The Signal, 1936-7-9, Page 2).JTbarsd&J. Jab 9th, 196
'titabllNed 1846
Member of Caseates Weekly Newt -
papers Association
Published every Thursday morning.
Sab.crtptloa pries MOO per Isar.i
1[1.110 tt paid is advance. Subscribers
la United States will please add
for postage.
W. H. Bobertaoa. Editor and Manager
Telephone 16 Qoderlch, Oat.
Inge Jnl 9th, 1916
old saying that. to warfare. untie Is
no offeaMva against wbtch 1t k 3m
possible to hand a balancing 4MM:'
In the end, It is the human elelrai
which wins.
• • •
The United States 1s not alone in It•.'
suffering from sand storms and deli:
lug soli.• Aurtreia hat. an elisions
equally Severe problem confronting it.
In the western portion of New South
Wales soli erosion has become so pro-
nounced that the State is spy:Online
Allah lrinkbeluer, '(arold Flna-
tprr, Ditto UL . Domad Kettle,
Thr fulknyse• are the .Atoll. of therleton re, Mildred Marten.,
recent high w•haul entrance examine -rt thsltretler, Ogdenuber, Greco Colt, Loh Wanner, Carl
fluor held at the various centro. u1 Keith Ner, Carl
der the lyft;,y Jiun of tLr Guderkh I Wete. Veru■ Mem,
High School entrance board. First Gra'''. Wlllert. o
and second-clara honors are announced. I Zl't• CENTRE
cent.Finn -clam honors menu. that 73 per first -ekes H.•Ms.--Iteatrlce B d-
crnl. or more d- the total Warks was mrd. Ruth Brown. Verna lyaxbard,
sit•curtd ; second -claw Luuurr, fief tae -
I fleet. Habrrrr, I.rotWd Roffman, t hrl
• tent, war sea Thief.
a commission to study the problem in `Y ulK1 70 and 74 per��„ ^\'reds Bay h
an effort to save this formerly .len OOIMRICH CENTRE I ter, Veronica Deltrteh. OjrU Gtagerlel•
mining and rrnch4tg country from .feud. Au lirradette Bedard, Aloul'u
Fl). Mins Raseio, ter I Pass'- Arthur Poster,. 1011113
total destruction. Man has succeeded tulle. Minnie Antonio, William Beat- Ducharmr,
In making the semblance of a desert tJ, Earl Bogle, Catherine C uutelon, Karl Heideman, IDlva He.there by deetroylu' hundrtda of [bol.- RuDeri Carr•►, Harold Uaer, Oladat er, \Gtniertcb.
Norma Jennison, Alvin Resler. Orilla
.. .,._.._o Harold basal, Helen Fisher, Schllbe, Harold Stirs, Delve' Truest-
Dorothy Weide. aaLaaa
Passed'wader -lbs
t hew stow The Signal
may be Rya ,week. time news of great-
est importance. -at say rate, to a
large number of boys and gree -is the
list of entrance examination results.
. • •
Halle Selamale asked the League of
Nations for a loan to help him con-
thae refinance to Italy. This was
the last straw, and poor Selassie got
neither loan nor any other kind of
and. of acres of uative tree
shrubs, tbue removing tJtat naturJil.
S.)vug period
binders from +A•-u►tl.
of unusually dry weather bas con-
verted the rIcr !0V lido a wider lad
every strata' wta Dlek* 13' -nab
carries it away. Huge clouds of dust
obscure the sun all too ratUlgcarrl�!
Silver and lead mining ham, Betty Yu Ha.srsr-Jam•• Abell,
un extensively in this district, but the $.t..& iaaa
sand barriers are gradually encroach- Ingle Andersua, Harold Asbton, Bay -
In'. Too dose cropping by form.'" mond Barker, Gertrude Bead, James
rest flocks of sheep, together with the Carey, Peggy Cooper, Lionel Cuthbert -
down of trees and shrubs, the I Iron, William Drew, Betty Foster, Rob-
ert Hawthorne. Irene Heil. Donald
•latter for fodder ("kin the natoesi _tot-. 7ohnsttn. I arrtlme Jaltaatea...Marlon
Hobert Hayden, Helen Holmes, Janos
Hume, Robert Jewell, Arthur Kirkel.
Araw+ut .Lassa:Lae, Phyllis MacDonald.
