The Signal, 1936-7-9, Page 4Staffa Comes from HOW ><;IiEY STAID Maitland League Behind to Win 'Lost `*8 Aubu-u ..................__..... x 1 lti Luck,low ..r.... tt II 12 Whit.r•burcb »................... ti i 12 Goderich Beaten after Taking Blyth ...... z 10 Early Lead in Friday's Ca►borne .. ».._.» , ik 7 4 Game . Helen" w....:�1 0 2 DStuugannoLLa»..0 8 0 After whipping Stafta 5-1 halfway through a scheduled lluron.Perth game at Skaffa ou E'rWry AUBURN, July 7. -Mr. and Mrs. liatilist...tu../.04. titch Wart the five lnalap Manua Gariatp1 .Jwaa giver, Matti- AUBURN, ft.z - ----� - fobs, motored to the home of hie air I ur+te aeeeuu'ed Vet • J. C. Stoltz, last week 131x71111 _:tyd tn9 left oa Sunday to visit other reliutaa for Guderich's two lilt: off Deport, at Hamilton and Woodstock, itrs. J, and '•ix errors for Stara did U'.t rest. C. Stows accompuuy.ng them. Worth;. Fiulaysou said Duquette scored Mr. 8. Breckt° and Mr. J. Brachia, in the first *galling.. Woideu, acid AVM.- of Toronto, were guests of Mrs. J. D. thy was scored In the se•ond by }'in- Howa't over the week -end. L )suv'21 double. We:,u brought In' Badu Ladies' Aid. -The regular 1 Go(tertch's fifth run In the third, but mouthly meeting of the Baptist Ladles; 1 the score was tied when Stairs %cut Aid w•sa held July 2nd et Mrs. lmmer to bat in the lava of the third. Font Robertroa•s, with twenty-one present hits, Including a double by Harmer, Mrs. Webster read the 00th Psalm. with au error by Weis'. ..n Darling's Prayer was offered by several sad ,+sive, actuuntel for the r�am. _ secerrl hymns sung. The key word '4 .-�S�.torit'! wee hence•': -'''"r M.ra` .,,w_ rail •.snES-iae411.1 e,Dt bo -to D� T 'n+id B sines tOmall ibj the fourth and fifth, and tetra went I pn'lw y to bat in the last of the afth with the Mrs. Phillips was "Joy.•' The pro- seore tied at -5. Seveiiteen-yeur-ald,gram comalstd of readings Dy Mrs Drake walked and, atesang like a Gleno Ralthby, "WLen the Road Is _astenan, crossed the plate as Welsh, j Yard Ile 1. Near;" by Mrs. Watper, who reptile 'r itzlry. w -as bu-y re- j Mrs ] -always Standhby, Up f„Telr heJesus,'""and thing the side by striking out Darling. liarboar and l' elate. I by Mrs. Webster. "Tice Sunday School 1M score: a 11 E Picnic." Atter all singita "Joy to the G.rieh i 1 1 0 a s 2 ': World, the Lord 1s Came." Shirley and Stasixls 1 0 4 0 1 -ti 0 Ewmn Robertson eavg. by request. (te.lerl.•h-yVorehr•__1-D.-,.- Finlayson, "Little Feet. Be Care1lel Where Yon c. Duquette, u. astas. it Me ,.-----M+M Al C. Robilia 2b, (p. 4tb1; Fritaaq, p. (2b. 400;; ton closed %ith Water. A ten -emit Lumby. lb.; Murdock. 1 f.; Robinson., tea was Wen served and a short so - :: At. aid at I m sprat together. Stafa-Warden, c.; Leppard. 0. ; r" ' Harmer, ib. Calhoun. 2b.; Harburn, 3b..; Drake, /.f.: Darling. c.f.; Barbour, 1.f.;•Keisuke, 1.5. KINGPIi►tIICE, Jany S. -Ree.' M. J. Pmplrlttr-Bart and Mirth, of ilea- Dalton. of Windsor. is spending a f.trtb. s • • couple of weeks' Iwll.ays at his honks 4 --Thursday, Jaly Otht, 198$ M i ►i Cool Clothes! -t SMART SUITS FOR SUMMER in light grey tweeds and flannel sport $15.00 and $18.50 ttlo(it•lk, at .,. WHITE AND GREY FLANNEL PANTS $5.00 to $6.00 White and white with black stripe, at $2.00 MetL5 fishings fQ. -U ys _ poRerryrs SPORT SHIRTS AND -YYJAMAS:H tMH- WAY iiNDERWEAR, SPORT BELTS, HOSIERY, ete. t W. C. Pridham & Son Phone 57 The Square Goderich :: In the Realmof Sport :: AUBURN Crippled Teani Beats Zurich 11-2 Marney and Are Still Great Ball Players LAWN BOWLING - Tbare was only was Moe at the bowlers' local tourney on Monday evening. The wluners were M. Alam lie suet W. Abell. Jas. MacVicar and T McDermott won drat prise st the howl txwwling tourney loot night: W. J. Powell Old E. L. i►e*n sr.