateriatioaal roWno Beliefm
Cowlslon contributed 12,000 to be
used for co-operative, In the Hwal-
king sres. Loans to these co-opera-
tives are usually to be repaid In three
Installments after three harveeta.
Those receiving sack help often ars
not only able to repay [Mar loans, but
Aad themealves set up L a new and
better way of livelihood. for ex-
ample -a small ferry co-operative was membersformed. The embers constructed
beta' lad plied the Chis river. At
As s ea/of three monthe thirty per cent.
of their loan wap repaid. In lean
than a year they will be able to repay
all their loan and thea own their
boats fur a means itt livelihood. With-
out the cu-operttive method. [Honey is
difficult to borrow; three to Ave per
cent. Interest per mouth le the usual
N'ith the help of modern engineer-
ing, projects such as draining to pre-
vent flood, awl irrigation In time of
r�l rigaliditertiat=, AIM*"
9a[frers aa;=leen se as -t
*ideation labor tdy such undertakings.
Boothia Hwotand other places, the
Goverent [bowed forethought by
collecting stores of 'millet, this Us
been made evallable for relief, the
same to be returned In kind later when
the millet harvest conies around.-
Prom The Hunan Quarterly.
(iatended for last weak)
Preseatatlss.--ion Thursday atter-
moot, the ladles of the 'community
Pitied with the children l expeeming
their gratitude toM
their teacher, as
Anne Macouald, for Ivo years of
e•lent and courteous service. As
addreas was read by Miss Aileen
Henderson in behalf of the pupae
presumeand Miss MacDonald was prest
a sinter table centre aoed
with moss roses, hetlotrope and for-
get -ate -sot. anala celery tray. Mlle
MacDonald expressed her appreciation
• very effective maser. AU
joined In singing 'Tor Ness a Jlalty
Good Tellow." The Witte served •
dainty hack and a sociable hour was
NEW LOW Summer Fares
ENJOY a dffensnd vacation this year. Spw ed your summer Its&
days iso Western Canada. Tab y
advaa•. d rams!
the new. r a/
weer fuss as visit tic Prairie Pruvi famous vocation ws•rts
a the Canadian Rockies: and Canada's Emmons Pinnpla�J on
dr P• lc Coast .. . all outdoor .ports.
M 1 -s.' . c . ore[: .,sitiaf fr ostsl iced"- -,,,, ren.
WbyWorry, Ask YourDruggisl! �
If It's A Spada! Prlesd Article He Will Tell Too
Thom are the prices for Week of July 10th to 17th, iaolast've
The safe anti-
s e p t i e for sore
throat. after shav-
ing. personal hy-
lien andrevea-
tion of infection.
25c, 49c, 98c
ANT SUGAR....1 ea. Hie
i far $1.M
2k 3k lb
61o. $1.111
4 ozs. 35c
1.1b. Tia 39e
mat 2!e ,
Peg.eieut Troth
ammo me
FACS -Bill 13e
25e, Me
is., No
Rag. 3M for 29r
2 ()Stam 25.
1 JRD(ia AT Dltltai'1'0LL1,.—, .�.-
Dunlop's Campbell's Lauder's Wigle's
Drwpasv• Drugstore Drool's'"