Mary McAstocker, James licdlwaln,
Chester McNeil, Helen Moffat,
id David
Mood, Anna Mnaalaga. F. ' 7a
Verna Penman. Jean Schaefer, Harold
Shore, Muriel Sp•ln, Donald Stone
Douse, Mildred Vtdean, Fred, Whitting
yrs;,.... -t• t:-. ,r21Sis'-mth-._..*,ides falladvat 011e°i4it.
The Washington Government had • rains is blamed for the impeo et
denctt last year of over four billions cttaKroplle. it
is hoped that rt--
planting of great numbers of new trees
of dollars. How long ago was It
tient the "bUllon.dollar Congress and shrubs will correct the conditions,
earned that title by expending for the especially If aOundaut rain falls soon.
great time In the hl or t L'Ma n I
States a sunsIn fru en flgu LaQljSa,$
able In the States. as in
°1t. that
(Moeda_ and other countries,
povetament expenses Meow-
eow -more rapidly than the people's ability
to pal.
DW the die-hards of •the Conserva-
May Have Picnic in Gederieh- - with
Stratford. Jul�ly Plann or ilr�d
gathering of Conserratl'es of Perth
and Huron counties are being cansi •
theexecutive o
Conaervative A. on.
LasysaiwoLtuarpb LaRoequs, Lorraine
LasiEdna `ilMa
rill. Harold Prove, Betty Rooth, Ern-
est Ryan, ER. Snell, Myrtle Stoddart.
Betty Straughan, Charles While, Uorie
Williams, Mari Alison.
pats-Hrle1 Allin, Lne1L Black, Al- Hero, Hazel Hero. Mi.dredgsHodgert.
Ian Bowman. Colin Campbell, Lots Roy Hodon. John Miners, Alvin
rattle" I (3) of the High Scheel
Entrance Regulat1ont-Say0leall eau -
The Hay ToonIhip Mamorta7 Schol-
arships, awarded auuUa11y to the three
pupil's from the Township of Ray ar
curing the higbest marks on tbe En-
trance Examination, vette won as fol-
lows: (1) Chelsea Thl.t, (2) Vers
Flax'erd, (3) Ruth Brume. all of the
Zurich school, 8.8. No. 7,
Eint-elase Henan,-Merpret Alll-
sou, itadalene (Malian,. Arthur Hern,
Marear L/ItiaersJEthtl Pooley, Ruby
Simpson. Brock, Shirley Duncan,
Morier, Jean Ogden. William Brod.
Paa.._)lldted Alien,
Doris Dnucau, Jack Duncan, Gerald
Carrick, James Clutton, Laura Durs
Eileen thesis's, Joseph Fellows, James
Graham. Wilms. Grit, Bettis Harris,
Jim Houston, Edrbanne Johnston.
Jack Leaman. Ereteat Mac Ski
MacLeod, Helen McCabe, Morris MC
Millan, Stanley MONall, Owen Mar V. Fret•mau, D. Glazier. B. Bret. R.
IIIwiu Box, L meogefn, D.
lett, Dorothy Medd, Eckert, M. Mt -
The following ha'_ been passed_ on
Homstitched Sheets 5whl.t, ..bs6t"�n
t $2.25
;Made in England. Heavy Turkish
weave, absorbent. Size 24 x 46. .[71A
Special, pair.... ..
Extra heavy "Wsbassao" Sheeting
76 inches wide. Regular 65c. Yard 55c
Ringlet.'" chiffon and service. Mer-
etta'y,- Circle D*r aid Richmond makes.
T.oauty, misty, burnt nude, ochre shades, 6t c
9 to 1l) % . Specially priced
Men's and women's. Just when the
bathing season commences. Large choice of
styles, all.wtool. Regular 51.95 .to $1.50
52.75. On sale, each
Penman's double -thread fine lisle,
combination or two-piece, long or 1l 00
short sleeves. 36 to 44. Per Suit..