•ottt�. VICTORIANS 35-41. MAUI' 0 The worst defeat et the year was bandit!, the tloderlch Salt team In the Church Softball League when they were defeated 35•U by the Victorians tart night. The whiners, leading 11-0 at the end of the fourth, scored 18 BarlowShow They runs In the fifth and gave their weaker opponerttr no chewer at all to save themselves from a whitewashing. The score: Victorian ....2 7 1 1 18 2 1 8 0--85 Pitting a crippled agaln.4 G. Bali 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 on Moods night, Godert" i l - resin Zurich fele y staged the biggest wtrprise victory 'if the league season by winning 11-2 lei lour and fine-balf innings game at Garden Party and CARNIVAL _ Q ?_-THE ()ROUNDS OF ST. GEORGE'S RECT(1RY- Thursday, July 23rd TEA 36 °anti -from 5 p.m. to 6 pas._ r _- - FANCY STALL, FISII .POND, FLOWERS, CANDY DRAW FOR LORIE WATCH AND OTHER PRIZES Hope Chest, Wheels of Fortune, Keno, Fortune Telling - and other-Affraetaons. Wif KINGSBRIDGE S11uday, Judy 12, Is Oa closing date fur,th•• quallfyimg roaod for the Lloyd tropay at the Maitland Golf Club. The iow' sixteen players will qualify fur match lrlay. bore The game was fate --4a starting OW' hag to dimmculthes experieuced by God - Mat :n Seeding a taam..Lut It finally got !tatter way with the veteran Btu Barlow ou first, Marney catching. a crippled Phelan In right field and Wortby on third base. . The last-named. eecuatomed to abs north-west aide of the diamond instead of the 'south-east, let the first two balls coati's hit wa;-tu.bt. putting Garbo and (teach on baser. Welsh struck out Ted Nlade's long drive a er a beautiful run In left field and Welsh crawled out of a bole by -.taking out (van Yungblut. Worthy fostered a breath of !tope fur the to ols when he smeared Heide - man's delhery for a two -bagger with a deed eeutre-field drhr. Duquette lined one at first for tar put-out and Fritsley seng!.d to left hell. scoring Worthy. W, -I -h plastered one 10 11.e track la right field for a d.othle. scor- ing Frltaley, but Morse) and Semi. tut -out third -to Arut. Marl Yungbdrove a b Phelart to right arid, but. basdathieappefiyd Ily a tightly-tapelutd gait In hla leg, theto Sender didn't bang oc to it owl_ Knot_ blot wade two hares as the error. O'Brien was tossed out, W.h8 $s.Ba- low, Sul Yongbilakilisat tet pitch bas . BNRhe walked, nabs ,trsek eat and gasoiu singled t0 right elrld, aoorlagj. Schlilts tleacb struck cat. Mra•M. J. Bowler. of Goderich. and With the score tial 3.2 Bhs+mtlr; l Mrs. John Kenny and miss K. Kenny, 1 was sate ut first on a wild pitch .o of Det:olt, visited at Mr. Jas. J. Bow -'the kat ball of the second. -but he was let's no Saturday.called out for ramtirade ade on his. Mr. and Mrs. Frank teddy, of Sit. way 'u third when Barlow poked a AT SEAY(RTH TOI'RNEY A Goderich rink was third In an Invitation twilight doubles bowling tournelifBFeafortb on Mionday night. re-Harst.ei$1f..baw.teca. aara-pretat from Stratford, New Hamburg, 1111- tertoe. Lucknow, Wingham, Goderfeb and $eafortb. The event was won by J. Hieattie and M. Rennie of Seatortb, and home rinks were second and fourth. with Albert Taylor and Bert Sanderson, of Goderich, In third place. "How many reasons are there' Naked the trochee of the factory worker's daughter. "Just two." au•wereil Rachel. am ntheli •til!'atitsj; 4s.a algid iustruetor. "Illsek and busy." replied Rachel. Atsgasttus. spent Sunday at 11. J. liner through ebortaiop. Worthy B.AE('HLEWS IS .J'ORF�TER8 13 O'Connor'.. Itueo•hl•r'• team IM the church soft- The week -end and 4th of July vlsit- ball league pot away the Forester in on to Kingsbridge friends Included a fast game at Victoria Park on Fri- lira. 11arap (Grimm and. MIM Trances struck out and Dugnettc was safe on au error by