Sleeveless short -leg Combina- 75c
10. Furnished Summer Cottage to rent. Every
and location.
cooeattintDS ,p.f.ct beach
1. ...11611.40 tiATHE11I Life Info* �•ced by :M Bank similar tteU9E-ft
One haat-red Ind twent7-five memr�bebait-'- '•-�" - guarantor' re am 4 g
bars of I O B i lodges from London, 1 .stats e tatter and deaththe The coat There a'
Clinton, Seaforth and Lucknow visited lin the event o s and
Princess Mary Lodge on Friday night lot Ibis insurance is 30e per 3100
last, wheu an Initiation of two mem L paid from the accrued interest ou
bers from the (oderieb lodge was con- :the savings beefiness,
ducted by the members of the London' The Ivens are discounted atilt'aNi
]uvenule Lodge. of 6 per eent. A service charge of a
Lunch was served aft'•r the 'et.' minimum of 30c and a maxima of 33
mony and a. dreaaes wert given b; Is made. depending on the amount of
members of the Goderlch lodge uud'the loan. An example of Ile cue of
'1Sj Mesdlless Watkins, of Elbotus, Har-' the borrow is ss fol-
rime.f Sear th and Gardiner, of lows:
tOseonut at tt per cert.
Iters lee Cha rite
Stamp Tax
o ''r � In I Ivan '�.lb
Lucknow. The
ered b7 f the Pert Merrill. \ Ik,lwa/►, charge of Mev G.� rge James, worthy I.rss
rociatl The affair I mlatrsltl► u[ Princes.. Mary Lodge. '
Margaret Muir, Evelyn l'ruusr. leeks mutt, B• N right, l..
the part? of Great Britain glue Mr. I would foe held at some time during flee Dald, tAlnatooruuth, I wD. Resler.
ill be Tyndall, Walter Westbrulok, HarrY W. Ham, M. nipple. E.G. Mac -1 NEW LOAN SERVIOII
Eden his way in the Ethiopian the rest In 1 Rowe.• newe Ontario leader, W.Earl Westlake,Sheardowu E<etalla Westbrook.
• Kenneth t;, Earle, IM!` lharie J. OWdeki,
t e. fes
the ;onndence that he would stumble '",ked to deliver an address. dm4a1J, M. Tragaalr. Bast s Commerce OEMs Proceed.
Confirmation of the plans W hate Young. I o
d fall rayl Into line with the IPaascd uad'r the provisions of Regu- I req SSE1S Wrvawhtt way des.lrr w encourage txoDl
iieallats" they strung. E. tta the Canadian aa- does nerd to borrow
and the people --the Id like Tj° of *Overton, preeldent of the' The Robert Park r }�knteir, Y. Kerr, J. 1►1ng, D. Iaw-
a• re sometimes ca -
Association. awarded aama!1 to the pupils in the1 Sar .ounces the establishment eat of a person£ foreseen emergeatieu,
t.' er Iles N'. lwowrlr. t e l coo. al foam serest at the case of erzeses, en
to regard Great gritatn ■s the chem The Association planes to have the rn[rrncr dasret o[ the highest stand l I d r cut has Dees opened for
will have to1 picnic in Stratford or possibly at God- I In In ( 1 he winters supply of cos
pion of the oppressed
bunt elft assiat-
j+w1ites and on at,
'�a�•� ma?men t.
this plan to that after a sufficient sum
has been accumulated in Ow savlags
account to repay the advance the tor -
tower will base acquired the habit of
making regular deposits, thus building
up a fund to take care of special needs
In future.
The plan h:.• elicited favorable com-
ment from large employers of labor.
The general feeling U HMC'O. the et'-'-
tension of banking credit facilities on
la budget repsyment plan to wage -
ea rrrrr
earlerr and others in recdpt of small
3p Incomes the (tank is affording a val.
.OS 4.11 uable gervlce. Already large
employers of labor have obtained de-
tailed particulars of the plan with a
view to bringing it specially to Ile
attention of their employees. so that
the latter may know that tbere 1s •
he banking service now ■vallabli under
n- I which they may borrow 11 case of
in need.
its branch... d gal bills, MI
special .par- Ong n t 1, -Can 1 trust him?'
the purpose of-�k1ta6_1°aas Di' making necessary repairs to and lar "Why. he's ■o crooked that t wool
earners and salaried and fru prOvementa 11 the home, sad other Lire pulls over your else b IaK °
Cartadlaw The Bank emphasises that It in n
roam,. M R'aio-eartattsa e e to ar
of the party? At any rate, Mr. laden a picnic was received by Alex. Abr�: letfon 11 (6) of the High School Ea-
iin order to provide borrowing tad14
J. ',intone, F. Min Drs:, 1. Williams,N'ILLlams. suave unneceuaary EN burdensome d
Dia finished his coarse as s crusader, ham, recretar7 of the county a P. M. Murray, R. Swllld'•n. D. Ara- I tier for all chokes of employed DeODlai• tett It Ire feel that M and when t
tion,to a letter today from Dr. P. L trance Regulations: Hazel Moore. Icer. 0.Davidson, OS
Memorial edala Bank of Commerce arises through a
Iles' who woo d tch pule I 1.Mit bell J
Ile schools sncn►!iS the derson, G. Wier, cr,
lag were won by James Ycl wa R. Nichol. --_--
I the care of Central school, and by ' agA11.E1
look elsewhere for r a 1•rder.
• •• • 'James Hume at Victoria school. H Blanchard, B. Bullard. R. women.
mea and woeo.
the Raz I Large Gathering I HAI FIELD CENTRE
After a struggle to keep 1Xa - - i7 E,M,,tt�y �a�Witlian
climb, the town
Ick, C. Diesel, H• tluerengeseer. D.
planL. 1n brief, that 'any reel-
rateand ell Arm -
Anderson, U Coutts, K. hale, M. Law dent who is steadily employed and is
st/oas, Gord m 1\'ertlakr. son. Y. pryce, L. Leiper, H. l3attte•- a god credit risk say a
.case - , M. Gutfney. 1. Ohba• neo It. lgrert. L.- only tea orifi required 1.: /E# that
get providing for tbe same rate at don, Gordon Burner, Omer Johnston. l;loor, L Hoegy• 11• Kntmtop[, B'- the borrower must be of snad.eharac-
1.11 year, 3137 mills. Collegiate In- Veil's* Martin. Hugh Pollock. Klrbec.
ter, (Y) twat be be steadily employed.
afoot. requirements show a consider iQpt�ragation Holds Sixtieth An- Paesr-Jam. Attwood,, Beulah Du- ETHEI. 1(ir that be obtain the atg aturea of
able increase over cast years figures. IIlYelf>:y SaTviGes-Old charm.. John: ylcieod. Violet Turner.
I L. Evans, 1). Tuck. C. Wbtdleld. IL. two ether responsible persons to be-
d necessary Lorna Westlake. Mann, McLean, It McNaught E. come guarantors. who are of goad char -
at Zion Church mak- 1
from an apes I
ll has managed to produce a bu4- ttv Bran
r sum Ie four e. e. S. r cru.
and a large timet': Present Ul!HGA\\ON CENTRE Smith, M. Irk., E. Pearson, K. WI1-atter and have satisfactory
this year for relief. Tri. sltuadon Is i - First-class Cantwell,
bee, H. Bateman, U. Cunningham, 14.'I power
The sixtieth (Ashfield)
,st i services of Loretta Croster,•Italnmsd Currie, Gra Gllklnsoa.
debenture payment,.It the relic` file Zba (Aahfleld) United chareh Dam t)arnln, Harvel 'Minoan, Elliott ,n, following bare Ms the writ-
expendltute could be e.Imlrated. I were veld on Sunday. Jolt' 3. aaotning Blvett, lila' `1ll�tq. ten examination:
ree of Pre- land evening. when overflowing eungr' Hat♦mrar-[Ilona co„_pt d wn to the stall figs Rev.rvl Ferule Pater- 1pearls..t[ t`rog cations Montreal. J D
Wilson. saved by a reduction of over 53,000 In
lee o Arthur
depression :.seise reduce I tions gathered to !tear the gram. Arthur ttowa • I A. Archibald, P. Banton, K. Carter,
s to meet! H. Dickenson, B.A., 1'.U, of atm. (Alla Watt. John V. Dexter,
tion in the amoe nt necrs af} w Do was pastor of the (burets in 192=5 1 haw -Amir Culbert, Bode Elliott,', M. Coleman, debenture payments wood afford ' a rseih G Eley I L Edger M
prospect of a aubatentially reduced
Sax rate to f illi. --
and IWJIi. lila meatier s were fore o James Erriu:,tun, Ken • A. Hill, U. Hot. T. Kale.
fol and inspiring. The Zion cbo•r Lloyd Bruce Hatalhaa
r the [afore. Fifty
m were aselated by the Westfield Qaar Ryan.