Heideman. It remain.vl for Y itzle) to smash a clean drive - past Prang in left fiel.i to store two, day itat, taking the saute So-i:t. For M.di:lunon, Parkhill: Meaarw Joe T. runs ou his double. Welsh was totwerl oilers started id well to thy first, Sullivan. Nick Perry. Wilfred O'Lougb- out at first. • uotehing four rima and holding Beech- � Mir. and Met. Stetter and family, Witb two out and no one on bare la I lee's eco.. ..., hot (bey cracked in Ute Mr and Mei. Ktlliam and daughter, the first of this tkird abs two Uoder- r_ 11111 11 SF:1011'F: Wit[. L. FEAGAN lime ( 112 49 %r•4 Street i TAXI LADIES! INDIVIDUAL Permanent Waves Regular $7.50, for $8.00 on a new Helene Curtis Machine OTHER WAVES AT K50 ' AND $300 Betty's Beauty Slioppe 64 Elgin Ave., E. Phone 340 Illie la11110•1111.. GASTRO NOX 'A(M Sold at c*.PB LI.'8 DRUG MOSS TAXI I'rIQuilt, courteous rurvlce. lb•aa,uable rates. OLA' TON EDWARD Moe Street oe sli. Monuments To those contemplating erecting a Monument:- GET ins PRIORS BIPORB ' -- - EUYINO Cemetery Lettering a Speciality -All Work Guaranteed- CliatMdi Medic aad Gnats Wer�. k, eh ified000asner tO Ba Use The Signal's Cla's'sColumns A ]IIOJ ._...., S >t? T Or Deck and Verandah Chairs ALIO GUMS--s- BE COMFORTABLE THESE HOT i).�1 J. R. Wheeler uwt ral !)irerto a and Furniture leader Hamilton Street. Geiericl Pil(►Nl t4' Store 't.1:. Re- 1.'115 1' second a� Bee. ilei s scorned to avBS -pr Dessela i ick, veterans 411 . tate diamond putted t. -_- inaIb -Thetetfter• ge'tthtg'r -61' mils Mary Clare) 'v fillher brothersRag that apparmtty Wien never - die. ! nine it. the a -bDevon ond th. ClauJe and m. of Wallae•eberl. - Welsh was feeding lvaa Yuncbhtt an The score:, spending holiday- at the home of assortment when Umpire Muir calla Foresters 4 0 0 0 2 8 2 2 0-12 their grandfather. Morgan Dalton. a fourth ball "Whatr' yelk•d Mor- Raecbier's ..a0 4 5 1 0 2 1 9 x- h I Mts. Irene iatm r•rt.ia se having my, hurling the bill to Barlow at looe holidays with bee'- famlly In first and whirling to We the umpire. PRESMIT RIANS 18-B.4?TI !s is Watkertmoa. The decision stool, alfao°tb It war The Ilaptists met their first defeat I .Mn STe8 Perry with her son and ■ close (toe and the verbal bottle. in la tlfe churck Time d,Wtytr r. ohne ro t. r. .'pending the wharf aft- jotoed:--was--u- aa•1-- ane. day last. when they were overwhelmed jsummer at Mr. Thos. Drennan':. i Welso backed up to Isla tom, luagbiut 18-2 by the Presbyterians. 4'ie Prewhy- Ma'terr Maurice nod Jark Sullivan. I ted off the bare and Bsitlow tagged hl n, terlans started off strongly ami had the I of I)(•troit are on a month's holiday retfrlug the side with the hidden ball i re.prl4u »14 at .the end of the thir'm& i Lthei dm10., Mr, trick. 11121111K---Tfre-Tosers ar-ne tine wereand Mr,.. P. M.- Suttteaa. la 49-1-. a threat at bat, and facie fielding Ir/141Misses Kona and Manse Whitely. of locals. for they scored slv runs in I weak. whereas the Presbyterians had Ooderich. were vbltora with their the last of the third. ,.0 three bits, a regular slog -test and their fielding cousin, Miss Fns(r+' Dalton. for the three errors and a wait. Circ let was practically Weigle.. last week. Isle men at hat scored. Duquette wv. wore: ore : A few from here at&nded the sur -1 left on third and Fe itz:.•y, Welch and f'r.wbyterfan. 2 3 S 0'19..,3 4 4--48 prime and presentation last night! Murn-y were retired. 1-:3. Baptlsta ......0 0 0 4 1-0 '1 G 0- R which was gives in boom of Mr. and I Mu:eey suffered 5 nasty cut 41 tbu Mrs i'rank Leddy et K. Augustine. opening of tib. fourth. He dropped Cool Cotton Frocks V for Hot Weather Dainty Voiles in-Iight.and dark .shades. Smartly made in styles for Miss or Matron. Sizes 14 to 48. Reasonably Priced- 51.49 to 52.49 Striped Cottons Arrow Shirts Tailored styles in high shades. Orchid. Sport Shirts in dark tones. New ser - $I.95ehandise, smartly styled. Colors, hlnck. 