Th, loans range trout 160 up In
multiples of 312 and ran for a period
of a year. To assist the borrower In
accumulating the total of the loan from
his monthly Income De arranges to
F. Devereaux, , make twelve equal monthly deposits In
Fortune. iS. Habkirk. L. a savings account so that the balance
of the saving. account at the end of
the perlou will be sumcinttoso pay of A`
the loan. On this savings account 11- 7l
terest at the eurrentt rate le allowed.
Halgs'. Rine Plowmen, I K. MacGregor, U. MacKa1, J. Mar
z The Lean, R. McClure, M. Miesseuger., F.
tDoagb kis less than toe rate levied tette in the moruin' •..vice. -- -- R!h{'pAII. CENTRE Philp ts. C. Rhtoul. M. Sclater, F.
many Ontario towns- is a Lucknow L'ntted chards choir gn» 8eetm14cinan Hamsre�Agnes Lednor.'
in •good SUlery, J. Smith, C. Thompson, S.
d taxpayers would nee service In the evoking.
M (014 Macl.eaw Bruce MacLennan. �Ptge. M. Wright.
T Akoct O A
pretty stifbe f
f11' aO that It will not MondayWanda Pec
welcome an •nthe Zion Unit d NNtPnaa
Mary O'Keef'•. Helen els{ire, Norma
Kathleen Thurburn.
ST. HELENS CENTRE Scott (HI. O. Stanley, S. Stile., H.
of French polities would make the 1 o 11ANl1EY
' Rev. J W. Patton, the pastor, pre- Seemed -Aim Hansen. --James Hua- i C�net� H.
ter, John Pritchard, Eldon Blteble, G Case, G. Aorlet, ler.
Russell Webb. DoIma'e, L. Hoamsn IH1. li• ile°k
Pans., -James Aitchison, Aubert 1 W. Lremint, W "'``edam. C. Posh•
Belgium, hurls Hage, Ra, Pauline I K. Shannon, C. Slemon, E. Williamersa.
Inglis, Arthur Ramage, Raphael St. E'I'HiL
assurance • : 'nee Campbell. • • -
tbe lawn of t o Robert F■rrlsh. Lyle Gaynor. leech A. Cardiff, M.
choreathe t A • egad 1 ■ eat ge ether t N
• • • of the con'rrsatfon, frlerds and visit- Dietae:, H. Gibson. J. Griffith, R Hall.
r that only long rest- urs was found on Monday afterno' n Murray, Ka D l/sc . 0. G A. Nichol G F. Plain in/.
It would appear
dente in the country and a clove stad7 t= the chureDU of the diamond Jubilee Ftrs�� H Asan R'etlwood.1Turnbull, G. Work.
latter understandable to a oreign ob-
server. Great nutmeg of 1 p dis-
to have become
gusted with the manner In which the
tr was being governed by prutes-
sided from an Improvised plat
with a tine background of singers frow
the Dungannon United .barch. Rev.
Dr. Hamby, of London. .n "old boy"
of the church and Sunday of o
s lee first and very Testingly
aruu the church
.total pi*ltttlaa. with "the result tlal•1 � Y;,a�h
Were was a general Weems to radical I which had liven him hl. .tart In the
thought. The prore:ecttot strikes woo: I Christian life and ministry.
directed against the "old crowd.' hat tl Iter. J. W. Agnew. of St. Marys,
who claimed he stoats' from Lucknow
what is not understandable is the con- and the Aahned circuit, gate a n11k
tlnaance of the ,.trtkes atter die arm.
speeyh to the eery apprecia-
era had succeeded In placing their re-
presentatives In control of tbe govern -
Mark. A. Cullen (11). C. Hamilton. G. Mar
.Laser-,nceKe a examinations
the results of I Ea a MSI. 1� -
y. E. Pear-
Mac -
aide nee ezamispec o more Ala i3OL G, V. Sp - a"
forwarded to tt.e Inspector before Air
--gust 15th sad must be accompaated by
the appeal te.• of 42.00, which Wil -
five audience, though be told of one
Incident which made him a little
doubtful of his satiate tory relation -
meat. French newspapers are said 1 .seised hl•. -
ahlp. ra he
Ito reflect only the views of that grime at (.revue and bed never been asked
which has been able to pay the hieh back. Mr. Agnew reca led old wor-
est price for their suppose. Even to 1 title* aid the great united t.tbering
reign governments have been known foµcoj uion.McManus, of Indiana, an "old
to control certain medium of t1 •�
boy' of the community, gave a touch -
French vette, with the result that flier Ins address, though brief. rip sae
Dave lost the re.prt of (he peop'c
The great hope of the French nation
lies In the sound rnmmon sense of the
vast maJority of her people, They are
a harder -headed Int than the wort.)
used to believe.