1 hurRunlly HMI navy blue. $1.95 green. yellow and blue Women's Chiffons New Ties DAINTY. COOL DRESSES! Light and dark grounds with small doral designs, shades burgundy. navy and brown. Sizes 38 to • 4. Special .... Q6 Redingotes SE -OUTS OF WOMEN'S SUITS! Igured Crepe Dresses with matching l M-.. `*$s1t tra>� ie Regular $16.95. Rale `7.95 Light shad, In lin ids 81111 1►nta. A large rang of patterns. EA(9I 50c Boys 9 Wash Suits Linen*, broa/lrlotha and 'r"l4Tithrt,y rea(li• - iiom1 rrition of Rises 2 to 8. Prier(' CORNFIELD cottof4V colors 59c t° $1.75 "Shoo_ dere you are Invited to shop" Phone 418 ems; • The firebug seems to have a parte- j the ball on a third strike and wdt solar 'desire to light on some places. to tau Earl Yongblut, who unknow - One morning last reek the remainder I ingly was walking to the bench, swing - of a ''est -year bay Mack at the end of 1 Ing hi- tat, which -•augbt Murrey la O'Connor'm barn quite my,teripssly I the face, splitting bio Mole and tore - broke cut In [lames. Had It not been head. Atter getting brat gid" ne for the quick response and energetic continued with the aamr and fieri. b movement of willing nelgbbora the was retired In short order. barn and content, rode' have been Phelan war on with a ataltese wild destroyed. pitch to first by Il'ideeuda at the open - Ing of the last 01 the foortipnd Mnr- dock, running for him, socia three bases.to wore before the *4'aittis was over. The wore: - RH K Zuric't ... 0 2 0 0 0-- 2 4 8 Goderich ...... 2 2 6 3 s-11 h 2 Zurich- e;,rschu. 1h.: Oeeth, 3b.; Heide.naI, p.; Stade. as,; Ivan Tans - Dint. c.f. ; Bart' Ymnrhtat; •e. " O'ttrten. 2k,.; lichllbe, r.f.; Praa`, Lt. Goderich-Worthy. 38.; ihtquett". LA; Fritaley, 2k,.: Weir, p.; Marney, e.: Phrlaa,-ri; Murdtlfik. 1.t.; Bloom field, '.f. ; Bartow. lh. Umpirtea-Muir and Hart, Seafortn. ~CARLOW CAit1AYW, July R. --Many of the chlhl-,•u In No. 3 to :too: section are nick with the measles. A bad way to ile;ln the holidays. The dry weather still continues and the hay iv going into the baron In fins condition. } - Rev. W. P. Lane will preach nest Sunday afternoon, Rev. (iso. Wine bring in charge of the boys' camp for two week.. • Mrs. W. H. Reed and • Ruth, Mots F'loreal a Peterson and Jack Weir ' Islh d in iltrathroy en !unsay. and Josephine Weir, who bas spent a week with ber aunts. the Masses Wdr, re- turned home with them. Mr. and - Mrs. W... Addison, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Addison. Grace sad Alex. Addison, of Londesboe0. spent Sunday --- with Mr. and Mrs. bawls/ Bean. Phyl- Bishop Seager Sees a Revival of lis Bean. who visited Ser graladPor- Paganism in Pent ,'1114 for two weeks, returned with ga t hem. Practices Address by Returned missionary, - The service In the i'nited church on tundsy fl 94 in chaste or the W. M. HOOP' y. Miss IC Clark. president, provided. Miss Chalon of Stratford, who ha•• been a ml•,.ionary in India, near Calcutta. under the Baptist coi,gr�tlon at Holy Trinity church. church, Rare in Interratfrtat address t(ebringalfe. The ceremony marked on the work there and rinsed with an the alrie(eth ar.nlversary of the church earned appeal to tit*? young people 1n this rind who have so much to make and alae fiftieth anniversary of the theli lives tell for Jena, even though present chorea' ti'` d Indlvtdnallam g. m they Lave to softer so tie in in- , Bishop lteage dim do who take Christ for their MA-- , In rellxion or p nR soiele l and the rlSab- ter. Mr*. titerv.i James Hamilton al- bat lay for ding iso gave a Short talk and told hew Tlik'.(5 ant em:eller foe deor'.2.4 fa- W.M.R originated. Rev. Dr Alexin- Jlvidneifsm in religion as anti -Christ der I►nft, a Nrottiah missionary to In- and stated • today --not liio^f paganism was dia• visited in Canada and spoke 10 in progress Montreal, when two ycnng women many hat In Huron Dimes.. heard him and decided to commend* IIP declared that to many people their lives to work it that field. The life was only what they could get Ant women In 'Toronto, HAmII'on ant otber of It ad that for many C ritla ill y elsrits y 'Mitres organised slaty years ago and wonly seat these two young woven and many God. That. he maintained, was the -y f4 tp nA people are on the lit In, anlomobiTri fi'lif•4 Denounces Sunday Golf and Motoring Stratford, July 3. --Sunday golf play- ing mel ear r'ling came under Ore to- day when Bt. Rev• Charles A. Seeger, 111.1.4 of flu -on, addreseel a large ;• 1ef'wttli,i' ' dewed. o n ' • RAISE HUSKY BOYS AaD WROLE801Q GIRLS ON MILK -MADE BREAD HEALT YUI.r•APPETIZING-NUTRITIOUS MADE IN tit'R OWN ILAKF.SIiOP TRS (8 !'OR CAKES AND PASTRIES E. U. CLEVELAND WEST STREET PHONE 114 1a SELLING OUT OUR ENTIRE STOCK of TOOTWEAR,.ETC. -- EXTRA SPECIAL THIS WEEK ! - Wuwrds White Ties. Pumps and Sandals. Prices 28c to $QAQ range from. per pair (.� J iv Weaseo'a. Meas, Boys' and (:irk,' Apart Shoes sad `flag Sher all pried is clear. Special for Friday, Saturday and Monday White Cleaaent. ZQa. Resider 25e. Sale price 2 for Wt�� TAKE ADVANTAGE OE THE BIG SAVINGS AT - W. Hern's Shoe Store Phone 43w Goderich -BURIED TREASURE IN nrnc OR JEWEL BOX Look through your Trunk in the Attie, then through your .newel or Trinket Box, yon are sere to get a fig surprise at the number of valuable articles you will discover: Bring them here Inuit wash, hive them valued, end receive the NEW HIGH -'PRICK either • in SPOT CASH or MERCHANDISE, for any article in GOLD, SiLVER or PLATINUM. We pay a premium on Gold Coins, over free valve. FREE -We will test and value anything you wish to bring absolutely free. Buying and testing will be in eharge of au ex- pert working under a Government Lieenpe and all Orecions metals eolleeted are shipped to the ROYAL MINT at Ottawa, Out. Next Week Is Old Gold Week AT- E. C. ROBERTSON'S JP;WH:1d 1, R, OODERICH, ONT. .... _._ ..� .ttolsrp�s r►Al, n, hhh r ,r. Bay Coai Now ! LOWEST SUMMER PRICES FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE EMPIRE POCAHONTAS SENNET SOLVAY COKE 5000 EXTRA VOTE` ON EVERY DOLLAR FOR YOUR t . FAVORITE CONTESTANT I'SE COMMUNITY CREDIT CARDS - -- _____ The Dean Coal Company PHONE 95W GODERICH Wif KINGSBRIDGE S11uday, Judy 12, Is Oa closing date fur,th•• quallfyimg roaod for the Lloyd tropay at the Maitland Golf Club. The iow' sixteen players will qualify fur match lrlay. bore The game was fate --4a starting OW' hag to dimmculthes experieuced by God - Mat :n Seeding a taam..Lut It finally got !tatter way with the veteran Btu Barlow ou first, Marney catching. a crippled Phelan In right field and Wortby on third base. . The last-named. eecuatomed to abs north-west aide of the diamond instead of the 'south-east, let the first two balls coati's hit wa;-tu.bt. putting Garbo and (teach on baser. Welsh struck out Ted Nlade's long drive a er a beautiful run In left field and Welsh crawled out of a bole by -.taking out (van Yungblut. Worthy fostered a breath of !tope fur the to ols when he smeared Heide - man's delhery for a two -bagger with a deed eeutre-field drhr. Duquette lined one at first for tar put-out and Fritsley seng!.d to left hell. scoring Worthy. W, -I -h plastered one 10 11.e track la right field for a d.othle. scor- ing Frltaley, but Morse) and Semi. tut -out third -to Arut. Marl Yungbdrove a b Phelart to right arid, but. basdathieappefiyd Ily a tightly-tapelutd gait In hla leg, theto Sender didn't bang oc to it owl_ Knot_ blot wade