• • •
The King ens recently 'even a trip
.board one of tbe new Brltlah torpedo
boats. It skipped over the water at
a ep'ed of some sixty miles per hour.
Tbeee boats ere the British answer tc
tip Italian challenge on the water.
Lta1y last year was reported to have Is for the deserts.
more than nee hundred of these amen ! A hall gang between l.ocknow and
Dnon preceded tM tneeting. Lucknow
cuff, all manned by Re1.Dra pledged to
die i. an attack on the great Brltlsb proving the winkles. M
fleet massed In Mediterranean miters Tea The td meeting was a huge family
clash came. Malian papa!'". gaararlag with tables .Dread 1n the
A contained many proveNttef1111111da• made ready 114.41 teethe Gar
-les( ..,g ig „yial1p„ Qecasloa. The Zion Ladle.. In
11 speedy croft coin tied` r jt'e t 'n".'1II ...)-..half's v
Gime ° la to their reputation. Among the vlsit-
samvrc so est that they could tit•
mai. ors present were Mr. A. R. Mothers
b ahefi fire mark.. ital. of Arthur, Mr. Thos. Helm of Tiverton,
at a Mn. John McKinnon of Tiverton. Mr
voila d1aaD'e and Mrs. Jack Mackeaale and family ran HPM,
ssahtaa them of Detroit. Mr. and lira. W. lane of Mefferd
er nHamilton. Jean , Margaret
1st al►mnr Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. J. Andrew of Ruth Wlanert.
$rtHai naval Mayerthorpe, Mta., Mt. and Mrs. Wein. R� Hier:I Villa Carrn-
a real men- °Mord Sa.tma0 of Port Hops. `
More Ohl um Peovie besides child• Hare, Helen
WacGre or, Karen Peder-
' 'tiIFZgG + wire accomilod3ttl 1t -the table,. see.
j�am!!� Kenopti Baker (hra ilestar .
t�ii•a'9TF►i "'"''['lij''ara+c.ecr „Malr::za�s• �`
,1 A11 1 down to history as a pat 'Yt1 Rif'
tate the , ltghtful occaatoa. -"'-
warmly; welcomed. stor.
)II . C. Taverner, a termer Pa
h a rt y. humorous way treated the
aadfe ee to a very bright nnd
speech. After • apeey
and recollections from Rev. A. W.
Brown. Mr. Godfrey 1fall of the Blake
appointment recalled tae opening w••r-
vices of the 7.lon 'hurvlt Sixty years
ago Ind the 1111 meetil'E on the Moo-
ds; night. lir. Jos. Hackett related
Incidents of the ptoreer age. and spe-
cial mention was ma';,• of the long as-
socfation and fidelity of Mr. lease An-
drew to the Zion cruse.
Rev. C. H. Dickenson gave a fine
turned It time appeal is aliowed.
ST. HELL'S, July 6. --Bev. H. M.
First-eiaas Saha...-dorralne Atklc- and Mrs. Wright hare as their ar guests
Ron. Bessie Brooks, Bre Cann, Mathe tatter's mother slut sister, Mm
garet Dougall, Wallace Fahrner, Joan Cox and Miss Gladys Cos.
of Hepburn, Jean Jones, Ruby King. Roy ingtoi. ;}tends of Mr
Lotter, Anne Morgan, Ruby Presetyt•1r, Mr. and Mrs. Calder,
3idrld Simmons, Florence Soutbeott.' J. R. Miller, of tuntsfail, Alta.. were
Gretta Webber, }then* Yearley. callers on Mrs. R. K. Miller on 8at-
8eeemd-etaas Hw•rs,-Jean Cann, urday.
4 and Mr. /mine
Phyllis ['Doper. Marion nnElliot, oug tel Woods are holidaying ng at 8anble Beach
mery Finch... Gerald Omenn.Arnold
Hill Robert Keys, Bartle Mott., Harry I the guests of Mr. ani Mrs.
Parsons, 'Wesley Ityrkman, Helen
Selves, Audrey Sims.
htay_Alezander Acton, Catherine
Armstrong. Marie Boswell. Arthar
Field, Lloyd Guenther, Maxwell Har-
ness, I'hlllippa Haruese, Alta Harvey,
Laverne Heywood. Grace Hili, Kath-
leen Kettle, William K`MIe, Doris
Moore, Donald Pennate,
Ivan' Prouty Clifford Quern?, Alas
Barbour. o
Mrs. Jack 'Weir and daugher Shi-
ley, of �Pitteburg, were recent
on Mr. and Mrs. %Vallee, Miller. r. Mr' I
Wear will he remembered here re asr prin-
cipalCurran. of Ripley,.
of the .ehool here.
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Clark. of Ot-
tawa. and Mrs. Mama Minn ell.friend-
. 1
Westfield. have been renew
v• ships. In the village.
Skinner. Edward Trteheer. p. Todd, of Westervelt
Passed under the provisions of R'- Mr. Neely
gulati .n Il (3t of the'iisigh School En- I School. London, Is holidaying at home
traino Regulations-Kttby ('utting.f0r a week. `
Lloyd Ifutter. Those taking summer courses: Mhos
HRNSALL CENTRE Doreen WelwtPr, Miiselltn.lda Webster,
ss Len, I
Etrs1lkt.a Hemset�Jame. ('amp- Midi Dorothy {{ Weatherheah, at Toronto; Mr. Cbarl,s
bell, ?:oras Cook, Bunnell Hedden, i licQalllin, at London.
Gordon Johnston. Carey Joynt, Marr- 1 Mr. and Mn. donmas Taylor, Mr garet Imes, tend Paaamon, and Mrs. George Wilson and Jimmy. ,
RopD• Ivan Ateplsners.. of Morrls township, were recent visit.
Ra. Jeanette
Samson.-Mnrvin Joie ors with Mr. and Mr.. re recr Taylor
dun, Jeanette IAleon• Mr. and Mn. George 'Wilson. of
paesr.lame. Alp:.nd:t, Assam Core- Eden Mills. and 11er. sad lint Bea Wil -
am H '"gins, Clarets,*
twt4 ale '''''' t•'ill-t y :- ,411 rPlig,.M'tx recently _
William Hlgslta, l'•Idrew-1 Love, Palk of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Anderson lucent YR
can Ilcl:wen, Jack Mnatard, Jack Peek Mears. Humphrey.
DAIIHWOOD CENTRE The W. M. Society will bold Its secs -
Pan Grieve, mer mooting on Friday. Visitors ave
sass -
First -clam ela.s Hsmon►.-J
expecte/ from Heckeomelettes.t'■ sad wLtt-
of WMR"
chnrch omelettes. Mrs. Greer,
ham. will add roti" trek meeting. An
Invitation is extended to tbe holies of
the a ommustty.
He: '•V ne-e* sew file ta1Aatitist'
a grown, 'tit'rt ►Y''i.v, . ra Lh S:r ...sav ek”, ••a w •.
vine. Gordon 'JIaa1sot. Bernice Fahr f w
She "Lead sip 1'If it
M band web bo•
M a deh11i aseb
s whfrh tisetra
You ll Be Better Dred
in Martin's Clothes
Worsteds, luxurious
.t rich tasnrtrmae11t to charsr from. bated-gg�d s, fecund Tooth
3lanaels, Cbevlota, elbetlands. Glen Uselaa
Checks.Spacia819.00 to 536.00
Oigeli Order $36.00 to $60.00
Off~ Repairingg. Altering, Relining. ClassingPressing
Frank H- Martin
r�YEp w-E,�ip, RNERS
.g 44. v , M.I4 I ' sf! 1%. . • ..1 8, ..... . . ,, . •
Y 4.>s..rsaammN
1 .t..,
If Tem
s 60
Yea M the ronewins Charges:
aasuper .
Se vies
Yea Restive
In Cash:
Dans at
5 3.60 5 .50 5 .03 5 56.87 5 5
6.04 .50 .03 78.43 7
6.48 .50 .08 100.96 9
10.08 .50 .06 --..._ 167.36 14
12.86 .75 .06 202.23 18
18.56 1.00 .06 258.38 23
19.44 1.25 .06 303.25 27
23.04 1.60 .06 369.40 32
Proportionately low rates on larger loans.
Regular Savings Interest Allowed on Monthly Deposita.
trot' 491,5e/;J. fJrs. veep••
in Ontario
,..,,, _J,., _ ,asdra.
4 -_
-.,q, ...