two hares as the error. O'Brien was tossed out, W.h8 $s.Ba- low, Sul Yongbilakilisat tet pitch bas . BNRhe walked, nabs ,trsek eat and gasoiu singled t0 right elrld, aoorlagj. Schlilts tleacb struck cat. Mra•M. J. Bowler. of Goderich. and With the score tial 3.2 Bhs+mtlr; l Mrs. John Kenny and miss K. Kenny, 1 was sate ut first on a wild pitch .o of Det:olt, visited at Mr. Jas. J. Bow -'the kat ball of the second. -but he was let's no Saturday.called out for ramtirade ade on his. Mr. and Mrs. Frank teddy, of Sit. way 'u third when Barlow poked a AT SEAY(RTH TOI'RNEY A Goderich rink was third In an Invitation twilight doubles bowling tournelifBFeafortb on Mionday night. re-Harst.ei$1f..baw.teca. aara-pretat from Stratford, New Hamburg, 1111- tertoe. Lucknow, Wingham, Goderfeb and $eafortb. The event was won by J. Hieattie and M. Rennie of Seatortb, and home rinks were second and fourth. with Albert Taylor and Bert Sanderson, of Goderich, In third place. "How many reasons are there' Naked the trochee of the factory worker's daughter. "Just two." au•wereil Rachel. am ntheli •til!'atitsj; 4s.a algid iustruetor. "Illsek and busy." replied Rachel. Atsgasttus. spent Sunday at 11. J. liner through ebortaiop. Worthy B.AE('HLEWS IS .J'ORF�TER8 13 O'Connor'.. Itueo•hl•r'• team IM the church soft- The week -end and 4th of July vlsit- ball league pot away the Forester in on to Kingsbridge friends Included a fast game at Victoria Park on Fri- lira. 11arap (Grimm and. MIM Trances struck out and Dugnettc was safe on au error by Heideman. It remain.vl for Y itzle) to smash a clean drive - past Prang in left fiel.i to store two, day itat, taking the saute So-i:t. For M.di:lunon, Parkhill: Meaarw Joe T. runs ou his double. Welsh was totwerl oilers started id well to thy first, Sullivan. Nick Perry. Wilfred O'Lougb- out at first. • uotehing four rima and holding Beech- � Mir. and Met. Stetter and family, Witb two out and no one on bare la I lee's eco.. ..., hot (bey cracked in Ute Mr and Mei. Ktlliam and daughter, the first of this tkird abs two Uoder- r_ 11111 11 SF:1011'F: Wit[. L. FEAGAN lime ( 112 49 %r•4 Street i TAXI LADIES! INDIVIDUAL Permanent Waves Regular $7.50, for $8.00 on a new Helene Curtis Machine OTHER WAVES AT K50 ' AND $300 Betty's Beauty Slioppe 64 Elgin Ave., E. Phone 340 Illie la11110•1111.. GASTRO NOX 'A(M Sold at c*.PB LI.'8 DRUG MOSS TAXI I'rIQuilt, courteous rurvlce. lb•aa,uable rates. OLA' TON EDWARD Moe Street oe sli. Monuments To those contemplating erecting a Monument:- GET ins PRIORS BIPORB ' -- - EUYINO Cemetery Lettering a Speciality -All Work Guaranteed- CliatMdi Medic aad Gnats Wer�. k, eh ified000asner tO Ba Use The Signal's Cla's'sColumns A ]IIOJ ._...., S >t? T Or Deck and Verandah Chairs ALIO GUMS--s- BE COMFORTABLE THESE HOT i).�1 J. R. Wheeler uwt ral !)irerto a and Furniture leader Hamilton Street. Geiericl Pil(►Nl t4' Store 't.1:. Re- 1.'115 1' second a� Bee. ilei s scorned to avBS -pr Dessela i ick, veterans 411 . tate diamond putted t. -_- inaIb -Thetetfter• ge'tthtg'r -61' mils Mary Clare) 'v fillher brothersRag that apparmtty Wien never - die. ! nine it. the a -bDevon ond th. ClauJe and m. of Wallae•eberl. - Welsh was feeding lvaa Yuncbhtt an The score:, spending holiday- at the home of assortment when Umpire Muir calla Foresters 4 0 0 0 2 8 2 2 0-12 their grandfather. Morgan Dalton. a fourth ball "Whatr' yelk•d Mor- Raecbier's ..a0 4 5 1 0 2 1 9 x- h I Mts. Irene iatm r•rt.ia se having my, hurling the bill to Barlow at looe holidays with bee'- famlly In first and whirling to We the umpire. PRESMIT RIANS 18-B.4?TI !s is Watkertmoa. The decision stool, alfao°tb It war The Ilaptists met their first defeat I .Mn STe8 Perry with her son and ■ close (toe and the verbal bottle. in la tlfe churck Time d,Wtytr r. ohne ro t. r. .'pending the wharf aft- jotoed:--was--u- aa•1-- ane. day last. when they were overwhelmed jsummer at Mr. Thos. Drennan':. i Welso backed up to Isla tom, luagbiut 18-2 by the Presbyterians. 4'ie Prewhy- Ma'terr Maurice nod Jark Sullivan. I ted off the bare and Bsitlow tagged hl n, terlans started off strongly ami had the I of I)(•troit are on a month's holiday retfrlug the side with the hidden ball i re.prl4u »14 at .the end of the thir'm& i Lthei dm10., Mr, trick. 11121111K---Tfre-Tosers ar-ne tine wereand Mr,.. P. M.- Suttteaa. la 49-1-. a threat at bat, and facie fielding Ir/141Misses Kona and Manse Whitely. of locals. for they scored slv runs in I weak. whereas the Presbyterians had Ooderich. were vbltora with their the last of the third. ,.0 three bits, a regular slog -test and their fielding cousin, Miss Fns(r+' Dalton. for the three errors and a wait. Circ let was practically Weigle.. last week. Isle men at hat scored. Duquette wv. wore: ore : A few from here at&nded the sur -1 left on third and Fe itz:.•y, Welch and f'r.wbyterfan. 2 3 S 0'19..,3 4 4--48 prime and presentation last night! Murn-y were retired. 1-:3. Baptlsta ......0 0 0 4 1-0 '1 G 0- R which was gives in boom of Mr. and I Mu:eey suffered 5 nasty cut 41 tbu Mrs i'rank Leddy et K. Augustine. opening of tib. fourth. He dropped Cool Cotton Frocks V for Hot Weather Dainty Voiles in-Iight.and dark .shades. Smartly made in styles for Miss or Matron. Sizes 14 to 48. Reasonably Priced- 51.49 to 52.49 Striped Cottons Arrow Shirts Tailored styles in high shades. Orchid. Sport Shirts in dark tones. New ser - $I.95ehandise, smartly styled. Colors, hlnck. 1 hurRunlly HMI navy blue. $1.95 green. yellow and blue Women's Chiffons New Ties DAINTY. COOL DRESSES! Light and dark grounds with small doral designs, shades burgundy. navy and brown. Sizes 38 to • 4. Special .... Q6 Redingotes SE -OUTS OF WOMEN'S SUITS! Igured Crepe Dresses with matching l M-.. `*$s1t tra>� ie Regular $16.95. Rale `7.95 Light shad, In lin ids 81111 1►nta. A large rang of patterns. EA(9I 50c Boys 9 Wash Suits Linen*, broa/lrlotha and 'r"l4Tithrt,y rea(li• - iiom1 rrition of Rises 2 to 8. Prier(' CORNFIELD cottof4V colors 59c t° $1.75 "Shoo_ dere you are Invited to shop" Phone 418 ems; • The firebug seems to have a parte- j the ball on a third strike and wdt solar 'desire to light on some places. to tau Earl Yongblut, who unknow - One morning last reek the remainder I ingly was walking to the bench, swing - of a ''est -year bay Mack at the end of 1 Ing hi- tat, which -•augbt Murrey la O'Connor'm barn quite my,teripssly I the face, splitting bio Mole and tore - broke cut In [lames. Had It not been head. Atter getting brat gid" ne for the quick response and energetic continued with the aamr and fieri. b movement of willing nelgbbora the was retired In short order. barn and content, rode' have been Phelan war on with a ataltese wild destroyed. pitch to first by Il'ideeuda at the open - Ing of the last 01 the foortipnd Mnr- dock, running for him, socia three bases.to wore before the *4'aittis was over. The wore: - RH K Zuric't ... 0 2 0 0 0-- 2 4 8 Goderich ...... 2 2 6 3 s-11 h 2 Zurich- e;,rschu. 1h.: Oeeth, 3b.; Heide.naI, p.; Stade. as,; Ivan Tans - Dint. c.f. ; Bart' Ymnrhtat; •e. " O'ttrten. 2k,.; lichllbe, r.f.; Praa`, Lt. Goderich-Worthy. 38.; ihtquett". LA; Fritaley, 2k,.: Weir, p.; Marney, e.: Phrlaa,-ri; Murdtlfik. 1.t.; Bloom field, '.f. ; Bartow. lh. Umpirtea-Muir and Hart, Seafortn. ~CARLOW CAit1AYW, July R. --Many of the chlhl-,•u In No. 3 to :too: section are nick with the measles. A bad way to ile;ln the holidays. The dry weather still continues and the hay iv going into the baron In fins condition. } - Rev. W. P. Lane will preach nest Sunday afternoon, Rev. (iso. Wine bring in charge of the boys' camp for two week.. • Mrs. W. H. Reed and • Ruth, Mots F'loreal a Peterson and Jack Weir ' Islh d in iltrathroy en !unsay. and Josephine Weir, who bas spent a week with ber aunts. the Masses Wdr, re- turned home with them. Mr. and - Mrs. W... Addison, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Addison. Grace sad Alex. Addison, of Londesboe0. spent Sunday --- with Mr. and Mrs. bawls/ Bean. Phyl- Bishop Seager Sees a Revival of lis Bean. who visited Ser graladPor- Paganism in Pent ,'1114 for two weeks, returned with ga t hem. Practices Address by Returned missionary, - The service In the i'nited church on tundsy fl 94 in chaste or the W. M. HOOP' y. Miss IC Clark. president, provided. Miss Chalon of Stratford, who ha•• been a ml•,.ionary in India, near Calcutta. under the Baptist coi,gr�tlon at Holy Trinity church. church, Rare in Interratfrtat address t(ebringalfe. The ceremony marked on the work there and rinsed with an the alrie(eth ar.nlversary of the church earned appeal to tit*? young people 1n this rind who have so much to make and alae fiftieth anniversary of the theli lives tell for Jena, even though present chorea' ti'` d Indlvtdnallam g. m they Lave to softer so tie in in- , Bishop lteage dim do who take Christ for their MA-- , In rellxion or p nR soiele l and the rlSab- ter. Mr*. titerv.i James Hamilton al- bat lay for ding iso gave a Short talk and told hew Tlik'.(5 ant em:eller foe deor'.2.4 fa- W.M.R originated. Rev. Dr Alexin- Jlvidneifsm in religion as anti -Christ der I►nft, a Nrottiah missionary to In- and stated • today --not liio^f paganism was dia• visited in Canada and spoke 10 in progress Montreal, when two ycnng women many hat In Huron Dimes.. heard him and decided to commend* IIP declared that to many people their lives to work it that field. The life was only what they could get Ant women In 'Toronto, HAmII'on ant otber of It ad that for many C ritla ill y elsrits y 'Mitres organised slaty years ago and wonly seat these two young woven and many God. That. he maintained, was the -y f4 tp nA people are on the lit In, anlomobiTri fi'lif•4 Denounces Sunday Golf and Motoring Stratford, July 3. --Sunday golf play- ing mel ear r'ling came under Ore to- day when Bt. Rev• Charles A. Seeger, 111.1.4 of flu -on, addreseel a large ;• 1ef'wttli,i' ' dewed. o n ' • RAISE HUSKY BOYS AaD WROLE801Q GIRLS ON MILK -MADE BREAD HEALT YUI.r•APPETIZING-NUTRITIOUS MADE IN tit'R OWN ILAKF.SIiOP TRS (8 !'OR CAKES AND PASTRIES E. U. CLEVELAND WEST STREET PHONE 114 1a SELLING OUT OUR ENTIRE STOCK of TOOTWEAR,.ETC. -- EXTRA SPECIAL THIS WEEK ! - Wuwrds White Ties. Pumps and Sandals. Prices 28c to $QAQ range from. per pair (.� J iv Weaseo'a. Meas, Boys' and (:irk,' Apart Shoes sad `flag Sher all pried is clear. Special for Friday, Saturday and Monday White Cleaaent. ZQa. Resider 25e. Sale price 2 for Wt�� TAKE ADVANTAGE OE THE BIG SAVINGS AT - W. Hern's Shoe Store Phone 43w Goderich -BURIED TREASURE IN nrnc OR JEWEL BOX Look through your Trunk in the Attie, then through your .newel or Trinket Box, yon are sere to get a fig surprise at the number of valuable articles you will discover: Bring them here Inuit wash, hive them valued, end receive the NEW HIGH -'PRICK either • in SPOT CASH or MERCHANDISE, for any article in GOLD, SiLVER or PLATINUM. We pay a premium on Gold Coins, over free valve. FREE -We will test and value anything you wish to bring absolutely free. Buying and testing will be in eharge of au ex- pert working under a Government Lieenpe and all Orecions metals eolleeted are shipped to the ROYAL MINT at Ottawa, Out. Next Week Is Old Gold Week AT- E. C. ROBERTSON'S JP;WH:1d 1, R, OODERICH, ONT. .... _._ ..� .ttolsrp�s r►Al, n, hhh r ,r.